What The Holy Spirit Wants To Do For You | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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i think we ought to give the lord a great scout of praise this morning everybody at every campus online let's praise the lord praise the mighty name jesus you are the god of miracles hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord so let's go today to a miracle story and i'm going to start in john chapter 2 and i'm going to end in acts chapter 2. and in verse 2 now both jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding and they ran out of wine and the mother of jesus said to him they have no wine verse 5 his mother said to the servants whatever he says do you do it now there were set there six water pots of stone according to the manner of the purification of jews containing 20 or 30 gallons of peace and jesus said fill the water pots with water and they filled them up to the brim notice that they started drawing out and they took it to the master of the feast or the governor and he and they took it and then lastly verse 10 and he said to them every man from the beginning sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk then the inferior but you have kept the good wine until now some translations say you have kept the best for the last and i want to talk to you and i'm going to preach this sunday i am preaching next sunday and the next sunday a new series and i want to entitle it what the holy spirit wants to do for you what the holy spirit wants to do for you in the hebrew culture there was a great importance upon marriage in the marriage ceremony and vows and covenant it was so serious to even consider getting married that if you got engaged to someone and decided to call the marriage off during the engagement you couldn't just walk away and never speak again you had to write up a legal bill of divorcement this is told in the story of joseph and mary you had to write up a if if engagement was that serious of a commitment can you imagine how serious of a commitment marriage was in the time in which jesus attended this wedding to perform his first miracle and began his earthly ministry uh it would it was more than a it was more than a ceremony weddings especially in jesus day it was something that would go on for days and days and days and people came in from everywhere it was a remember there were small villages pete it was a it was a community celebration all the neighbors all the friends all the dignitaries would come all of them and they would come from everywhere and it was a massive celebration that went on for up to seven days if you can imagine it was a huge party i don't know and i've studied this and you can check this out it was a huge party and what i love about this story is that jesus was invited to the wedding he was invited to the party he had not yet begun his earthly ministry and yet he gets up and when he was invited to the party he went to the party he he he got up and got his clothes on and i'm sure as he was about to go out the door and the disciples were hustling and bustling to get their clothes ready and to go with him they thought where are we going i don't know probably going to the synagogue probably going to church probably going to he's probably got a brand new revelation and teaching he's going to share with the multitudes we're going to something spiritual i guarantee you and as they're leaving somebody just casually says where are we going jesus he says we're going to a party we are going to a party not to synagogue not to church not to a miracle meeting we're going to a party when he got there there was quite a celebration going on there were people who were dancing and hooping and hollering and singing and dancing and drinking and carrying on like you wouldn't believe and jesus was there they had the head table they had the guest of honor they had the governor of that region they had the bridegroom and everybody was there the real guest of honor was not at the table of honor he was not up front he was among the people and they didn't even know he was there did you know that you can be in the presence of god and not get the benefits of god until circumstances arise that only god can handle sometimes god manipulates circumstances so that you can come into an awareness of who is with you it's possible that you are going through something right now and you don't even know who's with you but it's amazing to me how god can take and let something happen and all of a sudden you need him all of a sudden there is no human answer all of a sudden nobody can fix it but jesus and your whole attitude changes and suddenly you need him and you develop an appreciation for him and what he can offer in your life and god has a way of putting you in circumstances that cause you to need him nobody was praying at this party nobody was doing anything but drinking and partying and dancing and having the biggest time but he knows how in the midst of a party to get your attention it ought to make us tremble it really should it ought to make us shudder to think how many times jesus sat back in a corner and he went with us to every situation we got ourselves in he was at the party you know that party he was there you know that hotel room you know that situation you know that dog track you know i don't know where what you he goes to places like that he's not just holy jesus who comes to church he was there and they didn't even know he was there and what's so amazing is he's sitting there in the corner while they're having their party and they are unaware and could care less about him and anything he has to offer until the party ran out of wine they had been dancing music carrying on but they ran out of wine wine in the bible represents sustainable joy the party that the devil will throw you is one that sooner or later will run out of wine sooner or later there's pleasure in sin for a season but then the party they're partying without wine and at some point it hits them we don't have anything to sustain the party something had gone out of the party you know what it is do you still remember what it was to be at the party but something to go out of the party when you first get into certain sin and certain wildlife and party life it's exciting it's it's intoxicating it's it's you know but at some point something begins to go out of the party you're partying without wine you're still celebrating but the party seems to have run out of wine you're still laughing but it's really not that funny anymore you're still acting like you're having a good time but deep down on the inside you just want to go home you're still in the arms of somebody that you thought would be enough but now you're partying without wine that job that you just thought you if i could get that job man that would fulfill me but sooner or later that party will run out of wine that house if i can get that car if i can get that career if i can get that paycheck if i could ever get if i could ever get this certain amount of money in the bank it would sustain my joy for the rest of my life if i could get that boy or that girl if i could get married if i could do this or if i could do that none of the things the world offers you can give you sustainable joy without jesus and the party will run out of wine every time the party is not what you thought it was you say well i sure am enjoying it right now but you're going to remember this sermon and what i want you to see in this story is the extreme patience of jesus he'll just sit in a corner and they're hoofing and hollering and dancing and shaking and laughing and getting higher and higher and higher and jesus is just sitting in the corner the party scene isn't as great as you thought it was the money hasn't got the power that you think it does the person that you are willing to wreck your world for doesn't fulfill you like you thought he would or she would because everything the devil offers you he offers you the best verse and then it gets worse and worse and the wine runs out of his party every time there is no sustainable joy in turning your back on god and good and walking away from the presence of the lord there is no sustainable joy no amount of money can give it to you no amount of success can give it to you no amount i don't care where you live what neighborhood oh if i had that i would have sustainable joy no you would not if jesus is not the center of your life you will never know joy peace and the happiness that god wants us to have clap your hands and praise the lord somebody [Applause] it was in this moment that when something went out of the party in all ways to catch you it'll get it'll catch up with you something's go something's gonna go out of it it's it's like when that thing that was fun becomes an addiction it was fun taking the sips but now you gotta have it now you gotta get high every day now you gotta do it every day now you don't control it it controls you that's when the wine starts going out of the party and it wasn't only that the party ran out of wine but it was in that moment that the spotlight hit jesus everybody's looking at the bride up to this moment the couple looking at the governor looking at the looking at the celebrities that were at the at the main host table looking at all the the wedding party and what they're wearing and all of that but the moment that it ran out all attention isn't it funny how we can focus on everybody but jesus until we get in an emergency jesus didn't plan on doing anything his mother made him he said it's not my time mother and she said whatever he says do do it that means you gonna do something now get out there and do it but this was an emergency all of a sudden the party crowd is talking about if there is a god up there we sure could use some help it's kind of like the church has come to the world's party after all that we've been through the last year or so it's like the world has realized there is no sustainable joy in this world without jesus and we have come to the world's party the church in jesus has been overlooked not noticed laughed at talk shows have made fun of us movies have mocked us in throughout history the early church they threw them in snake pits they burned them at the state they crucified them but we're still at the party because we knew like jesus there would come a day when we would have more addicts than we do answers we knew there would come a day when the suicide hotlines would be jammed when crisis would be in every family where every family would be broken and going through some kind of brokenness and jesus sets back with extreme patience and he says i'm here i've been with you i didn't start loving you when you got it together i didn't start protecting you and keeping you from hell and death and the devil and demons destroying your life i was at that party i was in that circle i was there when you the enemy plotted and planned and i was there with extreme patience waiting on you to get your eyes off what you call friends and get your eyes on what you call life and get your eyes off what you think is temporary and powerful i knew the part the wine was going to run out of your party one of these days i've been waiting patiently now is the time for jesus to give what the world is missing and notice how he does it in verse six he said bring me the six ceremonial pots and fill them with water to the brim i want you to bring those six six is the number of man six is the number of sin and they were ceremonial pots that were used by the jews to wash themselves before they went into the temple he said i want you to bring the old religious pots and i'm going to work a new miracle in old pots i believe those pots represent denominations represent the church that basically has nothing to offer a world that has no joy because we have become so religious all we care about is our own personal righteousness and holiness and how pure and clean we are when the world is dying and they're dying right before our eyes and the lord says i'm going to use those old ceremonial pots but i'm gonna have to do a new miracle with some old pots and i wonder sometimes if we don't watch it that we don't come to church and we become those old pots we get in here and we hear a song like that god can dissolve plates god can heal cancer and we almost give it mental ascent and act like i don't really don't have miracles might happen but i don't really believe for anything you know what you are an old pot that needs to get in the presence of jesus and let him fill you to the brim and you can say jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever what he did he can still do what he was he still is what he said he's still saying he's not the great i used to be he's not the great i'm going to be he is the great i am in this service he can heal cancer in this service he can give a new miracle to some old pots that need to reconnect to supernatural power he can set drug addicts free he can set alcoholics free he can break bonds of depression and fear and worry off of your life when you get in the power of his presence he turns water into wine he turns defeat into victory he turns sorrow into rejoicing hallelujah that's what the holy spirit can do he said fill them with water to the brim and i like the fact that he said fill them with water to the brim see if they had brought jesus pots full of grapes and he would have made them turn them into wine that would be kind of understandable a little bit but he said i want you to bring me something that has none of the source of what i'm going to make out of it in itself there is no way that water can make itself by its own actions into wine they're two different completely creations one is water and one comes from grapes and it's wine and the two are not the same and he said i want you to fill it to the brim with what i know it cannot be to please me and when it's full and when you know in other words what you're full of pride religiosity legalism self-justification your own holiness your own righteousness your laundry list of i gave my tithe this week blah blah blah and god says when you finally get full of when i want you to bring me what you're full of that you can never ever ever all your righteousness when you're full of it all your righteousness is his filthy rags to me [Music] and he says you come now i cannot explain to you the bible isn't clear it does give one hint it said and he said to them when they filled it full he said pour it out and that means they were pouring it from one vessel to another vessel and while the pouring was taking place the power of his presence this is why today is so significant pentecost sunday it's not enough to sing songs and give talks from the pulpit there will be no transformation water is weak wine is strong water is cheap worthless wine is expensive water is water is tasteless wine is intoxicating how in the world can i make that into this there's only one answer it has to get in the power of the presence of jesus and i'm so desperate for that because our young people they hear sermons and stuff but if we don't get desperate to get ourselves in these services in the power of his presence [Applause] my greatest gift to communicate will not transform water into wine but if i can somehow become a gateway and if the team can somehow and if you can somehow with your hunger become a gateway that we get people into the power of his presence suddenly as it's being poured out suddenly god begins to turn weakness into power and god begins to turn worthless worthlessness into something extremely costly everybody say the power of his presence how long has it been since you've been in his presence not church not another service not another altar call not another raise your hands praise the lord clap happy clappy bye see you next week when was the last time you left church saying i'll never be the same again [Music] i'll never be the same again and as they poured it you can't evolve into what god wants you to be it only comes from being in his presence and as they poured it jesus said serve it to the governor serve it to that person that has got everything the world can offer he's wealthy he's powerful he's prestigious he's famous he's got titles he's got position he's got possession see i preached the sermon on this one time and i said we need to serve it to the governors not just the butlers god wants to reach the down and out but he also wants to reach the up and in and here's why because they're just as empty because they really thought when i get this when i get that when i get the me and the 10 million the billion that can be whatever it and that's the beauty of the story jesus said take it to him first the guy who has everything and he had a preconceived idea that what they were offering him was inferior because he said i really don't want to drink this trash because what i've got and what i can afford and the life that i have compared to what pitiful little what's his name jesus i never heard of him that anyhow whatever blessing he put on there you're offering me that compared to my power and my position have you seen my house have you seen the car i rolled up in do you know what kind of rims i do you know do you know the boat do you know the lifestyle i live and you dare i'm not used to this cheap trash stuff but i guess i'll give it a seal and and and here's here's a big point how do you explain water to wine you can't all you can do is taste it how do i explain the baptism in the holy ghost how do i explain that god can heal through your hands how do i explain the gifts of the spirit how do i explain walking with jesus how do i do that the only thing you really you really can't explain all you can do is try to get people in the power of his presence long enough that they take a sip and he thought you're just lucky i'm at this party and i really don't want this cheap stuff cause i'm used to cabaret i don't even know now i'm really getting a mess here but but i i i don't drink i don't i ain't never been a drinker and i don't intend to be so i don't know what i'm talking about but i do know this story happened like this because this guy said i have a preconceived idea that what you're offering me is is is so inferior to what the party i've been living with my stuff and then he takes a sip he says i i had life but this is life more abundantly i had joy but this is sustainable joy now by that i don't mean you have a perfect life i don't mean that somehow you're excluded from pain and sorrow and trials and tough days and horrible things that happen in your life but i have a sustainable joy that no matter what i go through i will make it i will rejoice i will come out because all things work together for my good i'm almost done sounds like somebody fell down back there lord heal him in the name of jesus but watch this the man tasted it and he said my god that's what i want i know what happened to jensen when he was 16 years old and god baptized him in the holy ghost i tasted something on that floor floor yeah i was laying on my back and nobody pushed me over the power of god when somebody is a missionary named rank consumed from from trinidad he laid his hand on me and when that man touched me i had never experienced anything like that and i fell to the floor and i began to pray i i had it's like you know how do you how do you oh taste and see that the lord is good and i'm so desperate to get a generation of young people into the power of his presence oh you know that's what changed you you couldn't change you nothing in you could make you stop can make you turn can make you change from water into wine but when you got in the power of his presence what have we got to offer people if somehow some way we don't get in his presence before we leave here and we're in it i feel it i sense it i acknowledge it i watch what jesus says now the governor said my goodness he said most people serve the best first and then the cheap stuff but you saved the best for last then jesus turns and he says to his disciples i want you to go to jerusalem i'm about to go to heaven no no lord you're the best [Music] we can't make it without you you're our comforter when we get in storms you come walking on the water we need provision you make fish pay our taxes you're a comforter in the storms of life in the trials of life you can't leave us no he said it's all right john 14 16. i will send another comforter oh hallelujah i'll send another compliment he'll hold you at the gravesite of a loved one he'll be there in the middle of the night when your mind is racing and you don't know what to do and you don't have the answers and you feel like the whole world is on your shoulder he'll come like a comforter he'll attach himself to you because i'm gonna go away and you thought i was the best but i'm sending you a gift called the comforter the holy spirit so can you see those 120 disciples you know mary the mother jesus was in there peter james and john were in there they go up in the upper room and he said stay there 50 days to the day of pentecost and they're trying to have church they're trying to have a party but they don't have no wine that's why i'm glad i'm in a spirit-filled church i'm sorry there is a difference i said there and may we always keep it if it were left up to some of you we've become some old dead religious pot with still water in it but may it never happen at free chapel may we never be ashamed of the power and the anointing may we always rely on the power of his presence more than our talent more than our guilt more than our buildings more than our wealth more than anything we have we can't transform anyone only jesus everybody praise the lord for about 30 seconds just praise him i mean praise him i mean praise him i feel the lord moving in this place somebody praised him in midtown somebody praise him and coming somebody praised him in spartanburg somebody plays him over there somebody [Music] stand up on your feet please so they're partying for some something's missing that's what's that's what's wrong with you you've become real religious and you know what's missing you need a fresh infilling and baptism of the holy ghost and fire you know the first person to touch jesus on planet earth was his mother mary she was a virgin when she got pregnant with him so holy but you know the first person to touch jesus when he rose from the dead read it mary magdalene reached out to touch him and the scripture said he said don't touch me yet i'll let you touch you but but not yet i'm not to go to the father but he was letting her know you're gonna get to touch me on this return [Music] i know that some of you can relate to holy mary over there but he's also made a way through the cross and the resurrection that the rest of us with our seven devils you know seven mary magdalene has was delivered from seven demons and now jesus says just wait i'll let you touch me but but let me go to the father and sprinkle the blood when i come back come on in here you be the first to touch i close with this they get in that upper room and they're partying with no wine and all of a sudden acts 2 when the day of pentecost was fully come suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind it filled all the place where they were sitting there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire it sat upon each of them they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance is that in the book i believe the church better stop playing church and get filled with the holy ghost if we're gonna have a sustainable joy in these days we're living in it can't be in money position power or anything it has to be in the presence of jesus and his holy spirit how many of you here today at all of our campuses and wherever you are watching this if you were to be honest you would say pastor in some form some fashion it may be your marriage it may be your family it may be your whole life the joy the wine i've run i'm partying without wine i'm doing it but even my walk with god i'm doing it you know i love the lord i'm here and i understand that and i appreciate that but nothing's going to change if we don't get in the power of his presence and so i don't need there's several thousand people here this morning in gainesville and i'm sure there are many out there but i don't need thousands i if 120 would work on the day of pentecost if i could just get a hundred fire brands who would say i want to be filled refilled overflowing i want him to take what i have that's i'm full of and transform it in his presence into wine that can heal the wounds and the hurting and the broken in a joyless broken world i won't i want to be a vessel i just need 120 it may be a teenager it may be a businessman it may be a mother it may be a problem it may be someone who's been in the church it may be an old religious pot it's been so long since you had a move of god that if i can get 120 hungry people to at every campus to get out of your seat and come stand down there representing i'm ready for a brand new pentecost i'm ready for a brand new outpouring i'm ready to be filled refill speak in tongues as the spirit gives the other i don't want to be shortchanged i don't want to live off yesterday's blessing i don't want to become a religious pot where there's no sustainable joy i don't want to just give my tithe and come to church and go through i won't fresh wine i want jesus to baptize me in the holy ghost and fire lift your hands up all over this room all over this room [Music] ease the mind he can live the heaviness of life the power of his [Music] presence you've never tasted what i'm talking about just where's the big thing [Music] to lay first on every pastor under the sound of my voice to get out and begin to lay hands on people i want you to go from person to person and ask god to fill them with the holy ghost pastor small leaders lay hands on the people many of you need miracles in your home many of you need transforming power in your life in your home your merits why don't you just raise those hands and welcome the holy spirit and what he can do for you he can take water weakness and turn it into wine strength and power things that wade upon the lord shall renew their strength i'll bring you out with eagle's wings [Music] ask him to fill you with the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what will change [Music] [Music] me we pray [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] that i can't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] the spotlight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh will be [Music] and we are thirsty [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] and we [Music] holy spirit you are [Music] your glory god is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] holy spirit with new miracles [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there's a miracle that's moving miracle in the movement you can be healed you can be healed [Music] you can be transformed in the power of his presence [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] see it one more time lift your hand oh he's here he's here i give you sustainable joy you will get through it you will come out victorious and until then i give you sustainable joy the lord holy spirit [Music] not with [Music] [Music] oh i feel many are being healed in your body right now many many are being healed [Music] receive your healing right now receive it receive it it'll be verified it'll be verified by god one more time addictions are breaking somebody's coming home to jesus right now right now you're feeling something you haven't felt [Music] [Applause] sing a new song sing the new song one more time y'all can go when you want to go but we're going to sing that new song one more time where the the i don't know whatever you feel i don't know jump in wherever you feel you seen the right king [Music] all the miracles i've seen you're too good to not believe [Music] god [Music] you need to talk yourself into faith through praise god has not abandoned you you feel deserted and abandoned but the lord said i send the comforter to your house i send the comforter to your house receive it receive it receive it and when you come out you're coming out blessed and when you come out you're gonna see the faithfulness of god he's too good to not believe [Music] do not believe [Music] yes i know that he can't do it yes i know that he can do it i've seen real life resurrection i've seen mental health restore yes i know that he can't do it or we fill our hearts with faith cause i've seen families reunited i've seen prodigals return yes i know [Music] what you're thinking [Music] is [Music] i know [Music] family [Music] i know [Music] [Music] is [Music] the world [Music] oh [Music] you're too good to not believe [Music] after everything i see [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] his [Music] [Music] me oh [Music] worthy [Music] yes you are you [Music] [Applause] me [Music] to our kingdom [Music] sing it again sing it again [Music] this lady right here lay your hand on yes [Music] oh [Music] worthy let's sing it one more time [Music] me me [Applause] [Music] i stand i stand in all of you i stand i [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] i stand [Music] sing oh [Music] oh please [Music] things how faithful he's been [Music] such a holy here [Music] time just one more time [Music] is holy god to him oh praise [Music] you're such a holy ghost [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] you [Music] hallelujah [Music] my heart sings [Music] his praise again [Music] everybody's singing [Music] your praise [Music] my i told you you'd leave any time [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] mom come here [Music] hallelujah speak a blessing make a blessing you can't speak in english but will you receive it in the holy ghost these are not drunk as you suppose being the third hour of the day but this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel that in the last days saith god i'll pour out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters will prophesy you better get ahold of this you better get a hold of this in your family somewhere you better get a hold of this [Music] glory glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign jesus jesus [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] keys there are no rules to standing in his presence [Music] because all that matters now is that he's present there are no rules to stand in his presence all that matters is that he's present [Music] so we stand in all [Music] god we stand in all of you you are here you are here so we stand [Music] love you god we stand in all of you our attention [Music] so [Music] texas [Music] huh [Music] of the gospel of jesus christ for it is for it is the power of god under salvation to everyone that believes you can have the baptism in the holy ghost it's for you it in a it's the great enabler and it is the power of god paul said i am not ashamed and the lord wanted me to just tell you i am not ashamed amen of the gospel of jesus christ for it is the it is the power of god unto salvation oh believe the gospel truth has came forth today as always but today i could hardly hope uh stay seated i just wanted to run those and everything because the holy ghost is what makes the difference yes he is yes he does yes he does yes he does praise the name of jesus it feels like revival doesn't it [Music] we're going to stay here i mean not now but we're going to stay here for the next few weeks and i hope for the rest of our lives we're going to come back and we're going to talk and preach about the holy spirit see where he wants to take us again read your bible this week stir your soul up get you some worship spend some time in the power of his presence your fears will shrink and courage will fill your soul if you'll spend time in this presence victory's here today do you see it do you feel it do you believe it victory absolute victory absolute victory absolute victory everything y'all sung over us that scripture and zephaniah says god will sing over us with dancing i preached on it the dancing hand dancing singing voice of god i preached on it many years ago i need to pull that out but god there's a verse that actually says god dances in the congregation when we get to worshiping like we were doing here today can you see that can you see god dancing through the congregation when people forget about themselves and get the spotlight on jesus he said i'll i'll sing over you with i'll sing over you with dancing glory you receive it and now may the lord bless you and keep you you know somebody says well did anybody get saved today absolutely positively because they got in the presence of jesus and while you just hang around him you can't really tell when it happens sometimes it's more than just saying a prayer repeating but when you really get in his presence that's when water turns to wine some of you don't even know it yet but you gonna go empty your life out of some stuff as soon as you get home just pour it out throw it out whatever you have to do get it out and let god be gone and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you give you peace i just had a thought i've never it hit me so strong i saw a water baptism tank and the lord said that's where i turn water into wine that when people get baptized and come up in the name of jesus wow he can turn water into wine get signed up for water baptism if you've never been let god do his work pray in the spirit walk in the spirit be blessed i love you all thank you for worshiping with us take this presence with you wherever you go this week you will have good success god bless you well church do you believe that there is power in his presence it's hard not to after a service like that so if you're watching today and you believe that you can feel the touch of god wherever you're watching from if you felt a change this morning and you want to say yes to jesus text yes to 5 10 5 10 that's the word yes to 5 10 5 10. we want to hear from you we want to hear how god has transformed your life we want to pray with you we want to be in your circle this morning yes what a powerful message that was we also want to invite you if you need prayer for anything we want to invite you to text pray to 5 10 510 so we can get connected with you and be praying over you for you and in your life and again also like pastor kind of touched on we just want to thank you guys for your giving and for your generosity our online family is powerful and special we are so thankful for you all and thankful for all your giving so thank you guys we can't thank you guys enough so we love you guys just going to pray you out really quickly this morning you can enjoy this amazing day go read your bible get in his presence just sit in his presence a little longer so god just thank you for who you are thank you for your presence that has been poured out upon each and every one of us and we just pray for a special extra anointing and touch this morning and that it be carried on throughout the rest of our week in our lives as we go about our daily business god we just thank you for your touch on us god and we just pray that you bless everybody who is watching god keep them and protect them in jesus name amen we love you guys we'll see you next time next week [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 64,806
Rating: 4.8853045 out of 5
Id: S05815l4hf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 55sec (4735 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.