THE BEST Monument you Need NOW in your Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer thank you very much for joining me here in the city of teaport yes we are going to be expanding our city even more today and we did unlock a monument in the last episode which i would like to add to my city and see the benefits of that we've got the ultimate recycling plant um which is absolutely fantastic it takes all of that trash and converts it into goods electricity and raw materials and then we're going to try and work towards unlocking something else as well so i want to find a good area to put that i'm not sure whether that is going to have a load of trucks or coming towards it and doing all that sort of stuff i'm thinking it might do now i'm just looking at my roads here actually we could do with maybe attaching this road here down here somewhere i meant to do that before and never got around to it just to give people more choices of getting in and out of our city and then we can build sort of off of that um as well perhaps let's just quickly have a look at that i'm just wondering whether we could have a road going over the top of this as well i'll try and make it look nice let's just pause this for a second and we're going to need to what have we got here we've got like a a six lane whoa man things are jumpy a six lane road going through here so we could definitely just use that through here so let's use our pick a picker tool we'll grab that road there 80 traffic i love it when a plan works so we're going to delete all the connections off of here like this let's delete that and that and that i think as well we'll get those collected again uh connected again we're gonna do that oh yeah it's got a nice green in the middle of course uh that's a nice big road to go through here i want that to go over the top in the middle so if we sort of go like this let's go up eight and see whether that's a reasonable amount the train still get underneath oh that's a little bit tight let's use the movement mods and just expand that up eight nine turn 11 12 that should be fine and then we'll connect this up and do the home key oh the person who told me how to do that use the home key to get that to go straight back to the land lifesaver absolute lifesaver and then we'll just connect that into there excellent and then we'll do the same over here uh home key we'll go down and then where do we want to go so we've got this here i'd like this to go straight into that highway and then this to be uh into this roundabout i should say and then this to be a road off of it unfortunately we've got yeah you know what i might just do here is i might change how many lanes are on this road at some point so what i'm gonna do actually i'll change my mind we're gonna do this we're gonna we're gonna wiggle this i want to connect there so we're going to go through the middle of the forest and we're going to connect right there and we've got far too many lanes oh actually that's not too bad because you have one lane going right and two lane going left or the other way round yeah so if we do this let's have do it like that so i'm assuming most are going to want to go on the roundabout to go elsewhere but if they want to go left they can um we shall do give way and then i'm going to do this and it's probably going to change my lanes yeah let's change that back again oh no hang on there we go like that i've got dedicated lanes in there and giveaway coming out yeah that's good and then before we unpause i want to just connect these guys over here yeah this bit here again i mean they can literally just connect straight off of there that's fine what we are going to do is um if i connect a road to here they're not going to be able to get in the other direction are they was before they could what if i connect to here let's use an asymmetric road let's just try it here so if i go in like that oh it does cut the thing in the middle okay that's good so we'll connect that to there and in fact do you know what i'll just make this this four-lane load either way because you've got two directions to go there two directions to go there we go dedicated turning lanes there so one lane off and what we'll do is we'll make them give way and we're definitely saying if you're on this road you just keep going whoops like that because this is the fast road to go through good i'm glad it connects there um and then these here what have we got fan zone park oh yeah that's right and we've got this over here incineration plant and recycling center they're actually going to go we're going to remove those so we don't need that road anymore there then the only other thing to connect is this path so we'll get our pick a picker tool and we'll just add uh oh wait a minute hey when he does that road guidelines we're going to go there and i'll go page up let's do it from there is that not tall enough that looks like it should be tall enough okay we'll go a couple more there we go that should be perfectly fine it is now and then we'll connect that to there and then we'll connect that to over here and then that'll be fine everybody can get around forgot to press the home key there we go excellent so they can get in there if they need to which is what we want that should be fine that's all the access we need and it's just the fan zone park doesn't that have like a a noisy sort of not really so i'm just thinking maybe attach it to there it's not the busiest road over this one over here maybe we'll look to move that at some point to somewhere more fitting but for now that can go there so that's now given extra access so now we could perhaps just add a little something over here for this so it's not too big which is good but i wanted it to have its own little its own little area away from everything else um what i would like is an industrial asymmetric road we've got this one here yeah just to come off of here so let's maybe pop that on that node there yeah that's good so we do the same asymmetric giveaway pink and you'll go through anyway that's fine and then we'll just draw a little zone up here for this i don't know what we might end up with a couple of other things up here as well but for now that should just be fine that'll just fit in there nicely yes out of the way of everything else that's good so garbage reserves that's a million processing rate it is going to send out trucks and then it also gives power as well it doesn't have any water let's fix up that uh i have been keeping my water pipes all nicely organized and straight ah look here we go this one here nope this one here i'm gonna drag this pipe all the way across from over there just to give them what they need okay so a lot of trucks are going to go out they should be fine there we go let's speed that up a bit how many trucks it's going to send out so now our garbage processing just three is through the roof so that might mean that let's just check our economy and our budget just in case at any point i've whacked that up too high if i put that down let's not do that i put that down a bit still pretty high i'm just sort of rather than going through the city sort of deleting everything if i could just adjust this ever so slightly yeah there we go so we've got enough garbage processing status but that is also going to give us goods and things as well so i don't know quite how it's going to do that whether it's going to send out goods vehicles or anything like that maximum of 49 trucks that should do more materials and goods from the waste maybe they magically appear in the stores we shall see good okay so that's those couple of monuments we've got what's this one over here the castle of lord chirpwick well why not let's go for that one that's gonna cost us a lot of money now i've had a lot of people mention about my money here has been slowly going down over the past few episodes i believe my taxes aren't as high as they could be um and we're also giving free education to all of the people in smartypants university which we don't really need to do that anymore but you know i am spending a lot of money and not running my city much in between videos so when our money does go up and you know like it does it fluctuates quite a lot i'm not giving a chance to give us a lot of money so we'll see how that goes we might have to end free education but we shall see we'll see what happens okay so the castle of lord chirpwick has got some unlocks we need to do the city arch which i'm surprised that we haven't already placed here it is the city arch excellent increases the tourist capacity of roads by five percent now i have no idea what that actually means because the roads don't get any bigger it doesn't affect the traffic does it just mean that it brings in five percent extra tourists i think that's probably what it means uh tourism fluctuates quite a lot so there's no real way of checking that now i'm thinking where is the real entrance of the city we've obviously got the highway coming in over here which runs through we've got the highway coming in over here but that's more the industrial sort of area so i'm thinking this one here we've got you know our built-up areas it's not what was the center of the city when we started which was down this road this has got our university do you know what actually i think this is more at the entrance of the city this is industrial so can we pop that on here unfortunately with the size of it the answer is no what about if we go a little bit further down and we get to this style of road so i reckon here it would go on yeah look it will snap there let's just pause the game i don't need to do anarchy let's just snap that on there come on yeah and then i'm just gonna use move it mods just to sort of line that up a little bit better and you know what i think that looks absolutely perfect there if we look the other way we'll get the sun on it that just suits the entrance of the city brilliantly doesn't it look at that [Music] there we go fantastic getting a little bit of traffic building up there but we'll just let that sort itself out i'm sure it will be fine excellent okay so what is next on our list for castle or chirp which the clock tower i do love the clock tower we need to whoops we need to make sure that we give that a lovely place to go now uh helps citizens to stick to their schedules increases the speed of trains by 20 i absolutely never knew that that was what that did fantastic brilliant so where would be a good spot for that um this is all pretty built up this area here it's like the start of our city these uh people down here have loved living with their dirt roads and i think in this little park we could maybe rebuild ever so slightly a little area here as if it was a park square is that part going through there isn't it not a park square sorry like an old style square that used to be here and then the city expanded around it i think that would be nice for t-town why not now this little bit here seems to be in the middle so it's not going to be nice for the people that live here but for everybody it'll be nice let's just delete this little bit here there we go let's see the size of it yeah so imagine that in the middle there and it gives a nice little bonus around it as well of entertainment noise pollution a tiny bit i think they will be okay with that so what roads do we have that we could use to put that against do we have any so i'm just wondering here gravel no let's put stone pedestrian roads sort of in here and see how that would look something like that and then pop it off of there no i think that's gonna look nice look at that a nice little focal point for this area here they can walk to it i think only people in emergency vehicles can go down here so that counts as road access for that and then we can try and sort of pretty this up a little bit as well what do you think [Music] there we go looking good looking good i do like the look of that i just want to make sure i mean there are cars coming out of here but i'm not too bothered i'll be honest just want to make sure so we've got a tram stop here they can easily walk up and around and get access and there's a bus stop here as well so yep that's fine everything we need and that is a lovely focal point there for the first starting area of our city t-town excellent okay oh thank you very much that's very good so next on the list is old market street i don't know what that would that would also fit in somewhere like this um but uh let's put old oh my goodness me i'm not gonna spell this thing right old market street hmm that is pretty big though let's let's give that has given a bonus to this area let's find another place we can put that and i think this little spot up here this would fit in perfectly i mean look at that that would just be right up right up their street all the dead jokes it's going to take out all those people but we could definitely expand over here i'm just going to plop it in you know let's see what it does uh ploppable unique atmospheric increased tax income of the nearby commercial zones by five percent so gonna get lots of extra income from those uh it fits there perfectly let's turn off anarchy do you know what that looks again like it should be there i might just lower these buildings here yeah do we have a zone over this area we do super tea park so if we go into policies and city planning high rise ban could be good and i might then just delete those two and hopefully they'll grow back we do have some knees yeah there we go not quite so high so we can see that and then this bit at the end here sorry you're just moving in we're gonna delete those wow didn't that look nice yep adds a little something to that i like doing this adding little things to the areas make them extra specially nice what is next on the list oh the sea fortress now the sea fortress uh for trick there we go now this is pretty big i believe yeah reasonable size has some nice benefits and bonuses around it as well lots of entertainment increases the shipping airport traffic's tourist capacity by five percent that capacity thing must be like an inbuilt hidden capacity amount so it's just adding to that now now now we are going to be having a port coming up here but that is going to be like totally industrial and all that sort of thing but we could add this sort of somewhere around here i know it's a sea fortress but yeah tough there was going to be some in-depth um clever thing to say there i'm just thinking where so we've got our tivoli strawberry experience over here which we could maybe squeeze it on and it would give that extra entertainment bonus to those sort i'm trying to think of a place we could pop in it's going to get the most bonuses we know we're going to build this up at some point so if we put it there see that green we've just lost a football match somewhere it's going to cover all of these i think that might be quite nice but there's not much room there is there and then along here okay let's have a look at this if it went there for instance you know that would be really interesting if it went there that is almost like it's deliberately built there to block off this area and then we could just move our ferries around the outside here i think that is a fantastic idea biffer where do you come up with these ideas i don't know biffer i just amaze myself sometimes well good so let's delete these that up to there and let's do this instead that connector there that will sort itself out no problem and then we can add that onto we can get that lined up right with that end bit there then it looks like it's all deliberately placed here and then later on someone's come along and added some roads in and it's all just it's all just meant to be oh doesn't that just look like it's deliberately built there oh i'm liking that a lot how's that gonna affect the water hadn't thought of that is it gonna be a bit weird possibly could we use the move it mods see if we go up what do we have underneath here it's got all of that oh it's saying no road access what oh okay we might be able to work on that um how high or low do we want this so we get too low we're starting to get there yeah also okay hang on move it mod adjustment i'm going to move that over there i'm going to delete these two bits here then we're gonna do control z on the move it mod and then this i'm gonna line up with the other what is this called key wall something for other let's have a look it's and it is key it's not quay do see some people saying that uh distance too short if we do anarchy and get that just in there and do the one without the trees and just sort of line that up like that and that sits on the top i think that actually blocks the water going through there and we might need to just further with the land a bit but i think that's okay let's not worry too much about all this water going everywhere and it does need a little bit of road access so we're gonna have to do a little bit of monkeying around here and again i'm going to use these walking things because i like these what should we have i wish we had one of these that was a bit more look like this sort of brickish but we'll go with this one i'm going to delete some trees from here as well we'll pop that one sort of there and then we'll connect it like that and move it mod just line that up i think that'll give it the road access it needs just line it up a little bit better like that yeah and then we can put this back over the top or underneath we could just do like a tunnel let's do a tunnel underneath there so we go oh we're gonna need to do a bit of a bit of work on that tunnel do i want to do a tunnel do you know what no i don't let's forget the tunnel change the mind no tunnel for you i'm just going to connect that to there i mean just imagine people get off their bike cycle round they'll be able to do that that's fine yeah let me just do a bit of monkeying around with the land here see if we can get this to look a bit nicer and here we are yeah that's fitted in perfectly i'm absolutely loving that it looks like it should be there and it fits in really well with what we've got and i love the the contrast as well between this oldie worldly building here and these brand new buildings that have been put there absolutely fantastic good good good what's next on the list i have no idea the statue of colossalus have i even seen this before uh entertainment valley 100 increases the attractiveness of all the unique buildings by 25 i must have seen this before statue oh i know what it is it's this guy here isn't it oh my goodness me that is huge oh actually it's not as big as you think it is first of all oh where would be a good spot for that again we've got our water here because we're not built up right by the coast i don't want to plop it on a piece of coast over here where there's nothing going on i want to have it where it really stands out i feel like this bit of shoreline here but we've got our fairies that come past um look at this guy i love it it's fantastic i i bet we could do a bit of finagling and get it to go in here because we've got this beach space over here that is where i want it to go space already occupied i know okay let us just maybe sort out our space already occupied problem by oh it's like right there okay we're gonna do a bit of finagling well jumpy game we're gonna do a bit of finagle in here [Music] yeah that's okay that goes around the outside they can have a look at his loincloth as they're going past oh this guy he's just fantastic and to your light you have a oh maybes don't look up uh we obviously need a little bit of mode access here as well and we're gonna have to have a oh we've got this road here for that yeah let me see what i can do [Music] ah fantastic that fits in there really really well i like that i mean don't forget this area here is going to be built up as well so that's good i want to make sure if there's any they're complaining about the noise surely he's not making any noise yes there is a bus that comes down here so we are going to uh make sure that it stops right outside let's grab that one there cannot find path what oh i didn't connect it up there did i put a path up there hang on let's just fix that let's delete that cycling path um let's grab our pika picker thank you pick a picture um and let's just will you get off of that view what is going on oh auto save great sympathy there we go i didn't even notice it was happening uh so if we grab this i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna turn off collision and we're gonna fit that road in between there and then it's gonna curve around like that and then we're gonna pick a picker and put our bicycle lane it's gonna have a little off ramp to connect up to there as well good and then back to our buses we can grab our bus routes so now it's using that road to tap what is going on over here oh my goodness me i turned off collision and all the trees have come back all right let's just move this road if i can find the road there we go i'm gonna have to do this all the way along here now aren't i all right okay that'll do we've sorted it enough so let's grab that bus route there and drag that to stop right outside i can't stop it on that side of the road for some reason but that will do excellent so we'll get even more tourists coming to that and he does stand proudly on the shore brilliant okay good so i'm enjoying that one yay castle of lord sherp wick 100 entertainment increases the attractiveness of all the unique buildings by 25 percent wasn't that the same as that one what did that one say crucial attractive tourists by 20 oh i see outdone by lord sherpwick and his castle now we need to find a cool place to put that so i'm looking at my city here imagining this in medieval times you've got a couple of settlements along the river maybe one over here one down here somewhere you've set up your fortress down here you can have access to the sea defend your landing area and i'm thinking where would you put a castle so you could oversee all of this i mean this side is all totally flat you wouldn't put it up in the mountain but look at this this hill here to me looks absolutely perfect for the castle of lord chirpwick you can imagine them lighting a beacon to send a signal down to their sea fortress over to the guy who sits on the top of colossal's loincloth so can we get this square over here i don't see why not we'll have that one and we'll have that one okay nice so let's see how that's going to fit on the top of here um now would you have it right on the end must be placed roadside well we'll get to that would you sort of put it here and then have that as maybe a lookout area or would you put it right i want to put it right on the tip over here so it's going to need a road to run up there and i'm thinking some sort of pedestrian gravel road might look good um i'm just going to connect it here excuse me just for now and we're running that we may change this road later uh yeah we've got collision on let's just see how it looks if we run this up through the trees yeah i think that'll be good if we just flatten out this top section a bit it's a very steep road getting up here wasn't it but yeah that's fine we can work on that let's grab this and say that size just flatten out this here yeah we'll rebuild this road actually okay that's where i want it like that let's just use the move it mod just to sort of get that face in the direction that we want and i might just adjust this so it ends up being a straight road here looks a bit nicer in front yeah i think this is the sort of road that we need something like a bit there we go let's make that the same height let's make that the same height oh what do you reckon what do you reckon it's got like a little garden thing going on around the back here and the view over the city that's got to be that's got to be the best view ever over the city i'm liking that a lot i do feel like i want to add oh look at our money it's down to 1.8 million do you know what i think free education is going to be uh it's going to be disappearing very soon uh we could definitely add some like walking paths around here and sort of turn this into a turn this into a park area we'll have that connect up to there and then maybe we could have another little walking path come out down here sort of on the edge just to go to a lookout and then we wanted one didn't we to come over to to here perhaps and imagine they could lighter brazier to send the warning that the uh no that's going too far but the troops are coming let's go up there connect to there yes something like that and we can work on that i think that looks great i think that's like protected at the back there yeah i'm liking that i'm liking that a lot let's just adjust this one that didn't quite sit well with me that's going to come around here instead yeah there we go that's much better cool [Music] i've got to say i think that is the perfect spot for the castle of lord chirpwick that is absolutely brilliant what i would like to do is get a night shot and also have a launch from our rocket over here i don't think that's going to be ready to go for this episode oh it's so close maybe maybe it will i've also just had to put the budget back up on the trash because we've got trash problems everywhere i i knew that if lowering the budget wouldn't just lower the amount of uh trucks coming out of that one but i've just whacked it back up 125 so we can solve the problem oh so which one would you like to see in a future episode but the hadron collider which takes care of all the education i tend to leave those sort of ones to the end because then suddenly it means it's pointless having all the um schools and things in the city it's like a magical click your fingers everyone's got education which uh yeah i know it's endgame stuff the same with the medical one it looks good but again it's like a magical clicky fingers one eden project i quite like that one um reduces pollution city more valuable i think we could build something nice with that maybe in this area here where we're going to be building up the population because i still want to get to over a hundred thousand space elevators always a good one lots of tourists so we need to build up some mass transit around that don't just plonk it against a six-lane road like we see in so many cities to be fixed gotta really look after that one properly uh the fusion power plant may be further down the line i think it's probably going to be one of these uh yeah one of these two will do next time get the tourists going get the land value going up that would be really helpful what do you reckon let me know in the comments i'd like to hear from you about that so let's get a nighttime rocket launch from the view of the castle of lord chirp we're going i'm gonna have to run the game for a bit to get this to fill up uh we need another name we've had the ta hugo there um so how about the t e a uh his russian cousin you go through you go through yeah there we go he's come over we're gonna name that uh we're gonna change the color on this one let's have what's what's a bit more russian i don't know this purpley bluey color i think could be quite cool there we go that's nice so we just need to wait for this to fill up with all the stuff and then we'll be back for a nighttime launch see you in a sec five four three two one so there we go you go through as headed into space i think that's a fitting finale for this episode thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a like that is always appreciated and help me try and get to half a million subs we're so close not very long to go tune in very soon for the next episode and enjoy your weekend have a great day take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 121,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines monuments, castle of lord chirpwick, cities skylines castle of lord chirpwick
Id: xcdAZ9MEpT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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