The Weekend Edition Ft. Noel Miller (pt. 2)

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welcome back to the weekend edition everybody this is my podcast oh oh I had no idea and I'm joined today highly requested hey Noel Miller hey dude can you put in like a audience like a I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it I put it I put in as little effort clearly I mean no you know how long it takes to go through now I know the problem with so the problem with my recording thing is I'm sure all of you guys know this but I put these on YouTube and so I have to edit the video afterwards yeah problem is that this thing shorts out sometimes or something like the wires are hitting or some weird [ __ ] so every once in a while like every like 15 minutes I'll get like a like a like a you know needle short out and like some of the audio will be missing oh it goes completely out of sync with the video oh so I literally have to go through it takes me it takes me like two hours edit this because I have to go through the whole thing and watch the whole thing well and normally I'll just record it and just like hope I didn't say anything but when I use this machine I got a [ __ ] so if any of you know this solution to that problem I'd love to know yeah throw that in the comments yeah yeah if any of you are like audio technicians or something and would know how to remedy that situation I just I need a producer for this [ __ ] podcast yeah you know yeah a free one preferably a free one yeah so also if your if you want to do that anyways back with Noel Miller here yeah my friends producer actor writer comedian Noel Miller yes he was on the last sort of two weekend editions ago yes great was a great episode right now is that right 80,000 views on YouTube it's uh that's flattering it's not crazy yeah I don't think 80,000 people would give a [ __ ] about anything I had to say so it's nice to wants to see that yeah I mean I think they're mean they're watching for me but yeah well I'm kidding all the comments you are yo get no I'll back dead Noel back and now when I do the ones alone like I'm starting to think these are way better I mean like they obviously are but like now when I do my ones alone everyone's like you should like have a guess on this is a good try yeah not a totally in support but I mean I see where you're going for that's cool and support you fully but absolutely many have no Alana every time maybe maybe someone else what forever well here's what I wanted to pitch to you okay so we talked last time about like having a permanent podcast yeah just the two of us yeah and so and I was just thinking so I know I can't I don't want to do this again I don't want to talk about Logan Paul again but but but this idea just came to me okay okay okay so you know the podcast that I had with Sam and Devon yeah watch every episode of The OC yes and talk about it in depth or now are we just gonna let's do a daily podcast where we cut ourselves with we watch every single one of Logan Paul's vlogs every day and talk about it for an hour in depth as far as we can go what you know like like like I'm talking like like get you said like get to know the characters yeah their person like you really get to low no Logan like become super fans you know what Mavericks you know what's funny about this is we will inevitably become fans of him and this only works for him you know what I'm saying but I mean like we will bridge the gap for people that hate him we'll start like as ironic like yeah they watch the okay - maverick shirts all right green and black yeah yeah that's yeah just come like actual fanatics starts out totally ironic and were just like doing it for the laughs and then eventually we're like we become serious matter dude my friend I I don't want to talk about it but it's like you have to talk about it I mean it's getting crazier and crazier my friend yesterday he lives in New York City he was eating lunch near like Logan Paul's meet up in New York City there was a four mile long or sorry four blocks I was before - he was four miles before it was huge four blocks packed worth of people waiting to meet him with the the last show we did the last stand-up show that we were both on when I was walking to the venue there I was walking behind a girl and she had a Jake Paul er sweater and like you know I didn't describe her and just gonna say she was a big girl and described her I said you know this is big you said I'm not gonna die and then you described her right I was gonna be mean about it you were mean no she was a objectively a larger human yes and we shouldn't I don't think we should have to tread around this just that you're not fat shaming by any means but you could describe her as that right it's nothing wrong with that has a big girl yeah like it but it wasn't not like I don't he wants a fat fat to me is like obese or something guy like she just had like a large frame like a broad shoulder and I was just imagining like her turning around and just being like you know [ __ ] I know you legit I just she [ __ ] lands her massive bare fist and [ __ ] drops me just like instant yeah oh wait I know you and I'm just laid out on the pavement everyone in the venue was like wheelie unconscious isn't a while coming for his dad he was he's on and - honey no you're knocked out on Melrose Avenue right Jake Paul er one of the things we did speaking of being knocked out have you ever have your tried smelling salts no you know try those ammonia no they use it to wake up knocked out boxers oh it's what you smell it and it's like immediately it's it feels like you snorted wasabi or something holy [ __ ] it hits you right in the set and it just wakes you up like crazy and it's not like I don't know I don't think it's like a drop mean no hobby is a drug I don't know but they use it it's just like a really really like your your nose is very very sensitive to this yeah so it like makes you alert and these these we were like drinking with these girls in Barcelona and they had this [ __ ] just like just like wake up what why until we were just doing it it was like the curse so you're just like you feck you [ __ ] had like 20 shots you're your body's like no more and you're like oh yeah you just you [ __ ] hit system reset and you're ready to go again all systems go your brain is like no no [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like go to bed go to bed I'm like oh we're gonna keep this party going it's just bizarre it's the most bizarre thing in the entire world like I think wait does it smell like [ __ ] my friend it just smells it's just I can't even describe it so powerful it doesn't smell like anything it just smells like pain like you smell it you get this crazy feeling like right in the middle of your brain that's just like aa panic and then you're up Wow and it goes away Wow very very bizarre well the thing that's like funny to me about that I thought it just smelled like [ __ ] yeah what is everything's B there's a plane my life dryers beeping I need a studio yeah and a producer and if you have either of those please let me know for free for free or for free I could pay you my modest amount amount yeah and I pay you in Dunkin Donuts gift cards I have like 10 of them why don't you go hit that dryer yeah yeah I think I'm stopped think yeah usually beeps well we're good so the thing that I thought it actually smelled like [ __ ] and the thing that was funny to me is like that would explain why like MMA guys like after they get knocked out if they're using that to wake them up yeah and it just smelled like wasabi yeah and their eyes are just like what what the [ __ ] oh I thought I was in a fight feels like I'm gonna flip in sushi bars focusing on that but it doesn't smell like anything so that joke is null anyway I've joke is Noel the joke is no well you see that joke is no no I think like a programmer joke a joke yeah Wow yeah you made a program Markus was telling me you were asking programming questions to him the other day you were like getting down and dirty with JavaScript or something yeah yeah really yes you still like trying to learn no [ __ ] no no and I can harp on this and it will it doesn't you don't have to know programming to appreciate this all right so I'm trying to build the website for Westlaw and I just needed something fast I would do a bunch of stuff for me I didn't to use like Squarespace or some dumb [ __ ] like that okay so I'm like digging into frameworks and [ __ ] programmers are just like they are Horsch they're full of [ __ ] like the event the same thing oh yeah over and over oh yeah just save their job yeah it's like that's how you just stay relevant in the work in the work for yeah you're like oh you're doing it like that well I've got this nifty thing yeah everyone learns it by the time they learn it they're like this is garbage and then they're like oh yeah it's garbage but we have this new thing and it just keeps like resetting yeah so I just about tore my hair out like from this on okay I'm not irrelevant okay you [ __ ] just keep lying about your skills yeah and like you keep yeah whatever and there's like a handful of people that are actually doing good yeah you'll work yeah I had I used to work with a guy that was just not he did I thought this is good like to everyone right now is like I don't I don't know what's happening like we're both programmers used to work with a guy who like didn't believe in like using libraries it's just a basic code that's already written and you can use these pieces of code in your project if you need that certain thing right people write code and they put it up for free and you can just use it but this guy he was like he basically was like I could always write a more stable version of whatever it whatever this is mm-hmm and you should do this too because he was my boss yeah so like that's what I would have to do and Sam I needed something like it like I don't know what's a easy way we can explain the audience like a like a camera function or something like that and right I would have to write from scratch because he was like now like yeah you should you should be able to write a more stable version right it's like jacket just reinventing the wheel yeah and over again it's so [ __ ] annoying and then you're like then I'm like in these forums all these [ __ ] nerds and they're like using so much language like it's like the it's like it's like a car salesman like they're saying so much and I just want to strangle them I'm like you don't actually know what you're talking about you've just like pulled things out of your ass to make this problem seem very hard if this can be explained in one line no no so yeah I was just [ __ ] going off the Marcus like I hate being a programmer that's that's I think the bullet on this yeah that's never be a program never regular lesson here you know what's funny actually is I get a lot of DMS about that I I'm just about I'm just but I just want to tell you this - yes what are the teams that you get people being like hey I'm an aspiring pro yeah yeah yep I'm like every time I want to say get out ya know III like I respond to those yeah cuz when I get a damn that's like you're a [ __ ] like so funny like appreciate that but when I see a guy who's like dude I'm thinking about making a life choice and I'm like oh I can help you so I always respond to those I'm like eh you're gonna be spending a lot of time outside of work you know I mean like you'll right that's the thing about code that is [ __ ] annoying people the [ __ ] apps you use the guys who make that they work on that for eight hours and they go home and then they just work other code for another eight hours yeah and it's just this constant like 60 hour thing and they're like well yeah yeah gotta stay with the industry yeah so it's true it's it's and every time I get one of those dm's I people go like I'm uh you know I look up to you and then I'm an aspiring programmer like and they're saying that I think with the hopes that I reply and go that's really cool but every time in my head I'm like but the thing is I'm like get out while you can but the thing is is that it is a great career like great like yeah thing to know how to do yeah for sure I mean I am where I am now because of that yeah because of my programming and it's a great like back home career and if this doesn't work yeah but it's just like I just think of the countless hours and laughs could you imagine just starting right now oh dude dude it's like me learning how to [ __ ] do music or whatever I'm just like I feel like I'm a monkey just like well you know I feel like I'm a baby just like a good Atika [ __ ] yep thing I was and like programming is so supported by like this top 1% of guys who actually know how it works yeah okay that you're right the yeah yeah once you hit that this is just unbelievable yeah show up here for a podcast shove here for a podcast and it's in a house you know you think podcast you think studio-quality I just go to some guys garage I mean this is not what was advertised I don't know if there's a Yelp for this thing but it's getting one star from me you know what I'm gonna call my cousin's I'm telling them not to come here you gotta make up a phrase I mean I just don't know who's gonna do the what in this situation you already made that one up I mean haha that's that's my one white guy thing I got to stick to it who's gonna do the web who's gonna do what here I want to speak to your managers manager oh speaking of that phrase so I supposed to post a video on Friday yeah what the [ __ ] is up with that I mean II asked you everyone's wondering where are your [ __ ] videos well so I'll dive in a bit so this is something we do every time yeah people I get like other teams I've received in other comments I've received about the last episode that we did together people going like I hate how many times you said you were gonna get back to something and never did and now I just never know what I'm just perpetually gonna say I'm gonna post a video and then just never do it and they post one in like five years and they'll get like a hundred million views where are your [ __ ] videos okay what are you doing oh I mean you know what I'm doing but well they don't yeah okay so I'm trying to for the people I'm trying to start a production company actually my trying it's damn near done okay and I've been working on developing this short film it what's funny about this short film and if you guys check my channel in a few days I actually promise there will be a video there but I like it you know how like you get a dumb idea like this idea started with me kale and Taylor is just like oh it wouldn't be cool they'd like a girl with like a sword that's what started and it like just unraveled okay and then like the bad thing about me is I always immediately started going like well how can we do this like executing on this and like am I in the back of my head in my audios it's just like a long video a movie is just a long video and it is it is but like we start getting like the weeds of it and like real production like casting talent syncing up all these people getting locations and then like literally like this past one and a half months has just been like a blur like I'm like oh [ __ ] I actually haven't posted a video in a long time just because it's been that time-consuming to think about all these different things like they're like two weeks we're just going around like researching like practical effects and like like that's an element of the film is like doing [ __ ] by hand okay so what is the film about so it's called we finally settled on the title yeah person called Sookie okay and it's uh it's basically it's gonna be like a dark comedy but it's about this serial killer girl and sure she has a head of it sounds so bad but her thing like her her victim is like overweight like suburban white guys okay like it's not supposed to be a race thing but like the we're trying to like draw comedy and like the the offset like how small she is and how big they are and how she's like the what we've written for her to do with these like dude I don't even want to spoil it okay cuz it's only gonna be like six seven minutes but it's gonna be I'm telling you you will your sides will [ __ ] split really yes like this is hands-down one of the funniest things I've ever worked on and I think I will ever work on is it written yeah it's written you already wrote the whole thing yeah read the whole thing what yeah in the last month yeah really yeah like Jesus yeah we wrote it we have the talent I mean everything [ __ ] Budapest getting drunk I'm writing a film festival worthy well dude I mean we were like the three of us are [ __ ] hype because like that's why I'm feel like I need to give context here for everyone listening so I'm going to put out a GoFundMe and I'm so afraid to do this because I know what the movie looks like in my head but it's so hard to communicate that to other people yeah and then be like you want to like invest in this and so I don't know we'll see you dude oh I'm either gonna go broke to make it or I'll give you a few bucks yeah also be a few bucks yeah yeah fiver oh well that's not good let's start with one you see we go from there it every time someone donates $1 to my patreon it's just like no I'm like I'm like it's it's like bittersweet you know yeah I'm like I'm not I'm not like hating on the people that donate to the patreon because I like I think it's like 101 people now are some 127 or something very appreciative of that yeah but it's like come on one dollar [ __ ] I'm gonna do with one dollar I mean doesn't move the needle but I'm kidding I'm kidding of course no that sounds awesome it sounds like this is this [ __ ] still beeping it is this has happened now in in multiple episodes of my podcast it's just lying now no it sounds [ __ ] sick yeah I can't believe that you already written yeah it is written so I mean it'll and so if you raise them when it ones that go fund me gonna go live so we're aiming for either Tuesday or Thursday okay and it's oh this week yeah this week oh that's the bit for the videos yeah so like I've seen the trailer video it's I mean the initial the initial take it's [ __ ] sick yeah thanks where did you shoot that in kales apartment oh really yeah like the kitchens yeah let's try it it's crazy as it looks like a soundstage yeah it does yeah yeah and we're geeking off that yeah yeah I'm pumped for them to see it yeah the and the girl we got yeah and it was [ __ ] scary really yeah how'd you find her so actually here's a funny thing so we were so we wanted a Japanese lead okay and that's been like a big like thing for me like for the title I don't know what to do because the girl we got his Chinese and it's like automatically why did you know we did and so we've had like a major conflict about this like you know kale is kind of in the camp of like dude it's like a character it's not like you know whatever and I'm thinking about like that [ __ ] you know sjw like I'm just expecting an email from the American talent Association this is disgusting you continue to paint the data but here's what's crazy so we put out an ad on backstage yeah and back pages no no okay now come on now is there a is there website called backstages yeah xdxd just for way too close very clever that's wait it's so yeah I don't you can [ __ ] up and get a hooker actress but oh we got a we got a lot of I mean but so here's what's funny is we make a posting for the film and we say lead Japanese role dark comedy you know slasher what I would she responded to it yes she did okay she was like I just hope these dudes erases enough no it asks me but I'll touch on that in a second but here's what what's even funnier than that is first of all we got a shitload of applicants ok like 1 percent of them actually even Asian we got like Latin American white like these were I it was how are you gonna respond to a caste say you're not even the same race Japanese lead and it was like like 200 female actresses were like I don't give a [ __ ] I can take my eyes back like I think that's what was in their eyes like you could just tape their eyes back and paint it over and be like yeah you're Japanese now Jesus Christ so then of the small percentage that we got that were actually Japanese or Asian sorry only like one or two were Japanese and they were like half like they weren't so I hit a full screen there's no Japanese talent on even on the roster like while I fought like a 100% Japanese lead and then I that casting director that hit me up I hit her up I'm like I need a Japanese lead do you know anyone and even she was like I don't have anyone I don't know anyone that's a hundred percent Japanese in LA and she's been [ __ ] making movies for like a long time yeah like at least three four years yeah I think she told me like ten years yeah so I like I tapped everything to find a Japanese lead Wow and I couldn't find a single one in LA yeah we [ __ ] so if you're maybe if you're Japanese and you're an aspiring actor or an actress then then you have a pretty high chance of making it essentially potentially I don't know cuz the girl we got her name's Cece she's really good at producing like the looks while really looking like innocent but then looking [ __ ] frightening and she rides that line very well so you found someone yeah yeah yeah that's good yeah so man that's [ __ ] crazy yeah that's really crazy yeah not a single one and we posted that ad for the for these last two months for the duration of the pre-production and like us forming the LLC and all that [ __ ] we've had that add up and not a single 100% authentic Japanese person and we poke we've reposted it two more times rephrasing it like we tried everything huh like what are some famous Japanese that's what I started looking up and I couldn't think of any and I uh is it Lucy Liu is that it she's Japanese [ __ ] god damn it Liu is not a Japanese last name okay I'm sorry I'm sorry you're an ignorant I'm sorry I don't mean to be I'm learning I'm learning this is how this helps me it helps me talk this [ __ ] out you know it's funny is it's only because you're a blonde haired white guy on the internet you have to say sorry Mexican dude it would be like that's fine he wouldn't he doesn't know if I said this [ __ ] that you just said about the taping the eyes back yeah and that would be oh oh oh the white guy wants to hate eyes back oh of course of course I'm sorry I'm sorry so what if you raised the money and you're gonna go live what's the timeline like you trying to rate how much you trying to raise also ten grand 10 G's yeah and what's the timeline so probably from this week for about six weeks okay and then we're gonna see we can get and then just roll and then you'll shoot it and then was it's done you'll like submitted to film festivals and [ __ ] I think we're gonna go live with it okay and then submit it on a Vimeo or youtuber so yeah Vimeo and like cuz if any honestly dude like we actually just want to make it and share it with people yeah more than like we want to win the I mean the awards would be great I mean yeah but we more like want to show people like one like anyone that supports it we [ __ ] want them to have their hands on that yeah that's first and foremost and then to I honestly think like people will [ __ ] like love it yeah like and that's that's really what's driving this it's like we just want to put out a dark comedy because I feel like comedy is like such a I feel like like Logan Paul and and those guys that's the view of comedy that like a lot of people see on the Internet and so I kinda just want to present that other side like now it comes in many forms yeah and so yeah it's [ __ ] sick man it sounds like a really cool project nice man yeah I'm like that's the other you know you're a mural of course yeah you put you in the closet just dead as [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I'll gain a bunch of weight and I can feel like it's suburban I mean you've got enough way [ __ ] off don't worry you got double chin we can just push you're just push your head down you'll be good if you're just listening to this if you can see the look on Cody's face it is pure pert pert it's pure just emotional pain dude look I didn't I mean this is what happens I invite people on my podcast and I get [ __ ] roasted destroyed blamed sorry man it's uh I mean you just you just spend how long were you gone a month yeah almost a month a month on this month three three and a half weeks I think yeah dude you were right man Barcelona good what a city man the women there I could not believe it oh man couldn't believe it yeah unbeliev so it was horrible you had a bad time we're really bad to say you should say you never going back yeah anyone that goes there that that says that yeah just like [ __ ] their brains out yeah I mean or it's not even that it's just like it you go there and like there's a lot to explore yeah right now between the city the people that are when you're in relationship it's just not the same yeah like you know and and I feel like bars like let me use it Barcelona like flux I feel like everyone there wants to bang yeah oh and FEMA yeah it's like Chicago is that what Chicago's like Chicago box I don't even get it it's such a horny City it's crazy I did it I did a video about horny holidays a long time ago yeah if I were to do another one about horny cities yeah LA wouldn't not be on it not all no cago would be top of the [ __ ] list yeah everyone there wants to [ __ ] all the time that it's like it's like when you go like I feel like in a place like LA you go out and you're like pulling teeth to like talk your girls and they're like you know what I mean because a lot of them are very like up talking the guys to like everyone everyone uptight and I feel like that's just like dating life in LA everyone's like it takes a long time to prove that's why people are like kind of superficial here like you got to get the car and whatever call it Chicago it's like everyone's everyone's working a pretty similar job like at least you know in the I don't know people who I know that graduated from universities and whatnot like everyone has like a pretty decent job and and the city is so fun but it's so like I don't know it's just like it doesn't have any of the superficial miss and he never wants to [ __ ] everyone is like this is what life's about let's Bob its [ __ ] I've I don't never been in Chicago I want to go but it bucks yeah I mean not for that reason I just want to see it yeah but that's that's actually a funny ass concept of like horny like if there was like a Census Bureau of like the horniest cities yeah like [ __ ] per capita if it probably is yeah there should be there should be some stats on like what city [ __ ] the most I mean if there I mean you could probably look at birth rate but I don't think that does it justice we got to look at like you know they definitely have status on like unlike sex rates I'm pretty sure because I'm I think right now Devon told me this stat out of Japanese men right now I think it's like one in every seven I'd be wrong it's may be totally wrong with something like this one in every seven men have had a sexual experience by the time they turn 30 oh yeah yeah so basically six out of every seven happens by the time they write thirty years old which is [ __ ] insane Jeff Japan has a huge problem with that I mean I doesn't [ __ ] no Japan doesn't [ __ ] no it's actually pretty I mean it's been talked about for a minute but in like you've seen these headlines like they're not gonna have like their populations and start to decline yeah in a certain year or whatever but it like I was like looking at reasons why and people were like all the work life is too crazy I'm like how much are you working that you get home and you're like no I don't want to [ __ ] man like it's this depleting your whole [ __ ] body you're like now enjoy myself no I kind of get it yeah I kind of get it yeah I mean like I like sometimes like you know when I was basically when I used to like train for a marathon sure you know you'd do like a super long run and you get home and you're just like I would rather sleep and have sex right now definitely yeah a hundred percent yeah a hundred [ __ ] percent yeah maybe that's just me some people are some people aren't like that some people like us live for libido so high they're just like no sex trumps everything for me it's not really like that I'm just a madman and I will do anything at any hour okay Jesus I mean not like that I mean just like wheat like kale was dying the on the first shoot for like our GoFundMe thing yeah it was like 2:00 in the morning okay and I'm like no no like like like getting you card like let's go yeah like and swap out and everyone in the room his roommate was passed out on the floor our guy running audio is just like dying and then everyone in the room is like no please no man oh one more take we need to figure this out you're a good producer Thanks yeah have you watched that show of the Defiant ones probably not no it's like about music industry Jimmy Iovine okay and they start talking about Jimmy Iovine and it's like I'm not comparing myself to Jimmy Iovine but they started like describing him as a music producer I felt sick because I'm like I have some of these qualities written well that's good I mean it's good but then like but he's also a piece of [ __ ] exactly people have like worked for him well the thing that they say about him is he's incredibly persistent okay so like I like I won't spoil too much of it but there was some female artists that he was working with and he wanted her to listen to a song written by Tom Petty okay I wanted her to do okay and she was like four days like the only thing he would tell me is would you listen to the tape do you listen to the tape what do you think listen the tape what do you think that and I'm like do that [ __ ] do that it's just I don't know anyway no you don't think you do not like I think you could be more of a hard-ass especially with with Kayla and Taylor I think you could at least when I'm around you guys yeah but I mean like you guys are like good friends or yeah it's alright I feel like yelling if you had like random people could you like bring the hammer down yes cuz I've worked with producers that are like [ __ ] hard asses yeah like especially like even like directors assistants and some like that that are like yeah they won't take [ __ ] mm-hmm they're like this is my job I'm taking it very seriously like we're moving on to the next [ __ ] scene like it spoke stop laughing like I think with this first short film I think that side of me is going to come out yeah because it'll got it yeah it's oh yeah and it's got a little have a lot riding on it yeah and I'll be damned if I let some [ __ ] Rando like making weed jokes yeah be like shut the [ __ ] up yeah we have 12 hours and I'm getting this movie so you're going to funny joke though [ __ ] it that's good matter of fact I'm gonna use that one you know so uh shut the [ __ ] up thanks for the joke get the [ __ ] back to the truck and get the [ __ ] to twelve by twelve and get them out here you have five minutes um so wait a minute hold on let's let's talk wait let's talk about Barcelona wow we actually came back to come we actually [ __ ] came back producing producing right now let's get back speaking of producing I want to actually derail it you know what that brings up a great day [Laughter] so for Barcelona yeah bucks how long were you there a week so I was there for two or three days and then and then flew to Ibiza for two days flew back and was there for another three days got it and then flew so I think in total I was there for about six days but we did wrong jetlag really [ __ ] me up yeah it really really affects me like it takes me a full week to get actual actually used today cuz I think sleep in general like I just my body I can't not sleep yeah I'm not one of those people that like you know can sleep three hours and feel totally fine right [ __ ] need eight hours otherwise I'm not like functioning correctly yeah so jet like [ __ ] me up hardcore so it literally like for me it's it's an hour it takes a day to get one hour take a god and so every day I like am used to it by an hour longer so it usually takes me about seven days to get used to like a European time different alright first of all I got a [ __ ] roast you this is the [ __ ] athletic gene that you have right here but the fact that you have your jet lag broken down to a system like this has your dad written all over it this is the craziest thing I've heard them on I've never heard anyone have a math for their jet thing I think that's a common thing maybe for [ __ ] white guys with athlete genes I've I'm not I'm not saying it's my statistic I'm saying it's a statistic yeah I think about like I'd say it's a it's a understanding that it's about an hour per day per hour what did you read this someone said it to me I was in Slovenia like three years ago that's on the side of that to me and I was like that makes a lot of sense it takes me about four five days I was just hoping it's gonna be your dad like my dad told me that seat banks it was my dad I went to Slovenia doing but the people who know Colby I was joking with Colby about this yeah that you it [ __ ] annoys me when I'll be talking to you at midnight they're like dude I'm out okay like I'm kind of hammer it I'm pretty [ __ ] them right now and 6:00 a.m. you'll respond to one of my jokes oh I'll dude that's funny I'm like go to sleep Cody be a person what how I can't do that I can't knock out out no one no you you have you attacked me at 1:00 a.m. and you go dude I'm sorry I'm super faded right now I'm playing I'm playing whatever [ __ ] video game do you have time to read this script and I'm like no dude I'm going to bed and then you text me at 11:00 like sorry bro just got up yeah I am the only person on Saturday night that's sending people scripts yo dude what are you doing right now I'm getting [ __ ] blasted cold I've around four can you read page three I'd [ __ ] tag that with you jokes dude what are you doing right now um I'm just being social having a social life what are you doing well I just polish up version for this script if you wouldn't mind going through it today I'm at a party man I'm not gonna just open the I'll send you the PDF use open it up and throw the bathroom in this is really real quick cuz we're about to roll in this thing we're shooting it right now we're shooting it right now that's literally what you said to me the other day I'm at the airport and he sends me a script is it can you read this and I was like sure I can do it in a second I'm like going through customs at the airport I'm like he's like we're about to roll on this right now which means he was about to shoot it he had the actress there yeah and he's sending me the script for final yeah eggs or something yeah you got ain't got any last-minute ideas yeah yeah that's uh I don't know it's just but by the way I want to talk about the July 4th party that's when you're talking to Colby right yeah ok but you can get back let's talk about Barcelona what were you saying about Barcelona No so did you what it how did you like the food oh yeah right so so what this was I was about to say takes me a while to get over jet lag so we get there and I think the first night maybe I think maybe the first night we try to sleep yeah and like you know you wake up in the middle of night whatever the second night we went to opium which is a nightclub there and it's open all night yeah and so we were there all night we watched the Sun go up yeah and then we drank till 1:00 p.m. which you can imagine for a person who's like sleep sensitive trying to get used to like another time zone you staying up and for like 36 hours or wherever the [ __ ] that my body was like what's going on and no wonder you needed the ammonia that is nuts we saw that Club we saw that Club and I looked at the pictures and I'm like I won't be awake yeah like that Club does not stop oh yeah this I mean was there ever a point where it was thinning out or was s like till 6:00 yeah everyone everyone was there destroying myself I mean it got it got packed at like 1:00 a.m. that's crazy like that's when we were like going out that's crazy I just don't get how people do that like I got a bit like last night I went to bed at 2:00 and and I was exhausted this morning yeah yeah people stay out all night does that just totally [ __ ] like is there not a concept of a Sunday in Spain is there just Saturday Saturday just one big day one big day you front load and then you pay for it yeah you know that's way that's why everyone there doesn't want to deal with Americans because they're still hungover from their [ __ ] 48 hours Saturday on Tuesday they're like listen [ __ ] I don't I can't do the English thing you don't understand the pain yeah oh my god do people in Spain die faster cause like you can't just live more years than we have I think no also they sleep more cuz that's why they take the CS and [ __ ] yeah that's really weird isn't it like it doesn't have Anna Barcelona though not a ton yeah but there were some stores were like we wanted to go yeah it was like closed from 4:00 to 4:30 it's like that's exactly the time we need dicks and like most of the people like I just met Americans basically yeah like by my parents my parents hikes the Camino which is like this like 30 day hike in Spain so they were like rural Spain yeah which is where it actually like everyone takes siesta for like two hours at like 4:00 p.m. and so like they'd start hiking in the morning and they hike like thirty kilometers in a day or something it arrived at the town like right at 4:00 p.m. so like exhausted [ __ ] completely depleted they just need food and everything is [ __ ] closed cuz people I sleep at uh does your dad get mad at anything no not really I can't I mean like I don't know him yeah but like from the one vlog yeah it doesn't he doesn't he strikes me is not a guy who gets angry yeah yeah I can't see him like Madras I mean got super angry like getting there and just like that would be classic like moment for a white guy rage you do it like not understanding of like that's all my dad would be like who is going to yeah the white hair like what oh Jesus they don't need to put a sign up for this this is not that's not okay what do they do such a white guy thing saying that's not okay they're whole it's sort of culture like it's built into their this is their society that's not okay that's just not accommodating at all just dismissing a custom with just that's not right no they should be putting a sign up for this [ __ ] no they shouldn't be I'm gonna jump one level and say that's Americans yeah America yeah it's not even a white guy thing Americans anywhere else is all about customer service I mean yeah I talked about this is my last podcast about how like I was complaining because everything in Spain is slow and there's lines for everything he had signs and you're like honestly whatever but I realized it's like as an American I just like being like babied through [ __ ] yeah you know everything I love having my Google Maps I love knowing exactly where I'm going I love when I ask someone like I talked I said this joke last time I was like I won't stand up from a table I'll stand up at it when I'm in a restaurant I'll stand up from the table to go to the bathroom but I won't move from the table until I have a waitress tell me which direction that I'm not gonna just wander around the restaurant like a scared baby I know like a blind person like you know try to find that freaking out like you know I mean environments just freaking me out Europeans will just be likely to walk up through your pina bag hi where's the you know I'm supposed to meet someone near the this intersection whatever they're like why you talking to me figure it out yeah walk around I get [ __ ] off [ __ ] off just figure it out like I feel like that's the most of Europe it's just figure yeah actually and people told me that was a really cringey thing to say we were like I'm European I'm cringing right now hearing this yeah yeah you come to America you have shitty surface insights - mmhmm yeah I mean America's shitty in so many ways absolutely yeah hundred percent yeah 100 percent yeah but Europeans they don't they don't like the stranger thing yeah like it's it's so it's not their thing to just like hey man do you have the like hey hey what's up man yeah quick I was talking to Elena's cousin and he was like in Europe you don't ask people how they're doing like that's just not yeah cuz they the first time I went to America some guy at the grocery store asked me how I was doing first thought I had was like [ __ ] off man I don't know you you know we just have such a different like invade people's yeah [ __ ] really kill them with kindness okay really [ __ ] no tell them attack them with your smile make them feel uncomfortable with your kindness because you don't get that anywhere that like we went hi welcome in there it's so much information yeah when you walk in a [ __ ] when you walk in it like oh what's this what's the place that everyone goes welcome to firehouse or something when you get in there yeah yeah you walk in the wagon fire what about us every single employee does that it's like dude who who made that rule for you or Jersey Mike's when they get a tip yeah they do they go Bing or like chick-fil-a can say my pleasure after every time you say thank you my pleasure my pleasure my pleasure my pleasure and it becomes like good like a thing like yeah they try to say it more yeah yeah better yeah yes sir oh my no it's my pleasure no no no it's mine no please sir it's my pleasure it's my pleasure pleasure I always like it I [ __ ] hate when we go to chick boy and you're always doing that funny thank you thank you thank you the next time you guys go to a chick-fil-a they half the rule is for their employees they have to save my pleasure if you say thank you they have to say that's their only answer that they can say to thank you is my pleasure it's a thing it's a rule so try it go to chick-fil-a next time go up to the thing and just say thank you as many times as you can don't be weird about it don't go thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you just be like just you know I mean like if she asks you what what kind of drink you want you begged I cope thank you put it just say it want to supersize it yes thank you actually you know no thank you no say it twice my pleasure my pleasure my pleasure it's [ __ ] hilarious dude I think we did that one of the vlogs right yeah we had like a my pleasure counter at your counter so you the food did you like the food dude so yeah so someone I was talking to you sir day studied abroad in Barcelona buy so many college people study yeah in Barcelona yeah it's like 80% of people with net were like yeah we're studying abroad so somebody I was talking to yesterday studied abroad in in Spain and he was like how'd you like the food and I was like I thought it was amazing he was like I didn't like it at all but that's because we wish wait wait I found the very first night I was there I found this [ __ ] tapas place okay and he was just unfuckin real you walk in remember the name um no obviously I don't remember the name people listeners of my podcast know that I just don't know the names of [ __ ] ever yeah I'm gonna make a shirt that says I forget the name of that place I'd be you know you walk in and it's like the bar has like it's like the bar and then has like an elevated like shelf on the bar weight and plates and plates and plates of like finger food uh-huh and so you just take one each one it's like a piece of bread with some sort of like cheese meat and like sauce or whatever and it has a toothpick through it okay you take it and you just basically load up your play with these things you eat them and then they collect the sticks and each stick is like a pricing on it and so they it's like all-you-can-eat sushi place basically like what's the same way so you just walk in you eat this these just [ __ ] hors d'oeuvres okay he's wonderful hors d'oeuvres I love that we're day that word order orders mmm love it so you just eat these wonderful hors d'oeuvres say order yes amazing right great does it feel good it feels good calls off a little bit so anyways we eat these wonderful orders at the end and then you're stuffed and at the end they collect things and it's like pretty reasonably priced okay but it's amazing and then the last time we went to this fish place called la Pieta data okay did you go there no [ __ ] unreal dude I'm allergic to [ __ ] see oh yeah right why the [ __ ] would I go there what do you do like the food there that's why I said what I said because I'm allergic I didn't have as much fun [ __ ] is allergic to seafood bro everyone in my family looks at me that way because it's just me and my sister it's insane actually not not even my sister is just me so you've never had like a shrimp taco no you're telling me you've never had calamari no you're telling me you've never had a sea bass no really I just had like telling me you've never had fish and chips no you're telling me you've never had a fillet of fish from adults okay really yep seriously never you're telling me you've never had a shrimp cocktail where you dip it in the cocktail sauce [ __ ] if you had cocktail sauce no oh my god do I do when we did that [ __ ] Clamato video yeah we did that Clamato video I just tasted that beer and I felt that clam juice and I [ __ ] turn I started turning red if you remember and I started getting like hot and I was like I thought you know what it started happening and then I was like yo does this have [ __ ] like [ __ ] in it and you're like oh yeah I'm like of course it's Clym juice delicious oh come gonna die I've never had an oyster no you know how to muscle no Jesus no really yeah you never had a thick ahi tuna steak just cooked perfect seared just imagining everyone listening to this right now like he hasn't had food Cody you asked say no but a bucket say no we just did that for the next hour never had mahi-mahi and I've never had macadamia and macadamia crusted mahi mahi no really yep really really you're telling me you've never had some sort of a shrimp hors d'oeuvre now never swim Botev no no that's fine wait oh is Marcus here I saw Marquez here yeah Marcus he's napping dammit I don't know how he's napping over this that's it he's in his room like yeah why is [ __ ] listing every type of fish ever he's just half awake like you know what I learned in Europe the goddamn mom that should start planning how to actually do a British accent oh yeah we're like what drives a British accent what is this enunciate they don't move their jaws okay I didn't realize that or know that okay you know let's do it so I'm trying to think of like a word you're doing me head in no no like just even a word Oh like like level right yeah the way the way we say that level yeah like they we really lean a bit level like it'd be just quick okay we're like the historic top man uh-huh I'd say I'm gonna go to top man I'm gonna talk me tilt them yeah top man yeah because we do the top man and like galena's Elena's cousin said the funniest [ __ ] to me she was like you you guys move your jaw so much it it's like a lot of work like it looks like it hurts doesn't it bother you it's great it's a great observation there yeah it's it's [ __ ] it's weird if you just don't move your jaw on any word you automatically sound British yeah that's hilarious yeah that's great should use that thanks bro yeah use it on stand up funny um I've been watching so much of this goddamn British reality show I can't [ __ ] stop watching it I've never been addicted to a show like this ever my entire life and the worst part is it's on every night for an hour well this morning I wasted two hours watching what is there hope called love island what is that even about so they put like no I shook my head because I described this on the podcast before us everyone's like I know it's already they take like five girls five guys all [ __ ] smoking hot right they put them all in a house together and they add like another guy and so it's like there's always a gonna offset okay right and or there isn't or it's even whatever but basically the idea is at the end of each week got it that's it that's the only thing so it's just it's just it's like a normal reality show stripping away all the [ __ ] of like the games in like the whatever yeah and it's just about sex and attraction and like being in a couple with a person that's crazy it's [ __ ] nuts dude it's on every night they there's enough drug cuz these people are just in a house and they're not doing anything else there's nothing else to do except smoke cigarettes and just create drama yeah and like try to attract people yeah so each day there's enough there's a there's a big enough like piece of drama or basically enough like pieces of of they're gonna have to be they can generate an hour-long episode holy Sh every day that's an out of what goes on in this house that's a goldmine and it's unreal it's like the the timeline is like because because all they have to do is sit around and talk or whatever the amount of [ __ ] that happens in a day in that house like you could be in love with someone and then break up with them in a day it's like that it's like a month squeeze into a day because it's all they have to do it's psychologically so [ __ ] oh [ __ ] but I'm sure it's like I'm it you know okay so to that point I've so remember I watch the last season of The Bachelor and you were like I hate that you like that [ __ ] yeah yeah I've been watching The Bachelorette cuz the first cuz I like I actually want to do a bit about this but it seemed like such well trotted one but basically there's never been a black bachelor okay like Bachelorette really yeah so this is the first like at least two minors a Blatch learn oh yeah no sorry sorry apologize now before they I'm sorry I'm sorry no so it's like it's the first black Bachelorette and I'm like I'm enjoying the dynamic of like this situation but like I shouldn't say enjoying cuz it's also like it's kind of [ __ ] okay like you can tell she feels a lot of pressure on like who she chooses okay because of race okay you know I'm saying yeah and so like when she's like a guy home it really [ __ ] her up because like half of her is like I really like this guy then she has this other voice that's like but if you if you keep him it's like dissing that and so like this actually when I started watching this season I'm like all right the show's [ __ ] up yeah this shouldn't be a thing yeah but going back to the last season I didn't feel that way and I wrote everyone off on that show as crazy and I'm just harping on this because I feel like it's related to this love island yeah I wrote people off in that show like these people are [ __ ] nuts and obviously some of them want to be on TV and all that but then like I took a step back like watching The Bachelorette I'm like no these this requires a certain level of confidence like these people if they show up to a club that you're in just go home because they're gonna [ __ ] whoever you want yeah because like I like conceptually did the bachelor is the equivalent of like me like if you know I hit Abilene I'm like hey I know you're talking to 15 other dudes I want to put them in me in a house and they're still gonna want to [ __ ] me it's the craziest setup yeah so I can't like the whole concept of like being in love while cameras are around it like it I don't I don't get it it it's so unnatural and I would immediately be insecure ya know these people don't give a [ __ ] that's the that's the crazy part is walking around naked all day in houses they don't care at all it's that's the nutty part about it oh yeah it's unreal yeah and it's crazy the people they pick you just you just you like you know I mean that's why reality [ __ ] just reminds me of why I [ __ ] love reality shows I used to love Big Brother right yeah talk about this report but it's just like you get to know the kid just reminding me why I used to like my brother so much you get to know the characters this person you get to know their personality whatever and then you're like rooting for certain people and whatever and it's just like it's sick man it's just sick in a bad way you know I'm so invested in this show right now and I'm wasting my time I should I'm back from this trip I should be [ __ ] writing and working on content and I never stop watching these people I think that's the funniest part is you can write anything that's smart and cool and whatever but at the end of the day you just watching two people trying to [ __ ] like porn reality TV an HBO show like that's the [ __ ] that gets you going oh yeah like yeah so we go [ __ ] well that's it's amazing how it bridges the gap in every single mm-hmm like every demographic of you loves watching those shows like you know my friend who one of my one of my best friends like degree likes really really really super smart dude degree in music he's now an engineer he started his own company all this stuff like super smart dude loves watching that show like we talked about it yeah cuz he loves watching it it's like you know I mean he he he hates on me for let her know like there's some types of music I listen to it's alright because it's like I feel like it's he's like a little bit I don't he would never listen to this [ __ ] right I was in some of the [ __ ] that I listened to at least right or some of the [ __ ] that I watch for the people that I watch on YouTube whatever but for some reason loved Island we totally intact and yeah like hell yeah the show fools my favorite like it appeals the lowest common denominator bro yeah I mean this is a sketch I'll never do but that's why I so badly wanted to do that like that baby mama bachelor yeah but I want to see that for real and for those of you listening the concept is it's a dude like a bachelor but it's all the contestants are single mothers and he's competing and it's a competition for like the stepdad which is brutally fucked-up but also because I feel like bachelor like specifically the bachelors they have it they don't really have to try like the the season I watch this dude Nick like I told you he just said the same thing over and over he just had like a [ __ ] three line script that he just said to all these girls and like they're like okay tell it was amazing how much they trusted him I'm glad he's literally just this is not difficult he's cheating on every single one yeah every other one again you're all afraid it's like [ __ ] crazy yeah and and so I think the the females have it harder because the dudes are so like hey bro let me get in there yeah and then like when dudes get emotional they get like [ __ ] violence yeah like when a dude's emotionally doesn't know how to deal with it like he get she gets all these guys that are just insecure but they're going nuts and it's coming out as like music man yeah I love this and these are slamming [ __ ] and start acting 12 and she's like holy [ __ ] the producer can you come over here like [ __ ] restrain him actually savage yeah it's like literally savage I mean these guys are just turning into primates well I want to go this dude on this season this is a skinny [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] guy he was [ __ ] with a wrestler and like he was like lying to The Bachelorette and dead uh and like he was like feeding lies and like this dude was battling like just mountains of testosterone he's like his world is [ __ ] people up that's like got all these cameras around he's like I'm not trying to yeah like he's a wrestler or whatever is that on right now yeah is the bachelor in bachelor just constantly on is it everybody just like once one season ends it just out next one straightens yeah yeah they keep you going forever dude it's crazy man but yeah and so I want to see a dude actually have to deal with like real conversations yeah like not just be like oh not just surface level just dude I'm sorry yeah I know you feel [ __ ] up right now yeah but don't worry everything's gonna be okay thank you so much feel so much better and he's like alright actually get out of here yeah your time is up yeah it's like he cut her like yeah and then he's just reading off of [ __ ] he's got this bat written on his hand and the hand news likes looking so smudge there's like kind of Donna Britney you don't worry I know that it's Simas but I think we have a real connection connection [ __ ] now I [ __ ] that up hold on one second yeah Mike's connection sorry one season this dude he I think he was actually like having sex with some of the contestants and a girl like he liked he put up like this image like using you know don't [ __ ] believe and likeness in there okay wait this is the bachelor a batch okay I know I keep [ __ ] bouncing between yeah I know but he's like he's like puts on this facade that he's like this good guy and like he doesn't get physical any like [ __ ] two of the girls and then one of the girls he they get like a one-on-one date and she's like so remember when you said like this like why were you [ __ ] her and her and he's just like oh well and watching him like try to dig out of that hole and her face was [ __ ] classic none of the [ __ ] was even getting into her head she's like huh huh huh okay got it really I think she like left the show shortly after really yeah but it was the wrestler guy a similar thing he ended up being the most mature okay cuz he had a daughter okay and that's what was [ __ ] him up so what was crazy I cuz I've never seen this on the show grain I've only seen two seasons but he goes up to the Bachelorette and he goes you know I don't feel like this started off the way I wanted it to so I need to know now if you think this is going anywhere because I'm not gonna tell my daughter that we have a thing just for you to leave and she goes like you know what I don't think it's where it's gonna be yet he's like me neither cool and then like he just left like just left a show like done Wow yeah yeah I mean why do you even go on the show then like what what and what do you really think the odds are that this is the girl for you dawg looking ahead and entertainment like she's hot she's she's charismatic that's it like you know what sucks dude is you go on the show to find a mom for your kid like you think you're gonna find that on the [ __ ] bachelor in front of all of America like I had not even standing out for it but like looking at him from the start of the show like there was a legit passion there really yeah like he was like yo this girl like I see it hi 100% see it and I think you kind of have to see that like they're gonna go on that show yeah but I mean maybe it's just it's just they pick the type of people they choose I feel that they're very easy like yeah fall in love with on the surface yeah it is right yeah cuz the that's you know and same thing for that show you get these hot-ass people that want to be like want to be in love yeah I mean that's one of the things that I was gonna say about this show that I love so much about love island is because there's just nothing to do they do they just create these like deep conversations about relationships and about all these things right thing but well because they have to be nothing else to do so they're like literally the most confrontational people ever because they have nothing else to do I walk around the house back have a chat for a second sure what do you think about this girl what's your relationship with her whatever it's nuts dude and so like in the pasture where you just kind of have these and like the bats are sort of the same thing I guess I don't know where but I feel like I feel like it's a lot of like just smoke and mirrors it's a lot of [ __ ] like they just like it's like a guy telling a girl what she wants to hear and whatever and it's like a surface level show right in love island like people actually like you like learn like it's crazy like nobody's afraid to talk behind people's backs and then be like by the way that person was talking behind your back and then they come up to the person all day you were talking behind my back and the person's like I was and I knew you're gonna find out and this is what revving a [ __ ] so one lower on an alley for no reason it's crazy anyways I professed my love for this show now for like three episodes of the [ __ ] box I'll watch it maybe dude maybe we just like I know we were about to say we start a podcast up yeah we watch love island and logan paul vlog breakdown like character psychology like we take it past the content and we talked about people because there's something i actually want to talk about with jake paul's [ __ ] vlog the fact that he has those two latin twins yeah is the [ __ ] clearest example of like racial side [ __ ] show peace yeah it like it doesn't bother me so much as like I want to know his real thinking like what you saw them he was like oh perfect Spanish speakers yeah this can work fellas this can work and there's no one in the room he's just talking to his [ __ ] multiple personalities he's talking like these mirrors I think Jay Paul is gonna kill someone yeah yeah Logan is the the one who's like grounded Jake Paul's gonna be the one we're gonna see it in 10 years like [ __ ] former vlogger and actor did that former Disney Channel actor okay kill some like [ __ ] kills Bodega [ __ ] fans Bodega like this drives a truck and it some fans and like gets out he's a dark but [ __ ] darkest [ __ ] yeah I just yeah whatever hat what happened to just a completely change the subject what happened to the sketch that I was in that you filmed that we talked about last time that never came out what the [ __ ] happened to that I might want to reshoot that no come on yeah I know why wasn't me no actually it was it was me I did not pick I cut it and then I sent it to some friends and they were like yo you missed opportunities here in here I'm like oh you didn't send me to cut cuz I was I was embarrassed to show it to anyone no really I wasn't feeling it okay so well fair enough yeah I'll be in it if you want to reshoot it we tried to come back to Barcelona many times and no we did I think we discuss Barcelona pretty thoroughly yeah yeah the main thing you wanted as was the food the food thing yeah yeah yeah where else did you go on your trip again you were in Iceland okay right Barcelona Iceland everyone thought we were in Iceland at the same time Yeah right right so like I just have to address it someone called you a snake on one of my posts they're like I know you said this last time did I yeah did I yeah I can't even remember anymore this is what happens to me yeah I end up saying the same stories in the same [ __ ] over and over again yeah we're just figuring it out you know yeah you know we're deleting brain cells and sharing this experience one at a time no but one thing we did say we're gonna come back to you was the July 4th party I don't know that was because I was that was abroad you never [ __ ] come out with us ever you never call this because you don't like the party or drink or have fun I don't like that fun so when I learned you were at Gideon's house for George I was like I was like everyone's hanging out everyone's hanging everyone that's the day that everyone decides to everyone decides to go and hang out the day that I'm [ __ ] gone huh oh man that was so good first of all they had a [ __ ] had a few laughs okay Colby and I were talking about your [ __ ] wake up thing and then Colby was a little wake up okay yeah your sleep schedule and Colby's like well not all of us have a [ __ ] goddamn Spartan dad and I'm like yeah [ __ ] this full [ __ ] world-record-setting jeans what's the [ __ ] criticize the sleep schedule you [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out all of us have a Spartan - yeah you bastard athlete but you know it's actually a cop-out [ __ ] it my grandfather used to get up and swim like 12 miles a day really for like 40 years so I literally have no excuse yeah yeah it's innate it's there and your grandfather is what race still not disclosing huh I mean we can talk about it no no leave it that's the joke it has ever made a big us he's 100% himself so friend her dad would get up every single day he would run eight mile oh no no longer than that I think honestly like I at 10 miles or like a half marathon every day every single day every day just and it's like at that point it's like dude you're just like you look like your Wittering you yeah yeah you got it away it's falling apart yeah you see those [ __ ] 70 year old guys in the morning just like trotting yeah they're [ __ ] shin splints every stepdad now I'm gonna get through this yeah [ __ ] uh so the party first of all Gideon at some point ran away to the beach okay and he came back and he's wet Gideon looks insanely Greek when his hair is wet okay like with just his man-bun or like his regular hair is just good yeah he came out of the water his [ __ ] Meccano nose that was his name you know and he was like running up my nose as the name whatever city is [ __ ] Island or wherever the parking [ __ ] column Greek god Zeus I don't give a [ __ ] like this fool looked like he created Chobani yogurt there you go yeah like he [ __ ] his comes out I was imagining like just a line of middle-aged women yeah from his paddleboarding class oh my god what is your name again Giovanni [ __ ] this your house it's this crazy name is Giovanni your name this is a mate my daughter would love you like that skinny over this type of dude that that would happen they have a DJ and [ __ ] for the party no it was just like music planes to go barbecue yeah there's a funny part where the music actually just disappeared so it was just conversation and I just felt like I was listening to room tone yeah Marc isn't Colby or liked it a song needs to play we don't care what it is at this point [ __ ] Spotify Home Depot add I don't give a [ __ ] needs to be something no way no sounds much better than SoundCloud ads are the worst thing in the entire [ __ ] world SoundCloud ad they're so invasive I know it's like you're in the middle of a [ __ ] workout or something I mean you're like last rep of your bench press and all of a sudden it's like Squarespace number one late and you're like drop the bench press on your neck and you [ __ ] yeah okay what name the ad that [ __ ] you up like [ __ ] pisses you walking well that's the most memorable I want to see if it's the one I'm thinking of not the Home Depot on everyone tweets about that one on soundcloud yes and uh because I think I know what it is [ __ ] it takes exactly five seconds to hack your brain you just want to no no no no no I don't know that one it's the scariest [ __ ] yes is dope and you hear like you know what's easier to hack than your computer oh my god no I'm [ __ ] talking to it and I've heard this ad a million times but they get they get down to like something it's something deeply [ __ ] up you're like you're like all of a sudden like on a phone call it's like no what is it is their hacker man it's your brain what it's like a [ __ ] things like social engineering for like smoking okay it's like a non-smoking uh but it starts out like this deep like [ __ ] you know it you know easy to skate your bank account I'm like no tell me more and then by the end of it's like don't smoke I'm gonna [ __ ] you just telling me not to vapor whatever Jesus yeah and the worst part is SoundCloud there's a bunch of [ __ ] with SoundCloud this week I know remember that it's like it's like feeding off money in their 50 days bro I don't think that's true this is probably like it's like a loose I mean SoundCloud tweeted they were like so basically SoundCloud said they only have enough there was an article that came out that said SoundCloud only has enough money for like 50 days of service left or whatever but I think they tweeted and they were like your musics going nowhere nowhere and neither are we and I had like a hundred thousand retweets so many people support that [ __ ] come yeah it's just unreal because they can't monetize yeah cuz their whole business is built on on just the rappers exactly it's like this concept of like free you know like basically up-and-coming artists yeah who don't have money nobody who listens to them as for any money that's that's the thing that [ __ ] like is [ __ ] up with AD based platforms like YouTube and everything like it's like damned if you do damned if you don't because if they don't conform to some like enable these ads or whatever look like what who the [ __ ] else is gonna do it cuz hosting is not a [ __ ] ain't cheap room yeah people are you're a mad when you see do you have adblock yeah you use it yeah I'm a dick I get so mad if you 1/8 like Walt even they have adblock on I'm like dude you were like literally hurting my [ __ ] well I only have adblock on certain computers ok so I like I let it run or we get at your multi lightweight flex with computer I mean depends what room of the house I'm in you know depends what experience I'm going for I feel like feeling a little more normal well I go down to the basement it's got a lot more normal things in there yeah a little more feisty I'll go to the the movie theater dude we wanna when we finish this film we want to do like a private screening oh yeah but because it's like a dark comedy I was thinking like you know there's one way you can spin it all industry and like Lulu like scary the the other thing I thought about doing was just booking like five like comedians or like you mean and like a couple other like really strong like dark ass comics and do sets in yeah but like the only like five seven minutes yeah but like the goal is like each one of them rides like a just grimly like [ __ ] up premise it doesn't look like violent or a task but it's just kind of like basically a [ __ ] room where all the jokes that like you don't want recorded things you don't want you're a really cool idea just for a show yeah I was thinking like that just dark yeah like just the whole thing is this it makes you feel like every joke so you don't want to laugh yeah yes yes but it's like who could do that well or just are great yeah Jeselnik those guys are say mmm and the people who try to do it and fail like we've seen so many people on open mikes try to do that sell of comedy yeah and our jet like they jest it's just [ __ ] up yeah not funny it has a too [ __ ] up I'm gonna ride that line you know you gotta make people like squirm but they still laugh at it they're like yo like this one time is do gets up we saw him do a set at an open mic and he gets up and he tries to do the whole Jeselnik thing there's really old dude in the front realm of that yeah there's an 80 year old guy that I just like wandered in we're just watching a comedy show yeah and the totally innocent dude just watching and the guy just like starts ripping on this dude telling me what he's about to die soon and all this stuff and everyone in the audience is just cringing they're like dude what did this guy do to you will you keep tit do that [ __ ] and it'll be funny yeah and in like I think a lot of that's the problem dude and I was actually think about that yesterday the brutal part was stand-up is how hard you failed for so long yeah like to figure out either what you're doing is not funny yeah or for someone to tell you you're [ __ ] access yeah and all and all this in that and like it's like a double-edged sword cause it's like you got to get up and do what you want to do but you it's like humor is always at the expense of others but people like it's so clear when they see their Idol look I want to do that yeah and like they either get up and they try to do Louis [ __ ] try to do that [ __ ] and you're just like that's when I get frustrated I'm like your influence is so clear you didn't even bother to try to change it yeah you're just like ah you know you know this is some Louie would say no I mean actually it's funny that you bring this up because I just read a comment Oh someone accused you of stealing oh yes I saw that in the past podcast I don't know what they were talking about Oh weird yeah huh it's funny you must be you must just be just as funny as Lucy yeah I must think of the same premises no I was actually I actually wanted to respond to that and be like what are you talking about but not in unlikely I'm curious what do you oh yeah I really want to know what is it referring to so if you're watching this yeah tell me accuser yack user whatever the [ __ ] you think I stole yeah please tell me yeah cuz uh um if there's anything I hate I hate crossing streams like that [ __ ] pissing in the same premise I hate that oh really I try so hard to get away from that yeah that's why I hate most of my standup cuz I'm like I know someone has said this it's like that's what it's about it's about your perspective yeah and like whatever angle you can find on it yeah but premises are all the same that's that's what makes it relatable that's makes it funny that's I tell you the [ __ ] crazy bit I like I don't know whatever then I'm trying to work on my side shake in my head okay like basically I'm trying to like talk about like auditory hallucination um because I like I'll have it before I fall asleep okay and so one night I had one where it was like a pissed-off like white girl okay I'm like the OC and a lotta Tori hallucination yes it's like like I get in this weird state where it's like as I'm falling asleep like it I just hear people talking okay so sometimes we're talking to me sometimes it's just two people talking whatever I just hear a conversation here so creepy yeah so one time it's this girl and she's just she's venting to me okay like endlessly okay and she's just like uh and this [ __ ] these people I don't know and so I'm thinking like oh my god and I how long am I gonna be awake listening to this girl tell me these bad stories like I don't and that was my fear was just having to hear her stories anything about the voice yeah I know that so the bit I'm trying to work out is like having a side chick in my head where it's like she's like permanently they're competing for my attention when I'm talking to my real-life girlfriend and then like it just becomes like this [ __ ] weird thing it's like very like abstract dude you're talking about Jay Paul having mental problems yeah I know right that's the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] I've ever heard I know that you have a personality disorder hey but if it works it works what if I just like take over what are you saying Cody is your weird angle on the joke or whatever I got one funny story then I'm gonna wrap it up because I wore on the subject of stand-up I was walking on the streets in Croatia met this dude that was like on y'all weekend whatever he's dude from Jersey and we're just like I'm kind of drunk and we're just like whatever and you know like you test stand up on people have real life yeah so I wanted to test this joke we're talking about we're talking about rap concerts and so I have this bit about how I hate rap concerts because the rapper makes you do all the work this is linked to the things and they put like Mike to the thing and then you got a dune you're like oh no I came here to see you do the words what are you talking about right and so my punch is its rap concerts are the Korean barbeque of rap shows of the Korean barbecue of concerts and I said that and he [ __ ] cracked up Wow and he goes he goes oh that's great man I'm gonna use that I'm gonna use that and he walks away and I was like no no no no don't don't you said don't use my [ __ ] he's a man I hate Korean barbeque restaurants you got to cook the food they make you cook the food man that's a great joke I'm gonna use that I'm like no no no no no no dawg don't this is a guy from Jersey dude your material yeah and that's it yeah I know he's out there in y'all week but I gonna be hittin girls with a [ __ ] doing it better than he's doing the bit I'm not even sure pretty sure is not even a great joke but I know he's delivering in the [ __ ] yeah Jersey accent what's it like it's the Korean barbecue of shove concert isn't it you're so right that is absolutely there's not even not even the right accent let me know if you think that's a good jug let me know if you think I should use that on stage yeah and if you ever hear someone else do that [ __ ] joke know that it came from me and know that some Jersey dude stole it from me on yacht week guys I'm gonna wrap this up thank you for joining us for the today's weekend edition make sure to keep keep your eyes open for Noelle's trailer for his short film coming out donate to it if you support the cause it's gonna be really funny seen the [ __ ] that he makes it's great he's a great director producer and it'll be good I promise you just final comment on it this is the hardest I will work and I'm [ __ ] this is for the people man this is not for me there you go yeah there you go so so contribute what day there's it what Thursday Friday Tuesday or Thursday okay Tuesday or Thursday yes okay so be on the lookout he'll tweet it I'll tweet it thank you donate to if you like the podcast yeah a tribute on your pledge on patreon please bro yeah right here hustling man yep yep and follow us on instagram yes @v noel miller on youtube and everything and at Dakota CO and also [ __ ] rate the [ __ ] on iTunes yeah I think when was that 909 I'm saying get it up there I think for this Wednesday I'm gonna like go through and read some of the reviews because they're actually really funny yeah that'd be good go to a thousand people yeah and uh and when he reviews also put put cast your vote for the what the TMZ podcast should actually be about we should we discuss exclusively logan paul or should we discuss love island I'm kind of feeling love island you know one that dude yeah I mean I think like giving an Americans perspective it's clear okay alright we gotta go yeah we got about all right bye guys thanks for listening you
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 2,898,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, noel, miller, travel, logan paul, chicago, barcelona, film, comedy, lol, long form
Id: xPN7vabKwkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 38sec (4658 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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