This Is Not Your Final Chapter | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] can you just clap your hands and give him great praise today would you praise the name of the lord jesus we do praise you today lord from our heart from our soul we give you praise and glory thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus oh hallelujah are you glad to be in church today you look amazing would you welcome all of our campuses they're joining us live right now we're so thankful for each and every one of you and all of you who are joining us online thank you for being a part would you welcome two or three people to church this morning and tell them you're glad they're sitting around you as you find your seat we received this morning a video from our missionaries in haiti bobby and sherry burnette we have worked with them and their ministry there for many many years and uh with your help we've been able to do a lot of work and we have sent a check every month since 2011 uh every month we've sent a check to feed hungry people in haiti and built some wonderful buildings there that are still being used even as we speak if you haven't seen it on the news 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit haiti yesterday and there have been many hundreds of lives lost and our missionary there sent this video this morning so turn your eyes to the screen and listen to this and let it speak to your heart i said god bless you and everyone we love you uh you had asked us to do an update report on the earthquake that hit yesterday morning at 8 29 a.m here in the country of haiti first of all we are okay out here in fond parisien and we're inside now the food the kingdom connection food distribution center that you have built and the kingdom connection partners and your friends here this beautiful as long as a warehouse thank you so much but this area is okay we are okay and we are safe uh the 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the southern part of haiti it demolished houses one whole hospital it demolished killed many many people another big church demolished how they was baptized and people killed them demolished many buildings and killed many many people we don't know how many yet there's been the worst food crisis in haiti that we've ever seen since we moved here in 1991 and now on top of this food crisis the earthquake has hit and i've seen in the news a while ago now looks like unless i misread it down in the caribbean another hurricane is on its way up probably will come right over haiti but let me tell you just one thing when the last earthquake hit i remember a pastor said we felt like everybody abandoned us like none of the christians cared and so we cannot let these people in haiti feel that we have abandoned them like nobody's coming to their help we have to do something to help these people to let them know that the christian people are standing by them and that god is going to bring them through this yes so thank you whatever you can do prayers whatever large or small if god puts them in your heart do it and we pray that many many people yes jesus said in matthew 25 40 when you have done it to one of the least of these little ones my brother and you have done it unto me god bless you thank you and i want to thank you for making that kind of ministry happen and uh we will we will monitor closely with them and find out where the greatest needs are and we'll do extra and beyond what we normally do because of your support thank you for helping us all around the world we built homes there that were reinforced with rebar because they have so many earthquakes there's the the subdivision of many of the we took a whole section of those homes we did one side and joyce meyer's ministry did the other side and built a bunch of those homes that those families live in and you did that you made that happen that may not look like much to you but over there that is that is a miracle provision of god and they're so grateful and they're so thankful and they are the most precious joyful people that i think i've ever met in the earth i've traveled all over the world and i i just have a special love in my heart for the haitian people every time i go there i'm moved at the joy they have so little and they have so much joy in their hearts and that's especially and only those that know christ and we thank god for his help and for you being a miracle for that nation help us pray how many of you will pray for haiti this week and the precious people that god will help them and lead them and guide them are you ready for the word today open your bibles with me to the book of jeremiah chapter 36 jeremiah chapter 36 in verse 2 he said take a scroll in a book and write write it all the words that i have spoke unto you against israel and then in verse 16 or let's go down to verse 22 for the sake of time now the king was sitting in the winter house in the ninth month with fire burning in the heart before him and it happened when jihadi had read three or four columns or chapters that the king cut it out with the scribe's knife and cast it into the fire i want to talk to you today on this subject this is not your final chapter this is not your final chapter god is still writing your story the story is still being written all is not done many people become perusers of history instead of making history many people begin to live in what god used to do in their life and what he used to do in the bible and they fail to understand he's still writing he is writing the next chapter of your life i don't know what kind of chapter you're in but god says don't put a period where i put a comma i want you to trust me that this is not the final chapter that what i have ahead of you is greater than what is behind you there's this group of people that i'm going to talk about today in the bible called scribes you read of them constantly in the old and new testament ezra for example one of the books of the bible is ezra and ezra was a scribe the scribe had a specific job of grabbing the pen and a scroll or a piece of paper and writing down what the king said or what the prophet said and recording it and making it a permanent record many times scribes would be allowed to go where no one else could go like into the throne room and they would record every word that the king would say in his conversations with people who would come and meet with him and then they would chronicle those words and keep them in a special place the scribe had a specific role to record history and when you read in the bible over and over you'll read of how kings certain kings for example in the old testament the bible said in the days of esther that the king couldn't sleep one night and he called for the scribes to bring the books the record books and read to him just randomly what had been discussed in previous conversations in the throne room apparently it was boring to hear because when the king wanted to go to sleep he would have them read these day-to-day activities and you better not pull that on me while i'm preaching or i'll embarrass you i can see you at the other campuses and and but but can you imagine and there's this story this amazing story of the king in esther's day and he couldn't sleep and so he called for the scribe to read some of the old records and it just so happened that where they opened the book there was the story of a man by the name of mordekai and the king's kind of sleepy and he starts listening and and there was a little footnote that on this day mordecai heard of an assassination attempt on the king and he reported it to the palace guards and the king woke up and came out of his stupor and he said what this man saved my life saved my kingdom i was not assassinated because of this man named mordecai has he ever been rewarded and they said sir we're searching the records and no one ever rewarded him and you know i don't have time to tell that whole story but he got his reward because someone wrote it down here's a good thing to remember the scribe was someone who reminded the king of his obligations he had the ability to remind the king of what had happened and what had been done for his kingdom take good notes when the king talks to you personally write down things when god speaks to your heart when you read the bible when you hear sermons you shouldn't just assume that if god really speaks to you have you ever had a sermon or a preacher preach and it's like they were eavesdropping in on your house all week long that they were listening secretly to you in your bed chamber or in your living room as something happened in your life when god speaks to you that specifically one of the most powerful things you should do is when the king's talks take good notes write down what the king said and remind yourself constantly of it so powerful were scribes just people with pens who wrote what the king said that in second kings 25 when nebuchadnezzar invaded israel he commanded that his troops go and arrest and slaughter for the most part not only the the the king of israel and the royal family or the people that were in charge and the and those in the army that they had to fight the army of israel the captains and the leaders but he said and the principle scribe all this guy did was took an ink horn and some and a pen and he would write and he according to nebuchadnezzar needed to be on the hit list because he could do major damage to our attempt to take over israel if he started pulling those records out and reading the old stories to israel of how they had faced times like this before enemies powerful like this before but somehow some way god brought them the victory and he can do it again and nebuchadnezzar knew anybody who has a pen and records what god has told them and then begins to confess it and speak it they are dangerous to my kingdom it pays to take good notes if god has ever done it in the past he can do it again if he's ever healed cancer he can do it again if he's ever delivered someone from drug addiction he can do it again if he's ever healed a broken life he can do it again it pays to take good notes and remind yourself of god's promises in your life and what he spoke and in jeremiah chapter 23 jeremiah was told by god don't just remind yourself of how god brought people out of egypt but remind i want you to not just read the story of how he brought moses and the people of god out of egypt but he said i want you to take a pen and i want you to start writing your own story see it was a story to you but it was a miracle to them and i want you to take a pen in your hand jeremiah because you you and the people in your generation are going to go into babylonian captivity but i'm not going to leave you there that's not the final chapter write down that you're coming out after 70 years and he under the inspiration of the holy spirit begin to write it down don't just recite what he's done but write that he will do it again i'm going to let you write your own story don't just be happy with what god has done in your past because he's just getting started when i think about this ministry i think about all that god has done it's so easy for us to talk about the past but i want a pen in my hand i want to believe that jesus is just as powerful in the midst of a pandemic and troubling times i believe the greatest chapter of the history of this church is yet to be written we're about to see revival on a level we have never seen it before in america and the world and i don't care if you believe it because it's written but it's not enough to have head knowledge it's not enough to know god healed the leper and god did this and god did signs and wonders and miracles and saves the laws but you have to not only have to be able to recite the old stories but what happens is when it becomes more than letter the bible said the letter kills but the spirit makes alive and there has to come a point where you push away from reading just the stories and you begin to get a fresh page and an ink pen and you start writing believing what god said he's saying again when i'm fighting hell i don't need an old story i need a pen i need to change the period to a comma so many churches are reading more about their history than their writing about their future it's it's too many too many christians are reciting their history instead of making history focused more on where they've been than where god is trying to take them in the new testament scribes were not very popular with jesus i cannot find one time where he wanted to eat with him he didn't like to hang around around them he even said woe be unto you pharisees and woe anytime god puts a woe on you that is not good and jesus said woe unto you historians who think i'm the god of yesterday who all you do is you can quote every verse but you don't believe it you don't believe he can heal now you don't believe he can deliver now you don't believe that he can turn your situation around you've just said in church and you've heard a lot of reading of old stories but it doesn't do you any good until you take a pen and you say i believe and i'm hearing the king speaking today if god did it for me he can do it for you i i've been blessed and fortunate to have some influence over young preachers all across the nation and many of them call me and and send me nice texts and stuff all week long about a message or something that touched their life and i'm humbled by that and they they come sometimes and just visit and they want to see these facilities and they want to see all that god has done but and i want to say to them sometimes it's thank you and we're honored in all of that but don't just read my story get your pen out cause the same god can do it if he could take two or three hundred people in gainesville and raise up a church like he is raised up and we get to preach to 200 nations of the world every day of the week through television my god oh come on and clap your hands that was pitiful don't just don't just hear somebody else's story get you a pen and say i've got a clear page lord and i'm i'm ready for a new thing today some of you living in yesterday and living in the glory days and talking about how it used to be and how god used to use you you need to get a pen god told israel he said that in in the book of judges that there would come a group that there would come a group that would be known as zebelin it was one of the twelve tribes and god said because they fought and this is in judges chapter four because they fought with deborah you remember deborah she was a mighty warrior not not not a man a woman and deborah led israel's army into battle she was an amazing girl and she led them to victory and the bible said fighting with them was a tribe called zebulun and because they demonstrated such courage and fearlessness against all odds god took note of it and prophesied over this tribe called zebelin and he said that they would be and put it up there it is he said out of zebelin will come a group of people who will handle the pen of the writer you read right over that and think that has no significance unless you look up zeblin it was a tribe that lived and to this day zebelin is galilee which is the northern part of israel which is the area of capernaum where jesus performed most of the miracles of his ministry that text is saying there's going to come a day when jesus is going to show up in galilee and and he's and they're gonna need pens not just to tell old stories about moses and shadrach and meshach and abednego and daniel and the lion's den but when this guy shows up there's going to need to be a bunch of people with pens that know how to write that he's not just the god of i used to be but he is the great i am and the majority of jesus miracles were done in that region where they had so many pens and people who were gifted in writing but the problem was the scribes wanted to hold on to the old way and they constantly followed jesus around i mean it should have been a scribe heyday jesus is opening blind eyes healing lepers raising dead people they should have been writing like fire should have been smoke coming off the page but instead all they do is follow him around and say did you just heal her on the sabbath the old history book said you can't do nothing on the sabbath and you just healed that woman my god that you just broke the law they didn't understand you got the pen the guy who wrote the law the one the fire thing the finger of fire that was on the mountain that wrote the ten commandments here it is and he's laying that hand on people and people are being healed but they couldn't receive it because they had an old religious spirit like many people in the church have today they just sit back and read the stories but it's not for our day and we really don't need to believe and god can't do anything in the middle of a pandemic and we're not really going to see revival and healing isn't real and miracles aren't real and that god can't touch this generation they're too far gone no i don't believe that and i'm pulling out the pen today and i'm saying god's gonna write another chapter over america and the world i know it's hard i know it's difficult but we need to be people of faith who say there's another chapter coming and it's a chapter that i believe is going to be the best he saved the best for last everybody take a five second praise break and i'll i'll keep moving so guess what guess what where all the writers were in galilee guess what happened this tall lean galilean named jesus after he fasted 40 days that's how i knew he was lean after he fasted 40 days he showed up out of the wilderness walked into the temple he was a rabbi so he had the right to get up and leave the service and he opened the book the bible said and they had read that old sleepy verse out of isaiah so many times the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me hey brokenhearted he shall open the eyes of the blind and people snore jesus walked in the author and opened the book now y'all follow me with the verses because i want to i want to i want to see it in the put it up on the walls what i'm saying the verse the verse i want don't worry about it just put it no the one that you had in the first service come on there you go and then after he read it after he read it the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has the bible said and every eye was fastened on him no sleepy people no people who weren't expecting it every eye was fastened on him and he closed the book and he said these powerful words this day is this fulfilled this day and then he said he what he was saying was that was good that's the old covenant that's the old testament but this day is a new day this day i'm going to heal some people this day i'm here to declare that this day you can be healed this day you can be filled this day you can get free from alcoholism this day you can have your marriage restored your family healed i believe in the god of right now not the great i used to be or i'm gonna be the i am is in the house the pen is in the room he showed up and when he finished he said this day is fulfilled don't just recite it now give me a blank page is what jesus was saying because i'm the pen in the beginning what's the word i'm the word and i'm the word made flesh and i can write anything i want i'm god so give me the pen and i need some people to get a pen and start writing down the new things and the news chapters of history his story that i want to write and it's interesting because when he wants to write another chapter there's always resistance whenever the pen is in the house and in john chapter 8 he leaves there and within a few chapters in john chapter 8 the bible said the scribes and the pharisees there they are who are they people who they can quote you the ten commandments thou shalt not commit adultery and thank god for that verse i believe in the ten commandments they've never been done away with jesus let me put it like jesus said i did not come i did not come to cause the law to go away i came to fulfill it i'm the lawgiver and then when i show up i'm the law liver through my death and resurrection you can live what is recorded and they said they the scribes and the pharisees took this woman taken from the act of adultery shoved her onto the ground and they came holding moses law and said moses and the law said stone her and they would have been all right if they'd have just stayed right there but then they asked a stupid question to ask jesus what do you say and i can't prove it but i think jesus had been waiting for this moment for thousands of years i think he had been i think he when he heard them say what do you say the law says that she's got to die the law says she doesn't have a future the law says that she's over the law says that she's messed up so bad she's ruined the law says drag her in and stone her to death what do you say and jesus in that moment said i've been waiting for this he dropped down on his knees and pulled out the pen and he took his finger your bible said and he started writing in the sand let him who is without sin cast the first stone and they all the bible said from the oldest to the youngest because the older ones had a longer list of sins the oldest from the youngest dropped the rock and walked off and jesus then said neither do i condemn you go and sin no more in other words dear lady sin wrote you into this mess but grace is writing you out of this mess forgiveness is writing you out of this mess calvary is writing you out of this mess how many of you are glad that god wrote you out of your mess you didn't deserve it you didn't earn it you were headed for ruin but he wrote you out of your mess and here you are in god's house this morning somebody give him a mighty praise [Applause] he knows how to write you out of your mess he knows how to write you out of the book of death into the book of life he knows how to get your name in the lamb's book of life there's an interesting story that we just read in pieces of in jeremiah 36 because here's what was taking place i didn't have time to read it but you should go read that whole chapter if you if you really want to understand this message because in jeremiah 36 god gave jeremiah a word from the lord for the temple and for the king for the church and for the king and the bible said that jeremiah had been banned from going to the temple because he wouldn't preach any good sermons every time he got up and preached they wanted to hear something that would tickle their little ears and and bless them and tell them how and every time he got up he'd just he'd just let it rip and they banned him the preacher from the temple and brought them in some little guys who would come in and just tell them what they wanted to hear and the bible said jeremiah and i think i'll just read it because it's too good just to skip over just cause you want to beat the baptist to the buffet i i i want to i want to read what i want to read take a scroll jeremiah verse 2 and write all the words that i have spoken to you and he called in a scribe this is in verse 16 and when he had and when he had heard and and and the scribe wrote down and then he said now they banned me from the temple i don't have time to go into all of it but he said jeremiah said they banned me but write down everything i tell you to the scribe and he said and go to the outskirts of the gate of the temple and stand there and scream to the top of your voice the words that i've given you they won't let us in so we're going to preach out on the street and they did it he did it the scribe did it and when he did the people inside got more interested in what he was saying than that old boring preacher up there sitting on a stool drinking a diet snapple amen he he he he had a word from the lord oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry he had a word from the lord and the bible said even the false priest said oh my god that's a word from the lord we've got to go tell the king this is where the story gets interesting and the bible said that the king was at his winter palace sitting by the fire and they came in and they read him the words of the prophet and some of the words were good that if you would do this and if you'll be willing and obedient god will do this and god will bless you and god will fight for you god will god will provide but some of the words were really really strong if you don't obey the lord you're a god and and and so here's what the king did your bible you just read it he took something called a pen knife and he starts cutting out the parts of the message he doesn't like and throws them into the fire and he says now i really like this part leave it but i don't like that part cut it out and throw it into the fire i like that part about mercy and grace and forgiveness i don't like that part about forgive your enemies and i don't like that part about living holy and i don't like cut that out cut that out cut that out he started cutting out parts grabbing his pen knife and cutting out the parts that he didn't like and i'm telling you i believe that some people all they want is a ticket to heaven and they've decided they're just going to cut out parts of the book that they don't want to live that encroach upon their life but that's not the true gospel there's more to the gospel than a ticket to heaven we want to cut out thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not commit adultery wait a minute that's too early thou shalt not lie i'm no you ain't coming in right now no way uh-uh uh-uh i'm just getting to the see you can't cut this part short you get thrown in the fire i'll get there but i'm going to get there i don't like that part we don't need that anymore i don't believe in that anymore i don't think that's necessary anymore and here we are and we're sitting on our little thrones and we're cutting pieces of the word out and throwing it into the fire trying to control the message it's not your message it's god's message and he still says if you're going to make it to heaven you're going to have to be holy like i am holy if you're going to make it to heaven you're going to have to there there are pastors and preachers that are y'all know i'm not a judgmental mean guy i don't beat up on my fellow preachers and stuff but it's disturbing to me that you never hear pastors they're cutting out jeremiah one that before you were in your mother's womb i knew you and and before you were conceived i called you and had a plan for you and they never talk about abortion they just cut that part out and and god loves people who've had an abortion god understands and he loves you but i want you to know it's still the taking of an innocent life we can't cut that out we can't cut out marriage between a man and a woman is the only kind of marriage that we can't to be well i'm a woke pastor you've been you've been drinking too much coca-cola amen you you you're believing this stuff no it's still a god of separation it's still come out from among them it's still live holy it's still fast and prey it still resists temptation well i can look at whatever i want i'm cutting that part out and throwing it in the fire i can go wherever i want i can shake it in the club on saturday night and praise him on the pew on sunday morning i'm cutting that part out i don't like that listen this is not a game folks you know what else those same people are cutting the rapture out you don't hear anybody preaching on the second coming they're cutting the antichrist in 666 but if it's in the book you better not cut it out and throw it into the fire something's going on this is a trial run when you can't buy food unless you meet the standard of something's going on and we better quit cutting the message up and throwing it in the fire we don't need that today that's not politically correct that's not nice that might cause somebody to really get stirred up and brother brother big bucks may leave the church if pastor mentions that so let's just proclaim jesus is coming again the trumpet is going to sound people are going to be left behind let's not cut out there's a heaven and there's a hell and you're going to spend eternity in one of them i don't care how nice you are i don't care how much money you have do you know jesus you must be born again of the spirit and of water let's not cut out marriage is sacred till death do we part what god that's the verse that's not just the waiting thing that's a verse what god has joined together let no man put asunder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not lie thou shalt not steal here's one we want to cut out thou shalt remember the sabbath and keep it holy [Music] turn to somebody and say i'm glad you didn't cut that out i see you in god's house on sunday but there's a whole generation coming up and they're cutting it up and throwing it in the fire cutting it up throwing it into the fire and only what's left is the lord bless me and i'm all for the blessing y'all know me sit down you ain't gonna speed my sermon up i'm almost done but but something's gotta give we got to have revival i mean is is it not getting through yet have we not had enough of two years of living hell and quarantined and everything else and it's been awful and deaths and it's real the pandemic is real and is god trying to say something to us that maybe you need to stop cutting out the important stuff like the coming of the lord and standing before the judgment seat of christ and give an account of everything that you have done does anybody feel an alarm going off in your soul that these are not normal times that surely the church ought to get on our knees and get serious and worship ought to be like some kind of fire igniter it shouldn't even take a cord we ought to be oh god we need you in times like these so let me close my little sermon this is it now you can start playing don't you love those guys they're the best in the world i give them a hard time but they know i love them now listen to this how do you write your next chapter because i felt like calling this sermon write your next chapter because we we want god to do everything but psalms 45 and 1 gives the secret it says this my heart is full of good things i speak things which i've made from touching the king watch my tongue is the pen everybody say my tongue is the pen say it again my tongue is the pen of a ready writer my tongue is the pen that writes the next chapter change what you're saying if he could do it then he can do it now if he could provide and heal and do miracles and signs and wonders i'm not cutting that out of the book i'm i'm proclaiming and that's why praise is so powerful that's why songs like we've been singing this morning are so powerful because your pen is writing those into your next chapter prayer is your pen the pen of a my tongue is the pen of a ready writer prayer is that praise is that pen confession is that pen declaring god's word not close with this the final closing in the book of revelation it said in the 12th chapter that we overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony derek prince a man who's a great preacher who's gone on to be with the lord put it like this the greatest definition in revelation i've ever heard on that is this we overcome when we make our confession what the word says the blood does when we begin to say with our mouth what the word says the new testament blood does we begin to overcome and my tongue is the pen of a ready rider believe on the lord jesus christ thou shalt be saved and thy house hallelujah you know what i just did i wrote the next chapter regardless of what you're seeing now write the next chapter lord i praise you that you're my healer someone may be in the intensive care unit that you love very much may be in critical condition but you can sit here today and god's looking for a people that will take the pen of faith and say my tongue is the pen of a ready writer and god i heard this sermon for a reason and i claim your healing power today like you cleanse lepers and like you raise the dead you can do it today god how many of you believe that would you stand to your feet and would you lift up both hands in the air if you feel comfortable doing it and would you open your mouth and which you for the next 15 seconds begin to praise god audibly out loud for something that you're facing that the enemy said just settle for it just settle for it just settle for less than what god promised you look at me one moment now i hear the lord right now in my soul how many of you god has promised you something and the enemies wanted you to cut it out and whittle it down and well maybe god really didn't say it throw it into the fire well it may happen but he really meant it would happen this way and you keep cutting it down till only what's left is what a human strength can produce i challenge you today i'm glad i didn't do that with this ministry because i knew what god told me he was going to do and i know what he's telling me he's going to do it ain't over we're about to write our greatest chapter but here's the deal you have to be tenacious with your faith and pull the pen of your tongue and say what god's word says the blood does raise those hands open your mouth and begin to bless your family and bless your home and bless your life and claim healing and claim to help and claim miracles and claim the power of god claim it all over this room claim it claim it claim it you've been silent you've been living in the past some of you haven't had a fresh move of god in so long in so long i want to ask you something who am i preaching to this morning that the enemies told you to take the promise of god and just throw it in the fire your family will never turn around your marriage will never turn around your life will never turn around that addiction will never be loose from your life you are just you just need to throw that promise in the fire cut it out i'm not gonna be a cutting edge preacher i'm gonna believe for miracles signs and wonders in this church [Music] and if you know that god spoken to you and the enemies told you to cut that promise out and throw it in the fire get out of your seat and come stand there is a supernatural anointing here this morning come and stand if you're lost come if you've got an addiction come if you're bound to come if you're defeated and depressed come if you're going through something that is so severe you need supernatural health come come now come in faith come and get grab your pen and grab a fresh piece of paper and say there's another chapter that's going to be written i'm not going out like this it can end like this this is not the end god has a new chapter he's writing in your story declare it here now i preached it's up to you to open your mouth you got the pen your tongue is the pen a ready writer speak it declare it open your mouth and ask the big ass only ask god to do it boldly in jesus name approach the throne and make the big ass ask him ask him for something that you can't do [Music] church raise your hands and declare it now now you're either a scribe sitting there living in story land are you gonna pull up to the table and grab a pen this morning and write revival in your own life in your own soul open your mouth and repent and say jesus watch me jesus cleanse me jesus i confess with the pen of my mouth you is my lord and savior he'll save you he'll deliver you he'll feel you he'll renew [Music] [Music] raise your hand say god if you're looking for place to show your glory bring him to this house what if god sends a revival to games for georgia that begins to shape the world could he do it again i [Music] god's greatest move is in that is in the near future here and now this day this day [Music] fear bow here now i want you to lift your hands and forget about people around you i am so tired of church as usual i will never settle for it again i'm gonna stir the fire until it's blazing glory glory chains fall write it write it with your tongue declare it with your mouth now [Music] the jesus is in the house jesus is in the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] here right now jesus [Music] knock and it shall be open seek and you shall find your harvest is coming your miracle is coming believe begin to speak it begin to praise him for it yes declare it church [Music] come on out and sing it we're gonna worship just a little while here this morning [Music] it's a terrible thing to live all you do is hear about what god used to do god's gonna raise up some young people that get a pen in their hand and say it's gonna happen in my generation it's gonna happen in my generation [Music] [Music] is that's what i like about this song don't you tell me he can't do it [Music] [Music] return don't you tell me [Music] i haven't seen it [Music] and declare god's supernatural power [Music] is [Music] lord give them the anointed pen to write songs for a generation [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you see [Music] nothing is too hard for the working hand of god to come release [Music] lord those that are in the hospitals those that are in haiti suffering those all over the world [Applause] [Music] give us [Music] you [Music] give me the strength that we need [Music] nothing [Music] is here [Music] you [Music] you keep your yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i foreign [Music] when the king speaks write it down i try to read through the bible i i study it all the time but i try for my personal devotion to read through the bible i'm doing a one-year bible and i've done that for many years and when i take i always get a new bible and do it and i'll write things specifically on the side that as i'm reading it the holy spirit speaks to me personally and when i say speak i don't hear audible voice it's just wow i needed that and i'll put any impression down that i have or circumstance that i'm in that i needed that to remind myself of god's promise and at the end of the year i usually take that bible and i give it to somebody and then i'll start another one every year and i've done that for every one of my children i've given them a bible now i'm doing it for my grandchildren and it's so important when the king speaks to write it down hebrew habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 2 i want to close with this and the lord answered me and said what write the vision and make it plain write the vision write what god said write down sermons that he speaks specifically to you because you don't know what you're going to face next week but if you've got a word you've got a sword and your pen is your weapon that little red thing right there called the tongue that's your pen and your pen is your weapon the battle is real this isn't playtime you're either gonna get in and get sold out are you gonna you're gonna you're gonna be one of those that fall by the wayside because you're cutting and pasting the word of god i want to get back to where i want to be more like him instead of him being more like me because i don't like me without him use your tongue right now and say this prayer lord jesus i have the tongue which is a pen of the ready writer so i confess you as my lord and savior therefore the word declares because of the blood of jesus my name is being written in the lamb's book of life i believe in you i believe you carried my sin to the cross past present and future and i believe you rose from the dead and you give me power to walk in victory i believe in you jesus write my name in the book of life in jesus name i am saved clap your hands and praise him if you prayed that prayer i want to tell you one more thing i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm tired of apologizing too but god's really dealt with me about a prayer meeting and i'm gonna give you a couple weeks but we're gonna start on sunday night an old fashioned prayer meeting the praise team is going to sing we're going to come in here with no agenda i'm going to walk in with no sermon prepared unless god tells me to i don't i'm not going to preach we're going to spend about an hour in praise and worship and prayer and here's the important thing and flow and prophesy and lay hands and anoint with oil and and let people receive the baptism in the holy ghost we're not cutting that part out and throwing it in the fire we're going to see a whole bunch of young people get radically set on fire for god in sunday night prayer meeting we're going to bring back the old-fashioned week between the porch and the altar i don't need a bunch i wish all wouldn't it be something if two or three thousand people started showing up not to hear a pastor or preacher showing up for jesus i just want to be in his presence he's life to me but there'll be no agenda no tenseness no program they'll just start singing we don't know what god's going to do we're just going to walk in here wide open with an empty page and a pen and say holy spirit whatever you want to do we're ready to go there and devil if you don't like it come get some that's how i feel about him i hate him right now you you you picked a fight then come get some because greater is he that is in us no weapon form the chapter's already being written [Music] you believe it i believe it raise your hand and receive the blessing listen i want to say something else don't ever feel bad about wearing a mask to this church we want people to come and feel comfortable however they want to do it i don't i don't man that's a personal thing let everybody be what they want to be and let's quit all this stupid stuff get the shot if you want to get the shot if you don't won't get the shot i wish everybody would do what they feel like they're supposed to do i'm praying what god would have me do and what he would have you do how about you everything is something to pray about and if you and and and just be safe just be safe keep washing your hands a lot take zinc take vitamin c take d12 i'm taking it all i'm taking so many there's nothing wrong with that that's wonderful if somebody wants to wear masks then wear masks absolutely wear masks and if you you know if you're not sure you better you better put if if your faith is not sure you better put a mask on but i'm not i'm not getting into none of that i'm just wanting to make a general statement that we love people coming we don't care how they come you come in a suit if you want to i don't care i just want we got to keep getting in church together i know that and we got to keep doing this and believing god's going to break through right you understand what i'm saying let's pray for our doctors and nurses let's pray for our people in taking care of sick people wonderful wonderful people god we pray for the sick the afflicted we have used our tongue to sing it and to proclaim it you're the god of healing never has that song been more important than it is right now we declare life over every person fighting for their life in jesus mighty name touch our doctors nurses first responders wonderful people working in cafeterias and schools and all kinds of uh cleaning and cleaning the rooms and those that are that go in with with with the elderly and the sick lord we just pray oh god for them keep them and bless them with a supernatural covering we pray and we thank you for it now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace do you receive that blessing say amen hallelujah we love you lord we love you lord god bless you have a wonderful day church walk in the spirit i'm going to announce that prayer meeting about two weeks they're reminding me to encourage you to be a giver in the give online they're giving stations out in the lobbies help us we're going to do some extra stuff we'll send thousands and tens of thousands of dollars to haiti to help them we know the need is going to be great we need extra so help us you're going to help us and we appreciate it worship god if you've ever been a tither you ought to be a tither in times like these when you tithe you're saying god you are my source that's what you're saying god you are my source tomorrow night is the opening of school of discipleship and there's a tent out back if you want to grow in the word if you want to learn about ezra and the history of each book of the bible if you want to get deeper into god's word and into prayer and involved in the church all of our leaders all of them come out of school discipleship go through that extremely powerful training and you can start tomorrow night it begins the whole new semester and you talk about something that will change your life forever forever it will be happening tomorrow night go by the tent outside and get signed up today it's going to be a powerful powerful time we love you be blessed walk in the spirit free chapel online family what an absolutely amazing and powerful word that pastor just gave us today listen it is not your final chapter there's still a story to be written god has not done with you yet so encouraging and just really brought like hope today yeah yeah i know it's brought hope for me and my family i've got some facing coveted in the hospital in the intensive care unit so we're just believing in full faith that he's going to heal my paw paul today yes yes and he can do it and he can do it for you he's done it before he'll do it again and i love love love that word that pastor gave us listen if you were watching today and you said yes to jesus for the first time we want to celebrate with you we want to tell you how grateful how proud we are of you what a bold step of faith that you took today listen if that was you please text the word yes to the number 5 10 5 10 also if you're watching and you just are looking for someone to pray with you to believe in faith for something to take place in your life you can text the word prayer to the number 510 510 and we've got a team who's trained prayed up prepared and ready to call down heaven on your behalf believing that god is going to move and do what only he can do in your situation amen hey our school of discipleship classes are starting today all over our campuses so um we want you to be able to do that too you can go online to and you can sign up to take school of discipleship hamilton and i walked through it and it's life-changing also we've got small groups we want you to be a part of so go online check those out be in community with people yes and also thank you so much those of you online who've been so consistent in your giving you've just not stopped god is using you god is really just using your resources um to do significant things in this community um locally but also globally pastor talked about haiti and the devastation that's taken place there just this past weekend and you know it's going to be your resources that allows us affords us the opportunity and the ability to go and meet people's needs all the way across the world so thank you so much for staying consistent yeah if you're watching with us you know and i hope that you were touched by today's message and sermon and next sunday invite somebody whether that's a share on facebook or or it's you calling up your best friend and saying hey let's have a cup of coffee and just sit in front of my tv and let's just let's just worship god together so invite somebody next sunday yes and that's what that just made me think the word that pastor gave today that wasn't only for you and your situation you know someone who needs to hear that word you know someone who needs to hear today hey your story's not over the chapter's not done he's got he's still writing it he's still got a plan a purpose so please please please share encourage someone to listen to what god spoke through pastor today because it was powerful it was significant well listen we're getting ready to hop off but we're going to pray together and believe god for an amazing week let's pray god we love you we praise you today god we thank you for your word we thank you for the truth and the power that's represented in your word god we thank you that your word says that when it's spoken it will not return void god so right now we believe we know that your presence your holy spirit can move and do significant things no matter where we are so every individual still tuning in watching today god we speak power we speak wholeness we speak health we speak redemption god we speak complete restoration in jesus mighty name meet the needs of your people god hear their cry god we love you we thank you again for the word that was spoken today for what you've already done and what we know and can have faith that you will continue to do again and again we love you jesus we praise you for it's in your holy and precious name we pray amen amen amen hey we love you guys we'll see you next sunday [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 60,660
Rating: 4.8794727 out of 5
Id: 4FgD02ye_bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 58sec (4438 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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