Long Ago, Someone on the Wrong Side of History Lived Here

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[Music] hey folks well if you're new to the channel my name is Brad and today we're on an adventure into the mountains of Vermont in search of treasure with my metal detector [Music] speaking of treasure there's something called to the George Washington inaugural button these buttons were worn in the late 1700s to show support for George Washington the Revolution and becoming the United States of America they're quite rare I've never found one but something that I have found at the top of this mountain is something that most people don't know existed [Music] during the same time that most people are walking around with these George Washington buttons about 20% of the people here in the new world or what were considered loyalists or Tories they did not want George Washington as president or a revolution or a war they just wanted to stay loyal to the British crown and keep things the way it was they had buttons of their own to show support for that and the two that I found at the top of this mountain both depict a crown and cornucopia and the text king and constitution and the mere fact that I found two of these buttons at the same old home site is proof in my mind that this place was the home of a loyalist or a loyalist family now after I found these loyalist buttons I did a lot of metal detecting up in here which is some of my extended family's land and I haven't been up in here for a few years until a few weeks ago Eddie and I came up in here looking for a different kind of treasure wild spring edibles and while we were aimlessly wandering around looking for fiddleheads I'm pretty sure we stumbled upon a new home on the same property that would have been owned by the same loyalists so we're back at it again up here with a metal detector this time to see if we can find more old buttons old coins anything these people may have lost over 200 years ago let's not waste any time [Music] all right we are approaching what I few weeks ago believed to be an old home site and to be quite honest it doesn't look like much but right up on this hill up here it's kind of a clearing and a stone wall which is why I'm hoping this is a home so here it is it's just a very small depression with a tree growing out of the middle of it there's no stacked stone but I don't know just the way this is built up I have a pretty good feeling about it let's get the metal detector out and see what's here all right well I'm getting some iron targets around here which is a good sign I just decided to dig one dug the hole check this out a ton of brick no set brick might be read pottery hard to say actually you know that I'm looking at it anyway no I think that's brick the iron square now which is what I was expecting nice old one there's no head on it so I can't tell exactly how old but all right optimistic about this place now let's do a couple spins around the cellar and see what finds a few things all right well I just got a just a mid-tone I thought it was gonna be a shell casing for you no deer rifle they cut the hole cleared away you see that it's super shiny and flat I am 99% sure that's not a silver coin I think it's probably gonna be an old button let's see it is old button every button up here is raise my blood pressure a little bit and I don't think that that's I don't think that's another one of the King and constitution buttons but it's the right size I don't think there's any text down there let me get it cleaned up nope just a silver plated brass coat button gold-plated on the back it's interesting all right it's exciting for a minute there let's keep going all right well I just got a very low tone it was like a 40 on the metal detector and being very careful pulled out the dirt and I think I can see the handle of what was probably a utensil so that all there no it's just the handle that thing is gorgeous and old this is made of pewter which fits right in line with all the other things that we found here in the past since it is so decorated wondering if there might be some initials are something on here let me get it cleaned up a little bit well unfortunately not and also there's no hallmarks for where it was made or when it was made which is too bad but I mean the heft of it where we found it the materials is it's pretty obvious it's from the colonial days beautiful alright let's get going see if we can find some more all right well targets around whatever this was have mostly dried up aside from the iron we did find quite a few pretty cool things but I'm not so sure this was the home I'm wondering if maybe this was a tool shed or cold storage so you can probably hear the stream is a little bit louder now I've moved down just a little bit there are some stone walls in this area I've nev'r metal detected in this area because there's no cellar but it's very likely they had a home with no basement so there wouldn't be a cellar so we're gonna wander around do some more metal detecting look for patches of iron which would be nails from a home see if we can find a few more things [Music] [Music] so I just got something that's pretty interesting I dug a kind of squeaky iron tone and I got it out of the hole and I thought it was another one of those little iron horse tack buckles but I cleaned it off a bit check it out does anybody know what that is that is part of a colonial-era shoe buckle there would have been a big probably brass frame another part sticking out here leather strap would have gone through keep somebody's boos boots or shoes on back in the 1700s that is exciting I might be kind of walking in the right direction here I don't know we'll see let's let's look around here a little bit more well I cannot say I was expecting this just a 60 on the metal detector which is not normally a coin but I'm fairly certain that's what this is some better light in here all right can't tell it is hold and I rubbed on it the best I could and got I see this and I almost want to see a little mountain range and a Sun for the Vermont copper said little nose right there eyes face I don't know it kind of looks like it I'm gonna very optimistically consider that maybe this is a Vermont copper colonial copper maybe now I think the Sun is on the wrong side that's wishful thinking all right I don't know what it is but it's pretty cool to an old copper very good sign for this site keep going all right well I have something here and I'm not positive I know what it is but I have an idea I just wanted to point out kind of the place that I am the initial seller is up the hill and as you go off sideways here there's a cliff and might be hard for you to see but there's a stream way down there and I always try to make up an idea or a story about how things get where they got and this I know there's not very much of it but based on the shape of it I think that this is the top of what's called the jaw harp or a fragment of a jaw harp maybe less something like this there would have been a musical read down in between two long pegs and it would have been put up to your mouth and I'm not sure if you'd flicked the thing or if you would just hum and it would work very similar to a kazoo but it's this is you know brass it came off give off a really nice target it's not just a bent nail I think that's what it is and the reason I find you know this location worth mentioning because you could just imagine somebody sitting up here on the edge of this cliff looking down at the river a couple hundred years ago playing their little jaw harp who knows but seems like a good place to play some music right here all right it's not much but it's interesting let's keep moving [Music] so I'm kind of walking through and I just noticed this down tree that must have been growing on the Stonewall there's the root ball Stonewall comes through here and you can see that it just got thrown right over which is too bad but that's the way it goes with these things give it enough time I imagine all of these stone walls will be in disarray very similar to this it's sad to see but you know at least it wasn't done by a person that's natural that's the way it goes interesting all right I've made my way down the hill just a little bit probably hear the river in the distance and I have been on an absolute roll finding these things lately it was a very very scratchy target I decided to dig it check it out just a fragment of an old thimble man what is this made out of the only ones I've ever found or brass this might be brass let me just give it a tiny little scratch with my pocketknife it's a silvery color I almost wonder if this is a like a alloy of lead pewter wow that's a first it's beautiful this uh more than likely was used to mend clothing way back when anyway very very cool artifact let's keep going you nice little target right here sixty-eight but believe that this is a log right here that has fallen a chance that that's a piece of lead that was in that tree we'll see yeah that's exactly what it was Chapman's from time to time that was a dead log which had been shot and one point in time fell over rotted and the bullet was still in some wood see if we can see what it looks like here well it doesn't appear to be incredibly old old enough obviously for that tree to die and rot away but not shot by a loyalist I wouldn't guess cool nonetheless let's keep going all right I've just got the most beautiful target here and after that mystery copper has got me pretty excited quite a bit in better shape see if we can discover what it is together here mmm work on a little bit get it cleaned up all right nope another unidentifiable copper penny from in all likelihood 250 years ago with a little see little text right here now see that does that say all right well I'm pretty sure that's an L I be for liberty which means this is a large SAP I assume I can't make out any other detail on it but well we're gonna say that it's a great bust large sigh I think that's a pretty good guess based on the other coins we found all right beautiful alright folks well I am exhausted it was a long hike up in here today and it's going to be a long hike back out again so I'm gonna call it a day you know we didn't find the stashed treasure chest full of loyalists gold today we found a lot of very typical mid to late 1700s home site items which makes sense you know these are just people that had a differing opinion about how they thought this land should be governed and in all likelihood they were allowed to stay here and live their lives although many fled to Canada or other British own territories and even some had their land confiscated and kicked out hard to say what happened to these folks but they lost a few things and let's take a look at what we found today all right well we did get a whole slew of flat buttons and every single one of them gave me a heart attack thinking it was going to be another one of these loyalist buttons we have we wound up finding nine of them all of them pretty pretty plain I did find this it looks to be a silver plated rivet which is interesting though not something I've seen before a couple iron buckles up here we've got an iron knife probably a table knife our pewter spoon fragment of shoe buckle a very old thimble which I think it's a silver metal it's not brass like the ones I usually find I don't know if it's pewter or exactly what it is but we found a little musket ball and our two coins the one with a hole in it I'm optimistic I'll be able to figure out what it is although I don't know what it is right now I did some scratching on it and it appears to be nice and green underneath this so hopefully we can figure that out and this the opposite you know this time went on and just on its own the patina kind of flaked off so I don't know if we're gonna get more information on that one besides it just being a probably late 17 or early 1800s large cent oh and our little fragment of our jaw harp not bad alright folks I'm gonna start hiking out of here I want to thank you again for watching hopefully you enjoyed hopefully I'll see you again next week for another new video over here [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 84,297
Rating: 4.9584179 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: fDdBiaR47-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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