What's the Most Inappropriate Thing That Happened at Your School?

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reddit what's the weirdest and most nsw thing that happened when you were at school nsw in high school i had a friend who was legally blind not completely blind but his vision's bad enough that he got a guide dog in college our junior year he was dating a freshman chick and one day they end up banging in the drama room eventually the school board finds out and tries to expel him he gets off with a suspension after his lawyer creates the defense that because he was blind he couldn't drive her somewhere else to frick her so to expel him for this would be expelling him because he is blind best lawyer ever that is an impressive case to make good on him when i was in eighth grade age 13 14 a guy was suspended for jacking off in class on two separate occasions in the same titches classroom both times the first time it was because he had his dong out somehow no one noticed and he came all over his shirt pants and asked if he could go clean himself up he hadn't yet put his dong away the second time the teacher caught him with his hand down his pants another time in 10th grade age 15 16 i called a guy out for jacking it in class and he pulled his dong out and threatened to hit me across the face with it i told him that it wasn't much of a threat he stood up to i don't know confront me or something and thus had his semi-erect dong on display for the class the teacher saw he was suspended etc he blamed me for the rest of high school and attempted to hit me with his truck twice you should have drawn dongs on his windows with that window chalk crap my freshman year of high school one of our spanish teachers got caught fapping to some sort of porno by a student during lunch hour needless to say he was fired the teacher even looked like a diddler so i wasn't surprised also during my senior year the school started playing music one minute before you had to be in class in hopes of combating tardiness so what did someone do they got into the secretary's office and swapped out the cd and the cd player for it with a cd of p sounds so a minute before fifth period we were greeted with the sound of a woman moaning and basically saying oh oh god frick me i wish i knew who pulled that one off so i could shake their hand weirdest when i was a freshman in high school the seniors put a dead deer in the cafeteria ceiling originally they wanted to hang it in the senior area but they couldn't because of motion sensor smoke alarms so they put it in garbage bags in the ceiling of the cafeteria they did this on a friday night during the battle of the bands monday morning people were sitting in the cafeteria and noticed something dripping from the ceiling it was dear blood we got out of the day and a half of school because they had to get dart the board of health to clear the cafeteria to serve food tl dr seniors put a dead deer in the cafeteria ceiling as their senior prank most nsw a guy brought a bag of corn cobs to school and put one in the milk fridge watching the teacher on duty take it out with a horrified and embarrassed look on her face was pretty hilarious during homecoming dance at my high school in maryland this girl was grinding on her date either she was very good at manipulating her butt all this dude had no experience with the ladies i guess she got him all good and worked up to the point where he was going to blow his load not wanting to see him in his pants he decides to do the only other rational thing he whipped his dong out and came all over the chicks back she ran out of the room screaming and he went and hid none of the other high school dances i went to ever lived up to that one for all those asking it was john f kennedy and silver spring ah good old homecoming one time in math class we were having our unit test dead silence the first hour the time it took the majority of the class to finish their tests i'm still trying to finish when i hear two girls sitting near me laughing hysterically my first thought being a completely insecure 10th grader that they were laughing at me i was trying to figure out if it was my bo or if someone stuck a note on my back while i was writing the test and whatever horrible things my mind could think of it got to the point where i finished my test and everyone literally everyone was dying of muffled laughter i got the courage to ask one of the kids what the laughter was about and they just pointed to the math teacher bending over a student's desk answering a question he was wearing a thong a couple in high school stayed after school and decided to go into the elevator that is used for the handicap to maneuver between floors while a janitor just happened to be going on the elevator to take stuff upstairs to clean what she found when she opened it was the couple with their pants down and the guy's hand in his girlfriend's snatch but the next day everyone knew when the joke freaking in an elevator is wrong on so many levels and the aerosmith song love in an elevator was the highlight of every conversation i feel as though my middle school experiences were worried worse than high school or college in sixth grade during a standardized test my friend threw a pen on the ground to get my attention i look over at her and she points towards the desk in front of me with a look of utter disgust this guy pulls his hand out of his pants and this whitish clear substance is dripping from it he then does the very last thing i expected he licked it off okay well i guess smearing it on another person's face would have been the last thing i expected but the reality was a close second an 11 year old who looked considerably older considering how she developed told 21 year old she was 19 and ended up pregnant in eighth grade my friend decided that it was time for her to lose her virginity because she didn't want to be a loser wtf so she proceeded to just flick with a random guy this random guy was not on which peed on off he got so mad that in the middle of math class they got into an argument and he decided to scream you is disgusting i mean look at you everybody knows your pee is up for sale so she nonchalantly walked over to our teacher's desk grabbed the scissors and stabbed him in the neck don survived our teacher grabbed her just as she lunged forward so she got him but nothing too serious other than a cut in the side of the neck when i was in the fourth grade there was a fight club in the bathroom apparently a kid got the idea from the movie and every day after lunch around 15 20 boys would go to the bathroom and beat the crap out of each other the best part was they wouldn't talk about it to anyone who wasn't in their club and the only way i found out was when i went to take a crap after lunch good times fight club was the beginning now it's moved out of the bathroom it's called project play home most nsw is definitely back in middle school this kid took the school's trend too far which was being forced to physical shame and harass someone if you got a x drawn on your palm with a pen yes sir this weird mother simon ended up violating this girl in my class after cornering her during recess simon got jumped off to class and ended up hospitalized almost a dozen students got suspended for it he was an unpopular kid and like i said weird she attempted suicide and supposedly moved to another state frick you simon when i was 14 a strange kid at the grammar school opposite mind took someone's pencil went to the toilet shoved it up his butt and then put it back in the guy's pencil case the guy responded by taking his pencil case and crapping in it this all happened in the course of a geography lesson needless to say i never really got along with the boys at that school i like to imagine that this whole food happened without a word or look between the two of them not weirdest or most nsw but in year seven when i was 12 years old i remember this one girl who was known for being os how es can someone be in year seven who knows brought a condom into music class and started playing with it sucking on it blowing it up and at one point she even slapped the teacher in the face with it you could get away with anything if you had that teacher she was a woman who had very clearly spent years of her life tripping some serious balls and was left as a nice quiet middle-aged woman who would after enough provocation by the class go aposhapalistic for a minute or two then sob quietly in front of the class apologizing kids are brutal i always felt sorry for that teacher i'm not sure how old she was but there was definitely an eighth grader in my middle school with a child we had a special education program in my high school that kids from all over the state went to although kind of sad there were a few stories that came from that one kid somehow found a freshly used bloody tampon and flung it onto one of the chalkboards it was stuck there when my class walked in this other guy was deaf and would screech like a raptor every time he would be in the bathroom you could hear him from down the hallway this one poor girl could not stop itching her crotch not sure if she had a condition down there or something the kids in my high school were relentless and made the special ed kids lives a living heck it was sad to watch on a lighter note my friend thought it would be a good idea to chug a bottle of cough syrup before school ended up stumbling to the front of our spanish class and puking into the garbage can and the teacher had me escort him to the nurse while she took the class out for fresh air apparently there was a dead squirrel on the picnic table outside which didn't help the situation god i hated high school right found a bloody tampon boy chopped off his tongue with safety scissors titches car outside the window was being stolen so he ran out with the broom and beat up the robbers b was pretty cool teacher told us stories of the giraffe that lived under the stairs and scared the children to the point of dia here he even made the noises school nurse gave a boy several injections into the bum as a punishment although this was only a rumor i think that's about it i went to a private christian school there were two girls twins a year above me who wanted nothing more than to leave they had tried several times to get themselves expelled to no avail so one morning during our weekly chapel they sat on the front row and as the priest started his prayer these sisters just start making out with each other like tongues all the way down throats heads twisting hands all over each other it took a minute before most people realized what was going on because we all had our eyes closed and heads bowed but when the prayer was over and the entire school sat down they stayed standing there was an audible gasp from teachers students and the priest just as one of the girls pulled the other's head back by the hair and started biting her sister's neck one of the gym teachers grabbed the two of them and dragged them out of the chapel it was disgusting because sisters and awesome because rebels and the winner for best event at a catholic school goes to stories from my high school included a girl smeared the message boy loves girl on a bathroom wall using crap for ink a boy pee himself in class and claimed it was orange juice when a teacher asked him to remove the orange juice container he stood up looked the teacher square in the eye and said there was no orange juice they a boy didn't check to see if there was toilet paper in the cubicle before he did his mid-morning crap this resulted in a large crowd gathering in the bathroom just to laugh at him and the head teacher had to personally come down and throw toilet paper over the cubicle door on the bus home other kids threw toilet paper at him there was a rumor that he had tried to wipe with his own hands a boy masturbated in class a girl apparently tried to masturbate with a mars bar in class although this wasn't confirmed thankfully a male student pulled a teacher's trousers down in front of a class a boy i knew personally had acid thrown on his back during a chemistry class i was threatened with a chisel once for standing my ground when a wannabe hard man tried to shoulder barge me the girl in front of me in science class in first or second year had knit so big i thought they were wood lice crawling all over her head one of the head of house teachers came down and proceeded to follow the girl around class for a good 10 minutes squinting at the back of the girl's head she was sent home i still shiver when i think about those monstrosities tunneling through her hair some kids made a facebook page as a joke accusing a teacher of touching them this teacher was one of the nicest most genuine men i've ever met and was devastated by this but the police did get involved in the pupils were expelled i also heard stories about a gay boy who was held down and had deodorant sprayed in his eyes but it happened before i went there so it may not be true i'm inclined to think it is there were also rumors of a teacher who was prone to being bullied the stories ranged from throwing grapes at him in class to locking him in a cupboard there definitely was a boy with anger issues who once picked a fight with three female teachers one of which was noticeably pregnant i think a chair might have been thrown i just remembered a story that went around about a boy in my ear who apparently stabbed his dad in the neck during a row over valium i can't say for certain if he did stab his dad or if it was over valium but the kid definitely did not turn up for school and i haven't seen him since what kind of school did you go to during a drug-free day where the police came and told us kids why we shouldn't do drugs they also brought a bunch of their animals from the force so they had their dogs sniffing for coke in one section and the horse patrol in another anyways the mounted officers were showing us their horses when one of the male horses apparently thought the girls had it going on and yup 1.5 foot horse erection in front of kids needless to say they stopped bringing the animals around in high school i went to the restroom to drop a bomb and while i'm doing my business somebody walks in the restroom seems like a normal occurrence right nope this guy walks up to the door to the stall i'm in and proceeds to ask me to let him into the stall and let him suck my dong at this point i'm thinking whoa dude you're freaked up so i tell him to frick off and that there is no way in heck i'm letting you do that he continues to plead with me on how much he want to suck my dong now i am freaked out i thought he was going to crawl under the door at this point luckily someone else walked in and the guy left i finished up and got the heck out of there as fast as possible tl dr i go to the restroom to crap some guy really wants to give me a bj i tell him to frick off he doesn't some stranger comes in saving me the guy wanting to suck me off leaves i finish dropping my fudge dragon and get the freak out up vote for fudge dragon kid has a disagreement with his english class about the meaning behind some story so the next day he takes a large knife to school with the intent to kill some all of them turns himself in before going ate crap gets expelled same kid get angry about the expulsion and threatens to pick students off with a sniper rifle at graduation as they pick up their diploma restraining order is put in place and graduation is now indoors two guys went around school their senior year competing to get the most girls to answer a stupid question phone number cup size what color underwear if any and my favorite how many fingers watched a p movie in english class one day the tape had a class project on it a few weeks later the tape started with the class project and ended with a solo master bashing scene in sixth grade and misses bradstreet's class this black girl that was ghetto and everyone disliked asked to use a bathroom the teacher had told her no but she wasn't having it so she got on top of the teacher's desk and dropped her pants and urinated all over the entire desk needless to say that got her expelled from school and 19 years later i will still think about it from time to time and laugh at least she didn't take a crap freshman year of hs i was in my health class that was outside in a portable and was taught by the basketball coach so he really didn't give two shoots and would disappear for 30 40 minutes at a time during our 90 minutes classes well one day during one of his absences one of the kids in class got up and left and when he returned 10 minutes later he was bloody and had a diamond stud earring apparently he had left class gone and beat the crap out of some other kid in the bathroom and stole his earring he then gave the earring to another girl in the class who promptly put it in her own ear two stories story one freshman in technology class teacher is in a swipe and is asleep in his office the guy whips out a bottle of lighter fluid and starts lighting his hand on fire but shortly putting it out only senior in our class is a busty blonde s and she decided to light her cleavage on fire she uses too much and can't put it out she rips off her top and attempts to put it out i get a ct for the first time they are on fire story 2 junior in german class my teacher is a bee and won't let us use the pisser until after class girl in our class kinda had a thing for her asks to go to the bathroom teacher says no she says she really needed to go teacher still says no she goes and sits down five minutes pass and the girl stands up pulls down her pants and takes a pee on the floor first time seeing a fanny and it's p one of our french teachers suddenly ran out of the classroom in the middle of a lesson in a panic he ran to his car and pulled two dead dogs out of the boot trunk he started sobbing and trying to give them cpr it was singularly the weirdest most awkward and heartbreaking thing to witness apparently he had walked his dogs the night before and forgotten about them overnight and all the way into school they suffocated died of heat exhaustion he was a nice gentleman but suffered badly from manic depression i heard he committed suicide a few years ago the weirdest things that happened at my school was the insane amount of drug use people would smoke bowls in class do bumps of coke in the bathroom pop xanax one freshman thought it would be a good idea to take acid in class after taking painkillers it turned out to be quite a poor idea the two oddest stories i can't think of are my friend and i decided to drink a little before our first block and he ended up mixing a drink in a mcdonald's cup to bring it in we had a substitute who's rather old and oblivious so we weren't too worried he ended up knocking over his drink on the ground and his solution was to spread it around with his foot we sat for a half an hour in our seats the entire area reeked off vodka and then we hauled butt out of class a group of friends and i ate weed brownies before class we had a shark dissection coming up that day and due to a lack of sleep i immediately passed out in the lab i awoke still in a high stupor to my blazing lab partner wearing the shark on his hand working its mouth like a puppet i laughed for about 15 minutes and then passed out in third grade a guy i know mooned everyone in class while the teacher stepped out he got caught not at school but this one chick was notorious for being of s one day she was with a mutual friend and her boyfriend and had a webcam up for her boyfriend at the time he told her to go over to the bed and straddle the bed post she didn't got stuck eighth grade do high school dances count one guy had a million tabs open on his school computer and was caught watching hentai it was hilarious another guy in my homeroom was caught jerking it in the school bathroom eighth grade some guy had to pee and was denied to go by the teacher he whipped it out and peed in a bottle he had not nsw but senior year eyewitness to rain dance a bunch of jerks were pounding a rhythmic beat on the tables and going ooh to the beat all of a sudden one guy jumps on the table and starts dancing for a brief moment before being escorted out of the cafeteria witnessed a guy in my eighth grade homeroom seduce another girl who was friends with his girlfriend in note form to prove to his girlfriend that she was a lying jealous bee apparently they were going to frick in the bathroom near mr gobel's room but it obviously didn't happen it was just stupid middle school crap in my opinion [Music] at my middle school we had a [ __ ] teacher that wasn't the nicest person to the kids she taught english and had her mini desk and chair at the front of the room and it was about hip height we had a band contest at the school so all the local middle schools were there and they all kept their instruments in the [ __ ] teacher's classroom during the contest someone snuck into the little titches room and took a very large poop on her very small desk the look of horror on her face as she found the giant turd on her little desk at eye level with her is forever burned into my memory as one of the funniest things i have ever seen tl dr someone took a big dump on the [ __ ] teacher's tiny desk i was driving to school by age 16 as a sophomore i would go on p runs to another town to buy magazines for fellow students for a profit i had that week's deliveries in my backpack had independent study in the gym instead of study hall with my crush she asked if i had any notebook paper and i said yeah in my bag not thinking i realized my mistake too late and she pulled out about six mags her eyes bulged and i explained what they were for since there were no teachers around she looked through each one in silence i was expecting to be busted once dungey looked at me took me by the hand and said my favorite two words come on we went a back way to a room above the stage at the end of the gym spent the next 15 minutes losing each other's virginity we dated for two months and then broke up best school day ever for some of you that doubt the story and my stamina here is some clarification the 15 minutes was the total act for play included the actual act i lasted about three four minutes buying p you needed to be 18 but i was a big guy and did my buying in a college town once i made the first buy without getting carded it was easy i had been reading yes reading p mags since i was 10 so my knowledge was vast for a 16 year old in a small town it's not a good idea to brag about getting laid it would have gotten back to her very quickly and ruined a good thing this was in the late 1980s before internet p i even rented p for my friends on weekends from another town made extra cash then as well it was fun watching the look on the good christian boys come and ask me for pee i doubt this ever happened but if it did god dang if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, teacher stories, weird school, weird school rules, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: E1qgylxKG2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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