Justifying Your Unforgiveness | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] before I spoke a word you're singing over me you've been so so good to me [Music] for I took a breath you breathe your life you've been so so kind to me we sing together [Music] don't discern spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] worth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just want to talk about the reckless love of Jesus Christ a man he loved us like he's never been hurt and today let's bring that back to him as we sing this bridge together we see it now which are you won't light up bouncing you come after me yeah [Music] down [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's really praise the Lord this morning for that love come on praise God I want to talk to you for just a few moments about how to justify the greatest justification that you can have for unforgiveness what a strange title I want to tell you how to justify unforgiveness in your life when I think of the great temptation of Jesus I think of the wilderness and so in Matthew 4 is labeled that in most Bibles any study Bible will call Matthew chapter 4 the great temptation of christ when for 40 days he fasted it was unreal where he was in the wilderness the Dead Sea it's a hostile terrain bleak circumstances hot miserable he fasted for forty days under these conditions that we can't even imagine I've been on a few protracted fast never 40 days like that but go without food a week two weeks three weeks in the comfort of your own home is still an enormous enormous challenge but to do it out in nature and particularly in a desert in this area of this region we can't imagine and in those Judean Hills and deserts there Christ for for 40 days fasted and then Satan came to tempt him the Bible said Satan himself face to face with Jesus at the end of the forty days and he said if you're the Son of God turned to stone into bridge you're hungry you're starving you're about to family be just stop existing you're so famished you you could die out here you haven't eaten in 40 days and you've got a long journey ahead of you to get out of the wilderness he said turned the stones into bread jesus said it is written then he came with the second temptation the great temptation of Satan he said took him to the pinnacle of the temple and he said jump off for the scripture say that he's given his angels charge over you they'll catch you at any time he adds those words and those words were not in the original text in the Book of Psalms when that was written hundreds of years before by the psalmist David the devil will always add or misquote or misdirect scripture any time he's quoting them he's quoting them to misuse them and then thirdly he takes him and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and he says if you'll just bow down and worship me I'll give you these kingdoms I love the wording of the of the New Testament said he showed him the kingdoms of this world in a moment in a moment but the Bible says in Isaiah that of God's kingdom there's no end there there will be no end to the increase of his kingdom which means Satan could show you his kingdom in a moment but it'll take us all of eternity will still be discovering aspects of the kingdom of God the one that he rules over and then afterwards the angels came and ministered to Jesus when he resisted the devil and that's called the great temptation but I believe the greatest temptation of Jesus Christ was not in the wilderness after the forty day fast when he faced Satan face to face I believe the greatest temptation Jesus ever faced was in the text that I just read when in the Garden of Gethsemane his sweat became his drops of blood were there he knew that he was within hours of being hung on a cross he knew that he would hang there naked and he knew that they would clear their throats the passer buyers and they would they would put spittle on on him he knew that within hours the blood would be pumping through the nail prints in his hands and in his feet he knew he knew for sure what was coming in just a few hours as he was praying in the garden of gethsemane he had known it was coming since he was at least 12 years of age and now he was 33 years of age the Bible said in Hebrews 12 and 2 that for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross the greatest temptation of Gethsemane was not the agony of the nails the piercings the whips the hammer the cross it was not the hanging on the cross as a spectacle laughed and mocked and spit upon the greatest temptation came when he knew he could justifiably get out of doing what the father wanted him to do you say oh he couldn't get out of dying on the cross he most certainly could have he had he didn't have to go through with it I think this text clearly shows that he didn't have to do it in Gibbons historical count of the decline and fall of Roman Empire he says that a legion in the Roman army was six thousand five hundred soldiers so when Peter cut off the high priests servant's ear and Jesus said why are you doing that do you not understand listen I could call twelve legions of angels in other words if a legion is is 6500 soldiers he was saying I could call if I can call 12 I can call 78,000 angels this very present moment instantly they would show up and they would wipe out the population of the Roman army don't you know that I could pray right now all I've got to do is ask the Father and he'll do it now either he could or he was lying either Jesus meant what he said when he said do you not understand I have twelve legions on reserve right now and all I have to do is say no I'm not going to forgive them I could justify not forgiving them I'm sinless I'm without saying I've done nothing why should I die for them all I'd have to do is say father angels now in Heaven's Angel armies which show Bent's around me no one would lay a hand on me the single greatest trial Jesus faced was in the garden when he had to pray so hard that his sweat became drops of blood and then he made the statement father if it is possible let this cup pass from me which meant right then it was possible just pray the father was saying and I'll send 12,000 I'll send 12 legions of angels why 12 legions why did Jesus say 12 legions why not 40 legions why not 20,000 legions he heard a distinct number from the father the father gave him twelve legions because that was what was on standby ready to step in he could have stopped right then that was the point of the greatest temptation Jesus ever faced because he knew he could get out of it listen and totally be justified but never the less I could call twelve legions of angels but nevertheless I have no fault I have no sin I am undefiled but I choose because I know you want me to do this I could justify easily not doing it and nobody would blame me for not doing it the Angels wouldn't blame me for not doing it nobody would blame me for not doing it but father I say no to the Angel armies nevertheless not my will but your will be done he who knew no sin became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus one translation said God treated him the way we deserve to be treated so that we now are treated the way he deserved to be treated when I think of how he bled how he suffered how he died he could have called seventy eight thousand angels one angel slew 185 thousand Assyrian soldiers and he had seventy eight thousand ready on standby was words drone ready and he chose in that moment to release forgiveness instead of justify not forgiving and our greatest most deepest severe temptations always come when we feel the most justified when there's no justification for our temptation and our yielding to to doing what we know we shouldn't do that's that's one thing when it's clearly no sense of questioning whether it's right or wrong that's one thing but what what I believe the greatest temptation that comes in our life is when you can justify not doing what you know the Lord wants you to do you could it's when you could be so justified that others would even pat you on the back and say absolutely I agree others would say I don't blame you others would say it's about time you stood up for yourself those are the moments our greatest temptations come when we can justify not doing what God said the most that's when we are in the test and trial of our life and heaven is watching that's when we must be so so careful it's when you can justify being offended at somebody you can justify being hurt and never speaking to them again you can justify it you've got stuff and people will tell you you're absolutely right but God said I could have done it but I didn't do it for you and now I don't want you to justify your unforgiveness to me watch Bible examples real quick Abraham for your son Isaac bring him to me put him on an altar whom you love whom you love watch I want you to see Christ in this the father loved the son Abraham loved Isaac waited 25 years for him the Heavenly Father loved his son Jesus and we forget that Isaac was 17 to 21 years of age and and the old Abraham was a hundred years old if the boy had wanted to he could have resisted he could have said when the father raised the knife and said son just trust me I've heard from God he could have easily said you've crossed the line you've lost your mind you you've turned into a fanatic but he see that see the son submitting to the father in that moment he could have fought and resisted and justifiably so you've lost your mind dad and even Abraham could have argued back to God you're asking me to do what you forbid the Moabites to do you curse the Moabites for throwing their children into the fire and you're telling me now to sacrifice my child but in complete obedience knowing what God had told him to do even when he could justify not doing it Abraham raised the knife and when he did one angel showed up and said stay your hand stop your hand and then the angel said God said now I know it was a test see the greatest test comes the greatest temptations come when you can justify giving in to that temptation and when Abraham was willing to do what God told him to do even when he could justify God said now I know and I released manifold blessings upon you and your seed I don't want you to kill him I just wanted to see if you could pass this test and watch this watch this one angel stopped Abraham from killing his son but seventy eight thousand angels couldn't stop Jesus from dot for dying for you I'm saying that we need to understand our greatest moments of temptation comes from our greatest justifications what about Moses God lives 80 years of his life in deserts and he brings God's people out of bondage and he does everything right he goes through every trial and passes it and he gets in the desert and he gets Agravaine that the people murmuring and complaining and he takes a stick and God said speak to the stick don't strike it but he struck this he struck the rock and when and when he struck the rock the Bible said that God said sorry you're not going into the Promised Land can you imagine after 80 years of trying to get God's people free and you're there at the border ready to go over and God says um I got an announcement Moses didn't going what do you mean he hit the rock and I told him to speaking of the rock Moses could have justifiably said I'm mad at you god I don't get you I'm upset with you you're unfair you're unjust I'll tell you something there will come times in your walk with the Lord the biggest room in your life better be the room where you don't understand what God is doing but I might add this he did get to make it into the promised land because after he died and Jesus 2000 years shows up later on the Mount of Transfiguration and the Bible said that Moses and Elijah showed up in the promise and I got a feel when Moses landed down and put his feet on the Mount of Transfiguration he threw up his hands and he said I finally made it in because God's faithful just stay with me a moment Joseph his brothers tried to kill him he was closest to losing it not when his brothers threw him in to the pit that wasn't his greatest temptation not when Potiphar's wife accused him of rape falsely not when he was in prison for 13 years for a crime he didn't commit not when the butler and the Baker that was not his when they forgot him even though he helped them none of those things were his greatest temptation his greatest temptation is this tender scene when when the famine his own and his ten older brothers come staggering in famished and starving and there's no food anywhere on the earth except in Egypt and they don't know it's Joseph he's disguised himself but he the second most powerful man in the entire world and ten brothers are standing before and then he's on the throne and he's disguised and they think he can't they think the man on the throne is an Egyptian and he can't speak Hebrew so they start talking among themselves in Hebrew and one of the brothers speaks up and says this is the judgment of God he's going to get us back for what we did to our brother Joseph twenty years ago and in that moment Joseph faced the greatest temptation of his life when he could have given back to them the same treatment they gave him he could have got him back he could have hit him with everything he had he could have had their heads and anybody would have said it's justifiable because of them you went to prison for something you didn't do because of them you went through untold pain and sorrow misunderstanding and the Bible said when he saw him and heard him say that that Joseph gets up and leaves the throne and goes behind a curtain and takes whatever disguise off and he weeps and he comes back out and when they see him they are astonished it is Joseph and now they're trembling in fear they know he's about to give it to him just like they did him when they threw him in the pit and all of a sudden he looks at them and says fear not he's passing the test you meant it for my evil but God meant it for my good and I'm not gonna get you back I'm gonna lift you up and I'm gonna love like I've never been hurt come on and give me a big a man right there somebody our greatest temptations are our greatest trials and tests come when we've been provoked the most and we feel justified in our actions David's greatest temptation was not Bathsheba taking a bath naked out in her bathtub on her balcony and he looked at come on that's called a UFO and unclothed female object and he down and he sees her bathing and everybody thinks that's his greatest temptation it wasn't that was his greatest sin that was his greatest failure he messed up his greatest temptation was years later when his father-in-law name saw a man he had won battles for a man he had built his kingdom for a man he had fought Giants for a man who threw javelins at him a man he had helped save a man he had made look good a man he had played the heart for and soothe the soul a man who had fought back he had fought battles for and risk his life time after time after time now this man is pursuing him like an animal he's living from day to day like some caved animal somewhere out running for his life and here's the greatest temptation that happens David is with two of his mighty men ones named Joab and ones names abaca they were actually the two most powerful men in one battle they slew over a thousand men just those two they got turned their back to back and just fought and killed a thousand in these men were so mean when they'd spit the grass would die wherever their spit with these men were killers they were killers and David David was bloody day y'all don't want me to talk about dead David was a killer we think he's a sweet preacher David was a killer came home every day with blood on his suit were you being honey I've been killing some people today read it God said you so bloody I can't him let him build my temple now watch this they hear horses they don't have time to run they know they'll get caught and so one of the mighty men says David let's hide in this cave Saul and his assassins and army they're coming we're outnumbered we can't let's hide they go in a cave and they hide and solve pulls right up with all of his troops gets off of his horse and he says I need to go into the cave and relieve myself I need to go to the use of the bathroom and I like my privacy nobody's going with me bodyguards you stay out here I'll be fine God has a sense of humor and the King walks into the cave and begins to do his business and behind a boulder is David Joab Abba Shah and Abba Shai begins to whisper in David's ear God listen how spiritual this sounds God has delivered your enemy into thy hand another one says this is prophecy fulfilled God said you would be king of Israel we whack his head off cut his head off and we'll be in Jerusalem tonight living in the palace this is the Holy Ghost I feel it you kidding we're on your side and I'm sure David was failing this must be God this isn't a quickie dink this isn't a coincidence this is look there's the man this calls me all the pain and all the hurt and he's he's very vulnerable I can take him out and just before he does it a scripture comes up in his spirit because if you had the word in your heart the Bible said that had the word in your heart that you will not sin when you get him the temptation a scripture comes up in it he feels a check and he says but I cannot touch God's anointed he may not look like him he may not be living like it but that's God's business God anointed him and it's not my his greatest temptation David's greatest temptation came when it was so justifiable to take that man out but instead in a remarkable act of forgiveness he let him go within two chapters Saul falls on his own sword and commits suicide and David goes to the throne because David passed the test Joseph passed the test Abraham passed the test in their greatest temptation they could have justified not obeying God now I'm almost done but our greatest temptations come when we have greatest justification now you fill in the blanks what are you thinking about doing that could be justifiable in doing but deep down on the inside you know God told you don't do it to her what about in your marriage you know when people your greatest temptations in marriages when you feel like your justifiable that I can hold bitterness I can hold anger or if a spouse has been unfaithful they've been unfaithful to me he's not showing me any attention I'm gonna get him back and there are people who tell you absolutely honey he's a dog he's treated you like a dog just do it get even money and business deals somebody ripped you off and you're and and it would be so easy I'm not saying you don't take advantage of the laws of the country and all that I understand all that but I'm just saying there are times when the Holy Spirit overrides everything and says I require of you just to release it and going down the road and I'll bless you that's that's a distraction from the enemy and thousands of dollars and tens of thousands and sometimes that we can so justify taking somebody out let me let me tell you how you know you've forgiven somebody when you have the power in your hand to get them back and you don't use it you have forgiven them you have forgiven them the tithe is the Lord's two things God says this he is the tithe is the Lord's and vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord what about young people your greatest temptations will come when you can justify everybody else is doing it nobody else is living the standard that I'm living everybody else is doing it so why can't I do it everybody else is is living that way everybody else is doing it so why can't i but listen to me I don't care if you everybody else does it it it it does not give you the right to do it if the Holy Spirit has convicted you that's your test and I don't care what other people's convictions are if the Lord tells me don't touch it then I'm passing the test when I could justify I can touch it our greatest temptations and trials come at our greatest justifications don't get withered up don't get bitter you can justify why you're why you hate that daddy and that was never there you can justify why you can't you'll never speak to that family member again you can justify it but God says I could have done the same in the garden when I face your sin and this is your greatest test I wrote this down the other day I want you to get it here's how you know if something sinned or not if you feel guilty the next day is sin for you I don't care for other people did it because other people did it and they don't feel nothing cuz they're heathens but if you feel if you do the same thing the next day and you feel guilty it's sin for you good preaching brother Franklin amen I can't get a Pentecostal a man I'll take a Baptist nod or Methodist call for Presbyterian raised eyebrow ain't giving me nothing today I'm preaching give me a Holy Cross I'll take a Catholic Cross move like you hear I'm preaching almost done what about Ezekiel listen to this story I listen this story God comes to Ezekiel when his wife dies his wife died and he's in mourning and the Lord said thus saith the Lord mourn not weep not grieve not she died that day and God forbid him to cry and grieve so I did as I was commanded and the people asked what's wrong with you why aren't you crying why aren't you weeping and he wouldn't cry and he wouldn't mourn and he could have justifiably cried and wept and mourned which Charice would be very upset if that happens she wants me to have a nervous breakdown if she dies she's already told me that and so she expects it she said you better weak sobbing picado this preacher said because I'm gonna use you as an illustrated sermon he said when the nation is enslaved and carried away into Babylonian captivity just like Ezekiel didn't weep and mourn your God won't weep and mourn ain't that crazy what are you saying I'm saying that under the sound of my voice right now are people in this room who are justifying why you have a right to not forgive to not release that situation to God and the Lord gave me this little message to tell you that's not what he did for you in the garden he could have called 72,000 angels but he didn't do it for you because he wanted to take your sin and hang it on the cross and bleed it away and now he turns around and he says stop justifying you're right to be upset and never speak again and never love again and never forgive again stop it that's the test and if you pass the test it doesn't mean everybody belongs in your life it doesn't mean everybody belongs at your table it doesn't that's not what I'm saying you have to go deeper than that if there's deeper issues but the point is you do have to forgive them as your father forgives you there are people under the sound of my voice that you could justify your drug addiction in some ways the enemy uses that to bring you back over and over and over again to that thing you can justify it but God says I want to give you victory over every attempt of the enemy to stop what God has for your life because if you pass the test of justifying the temptation and actually saying Jesus nail this to the cross and I release this situation into your hands I'm going to tell you that's a huge huge thing and it's not by accident that you're hearing this preacher preach this message and those of you in these rooms right here and all of our campuses I am your pastor think about this and you're sitting right there standing right there right now and the Lord knew the situation's you would face and had us write this book and had us bring these messages to clearly say to you here's the answer forgiveness is the answer forgiveness will release healing in you and today is that day every head bowed every eye closed if you're in this room and you would say pastor Franklin I need to be forgiven I know I'm lost I know I'm running from God I know I'm back slid I know I'm not right with God and I want to get right with God today pray for me if that's you it takes humility but if you'll respond God will touch you God will forgive you he did it for you this is your moment pastor pray for me I want to get right with God if that's you boldly lift your hand right where you're standing I want to see it all over this ring hands are going up all over this room that every campus lift your hand high and unashamed every one of you that raised your hand as quick as your feet will move as quick as your feet will move get out of your seat and come stand right down here I'm gonna lead you in a miracle prayer and it's gonna change at every campus don't don't don't don't negotiate your way out of it don't sit there and argue with God sometimes it's just obedience just you could justify standing right where you are don't fall for that temptation there's a blessing waiting on you there's something about just doing a simple instruction from from from someone who is giving you that from the Lord that can break through in your life in miraculous ways here they come here they come here they come here they come crucified [Music] we did [Music] come on there's still room get down here get down here spirit overflow come on this is your service let's wait folks this way let's clap our hands because people are coming this is a miracle come on there's others get them around guys uh sirs help us get them around so we can minister to these people come on come on there's room for you down here get in here this is your service this is your altar call and you know trampled on there may be entire families they need to come this morning there may be husbands and wives who need to clasp hands and say Google inhale has this home we're going through some things but [Music] just one more Richard an ocean [Applause] the - pray this prayer and everybody at every every campus say these words out loud say them boldly Lord Jesus I thank you that when you could have you did not refuse to go to the cross for me I receive you as my savior as my Lord and I receive your guidance I don't understand everything that's happened in my life but I trust you I declare today that you are good that goodness and mercy are following me and my family we're not cursed we're blessed we're not different we're blessed and I receive the forgiveness of the Cross and I receive healing for every wound and I receive faith for my future I will not live in the past I will live in the future and I receive it and Oh God I give you the disappointment I give you the letdown I don't I give you the questions come on say that I give you the questions I really don't understand but it's alright I still love you hallelujah they'll throw their hand up and tell him sing it one more time [Applause] behind [Music] Richardson travel [Music] and sort of me singing everybody crucified rejected travel [Music] everybody say these words I am loved I am forgiven I am accepting I am a child of Almighty God through Jesus Christ I am brand-new I am free I am healed I am hold in Jesus name you receive it do you receive it to God be the glory thank you so much [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 60,506
Rating: 4.8535714 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Christian, Church, Jesus, Jentezen Franklin, Gainesville, Forgiveness, Forgiving, Hurt, anger, justification for unforgivness, unforgiveness, how to forgive, love like you've never been hurt, reckless love, free chapel music, Jentezen Franklin Latest Sermons, Jentezen Franklin 2018 sermons, Justifying Your Unforgiveness, why forgive, should i forgive, free chapel online, Free Chapel Latest service, emotions, trials
Id: 6TJDbtW2cHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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