Fistful of Old Coins Found Metal Detecting Forsaken Horse Farm

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[Music] well spring has finally arrived in the mountains of Vermont today is the first time I've been able to get above 2,000 feet without there being a foot of snow up here and we are currently bushwhacking our way of the side of this mountain - hopefully intersect with an 1820s road which will then bring us to our destination today we actually have a name associated with the farm that we're going to be metal detecting it's on an old map and through my research and the stories from the landowner it seems like this place is going to be an old horse farm from what I understand there's a lot of property there's a lot of old stone walls and for a time they were doing very very well so I'm optimistic about what we might find I think we're almost to the road hopefully he I actually have a GPS point it looks like we're pretty close [Music] [Music] so I'm walking down the road what's left of a road from 200 years ago I like a lot of old roads in the mountains of Vermont there's water running down the middle of it now you know rain barriers that logging roads and mounds now used to divert water anyway I'm not walking in the middle because it's all wet but I'm looking down and somebody else used the road fairly recently you see this two toes that is a moose track there's another one oftentimes animals big animals like moose and bear will use existing human roads and trails to move about because it's easier than walking through the trees glad I didn't run into him probably be okay this time of year but if you run into a mama moose with a baby it could be in some trouble early spring we should be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well I believe we have arrived the road is right here and I'm looking down this kind of valley area and there's just a matrix of stone walls and different stables see some of it here here coming through and it's just everywhere man this place is huge plenty of places to swing the metal detector see what we can find oh we have something here not entirely sure what it is a little pretty ornamentation for something I tend to call everything a bridal rosette for a horse I don't know your guess is as good as mine I assume that's what this is like I said I call everything a bridal rosette that's around but it could very likely be you know a little pointment for like a bed or a cabinet or something cool all right let's keep going all right well I just was digging what I thought for sure was going to be another shell casing from a rifle and the thing we got looks a lot like one but it has a little tap on it hope you can make it out there's a pin hole right here and what I understand this thing is is it would have been on the underside of a rifle and this is where the ramrod the thing would have used to push down the musket ball was held when you weren't using it I've actually found another one of these and it was you very knowledgeable subscribers who watched my videos who notified me that that's what it was and this is for sure another one that's very cool I don't know if these things were a common thing to lose back then because I've this is I think my third one I found I'll have to look around and see if I could find the right the rest of the rifle I don't think I will but I'll check anyways and if I find it I'll let you know very cool let's keep doing all right my heart's pounding a little bit let's say 91 that is a beautiful high tone it's consistent a pretty good idea of what this could be but I don't want to jinx myself still a 90 and camera a little closer oh there it is it's definitely a coin awesome what do you think it looks like it's copper that is a United States large set awesome yeah that's been on the ground for probably 200 years let's uh let's get it cleaned up see if we can read the date all right well no date legible as of right now I'll work on it a little bit more when I get home and see if I can get a date off of it that's just a beautiful old copper coin one cent it's a great shape too beautiful all right let's keep going see what else we can find here you know I probably say this every year in the springtime but this is by far my favorite time to be in the woods doing this you know there's no leaves on the trees yet so the Sun shines through and it's nice and bright out here I heard a partridge drummond in the distance earlier all the spring and femorals are coming up you have the flowers that have very short lifespans they come up in the spring and they do their thing and then they're gone so if you're lucky you can spot some of those the bugs aren't out yet the mosquitoes the ticks are all already out right now I've already had a few on me so far this year well you know it's hard to part of the deal out here just got to check yourself good when you get home we'll be fine pretty soon though those mosquitos will be out and makes things a little bit less enjoyable but rather be here than work and that's masseur [Music] well I've gotten a couple button tones in this general area and I just got another one and it is nothing like the other ones that I found I don't think it's military I think it's just a very beautiful civilian button check this out see that there's that snowflake I don't think it's a snowflake but shank is still there upset we're gonna have some writing on the back to look at my toothbrush see if we can get that cleaned off look at that has incredible imagine a whole coat covered in these things that would have been something beautiful one let's see if we can find some more all right we have a very nice target here 78 actually a little low but it's incredibly deep so I suspect if we get this debt hole dug the number will be higher once we recheck Sears though it's out I think I see it this excellent I believe that that it's another coin copper coin what do you think is it gonna be in good shape it was pretty deep in this soils pretty wet all right well unfortunately it is pretty smooth there's no details on here that will aid us in identifying what the coin is but something that's struck me I don't know if you can make this out in the top corner up here and also down here this coin was abused in some way it's not quite round anymore and it appears to have been pounded and large cents towards kind of the end of their life on a farm like this would have been reused for many many different things because it would have been quicker and easier and probably cheaper than going into town getting the part that you need and coming back on a horse so I've seen these made into screwdrivers I've seen them made into Pie crimpers children's toys you know washers you name it if it was round about this size and metal they could have used a penny to make this thing what this was used for I'm gonna go out on a limb and say maybe it was like a shim for something to make up space what's impossible to say for sure but this coin was definitely abused in some way you know in most cases if you can for sure you know pinpoint what this thing was used for it can be fairly valuable to the people who collect this sort of thing but probably not this one pretty cool throw out the bag keep going alright check this out I already know what it is I actually popped the plug of dirt out and the thing came rolling out check it out wow that's a pretty one this is a broken jingle bell more than likely been on a harness for a horse obviously it's only a fragment of one but it has a look all these beautiful petals down here it would have been a little loopy on top to attach it to whatever you are attaching to that's cool it's too bad that it's broken a lot of times easel still jingle all right broken jingle bell beautiful let's keep going all right I thought for sure this is gonna be a shotgun shell but maybe you can see that shining back I'm pretty sure this is a piece of jewelry then making a point to take every target just in case what do you think is it broken no look at that are you kidding me that's a horse that is incredible looks like it's got a few too many legs down there I assume there's a person standing there too man that is awesome I wonder what it's set in it's not a precious metal that doesn't look like it's like a a plated brass or something that is awesome so I'm looking at this I'm wondering if this is a piece of jewelry I think it is because there's a pokey bit up here this is probably a necklace I was gonna say I wonder if it was a wax seal that is beautiful well I guess that makes a lot of sense being here wonder what that stone is it's like a black it might just be a black glass I guess and this would have been probably a hand carved in there incredible all right that's interesting and unique going [Music] all right well I'm quite aways from that the home right now pair of trees right here and there's a ton of iron also so I didn't I wasn't really sure what I was gonna wind up with here but there was a little bit of a squeak of a high tone and I just pulled this out you think about that there's a part poking out here with a place for a pin to go through so this would have been set into wood and a pin would have been helding it and holding in place you think it's that another gun part so the underside of a musket I said to think this is probably just a discussion to furniture but the the optimist in me is is hoping that it's part of another another part of a gun you tell me what you think that's cool whatever it is let's keep going all right so I was digging this hole and you can see there's tons of roots and rocks and I just got a little flash of green which wound up being this it's very very thin sheet brass and I was like well that couldn't have been the target so small and I came up with the rest of it I find these often enough that I know what it is but I've actually never found this size before these two things go together this would have been affixed like this but flush and air would have been passed through this thing where vibrates and creates a note musical note occasionally you'll actually have the note written down here but you would have a whole bunch of these of course in a musical instrument a wind instrument because of the size I'm going to go out a limb and say it was probably a small accordion they were extremely popular in the early to mid 1800s all over the world I assume if there's one out here there's probably going to be more we'll keep an eye out for them very cool let's keep going all right we got another really nice hide zone here anyone not quite in the 90s but be optimistic let's see see yeah I think it's another coin nice I don't want to speak before I know but this one looks a little bit older it's thinner jeez I don't know it's pretty thin let's buy a toothbrush all right well I've been staring at this thing for maybe 10 minutes cleaned it off as best I can and unfortunately there is no detail left I can almost make out the silhouette of a Britannia which is on the back of a British or even an American state coin but there's no bust on this side if I find anything out I will let you know but as far as we're concerned this is just a old coin that is unidentifiable at this very moment but hey I will take it you have to imagine if this is a British coin from the 1700s these folks at this farm were here up until the late 1800s this very well could have just been handed back and forth until it was absolutely smooth and then dropped so we can blame it on the soil but it very likely looked like this when it was dropped so worth a penny back then all right let's keep going all right it's been about eight seconds since we found that coin which was right here right here we have another identical target in the 80s so it's looking like we have a little pocket still here yeah that's a large set isn't that funny a large set and a potentially colonial coin in somebody's pocket at the same time both dropped at the same time it's hard to be finding uh two coins like this back-to-back that's amazing it's getting pretty late in the day maybe we'll call this end on a high note and call this the last target of the day I'll search around for some more but if this is it this is it let's pack up and see what we found all right well I got all of the things found today all out displayed and you know we did pretty good today and I think that probably has a lot to do with just the sheer size of this farm I've metal detected a lot of mid 19th century farms way high up in the mountains and more than typically they just didn't have a lot just scraping to get by and they really held on to the things they found valuable but here we found four coins and some jewelry a lot of horse tech also which makes sense let's take a look at what we found all right look at this spread of interesting things on the far left we have this just plate I don't know what this is it doesn't appear to have any writing on it but I'm gonna bring it home and cleaned it anyways and if it does you'll be the first to know this I believe is a horse bit bridle rosette I actually did find a second this was the first one and this is a smaller one which would have been a higher-pitched note a little jingle bell we have four coins two of them are for Shore large cents this one I assume is going to be a colonial coin just because of the size and what it read on the metal detector this could be anything but it's mashed up and seems to have been used for something else we have our beautiful jewel I'm gonna go with necklace it's really really cool for buttons and finally we have what I'm going to call the bottom plate for a rifle we have a ramrod guide and we have four musket balls or pistol balls hi folks it was a beautiful day the weather it's still quite cold but it's only gonna get warmer board to it so thanks again for watching my videos hope you enjoyed [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 145,226
Rating: 4.9560747 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: SGV8DWo-Lj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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