What To Do When You’re Running On Empty | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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hallelujah give the lord a mighty praise for that blood and that cross that blood makes a difference that cross that cross carried it all for us lord we praise you today we honor you today we give all glory and all praise to you you are our peace you are our righteousness it's all in the name of jesus it's all in you lord we praise you we thank you we honor you in the lord good this morning and you cannot lose when you begin to sing songs of praise like we're singing today about the blood and about the cross and about the name that is above every name i love him today with all of my heart you look so good it's so great to have all of you welcome to all of you who are joining us online we're so thankful you are there and we want to welcome all of our campuses can we give them a big warm welcome today what a blessing to be back with you today on the lord's day smile at three or four people and let them know that you're glad they're here today and you may be seated my goodness i want to brag on you guys for just a minute after the first service there was a family here for the first time since uh since we reopened you know over a year ago they have been through some of the greatest challenges you can imagine including their son tragically was murdered i cannot think of anything any darker and any more hurtful than a family walk through that and they were down here at the end of the service in the nine o'clock service and what they said was so precious i wanted you guys to hear it because you played the music at that funeral and three of the siblings sung at that funeral a victor you know a jew who i'm talking about and that family this morning was back down here praising the lord they had smiles on their faces and they said pastor you know we had to make a decision and we decided to turn our pain into praise and i'm telling you it really makes a difference and they talked about how you guys encouraged them and i don't know the whole story of what all happened but all i know is a miracle happened when they begin to praise the lord in the lowest darkest hour of their life because that's what we do this is how i fight my battles [Music] this is how i fight my battles i don't worry i don't tremble this is how i find my body all the problems are real i'm not denying them but this is how i fight my body come on declare it over your house [Music] i can worry i can be afraid or i can lift my hands this is how i find my battles this is is [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] but the lord is good i it may look one more time it may look if this is my [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm surrounded oh yeah [Music] without any music all the way up in the balcony all the way over in gwinnett all the way over in brazil and midtown and spartanburg and orange county and somewhere else coming coming the most important coming sing it out loud with no music just give me a drum beat this is how i fight my battles this is how i fight my battle i dare you to smile while you say it this is how i fight my battles this is how i fight my battles this is how i fight my battles this is high come on tell your soul tell your soul you're gonna sing to the lord this morning oh this is how i fight my battles this is how [Music] this is how i fight my vitals this is how i fight my vitals this is how i fight my battles this is how oh yes it is clap your hands and give me my mighty praise oh bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name we didn't come out here to waste our time we didn't come out here to hear a little music and a talk we came out here to praise our god who rules and reigns we love you lord we really really do praise the lord i love him today don't you smile at somebody and you may be seated i think it ought to be illegal to be a christian and have no joy amen not because everything's perfect but because i believe hallelujah it brings great joy to my heart y'all look amazing today what a great group that's gathered here in gainesville and i know all out there we just appreciate you and we believe that god is doing something very special and powerful and today is a very unique day in our church because once a year at least once a year we lay hands on our children and our children's children and we anoint them with all and we pray over them and i'm going to do that in just a few minutes but i want you to turn with me quickly to first samuel chapter 16. i'm going to preach for just a few minutes but i've got a word that i believe god wants you to get into your spirit and let it go deep because that's the only thing that's going to sustain us in times like these is the word of god now the lord said to samuel how long will you mourn for saul seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel fill your horn with all and go i'm sending you to jesse the bethmannight for i have provided for myself a king among his sons samuel was grieving because saul whom he had anointed had fallen to great sin and been rejected now by god and had been removed and died on the battlefield without the favor and the blessing of god and now samuel is weeping and mourning and crying i think that there's a powerful lesson in this text that there comes a time when we are to mourn and we are to grieve and we are to have liquid pain of tears that express the brokenness of our life or something that has happened we don't live in denial that life brings things that can crush us and break us but we also need to remind ourselves that as sure as there's a time to mourn there comes a time when god says my purpose and plan for you is never to leave you in perpetual brokenness to mourn and grieve and sorrow the rest of your life no matter what has happened to you and he said to samuel fill your horn with oil and go listen these words for i have provided everything that you're mourning about that you've lost i want you to know it's not back there i got stuff in your future that i have already provided i've already taken care of i've already lined it up i've already opened the door and you've got more ahead of you than you do behind you and you can't live and mourn and grieve over what went wrong when i've got such a plan for your future that it's already provided i you had to go through that to get to where i'm taking you now horns in the bible he said i want you to fill your horn with oil and horns in the bible represent power if you see and read some of the old testament prophets they would prophesy and they would see visions and they would see a horn the book of revelation talks about you know his types his types and shadows but it always horns in the bible the horns of a realm or animal represent power it's interesting that the old testament tabernacle had an altar that had four corners and the four corners had horns that were to be fast and god said you are to make the altar this way and put horns on the corners of the altar because horns are symbolic of power and god was wanting us to understand there is power in prayer it's not a waste of time to pray you don't have to come to a prayer meeting to pray you can pray in your car you can pray all day long you can pray in your job you if you just turn your mind to god and talk to him and whisper to him even in your spirit talk to him and and you don't even have to say it out loud but you can have a a an attitude of prayer and prayer is powerful that's why the horns were on every corner of the altar that's where the blood would be applied on the horns of the altar then the table of incense which was the table of worship it had horns on it because worship what we just did is not a waste of time it is a powerful thing it's like ramming the enemy and clearing the path and saying the king of glory is coming through get out of the way every distraction every every lie every deception get out of the way horns were used in the old testament like a realm's horn would be used and god commanded that the old testament prophets carry the anointing in that horn because the anointing is powerful they kept anointing oil in the oil they kept the anointing oil in the horn because it's powerful and he wanted to emphasize that when you are anoint with all i don't want you to do it routinely i want you to do it understanding what you're doing is powerful the power of the anointing was so real in elisha that it got in his bones and the bible said after he died a dead they threw a corpse in on top of his body and when the man the dead corpse touched his bones the anointing in his bones raised the dead the anointing was so powerful in simon peter that the bible said they lined the sick people up and when he walked by his shadow touched them and they were healed it was so powerful in moses that they had to put a veil over his face because his face was shining with the anointing it was so powerful in the apostle paul in the book of acts that the scripture said after he preached they would take his clothing probably his prayer shawl and they would cut it up and they would send it to certain people who were demon-possessed or sick in their bodies and when they would lay those calls that had been anointed on those people they would be healed jesus many people say the woman with the issue of blood in mark chapter 5 touched jesus but she never touched jesus she touched the hem of his garment she never touched jesus she touched something that touched jesus and sometimes if you can't touch jesus if you can get around somebody who's touched jesus the anointing is that powerful if you can't touch him you can touch somebody who has that's why you're in a good place today because there's some people who've been praying [Music] [Applause] they would smear them with an oil or pour oil on them so powerful was the anointing that that that that they cherished it and three times we're told that samuel poured the oil out of his horn of oil owned something and three times it was rejected the first time is found in first samuel eight the bible said and i i'm gonna preach i'm gonna preach to you for just a minute on what to do when you're running empty it's going to take me a minute to get there and you've got a minute and i'm going to take advantage of that minute because i'm going to convince you that you're not going to leave here with a grieving mourning depressed i think the whole world is trying i'm not i'm not denying the reality of the seriousness of the times and the challenges that we're facing on every front it's not one thing that will cause you to feel empty it's multiple things that just drain you and that's the time we're living in for samuel chapter 8 the people gathered and they said they actually said this to samuel behold you are old boy if y'all ever do that to me i just want you to know i'll say you are too behold your old and your sons walk not in your ways make us a king you know what was taking place here saw samuel had poured out his whole life on the nation of israel and now they were saying to him if you read the whole story we we we don't want that old stuff anymore we're tired of the old messages we're tired of the old way you preach we're tired of that oil and that horn of oil and we're tired of all that praise and worship we want a new way we want a king we want a king we've seen their parades we've seen their inaugurations and we want a king just like all the other nations and we reject your all we want to go a different way you're too old-school you're way too old-school samuel you actually speak and you're an old man and you've got old ways and you like those old moves of god and we we want something new and fresh and there's nothing wrong with new and fresh and chains thank god for it but you can never get away from the anointing you can never get away from the presence of the holy spirit that makes church effective i don't care what kind of building you get i don't care what you have i don't care what great musicians you have if the anointing is not there is sounding brass tinkling symbol good for nothing not only that they said your sons don't walk in your ways they said you poured your own port now i want you to see it he's poured it out on his congregation the nation of israel and they've rejected it and now he filled his horn up again and he poured it out on his sons he had two sons and the bible said that those boys did not walk in the ways of their father and i wonder how many parents and grandparents are listening to me right now and your heart is grieving and you're mourning because your kids or your grandkids are not walking in the ways of the lord you raised them right you brought them to church you did everything that you poured and poured and poured your all on them and today they seem to have turned their back on god don't keep mourning the oil is going to work you got to give it time but god is faithful say amen somebody they were self-centered they were selfish they walked not in the ways of their father they knew the way they chose not to walk in it the reason we're going to anoint our children in a few minutes is because this stuff is powerful you will forget about it but god won't forget about it they're being marked they're being smeared with oil in just a few moments and god says if you take time to acknowledge me in that way i will set my angels charge over those children and when it's all said and done raise them up in the way that they should go and it may take a deathbed to get them there but when they get there they will know to turn back to the prodigal's advantage is they always know the way back home the bible said that moses mother hid him every mother understands that every dad understands that there are things we have to hide our children from you cannot in with technology you cannot just leave the computer on and let the children look at anything and everything and tv and satellite and music you you hide them you hide them when you when they're young you hide them oh i gotta hide them from drugs hide them from alcohol hide them from porn hide them from bad influences and you can do that when they're young and they're young and they're young but there came this point as they were getting older teenagers still hide them either got attitudes now they didn't have those attitudes you told them when they were little to do it and they did it but now they got attitudes and all of you who are ready to write a book on how to parent beautiful wonderful obedient children wait until you get teenagers don't shut up i don't want to read your stupid book i don't i'm sorry until you've raised five of them you can come talk to me then and i'll listen to you and even then you're not coming in like some know-it-all you're coming in a broken down something it's all i can tell you is the anointing is all that really lasted [Applause] and so and so i mean i mean but there comes a time there came a time even moses mother hit him you remember pharaoh's spirit was trying to kill all the boys two years of age and she hit him she hit him she hit him and there's this amazing verse in exodus two and verse three and when she could no longer hide him and when she could no longer hide in parents this is why this is so important that's why being together in god's house is so important that what they're getting in kid pack is so important because there will come a day when you can't make the decisions for them you can't hide them you can't say no the peer pressure you can't hide them you can't pick their friends forever you can't pick you can't pick their dates forever you can do it while you still whether you still in my house do you want to eat would you like do you i told you one time we had one that was acting big and bad and she kept uh kept the door locked all the time i i came home one day and i went and she didn't even ask me to do it she did cherise took the door off the hinges took the door off the hinges had had the hole i said where is the door she said i'm tired of knocking on that door and it being locked so i removed the door that's what that's yeah but you can only cover and conceal and preserve and guard for so long and then they will have to choose for themself they'll go off to college they'll go off with their friends on a friday night they're going to choose for themself and he poured his oil on his sons and they didn't they knew the way but they chose not to go the way i mean this is this is two strikes he's a two-time loser he poured it on the congregation they rejected it he poured the anointing oil on his own sons poured his favor poured his life into him his faith into him his knowledge into him and they rejected it so now there's this guy named saul and god says fill your horn with oil and go pour it on him he's a he's a tall powerful leader and when he poured the oil on him the bible said saul was turned into another man and began to prophesy and he was the first king of israel and he was so anointed and so powerful and now saul is living vicariously through his through his through saul he's he he's poured his oil he thinks finally finally i i poured it on the king they rejected it my own children rejected it but look look look saul has got it but then the story ends tragically that saul turned his back on god and started dealing in the occult and going to to to a witch and a fortune teller macrimony talking to the dead you better stay away from that stuff because it brought the curse of god on saul's life so much so that god said this these words i regret making him king i read that one time and i said god please don't ever let me do anything that makes you i know it i called him god said but i regret making him king and and and i don't ever want to get to a place that i do anything that god looks at me and says i regret making jensen a pastor you say well that's good for you preacher well what about you business person all the money all the power god raised you god anointed you god's bless you don't make god repent for having blessed you with great great blessings because you didn't steward it and you didn't handle it right the climate of rejection steps into samuel's life and he's been rejected by saul and he's been rejected the oil that he poured by his two sons and now the nation and he gets to this place in his life where he's grieving that's where we picked up the text i'm almost where i want to be and he's mourning and he's crying and he can't get over stuff in his past and that's where many of you are today because the enemy loves it when you stay grieving too long saul failed saul broke his heart and he's mourning and god came down and said how long will you mourn over saul i have rejected him from reigning over israel how long this is a broken man and his horn is empty he's poured it out and poured it out and poured it out and he is drained and he thinks i'm gonna die an old man and and it just didn't work but watch god said fill your horn with oil one more time the bulls that are used in the spanish bull fights come from five different breeds they're traced all the way back to the 17th century and they're called the royal herd they're bred for muscle mass especially powerful nicks and large hoofs and the and it all is about the horns of the bull how to make them powerful and strong they must have great stamina to be in the bull fighting ring their special breed only five breeds go all the way back to the 17th century they have a fight in them there is a strength the horns of the bull are the focus of all of his strength and his might and his power and when he runs out into that bull ring the thing that people notice and their eyes focus on is the horns the source of power you better not get in front of those horns those horns will mess you up no man can fight and be in a fair fight and think he's going to win if he goes against those horns when that thing comes out of there breathing smoke almost out of his nostrils and those horns are so powerful and so mighty and it's so obvious that there's power in those horns but the problem is when you see a bull fight before the bull ever runs out into the ring to face the final matador he's already been weakened he's already a process has already begun days before he comes out into the ring because they know this is encouraging they know that if he comes out in full strength and he's got his horn full of power and strength there's nothing they've got those matadors and those little suits and and little red capes they don't they they don't come out there they wouldn't come out there half as confident but what happens is it's a weakening it's a process literally days before the bull fight they take paper and they wet it and they put it in the ears of the bull to death in his hearing it makes him unstable his equilibrium is is unstable then they take vaseline and they rub it on his eyes and they his eyes become blurred and vision becomes uncertain it's blurred vision he can't see can't hear right something's off is in he's unstable and they leave him in a dark room for several days on the day of the bull fight he's got vaseline on his eyes he's got something in his ears it doesn't feel right he's mentally mentally he's being messed with his mind is distracted and then when he runs through the tunnel of death as they call it into the bull ring and his light the light hits his eyes for the first time in days and he's got vaseline on them and his vision is blurred he's weakened and then the the the piccadors ride out on horses and they have these they have these long spears they know even then we're not getting down on the ground and even in his state now even though he's been weakened we're no match for those horns so let's let's just little by little begin to weaken him more and more so they'll ride up on horses and stick those those those long swords cut right on his neck they don't stick him in the side or in the back they stick him right in the neck and the whole thing is to begin to cut the muscles that hold the horns up because the muscles have to be weakened and so they drive those in and pull them out and when they do suddenly there's bleeding and there's a weakening and a draining of the power of those horns this process is called i'm not making this up the emptying of the horns next another matador comes out and he has 16 darts like knives small and they have weights on the top and as the bull runs by as he's now being a little more weary and a little more drained and he's running and and his eyes are blurry and his he can't hear right he feels unstable and his neck's been cut and and it's bleeding and now 16 darts are placed in his neck and they have barbs on the end and they go back and forth as he runs and they're just slicing slicing slicing the muscles so that the head goes lower the horns get heavier and heavier and heavier until finally when the last matador the one in the fancy suit the one with the funny hat you know he doesn't even think he's gonna get his clothes dirty that's why he that's why he comes out like that and he walks out and he kind of dances around because he knows it's already been weakened it's not a fair fight and little by little cut by cut there is the emptying of the horns everything is working to drain that those horns of their power and their might the horns are are weak they're still there outwardly they look good but inside there's a draining and this is what the enemy does to us folks it's not one thing it's just cut after cut jab after jab nick after nick after nick and cutting and cutting and the head goes lower and the hands of praise go lower and and the spirit goes lower and the faith goes lower until finally that bull will after he runs after that red cape so many times in exhaustion bleeding drained he still looks good outwardly the horns are still there but they've been emptied of their power and he falls in exhaustion and the matador walks over and takes two long knives and through the neck he cuts and stabs and it goes straight to the heart and the bull dies but even when they carry the body of the bull out of the ring the horns are still in place and i'm telling you i think that's where a lot of people are you look okay on the outside but you're drained on the inside you're weary on the inside you're empty on the inside and the whole thing is the matador waits until that head starts dropping and those horns start dropping and he knows i think i'm i'm close i'm about and and that's what i've come to church today to say to you that that that we're not gonna let your head drop and we're not gonna you're thinking you just start going down in your attitude and down in your faith and we gotta keep our hands up we gotta keep praising the lord we gotta keep worshiping god we've got to fill ourselves with his presence we've got to fill the horn with oil again the bull is dismantled and mentally destroyed and then physically destroyed he's emptied there's nothing left and just when samuel has poured his oil out on the nation and they rejected him poured some more out on his sons and they rejected his faith and poured it out on saul and now he ends in a dismal failure and he's drained and he's empty he's still got a horn but it's empty and god told him if you read the whole story he said go to the temple and go down in the basement and there you'll find a guy named joash and tell him to give you fresh oil to fill your horn with because just when you think it's not going to happen i got a boy named david out on a hill and he's a worshiper and he's a praiser and i want you to go anoint him because he's a giant killer and i believe that every parent and every grandparent needs to listen to me you cannot let your horn get empty some of us look like christians and are christians and we come to church and we love god but inside inwardly internally we're empty where's the oil where's the anointing of the holy spirit where's the presence of jesus i tell you what we are supposed to do is we are right now needing to look for a new generation to pour our oil on we are right now positioned but here's the thing you've got to fill your horn with oil some of your own empty and you don't understand you can't pour it out if you're on empty it's not going to touch your children if you're on empty if all you've got is christianity meaning i'm saved and going to heaven but you don't you're not filling yourself with jesus and his presence you know what i've been doing i've been devouring this word i just decided that if my horn is empty i'm going to fill it up with a word i'm going to fill it up with prayer i'm going to fill it up with worship and here's what i heard the lord say he said samuel one more anointing you've got to have because david is coming you know there's just something about life that can empty your spirit and the horn is empty you're still carrying on still going about still moving around but inside spiritually you're empty you know sometimes family can empty your horn sometimes marriage can just drain you sometimes the job can just drain you sometimes the pressure can just drain you sometimes the children can just drain you and you keep getting nicked and you keep getting cut and then somebody it's not one thing it's all these darts 16 of them hitting me and stabs and nicks and cuts and you finally get to the place that you still love god but you don't have anything on the inside and so here's what you do this verse has always been one of my favorites because i'm a saxophone player and i call my sax a horn and psalms 92 and verse 10 has always been one of my favorite verses but my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn listen to this and i how how's that gonna happen i shall be anointed with fresh oil did you hear what i just said i said every one of you who say jesus is lord of my life you've got to fill that horn with fresh oil there have to be experiences in church and with god that you just don't keep standing there drained inwardly of all the joy of the lord because of all of the cuts in the knicks but you come and you say with sincere hunger god i'm empty on the inside you feel me the oil is the holy spirit which means the oil is jesus would you feel me again on the inside would you this sunday morning pour your oil on me and fill my horn because if i don't get it and here's here's the significance and i close with this he had one more anointing left in him and it was the greatest thing it looked like all it hadn't worked but here comes that final filling of the horn with oil and when he got it in him then he could pour it out and the bible said that he anointed david to be king of israel why because david i need you to have he said samuel i need your horn to be full of oil why because there's a guy named david that you're going to pour the anointing on and he's going to take a city from the from the given nights that's going to become jerusalem and by the way in that city there's going to be someone who is going to carry a cross and die on that cross and he'll be known as the son of david and by the way that david that you're going to pour the anointing on is going to have a great great great granddaughter by the name of mary and mary's gonna have a little lamb and his name will be called jesus and the reason that the enemies fault you so much is because this anointing that you're gonna pour on the final generation i believe that god is saying to us our young people our teenagers our children they must have the oil poured on them and i'm not talking about the physical oil i'm talking about what is in you if you're empty nothing's getting on them so you must claim psalms 92 and 10 lord fill my horn with fresh oil this morning i need more than outward religion i need life inside of me and if your head is down and if your praise is down and if your heart and spirit is down god wants to raise you up and fill you with fresh oil this morning how many of you believe that all over this room how many of you believe that at every campus i want you to stand to your feet and i want you to raise your hands like two big horns just like a funnel amen you're it's just like a funnel and say lord pour the oil in i've been running a little empty i didn't realize it but i've been drained little by little attack by attack dart after dark of the enemy the fiery darts have hit and hit and i've been draining and it's been a long time since i felt inwardly the power of god moved me just let those hands hide every campus the pastors are coming we're going to anoint the children we're going to anoint and bless the children but before we do that the moms and the dads and the husbands and the wives and the grandparents i want you to raise your hands all over this room and i want you right now if you want it on your children let it start with you say lord feel my horn this morning feel my horn some of you have been under attack and it's almost like the enemy says you're like that bull and you're just gonna drop and give up out of exhaustion but today god has fresh anointing for you fresh oil for you receive it right now receive his strength again receive his power again receive his anointing again into your life into your thinking keep those hands raised just a few minutes say lord this is my antenna this is this is me reaching out to you feel me feel me i'm empty on the inside we're going to pray for these children and we're going to believe they're the davidic generation that they're the giant slaying generation there's giants that their generation is going to slay we're going to anoint them today pray over us pray with us believe with us worship with us [Music] [Music] me all right y'all we'll be right back with our live coverage of our prayer line but first we wanted to pray over our online campus students and parents represented in the chat they sent some prayer requests in so we're going to go ahead and pray and believe specifically with you guys so lord we thank you for our online family for whoever is hearing this god i thank you whether a student a parent a teacher whoever they are god the individual we thank you for them lord we pray that you would bless this next school year i pray god that they would see you do exceedingly abundantly greater than you did last year and the year before that and the year before that lord i pray that they would experience abundance peace joy and lord i pray you'd have your way in the schools this year no more taming you no more holding you back i pray god that in their life they would see you do a mighty mighty miracle we pray health for our students and teachers this year we pray provision we pray all of those mighty mighty blessings jesus we pray this year would be unprecedented and unlike anything that they've ever seen before we pray all these mighty things we seal it god with your blessing in jesus mighty name we pray amen now if you need prayer for anything please feel free to text the word pray to 510 510 and we have a team of people specifically ready to pray with and for you we take prayer so seriously and we love y'all let's continue on with our worship [Music] experience [Music] is [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] here you are [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is who you [Music] are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you be gracious [Music] come on every hand lift it in this room as we sing this together we say lord bless [Music] make his face [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah let it rise [Music] come on we speak the blessing you say the lord [Music] [Applause] upon oh come on let it rise [Music] it [Music] you is [Music] [Music] generations and your family and your children and their children their children's favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] generation [Music] all you [Music] he is [Music] what we believed [Music] [Music] generations [Music] beside you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] the name of jesus we declare how great we say and how great in our schools in our neighborhoods [Music] we speak to the nations we say how great is is [Music] we is and how great [Music] come on one last time we [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come i'm no on [Music] [Music] i am the child of god come on he split the sea [Music] seaside [Music] [Music] is [Music] is come on and receive that this morning receive it in your house that's right out of god's word numbers chapter 6. god said moses you are to bless the children of israel in this manner and he gave him those words to speak they're just as powerful today come on protect the lord bless them all i want i want all of you who are watching online right now there's still a great group that are with us we're going to pray with you if you have your children at home to all of our church family that's at home we're so thankful you're watching today and we haven't forgotten about you if you've got any olive oil in your house that'll do go get some olive oil and bring those little children in front of the tv set or computer and we're going to sing this one more time and we're going to pray and they're going to if you'd like the names of your children you can type them in or whatever you call it and send it in i don't know how to talk that talk there it is there they come these are people that are with us live and they're saying hey i got a child here i got a child there so right now father we just speak the blessing over those children we anoint those children we anoint those teachers we anoint those principles we anoint oh god all the workers in the cafeterias and in the buildings and the security officers lord we just pray right now for your protection we acknowledge you in all of our ways direct our path and build the self-esteem of our children the confidence lord what they lost during the pandemic even uh intellectually lord let them catch up quick we pray god that they won't be less than but they'll be smarter than ten times smarter like daniel's and the children in the first book of daniel said they were ten times smarter god we pray that any that are having learning disabilities that you would help them and you would give them good mentors and bless the teachers lord bless them with your care and bless them with your blessing in jesus name let's sing it one more time the lord [Music] in the name of jesus sing amen [Music] god's favor is greater than anything that anointing has power that's why it's in a horn do you receive that blessing today amen i know you do well i believe that you're leaving with your horn filled with old how many of you received that today and keep feeling it keep feeling can i really encourage you in something can i really encourage you that if you will get on a this has really been on my heart and i've been wanting to say it and i keep putting it off but i'm gonna just say what i feel if you get on a bible reading pattern you need it you need a pattern two or three chapters a day you will be astonished at how the word will fill your horn with oil fill your horn with his presence your body is the horn and you need his presence do some things worship in your car put put this praise theme on if y'all got a new cd or something dvd what do you got i don't know they don't have cds anymore ipods or whatever it's free right can they get it not well it's now available let me correct that it's not free but it's now available but you can listen to this kind of worship all the time and our team by the way wrote all the songs on the new one and it's going to be powerful it's going to be beautiful but feel your fill your horn with all and he'll bless you i want to thank you for giving i want to thank you for standing with this church and we're having the greatest year in the history of our church by far and that's a miracle of god only god could do that but i'm looking at the miracles right here i'm looking at the miracles and we can't thank you enough they're giving stations all over if you want to take your phone out and give online if you like to do it from your home however you like to do it we appreciate your support you enable us to do what we do every day every day thank you and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace turn to somebody and say there's incredible favor on your life there's incredible favor on your life no matter what you're going through there's incredible favor on your life we love you so much thank you for visiting with us if you're a visitor we do appreciate you being here i'm just uh honored that you came today be blessed we'll see you next sunday [Music] i you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 90,171
Rating: 4.9077916 out of 5
Id: fEIK6XEN4-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 34sec (4114 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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