Hidden Underground for Hundreds of Years | Treasure Hunters Dig Up Fascinating Artifacts

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I'm out again today my old friend Mike we had plans to go detecting today for a few days now and we woke up to a forecast of rain nearly 100% but as the morning went on started getting later and later that it was gonna rain so we decided to risk it and we came out bright and early to a place it's pretty easy to get to we only had a hike maybe 15-20 minutes to get here and we're gonna spend as much time as we can here before once again the sky opens up and we get chased out by rain so as far as I know this site is is 1850s might be a little bit earlier and [Music] all right my first target here right on the edge of the cellar hole right here this is kind of the bank down from it is a very promising find this is a Tom back button a beautiful one shank is still there which is not always the case and I repeat it in almost every video but people always ask Tom Bakk is the material has nothing to do with the back of the button it's a very misleading word when it pertains to buns type of brass that's a very product it's it's promising because it's late 1700s era it's good news all right let's keep going so Mike is right on the lip of this cellar and is that brick I think it might be brick but um red ware is not out of the ordinary that's a good sign means they had some money I know a lot of colonists we're making their own bricks but as far as I understand the the red ones are are not that all right let's keep going all right well I've just got a little fine here I have no idea what it is it is tiny look at this it's a little piece of brass Reince starting to come on a little bit what do you think that is my guess is it's a little piece of buckle maybe but it is very thin I don't know it's cool suggestions are welcome let me know what you think all right it's still sprinkling out here and I just got what I think is a copper I've been wrong before but I think that's what it is I'm gonna get my little toothbrush out here Mike what do you think oh yeah nice see Wow I don't know maybe we'll be able to get a date let me cleaned off a little bit here so it's just telling Mike why I don't usually spray coppers with water and it's because this dirt that's here once it dries it's gonna turn a nice light tan color and it looks really nice when it still sits in the recesses of the details and if you hit it with water all that goes away and the whole coin is just one color but it looks like I can almost make out like an 18 19 or 18 18 something like that that's nice little large Center American art set awesome we've been here very long to keep looking this is alright so there's actually two home sites on this road you can see Mike is at the first and I'm just slowly making my way down the road detecting a road to the other home site I just got a beautiful target right here but it is on a road trail that is frequented often enough this might be a modern coin but figured I film it anyways 82 seems pretty close to the surface oh wow this is the first I've ever found of these unbelievable haven't identified it yet but that is for sure coin that was shot I wonder if the coin is old even if it's not this is a really cool find it's the lead still in there no I don't think so look at that I've seen other people find these before but it's the first for me let's see if the coin is old or not all right no if you could make that out it's a wheat penny looks like it's maybe 1940 something that is awesome penny shot not sure what caliber that would have been looks a little bit too big for a 22 but look at this Mike yeah yes 1940 something wheat penny hilarious alright we're gonna keep on heading to the second site all right well I rechecked the shop penne whole and guess what another target and we got another penny with a hole in it how funny is that this one curled right over credible two in one hole they must have it must have been a tree or something here log I don't know setting them up shooting them I'm gonna check all around here just in case they had a little too much cash and was shooting Barbara dimes or something but we're gonna recheck the whole pile fly anything I'm gonna move on down the road good day so I just dug something that I'll let you guys decide if it's something or if it isn't something I think it is so it wasn't very deep this is what it looks like on the on the back and this to me it looks a lot like melted lead you know hit the ground and splattered but we flip this over and that sure looks like a little twig with leaves on it I mean is this a flower right here but I'm wondering if this is like a brooch of some kind if I didn't see that right there I wouldn't think it's anything but no is this where it was clipped on the back or was supposed to be don't know it's kind of cool though gonna move on still supposed to rain even though the sun's out right now let's keep going mike is in the hole and yeah I think that that's a button I think the shank is just smushed yeah it's definitely well the other side looks like you might have a little design on there maybe not it is really thick yeah I think it's just a flap on but you'll be able to get a get back mark off of that and it'll be able to tell you how old it is for sure a lot of work for a button but it's good one so this hole I didn't even have to dig it was just under the surface I scratched away with my shovel and check it out it's another button but look at this one see that it's got like a woven checkerboard type pattern on there shanks still there oh wow wow there's a lot of stuff going on back here get a sneak peak before I get it cleaned off look at that you see how well clean I can get this all right we can see it says gold color we could just see just a little bit of that color left down by that shank and we can see the casting line where it would have been in a mold that's a nice looking back mark really pretty look at that I had it upside down there's actually an eagle up there gold color with an eagle and a little bow that is awesome alright let's keep going so we're detecting along who's that on the road pull the road different road anyway we spotted this what you suspect that is something scratching I think it was a bear my my first suspicion is scum yeah cuz they dig for grub's it could be anything it could be a bear or a sasquatch Fox [Music] [Applause] so us detecting along walking along the side of the road like sticking up could be found an axe head and a button over there but I saw this I thought you know what it's probably a old campfire but I stuck my foot right there and that's definitely a well which is odd well at first when you think about it it seems odd because the river is right there and homesites right next to the river you know even 150 200 years ago they knew that it's not always safe to drink water straight out of streams Giardia and all that stuff and they could purify it by boiling it or adding alcohol or whatever but it was just way easier to just drink well water obviously I did dig the well but much safer you know they probably used the river to wash clothes and things like that but drinking water more than likely came out of the well would you get oh is that your first what would you guess that is it's an ox shoe azox are cows and they have cloven feet like a goat and uh look at that one so yeah that's one half of an ox shoe come on ice anybody know what that symbol is let me see that ax head again now it's in my hand too that's a nice one that's a clearly hand-forged is it you see that how it's oh the woods theme the seam and I blew out the back when somebody was using it that's an old one yeah do you know what that is that is a bridal rosette for a horse there's like a little fancy decoration for side look at all these pockets you got stuff everywhere whoa Wow I can't figure out if that's pewter I think that's pewter is it it's an old one pretty one she's you've been doing good I haven't seen you in like 20 minutes I found the axe head in that button yeah you want to make up a story about it the accident we're gonna edit that out all right we're gonna keep going a little bit while longer it's starting to sprinkle all right I just got a little brass item I'm pretty sure I know what it is but I'll let you see it let's clean it off yeah all right as you can see there's a crown what I believe is a WR down at the very bottom I think it's a festive design WR well I am 99% sure that this is a keyhole cover for a padlock they would have slid down over the top of the keyhole so I'm gonna get home and figure out what that WR stands for hopefully we can get a age and everything off of this thing just based off that that's a good fine I wish the whole padlock was attached to it but certainly just take this awesome I'm right on the edge of this cellar again and I just got a I think it's a little home sight item you think yeah and that's very intricate oh there's some holes in the top here there's a ridge around the outside jeez I feel like maybe first time I saw it I thought that it was gonna be a lid to something the holes make me think that it's a lamp but the ridge around the outside makes me feel like it might be a pulley yeah I don't know exactly it's brass it sounded great on the metal detector big round piece of brass like that all right that's pretty cool throw it in the bag dawn looking just turn the wind down here digging our last holes before we can get out of here to the rain I just got a little disc that's pretty thick and if I had to guess just based on feel I would guess that it's a 18 1864 Indianhead cent so if you're unfamiliar with the coin you're probably not gonna be able to make this out but it's facing you date down and the Indian there it's face and left its got his headdress over on this side and the reason I guess such a specific date is because it's much thicker than they usually are so there's a very very narrow range of dates there this thick usually considered fat Indian Head cents so that's pretty cool that's right in line with the the large cent that we found earlier can't really see it but I'm still happy about it it's an old coin dropped out of somebody's pocket 150 years ago awesome let's start packing up and see what we found today well it's raining the skies have opened up so we're gonna get out of here we will spent actually the better part of the morning here we got more time than we thought we were going to and Mike is still detecting he's working his way up so we're gonna take a look at the things that I found here pretty excited about the thing from fall all right let's go through this we have our big giant spoon in the back our mystery pulley perhaps this I didn't show I don't know what it is it's LED backed it has a silver plated front there's no design on it just about anything I guess we have one two three four five buttons this one I really like the back mark the front has that checkerboard pattern but with that eagle and the bow and the text it's beautiful two shot pennies we have our large cent our fat Indian Head cent and our mystery led brooch I we're gonna call it I don't know I don't know what it is but it's pretty cool so I've been here once in the past and I know other people have detected here in the past so we are far from the first ones but even considering I think we did pretty darn good we got a bunch of iron stuff interesting iron stuff that acts that is really cool yeah a couple buttons 1979 time that could be worth some money someday yeah you never know so anyway I hope that was entertaining hopefully next time we won't have it in green [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 119,763
Rating: 4.946095 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting, treasure, old coins, vermont, GMMD, garrett at pro, best metal detecting finds, mysterious, cellar hole, stone walls, new england, buried treasure
Id: jpebo5U_FQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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