Treasure Hunters Follow Old Map into the Mountains in Search of Riches

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well we're into April almost all of the snow is gone the ground might still be frozen but cross our fingers Mike was just cursing at me under his breath because how many sites have we been to today but we have it I have a good feeling about this one okay a whole lot of nothing either they not sellers they don't exist at all or we didn't find anything it's already like almost 1:00 o'clock oh I've got a good feeling about this one I have a map from around 1870 for the county that were in these maps were pretty good for the time period you can overlay them with a modern map and they're pretty close and they have dots that signify homes with names the people who live there now some of these names and dots are at the end of dotted lines and that is meant to indicate that the position is estimated right it's not correct so the piece of property that we were able to get permission for today is on the dotted line but it's gonna be a crapshoot whether or not the dot is on this property or beyond which will be National Forest which of course is illegal to remove artifacts and disturb the site so we're going to keep walking up this extremely extremely steep logging road in the hopes that a there's a seller that's gonna be worth our time and B is actually on the land we have permission for I think we have a long way left to go [Music] good Mike lost faith so I'm going along it should be right up here I'm hoping because National Forest is right there too right up here oh yeah there's one here I got it almost always today it all still might be we might not find anything here but come check this out straight over this little babbling brook looks like this some stone work right there some stone work right there gonna get our gear out how it's close to we are way up in the mountain national forest arts you're not gonna be able to see him but there's no stakes National Forest boundary right up there so this was a close one all right I'm excited we've only got like two hours now because we spent all day driving around southern Vermont looking for places and all right second target here the ground is still very frozen so it's taking me a long time to dig each hole and as I was digging this one check it out I guess some pottery it's a good sign and this this is an intact Tom Bakk coat button still they come out very very shiny and they're very very brittle so we oftentimes find them broken this one is intact that is a big beautiful perfect Tom back button awesome well I am getting more and more optimistic on the site I've been walking around for a while there are not a whole lot of targets around here it is quite quiet but this is a very good sign let's keep going all right well I've been working on this hole for a little while there's a piece of iron right here and there's a high tone up here and it appears to be underneath this rock now sometimes a piece of iron will shoot off high tones and weird directions so it might just be more of the same iron target but you can hear here that is a 90 so it's probably mostly iron but we're gonna check it out together yeah there it is that's a knife not a giant silver coin but it's an artifact from the time period this would have been obviously the cutting side this would have been the Tang that went in to handle at the table knife but I'll take it I'm happy let's keep going all right we got our first type on here 77 but it's in amongst all this iron so we saw with that knife this really could be anything but here show you how rosin the ground is well then would appear it's in this dirt clump which is frozen break it open together yeah so on this one we're getting closer here what do you think ooh there it is oh that popped out I thought for sure that was a coin it's not it's a little mmm shiny button yeah it's then the tom back button all right that was it heart stopper for a minute there all right let's get going well we do have a wind advisory today so I apologize if the microphone is overly annoying but it's still I think it's probably a buck 50 now which means for the first time in 2019 I do I can do some metal detecting without my jackpot all right we got our first target that is not a button and it was quite deep which just probably explains why I'm not getting a ton of targets here because everything is way down below the frost so I suspect that this would have been mirrored on this side that was probably a drawer discussion looks like maybe there's a little flower design right there what do you think is that a a drawer handle discussion for like a treasure chest we can still find the treasure chest jewelry box this is it's cool enough for me we'll keep going a little while longer and see what we can find all right well we got something a little different this time I guess you could still consider it a button at this time it's a cuff link it looks like there's gonna be a little design on there so I'm gonna take my time with my toothbrush let's see if we can get that cleaned up without destroying it all right what do you think I think that's just a flower hoping for a monogram or something military but it's a little flower cuff link there would have been another one you know attached to the other side by a little link but um just one it's a nice an old one all right let's keep going goes goes right there I'm kind of walking down this it's probably seasonal little brook and I'm just looking at the bank see if maybe it washed some stuff out check it out little shard of pottery looks like there's a little green right there it's pretty cool and did a little detecting along here and I got a target right here a piece of pottery is some blue on that one and I think it's pretty close to the surface so we're gonna go do some brick so we're gonna see what this is together it's just a mid-tone so it's not gonna be a giant silver coin or anything but to see what it is together that's whatever this is oh we know what that is piece of an old spoon pewter that's pretty cool another couple seasons that probably would have been exposed and I could have just eyeballed it there's a piece of glass interesting all right we're gonna keep on kind of detecting down this stream and see what else we can find [Music] when it's big enough we're at about 1400 feet and everything above like 17 is just snow everywhere probably had a great idea to be in the mountains with high wind warning but today was the only day we had this week so I decided to make make a trip up hopefully we don't get hit by any trees all right right on the edge of the cellar here got whatever this is it's got kind of a spiral pattern on it appears to be brass no writing that I can see I can see that it was folded together on this side I kind of unbent it a little bit so I can see what it was not sure really could have been anything maybe a piece of leather hardware and the end of a strap or something kind of cool mystery item let's keep going all right we're finally starting to find some stuff other than buttons this one was just below the leaves that's always a good find yet to find a silver one all brass always brass but this is a very personal item this was on somebody's finger like 200 years ago awesome there's a very important part of life back then all right let's keep going well I just got a beautiful high tone and I just again under the leaves was this and it is all lead this side I don't think there's a design on it I don't think so but I'm fairly fairly sure that this is a bridal rosette but it still has the lead back into it could be wrong I'm pretty sure that this and this is where the piece came out that was then used to affix it to the bridle that's pretty cool this more than likely would have been washed in silver gold and then just a little pretty appointment for a bridle that's cool very heavy sewed in the back so we're next to the home site here there's just this enormous you know Bush I don't think it's forsythia but we see these whatever it is a lot at home sites see there's another one here another one here and it's actually sitting on what I think is the well I don't know it's all filled in it might not be it might just be a hole but anyway I was trying to get my detector in here because it is so close to the home site it's worth checking and I got a pretty nice little tone in here so we're gonna I'm gonna try to get the camera in here and get this out of the ground together just a piece of a horseshoe that sounded way better than a horseshoe but that's what it is alright keep going all right well we got another Heights on here and all the way today's been going I'm sure it's gonna be a button but we'll see oh yeah oh yeah it's a button a lot of guilt still left in the back if I can read it once I get home I'll let you know well there it is Scoville school villa made a whole lot of buttons back then Waterbury Connecticut they did a good job gold plating that one it's been in the ground for a couple hundred years still shiny awesome the front would have been like that too but for some reason the Front's are always worn off all right let's get going Oh finally Mike's taking a break we were just saying we haven't really had any productive high tones at this site Oh freaking buttons and this particular place right here everything is incredibly deep and there's rocks on top of everything but I got a very faint mid high tone and check it out a little green disc without a shank not a button it's very very thick so without even looking at it I'm gonna guess that it's either old fat Indian Head cent which is like 1863 ish it could be a flying eagle cent I suppose michael Abeka or i guess it could be a token - let me get my little tooth brush out and clean it off together here now I get questions pretty regularly about why I don't spray water on my copper coins and I'm gonna give you an example of why in my opinion I know so some folks do but it takes the green away you see if that happens to this one all right well this one didn't do it too bad we did lose of some of the green over here on the left side I think I see a 64 it says once sent with every throw on the back here and you can see how thick it is much thicker than our modern pennies man you know it's not in very good shape it's not as old as I was hoping for today but after the day we've had I will gladly and with much appreciation put this in my bag and we only have about 30 minutes left maybe we'll maybe we'll find more but even if we don't I am happy with one of these it was a very fast two hours here we have to start hiking out not only because we have to be home at a certain time but now it looks like it's gonna start down pouring the temperatures dropping and it's not probably a great idea to be wet in the woods or any time of year I guess right not a lot of stuff today besides buttons what can we say about not a lot of points and a whole lot of buttons hard-working poor folk I guess they lost a lot of buttons working and they held on to their money a little blue sky over there not that way let's look what we found nah non button items we've got a thimble or Indian Head cent which I can't really make out the date but it's a very narrow range of dates on those coins so we should be able to figure it out our big cool discussion thing a little brass curlicue not sure exactly what that is a bunch of flatware we've got spoons in a knife let's see one two three spoons I did find two toe taps I didn't show them because I find these a lot for buttons we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 buttons this time back I was saying how brittle they are this one all I did was accidentally drop it on the leaves and it the center popped out which is unbelievable so I hope you enjoyed that mike has been with us for for several months now but unfortunately this is going to be the last video we see him we he and I were friends a long time ago 10 years ago and then he moved away for work he came back for Justin found a new job across the country so we're not gonna see him for a while but hopefully he'll come back guest spot right all right well we have to get out of here starting sprinkle [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 120,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure hunting, adventure, coins, old coins, relics, artifacts, cellar hole, new england, gmmd, forest, best metal detecting finds, 2019
Id: H2cKnrZP4FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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