Can We Find The Name Brand?

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👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/rosiecotton_dancing 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Never heard of Farmer John. I'm surprised its well known enough to be Rhett's name pun. Is it a west coast thing? If we're talking about name brand bacon I'm definitely thinking Smithfield.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Stuie299 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Giant Deborah is a truly hilarious character.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/foodmydudes 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Boob-a-loobie chicken boobies" -- Link Neal - October 15, 2021

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/NotPornAccount111 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else notice this episode from today (along with today's MORE episode) had one of the worst volume levels yet. My speaker volume was all the way up and I could still barely hear it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/adavis1436 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm not surprised but it's cool to know at least Rhett watched I Think You Should Leave

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OpabiniaGlasses 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Is there any doubt when Oscar Meyer's in your mouth? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Okay, if you had to give up one of these things, which one would it be: beef, pork, or poultry? That's like chicken and other chicken-like meats. - My brain almost exploded. I went in to try to get an answer and it wouldn't give one. - Oh! Okay. - It doesn't want to give any of those up. - It's protecting you from going meatless in any form. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, I respect that. And you know what? (audience applauds) It's your lucky day, Rhett, because that was just a hypothetical and you can still have all the meats you want! In fact, we're about to have more meats than you can shake an Arby's at, all to see if we can tell the name brands from the no-names. It's time for: Knock-Off Knockout: Meats Edition. - Okay, in each round there are gonna be four different servings of meat before us. One of them will be a name brand... (growls) (Link growls) Thinking about meat! That you've heard of, while the others will be generic brands from a store you've also probably heard of. - All right, we're gonna be competing to identify the name-brand meat, and even though I've only won one of these Knock-Off Knockouts in 13 tries- - That's hard to believe. - That is true, I've been told. I do feel good about today. The only one that I won was breads. - You're a bread man. I knew that about you. - Maybe I'm a meat man. The loser will have to spend Good Mythical More between the winner's buns. - [Rhett] Hmm. (bell dings) - Our first meat is the best complement to any other meat. - Right. - You can put bacon on a burger, you can put it on a grilled chicken, you can put it on a pepperoni pizza and it always gonna make it better, but will the name-brand Farmer John... - Farmer John? Yes? - Will that bacon taste better than the plain-Jane peers? That's what we are trying to find. - And I gotta say, I'm not too discriminating when it comes to my bacon. I mean, I don't like imitation bacon or like turkey bacon, but- - All of these are oven-ized. - Yeah. "Baked" is the word that we use for that. - Okay. - Yeah. - It's not so much the taste. It felt like it just disintegrated. Like, my whole thing just... It was like somebody made bacon with little bits of bacon. - I didn't like it. - Bacon bits. - I didn't like it. And this one is fattier. But it tastes a lot better. - Wow. Way better. - [Link] Or, "and" it tastes a lot better. - But there's also a- - Aftertaste. - Of smokiness. - Yeah. - A liquid smokiness. Like an artificial smokiness that I'm not fond of. - That's strange. That one started out bad and this one ended bad. - We're getting weird bacon, guys. - This one's bigger. Bigger bacon. - Okay. Now we're talkin'. - So much better. Like night-and-day better. - That's some good bacon. - It's salty. It's crunchy. Mm! Whoo, that's good! Now, this one looks promising. It's a little more floppy. I used to be a floppy bacon man, and then I became an extremely crispy bacon man. I don't know what happened, but it's clearly superior in my mouth now. - It's a little thicker. - The taste is nice though. Hmm. - It's not as good as that though, is it? - It's definitely down to these two. I mean, if this one was actually fried or baked a little bit harder- - Don't give me any hints though, bro. - [Stevie] You guys have your sticks? - We're competing against each other. - Yeah, I don't know. Shoot. Okay. Oh, look. - [Stevie] We're gonna nicely stab these. - Farmer Rhett. - Okay? In three, two, one. - Whoo-whoop! See, even though this one tasted the best, I think this one has the most potential. - Definitely down to these two. I just feel like that might be too thick for Farmer John. I don't think Farmer John goes that thick. - [Stevie] Guys, I am sitting back here learning so much already with today's episode because the Farmer John bacon is on plate number three! It is the best bacon. - Yeah. - Yes. It matters. - [Stevie] The others are 365 by Whole Foods, (Link mouth-farts) Good & Gather by Target- (Link mouth-farts) - Target, something happened in the end, y'all. - [Stevie] And Great Value by Walmart. - Great Value, not- - Nope, they went too thick. - There's just potential there. - You get a lot of value in that thick bacon. - All right, shoot. (bell dings) - Now, hot dogs and baseball are so tied together, it's hard to believe that hot dogs are not even mentioned once in "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." Think about the lyrics. He doesn't say, "Take me out to the wiener." He doesn't say anything. - Peanuts and Cracker Jacks. - Yeah. Okay, so it's really on Ball Park to hold down this legacy by leaving the rest of the field behind and knocking this round out of the park! Oh! Ground rule double! That's when it bounces over the fence. It leaves the park, but it's a bounce. - It's kind of anticlimactic though. Kinda like us eating these hot dogs. - These were microwaved. - Here's the deal, dude. Look at the different sizes here. Same color, different size. Different size, different color. Smaller. - It's not the size of the wiener. It's the flavor. - I'm really focusing on that flavor. Hmm. - It just tastes like hot dog. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, it tastes like hot dog. Here's a biggun, man. - I would almost call this a sausage. - It's a sausage size, but it is a hot dog. Little thicker. Meatier. - More flavor. That's pretty tasty. Whoa. Hmm! - It actually tastes like a Slim Jim. - Yeah! - I don't like. - I don't think it tastes like a Slim Jim, but I think it tastes pretty good. This is the right-size wiener. - And it's a darker color. - [Stevie] There's something about the diagonal cut that I feel like is very fancy. - I like a diagonal cut, yeah. - Yeah, these are the fanciest wieners I've had in a while. - Yeah. - Mm! Mm! - That's a good flavor. They're getting better. - This one is heads above the other two. - I think it's gradually getting better. - This one is the size that I think of a ballpark frank. But is it the Ball Park frank? - Ball Park aren't known for being plump though. Right? - I don't know. I don't go to baseball parks. - Oh, you mean like if you got a hot dog at a stadium, it would be this size. - Yeah. Right? - I agree with that. Like a Dodger Dog is pretty thin. - That's not bad. That's pretty good. - Tastes like a hot dog. - Mm-hmm. - I don't know if this... But this is Ball Park brand. - Could you be presenting us something that's a better name brand, but different, no? - No. No. - Okay, all right. I'm ready. - Three- - A better name brand, but different? - [Stevie] Two, one. - Wah-bam! Wah-bam! - I think you may be right. - It's gotta be this one. - That's the best one. But I just think is a sneaky round. I think it's a sneaky round. - I'm going with taste. - The Ball Park hot dogs are on plate number one. - Yeah. - What? - Yep. - Yep. I'm just going with the way that it looks. - [Stevie] We didn't learn as much from this round, but the other franks are Signature Select by Safeway- - Pretty good. - Don't like. - [Stevie] The one you like so much is Kirkland Signature by Costco. - Kirkland is doing it right. - Costo is famous- - Costco's dogs, yeah. - We shoulda known, okay. The Costco dog is famous. - Yeah, gimme that one. - [Stevie] The last is Great Value by Walmart. - Hmm! - Yeah. Well, I don't know if you're gonna win this one. - But I'm happy though. (bell dings) Okay, before we dig into these delectable chicken breasts, we want to let you know that we've decided to do something tonight and we want you to be a part of it. - Yes, we have decided to stay up all night and write a song and record the song all on TikTok, so make sure you're following us over at @mythical to see all of our sleep-deprived updates. - Yeah, you can help us write the song. We're gonna be taking your input all along the way, so it's something that we're creating together, should be a lot of fun. - Yes. - And make us sleepy. Okay, let's get into these chicken breasts. We're looking for Tyson chicken breasts, and as a mature adult with kids, that's all I'm gonna say about these boobies. - Yep. Oh, hey! Watch it, pal. - Boob-a-looba chicken boobies. - These look like they were boiled. - [Link] And nothing else. There's a little pepper remnant on top. - Just how I love my chicken breasts, just straight boiled. - But it isolates just the meat, you know? - It makes me think about when you have to dissect things in biology class. - Shut up. Shut... - Little dry. - Tastes like chicken. Here's another one. This is a different one. - This is a thick daddy. - Good gosh, it's tougher. It's like eating jerky. And it tastes bad too. This is not... That's not good. - It tastes a little gamey. - Yeah. Ugh. - This might be like a- - I mean, chicken's not supposed to be gamey, is it? - Is this a wild chicken? This is a wild chicken. Somebody caught a wild chicken. - [Link] Wild-caught chicken. - North Atlantic chicken. - I am really grossed out by this. And it's your fault. - Yeah, you remember those frogs that we used to have to do? And the lamb's brain. I learned a lot that day. - This one is milder. I mean, that one is just horrible. - This is from a farm, definitely. This is not a wild chicken that somebody just shot. - I'm going to the third one. - This one is though. Like a dog brought this chicken to someone in its mouth, like, "I got it!" - Yeah, and then they cooked it. - Yeah. - Hmm. All right. This is overall just a horrible experience for me, so I'm ready to vote. - Has a lot of protein though. I mean, preparing chicken is just something that... There's other steps that weren't completed. - It was a little seasoned. I'm ready. - [Stevie] Two, one. - I think it's... Oh, you agree? - Yeah. I know that Tyson... I don't want to make any claims I'm gonna get in trouble, but Tyson is known for their big breasts. - Well, I'm gonna switch mine because I'm just so far behind. And we're not increasing in points, right? - [Stevie] Right. - [Link] I gotta try something different. - [Stevie] The Tyson chicken breasts are on plate number... One. - Oh! - The flat ones? - [Stevie] The flat ones. - [Rhett] Y'all got flat breasts! - [Stevie] The other breasts are Kirkland Signature by Costo. - They're sending people out. - They're just sending dogs out. - Just sending dogs? - Who was this? - Dogs can figure it out. - [Stevie] Great Value by Walmart and Good & Gather by Target. - The Targets breasts are pretty good, and they've been injecting those chickens with something over there at Target. - Mm-hmm. (bell dings) - Okay, Link. This round should be yours because these are sausage links. - Ha! - If you lose this round, I mean, it's just an embarrassment to the family. Or at least to all Links everywhere. - Yeah. I'm here to represent. - [Rhett] We're looking for Johnsonville. - Johnsonville. - You like link sausage more than patty sausage? I've never asked you this. - I think I like a patty a little bit better than the link. - I'm gonna start calling you Patty. - No, I bring the Link to the patty. - Okay. - That was... It had some dominant spice. - Yes, dominant spice. - And this one wants to curl up a little bit. - Oh. But it wants to taste better. - And it succeeds at tasting better. - Welp... But then, something happens at the end! - It's that same spice. I don't know what it is. It's a sausage spice. - Like fennel. Are we tasting the bend? - Is it fennel? The bend? - Are we tasting the bend? - That's the best one so far. Mm! That's good. Very sausagy. - This is a skinny sucker over here. - You know what I feel like? I feel like I'm at a continental breakfast. I'm going down to the place, down in the lobby of the Holiday Inn- - And you're just the guy with the four plates of sausage everybody's looking at like, "Yeah, I don't know what he's doing. They're all the same." - These are longer. - Pretty tasty though. - They're the most unadulteratedly sausagy. - You know what this might be? You think this is wild boar? They're sending the dogs after these too. - Oh yeah. - The Costco dogs. That's from Costco 'cause they're sending the dogs after it. - This tastes really good, but it's like there's... It's meatier. - Can you adopt a Costco dog, you think? And then it does the hunting for you? - They, you can... They have orphan dogs at Costco? - They use the dogs to get the wild chickens. I'm assuming that they're also using the same pack of dogs to get the boar 'cause there's a boar problem in the United States, Costco's putting things together, they're doing things, and I think it's probably also like a dog adoption program. I'm just connecting X to Y to Z, man. - Hmm. Okay, I'm ready to vote. The question is do I go with what I think is the best... Or... Not? - I'm going with form, factor, and taste. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. (Link growls) - Oh gosh. See, you're agreeing with me and you're winning, so that's never gonna work. I know this isn't it. This is like some fancy knockoff thing. - That's Costco, man. - I gotta stick with my guns. - [Stevie] You sure? - Well- - Yeah. You wanna change? Because this was pretty sweet, man. - It's either this or this. - Right. - I just don't know if the Johnsonville gives you the bends. - I don't know if Johnsonville... They have a sweet maple syrup one, but that's not the one they would've put on this thing. - I think it's up to you to switch if you wanna switch. It's not in my interest to switch. - All right. Well, I'm gonna switch you. - You can't switch me. - You just said it was up to me. - It's up to you if you wanna switch you, but you can't switch me, sucka. - Uh... This is so sweet, and I know they have a maple, and I don't think you would put the maple in here 'cause that would be too different. So I'm gonna go with this one. - Okay. I think you just gave yourself a chance, man. - [Stevie] Yeah, that's great 'cause I said, "You sure?" like meaning, "Move it to plate number two." That's the correct answer, thank you. - Thank you, Stevie. Not bad. - [Stevie] The others are Good & Gather by Target, Great Value by Walmart- - Nice. - And Kroger brand. - Kroger getting fancy. - Kroger's got a pack of dogs too. - That's a really good sausage. Both of these are legit. - Maybe the dogs work for both Costco and Kroger. - Two above Johnsonville in this one. (bell dings) Turkey bacon is bacon that makes you feel better about eating bacon as long you don't immediately eat real bacon right after it and then you feel stupid about your decision because it's not real bacon, it's turkey bacon. Which one of these is Oscar Meyer turkey bacon? - Well, this feels like I didn't pick up anything. - I know. It looks like a greasy fruit roll-up. - It's like what early planes were made out of. It's so light. - Balsa wood. - [Rhett] Yeah! (bacon crunching) - It's like they took a little sheet of turkey and they slathered it in fat or something. - I mean, how many turkeys... How much of this could you make from one turkey? A lot. - This is like a chip. - What is happening there? - It's so crunchy. - Now, this has a flop to it. - Doesn't taste great. - This has a flop to it, which is what I kind of expect. - Yep. I'm seeing the flop. - [Rhett] Hmm. - And tastes better on the front side. - Again, not bad. - What about the aftertaste? - I mean, if you were with your family, continental breakfast- - That's better. - Y'all were going to, like... I don't know, where are you going on vacation? You going to Disney World? - Cabo San Lucas. - I don't know if there's... If you're eating a continental breakfast in Cabo San Lucas, that's like a resort town. I'm talking about you're in America and you're going into the park and you didn't want to actually pay to stay inside Disney World. - Yeah. - So you're staying outside Disney World and they're giving you this kinda breakfast. - Okay. One stripe of fake fat in the middle. - Well, all turkeys have that strip of fat. - Hmm. Ugh. - Tastes like something shoes should be made out of. - This is weird. - That's awful. - Not good at all. Bad. Mm! - Can't even finish it. This one's black around the edges. - Hmm. Hmm! Hmm. - That's pretty tasty. - I'm voting for which one I think is the best. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Whoop! Oh, see, we're agreeing again. - Well, we know it's either this one or that one. Last time you changed and it was the correct choice and you won. - Mm-hmm. - Are you gonna do that again? Or should I do that? - I'm feeling like I should do that. Or do you want to do it? - [Stevie] You sure? - What does that even mean now, Stevie? - It means you should probably change up. - Oh, I'm not changing. - Well, then I'm not un-changing. - [Stevie] But you're both sure? - Yeah. - [Stevie] The Oscar Meyer turkey bacon is on plate number... Three. - Okay. - Oh, really? This one? - That one. - It's the worst one! - It's horrible. It's got a fake stripe in it. Y'all need to rethink this. - The second time the brand's been beaten out. So, all right, what do we have? - [Stevie] Kroger. - Kroger, y'all, listen, we love y'all, but y'all gotta put some more thought into this. - [Stevie] Sam's Choice by Walmart. - Yeah, made a good choice. - Walmart's doing it. - [Stevie] And First Street by Smart & Final. - Smart & Final. - Y'all are burning the edges somehow, we don't even know. - But Walmart's bringing it today. - Yeah they are. But I think in the end, I win again, and you're gonna have to spend Good Mythical More in between my buns. And I don't know what that is, but hopefully you'll click through. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Jeff from Chesapeake, Virginia, and I just learned how to use a comb. (plays Good Mythical Morning theme) And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - We need to take some lessons from Jeff on how to play our own comb. - That was nice. - All right, click the top link to watch us decide which food mascot we would like to be our parent, pal, or foe in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] To get the Rhett & Link plushies, join 3rd Degree monthly by October 31st or quarterly or annual by December 31st. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,440,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 7Lg48btZoxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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