What single phrase instantly pisses you off?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what single phrase regardless of who says it instantly pisses you off it's a prank row B ch I don't care don't try that [ __ ] with me it's just a joke it's a joke equals my stupid and funny joke is more important than your feelings ultimately it's my feelings versus your feelings it hurts to be rejected so when you reject my joke it actually must be that you just don't understand jokes phew saved myself from feeling something unpleasant no offense but no offense but the color scheme on your Civic engine is going to cost you a few horse pork not to be racist but do you have the time why are you asking me you'll buy him dumb just because I'm white I have a watch this is [ __ ] don't even give me this crap that you can clearly see I'm wearing a watch on a sidenote be careful about that phrasing reminds me of a story my mother said about from decades back she really wanted to know what time it was she worked in fast food at HT time and was waiting for my father to pick her up after work she asked a guy if he had the time he responded about he should have known something like this would happen in that area he thought she was trying to proposition him and was a prostitute she really had no idea what he was thinking when he started reacting she really just wanted to know what time it was to a kid I'll give you something to cry about [ __ ] parenting stop crying or I'll give you a real reason to cry like B CH 1 Bianchi I said it before I'll say it again parenting is one of the most challenging and complicated tasks you can ever take on most people I mean most people aren't cut out for it my mom say that to my brother I say yet go on cry all you want you won't make anything with it anyway sounds worse now that I wrote it and weed it you know how women are boys will be boys pisses me off - useless apostrophes on my pet peeve me too my guy plus people still not knowing the difference between your and your and they're there and they are it's really not that complicated I could care less its I couldn't care less come on what if them saying they could care less is intentional maybe they are using an incredible play on words to say that they want to care less but they can't help but care after all replying with anything resembling the words I don't care clearly shows that you care enough about the topic to comment on it that's why anyone who says anything about not caring about something gets on my nerves a little bit I could care less but that would take effort and I don't care enough to do the work I blame the breakfast plum also shut off calm down I was having an issue with my battery in my car I took it to a mechanic he fixed the issue I drove it home next day I got it drove it down the road and my left front wheel started jacking up horribly my car is the kind that you need to remove the left front tire to remove the battery whoever invented that deserves to burn in hell I got a tow truck and took it back to the same mechanic turns out he had only put one lug nut back on I started to raise my voice he told me to calm down and I could see my husband do a full body cringe out of the corner of my eye approximately two seconds before I went nuclear to date it's the only Karen moment I've ever had but I feel I was fully justified you don't get the yuck up my car and then tell me to calm down ended up needing a new tire rim and battery because after all that [ __ ] his repair didn't even work justified as told ruling non Karen sorry what could have happened if you live on a busy road totally justified in not a Karen moment I work in retail I'm used to Karen's the fan dock calling any controversy whatever gate drives me up the damn wall every time I hear it that is Richard Nixon really the only controversial character in history worth comparison how hard is it to be just a little more creative this is a conspiracy you slash Hobgoblin is trying to silence the truth we have a new conspiracy to rave about I call it Gatto Gert also watergate was not too water-related controversy are you thinking of watergate agate youtube link good girl this should only be said to people significantly younger than you example me thirty three to two years old that does something they were struggling with my 89 years old grandma to me when I managed to sew a stitch I was having trouble with or two dogs yes I do agree with you excellent female you get what you get and you don't get upset since I was a kid that [ __ ] pissed me off there is a store brand soda vending machine at a grocery store by my house that sells cans of soda for like thirty five cents all the usual flavors are there doctor right Mountain missed all the hits all the classics there is one selection however call you get what you'd get if you don't throw a fit I just couldn't resist I push that button and now came off-brand grapefruit soda I came so close to throwing a fit luckily my wife likes grapefruit soda so I just gave it to her content like this is why I joined reddit gimme gimme never gets makes me aggressively angry and I can't explain why when anyone self proclaimed I just have no filter it's just an excuse to not be responsible for their actions if any one surface just ask them to say the N word Nebraska nincompoop but don't you let me catch you saying that edit so this is how you spoil a text it's gonna be into heel rst PLA so I owe you lower Kia that's because I'll stop looking when I find it you bumbling [ __ ] most people I know who use it do it for that exact reason it's meant to be more funny than actual advice I guess although still can be annoying at times the fact of the matter is is usually followed by an opinion not a rocking fact my first reaction to this was yeah that's facts at which point I realized it's definitely an opinion which is ironic yes thank you this one bugs the [ __ ] out of me because it's so often followed by opinion or incorrect incomplete facts I feel the same way about if you think about it followed by opinion hey actually I have thought about it and I don't agree that's just your opinion when comparing something what about that's just like your opinion man is that one better I also hate that when it's a completely objective verifiable fact that is being dismissed as adjusts your opinion or a demonstrably false statement being supported with I'm entitled to my opinion nobody not a single soul absolutely a king no one not even a single cat be normal right well we can talk about normality until the cows come home what is normal where's home what are cows if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear if you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest soft man I will find something in them which will hang them supposedly said by Cardinal Richelieu my favorite response if that were true shouldn't the government Declassified everything the problem is every single person on this planet has something to hide video games cause violence any stupid conspiracy theory that is based on a scary buzz word like radiation or phrases word toxins natural organic as an excuse for something being better or worse it has ingredients I can pronounce seems to be a new one on that list you know what's easy to pronounce leg doesn't mean it's good for you you know what's hard well mildly inconvenient to pronounce the hydrogen monoxide its water f2 the chemists who can pronounce all of the ingredients I literally just literally did something literally like literally actually it's literally if that'll make you feel better said in a totally patronizing way origin story I went with my father to purchase a used car I was 28 at the time and was looking at a 13 year old car that was worth about $1,000 they were asking $1400 and it needed a tune-up new brakes and tires so $1,000 was all I was willing to pay the entire time we were there the salesman was trying to sell my dad instead of me until my dad told him to accept it was my car my decision once I negotiated the salesman down to $1,000 he left to get the manager to sign off on it the sales manager came in and told me there was no way they could go that low because they bought it at auction and had more than that in it after I reiterated that it wasn't worth that much due to the work it's needed he told me that he could knock off $100 his battle make you feel better I said no thanks got up and walked out with my father following me three weeks later they advertised it for $1,200 in the paper and two weeks after that it was listed for sale by someone else for much less I already had another car buy them from somewhere else so I just laughed are you even trying read this as diva from overwatch not sure if you play you're too young to be tired 8 Karen my grandmother and lawyers from Thailand and says this to me all the time I have four kids and work 50-plus hrs a week I'll be tired when I damn well feel like it you're too young to anything is pretty annoying young people apparently can be tired or depressed or anxious can't have back neck pain can't decide when they want children or a marriage can't understand any concepts an older person understands if you insult someone back then you're just as bad as them not as bad as if you hit someone back you're just as bad as them a cough how is defending myself equal to attacking an innocent person for no reason schools logic calm down if I wasn't pissed before I am now if someone is upset instead of saying calm down just tell them to shut the akka happy wife happy life just know happy spouse happy house that shit's gotta go both ways if you want to be happy for the rest of your life don't make the pretty woman your wife listen to my personal point of view get an ugly girl to marry you I say happy spouse happy house is that any better I see no you didn't seen something happen you saw it seemed to happen I don't usually post this sort of thing then proceeds to post that thing as they often do this generation really doesn't know or kids nowadays back in my day y'all man suck it up all variations of this telling a guide to man up is the same as telling a woman to get back in the kitchen it bothers me so much when my grandma tells my nephew to man up why are you wearing no cloths and covered in baby oil it gets annoying after a while I find that it worse when they also ask what are you doing in my house and how did you get in though it's fun seeing them try to catch me in their hands slipping as I run away screeching but you're insert gender / race here as if your race or sex determines your validation on something just calm down get over it if I can do it so can you you're not trying you're so sensitive you never listen you always complain I have insert mental illness too and I can do this that last one is rage inducing mental illness is a spectrum of severity I have GAD but I can hold down a job and such a lot of people have it more severe and need so many meds to function they can't ah I see you've met my ex well actually then goes on with their opinion it is what it is it's what is I'll be honest I say this when someone is complaining or venting and idk what to say because I'm a piece of [ __ ] never mind in response to me asking them to repeat something [ __ ] sake if it was important enough to say the first time it's important enough to repeat it so I can make sure I understood and if it's not then why get all passive-aggressive about it can I speak w the manager all lives matter what do you think as an answer to any question if I had an answer I wouldn't have asked anything in the first place I don't know is not an answer I totally forgot about that one how is it not I can answer I don't know what to tell you I hated that response so much 3 a.m. in the morning do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ unless it's on Amin I'm speaking my truth isn't your truth just your opinion join our community discord link in description run Forrest run everytime you go for a jog shut your cup that's so OCD say hello to my little friend I agree it was cool and Scarface but people just say it so much that at this point it's blatantly dumb and not badass in any way shape or form I was only introducing you to my mate who is vertically challenged agree to disagree what do you say in a situation where you clearly see that continuing the argument will just be an endless gaping pit for your time and energy and you're clearly not going reach common ground the goal being to distance yourself from the argument without telling the other person to go diddle themselves yet it's better to back out of a tense debate when both parties are getting increasingly frustrated and common ground' feels out of reach those conversations just leave me sweaty and angry and I prefer to avoid that especially W friends basically anything like boys will be boys or something that is describing someone a certain way because of their gender let's be honest so we were lying before you looked better before well good ducking thing I didn't ask you Stacy whether it be my hair color or my weight someone has to comment on the way I look I'm in my twenties and anytime a woman older than me refers to me as babe or honey sweetie it makes me cringe every time if the woman is the same age as me it makes me super uncomfortable this is usually in a restaurant situation where it's a waitress one of my biggest pet peeves new normal calm down if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all everything happens for a reason like when I slap someone the reason is that they said that whenever someone says k to me in any way shape or form I once blocked a girl for a week or so for saying that to me because she was mad at me it K why are you mad I'm not mad I just have a resting b tch face would it kill you to smile I tease my arcing face I look like this all the time they're just doing it to get a reaction out of you yet I know that's what they're doing and good dammit it's working that's not an excuse my truth there is no such thing as your truth there is the truth and there is falsehood did I ask genuinely hate hearing that I'm not driving I'm travelling like seriously the first few times I understand but now we know that [ __ ] don't fly give it up already boys will be boys well I don't know what to tell you then shut up whatever all lives matter if you weren't on that phone all the time or any equivalent anything with these words on reddit Trump Biden covered virus police racism doesn't exist towards white people tell you what it's always in the last place you look hey I found it but let me keep looking just in case I don't like how givin became gifted did we agree on this I never got my ballot it's a jersey thing like shut the uh cup instead of using it as an excuse for calling me math cabbage I'm not homophobic but like bro just shut up not my job oh is it your job to ignore everything that needs to be done cut due to the fact that sounds like a you problem lol calm down especially when my mom screams it in my face and whenever my dad compares me to other kids on how they devote the time to their schoolwork well guess what you should I've been devoting all my time to helping you outside just to make sure you don't hurt yourself calm down you look tired what yup does that even mean what goes on in your mind to even say that why are you even commenting negatively on somebody's appearance you absolute piece of filth I have not once in my life though hey let me comment negatively on this person's appearance that they cannot immediately fix if you say this I hate you your words not mine I can't make any promises just a friendly reminder only extreme gauja bag to say that clutch thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 415,027
Rating: 4.9416924 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What single phrase instantly pisses you off?, planet reddit, pissed you off, upset, angry, annoyed, annoying, reactions, hurtful, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, joey salads, reddit, vitaly, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit
Id: mmxatGEBnl0
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Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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