Do These Foods Taste Different In Other Countries?

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Such a good episode and More today! All the wiener talk was amazing lol And Rhett is officially the only person I have ever heard say they liked the glow puck in hockey broadcasts (mind you I'm Canadian and a huge hockey nut so the thought of the puck glowing seems super unappealing to me lol).

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/weschester 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Omg, loved more today. When these two start talking about some random stuff like "paper cut on wieners" it is guaranteed that we will get a really good episode.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/ExDream00 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

They should do this but with US vs UK

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Cobraninja97 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great episode and all smiles that my suggestion was made into an episode!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/passmetherockk 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yes, UK and Aus foods too! British chocolate seems so much better than US chocolate.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/rachel_of_oz 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope they expand this to more countries! I had a friend who was born in Taiwan and she told me that Oreos there were far less sweet. I imagine this would be similar for other treats.

For example, I cannot STAND green apple flavored candy in the States because it just tastes so sweet and cloying. But I tried a jelly treat that I got from a local Asian market and it actually tasted like apples.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/not_a_library 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seems like they actually enjoyed filming this one!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bigfatmuscles 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mexican Doritos nacho are superior! I know it, you know it, we all know it. Also, I'm so glad they were able to get Zucaritas with the tiger still on the box (mexicans you know what I mean.... lol).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mythical_thing 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Do Cheetos taste different in different countries? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! (swooshing) - Now, I for one am very intrigued by today's investigation. - Me for two. - Do U.S. snacks taste different than their Canadian or Mexican counterparts? - Mm-hm. - And, if you're on Reddit, you should be checking out the Mythical Beast discussions happening over there on the Rhett & Link, Ear Biscuits and Good Mythical Morning threads because, in fact, that's where today's episode idea came! - Yeah. Reddit user passmetherockk posted, I have what I think will make a good episode. I'm Mexican-American, grew up in Mexico, but now I live in the U.S. and I've noticed a lotta things from Mexico and U.S. taste different. For example, Mexican Coke is way better than American Coke, Doritos from Mexico are way better than American Doritos. - [Rhett] Okay. - Sounds silly, but trust me, there is a huge-y difference. There's just a couple of examples, but a lotta things taste very different when comparing. Thoughts? - Well, we thought we should do the episode that you suggested. (laughs) - Thank you. - So, that's what we're gonna do. - Passmetherockk. - But first, we wanna get out of the way sort of the most obvious one, (glasses clinking) just to test this theory out before we get into some more difficult or unusual ones. - Yeah, so we've got the smaller American Coke. (glasses clinking) - It made a funny noise. - Oh, yeah. (thumping) That's nice. - Which one's smaller? Is that what we're trying to guess? - Put some peanuts in there. That would be nice. Let's go to Mexico. - Oh, wow. There's a noticeable, there's a softness. There's, like, a softness to the soft drink of this one. - Yeah, there is. - There's a different kinda sugar that they use here. They use cane sugar versus corn syrup, I think. Yep. High fructose corn syrup is the top sugar ingredient in this one, and then cane syrup. There's definitely a difference. Now, listen. - And, I do like the Mexican Coke a little better. - It is better, you're right. And, there's a lot more stuff to get into, so let's do it. (swooshing) It's time for, Munchies in Different Countries Taste Different, You Say? (cheerful music) We'll Let Our Mouths Be the Judge in this Snack Aisle Exposé. - We're gonna try two or more versions of the same snack in each round. One's gonna be from the United States and the other's gonna be either from Canada or from Mexico, and then we're gonna see if we can identify the United States version, but we're not gonna have a preference until we state our preference and our guess. - Well, it's not which one we prefer, it's which one we think is from the U.S. I mean, yeah, we could like anything. We get a point for each correct guess, and the winner gets to put a very special prize on his own head. - Okay. (swooshing) (cheerful music) - Okay, we've got two bowls (swooshing) of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. One is from America and one of them is from Mexico. - And, I'm just gonna put these together for a second, just, I mean-- - They look different for sure. - These are darker. - Darker. - So, let's taste these darker ones. (food crunching) Mm. - I would just think I got a Flamin' Hot Cheeto. - That's good. Woo, but it's sour before it's hot. (food crunching) - Whoa. Way different! - Totally different. Whoa! - Whoa! (joyful laughing) (playful laughing) (mysterious laughing) - Link, you're the greatest. Oh, okay. (laughing) - Hey, don't push it, man. - These right here. How do I describe the difference? - [Rhett] Better. - [Link] There's a sourness over there. - [Rhett] Hold on, this is hotter though. - This is, like, smokier. It feels like I'm getting more pepper experience. - Almost fruitier. - And then, with, fruitier over here? - I guess. (food crunching) (laughing) - A pepper's a fruit. Mm. - Mm. - What is happening? (laughing) We're emoting. We're doing, like, dad emotions. - This is crazy. (laughs) (grunting) - At the same time! (laughing) I like these better. - [Stevie] You guys wanna try and guess which is the American version? - I have an American Link flag. - [Stevie] With nice stabbing, please, in three, two, one. (plastic piercing) - I don't eat a lotta these, but-- - I think I might like these better. - I like those better. - [Stevie] The American XXtra Flamin' Hot Cheetos are in front of Rhett. - Yeah. (bell ringing) Yeah. I would've thought that the hotter ones were from Mexico. - [Link] What is the difference? - [Stevie] I mean, for starters, the Mexican Flamin' Hot Cheetos only have one X in Xtra. (laughs) - Oh, really? - And, the American version has two. Supposedly, the Mexican Cheetos have more cheese seasoning and are more sour. - Yes. - But, you said that the American version was more sour. - [Link] I know! That's so weird. - Nothing about fruity. - [Stevie] And, the U.S. version has 160 calories per serving and the Mexican version has 143 calories per serving. - Oh, I should eat more of these then. - Huh. - Gotta balance it out. (swooshing) (cheerful music) - Okay, we got (swooshing) some Twizzlers here, which are not licorice, no matter what you east coast weirdos may think. - That's right. Licorice is black, y'all. Okay? - Which ones of these are American? - This is just a red rope. - I got that one in the right cheek. And then, I'm gonna put this one-- - [Rhett] No, is there a color difference? I don't think so. - In the left cheek. - Oh, my gosh, they're so different! - Maybe 'cause I put them both in my mouth at the same time, I can't tell the difference. (laughing) - All right. - I'm gonna take this one out of my mouth. - Again, that one's fruitier. I mean, I'm just telling you. I gotta make sure I got 'em mixed up. - [Link] Is it fruitier? - Definitely fruitier. Soft and fruity. - And, just more flavorful. This is tough, but which one do you prefer? I prefer these. - [Rhett] I prefer that one. - [Stevie] Ready to guess? Three, two, one. (sighing) (plastic piercing) - I think-- - Fine. I'll change, I don't know, so I'm just changing my answer. - You guys seem so sad right now. - Hey, wait. (laughing) - I mean, this is hard, Stevie! - I'm sad because it's so difficult. - [Stevie] Oh, okay. The American Twizzlers are in front of Rhett. - So, Link is right. - So, Link is correct, yeah. (laughing) - I, like, looked at the names and us and I saw Link in front of me and I was like, I'm not Link! (laughs) (plastic rustling) I was like, (yelps) I don't know what to do! - Torsades. - [Rhett] Okay, so what you're telling me-- - Is this French? Twist. Tor-- - And, look! They are fruitier, because they got fruit on 'em! See? So, the softer, fruitier ones are from Canada. See, and they don't, oh, there's just one strawberry. But, you didn't see that. (swooshing) (cheerful music) - Listen, no matter what (swooshing) country you're buying your snacks in, we wanna let you know that you're welcome in the Mythical Kitchen. The Mythical Kitcheneers, as we call them, are always dreaming up and delivering some of the tastiest foods with no shortage of chaotic chemistry along the way. - Oh, nice. - Mm. Check out their series Food Fears, (laughing) Fancy Fast Feud. - Feud. - Smack Smash. Snack Smash. I can't say any of their series without messing them up. - Yeah, that's evident. - It's all free on the Mythical Kitchen channel. - Oh, it's free now? - Yeah. Mythical Kitchen channel, check it out. - Okay, we've got Kraft Mac & Cheese here, or as we call it at my house, you're on your own for dinner. (laughs) - [Link] Right. One's from Canada-- - Just to have a little comparison here. - And, one is from the U.S. This one is oranger. - [Link] Oranger. - Is that because there's just more cheese? - I don't know. Could it be? - [Rhett] Could it be Canadian? I'm gonna try not to be sad time, Stevie. - Needs salt and pepper. - [Stevie] There's a period of time in which you take Kraft Mac & Cheese out of the pot after you've melted the cheese, where it's, like, peak deliciousness, but then if you wait past a certain time, it looks like what you guys are eating. - [Link] They look a lot more different than they taste. - There's more cheese on this one, but the cheese is, I would say bland. - It's not flavorful. We're going-- - Here we go in three, two, one. - This has got to be the U.S. - This looks like the, this is what I think ours looks like. - It's got to be the U.S.! - [Stevie] The American Kraft Mac & Cheese is in front of Link. - Yeah. - All right, (bell ringing) so we both got one right. (knocking on wood) What is the difference? Because I can't tell. - Well, the Canadians are making it oranger, but it's blander. - [Stevie] Supposedly, American Mac & Cheese is creamier and cheesier and a certain company website that does taste tests, you might know who I'm talking about, did a Canadians and Americans eating different, you know, Canadian-American Kraft Mac & Cheese, and it turns out that whatever you grew up with is the thing that you like more. - Mm-hm. (swooshing) (cheerful music) Oreos. (swooshing) Canadian and American-- - Well, hey, don't do that! - Or American, I don't know. - You're throwing us off! - I don't know which is which. - [Rhett] Well, first, let's look and see if there's a difference in the way that they look. - No. None at all. - [Rhett] This one's slightly bigger. - [Link] No, it's not. - Yes, it is. Very slightly bigger. - Wow, this one's freakin' slightly bigger. - It's slightly bigger, man. Which country's bigger? - The Oreo, it says Oreo right there, it's slightly bigger. And, I'm gonna eat this one on the right. (food crunching) - Tastes like an Oreo. - Yeah, nothing unexpected, but it's good. - Which one seems like the size of Oreo you're used to? - [Link] The frosting is sweeter over here. - Can we see inside? Not inside your mouth. - I mean. - That's what the inside of the small one looks like. - [Stevie] Well, Link took a different approach. - Look at that. (laughing) - That's the difference there. Yeah, sweeter frosting. - Where's Canada showing up here? But, bigger Oreo. - But, bigger Oreo. - I would think that bigger and sweeter would be America, 'cause we try so hard. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. (plastic piercing) - I think the bigger logo has America written all over it. - I think they've downsized in America. - [Stevie] The American Oreos are in front of Link. - Oh! - Yeah! (bell ringing) - Are we right about that? They're slightly bigger? - Yes, they are. I saw it with my eyes. - So, I don't have that, I do have supposedly the cookie part of the Canadian Oreo has a stronger bitter cocoa flavor, and then the Canadian cream is said to have a different texture and taste less sweet than the American cream. - [Rhett] Yeah, and we both agreed on that. - Uh-huh. - You said that and then you went back on it. - I got confused, but I-- - This is sweeter. - Yeah, these are sweeter. - Hold on. - Canadians. The Canadians are sweeter. - No. No, American is sweeter. - Okay. So, this is, I'm sad, I'm sad. - I don't know what I prefer. (swooshing) (cheerful music) - All right, Doritos. (swooshing) We're doing the three different countries now. - Oh, we are? - One of these is from the U.S., one is from Canada and one of them's from Mexico. (food crunching) - Ain't nothing wrong with that. - [Rhett] Tastes like a classic Dorito. These look different. Super cheesy. - Overall, yeah, there's more cheese here. - Whoa! (food crunching) Very different taste too. - Wow! It's like a different type of cheese. It's not what I'm used to. - It's good though. - This can't be the U.S. But, it's good. Then, you got... - Mm. (food crunching) - Now, back in familiar territory. These two are very similar. - Okay. There is a difference between these two. - What would you say it is? Just say it. - There's a difference, but I couldn't tell you what it is. - These are a little bit better than those. Okay, I'm ready to vote. Well, let's say, you wanna say what you think is the Mexican? - I think we both know that this one's the Mexican. - It's gotta be this. This one's gotta be Mexican. - It tastes very different and it's super cheesy and I think it has more, like, an authentic sort of, like-- - Oh, I'm using the wrong, am I using Canada? - Oh, you shouldn't have told him. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Shoop! (plastic piercing) - Oh, so we differed, okay. So, these felt the most familiar to me and that's, but they're very close. - [Stevie] The American Doritos are on Rhett's side. - Mm. You lucky dog. - The Doritos in the middle are Mexican and the Doritos on Link's side are from Canada. And, the American and Canadian (bell ringing) ingredients are pretty much identical, but the Mexican Doritos use achiote seasoning, which has an earthy, peppery taste with a hint of bitterness. - [Rhett] It's good, man. I mean, it is really good. (plastic rustling) - [Link] Yeah, they don't hold back. - You're saying that the difference that I perceived doesn't exist, I just got lucky? - [Stevie] No! I think it could exist, but the ingredients list is pretty much the same, I can't see anything that would, you know, that we could point to directly. - Well, I'm pointing to those, they're American. - I'm pointing to what I like the best. (swooshing) (cheerful music) We got three bowls (swooshing) of Frosted Flakes, (hands clapping) so everyone's gonna be happy. No matter who wins, no matter who loses, no matter if I'm on beat or not. Okay? - Okay. (laughing) If it makes you feel better. - So, we got, let's put these together and give a visual here. - Well, you can see 'em, so. - We've got Frosted Flakes, Frosted Flakes and Zucaritas. Mexican Frosted Flakes. - Can you see a difference there? - These seem very frosty. Least frosty and-- - [Rhett] Kinda frosty. - [Link] But, it's a different type. This is a shiny frost. - That's a shiny frosty. - Let's start over here, this is kinda my thing here. - Let you do your thing. - And then, I'll just go ahead (cereal shifting) and pour it all the way around. - So good. So good, like, very sugary. I haven't eaten Frosted Flakes in a while, to know if that's as sugary as it used to be. - I have to think that this one's less sugary. - [Rhett] You don't have to, you can think whatever you want to, man, there's no rules. - It's just as sugary, but I can taste more of the flake. - It's very flaky. - It's flake-tasty. - Yeah. But, that's not bad. - It's not like I can't count on it. It's that it tastes like flake. - Right. - And then, the shiny. The shiny flakes. - Hard! That shiny made it hard. - Yeah. - It's like wax. - It's a shell of sugar. - [Rhett] I can't believe how good cereal is. - [Link] Let's go with Mexico first. - [Stevie] You want a three-two-one? Okay. - Yeah, we're both thinking that, huh? It's just because, I don't know. When you go to Mexico, you wanna really see your sugar. - You want shiny cereal. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, here we go. Three, two, one. - And, did we agree? - Oh, we agreed. Which, okay. - Yeah. We're basically just saying that the Canadians-- - But, you can't win if we all agree. - No, I can't. - So, you might have to change 'em up. - Maybe you should change 'em up. - This wasn't an easy call for me. - Come on. - [Rhett] You switch it. - [Link] All right, I'll switch it. - Hey, you might've just won. (plastic piercing) Hold on, did he just switch mine? (laughing) - You said switch it. All right. (plastic piercing) - [Stevie] Okay, are we good? (murmuring) - [Stevie] (laughs) The American Frosted Flakes are in the middle. - Oh, you did it! - Oh, good, yes! - You did it, man. (bell ringing) - (laughs) In spite of myself. - [Stevie] The flakes in front of Rhett are from Canada and the flakes in front of Link are from Mexico. And, yes, the sugar content is the biggest difference because the Mexican version has 17 grams of sugar, the American has 12 and the Canadian has 10. - Okay, that's strange though because these tasted more sugary than those. - Yeah, they did. - And so, that's why I ended up saying that the American would be more sugary than the Canadian. But, I don't know, I guess the sugar hits you in a different way. But, Link, you pulled through. - I just love this box. Zucaritas! - With the switcheroo at the end and that means you get to put something on your head! - What is this? - Well, it's a hat that brings together all three countries in North America. Canada for the hat and the American and Mexican flags. - Oh, good. - Congratulations. - Thank you, eh? - And, thanks for subscribing (laughing) and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - [Sam] Hi, it's Sam from Toronto, Canada and I've been playing a lot of VR recently because of quarantine, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (electronic whooshing) - Dang, Sam! - It's like we were there, Sam! - Woo, it's like magic! - Immersive! - Click the top link (upbeat music) to watch us match the North American invention to its home country in Good Mythical More. - And, to find out (wheel rattling) where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - Ketchup is a smoothie. (upbeat music) - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Josh] A hotdog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hotdog is a sandwich. (laughing) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,597,349
Rating: 4.9574962 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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