What Treasures Did a Centuries-Old Flood Leave Behind?

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[Music] [Music] well today's trek into the mountains of Vermont is fueled by a family story from bland owners of the property that I'm on today while I haven't been able to confirm this through records found at the library or online or even old maps according to the grandfather 150 years ago or so somewhere along this mountain stream there was a home and I believed him the story goes sometime in the late 1800s there was a springtime storm with snow melt and the extra water from the shed off the mountains destroyed this family's home and they decided not to rebuild the landowners were generous enough to allow me to come up here today see if I can find some things in the ground with my metal detector they may have been left over from the flood I asked if there was a GPS point I could follow with this home when I said no just walk until you find it so that's what we're doing today could be a half-mile could be two miles should have to find out [Music] well I've been walking along the right side of this stream for about 20 minutes and it would appear as though I'm not gonna be able to walk here anymore I'm gonna have to cross it doesn't appear to be a great place to do that but I might try right there and hopefully I don't get wet [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] well I scrambled up under this Plateau because it seemed like easier walking and there was what I think was an old logging road that came up here but it looks like this is where it ends which means I'm gonna have to be scrambling down this cliffside doing my best to make my own trail don't let that blue sky fool you it's about 40 degrees today there's 100 percent chance of rain four hours five hours so hopefully we don't get stuck up in here and wind up in the same fate as that poor family pig would be alright hopefully we're getting close [Music] I'm still making my way really no sign of homesites I mean there's no road but I just looked down on the shore of the river here look at that that's a piece of a crock I hope that means we're getting close when throws in her bag and keep going well progress report luckily I only had to cross the river the one time probably would have been easier walking if I did more but it started seeing some stacked stone have you found it check this out see that and that we do have snow on the ground and I don't know the ground feels pretty stiff but we're gonna do our best we're gonna get our gear out and see if maybe we can find a few things that the flood left behind all right we got our first non-ferrous target here an old button shanks still there it's like an old one - doesn't appear to be a design or anything on there well that's good I guess we're in the right spot the age of that falls right in line with the story all right let's keep going all right well I just got a very nice high tone and as you can tell this is not soil this is very very sandy and this is left over from years and years and years of the river overflowing its shores and depositing this up here so I just got a very nice high tone and it was a incredibly deep and it wound up being a big piece of iron we got an axe head now I find these pretty often and I don't tend to show them these were a pretty important part of life back then obviously for firewood but also all the logging that happened in Vermont over the years to kind of fuel the Industrial Revolution all that charcoal was needed to make steel and this was a part of that all right let's keep going all right well this home is over here and though it looked like there's some runoff here which dumps into just a tiny little stream that runs parallel with the main stream and I thought you know it's kind of washing down there might be some stuff in here and I got a super nice target that's like an 87 so we're gonna see what this is together I'm gonna move the camera again it sounds like it's pretty close to the surface oh it's that nice anybody know what that is it's a big piece of brass it's a hame knob this was on the end of well a ham hocks and our big horses I guess that's pretty cool all right throw it in the bag it's keep going well I just got kind of a mid-tone I was expecting it to be a button but turns out it appears to be a small fat cent here man I couldn't come at a better time there's not a whole lot of stuff out here yeah one cent this is an old Indian Head cent there it is can't quite make out the date out here but because of the thickness it's a pretty narrow range of dates so that falls in line pretty well with the story it's like this is like 18 early 1860s and the storm was supposed to have happened at the end of the 1800s so awesome all right well the Sun still shining so I'm gonna go as long as I can we are supposed to get a bunch of rain today so they want that river coming up trapping us up here all right keep going so just kind of looking around enjoying the view I got thinking you know sellers right here on the edge of the river see up behind me you can imagine that whole side of the ridge is covered with snow from this side to get a warm spring day all that's melting full stretch of the river on top of that you have a tropical storm of rainfall and this river breaks its banks it starts rising up through your floorboards had to have been petrifying pretty incredible thing about [Music] [Music] all right well I haven't found one of these in a while this is a pocketknife now I don't know if this is period with the seller or not it doesn't appear to be in great shape yeah it's hard to say up here is brass it looks like and on the inside it's brass a funny thing about pocket knives a lot of times when we find them one of the knife blades is up and broken off and it was tossed because it was useless beyond that but this one it doesn't appear that happen it looks like the the blades are still folded up in there whether it's one or two so it looks like maybe this one was accidentally dropped sorely missed I'm sure these things were pretty important to have in your pocket back then no pocket knife good size - all right let's keep going check it out I got just another beautiful target quite a ways from where the last one was found now I got a pair and they do appear to be the exact same size so I would suspect they came from the same the same rig that's pretty cool so first for me never found two of these at the same day before a couple 150 year old Haim knobs all right let's keep going all right we got another non-ferrous target here winds up being this broken piece of a lamp it's pretty one two and it looks like it might have writing around the outside let's see if maybe we can get that cleaned up so we can read it all right well the best possible scenario we actually have a patent date showing if you can read that it says patent March I think it's 16 1869 which again falls in line the grandfather's story this would have been made and used and lost before the storm awesome all right it's broken but we'll take it let's keep going well if you've watched any number of my videos you'll know that I never wear headphones metal detecting and it's because I like to you know hear what's going on around me and the most of people walk up behind me I want to be able to hear them but man today we're so close to the river and the wind is blowing I can barely hear my metal detector kind of wish I brought some at least just to kind of put around my neck but we're gonna make do as you can see it's a little overcast now the winds picking up dropping I don't know how much longer we're gonna be able to be out there [Music] all right I just found something I'm not exactly sure what it is and it looks like a little pressed brass buckle gonna bend it see see if I can break it no we're good we're good yeah that's exactly what it is it's a little buckle there we go got a little Sun up there flower down there little teeny little buckle that's awesome don't find these very often buckles that are not associated with horse tack it's there on the bag let's keep going all right I wasn't confident I was gonna be able to get this one out because the ground is so frozen right here some places it's fine but other places it's like a rock check this out flip the top off and that is an old really pretty four hole under we're buying all right winds picking up I think the storms rolling in better think about getting out of here pretty soon all right oh man I'm excited I oh my god I I got a really high tone and I thought for sure it was gonna be garbage and it appears to be a quarter and there's a big beautiful eagle on the back of that I kinda regretting I rubbed it with my thumb because I thought for sure it was gonna be like a modern quarter from a fisherman or something but it's definitely not oh my god all right let's spray it off together here I haven't seen the front look at that oh man quarter dollar see what's down the front here oh my God look at that seeded quarter holy crap absolutely unbelievable 1845 some I've never found anything seated larger than a dime so he's dimes hop shakin 1845 seated quarter unbelievable man I can honestly say I was not expecting that it's right at the end of the day starting to cloud up like crazy it's kind of getting discouraged about the lack of things we found here so far but the grandfather of the land it's gonna really enjoy seeing that all right well on that note let's start picking up and get out of here all right well it came away from the river a little bit so hopefully I don't have to yell at you you can hear me we did pretty good today now there weren't a whole lot of targets and I have a suspicion that somebody in the past may have trespassed and done some metal detecting here in the past because I did find some iron sitting on top of the stones and some bricks that were kind of odd to be placed so I may not have been the first one here but we certainly found some good stuff and three things with dates on them they're all before 1900 which is a good sign that the flood story could be true let's take a look at that things we found we did find two Haim knobs which is crazy I find them every once in a while usually in farm fields haven't found a whole lot of them in the woods to in one day is the first for me we got our cool little pocket knife which was which probably accidentally lost instead of just tossed we have our piece of a lamp with the date on it which is great this I found I didn't show I'm not exactly sure what it is I found things like this in the past it's just I assume a decorative piece to something you know a finial of some kind perhaps we did get one musket ball we got one two three four buttons this one again I didn't show it's a big dandy button a tiny little buckle our Indian Head cent which unfortunately I can't quite read the date yet but it's gonna be early 1860s and then the star of the show here the 1845 seated Liberty quarter now I probably could do a little bit more metal detecting out here but I still have about an hour to walk out and I don't want to get caught up in here when it starts raining especially this time of year because that one place I crossed the river I want to be able to cross it on the way out too and if the water comes up you might not be able to so we're gonna get out of here all of this stuff will go to the landowner unless he doesn't want it and then I'll take it home but I was glad to be able to come out and find some things with dates on them that can go along with the story it's very exciting hope that was enjoyable thanks again for watching [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 157,881
Rating: 4.9634337 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure hunting, treasure, best metal detecting finds, silver coins, old coins, seated, cellar hole, gmmd, vermont, relic hunting, great outdoors, history, mystery, adventure
Id: tQiJPJ05KS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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