Saul’s Last Supper | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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give the lord a great praise one more time he's worthy he's worthy praise it bless the name of jesus praise god praise god praise god praise god man smile at someone around you welcome them the church welcome to all of you who are joining us online we're so glad that you're there and at all of our campuses welcome to church it's good to see you this morning how many of you are thankful for this great week of of celebration of the resurrection of jesus christ and you i know are here today to worship him give him the praise and give him the glory all week long we're going to be doing that this coming friday is good friday of course and we will be having a one-hour service here at noon i'll be leading in the gainesville campus we'll also be having services at many of our campuses all over and then there will be one at six o'clock in the evening also so two opportunities to come bring family bring friends if you've never been to one of our good friday communion services i'm telling you it it will change your life and bless you in an enormous way and of course he deserves our glory and our praise and then easter is going to be amazing we check the weather and even though it's storming outside right now next sunday on resurrection day we are going to have beautiful weather so that's good news and we will be having at all of our campuses two services some three but here in gainesville we're gonna have three services one outside a sunrise service at seven a.m out in the amphitheater we'll be out there with a full band and i'll be preaching and then in the nine o'clock we'll come inside and we'll have capacity uh you know through doing what we're doing now with our social distancing and so on and all in the overflow and we will have led screens out on the amphitheater and live band outside so if you like it outside you can worship outside if you like it inside it'll be live and they'll be shooting i'll be standing here but preaching out there thank god for technology say amen somebody and of course at all of our campuses so there will be three services is what i'm trying to say 7 a.m 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m so you pick and choose and please by all means bring people with you because it's going to be a powerful powerful day if you have your bibles i'd like for you to open them with me to first samuel i want to go to the book of first samuel chapter 28 first samuel chapter 28. i want to show you some different verses um it's not always that i feel uh like i feel about what i'm preaching today it's very different it's very unusual but i know when the lord speaks to me not in audible voices but i know that i know that i know that he's given me what i'm going to share with you today and it is it is something that can break people free and i want you to see it in first samuel chapter 28 this is an amazing chapter all the way through and i don't have time to go through and read it all but i wish you would this week in verse 3 samuel dies and the bible said saul had put out the mediums and the spiritualists out of the land he put out the witches the spiritualists the mediums the fortune tellers he put them out of the land but in verse five watch saul saw the army of the philistines and he was afraid and his heart his heart trembled greatly notice notice the driving theme of saul's life changes here fear fear his heart trembled he inquired of the lord verse 6 and the lord did not answer either by dreams by urem i'll explain that in a moment or by prophets then saul said to his servants find me a woman who is a medium that i may go to her and inquire and his servant said to him in fact there is a woman who is a medium in endor she's a the king james says a witch saul disguised himself put on clothes he took two men with him they came to the woman by night and he said please conduct a seance for me and bring up for me one that i shall name to you this is interesting i'm going to keep reading it because i want to and the word of the and the woman said to him look you know what saul has done she didn't really know who he was yet he disguised himself how he has cut off mediums and spiritualists from the land when and why do do you lay a snare for me to cause me to die she's saying this is a sting operation i'm expecting the fbi to bust through the walls and arrest me because what i'm doing is illegal and he swore to her by the lord he took the name of the lord in vain right here and he swore to her by the lord as the lord lives no punishment will come upon you and then the woman said whom shall i bring up from the dead for you i i i just want to point something out nowhere in this story does god mark it like it's some kind of fakery trickery light thing to talk to the dead to go to spiritualist this is a serious thing you're touching and tapping into something you don't know what you're dealing with when you go into these areas and it may be a joke to you it may be fun it may be entertainment it may be a little ouija board a tarrant card a fortune teller a medium it may be something that's just you're bored on a friday night and you and your friends just end up there but what you are doing is is deadly to your soul now i want you to understand it nowhere does god act like this nowhere does the scripture imply that that this is no big deal i just feel like speaking right here a minute pharaoh had his magicians and they could do supernatural they were demonically empowered to do supernatural things read the story of moses and his magicians the things they did would boggle the mind but then they even made sticks turn into serpents but but moses threw his staff down and the serpent swallowed up the fake and the and the demonic serpents do you not know that the bible said that there's the father the son jesus christ and the holy spirit there's the father the son and the holy spirit the trinity the the the the three are one and jesus is god and do you not understand that satan the great counterfeit has satan the antichrist will be satan in skin satan in a skin suit but there's a missing one he's called the false prophet and he will come with a religion a false religion that will outlaw christianity and make the satan the antichrist will be very religious and the bible said he will win the multitudes with lying signs and wonders and miraculous unexplainable supernatural power where is that going to come from it's coming from the dark side the other side the supernatural world that is very real bring up for me samuel from the dead the woman saw samuel and she cried out with a loud voice she saw something she wasn't ready for she saw something she she had done this many times and she knew what it was to deal with with spirits and deal in the dark world with spirit guides and channelers and and and and forces that would appear in that cave she understood she had seen them come in hoods and and and and demonic powers to lead and guide and tell and and it's not they they do have superna there are people who have super who have been empowered supernaturally by demonic spirits it's not a game verse 15. i'll cut to the chase i want to read it verse 13 verse 14 and she said he said to her he said to her what is his form and she said it's an old man coming up and he's covered in a mantle can i preach right there the mantle was the prayer shawl it was samuel god is hijacking a seance you think the devil's in control because they got their blood of chickens and doing voodoo and this god says nothing can keep me out if i want to come i can come i can jack a seance i'm preaching my whole sermon i got to calm down what is his form it's an old man coming she and instantly she pre saul perceived it was samuel he stooped with his face to the ground and bowed down to samuel said why have you disturbed me from bringing me up saul answered i'm deeply distressed here it is again fear the philistines war against me listen to these words god has departed from me and does not answer me anymore by prophets or by dreams i'll i'll end in a minute with the story saul is frightened go with me to the valley of jezreel there is a mountain called mount gilboa the philistines have cornered king saul his boys his sons including jonathan are with him his own flesh and blood heir to the throne the army of israel is backed in a corner they are completely surrounded in a valley by the philistines and there's no escape and here this tall handsome young man named saul who was the first king of israel i can see him as he stands in the moonlight and he looks out and from a distance and he he is he is wrapped in that garment of gloom he is riveted with fear as he sees the campfires from a distance and the torches of the philistines and he hears the laughter and the mocking knowing that there's no escape and in the morning that more powerful and strong army is about to meet him and his army and he he's tormented with the fact that god has departed from me and he hears me no more and in a moment of desperation the fear of death the dread of life after death in the condition that he is in he says is there not a medium that can give me direction i'm so desperate god won't answer me and i need to know god's plan for my life and in that moment they said there is a witch at indoor it's a cave and he at that moment decided to connect with the prince of darkness he at that moment by entering in where that medium was and this is so important because he knew the spirit of god because he knew the anointing of god he had had holy oil poured on him by the greatest prophet arguably of the old testament samuel he had been so affected by that oil that it turned him into another man and he had a heart the scripture said that had been touched by god he prophesied and the people even said is saul now among the prophets he was such a worshiper that he began to dance and sing with them now this man who had felt the presence experienced the anointing knew the joy of the lord knew the presence of god has now turned and connected with the prince of darkness turned a cave into a sanctuary of satanic worship and there he turns and he says god won't speak to me in dreams you know god can speak through he he did in the old testament often through dreams pharaoh had a dream and god spoke to him through it nebuchadnezzar had a dream god spoke to him through it solomon had dreams and god came to him in a dream and spoke to him but this was not happening he was cut off samuel the prophet was dead and then he mentions and he doesn't speak through the through the urem and and the thumbna what what is that what is that the high priest in in ancient israel the the high priest would wear a breastplate it had 12 stones representing 12 tribes of israel and then it had two big stones on the sides and those big stones were named the urem and the thumb and literally what god would do when they when the king needed guiding and leading and needed the plan of god for a crisis they would he would go to the priest and he would say do i go or do i stay is god's answer yes or is god's answer no he would go into to where the shekinah glory of god the ark of the covenant was where only the high priest could go and come out and god would literally light up one of those one of those stones and when he referred to the urum he was saying god used to god used to show me clearly his plan god used to show me clearly his direction for my life i used to i used to hear and know what god was doing in my life and i've lost that voice because of my disobedience because of my rebellion because of my constantly not listening to god time after time after time point number one of this little sermon is this if you do not listen to god if you repeatedly disobey and do not listen to god he may stop speaking to you that story teaches you simply that if you don't listen to god he may stop speaking to you in this moment he says i need to talk to samuel the prophet one more time he's dead but call him up and she begins this witch this medium she begins her incantations whatever she did i don't know what she did i don't know what she used i don't know what symbol she had that were points of contact to channel herself into the spirit realm into the supernatural but whatever she did it it it caused her to begin to see beyond that dark cave and there came a shriek and a scream from that woman that went through that cave and made the blood chill and saul came running and he said what do you see and this she said i see i see an old man in a mantle a prayer shawl and he's coming and instantly saul knew it was that old prophet samuel and when he came up he was not happy he didn't bring a good word a blessing he said why have you disturbed me notice point number two is this when you can't reach god god can still reach you and the theologians this is this is a hard one to understand this is a hard story to understand god clearly forbids people to participate in in in talking to the dead and consulting the dead in uh palm reading and fortune telling and astrology and and and fortune telling and reading of of of of poems and and and channeling and crystals and talking to rocks and praying to statues whether it be buddhist statues or whatever and burning incense this is spiritual idolatry and it is extremely dangerous for especially someone who knows the living god someone who has experienced the presence of god someone who knows the word of god you're not in the same category this scripture teaches you you do not go and touch certain things you are in great danger to mental breakdown spiritual breakdown emotional torment fear and terrifying uh emotions can tormenting spirits can begin to take over your life i don't know how any way to sugarcoat this one i gotta tell the truth like i feel it today and and the and and samuel says the kingdom has already been torn from you and it's being given to your enemy david and by this time tomorrow you and your sons will be dead now leave me alone and he left and the bible said that that handsome young tall boy fell down so weak that he fell into the sand and was weeping and he was greatly terrified there crawling on his belly in the witch's cave seeking direction for his life tarret cards spirit guides palm reading ouija boards crystals satanism spirit guides it's not just for fun it will destroy your soul especially when you've known the touch of god you can be a church member you can sing in the choir you can be a leader you can have spiritual gifts you can have the power of the anointing but the bible said of saul that god has departed from me listen to these words of a man who once had it all god has departed from me and he hears me no more you can profess christ and not possess christ you can talk the talk but not walk the walk and you can use god for what you want you see he did not want god he wanted god's direction he wanted god's blessing he wanted god's answer he did he was not seeking god if he had been seeking god he wouldn't have went to the witch he would have dropped to his knees but he wanted he wanted god's plan for his life but he didn't want god god has departed from me and he heareth me no more i serve myself i do my own thing he knew he had lost something he had a form of godliness but he denied the power spiritual idolatry is the most defensive sin to god repeated disobedience saul refused to learn the lesson that he had been taught by the prophet samuel obedience is better than sacrifice obedience he doesn't want a 21-day fast he just wants you to obey him he doesn't want you to do some big grand thing to make up for all the bad stuff you've done he'd rather you just obey him obedience is better than sacrifice obedience brings unlimited blessing on your life it may look like a small thing but little acts of obedience release unlimited blessings on your life according to deuteronomy 28 the whole first half of the chapter is pressed down shaken together running over you'll be blessed in the field god said you'll be blessed in the city you'll be the head and not the tail i'll put you up above others i'll raise you up and no man will pull you down if the enemy comes one way he'll flee seven he just keeps on stacking it and he says all of this comes from simple obedience but then the story shifts in deuteronomy 28 and the last half of the chapter is 68 mind twisting judgments that come to those who disobey when god moves out satan moves in when saul walked into that witch's cave demons began to torment his mind from that day forward it was the last night of his life and he was so tormented that he fell in fear the power of satan broke him emotionally broke him spiritually broke him mentally and they're doing it in this generation today darkness filled the mind of this man with psychotic rage and he he felt himself in a position that he didn't know what to do from being a strong powerful leader once anointed and blessed of god to crawling on his belly in the cave of a witch what happened what happened that made the angel sob in heaven what happened to to to that that caused the the scripture to say how the mighty have fallen when he died he prayed and got no respe response god has departed and he hears me no more i want to say to someone who's listening to me preach you have a choice that you have to make any choice that is other than absolute surrender to jesus christ is a disaster we've got to tell a new generation you can't have a little jesus and a little everything else and call it your faith and your religion god will not play that game with anybody he's jealous choose this day who you will serve choose this day life or death choose this day blessing or cursings choose this day light or darkness if the cross is your choice jesus christ is your choice there's no demon that can stop you there's no darkness that can stop you there's nothing in your past that can stop you from serving and loving jesus and having a beautiful blessed life in life more abundantly there is no demonic power that's authorized to defeat you if you will give yourself to jesus you open the door god will not kick the door open god will not bust through the door but if you will open the door to not accept christ is to embrace the devil rejecting the word of god is to embrace the witch that was the choice that saul had to make when god departs there is no remedy there is no word there is no hope what if the holy spirit never calls you again do you feel the tugging of the holy spirit on your soul do you hear the cry of the anointing of god saying come back to me you may never hear it again when i look at this story and i see it we think that witchcraft is something that that that that only extreme and it's radical and it's out there but you know we this really doesn't affect our life and yet when paul wrote to the church at uh in galatians he said he said who has bewitched you to believe another gospel you've turned away from the cross and you've turned away from the truth and you've turned away from the holy living and you're believing another gospel and i want to know you need to understand the word bewitched means the evil eye you're under the influence of the evil eye in galatians 6 he warned that witchcraft was a work of the flesh he names it right beside sins he says and now the works of the flesh are adultery and fornication and lying and drunkenness and right in the middle of it he puts witchcraft what is what is witchcraft rebellion is as of the scripture says this in samuel rebellion is as of the sin of witchcraft rebellion against what against spiritual authority there's righteous authority listen to me carefully there's righteous authority and there's unrighteous authority righteous authority is enforced by the holy spirit unrighteous authority is enforced by demonic powers and both are real and both have power and influence and and what you give yourself to you either are going to stay under the righteous authority of god's word or you do like saul and you step over into the dark side then you come under the authority that is unrighteous authority that is evil we see in this story that if you will not listen to god he may stop speaking to you i want to say this we see in this story number two that if you can't reach god god can still reach you because he hijacked a seance and came through it god can use demons he's in control devils are not in control he can he can he can hijack any circumstance he can while you smoking crack or shooting up or or whatever you're doing god can hijack that and cause you to have a dream or see something and show you who he is and what you need he can hijack anything he wants to if he can use a seance and a demon he can certainly use any kind of situation you're in to get a message to you he's using a preacher right now well you know pastor i'm just kind of i'm just kind of exploring christianity just doesn't quite do it for me anymore and i'm exploring new age and a little buddha helps me meditate and burn incense and crystals are bringing peace to me and yeah they're bringing something to you all right and i i really need you know it's nothing wrong i'm just playing i love jesus i love jesus jesus is all right with me but let me just check a little bit of this and a little bit of the far east stuff and let me try this religion in that religion you do it to your own detriment he was desperate for the plan of god but not for god and when she pulled the thing that got me about the story is when she pulled him up when he came up she got more than she bargained for she had seen supernatural things she had never seen something this supernatural and she knew this is this whatever this power is i've gotten a hold of it's on another level from anything that i have ever dealt with and she was right on that god is not bound he can reach you but you must open the door now let me show you where this story ends and i said all of that to get to this good part he falls to the ground he's just heard his death sentence it's in the middle of a cave of a witch he's in the dirt and he can't get up and she speaks she in verse 20 4 23 the woman urged him to eat and he rose from the ground verse 24 he had not eaten and now the woman had a fatted calf in the house she hastened to kill it she took flour needed it baked it bread unleavened so she brought it verse 25 so she brought it before saul to his servants listen and they ate they ate they ate and then they arose watched these words and went away into the night the story what has this got to do with us going into holy week here it is i feel like the lord showed me this i don't know how this came up except the lord and here it is the story ends interestingly with a meal the witch persuades saul before he leaves the cave to eat a meal the bible jesus was teaching one time and he said you cannot drink from the cup of demons and the cup of the lord at the same time you cannot eat and partake of the lord's table and the table of demons if ever there was a picture of a man who was eating from the table of the lord and drinking from the cup of the lord and now he's eating at the table of demons and drinking from the cup of demons it's this story we we could call this saul's last supper it's his final meal and it's interesting that the bible said after he ate it he went into the night he went into the darkness never to return he would the next day commit suicide by cutting himself to death by stabbing himself with a sword by by bleeding out then my mind i believe was inspired to go to the lord's supper the last supper that jesus would have with his disciples and satan was there too at that table because the bible said when judas ate that last meal after he had ate it the text said and satan entered him from that moment forward and he goes out of the last supper of jesus into the night the scripture said in the night into the darkness to never return he would sell jesus for thirty pieces of silver and ultimately become so despondent that he would tie a rope around his neck he was in such darkness like saul in that cave so afraid so terrified so mentally tormented by the powers that he had trafficked with and their messages that just like saul he took his own life and hung himself and then the lord really showed me something that blessed me and he said you want to know what the hope of the world is they don't have to enter into that dark night they don't have to take their life or cut themselves or bleed themselves or hang themselves or hate themselves because i entered into the darkness for them when did he do that pastor look at the story of the crucifixion and it was the sixth hour that's 12 noon jesus the savior the one who had never committed a sin he entered into the darkness he went through a midday midnight for you for three hours from 12 o'clock in the afternoon to 3 o'clock in the afternoon the earth went black it went pitch dark you it was like night nighttime it was evening time it was darkness in the middle of the day it was a midday midnight and jesus entered in to that darkness what happened to saul when he went into the darkness he was separated from god forever what happened to judas he was separated from jesus forever what what else happened the sins overcame them they had to pay the price the penalty for their sins jesus entered into the darkness for you and what happened he was separated from the father so that you don't have to be and he cried why have you forsaken me the cross hurts but he breaks me even more that i feel separated from you and jesus says i entered in to the darkness and i was separated from god for you so you don't have to be and i carried your shame and i carried your guilt and i carried your sin and i nailed it to the cross and i entered into a midday midnight for you so you don't have to you don't have to live in fear you don't have to live in dread you don't have to get up and live in a cave and settle and say my life is dark and it'll always be dark because of what happened to me when i was a child or because of something that's that i've messed up in my life and i can never get out of this cave of darkness no no no no no because he entered into the darkness you can enter into the light because when he rose from the dead it wasn't at night he rolled the stone away out of that cave and jesus came out into the light and he says follow the light don't go into the darkness go into the light the fear of death the dread of life after this life it's gone and when i think about what jesus did he suffered the judgment from god and bore my sins jesus went into the night so i could go into the light he was separated from the father so i could be one called by his name so i'm at the end but if you have reached out to the occult or any other religious thing other than jesus christ in the word of god for guidance i just break the curse you came to the wrong service if you're a witch i'm glad you're here i'll put what i got up against anything you got i know there's power in the name of jesus i know there's no demon that can stand in the presence of the one who rose from the dead if he could conquer the grave he can conquer anything there's no curse on you i don't care if your mama i don't care who i don't care what they did i don't care how they live there is no curse on you that the blood of jesus cannot bring you out of that dark cave you don't have to stay in the darkness you can move into the light i break the curse of horoscopes i wrote it down and i can preach it like i want to i want to get it right i break the curse of any horoscope ouija boards tarot cards crystals witchcraft eastern religions palm readers i break it off of every person under the sound of my voice and the ramifications of that action i put it under the blood of the cross and we march out of that cave in of witchcraft into the light of the glorious gospel of jesus christ hallelujah somebody shall like saul like saul some of you have played with wicked evil things you can stand up that'll give you hope just stand up with me would you i wrote this down and i heard the lord say and i'm careful when i say this but i heard the lord say don't leave you're going to miss the best part i heard the lord say to me if you will say this under my authority and in my anointing i will back this up this day and i wrote these words down yesterday i rebuked satan's attempt to destroy the home and the children and the children's children the power of satan is broken somebody needs to take authority somebody needs to quit playing with the name and the blood and the cross and understand the authority we have let the home be filled with the glory of god again in the name of jesus i pray [Music] okay so god gives me this message last week i carried part of it around and then this week he gave me some more stuff and then i walk in this morning and my daughter one of my daughters sent me a video of of something she did not know what i was studying to preach on i told no one about what i was thinking about preaching on and and and and she sent me randomly one of my daughters sent me this and said dad look at this it's just downright scary and i'm not picking on this young man he needs jesus he just needs jesus that's all but little nash x i don't know i get that right i i have no idea he looks like a like like a like a nice guy he has no idea maybe what he's playing with but he has he has a tennis shoe he's he's getting he has a video too just leave it up a minute has a video that he's put out of a song and he has embraced the gay lifestyle in this video doesn't come out just came out friday and it's had 12 million views and it's unbelievable i watched it and i could he actually has a homosexual orgy with lucifer himself in the video i've never seen anything i thought i had seen it all this is on a different level and then he has his own shoe now don't get mad at nike because nike didn't do this this is a that's a long story but it's not nike's fault this happened but i've got to read this because i could not believe what i was seeing on the heels of his controversy uh montero call me by your name music video little nash x is doubling down on his demonic imagery with the new nike release quote satan shoes the classic air max 97s have been revamped by collaborators with the underworld in mind coming in a limited edition stock of 666 pairs each individually numbered 666 in red embroidery the kicks will also contain six six ccs of red ink as well as one drop of human blood and also the bible scripture engraded emblazed luke 10 18. he's putting a scripture luke 10 18 what is luke 10 18 he's putting human blood in these shoes making 666 pair his video is about having a sexual relationship with lucifer himself and this verse that he's putting in the shoes that he wants kids to wear i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven but he needs to read the next verse because the very next verse but behold i give you authority to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you defeat you make you stay in a dark cave there's blood more powerful than what he's putting in those shoes and you can come out of that cave [Music] come out of that night into the light because jesus went into the night for you let me finish not only does do these shoes maybe show them again they have upside down crosses on them pentagram which is a satanic emblem attached to the shoelaces as well as printed on its soul they will be released the week of passover when i see the blood i'll pass over you i'm gonna tell you this is why i didn't know this i didn't know this until the second cert in between services i didn't know this i didn't get it i just watched the video and then some people got me in the back room and said do you know what you you know no i didn't know that here's what i feel i feel like telling the young people that if you will turn to the lord and renounce any and everything in your life that is in any way including the filth that you're listening to on a daily basis by artists who absolutely they may be very kind and nice i'm not mad at any human being don't get me wrong they have a soul and if they're playing with it even if it's something they're doing for commercial purposes satan doesn't play fair i want you to raise your hands toward heaven and i'm going to pray right now i'm going to pray over every family i'm going to pray over every person at every campus i'm going to pray over every home i'm going to pray over every teenager i'm going to pray over every mom and dad or son who have been secretly dabbling in the occult dabbling with you you say this is such a remote small percentage you have no idea how the enemy is out to kill steal and destroy and we better get our eyes wide open in times like these so keep your hands high father in the name of jesus i plead the blood of jesus over every home let our homes be filled with the glory of the lord i rebuke satan in his attempt to destroy homes and children and young people and sons and daughters lord through the blood of jesus christ we have the victory and the power of satan and satanic power is broken over every mind over every body over every heart i call you out of the darkness i call you out of the cave of the witch i call you out of that addiction i call you out of the secrecy i call you out of the darkness of depression and suicidal thoughts i call you out and the stone is being rolled away now walk into the light his name is jesus the light of the world be free in the name of jesus be free in the name of jesus curses are broken curses are broken curses are broken throw your hands up worship worship worship give him all your affection give him all your worship come on cry out to god cry out on behalf of your family cry out if you know someone tormented with depression fear if you know someone who's being held captive by evil thoughts that the enemy has flesh lord come on come on hope back here i want everybody to raise your hands and open your mouth and say james fall [Music] reach over and lay your hand on somebody beside you all over this room all over the overflow at every campus reach [Music] everybody who's full of the holy ghost pray in the spirit pray in the spirit if they're not ashamed to make shoes that glorify the devil i'm not ashamed of the power of the cross and the holy spirit pray pray curses are breaking bondages are breaking darkness is faith the darkness of despair the darkness of hopelessness the darkness that feeds thoughts of suicide and self-destruction in the name of jesus be free be free be free in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] maybe in haiti maybe in africa maybe in nations where there's so much satanic things that are worship and so on you need to take authority over every family member you have you can stand and take authority in the name of jesus lord we agree for light light to shine in the darkness in the darkest places in the darkest caves witchcraft we break your power over minds over bodies over emotions over spirits [Music] every day [Music] [Music] is that the key i was in in the other service had the cross at the cross [Music] where i first saw the light and the burdens of my soul the heaviness the darkness he just rolled away [Music] i received my [Music] everybody stretch your hand this way and plead the blood of jesus over wish i knew his real name but little nass x lord saved this precious soul open his eyes at the cross and all who were like him who are so desperate so hungry so lost if the truth be known he's in a dark cave if the truth be known he's going to come into an end to himself indeed light need jesus and there are millions upon millions upon millions who are searching for what you freely have this morning [Music] save him lord supernatural power that they don't even realize what what they're playing with [Music] oh god bring conviction bring conviction to a new generation bring conviction to those who think they can live and do their own thing and repeatedly disobey and be all right with god bring conviction until there's true repentance [Music] hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god i don't know who i'm preaching to this morning but if you're lost if you're backslid if you know you're in a dangerous place if you're in a dark cave of despair and gloom and sorrow and depression and suicide and hopelessness and helplessness and eating disorders and self-hatred and destruction drinking yourself crazy and getting high every day of your life cause you just can't deal with the darkness that's just coming to you trying new things and reaching out to new opportunities to try to find something god did not let you come here by accident and i'm talking here in games when the pastors are coming at every campus but at every campus if god is speaking to you if you're not where you need to be with god humble yourself get out of that seat get up here on this stage with me as quick as you can come come quick come fast the king's business takes haste god brought you to this service you can come out of that cave that cave that that is destroying you that cave that makes you hate yourself cut yourself that that cave of destruction that cave of hatred and suicide come out of it come out of it that cave of alcoholism that came of humiliation that in shame and guilt condemnation come on come into the light you don't have to go out after you've made a meal into the night you can come into the light you can take peace on with you you can take joy home with you you can take life home with you his name is jesus come on i believe there's 50 more i believe there's 50 more and if you're in the overflow come in from the overflow and get on the stage i don't care who you are i don't care where you've gone i don't have to know everything you've done god already knows it god already knows it but you better come [Music] oh i feel an urgency come on teenager come on come on college student come on dad come on mom come on come on this is your altar call depression fear torment oppression from the devil can break off of you this morning [Music] oh come on i believe there's 20 more come on come on you need to do this you need to do this you know the holy spirit is speaking to you hold on one minute hold on hold on i asked the lord yesterday in prayer i said i was thinking about this moment and i saw i don't know how to say it any other way except the way the lord said it to me i saw king saul take the mic from me and the thought came from the lord if he could say something to the people a man who played with the occult if he could say something to the people what would he say i believe he would stand up here today and he would say to every one of you for it is appointed unto man once to die and after death then comes the judgment and you'll not promised another altar call my spirit will not always strive with man you're not promised ten more chances to get real and honest and washed and clean and sold out for jesus christ and i'm saying to you that if you want freedom from any kind of occultic power get on this stage this is the strangest altar service i've ever given but i must obey the lord heavy i feel [Applause] [Music] you son this is good this is good this is good you're in the right place you know what's wrong with her she's getting right she's broken she's crying out she's repenting don't don't let that ever be a strange sound in the church i don't ever want to get so sophisticated that tears hot tears can't flow down people's face as jesus gloriously opens up the cave and says come out into life and light like you've never had before every one of you behind me say these words raise your hands high point your hands in outstretch toward this group and say lord jesus i repent wash me in your blood cleanse me by your power in the name of jesus i believe i repent i renounce the power of satan in my life and i receive jesus christ as my lord and my savior and i will obey him and serve him the rest of my life now begin to praise him all over this room all over this room [Music] [Applause] [Music] give the holy spirit some time give the holy spirit some time let him speak to you let him minister to you let him help you he knows what you need you heard it when you came up here son every curse is broken all the power of satan is defeated in your life you be free from whatever you gave yourself to in the name of jesus in the name of jesus darling be free in jesus name [Music] cry out to him [Music] is sing it again worship the lord all over this he room the praises of his people [Applause] [Music] he can do it in a minute's oh [Music] sing it again sing it again [Music] is generation first [Music] me [Music] you got an open heaven pray tell god tell the devil he can't have your son [Music] and the burdensome [Music] oh [Music] that word was written centuries ago but happy isn't that isn't that what everybody's looking for some happiness and [Music] even on my bad days [Music] [Music] blood of [Music] jesus when i think about people putting blood in shoes [Applause] [Music] it washes in washing raise your hands and sing it if you want to leave you're that big of a rest take off i'm good [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] it can heal your body right now oh yes it can [Music] jesus [Music] sing i'm thankful for the blood [Music] god [Music] [Music] suffering twisting torture for me i'm thankful for the blood [Music] [Music] at five o'clock i'll be having a service here with the youth teenagers all the teenagers and if you're 20 something you can come to young young 20. but that's it it's a youth service i don't know what god's going to do but i think it's going to be something powerful worship team will be here we're just going to celebrate and pray and worship i'll bring a short message but god is equipping a generation called generation z and he's going to use you mightily more so than any generation in human history and that's why the battles have been so severe that's why so we're gonna bless you now and let you go every one of you who prayed this prayer let me tell you something incredible we made this decision not knowing this service and this kind of harvest but it's been one year since we've been able to have a baptism service and so the sunday following easter right here i'm we're going to have just like we used to do on wednesday nights with this praise team will sing two songs and then i'll come up there'll be a baptism tank about right here and i'm gonna baptize people and we're gonna hear their testimonies one after another and we'll flow in and out with worship it will be if you've never been in one of our baptism services and every one of you need to get baptized in water i want to baptize you and i want to hear your story i want to baptize you and i want to hear your story i want to baptize you and i want to hear your story i want to baptize you and hear your story and when you when you go into that water the bible said it is the grave of the old you and when you come up you're coming out of darkness into a new life now it's already happened spiritually here you feel it you sense it so celebrate it that's what baptism is it's a celebration from death to life and you have eternal life now eternal so praise the lord and you it's not up to your performance it's up to his love and mercy and grace for you that's it that's it good days bad days up days down days days you did real spiritual and good and days you didn't do so good you are saved by the blood of the lamb period not your words so that's why you keep coming because the more you open the door the more he jesus comes in so get baptized i want to hear your story you and those camouflage pants or whatever they call i want jerusalem judea samara i want to hear your story the lord's going to use you the lord's going to use you no doubt about it settle it we're worrying about stuff we're worrying about stuff the lord's going to use you you're chosen wow praise the lord and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you and give you peace last sunday i told you that we had a miracle gift a family said we want to give the church four million dollars under one condition that the church match the money quick and last week you gave double what are what we did this time last year you gave double and so i get to i get to send that guy that report see i'm he's comparing it to last year so whatever we give above that we can show so if you've never been a giver you double your gift if you give a thousand you give two if you give a hundred you give 200. if you give a dollar you give two dollars if you give a penny you gave two pennies you double and all of it's important up to four million dollars do you know how many of these we can reach with that kind of resources we need your help we need your help so give and you'll be blessed god bless you slip your mask on if you want to wear it we hope you will and and go outside be careful everybody and we love you we thank god for you all of you up here we're going to get a little information if you'll take two minutes to help us know who you are if you want to get signed up for baptism you can do that we'd love to see that hear your story hear your story it's going to be powerful the sunday after easter will be one of the greatest sundays we've ever had at free chapel you watch what i tell you be blessed everybody great good to see you yeah praise the lord wow what a powerful service that was well first off if you made the choice to be saved during this service we want to say congratulations we are so happy for you and so proud of you we just want to invite you to text amen to 313131 so we can personally get connected with you and give you some next steps on your journey so we're so proud of you what an incredible sermon and mourning we've had that blessed me so much brought such conviction such good reminders of the blessing of obedience you know obedience is better than sacrifice i want to encourage you to open your bible dig into deuteronomy 28 when he was talking about the blessings of obedience and the opposite the consequences of disobedience so i'm going to be listening to that word all week that was absolutely incredible it was awesome and also just a reminder this week is such a special week we've got good friday and easter right around the corner good friday we have two service opportunities one at noon and one at 6 p.m and on easter we have our 7 a.m service our 9 a.m service and our 11 a.m service all that happening eastern standard time so please be sure to bring a friend come in person or watch online we'd love to have you it's going to be amazing absolutely and also we have our israel trip it's this december december 1st through the 10th so if you're interested i would encourage you to make your reservation now get online jump on and reserve your spot because those reservations are going pretty quick yes it's gonna be awesome yep absolutely also thank you to those of you who give faithfully every week whether it's your tithe every week your offering just as pastor was saying it's such a crucial important time right now to give and to be faithful and you are sowing into very fertile soil right now so we bless you i just want to pray with you as we as we close out so lord jesus thank you for the honor and the privilege it is to gather in your name online and in person here lord i bless our online community right now that they will go forward in this week with a reminder of the conviction of the holy spirit with them that they will feel you carrying them that they will they will make the hard decision to obey your voice and they will reap the beautiful rewards of that lord jesus we honor you this week as it is holy week we recognize you we put our eyes to you lord jesus keep us safe and we bless and honor your name in jesus mighty name amen we'll see you next week y'all next week bye [Music] bye
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 108,032
Rating: 4.8868685 out of 5
Id: mGvho6MUb1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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