Sunday Night Prayer & Worship | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so i am [Music] fire [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] and exactly what pastor taught us today what god deposited in his heart today you have permission to be yourself let's talk to abba tonight so go ahead in this room and open up your mouth and fill this place with praise let it flow out of the abundance of your heart let's bless jesus tonight amen we didn't come to see faces we came to see one face and his name is jesus amen so all over this room go ahead and lift up your voice lift up your your song lift up your prayers and for the next couple of seconds let's just enter in with the password of praise and the praise the password is thank you god so if you don't know what to say yet just say thank you and start listing the things that you're thankful for we're not going to sing over you right now we're all just going to pray and bless the lord so i'm going to put this mic down and all over this room lift up thankfulness and praise to god jesus we bless your holy name god we thank you for your presence we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your grace we thank you that you're here with us god you're not bound to any jurisdiction of man you can do whatever you want to do tonight we say father have your way in this place come on lift up your voice father have your way in this place move spirit how you've been wanting to do for so long but man we've been getting in the way god we say we yield to you we yield to your plan we yield to your presence everything belongs here's all we are here [Applause] we are here [Music] come on fresh fire fresh wind here we are god come and do it again we're ready for you jesus read up anything ordinary god pour out your spirit in this place come on say pour out your spirit in this place [Music] i'm we welcome you holy spirit come on welcome the holy spirit in this place [Music] oh tonight the spirit of the lord is there is freedom where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom so we just invite you lord come on we declare tonight the captives are going to be set free in the name of jesus sickness is going to be healed in the presence of the lord oh god we ask that you would come in power and that there will be testimonies birthed out of tonight testimony's too great for any person to take credit for and the only explanation is that you are the one true living god amen i'm gonna ask all of you that desire to you don't have to get uncomfortably close you can spread out you can do whatever you want to do but those of you who want to come down front come down front we're going to seek the lord tonight i'm going to seek his face tonight you can find you a spot you can let's get the get the mics right real fast whatever's going on can you hear me praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus just lift your hands up play the keyboard lift your hands up all over this building all over this building give me a regular keyboard regular keyboard thank you lord praise your name jesus praise your name jesus hallelujah we love you lord we love you lord everybody relax and raise your hands it's not about you or me shut the doors usher we're going to worship the lord now ushers close the doors lift your hands high father we praise you let's just take a moment and praise him open your mouth and praise him give him glory give him praise give him glory welcome his presence welcome his presence welcome his presence welcome his presence hallelujah we honor you lord jesus we honor you lord jesus we're careful to give you glory and give you praise we're careful lord we thank you for the anointing but we we really are hungry for more than an anointed service we want your glory show us your glory o god we relax in your presence we stand in your presence god and we worship you we worship you and we offer you what your spirit is searching and seeking for for you said the spirit the hour will come when the true worshipers will worship in spirit and truth in the spirit searches for that hour and those worshipers and lord we're that we're that generation so we lift our hands right now we lift our hands and we worship you we lift our hands and we praise you we lift our hands and we glorify you we praise you today lord for your goodness we praise you today lord for the blood of calvary we thank you lord for your unfailing love that your love never gives up on us your love never lets go of us your love never throws in the towel on us your love god keeps helping us and your grace is sufficient for us and we just thank you lord for saving us and washing us and loving us and knowing our name and calling us lord we give you honor and we give you praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh i praise you tonight i praise you tonight i praise you tonight i give you glory i give you honor oh jesus jesus jesus hallelujah let's begin to pray right now and praise his name praise his name let's pray the lord's prayer put our prayer outline and prayer pattern up please on the screen for a minute and we're going to enter into his presence with praise and so out loud everybody pray the lord's prayer the first line with praise we say our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name now just throw those hands up and begin to praise his name praise this name praise his name praise his name praise his name you can take it down i'm gonna stay right there a minute praise his name praise his name the name jehovah jireh my provider i will not worry you will provide i will not fret you will provide i will not stress you are jehovah jireh you will provide you will see to it you will meet the needs and i give you glory and i hallow your name i hallow your name o jehovah rapha the lord that heals me oh i praise you lord i praise you i praise you and we give you glory and honor that you are our righteousness you are our success and our banner missy you are oh god our jehovah elohim the creative one and we praise you god we praise you we praise you that you are o lord jehovah shalom our peace we receive the peace of god we receive peace in our homes we receive peace in our families we praise you for the peace god peace in our souls peace in the midst of the storms peace o god that passes all human understanding peace about the circumstances and situations that we fretted and worried about we received the peace of god into this room we thank you father for peace and we hallow your name we praise your name for god has highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee must bow of things in heaven and of things in earth and of things beneath the earth and so tonight we hold high and exalt the mighty name of jesus we come before you and cry have a father we come and approach in the name of jesus oh we love that name we honor that name we give praise and glory to that name we want our lives to exalt that name we want our lives to never shame that name oh may the name of jesus be exalted in our lives and in this church in this ministry hallowed be thy name hallowed be thy name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus would you heal someone right now hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus jesus is the sweetest name i know just play that lift your hands all over this room and worship his name all that he is is in his name whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved [Music] there's nothing you've done that you've done that can separate you from god when you come through the name of jesus there's no weakness no addiction that can hold you when you begin to hallow and you begin to honor and you begin to proclaim the freedom that that name produces so right now just speak it speak it all over this room speak it everywhere you're watching speak it all over wherever you are begin to speak the name of jesus put it on your lips hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on young people praise that precious name praise that glorious name praise that name above every name it can save the most wretched center tonight it can live the most depressed broken defeated life tonight oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh i praise your name i praise your name hallelujah hello thank you jesus just play it just play it just worship him [Music] thank you jesus hallowed that name we're in his presence right now hallow that name everybody on this stage just hallow that name just honor that name we're not here to perform we don't need your performance we're here to hallow the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah richard lay your hands on those prayer requests that have come in in the last week or so some of you lay your hands in the name of jesus do it in the name of jesus do it in the name of jesus broken families broken needs only jesus can heal only jesus can save but there's healing in the name of jesus in this room right now healing of cancer healing healing of heart disease healing of colin healing healing healing of diabetes healing of migraine headaches tormenting migraine headaches healing in the name of jesus healing of lumps and healing of of growth in the name of jesus healing healing healing of immunity systems healing healing of feet hallelujah somebody's being healed right in the center of your foot receive it in the name of jesus like a pain right in the middle of your foot [Music] where you i don't know how i'm saying this but right there on that part of your foot where the main part of your foot the fore front of your foot is being healed in jesus name i want to be very specific with that one hallelujah and it's in the name of jesus you'll run and not be weary and your wall cannot faint and he's giving you your mobility back [Music] hallelujah wonderful jesus wonderful jesus just raise your hands and worship him he's here right now hallowed be thy name reverence and honor and praise be to your name let's just camp right there one more minute because there's power in that name right now reach out and receive in the name of jesus right now right now right now right now thank you jesus thank you jesus receive his peace receive his strength receive his health all over this build in honor and hallowed his name reverence his name hallowed be thy name the name of jesus [Music] that's beautiful pray pray as the holy spirit lead you pray begin to pray all over this building pray out loud you don't have to scream don't draw attention to yourself but pray pray boldly pray now in the name of jesus you have not because you asked not ask in the name of jesus if it matters to you it matters to god [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] now let's pray the priority let's establish the priority thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so god's will is done in heaven and there's no sickness in heaven the bible said that there's no tears and sorrow in heaven there's no sin in heaven there's no addiction in heaven there's no fear and depression in heaven there's no poverty in heaven so let's establish the priorities of god right now and boldly just pray right now thy kingdom come everybody ready thy kingdom come so lift your hands and you know what the bible said the kingdom of god is it's not meat no drink but righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost righteousness peace and joy how many would like those three things to hit your family today righteousness that means right standing with one another and with god righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit all right let's receive it say come kingdom come kingdom of god because your prayer is the latter and tonight we're going to establish jacob's ladder that he saw angels going up and down on and they're bringing righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost so father we establish the kingdom of god we pray thy will come on pray it thy will be done thy will [Music] thy will play me a song thy will whatever you go from song to song thank you jesus thy will be done thy will be done [Music] thy will be done so right now why don't you just hold up your family before the throne and why don't you just open your mouth and begin to decree the will of god for your family members each one name them out loud your children your grandchildren your mom your dad your brothers your sisters begin to establish the kingdom is coming to them the kingdom is coming to them the kingdom they shall be saved they shall be filled with the holy spirit they shall walk in freedom and in the will of god and begin to call your brother's name out your sister's name out your you have power to pray now you're in you've established god's will in your own life say lord i want your will [Music] um in in the in the tech department if you can put up ephesians 5 17 i think it is ephesians 5 uh and it talks about not that's the one everybody look at this verse and decree this therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the lord is so right now just say lord i receive your will i i'm not i'm not going to be unwise in my decisions in who i date and who i marry and what i do with my life and where i go to school and what i do for a career and where i will not be unwise i receive understanding for the will of the lord and lord not my will but thy will be done and now decree that over your family decree it over your family now i'm going to pray for my family and you pray for yours right here hallelujah and lord i thank you for your will i thank you for your will to be done your kingdom to come to courtney and tyler and emilia and elliot i just decree they will walk in the favor and the goodness and the blessing of god and do the perfect will of god where you lead them they will follow they will serve you all of the days of their life and ben and karissa and luca and leo in the name of jesus i thank you for your will will be done in their life i thank you they are blessed and not cursed i thank you god for miracle signs and wonders i thank you god that you're the god of all families and thy will be done come kingdom come kingdom come angels warrior angels and fight fight for our families fight for our children fight for our marriages fight for our grandchildren come angels of god come and fight in jesus name push back demons push back devils push that lying spirits push back demonic activity push it back break it up tear it up oh god in jesus mighty name thy will be done thy kingdom come lord i pray i pray for caroline and her husband in the name of jesus your will be done in her life and in his life and her children to be i pray for conor i pray for aaron thy kingdom come thy will be done my children belong to the kingdom their gifts belong to the kingdom move move move move move in our homes move in our family lord i decree thy kingdom come thy will be done over drake and his future wife hey god lead him and guide him oh god thy will be done thy kingdom come oh father i thank you for it over charisse i bless her and i thank you lord that thy kingdom come righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost on that girl and lord i thank you in the name of jesus for your will being done in charis's life and in pat and in my mother and in all the rest of our family oh god release the will of god and thy kingdom come in jesus name now raise your hands and shout because you've established priority glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory come on praise him right there just a minute like he's already done all you young people who prayed that you just set up ordered steps you just set up open god's angels are going in your future angels are going down you'll meet people you never dreamed you would meet things and opportunities will come that you didn't see coming but when you pray like that it's established [Applause] everything here came out of that prayer [Music] thy kingdom come thy will be done give us this day our daily bread raise your hands and decr declare the provision of god you know we serve a god who blesses his people he cares about your provision he told peter when he was stressed out about his taxes he said go fishing [Music] and he caught a fish with gold in his mouth and paid his tax bill he told elijah in the middle of an economic downturn like you wouldn't believe don't worry about it i got a dirty bird that's gonna bring you steak sandwiches three times a day read the story and every morning and every night he brought in one claw fresh bread and steak in the other and he ate it for three years through the famine don't tell me god can't bless you don't tell me god doesn't care about your needs he cares about the car you drive he cares about the shoes on your feet he cares about what you have and what your family needs so raise your hands and shake off poverty shake it off loser mentality you are not a loser you're called and you're blessed and you're anointed and you're chosen to win [Music] we reign in life we reign as kings in this life you know that's a bible verse in the new testament [Music] so thank him for the provision thank him for the increase there's nothing wrong with asking god he's the one that said pray give us this day our needs our daily bread and you know what some of you who are blessed don't think that's spiritual because you've forgotten where you came from but when you don't have it and you need it it's very spiritual never put somebody down for praying for their needs to be met [Applause] now i want you just to rejoice just a minute because he's going to bless the work of your hands i want you to rejoice because you're about to get real busy i want you to rejoice because you're probably going to have to add on and get some help and you may even have a dream inside of you that you hadn't launched yet and there might even be a business in you that you don't even know about and there's probably an investment down the road that god's getting ready for you and it could be a lifetime harvest you saw come on preacher don't tell me to come on god is exceeding abundant above all you could ask or even imagine we pray too small so raise your hands like you believe he's going to bless you and just shout for a minute just shout for a minute just shout for a minute just proclaim his goodness say you're a good god say you're a good god you're a generous god you're you've blessed me you blessed me with provision [Music] how many of you need a house raise your hand if you need a house how many of you've never owned a house and you want to own a house let me see your hand there's nothing wrong with that keep your hand up you know why because that's a perpetuation of generational wealth because once you get it paid for you can pass it on to your children and and it starts something [Applause] come on raise your hand if you need if you need a house and you're believing for a house and if i were young i'd gone get my hand up too i mean now are you willing to work i'm talking about nobody ain't gonna give you a house you gotta work know what the bible said in the book of deuteronomy he said and when you live in goodly houses only thing god said god said i don't have god said i don't want you in some i like you to have a good house but then he said you shall remember it is the lord your god that gave you the power to get well now raise your hands and say i'm gonna live in a good house it's coming i don't know how god's gonna do it but i'm going to work hard and he's going to get a house to me now just begin to praise him for it it's not too late it's not too early i own my first real estate property when i was in my early 20s i went to the bank didn't have any money except about 2500 bucks but i had a dream and my uncle owned the bank and oh hal dixon i went to the bank of cleveland and sat down and i said i need a loan he said well how much did you make and i said i made 23 000 last year evangelizing that was my first year preaching and here's my w-2 he said whoo how much do you need i said there's a condo over there that i want i don't want to rent it i want to buy it he said well that's 50 000 i said well he's a big god and you're my rich uncle he said i'm not going to give you nothing and i'm not gonna bail out yeah if you get in trouble but i believe in you and he said i don't i love it when they say this i don't know why i'm doing this but i'm gonna sign off on this one and it was a good investment cause i paid that one off and i bought the one beside it too [Applause] don't tell me you're too young to be blessed you serve a big god you serve a big god it's not magic it's god it's jehovah gyra lift up your eyes and see what god sees he's concerned if he's concerned about a bird having a nest he's concerned about you having a house somebody shout if you already got your house [Music] come on shout if you've already got your house you're gonna get one you're gonna live in a nice house you may already i don't know but it's gonna have your name you believe it [Music] well i just don't believe you ought to be praying for things well why do you think jesus said whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and then he said seek first the kingdom of god and all these and that's why you're in church on a sunday night instead of a club and you're praying and you're establishing that priority so expect it expect it expected expect it turn to somebody and say i'm gonna get a picture and put it up and i'm i'm headed that way i need somebody to shout in the balcony i feel i i feel something stirring up here [Applause] don't have a great house you're gonna have a great house you already got one have you you want another one praise god you're gonna have a great house you're gonna have a great house you too love birds you're gonna have a great house you receive that you believe that of course that's god's will for your life hallelujah smile at somebody say i declare the lord wants to bless his people son you believe that we're going to keep going throw it up and i'll move on to something else let's pray pardon what let's pray pardon give me a song on this one let's pray pardon forgive us our sins our debts as we release those who are who have deaded and sinned against us so right now just just decree that and say lord i ask you for forgiveness for everything i said and i've done that was wrong that displeased you and dishonored you i'm so sorry anything that i've done that's dishonored my family anything that i've done or said that did not bring glory to jesus christ i just repent anything lord that that is not pure in my heart give me a clean heart and a right spirit in that beautiful pray that give me a clean heart i really want to be clean i want to have the right spirit i don't want an ugly spirit i don't want a hard spirit i don't want a callous spirit i don't want to spirit this off i i don't want i don't i want a right spirit i want to be right i want people to feel a good spirit when they get around me forgive us come on forgive our nation forgive america forgive us lord forgive us for the division forgive us for the sins forgive us god for the abortions forgive us for the lies and the deception forgive us for the hatred forgive us for the division and the injustice forgive us god forgive us our sins forgive us oh god as a church forgive us for making it about other things other than you forgive us lord we repent tonight we come seriously before you and we ask you to wash us and cleanse us and forgive us our debts and we release forgiveness come on now right now if any face or any name comes before you that's exactly who you need to pray and pray right now just lift your hands and say god by your grace with the same pardon you give me i pardon them i release them i i do not hate them i will i wish no evil on them i am willing lord to to to just to just look at that in a different way and i'm asking you to change my heart in my spirit if it's not right concerning that person i mean it come on pray this is important this is important some of you will be healed the moment you release someone that you have refused to forgive you will be healed instantly if you will the lord says tonight i will heal people under the sound of my voice if you will but confess and release on the unforgiveness from your spirit and release forgiveness to that person [Music] jesus name in jesus name pardon pardon pardon that praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus let's worship the lord [Music] give me a i'm coming song [Music] [Music] it's all about [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i want you right now to raise your hands and ask the lord to save um in this church in our physical attendance although our online is off the map and although our financially we've had the greatest year that we've ever had in the history of the ministry by far but in-house attendance is off about a thousand just in gainesville just in gainesville that means there's a thousand people who were in church every sunday who are no longer in church the pandemic [Music] for whatever reason they have not returned a minimum of that probably more so here's what we're going to do we're going to bless them and pray for them but secondly i'm believing god before the end of the year for 1 000 new brand new heaven souls i won't i want raw crazy sinners i want a thousand brand new lost people to find jesus and fill every seat all the way up to the top balcony so raise your hands it might be your daughter it might be your son it might be your brother it might be your dad it might be your uncle your aunt or your crazy ex-boyfriend but god's going to save some 1 000 people can i get can we believe for the pardon of 1000 sinners because of calvary between now and the end of the year i'm not talking about praying a prayer i'm talking about getting radically born again and on fire for jesus and i'm claiming it for every campus and every one of our churches so raise your hands and claim a thousand souls say that specifically pray that specifically [Music] pray for the altar calls come on pray for the music to bring conviction pray for the preaching to bring conviction pray for the very atmosphere of every section of our buildings to be permeating with the presence of god that makes sinners want to run to the altar they can't even wait to the end of the sermon they'll run to the altar by the hundreds and them thousands [Music] pardon pardon for the sinners pardon for those who've messed up pardon for those who failed may they be washed in the blood of jesus praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god pardon lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil this is power everybody receive the power of the holy ghost receive the power over temptation receive the power to make a wise decision receive the power to do right to live right no secrets no dark places no things no no no no no in the name of jesus lead us not into temptation pray that you enter not into temptation god i pray for the sin killing power of the blood of jesus christ let the power of god come back to the church and give us power over all the power of the enemy lord we take authority over the evil one we take authority over principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness and rulers of darkness and high places we take authority tonight we take authority god and we ask you for your power to be released hallelujah thank you jesus get it get a good worship song i want a good worship song hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus all about jesus whatever it is hallelujah [Music] let's pray you pray pray right where you are close your eyes talk to the lord [Music] never let me go [Music] i've laid it all down again [Music] to hear you say that i'm afraid [Music] [Applause] no one else [Music] to feel the warmth of your embrace help me find help me find a way and bring me back to you come on we sing you're all i want we say cause you're [Music] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a house of worship and this is a place [Music] [Applause] this is a house of healing this is [Music] [Music] you have to fight [Music] of jesus [Music] [Music] come is when we pray we say in the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] holy spirit [Music] is [Music] [Music] let it rise [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the spirit was moving over [Music] come on come on [Music] you're here [Music] come and do it again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're here [Music] you're here [Music] here i am [Music] here i am here i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] lord i suppress [Music] this is [Music] raise your hands high and say come holy spirit come holy spirit put fire on my altar light the fire on my altar come holy spirit i'm holy spirit [Music] [Applause] let him pray in the heavenly language through you right where you're standing [Music] why don't you touch somebody on their shoulder and say come holy spirit feel holy spirit seal holy [Music] on the holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever send up a great praise and give god glory give him glory give him praise give him honor give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus now just relax we're on we will get you out on time let's just wait on the lord just worship the lord you can sit down you can stand you do whatever you want to do hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless his name bless his name everybody now just start blessing his name just every how you want to do it get a praise phrase and praise him praise him out loud you don't have to shout if you can if you want to but you don't have to but everybody begin to praise him now just give him the glory tell him how you feel about him what would you say to him if he were standing right in front of how would you praise him so right now i want you to begin to do that just fill this room with praise just fill this room with praise jesus thank you so much lord thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you for touching thank you for healing thank you for helping pray pray pray pray thank you give him the glory give him the glory give him the glory hey let's give him the glory for a youth revival for young adults revival at free chapel that's gonna bring all the prodigals home [Applause] come on i see it i see it thousands of young people thousands of young adults thousands of them [Applause] [Music] take it down a notch my voice has definitely dropped i know i used to sing it in that key but i can't sing it in that key no more he has done great things he has done greatly [Music] he has done great things bless his holy [Music] name sing it again oh he has got great please [Music] the lord has done all such great things [Music] i will bless the lord [Music] oh [Music] i will bless the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sing it one more time he has done he has done great please he has done a great thing the lord has done so many great things look what he's done so i'll bless his heart play it one more time he has done great things [Music] look at somebody and say i gotta testify tonight you know the lord has done he's really done great things so i'm gonna bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna give him everything the lord is here church oh blessed alone bless the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] name [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] um if you wanna know [Music] y'all know this song where i'm going you're gonna have to sing it it's high where i'm turn her mic on where we're going if anybody asks you change it [Music] that's what i want to sing [Applause] [Music] if you want anybody ask you that's to love where i'm going [Music] i'm going [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm going up [Music] get the chords right get the chords right give them the chords [Music] the hearty [Music] i'll soon be gone [Applause] [Music] [Music] until i see my savior [Music] [Music] anybody going up yonder [Music] [Music] shall be changed in the morning in the twinkling of an eye we'll be gone [Music] sing it one more time [Music] [Music] to see my lord [Music] comfort one another with these words [Music] [Applause] that's a good song we're doing karaoke tonight [Applause] she did pick a good song we'll end with this one is that all right you are my hiding place [Applause] [Music] you are my hiding place [Music] i need those chords i don't know there you go my legs [Music] ah [Music] let the wings [Music] they need to practice that one hallelujah praise the name of jesus isn't the lord good isn't he good isn't he good isn't he good give him a mighty praise send me good thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus lift your hand up the power in this is doing it daily and i predict by the third day that you do this by the third day that you do this you'll enter into that prayer place i'm going to tell you what's going to happen angels are going to be released the fire of god is going to begin to fall in your temple and in your soul and light your altar miracles are going to happen we're believing all the way to the end of the year that god is going to do things that will astonish and astound us and it's already started here tonight how many of you how many of you feel like that you've been healed or touched or helped or something happened to you even in this service and i'll tell you what'll happen it'll get it'll it'll flow more and more and more as we pray daily and then we come back in here as the lord leads us on sunday nights and then prophecies will come [Music] i want the prophetic word of god back in this house [Applause] i believe that what was said about people's homes was not a light thing i believe that was a word from the lord and you will live in that nice house and be blessed and remember this night i don't know when i don't control the timing but it's on the way little family right here i don't know who you are but god knows who you are and he's already got your address you don't even know where you live yet but he's already got your address yeah he's gonna bless you with it and it'll be no burden it'll be a blessing you believe it [Applause] i believe it people have been healed all over this building praise god praise god isn't this wonderful in this wonderful thank you lord everybody good luck and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you give you his peace and his blessing i want him to throw up in closing uh dr bob rogers family prayer that he put on his refrigerator and i took it out of his book and i put it up there and i only did half of it this morning i left out the whole i didn't but we're going to do the whole thing tonight in closing ready say this boldly now everybody pray out loud our family belongs to god we are loyal kind faithful to one another we will always show respect honor and love towards one another we are our brother's keeper we declare favor and protection from god over our household here it is no member of our home shall be lost to the devil [Music] [Applause] that's so powerful come on keep decreeing it we are blessed financially tithers and givers believing every need is met in christ jesus we're pleasing god with our prosperity and sitting at a table of plenty now let's continue i love this we are healed by the power of the name of jesus full of energy fit and trim according to psalms 91 no plague shall come nigh our dwelling we forbid any disease including cancer diabetes heart disease covet and any other we left out to come into any member of our family we are soul winners say that again we our family is soul winners that's our mission we are soul winners led by the holy spirit resurrected with christ pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high calling in god you are blessed amen god bless you we love you have a great great week it's going to be a week of victory i'll see you right here next sunday morning let's see what god's going to do pray every day pray put put take care of that fire on that altar every day and watch what god will do watch what will happen when we walk in here next sunday no telling every team all of our church ministries pray pray pray pray bible college tomorrow night take a little extra time and pray let's pray let's pray let's get this church to pray in my house oh we got communion i forgot communion let's take communion if they want to leave they can leave but give me one of those i would love to take communion it's the first it's the first sunday of the month and this is a beautiful time to take communion thank you so just take your communion and can we just freeze one moment and can we do this in reverence to the lord can i have your attention please can i have your attention hey guys let's let's do communion i know you were given communion and i forgot to do it but i think it's so important and uh let's take this communion together this is my bread which is broken for your body this take and eat this dew in remembrance of me until i come take and eat the bread [Music] thank you lord thank you lord we honor the blood of jesus hallelujah we honor the blood of jesus we cast our mind to calvary we remember the awful awful awful suffering the blood that he shed we honor that blood take drink this dude in remembrance of me until you come i come hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord thank you so much oh hallelujah thank you lord walk in the spirit we love you all have a great great week god bless you thank you [Music] [Music] bye [Music] bye
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 14,420
Rating: 4.9580421 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Christian, Church, Jesus, Jentezen Franklin, Gainesville, Georgia, Atlanta
Id: Xpi7HAhn4dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 49sec (5089 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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