What's The Most Messed Up Thing The Strange Kid Did In Your School?

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what did the strange kid in your school do to make them so strange nsw he'd constructed his own religion around Bionicles and would hiss at anyone that tried to talk to him he also wore this heavy blue windbreaker year round even when it was blistering hot I think he was actually really lonely and just wanted to seem different for attention I tried talking to him once he hissed at me this was in high school dude Bionicles were awesome he would have conversations with himself under his breath like Gollum in the middle of one of these rage-filled arguments he would pull out his handgun and shoot people in the class all our teachers ever said was hey no guns he also made notes that we would occasionally find one specifically on why the person who sat behind him in math deserved to die but then he found Facebook and other online communities and calmed down a bit all our teachers ever said was hey no guns row my 4 year old made a laser gun from legis and we had to have a beating about it someone walked in on him sucking on a doorknob he was quiet and because he didn't speak much English I assumed he was struggling with some orientation issues but getting caught sucking on a doorknob in middle school is just devastating in the strange kid rumor mill remember licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets SpongeBob SquarePants 1 got a giant dragon tattoo on his back when he was 15 2 always ran around at full speed hunched over like he was a character in Naruto 3 Park it over everything imaginable not 100% on this but I think he was a ninja when I was in junior high there was a guy who could recite the weather forecast for each of the next five days clever kids that we were we called him the weatherman that was decades before the net iPhone so was actually kind of handy would consume their juice boxes by spraying the juice on his shirt and sucking the juice out of his shirt in high school I find this much weirder than masturbating stories oh how the internet has ruined me I realize masturbating is normal I was referring to the masturbating at school in public stories I went to the weird high school so there are a lot but my personal favorite was the jetpack kid he was a freshman when I was a senior and no matter where he was going he was running flat out with his hands and fists and his arms tucked under his backpack like they were the nozzles for his jetpack since someone guessed correctly I am an alum of Cado magnet in Shreveport LA please tell me he made sound effects he had cat ears glued into his hair and sat on the ground like gum and holding pieces of bread up to his face and nibbling on it like a cat he seemed really startled when I invited him to sit with us and spoke quietly didn't see him in our area after that much it was really nice of you to invite him to sit with you I was one of the weird kids in school and someone doing that for me would have meant the world despite how shy I might have seemed good on you she would always have conversations with herself during class often while the teacher was speaking one day she showed up and had shaved the front of her hair so that it looked like she had a horrible receding hairline after a couple of weeks like that she took to wearing Halloween wigs she'd sometimes talk about her pet flying squirrel and nobody believed she actually had one so she started trying to take him to school with her every so often and always get into trouble during lunch she would sit by herself at a table pick a person out and literally mimic their every move for the entire lunch period very bizarre he tried to kill a classmate with a screwdriver he also stuck cinnamon Tic Tacs up his own nose I can still hear the screaming the kid's name was Gerald he also told us after he pee himself that he did it because it was warm he rolled in mud puddles off him Jarrod like to eat pencils not just the erasers the whole thing since everyone is asking where jared is from it Obama went to high school with a kid that hung a dead opossum from the top of the door jam in a busy hallway he then was expelled and arrested for making bomb threats to the school these were two separate events unrelated to one another we had a kid throw snake blood all over a bunch of people's cars then he brought the dead snake into class and hit some girl with it he didn't shower and love to smack guys on the butt physical harassment from a stinky 8th grader is the best I went to a small international school in Turkey literally no chance you guys know him slap butt war historically accurate British Royal Navy uniforms around campus a few days a week he was a really nice guy and very knowledgeable about history pretty eccentric though I'd like to think he ended up becoming a history professor at some major university who dresses up for every period of history he covers in first grade the teacher took back a laugh at beginner pencils and handed out our first big kid pencils the thin yellow ones with an eraser on the end we felt so grown-up as we carefully stowed our new treasures in our desks and went out for recess and weird Kevin snuck back inside and ate the erasers off each and every one of our new pencils mother sucker there was the kid who drove to each classroom in high school he would make the noises throw it in reverse to avoid hallway traffic and slam the brakes to pick up girls and drive them to class he had his favorite girls and he would buy them new cars and ask them how they liked the interior new car smell etc on their drive to class side note he had breath like that spongebob episode where the green fog leaked out of his mouth every time he opened it this was all inside my high school it was a closed campus the dude really liked cars had a kid similar to this in my high school except instead of cars he was always riding a sick motorcycle made all the noises himself and made sure they matched up with his hand movements like if he was getting on the throttle with his right hand the volume of his voice went up told everyone his name was Soul Reaper he was the self-proclaimed gangster Emperor and a vampire he would run around with his forearm over his face like he was shielding himself from the Sun with a pretend cape hide in the shade and hiss at people as they walked by sometimes he would charge them when he hissed and chase them away if they didn't run he would do his little Kate thing and flee back to the shadows one he snorted bird crap off of a car in the high school parking lot for five dollars - he got caught jerking off in the woodshop closet chronic nose picker anytime anywhere no shame pretty much only talked about hunting apparently he also got caught getting his dong sucked by a calf that'll put a damper on your social life sounds like rural Wisconsin while on a school sports trip we stopped at a Denny's for lunch he sat at a table by himself and shouted at the waitress to get me another coke be like three times he ate his burger so fast that it got stuck in his throat I think no biggie he just pushed him down his throat with his fork to the horror of the other nearby diners that's just one example please share more I nearly spit out my drink from laughing this one kid was really into the whole fairy culture he wore a dog collar and constantly drew pictures of anthropomorphic animals with huge breasts he was also one of those people who pathologically lie if you're furry I mean that's great and all but being out and proud about and just got him eating alive in high school we had a whole pack of them at lunch they'd all get together and how one would burst into some sort of doglike yodel and then they'd all pick it up she used to talk about how her brother violated her no one was certain if it was true or not she was a special-needs girl who would say outlandish things but then turn around and laugh about whatever she just said it was so uncomfortable because we couldn't tell if she was freaked up from being violated all was fricked up and liked the attention from saying she was raped by her brother just to clarify a few things since I've gotten lots of messages she very high-functioning and I'm honestly not sure what disability she had I just knew she was in the special education classes while I obviously can't say for sure it appeared that she was saying it for shock value she'd do things like walk over to someone's lunch table yell my brother violated me then cackle loudly she'd do it in front of teachers too she'd say other things that were weird but the debauchery one was what stuck with me we didn't report it but it was widely known throughout school that she'd say these things I don't think we ever said anything because we were young and then eventually it became normal we just kind of brushed it off like oh that's just xxxxX it lasted from late elementary school until early high school when she eventually stopped I sincerely hope that didn't happen and she was just saying it for attention but yet the crap was real weird I had a kid who constantly talked about frickin his sister he was kicked out after he came to school with a trench coat on talking about killing some kids that made fun of him didn't take a bath ate boogers banged a dog his nickname for most of his school years was dog Nutt you can guess what the guy with the nickname sister nutter did met Mel WTF there was a Chinese kid in my class who used to run around shouting itchy Dicky and try to come up behind you put his hand between your legs and well scratch your dong didn't win him many fans dang it I'm too late for this one but a girl I went to school with would constantly be trying to turn into a super saiyan people would walk by him say power up Kristy and she would start screaming and trying to charge up I always thought it was kind of fricked up and not funny though you fools this isn't even my final form I mixed my drinks together milk juice Pepsi whatever then I drank it I mean her he mixed his drinks together and drank the concoction the sick freak bet she got an A in potions class he spoke like an old Timmy fisherman he also played the accordion and the harmonica he said he lived on a boat but I think he just loved the idea of it he grew long 18-hundred style sideburns and wore a sailor's cap to school he also spoke in a weird older English type of way to the people who guessed his name is max either we went to the same school or you guys are magicians this kid didn't get bullied at all because he was so weird everybody loved him but in all seriousness he must have been freaked up because he was like a pre Titanic fisherman it's always good to see someone dedicated to a role even if they're the only ones watching they were obsessed with the Chipmunks like Alvin Simon and the other one on all of her papers she drew the three of them she would sing the chipmunks song and use that super high-pitched voice to do it she eventually started peeing on kids and got expelled okay it's Theodore I know now Theodore he was just always really dirty and unkempt didn't realize until later that his family was just very very poor felt bad for thinking of entreating that kid like he was strange ever since usually a lot of the kids like this come from broken or poor families we may see them as weird but they're just trying to cope with what they've had to live with he'd sit at the lunch table staring at his water bottle when you asked him what he was doing he'd say I'm trying to move this bottle with my mind I was nice to him you know just in case yeah you wouldn't want to get hit by a floating water bottle he tapped me on the shoulder during recess one day and opened his hand to show me about four or five rocks he then put his hand up to his mouth deposited the rocks and then swallowed them he gave me a crazy smile then ran away without saying a word first grade me was horrified combined all of his lunch food into a single pile ate it like a minor looking for valuable ore while using every condiment the school provided I will can never forget one time he added corn green beans hot sauce mayo mustard relish and a roll it's been 20 years or so I may not be accurate to his pizza just started gobbling away like every other day that ends in Y I happen to be looking right at him see him pause stare straight ahead not at me just into nowhere for an awkward five seconds leans over and pukes all over the walkway between tables he sits right back up with the same awkwardness as before he continues staring into space just as the janitor arrives to spread wood dust or whatever it is on the puke the kid starts eating via mass piled off food he has collected again the janitors face while he cleaned the puke right next to the kid who puked it up I always remember it clearly and not verbally said this kid has some serious issues the kid continued to eat the amalgamation of food and stare into space as the janitor just cleaned it up clearly thinking he was not paid enough to do this crap they never are when I was in seventh grade there was a kid whose last name was Roger and since he invariably smelled like pungent cat pee he was called the roach and teased constantly by most kids at my school I never spoke to him until I shared a summer school class with him and he was assigned to me as a partner for a project after getting to know him better I realized he was perfectly normal he liked video games and TV shows his only immediately noticeable flaw being his terrible stench about a week before our presentation was due he's not in his seat in class the teacher informs as he drowned in a canal over the weekend I was shocked mainly because I had seen him just a few days earlier I felt especially horrible when kids I knew started joking about how he finally took a bath I lost a couple friends for yelling as them about how they were awful people and how he was a nice guy my only regret is that I hadn't spoke to him sooner he could have used a friend during the short time he was here our IP Andrew Roger this guy had flicked his dog drank the blood off females litter title on fire openly told a girl that she was like his uncle and he'd rummage her if given the chance yeah I dunno went to elementary with a boy who would masturbate under his desk at least twice a week he barely heard it everyone knew it usually the teacher would try to ignore it but she often sent him out of the room he also talked to himself a lot he was a really smart kid grew up to be brilliant but you always had to worry if he was plotting your death under his breath in high school there was the girl who wore a dolt diapers not for any legit incontinence she just liked crapping herself she almost never spoke but she told people that she wore them on purpose for that reason we were in fifth grade she took a pre-k student into the bathroom and tried stuffing toilet paper into the poor little girl's privates she was probed physically shamed as a child I won't say he is strange cause he is mentally disabled dude ripped his eyeball out when he was younger he wasn't really able to control himself so he engaged in severe self injurious behavior he would frantically scratch himself and make attempts to remove his eyeball apparently he succeeded one time they finally just started shackling him to his walker he still does self injurious things but he knows it's bad and signals for his support staff to apply the restraints to him when he in one of them moods dude doesn't speak he is like 90% blind I wonder why still alive and living in the same town I am NOT in high school anymore this behavior was well over a decade ago I just know some people who have been involved with his daily life the reasoning for his self injurious behavior is unknown even to those who have been in his life for 20-plus years stabbed another kid through the hand with the compass the drafting kind not hey that ways North kind sucka got blood on my NKOTB shirt he also legit thought he was a Power Ranger we had a kid back in my high school that lied to everyone that he got the part of Anakin Skywalker for episode two he would skip weeks of school to prove that he was on set and walked us through the kissing scene with Natalie Portman all in all he missed almost an entire semesters worth of days in a single year just to prove a point here's a strangest part of the lie he continued the ruse for months long after it was announced that Hayden Christensen was playing Anakin and we saw the first teaser trailers cried when anyone went near him or tried to talk to him to be fair it may have been from previous bullying creating a vicious circle plus red hair and freckles that's really sad she used to pull her hair out chunks of hair used to roll around the playground like tumbleweed we were all about eight years old but she seemed much older her family had just come here from Congo she only spoke French which none of us understood and so she had no friends she was taken out of our school after a few months purling hair out like that sounds like a legit disorder this kid named David would always sing iris by the Goo Goo Dolls with a lot of emotion at the top of his lungs and sit indian-style on his chair and rock back and forth I thought this was weird until I tried it and I loved it also this girl named Heather would try to bite people if they approached her which I also tried and loved dude sounds like these people inspired you instead of weirding you out maybe it's the odd ones who teach us to fly and I don't want the world to see Emmy because I don't think he'd understand and when everything's meant to be broken I just want you to know WH oh I am there was the girl in my high school named Annie I got sat next to her in my junior year English class everything seemed cool at first maybe she was a little awkward but nothing terrible then the teacher had a spare up and make posters listing all of the IB profile trays it's like a P except not and she forgot the second eye and the word Enquirer no biggie when I pointed it out he froze staring at the poster no she finally said very aggressively there isn't one a dark red hue began to slowly crawl up her neck I pointed at the poster next to us no there is no big deal there's space between the two letters to squeeze it in she staring at me now her face was the horrible crimson and the veins on her temple began to stand out I started to panic a little what do I do here I mean we don't have to it's not like this assignment matters I said dismissively hoping she'd cool down a number she grabs the poster and crumples it in her hand not looking away from me IT matters she screams spit hitting my face she slams her fist down on the desk whips around tears up the paper poster and B lines for the door everyone is staring now and she runs into a chair slamming her shin into the seat and stumbling over it finally she makes it to the door and screams repeatedly in the hallway I quickly find out that this is a weekly occurrence for her everyone had a story of her crying in class or screaming at people for insignificant reasons unfortunately this was only the first day of a horrible year ahead sitting next to Annie in English update this was over two weeks ago and I made this post on my throwaway signed out and forgot forever wish I hadn't missed the IB conversations also her name wasn't actually Annie just in case anyone actually reads this now IB drives all of this mad in the end I'm sure she was just getting a head start on everyone else by the time the extended essay rolled around everyone was just as gibbering mad as she was he constantly jerks off wherever he may be math class FAP sesh hallway gherkin jerking time bathroom oh it's time to churn some butter he also looks at gente on his iPad in classes when he finishes worksheets and there's nothing else to do but apparently he can't be kicked out because he has a note from his mom forgot to mention he shamelessly picks his nose and eats at wherever he may be also when he blows his nose he licks the tissue after go to love it she would literally sit in the back of math class and make beeping and firetruck noises and when confronted she would just get quite and stare at you till you left feeling uncomfortable and violated then she would start again I just I just don't understand oh and bTW she's in the airforce now whenever someone stared at me I'd rub my nipples to beat them at their own game it mostly works I was torn between listing all the weird and disturbing crap I did because I was definitely the weird kid at school but I'm lazy and the list is too long so I'll point out the strangest thing I ever saw another person did that earned them that reputation we were in college and a friend was a manager of a movie theater we would go there to watch private movies late at night we had all been in a play and for our cast party we went for a movie one of the guys who seemed a little socially awkward anyway went into the theater and proceeded to pick up any abandoned sodas he found and drank them keep in mind my manager friend had offered everyone free sodas before the movie even if his intention was to make a tiny dent in the wasteful nature of American consumerism he could be drinking some horrible disease none of my friends knew what to even do except just remind him that he could have a free soda he kept insisting he was fine and continued drinking his Dr herpes and meningitis do thought they could stop rain on command and round outside whenever a train dat brakes to practice thought they had telekinetic powers thought they couldn't feel pain if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 49,850
Rating: 4.8805461 out of 5
Keywords: strangest, strange, strange kids, strangest kid, school, school stories, high school, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 13R70ND70_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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