Satan's Master Man | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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welcome to free chapel online we're glad you're joining us today if you have never joined us before if you're visiting and joining us online we would love for you to text hello to 313131 as our new guest we want to get to know you better thank you for joining us to all of you we're believing god for a powerful service today that god will do and speak powerfully in your life we are now on the last week of the 21 day fast and thank god for it and uh we're believing that we are going to see divine reversal and turn around in this nation and in the world concerning this virus we're fasting praying we're covering our children as they go back to school we're covering our economy and our businesses and praying that god will provide and meet every need and we're praying for the sick the infirm those who are grieving those who are going through the hardest and toughest valley maybe that you've ever been through in your life i'm praying with you today that god will turn it into a valley of miracles that god will just do exceedingly abundantly out of the hard place will come a high place that god uses to raise you and bless you and do things through you that will glorify his name in all the earth and i want to thank you for joining us today and i'm going to be preaching part two of a new series that we're doing where we're literally going into the bible and studying bible prophecy and i'm enjoying doing this study last week i talked about satan's master plan this sunday on this service i'm going to be talking about satan's masterman and it's not bad news and it's not gloom and doom but it is something you need to hear that is coming and i believe your eyes are going to be open and i believe that you're going to appreciate the lamb of god the savior of the world jesus christ like never before and all that he has the one thing that keeps coming across and as i'm studying and preaching these messages these end time prophecy messages is we're not to be afraid we are not to be troubled we are not to be defeated we are not to be as though we have are moved into a season in place of dismay and everything's happening and it's out of control god says in those times in the scripture run to me draw near to me come in close to me because i have a plan and it's a plan where we win it's a plan of victory it's a it's a plan where god will bless you and i believe today you're going to see that like you've never seen before in just a moment we're going to worship but i want to tell you two things number one thank you for your giving thank you for standing with us thank you for helping us continue the ministries of the church we are having some amazing feeding times where we are bringing in we bought last week a big truck uh load of chicken and then farmers to families an amazing uh partnership between the government and and churches and farmers who were throwing away millions of pounds of foods and i'm thankful that people in our government said there's no need for people to go hungry and so they they married the two and it's called farmers to families and they're bringing truckloads of food listen to this over 30 million pounds of food have been distributed through churches throughout the united states and we're one of them and i'm so appreciative of that and then we've been buying our ministry has been buying truckloads of of chicken and distributing it and it's been a blessing to so many families and i want to say thank you for helping us thank you for doing all that you're doing continue your giving you know how to do that and very soon we're coming back stronger than ever as a matter of fact this sunday in orange county california i am preaching i get the honor of being under the tent right under the big cross at our location in orange county and i'm preaching under that tent the praise team is gonna be with me outside under the tent hundreds of believers are coming and uh and we're going to have a powerful time in orange county and we're going to keep that 10 up for at least a month and have church every sunday and then as soon as i finish that this sunday i'm going to head back to georgia and we're going to get ready for august the 30th which is our grand re-gathering there it's going to be an amazing revival service that we're going to have outside at all of our facilities gainesville gwinnett midtown and spartanburg we'll be gathering outside the pastors will be preaching live there on the scene and i'll be in gainesville the other pastors of the other campuses will be preaching and it's just going to be powerful bring your family it'll be fun it'll be sunshine i speak that in faith and if the weather changes then we'll have a backup plan but we're going to stick with that for now but it's pretty exciting it's time to come alive again it's time for the church to regather again it's time to see god move again so right where you are let's worship the lord let's praise him let's seek him let's glorify him and let's hear him today worship with us [Music] victory [Music] that conquers all anxiety let it [Music] name in rise dark and it changes everything you see your victory [Music] he cannot [Music] with all creation cry god we crazy [Music] a storm inside [Applause] [Music] you cannot [Music] with all creations [Music] oh we gladly bring our prey with praise [Music] this is this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise this is what freedom feels like this you break is every wall we'll watch the giants fall fear cannot survive [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know exactly what i walked through and you know exactly what i need you fill my heart with faith to trust you [Music] nothing is is [Music] the heart of the heaven you revealed [Music] i speak your name [Music] i [Music] [Music] for wherever you are [Music] [Music] to keep [Music] and remove our disease [Music] over again [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] restoration [Music] i know [Music] nothing is [Music] [Music] with confidence in who you are before we actually believe it won't we actually believe in your strong your mighty hair cause you're [Music] nothing is too hard for you so come release your healing i know you are with nothing is too hard [Music] for your name [Music] all praise [Music] and how great thou art [Music] and how great though [Music] my [Music] how great though [Music] my how great [Music] found how great and how great and how great let's just give him praise right where you are just praise this glorify dishonor this praise we love you jesus blessed be your name lord blessed be your name lord great is the lord greatly to be praised we worship you jesus we worship you lord we worship you lord you know that there's one verse to that song the last verse when christ shall come with shouts of acclamation to take me home what joy will fill my heart then i shall die will there be a day in humble life and their proclaim my god how great thou art sing it one more time [Music] we love you lord [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] me how crazy lord heal people right now set somebody free right now lift somebody up right now encourage somebody right now lord send your power into the room right now in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah where the presence of the lord is here and i'm going to share today if you have your bibles from the book of revelation i want you to turn with me to revelation chapter 13 revelation chapter 13 and we'll begin with verse 11. and in just a moment the team will come back in a few minutes after i've taught and we will end with a great song of victory i want to share with you today from this series that we began i called it we wind end-time prophecy explained and if you missed last week's message it is so critical that you go back and listen to that message i really believe it will open your eyes to some things and last week we talked about satan's master plan this sunday i want to talk about satan's master man and this is found in the book of revelation chapter 13 and i'll begin reading uh in with the 11th verse then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth he had two horns and like a lamb he spoke like a dragon now this is a strange description because lambs don't have horns so he's going to look like an innocent tender lamb but this lamb is a deceiver and he will have horns two horns and spoke like a dragon it's an interesting phrase i'll refer to it in just a moment and he exercises all the authority of the beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed notice that whose deadly wound was healed verse 13. he performs great signs so that even he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men he deceives there it is again those who dwell on the earth by the signs which he has been granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image of the beast who was wounded by the sword and leo and he's granted the power to give breath to the image of the beast and the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed this is very important verse 16. he causes all men both small and great rich and poor free and slave receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the numbers of the beast for it is the number of a man his number is 6 6 6 and i'll stop reading there for the sake of time but we will refer to many other bible verses satan's master plan as we unveiled it last sunday and now satan's master man you see the bible is very very clear standing in the shadows of history is a man this is in the old testament and it comes to light in the new testament prophecies all of them saying the same thing that there is coming out of the shadows of history a man known as the antichrist some of his names that are given in scripture are as you heard in this text the beast one of the other names that's given to him a lot is the man of sin one translation says the man and one of the main names that he's given is the man of lawlessness the son of perdition the little horn many of these names are given and notice that in revelation 17 and verse 5 something happens how does he come where does he come from well the bible talks about in the book of revelation that the sea is seething that there is social agitation that he will arise out of the sea represents the multitudes of people of the earth and the scripture clearly predicts that satan's superman is coming up out of troubled waters and when the bible refers to the waters and i don't have time to break this all down but it is very easily proven what i'm saying that that is a direct reference to social agitation that nation our ethnic group one translation says race against race social agitation will be taking place not only in one nation but worldwide there will be all of this unrest it's like the bible said the wicked are like a troubled sea and the muck and the mire is being brought up and that is exactly what is taking place in our world today the nations of the world and the masses of the seas of people of the world are are troubled like a sea and the muck and the mire are coming up in our society and the bible clearly warns that out of that social agitation and that troubled sea of humanity well he said i saw notice what he said i saw a beast i saw a beast so i want you to see with me for just a few moments some of the things that the bible teaches about the beast satan's superman satan's master man you see the devil always mimics god we have god the father god the son and god the holy spirit and satan has the dragon separate from the dragon is the beast and separate from the beast is the false prophet the dragon is a reference to satan the beast is a reference to the antichrist and the false prophet is like the holy spirit is for jesus the false prophet that will come because revelation 16 and 13 said i saw out of the sea come three frogs and this is again this is this is a prophecy of these three spirits that will come satan the beast and the false prophet satan will be a servant uh are uh there will come a servant of satan the antichrist will be a servant of satan he will be satan in skin if you can't imagine such a thing just as jesus was god in skin satan will show up on planet earth in skin and he will be known and that's why the scripture said he's a lamb with horns well there's no such thing and notice that he said that he would have uh the breath of a dragon he's got dragon's breath in other words he speaks and when he speaks as a dragon he is a master liar that much of the much of the damage that the antichrist will do will be to deceive with power for persuas persuasive words he will tell the nations of the world lies the beast is the name that he has given evolution is like to tell us that we came man came from beasts but no we didn't come from beasts we came from god but this world is headed for a beast a man that is indescribably wicked a man that is hideously handsome a man that is brilliantly able a man who has the heart of a beast he will have the he will be persuasive and very uh much a powerful leader and a powerful presence and he will be able to sway the world this man that is known as the antichrist we're told the sea represents the world and the wicked like the sea and out of that social agitation he will arise when when's when the world begins to just almost come apart it feels like it's just teetering on destruction out of that social unrest will come the antichrist we're already seeing that spirit remember i taught last week that the spirit of antichrist the bible said is already at work and the only thing that restrains it this is in second timothy is the holy spirit in us that's the only thing that's holding back the forces and hordes of hell and we're seeing the spirit of antichrist with the with the uh horrible destruction in the streets and the looting and the burning of entire blocks and neighborhoods the lawlessness the the attacks on innocent men and women we're seeing the spirit of antichrist show himself and then we know that the bible talks about the nation of russia and how they will play a major role in russia in the book of ezekiel is a bear and one of the emblems of russia is the bear and and the only thing worse than a bear a big mean bear is a wounded bear and russia is a wounded bear right now because their economy is failing there's so much corruption up top that the wealth is not reaching the people and there is tremendous unrest and it's a very agitated bear the old russian bear it's a wounded bear the only thing worse than fighting a big grizzly bear is trying to fight a wounded one and we're seeing that prophecy of russia and all you got to do is read the book of ezekiel read the prophecies of how that russia plays a major role in the rise of the antichrist and then china now we see china and again this is not a word against the race of people they're precious people we're all the same but it's evil demonic powers that control the governments and evil spirits are empowering these some of these government leaders many of them china is is it's interesting that you see the dragon in the book of revelation as the prominent spirit the dragon and one of the emblems of the nation of china is the dragon it's a powerful nation it has nuclear ability it has the ability and has shown to release biological warfare and now we have had almost 300 000 people killed in america through covet and it's wreaked havoc upon the economy it's almost wiped out just millions uh and millions of people around the world and it's almost wiped the economy out globally and that was just a test balloon i believe for some of the things that that are coming plagues erupting all over the world and the world is being turned into a seething sea of unrest and out of that will come this one called the son of satan the devil like father like son just like jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the father the antichrist will say if you've seen me you've seen my father satan like father like son the bible in daniel's vision talks about an image that had the face of a lion and this is in the goes through the book of revelation also that has that has the face of a lion and a bear and a leopard and a dragon it has the lion's characteristics of a stately walk of a lion but teeth that shred the strength of a bear this is a description of the antichrist with claws that that that ripped to pieces the leopard is a reference to the speed that rapidly this antichrist this beast will rapidly establish his kingdom across nation after nation blitzkrieg quick fast he will take control and we see all of these signs that are coming to pass and the bible calls him a beast because he has a beastly nature he has the flesh of a human but his heart is like a beast and it will rip and it will kill and it will destroy with he is a psychopathic killer that has no emotions in what he is doing the bible said that he would be greatly intelligent i don't have time to just take you to all these verse for verse but this is very clear in scriptures he will be a global charmer the antichrist he will be handsome and there's something interesting that we read in this verse it said that he will be wounded this is in verse 14 of revelation 13 and and he will dwell on the earth and uh and it says and he will be wounded and in the head and i just thought there it is in verse 12 actually whose deadly wound was healed so something is going to happen to the antichrist when he comes on the scene there will be three years a peace there will be three years of prosperity there will be three and a half years of incredible wealth and blessing and people will be just amazed at how wonderful the world is doing and in the middle of that he will be wounded in the head and then he will come back to life this is interesting because it sounds like an imitation of the resurrection and i wonder with cloning now and it's it's just a fact you can you can check it out that that in many nations that don't have laws like we have they're not only cloning animals but they're cloning human beings and they are close to if not already secretly probably uh close to cloning human beings completely could it be that you have a body when someone is cloned and you have a soul which is the mind but that person because god gives the spirit god breathed into the breath of man his spirit and made him a living soul the bible said could it be that the antichrist reference of being shot wounded or whatever happens to his head that he is mortally wounded he comes back to life an imitation of the resurrection and could it be at that moment satan makes his entry not into that cloned body that has flesh and has a mind and has satan himself incarnate inside of a human person's body this is if you say well i just can't believe that then you can't believe that jesus was god and and and god was in jesus and and it was the hope of glory and that's why everywhere he went such pow he he turned the world upside down in the same way ladies and gentlemen satan is a copycat he imitates the resurrection he imitates the holy trinity he imitates not only that but he will be in the body the human body possess completely the body of the antichrist he will have a seductive appeal an unholy ambition of the beast will be to be worshipped this goes all the way back to the book of isaiah 14. he does not want you to worship god he wants you to worship him in isaiah 14 lucifer was the worship leader of heaven he had musical instruments in his body this is all in your bible in the book of ezekiel read it i've done many preachings and teachings on this and being a musician it just always uh did thorough studies of all the musicians in the bible and it's it's it's a lot there but he had musical instruments he has three categories of musical instruments in his bodies in his body the lucifer does he was heaven's worship leader and the bible said that the noise of his strings the noise of his of of his uh uh trump uh the wind instruments the pipes the wind instruments that's the saxophone things like that the wind wind blows through and causes that that would include the brass section and the strings and the timbrels are drums so there are only three categories of musical instruments and every instrument fits in one of those strings would be violins guitars the temple would be drums and percussion and and then the wind instruments saxophone trumpet trombone all of that all of that was in lucifer's body all of that was there and he said i will ascend above the throne of god and i will lead and have my own worship i don't want to worship god i don't want to worship him i want to be worshiped well that spirit will manifest through the antichrist that was in heaven and he got cast out it will manifest on planet earth and i've just got to say that there is a rise of satanic worship i saw this back in the 70s i'm 58 years old so i've been around a little while satan worship was very real in the early 70s um we were we were amazed that there were people like charles manson that were in the news i remember that story and they were satan worshipers and they brutally murdered a woman by the name of sharon tate by the way her husband uh was the director and producer of a movie a satanic movie called rosemary's baby and i don't have time to i'm getting sidetracked but i'm just saying that back in the 70s there was a real real movement of satanic worship anton levay the founded the uh church of satan out here in southern california and all kinds of people the the the arts uh black magic white magic new age all of these things well this is this seems to i've just been noticing there is a revival of this taking place satanic worship is getting worse today um pizzagate and some of these things and if you you don't know what i'm talking about but there is there are people who are touching on ancient dark um satanic worship and they're they're they're monk eating flesh and they're having parties where they're experimenting with with the black arts the dark arts of of witchcraft and so on and it's it's it's it's really uh on a revival in a satanic way and it's and it seems to be getting stronger and not only that but the child molestation which satan has always required child sacrifice when he was worshiped if you go through the bible and there's all of the hollywood now is being hit with this um with a scandal of some of its biggest names being caught up in the epstein uh child pornography or child molestation and and all of that that was taking place in epstein you know and he had the island where all these movie stars and prominent people famous people would go and and now they're being kind of outed as being involved all of all i'm trying to get you to understand is there is a force at work that is very very evil when you see our cities burning when you see uh ethnic group turning against ethnic groups hating one another online and in person and and you see marxists and socialists walking through our tearing down anything that speaks of our history and some of it i'm all for take it away i'm not gonna argue that but there's a there's a way it ought to be done it it can't be anarchy it can't be people just there are people with evil agendas that are hijacked peaceful protests and movements and they have a very real agenda and they don't even know probably that there is a spirit behind that it's the spirit of antichrist because he's got to destroy everything good including the church including the preaching of the gospel and look at us before the coming of the lord there would be a great falling away the bible said and it's been four months since we've been in church and i'm i'm just telling you you say well i've heard this kind of sermon before yeah but we've never faced anything and it's so obvious we're becoming a cashless society it's so obvious that we're all connected by the internet it's so obvious that you can't go anywhere without being tracked if you've got a phone and they can even put a little chip in your dog and know where your dog is they can they have in the military you know they have a card a little chip that they can put in the military people and it's called the mark m-a-r-c i'm not making this stuff up and it has the history the health history and all of that in the person all of this was in the 70s we couldn't imagine how in the world all of this could come to pass just like the bible said but we're seeing technology and men you know when men are being run by machines now instead of men running the machines more and more and more his mouth will defy jesus christ with blasphemy he will defy and verse 7 said he will destroy the saints because you have to understand that the antichrist will hate the church and destroy the saints now the church is going to be raptured but there will be believers in christians and probably real quick and underground church left in the earth because some of you are going to be messing around and miss the coming of the lord and you haven't made your heart right with the lord but you're going to remember this sermon maybe and there will be christians during the great tribulation now listen to me carefully i'm i'm going somewhere i'm trying to get there i'm trying to keep it real simple because it is simple what will the antichrist do the bible said he'll destroy the saints what does that mean he'll make martyrs out of them hangings beheadings i'll never forget i'll never forget as long as i live when they march when when isis you remember isis you know they got wiped out but but but but that was an islamic extremist movement that showed the the another tremor another test balloon for the antichrist and they marched christians out in in middle east countries and lined them up on the beach and put black hoods over their face and took swords and and try and cut their heads off and make videos praising allah that is the spirit that is coming on the earth that people who do not bow to the beast and worship the beast will come under that kind of persecution hangings beheadings prison torture terror concentration camps i saw it just a couple of weeks ago a secret video that was taken in china you can go online and see this and it's the most pitiful thing that i've seen in a long time as persecuted christians in chains with hoods on their face and they're walking like this in chains by the hundreds and they have to bow down and these soldiers are beating them in the head and they're going to prison camps they're living in concentration camps it looks like something out of the out of the second world war when the holocaust happened these these places are in existence in china as i speak one of those videos was leaked just a few weeks ago i i have been just to the to several times to the uh secretary of state pompeo and heard him give the examples of persecuted christians around the world and it is very very very real well that spirit's coming to america too he will dominate society global control all the world will follow after him the scripture said and he will have a number and that number will will mark you that number will become the way that you trade and you buy and you sail and if you don't come up under the system of the beast you will not notice what it said you will not be able to buy or sell he will be the antichrist will be a controller of commerce you can't buy clothes you can't buy food you know just this little covet thing was a scare because when it first happened there was such a shortage that you had to stand outside and then to get in the grocery store and when you went in the grocery store you had entire shelves that had nothing on it you had to wait you couldn't just get you know how you just go in i want my i want my frosty flakes i want them to well they weren't there they weren't there and for the first time in my lifetime in america we had we had food shortages well that's just the tremor that's just the beginning of things to come a cashless society a cassius and because of covid you know a lot of companies said uh and a lot of like fast food and stuff they said we don't want to touch the money we might get the disease and so we have whether we realize it or not have become major major cashless societies everything is controlled smart cards it's coming it's coming and what i want you to understand is simply this that we're facing in this time some things that no other generation has ever faced and in that moment you're going to have to make a choice if you're left behind and you're not ready for the coming of the lord you're going to have to choose to take the mark of the beast but i love the fact too that the bible says if you read in chapter 14 listen to this he said and then i looked and behold a lamb standing on mount zion with 144 thousand that means there's going to be some people who are going to take a stand even if it costs them everything and for it was the number of man his number is 666 666 but then go down to verse one his father's name so you got you got those who get a number a number 666 but there's others who are standing with the lamb in chapter 14 and this is what it says in 144 000 having the father's name written on their foreheads i love the fact that the lamb gives you a name the antichrist gives you a number you're a number to satan you have a name praise god you're part of the royal family it's the father's name on you you got to choose the the lamb or the beast you got to choose don't you see and and maybe i haven't got it all right maybe maybe i've confused you some on on this maybe you've got more questions that's kind of why i've never been a big prophecy preacher i'm just trying to keep it basic prophecy 101 i can tell you your spirit if you're a believer is witnessing with what i'm saying something is going on the signs of the times are everywhere you don't you don't the signs of the times are in the new york times that's how close we are to the coming of the lord and it's every day something new and the question is are you going to take the number from the beast or will you receive the name from the father you know what that name is jesus and whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved i don't know everything i can't i'm not i'm not standing up here i'm believing that we have generations before jesus comes but that's up to the holy spirit no man knows our job is to get ready for the coming of the lord and to occupy assault and light and shine the love of jesus christ and tell the world that jesus is savior he died he rose again he carried our sins to the cross and he'll give you eternal life and if you're weary if you're tired if you're depressed if you're suicidal if you're addicted and you can't stand yourself if you can't shake it you pick the bottle back up you pick the drugs back up and it's overtaking your life the same jesus that turned water into wine can turn wine back into water and set you free hallelujah i'm preaching myself happy i'm telling you today that this is a time where you need to draw near to jesus get yourself right with god and know where you stand because he's coming again and i i for one i can't wait to see what god has in store for the church because he has something in store for the church and i want to encourage you today there will be enforced worship under the beast there will be controlled wealth under the beast but jesus says i offer you freedom i offer you eternal life and life more abundantly i offer you joy in the midst of tribulation that's our savior right where you are if you don't know him as your lord and savior you can dial that number that's on the screen you can text you can let us know that you're watching right now and you want to make a decision to follow jesus christ and they're going to come back and they're going to sing a little bit of this song but before they do that i want to pray with every person right now lord take the words that i preached today as i kind of stumbled through this message but i i know that there is there is truth in it that bears witness with anyone my sheep know my voice jesus said and there is something that is stirring in the body of christ that says it won't be long and father i just pray today that every person would be ready that like noah got the animals and and you and your spirit drew those animals he didn't have to go out and last sow them and catch them but the spirit drew them into the ark that you would draw our families into the ark of safety that's jesus that you would draw the backslider that you would draw men and women and our young people our teenagers our youth that seemed to to be getting such a raw deal if they were planning on going to college maybe you interrupted everything normal so that we could turn and get an awakening of how close we are to the coming of the lord and god i just pray today for every family i plead the blood of jesus i pray for every person who needs miracles today i declare the name i'm under the name i'm not under the number the number i i'm not relying on the devil as my provider i'm under the name jesus is my provider jesus is my healer jesus is my deliverer jesus is the lord over my family and my protector call on him right where you are call on him right where you're standing or sitting right there just say jesus i need you he said if you call on me say that name in your house say it in your room say it against the forces of hell that have been attacking your mind say it against the the fear the depression the hopeless feeling say it in the name of jesus i received the name of the father on my forehead i'm part of the royal family i receive it in the mighty name of jesus if you need prayer if you want to give your life to jesus christ and you prayed that prayer text that number that's on the screen right now three one three one three one i think it's amen 3131 and we want to connect with you right now father i pray now the blessing as we go out with the song that the lord will bless you and keep you and make his face shine on you and be gracious unto you and lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace hallelujah it was a sweet presence that's just come in this room just worship the lord right there where you are as they sing this song let's glorify jesus because the book of revelation is not a revelation of the antichrist it sure has got a lot to say about him but it's called the revelation of jesus christ because 666 is going to be defeated by 777. greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world let's worship the lord for a moment i'll come back in just a moment but just worship him lord we praise you you know praise the ones who paid my debt and raise this life up from the dead oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life from the dead oh praise the one who [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] just do that right where you are worship him praise the one he paid the debt [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] best [Music] oh praise the one who paid my day and [Music] the spirit of the beast he's not gonna get my worship [Music] it belongs to the lamb that was slain he's the one that painted my neck raised my life [Music] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever happens nothing can separate me from the love of god tribulations from the love of god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] worthy is the land why don't you just say that worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive glory and power and honor and riches and dominion [Music] for he has redeemed us by his blood hallelujah and we praise you for the name above every name thank you jesus we're coming back together as a church august the 30th at all of our campuses we started today in orange county and we start august the 30th in gainesville and all of our other campuses listed there and all of the pastors are going to be there and all of the worship teams are going to be there and we're going to worship outside that sunday and then we're coming back the second week of september right after labor day in all of our campuses we'll be in our buildings and we'll be worshiping the king of kings and the lord of lords and i can't wait to see what god's going to do he's up to something church we're not forsaken and many many many your best days are ahead of you you hold on you hold on the king is coming hallelujah and right before that there is prophesied i'll pour out my spirit on all flesh the next great thing what somebody asked me the other day and i'll close this is my final closing but somebody asked me on live television the other day they said what do you believe pastor franklin the holy spirit is doing today and without even thinking my mouth said the holy spirit is sending out wedding invitations [Music] and the answer kind of stunned me but i thought you know that's the truth he's saying behold the bridegroom cometh here's your invitation go out to meet him get ready he's coming again and that's what the holy spirit is doing in this hour prepare for the coming of the lord we love you we'll see you soon keep standing he's with us god bless you [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 68,511
Rating: 4.8790078 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Christian, Church, Jesus, Jentezen Franklin, Gainesville, Georgia, Atlanta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 50sec (3950 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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