The Power of Prayer | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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let's just praise the name of Jesus praise his name praise His name praise His name Brisa name praise the name of Jesus raise your low Father in the name of Jesus I just ask you to touch those that are sick those that need healing in their body those that need a miracle those that are facing all of hail coming against their life may they tonight feel the power of Jesus name may they tonight experience the power of that name and Lord we thank you that the power of Satan is defeated by the blood of Jesus Christ in the name that is above every name we speak health we speak healing we speak life we thank you for healing we thank you for miracles yes miracles in the name of Jesus if you grieve and give him a body praise praise the name of Jesus praise the Lord tell somebody around you there's power in that name there is power in that name I believe that if you have your Bibles for a few moments tonight I'd like for you to open them with me to the Book of Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 and I want to read Luke chapter 3 I'll begin reading with verse 21 Luke chapter 3 and verse 21 praise God are you glad to be in church tonight I want to talk to you about something I've never preached on but I saw it recently and I've carried this little Fault on paper in my Bible for over a month now and and I believe that tonight I want to teach about the prayer life of Jesus specifically the fact that Jesus prayed that that's what really began to stand out to me and what I want to share about tonight in Luke 21 it's amazing what you overlooked all your life and then you read it one day and the Holy Spirit lifts something off that you didn't even notice when all the people were baptized this is the baptism of Jesus now it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized watch this and while he prayed the heavens the heaven was open in the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said you are my beloved son in you I am well pleased notice in verse 21 that while Jesus also was being baptized while he prayed the heavens were opened up I've seen many pictures and many movie scenes of the description of Jesus being baptized in water but I have never noticed when I read that story that Jesus was praying he was praying to the Father before he went under the water I never recognized that the fact that Jesus prayed he not only was baptized but he was praying it's amazing how many times the Bible talks about the prayer life of Jesus that when scripture said as was his custom he went to a place and prayed another place said that he kneeled down and prayed the Bible said in the Garden of Gethsemane that his sweat became like drops of blood another place in the Bible it says and he rose up from prayer another place says that he did rise and go pray and then another place speaking of Jesus prayer life said that he was praying more earnestly so from the beginning of Jesus ministry notice his ministry starts in prayer it wasn't a few moments later when he goes under the water and comes out of the water that immediately the Holy Spirit begins to lead him and he comes back from a fast and he begins to move in the power of the Holy Spirit starts all the miracles starts all of the ministry but I thought it's significant maybe y'all seen it I just didn't see it at the baptism seeing that while he prayed he was he was out of all the things you know really the water baptism is an act of submitting to the Father but he wasn't just submitting in baptism he was submitting and he was praying to the Father from the beginning of the book of Genesis prayer and communion with God has been a part of man's purpose a major part of our purpose as being on this earth is to pray I don't think we are awaken to our assignment in this area like we need to be i want more prayer in the church i want more prayer in my life i want more prayer in our homes i want more prayer in our cars i want more prayers under our breath and on on our jobs we need to be people a prayer if jesus prayed continually constantly earnestly / he rose up to pray he knelt down to pray if he was doing it he was God in the flesh and yet he as I'm gonna teach you tonight so dependent on prayer that he just couldn't function in the ministry that the father had given him without prayer in Genesis 3 and verse 8 I want to teach you something lean in just a moment you might have never seen this but I believe God's gonna open our eyes to some things Genesis 3 and 8 it said and they speaking of Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and here we first get a glimpse a clue that there was a habit a pattern of God coming down at the cool of the day the end of the day as the Sun was kind of setting and God would come down and commune and be with the man and the woman that he made and put in the garden and it wasn't just him there with them every day in a garden at an appointed place they met at a specific time they met together but they heard the sound which means there was verbal vocal sound they heard his voice the sound of his voice King James says walking the sound of his voice walking and it's significant that it says his voice was walking not jogging not running walking it implies an ease it implies a steady pace it implies a steady progression our relationship with God is not who can run the fastest our relationship with God is about a daily walking with him the race is not to the Swift the race is not to those who can just go wide open but really the key to to having a powerful relationship with God is the daily walking its daily praying its daily reading the word its daily seeking him this is the key it's a it's a it's an it's a consistency of walking with God talking with God they heard the voice but notice not high in heaven they heard the voice in the garden the beautiful thing about prayer is when we pray and commune with God we don't have to climb the heights to get to heaven God comes down to where we live the beautiful thing about prayer is God doesn't expect you to ascend up but if you will pray he will come to where you are and this is the pattern that is laid out in the first communion between man and woman and God is if we will set ourselves an appointment daily to walk with God in prayer the moment that we make that decision and we begin to talk to him in prayer God says I will find you I don't care where you are if you will pray and talk to me I will find you it doesn't matter where you are you pray and he'll come to where you are and I'll talk with you and I'll communion with you and it's in the cool of today implying the place of prayer is a pleasant place it's a refreshing place I think when I say when I think of that word the cool of the day that that the most refreshing place that we can go when we're really going through stuff and even when we're not when things are good in our life it's just a place that is cool and refreshing from the heat of the pressures of life he says come to this cool refreshing nice place that I prepared for you Oh ease your burden I'll lift your worries I'll unlock you and unshackle you from fear and torment if you'll just come meet with me in prayer I'll feel you with confidence and courage and you won't be afraid you you won't listen to the voice of the serpent in the garden more than my voice if you will pray and talk to me I'll come where you are and I'll make that place a refreshing in your life Oh what needless cares we carry all because we do not pray all because we do not seek God's face because we worry and we don't pray I want to ask you a question that that I believe the Lord may come alive in my heart he's given me this little message and it's so simple I apologize for it but just lean in why did Adam and Eve talk what did Adam and Eve talk to God about they had no children therefore they had no problems they had no stress come on they had no sickness they had no financial needs they had no dilemmas they had no neighbors to forgive they had no dilemmas no problems what in the world did they talk to God about sounds like to me prayer had nothing in its original form had nothing to do with problems prayer had nothing to do with dilemmas in trouble in crisis in its original state prayer in its infancy was more about connecting with God than anything else that's the purest motive of Prayer is I just want to be with you the only reason some of you stay in trouble and problems is that's the only time God can get you to him connect with him and he says you're doing so well I'll just keep you coming you gonna stay in another crisis until you learn how to pray and if and if you're not praying and get ready for crisis cuz God's gonna get you on your knees and get you in the book sooner or later those whom he loved he chastens and if you do you're ignoring him and you you're more into social media or the TV or anything else then that then seeking God in his face at least some portion of your day and there's you know and I don't like to preach this stuff because God will do it to me too can be busy Church stuff holy work of God no it's not my number one priority is connecting with God that's my number one priority all of that other stuff will be alright if I connect with God so listen to what he said in in in in John 17 in verse 11 this is geez praying and he says I come to the Father keep those John 17 and verse 11 Holy Father keep through your name those whom you have given me that they may be one listen to this as we are one the prayer of Jesus Christ was I want to be one with the father father I'm praying because it's about being one with you in verse 21 he repeats it again verse 22 he repeats it again verse 23 he repeats it again make us one make us one make us one make us one and then the pure goal a prayer listen to this you ought to take some notes every once in a while this is this is good this is good teaching that'll help you God don't give you a word so you can forget about it while you're eating your burger at McDonalds after the service amen the pure goal of prayer is not that God would give you whatever you ask him for the pure goal of prayer is that my attitude would be one with the father my spirit would be one with the father my character would be one with the father my nature would be one with the father my my I and the father would be perfectly meshed together as one so I think like him I love like him I forgive like him I act like him I live like him I serve Him because we are one that is the greatest form highest purest motive of prayer in Genesis 2 God said man shall leave his father and his mother and join himself to his wife and they shall become one flesh and then Paul in the book of Ephesians takes the same principle takes it from Genesis and applies it to Christ and His Church he says the only way to accomplish being one with God is to pray Jesus prayed he lived a life of Prayer he didn't just teach about prayer he didn't just sing about prayer and agree with prayer not at prayer but he prayed the Savior the Son of God God in the flesh prayed my purpose in prayer is not that my dilemma be solved but that I become one with the Father why did Jesus need to pray God made why did Jesus need to pray God made him flesh he was visible why did he desperately need to pray to be one with the Father see I really think what I'm preaching or teaching tonight is so important how much more if Jesus had to pray how much more do you and I need to pray the gospel presents Jesus the Gospel of Luke is a man he's more he has more to say about Jesus prayer life than any other gospel the Gospel of Luke there are seven prayer times in seven places where Jesus prayed in the Book of Luke and many of the teachings are there in the Book of Luke Jesus was utterly dependent upon God and manifest it through prayer in Luke 3:21 now when all the people were baptized Jesus being baptized also while he was still praying the heavens opened up and the spirit descended like a dove the main purpose of baptism was giving himself to the purpose of God the surrendering of his wheel and his life to the purpose of God his god-given purpose he was surrendering to it and he was saying God it's your way not mine I'm surrendering my life to you but when he did that it was also in prayer he was saying not my will but thine be done I totally submit to your will you and I are one not only was he surrendering in baptism to God's purpose but he was praying while he realized that without prayer he would not fully accept and do the will of the Father Hebrews 5 and verse 7 says in the days of his flesh Jesus offered up supplication with strong crying and tears to him who was always able he is the head that he shrank not from the horrors of separation from the father one translation said he cried and was able to save him from death as he was heard because of godly fear next verse hurry though he was a son he learned obedience through the things that he suffered one translation that I looked at said that he prayed with tears and sorrow and the thing that caught me about this translation he strength from the that he would shrink from the horrors of separation from the father though he was the son he learned obedience and he suffered and then verse 9 said he became whoa he became he became one as he prayed he became he became he became means that there's experiences that made him something he was not previously his experiences with tears and praying equipped him completely to be the author and the finish of our salvation the experiences in life that he suffered with strong crying in tears and he wouldn't and he and he shrank back from the horrors of separation and he kept praying with tears and and and heavy crying the scripture said those experience says they made him become the seasons of disappointment when he prayed made him become the seasons of betrayal when he would pray with strong crying about it and pray and wrestle it made him become what God had called him to be how did he survive he prayed to survive supplications with strong crying in tears and bitterness unpleasant but also necessary have we forgotten that there are times when we're supposed to travail in prayer we're part they're part of our development folks that when we get along with God and we cry out and we begin with strong tears and supplications suddenly we mix our disappointments our pain our struggles our trials our heaviness our whatever it is we're going through and we mix it with prayer it's what makes us become what God is wanting us to become in other words the bitterness and those bitter moments were meant and matched with the same intensity of prayer the the same intensity of trials Jesus would match them with the intensity of prayer he meant with long agonizing deep seasons of gut-wrenching prayer pouring out of himself to obtain the purpose of God prayer guaranteed his survival when Jesus was confused Jesus prayed when Jesus hurt and moaned and groaned like an animal he when Jesus was afraid in bitter circumstances he prayed when he was in stressful circumstances he prayed when he was disappointed in disillusion he prayed in private places of Prayer he begged and cried and and conformed to what God the Father wanted him to be God will mold and shape and mature you in seasons of Prayer your loss your pain is necessary I believe sometimes Jesus would pray I'm disappointed I'm hurt I'm betrayed but the greater horror is to be separated from the father so the trials that I'm going through will not make me separate from you they'll actually make me be one more with you and what you have to do is get that attitude that I am NOT going to allow the stuff that's coming in my life and hitting my family or whatever it is you're dealing with I will not allow it to cause the horrors of separation from the father if anything it's gonna make me pray more than I've ever prayed before I'm telling you that sometimes your confusion is necessary your disappointment is necessary your broken heart is necessary your your questions and feeling disillusion that God let it happen is necessary and what you're supposed to do is mingle all of that with prayer and somehow God gets in all of that and he begins to make you into what he wants you to be and out of it and only out of it will prayer caused you to become what he's called you to be God will mold you is powerful jesus prayed and so must you you're going to be used by God if you pray you're going to be anointed if you pray you're going to have wisdom if you pray you're gonna have the favor of God on your life if you pray you're gonna have doors that open you're gonna have all that you need financially if you pray everything that you need in this life God will supply but you get on your knees and you learn how to pray and you can pray anything in heaven down to earth clap your hands and praise the Lord when you're lonely pray when you're desperate pray put some music on and pray when you've been disappointed pray when you're hurting when you're bitter when you don't understand let me say it to you like this when God allows the nightmare that's the time to pray and match the nightmare with intensity and prayer as bad as the problem and severes the problem that's how severe you are to get in prayer same intensity that your prayers match your problems match it with prayer that's what gasps cemani is all about he matched the intensity of the moment of gasps M&E with prayer and the prayer was so intense that jesus sweat became like drops of blood because he was praying with such intensity I'll tell you one thing Lord I'm gonna let my prayer match my dilemma and I'm not gonna walk away I'm not gonna quit I fear the horrors of separation from the father more than anything else and I can't let this stuff separate me from my time with you do you love him too much for the horrors of separation from the father when you don't pray you're experiencing the horrors we must learn to pray and wait on God in Luke chapter 6 Jesus spent all night in prayer he called his disciples out of that place a prayer before he called the twelve disciples he had 70 assembled and he knew the next day he was going to choose twelve out of the seventy and he prayed all night Jesus praying all night Jesus did not intuitively know the will of God Wow did you hear what I just said if he prayed all night long for the will of God he didn't intuitively know the will of God nor do you nor will you in the crisis moments when you got a big decision to make unless you pray if he hadn't prayed and I don't think he intended on praying all night he didn't know the will of God the scripture implies he didn't start out to pray all night he just went to pray and listen the circumstances demanded a night of Prayer I'm praying until I know God's will on this and he prayed and he waited on God and God showed up and answered his prayer and told him I think he picked the right ones including Judas so I think what we ought to do is pray tonight you know we built that pretty chapel over there and it's it's beautiful we're using it having funerals and weddings and other things going on staff meetings and all kinds of stuff boy I'd love to see more prayer going on in there I'd love to see this church begin to seek the face of God in prayer I'd love to see men and women start matching their dilemmas with the intensity of prayer like Jesus taught us - I'd love for us to not go to God in prayer all the time about problems in crisis in trouble but we actually get a revelation of a prayer in its original state had nothing to do with problems in crisis it had to do with being with God fellowshipping with God being one with him I stand up on our feet I want several hundred intercessors that would say I want to pray like I've never prayed before I want you to come down and present yourself as an intercessor come on I want everyone in this room who would say I need to pray more I need I fear my greatest fear in life is separation from the father the horror of separation is bigger than anything else therefore I must awaken my prayer life I don't care if you're young I don't care if you're old anybody can have a prayer life that won't sit anybody can learn how to pray and we're gonna pray right now I want us to lift up our hands all over this room you don't know how to pray we're gonna pray right now we're not gonna worry we're not going we're not gonna try to fix things with our fault life and our minds but we're gonna pray right now lift your hands and begin to pray open your mouth and begin to pray pray with strong tears pray with strong crying pray with a wit with an earnestness deep in your soul and deep in your heart begin to cry out I want you right now to say God awaken the intercessor in me awaken prayer life in me awaken an anointing to pray on me I just need more prayer I'm doing things separate from the father and I need oneness again I need to be one with the father I fear the horrors of separation more than anything I feel distant and so I'm praying I'm confused so I'm praying I don't know what to do so I'm praying I don't have the answer so I'm praying I need a miracle so I'm praying I'm sick so I'm prayed I got children in trouble so I'm brain come on pray right now lift your voice our nation needs prayer and intercessors oh god we pray right now we lift our voice and we seek your face we seek your face we seek your face oh god oh god turn our hearts to you turn our minds to you lusus from the shackles of worldliness Oh God let our hearts burn for you let us enter to that pleasant place that place that's cool that's Pleasant that's refreshing the place of Prayer the place of peace the place of contentment the place of faith that overcomes the faith where worry cannot rain it's the prayer place and all God awakened it in our hearts help men and women to call on you again count men and women to seek you again help men and women to cry out to you we do not those who will we must pray to be one with you an artist we must pray to see your wheel in all God we submit ourselves to you tonight we one more time come humbly before you and we say O God make us one make us warning make us one in the body of Christ make us one in our nation make us one of God in our land make us one old father would be with you we pray for your character we pray for your integrity we pray for your holiness we pray O God for your wisdom we pray for your favor if we are wondering we have everything that we need your provision if we are one will be my provision your peace will be my peace your victory will be my victory your health and healing will be my health and healing so make us one one with the father we pray what Jesus prayed four times chapter make us one Oh God one with you we fear the heart of separation I don't want to be separated from you Jesus I don't want to be on my own I don't want to do life on my own I don't want to just have another day on my own I want you to walk with me I want you to talk with me I want you to speak to me I want you to sail a ship with me I wanna know I want to serve you I want to honor you Oh to you tonight I cry out we seek your face we need we want to be one that our singing with you we want to be one in our preaching with you the burden that we carry Oh God wherever we go may your favor may your presence be with us if your presence doesn't go then we don't want to go I don't care how good it looks I only want to be where your presence goes with me we must be one wherever I go I never go alone wherever I go I go with full confidence knowing in the prayer place my life has been missed with you Father and we are one so if God before me then who can stand again ladies here tonight make demons tremble when we become one with I praise you tonight that filthy addiction cannot hold us when we become one with you crucified with you and visiting resurrection power with you we receive tonight oneness with the Father what is with the father in Jesus mighty name hallelujah lift your hands up they begin to give him Ray's right now la casa Oh worship everybody's got the baptism in the Holy Ghost lift your hands up and let the Holy Spirit pray that's the perfect will of God ah sound we worship You Jesus we were [Music] mm aha take a smolders makers we will become we will be molded and made so in clay we [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I want everybody just to lift your hands and pray another minute even the singers just pray just pray and we don't need anybody to do anything but be one with Jesus can you imagine if every singer is one with Jesus and every preacher is one with Jesus and every church member is one can you imagine the anointing that would be in this room if we salt nothing but to be one with a father can you imagine the miracles the prophecies the words the the unstoppable anointing that would come upon a people that would begin to pray because the Bible said and when they were all in one Accord in one place suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind he filled the place it filled the place where they were one [Music] hallelujah come on let's pray a little bit more I apologize if you visiting tonight you know we don't like to confuse people but I didn't preach in tongues but I'm gonna pray in tongues a little bit tonight if that bothers you read your Bible a little bit you'll be all right you'll be all right just lift your hands up and let's just begin to worship God Kirra mohammed arabic o shaykh ali muhammad arabic o sundori vacasa we need the NRC come on pray British economy manned arabic o shaykh rabee baba arabic a se llama cushioned our mikasa me Lord Rama and Arabic a sheeted in a river ma huzzah for my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts is the Lord and when you seek me I will show you my way and I will give you my thoughts and you shall know that we are one when I give you the victory that I decreed is already done just begin to pray and God women begin to pray that you would be with the father one with the son with the spirit shake it hallelujah make us one make us one Baker's one make us one just lift your hands all just lift your hands right there where you're watching this and said make me one fill me with the Holy Spirit fill me again fill me again fill me again I don't believe it once baptized always baptized I believe we need to be revealed I believe we need the Holy Ghost to come and fill us again refresh us again restore us again revive us again o Holy Spirit my gosh under my seat gunshot aah a shot Jesus with many tears cried in travail come on seek his face cry out seek his face lift your voice shake his face this world does not satisfy the things of this world saw empty we need to be led we need to be in that place where there's refreshing where there is the coolness of the day gentle breeze of the spirit - lets me know in a steel small voice it's over it's alright he's with me [Music] ha-la-lu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's pray against the division in our nation right now and in our church we don't have to agree on everything but we do have to love one another and honor one another and care about one another in doing this we please our Father do you believe that lift your hands high all over this room and pray now for unity pray now for healing pray now for help pray now for God's will pray now for oneness with the Father and oneness with our brother that we can see and the God that we cannot see in Jesus mighty name but love in our hearts for everybody help us to love everybody or God in Jesus name we pray help us god help us God help us go thank you Lord for sparing our nation from tragedies today thank you Lord that that bomb did not go off at the Obama residents or the Clinton residence or CNN or anywhere else we want to thank you for that oh god help us to pray and love one another we bind spirits that want to destroy and divide and we pray for oneness oneness in our nation oneness in our hearts oneness we can't do it it's messed up but Holy Spirit you can make us love one another the Jesus body she's just Jesus mighty name Jesus mighty name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God praise God praise God praise God turn to somebody and say Jesus prayed tell him jesus prayed what are you gonna do Jesus pray I mean it was a big thing to him what are you going to Jesus prayed let's pray the Lord's Prayer right now you ready let's pray the Lord's Prayer our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen clap your hands and praise the Lord I believe in campus from evil today believe you kept our nation from evil today don't you I believe he kept our leadership from evil today don't you thank God for them thank God for that praise the name of Jesus well the Lord is here in the off no sense the presence of the Lord just take another moment you know me I'm not just killing time not just want you to reach over and pray for somebody around you find somebody to pray for I want you to pray for yourself I want you to pray for them Cheeta pray earnestly pray with faith lay your hand don't pray for grateful pray for its beautiful sound right there that's a beautiful sale I love that same oh I want to hear that sound in the church again breeze come on turn the volume up pray a little pray a little pray a little harder pray looks stronger be ashamed to pray and lift your voice and interception a soul for man who would stand in the gap take up the hedge and pray just another moment pray just another moment pray [Music] if you're discouraged mix it with prayer and match your discouragements intensity with your intensity in prayer if if you if you feel defeated if you feel heartbroken if you feel lonely if you feel like you're in a tough place match that with your prayer life right now mix it together mix it together same intensity [Music] [Music] the Lord would say to many of you that he's given you a prayer anointing he's given you a prayer life tonight that in the morning there is an appointment that you have with His Majesty the Lord Jesus Christ that if you will set your clock and get up just like you had a meeting with a CEO or the president or somebody on your company that could change your world and you knew you had an appointment you need to set your clock and say I've got an appointment I cannot miss it and start meeting the Lord in that place of Prayer not for your problems to be solved but to be one with him and if you're one with him you will never be defeated he was never defeated and you'll never be defeated [Music] amazing thing about getting one with him is I promise you he's stressed out he's not wringing his hands over nothing he's not freaked out at any x-ray or financial bill nothing is making him take alka-seltzers and you get one with him you'll be all right you won't worry about your future he's not worried about tomorrow he he could care less about Antichrist his enemies you think he's up there sweating I know six six six coming I'm really worried I don't he said I would the finger of God cast Satan now all I got to do is just get out of here he's not worried and when you get one with him you won't be worried you receive it [Music] what a friend we have in Jesus I wish I knew that song [Music] what thank you Amy you're loud Sager Wow a privilege to care everything frizzy to garden or what peace Oh watch me that's it [Music] listen to the wisdom of that self Hey oh because we do not carry oh because we do not care everything do you know another verse singing other birds aren't you thankful for an old Pentecostal girl Young Pentecost eager young pinnacle aren't you thankful for girl that was raised oh that's a good verse comfort with a load of Cape [Music] precious saviors you're still our refuge [Music] take it to the Lord [Music] in Oh what needless [Music] I forgot that good part take it [Music] it is hard he'll take it shield and she oh there it is students will slide sir one more second I don't know what so you're gonna have to sing him there's the same line what you sing that one all night check it verbs try the second verse see how we try [Music] they're trouble anywhere we should never be discouraged [Music] just take it [Music] Jesus knows our every weakness in their power so just take it let's just worship the Lord just worship the Lord just worship the Lord hallelujah pray and praise just worship both pray and praise just worship the Lord love him right now aren't you glad you can take it to the Lord in prayer [Music] turn her mic up please okay and [Music] my walls [Music] really and Oh [Music] ah return sweet ha [Music] one more one more you've got to get in to get me in a key I can sing in give me a key any key I sing em alone leave it there human metal song leave it there leave it there leave it there take your belly [Music] and to sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] snake and [Music] if the world from you withhold a spigot up all this silver and this go come on pick it up Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] body surfers pain Oh sinking in despair yeah Hey [Music] you can't say take [Applause] [Music] halleloo you believe [Music] praise the Lord mom you want to dismiss him prayer you'll come dismissing prayer [Music] they like prey if you don't feel like praying I can do it do you feel like praying do you know how to pray are you sure have you ever prayed before God is so good he heard all of our prayers tonight I believe the spirit of Prayer has come over our congregation and nothing in this world could be better for our church than the spirit of prayer and this praying and seeking the face of God we need him in times like these so let us pray Lord we just thank you because you have brought his spirit of Prayer tonight you just invite us to ask and we will receive with faith believing Lord you do the things that we asked you for tonight we want to be one with you above everything else in this world let it all fall flat but if we are one with you Lord we pray that every soul that heard this sermon tonight will purpose in their heart to draw closer and closer and closer to you lord I pray that your Holy Spirit will be with us in our homes and our families bring them in Lord this is the last day we believe the revival is on its way Lord we praise you for a faith tonight is in you O God we pray in Jesus name amen bless you we'll see you Sunday won't you bring somebody to church Sunday I see a mighty harvest I'll be preaching we're gonna have a great day Sunday I feel it in my bones don't miss it bring somebody with you god bless you have a great week [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 1,079,231
Rating: 4.8026571 out of 5
Keywords: the power of prayer, jentezen franklin, free chapel, sermon, midweek, freechapel service, jentezen franklin sermons, latest sermons, jentezen franklin latest sermons, free chapel latest services, prayer, jesus, christianity
Id: AwlMjedM14c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 37sec (3877 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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