100 Years Ago Someone Dropped All Their Coins! | Metal Detecting Adventure

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well that was quite the journey we are right on top of the mountain on a huge piece of property that kind of a unique situation the landowner she was very specific about not wanting any motorized vehicles up here so I don't have my four-wheeler today she put huge rocks years ago in front of the trail entrance so I dug out my old mountain bike I probably haven't ridden in 15 years 20 years and pumped up the tires and went for it and we're here I don't know if my legs were gonna work right for the next week and a half but we made it and it's one of these places where I have no information there's there's nothing on the old maps she said that some of the hunters that have permission to be up here have mentioned stone walls and cellars and stuff so I walk around and see if we can find some of that all right well we've been walking around for I don't know 5-10 minutes I had my first hole it was a beaver tail pop top of a beer can and my second find is actually the same tart same number on my metal detector check this out is that not the coolest little knee buckle that's colonial-era it's completely intact on any other day that would be the find of the day well maybe today it'll be the find of the day but that is absolutely beautiful it doesn't feel too delicate either it feels pretty substantial let me get the dirt out of it there look at that this darker color will most likely flake off and it'll all be this beautiful green color that is awesome colonial-era knee buckle so that is super prop well so what does that mean for for us today what means if we do find any coins crossing our fingers they're gonna be colonial-era silver or will most likely be foreign and hopefully gonna make for a good day let's keep looking all right well it's clear there's been a lot of hunters in this area because they keep finding in a modern trash like like tops and shell casings but we just got our second evidence of colonial activity here it's a big beautiful coat button with a hand-carved design in there the shank is still there very nice let's keep going I've shown these in videos in the past but I think they're cool enough to mention again this is a Trillium but it's common name is a stinking Benjamin because when it flowers in the early spring it smells just like rotting meat and I actually made the mistake picking a bouquet of these for my wife didn't know what they were there in the kitchen we're like what the heck is that smell and it's these and they they get don't get pollinated by bees they get pollinated by carrion flies because they think it's rotting meat pretty interesting red ones and white ones I seem to find these more though pretty cool let's move on we've got somewhat of a strange signal here seems like it's pretty deep solid 80 though got me excited it is it's a coin it's a small cent that's just a weedy well that's not colonial oh we're not gonna get a date of it this is 99 percent dropped by a hunter out here look at this a bottle a beer bottle go figure alright moving on so I did wind up finding a home site there's no cellar but it's an obvious home site you can see up on that hump up there I've just been making my way around the perimeter and I noticed this big rock and the thing about big rocks is they're not gonna move much over the years without anybody living out here so this was most likely sitting here as people lived here and a good place to you know sit down or step up on to get up onto a horse or whatever so I always Zone in on those go around them today it kind of paid off I got a little piece of a little piece of suspender here this is not colonial era this is probably mid 1800s but it's pretty fragile so this is probably a ladies ladies garment that's what that is a little strap would have gone through here and a little button would have gone through there and clasped pretty cool let's keep moving well maybe you can notice we lost all of our sunshine some black clouds are rolling in I didn't believe the weatherman that it was gonna rain today because it was like beautiful in 70 degrees this morning not a cloud in the sky but because I should have listened so we're gonna go as long as we can until we start getting rained on and then we're gonna bike the 45 minutes out of here in the rain hopefully [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's raining I got to get up here because I have another 45 minutes to an hour mountain biking through this or even get back to my truck so what I'm gonna do is head down the mountain and there is one seller that I know of that I've hit in the past but if the rain happens to end or have a break by the time we get there then we'll spend some time there see [Music] all right well I made it to the second hole a little bit further down the mountain it stopped raining for the most part I'll give you look at the sky here it's probably hard for you to tell we'll probably just looks white but it's clouded up there are some bright patches it took a break from pouring so we're gonna spend as much time here as we can it's ten minutes it so be it see what we can find well we just had a beautiful signal and thought maybe it was gonna be a good coin but alas it's the infamous ox knob these went on the ends of ox horns to keep them from you know mauling people all right onward I haven't found one of these in a while confuse me when I saw it because I was like well that looks like a big chunk of rust I flipped it over and that's you know piece of a pocketknife this actually does have me a little bit stumped it seems like it's iron I think that's the blade the one scale would have been here the blade and the other scale so it's pretty cool there's no way we're gonna be able to find out what brand it is or even how old it is but it's pretty cool I'll take that for sure blue sky it's clearing up awesome I was just walking along and I wish I got it on camera but I couldn't get it off and turned on fast enough but I heard like a clunk and I stopped and I looked up in a tree and there was a giant turkey perched up there and it saw me and it just took off and those things are so funny when they fly they're like the least graceful bird flew off I wish I got that in camera but it was pretty funny all right we're gonna go a little bit longer see if we can find a few more things all right well I got a little bit of coin spill here but it's not that old relative to what I was expecting to find we got a helicopter going overhead here so far we found four I believe they're all wheat pennies oh no that's an Indian Head sign okay that's a wheat cent I can tell that that's what we say to be a for small cents put them right here and I check the hole and we still more down in there I can see it's not that low wait [Music] all right I'm going to continue digging these up and imma let the camera roll I'm gonna move the camera back there [Music] small cent see there are gonna be a wheat penny or an Indian headset anymore [Music] let's get another one over here that one's a another indian head cent [Music] all right well it seems like that's it so we ended up with six small cents all in the same hole and I believe it's two Indians and and for wheat pennies as far as I can tell which is pretty sweet wasn't expecting that I guess they had money to lose all right let's keep going a little bit longer well no date is complete without a harmonica read it looks like this is the whole thing with the exception of the other read maybe two and looks like this still has no it doesn't I was gonna say still has some of the flaps this was a little bit left you see that over all of these holes would be little flaps of usually brass or tin I guess and when you blow through those things they're the the things that move and make the sound I find a lot of these they were cheap gave the family as a way to make some music cool let's keep going so this time of year there's all kinds of plants coming up and we've got some ramps ramps are edible pick those and eat them raw I'm not going to because I've got beef jerky with me instead but they're delicious I don't feel like hearing anything else with me today so we're gonna leave them where they are but actually probably another couple of weeks they'll be everywhere a lot of people like foraging for those Morrell's and other stuff but we're looking for metal today that's keep going okay it looks like we have a Bale seal see if there's any writing on it it's like there it is maybe see if I can get it cleaned off yeah I don't know there's a couple letters on there I can see a you there mmm I don't know something this was a a there was a little wire coming out of here and they would kind of use this to bind up bales of goods whatever it may be manufacture is usually on here but I don't know if we're gonna get it it's pretty cool though definitely throw that in the bag all right well I was just about ready to go and a Doug saddle Oh a scratchy mid tone and I think this is a button yeah I guess it is and there's something on it and I don't recognize it which is always exciting so let me get my toothbrush to clean this out well I don't know this is what I'm gonna have to research you see that that is an elephant and it says something above and something below which I cannot make out right now so this is gonna require a quite a bit more research I have no idea if I should be excited or not it's a two piece button so it's probably 1800s maybe early 1900s but it's got an elephant on it yeah I have no idea if this is some kind of odd militia or if it's some kind of kids Brant you know it could be anything as far as I know so it can require some more some more research let's start packing up all right calling it a day it ended up being a beautiful out again right around the middle of the day started torrential a down pouring and panicked and we move down the mountain and now it's beautiful the fines are not as old as I was expecting today but certainly not complaining all right we wound up with eight coins and they're all either wheat cents or Indian Head cents I think I've two or three Indians in there we found a couple pieces of suspenders one two three four five kind of normal buttons this one I didn't show that was pretty cool I think that's green enamel and the back is gold plated it's pretty cool one big old colonial coat button this is a piece of a keyhole Bale seal let Bale seal harmonica Reed pewter spoon ox knob pocket knife a couple buckles probably the find of the day our little knee buckle and our mystery our mystery elephant button which I'm excited to go research so you know it probably goes without saying that my favorite part of all this is coming up into the mountains these hard to get places and finding adventure and cool stuff in the ground probably maybe my second favorite thing is finding something I don't know what it is and getting to go home and research it and learning something new which I'm excited to do with that but so I've got a long ride home but luckily it's all downhill and I've got a bike so once again thanks for watching [Applause] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 167,159
Rating: 4.9164786 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, treasure hunter, coins, old coins, relics, gmmd, great outdoors, mystery, mountains, vermont
Id: X4O5-1hgh5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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