Students, have you ever lost your temper with a teacher?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit students of reddit have you ever lost your temper with a teacher what's your story not me but a girl flipped [ __ ] on my economics professor cuz she kept canceling class without sending out emails the girl only had that class on Fridays and drove an hour to get there it's such she got caught in traffic just to get a note next to the classroom saying cancelled [ __ ] my college did the same thing two part-time students we make special arrangements to leave work earlier odd days that we have classes so that we can get through the rush hour traffic in time and then when we get there we find out the class has been cancelled at this age in technology they should be using an e notice port or forum system to send out mass announcements or at the very least email a friend of mine wanted to go to a certain university that was out of state and somewhat tough to get into if the counselor told him not to waste his time as he would never get him this pissed him off so he went to the principal who told him to trust the counselor as that was her job he applied anyways got accepted and taped two copies to the counselor and principal's door he couldn't afford to go anyways but he was trying to prove a point a true hero the feeling when you make it is the best I talked from experience on this one booth have brought back a bad memory my mother and father passed when I was in my final year off school I was off school for a while around the time of the second funeral when I returned to school my teens had decided it was a job to tell the class what had happened with me right there in front of everyone instead of letting me do it on my own terms to say I lost my temper would be an understatement row the kind of person who think they're helping by making it worse I flipped my [ __ ] on a logic professor who lost my assignments records you didn't do them I'm looking at your grades and they are zeros that's why you have ad me look you [ __ ] I have papers you've graded right here they aren't even good but they are not zeros it was over the phone but eventually I read through his comments on my papers while he was trying to argue with me that's when he's like okay that doesn't sound made up scan your papers and email Lemmon went from a D to a B edit thanks for the gold holy [ __ ] you actually called him a [ __ ] I said worse tbh I already had a D so I was going to have to retake it anyway my dog died like a day before and another professor said I couldn't take a final because I was a minute late I thought I was going to have to drop out I flipped on several teachers but this one still bugs me one of my best friends in high school had died in a car accident and a couple days later my friends and I told my teacher we would not be able to make it to class because of the viewing she then proceeded to tell us that we need to plan our days better and how irresponsible it was of us I've never felt so much rage screw you Mrs Weaver that is an unacceptable response from her you must really be out of your mind to say something like that unacceptable is putting it lightly you need to plan your days better well excuse me for not planning for an unexpected death of a friend my IT teacher wanted to inspect my work spreadsheets or a word document or something anyway she accidentally deleted the file I was upset and tried to point out she just deleted my work she started to shout at me telling me I should have saved frequently I shouted back telling her that wasn't the issue she outright deleted the file it got pretty heated my parents were called we were outright yelling at each other for a good couple of minutes to the point where we were both in tears I was about 14 at the time she should have known better a few years later my sister had her when she went to that school and that same teacher berated my sister calling her name's etc what a Beach edit it was a long time ago and I was pretty stressed at the time I can't remember exactly how but after several attempts I wasn't able to restore it looking back with what I know now there are things I could have done to restore it now even going as far as giving myself admin rights and having a poke around but I was 14 at the time being taught IT by a French teacher how do you accidentally delete a file how are you the IT teacher and accidentally delete a file I know a chap who once lost it in a lesson and threw a chair at the teacher some years like 15 or so back and the two are now good friends essentially a discussion had turned into an argument holding up the rest of the lesson with the chap basically being awkward and pedantic not letting it go getting unduly steamed up himself and apparently not realizing that everyone was getting pretty tired the teacher made some snide remark in the chap flipped through a chair and walked out he waited outside though cooling off and afterward the teacher went outside as well said something to the effect of I think we both ought to apologize for what just happened and so they did and all was well I had a teacher throw her soft cover dictionary at my face once he wasn't still is my favorite teacher I've ever had I had a teacher throw a book at the kid in front of me the kid dodged and the book hit me instead can confirm the teacher was both of our favorites a couple of weeks into my senior year of high school the president gave a speech about the importance of school or something I don't know I wasn't really paying attention anyway all of the teachers in my school had to set up their projectors so we could watch it my math teacher couldn't figure out how to get her projector working so me being the nerdy kid I offered to help she had a fit started screaming about how she wasn't stupid and how I needed to just sit down and shut up after a few more minutes of her failing to fix it she pointed at me and ordered me to fix it I said fix it yourself she told the whole class to go next door to watch the speech in that teacher's room when we got up to leave she pulled me to the side and told me that when the class got back I was going to stand up and apologize for being so rude to her I refused and went to join the rest of the class she spent the rest of the year making my life miserable she told me on several occasions that she was going to make sure that I failed her class sure enough I failed her class only class I ever failed edit since people are asking why I didn't report it I did my parents went to the administrators but they didn't want to do anything and said it was an issue for the math department head the department head was a good friend of my teacher and took her side edit two people are also asking how she can fail me at math since the answers are either right or wrong I would turn in homework assignments and she wouldn't get them students who weren't allowed to keep a copy of the tests because the school was worried about tests compromises so she could basically give me whatever she wanted on them and I couldn't prove anything if there was a dispute about the test grades the school's policy was to have the department head regrade the test but as I mentioned the department head was a friend of hers and found that all of the tests that I disputed were graded correctly whether or not that was true I don't know since I never got to see them what a dong of a teacher simply abusing the power she has it's ridiculous that somebody like that is teaching there was a high school English teacher miss blades who was ignoring me for a while it's worth mentioning that he didn't really like me for some reason I wasn't a bad or annoying kid in fact I was very non-confrontational and mostly kept to myself in and out of class so I don't know what that was about anyway I had my hand up because I had to use a bathroom and she kept pacing about the room answering other kids questions but would glance at me and immediately look away after about five minutes with my hand up and getting ignored and about to [ __ ] my pants I whistled as loud as I could interrupting anyone was completely out of character for me well once upon a time I had a chipped one not my front teeth so I could whistle extremely loud because of it my whistle was just that it was the whistling equivalent firing a gun in a closed room absolutely deafening the entire room got quiet and she snapped her head around so fast as her name might suggest miss blades were staring daggers into my face then one kid goes he just called you a dog who on then she gained serious momentum from that one often said oh I don't think so you think I'm a dog you think I'm a dog I got sent to the principal's office for this respecting an ignorant teacher I used the bathroom on the way there edit so there have been a lot of assumptions about maze blades lol I just wanted to say that I can totally vouch for her competence as a teacher and she was often quite fun and energetic but she did have one hell of an attitude if you didn't follow her rules couldn't you just go to the bathroom without asking if she interrupted you you'd have gotten her attention and being able to tell her what you were doing it's a lose-lose situation from my experience if you walk out to go to the bathroom because they won't acknowledge you or let you you get written up or the resource officers sent after you and if you make a scene to get their attention even in a small way if they're a prick you get written up duck the rigid structure of the educational system join our community discord link in description did a math test and on the paper you could only mark your answer you had to do the calculations on another paper long story short my teacher lost my calculations paper and wouldn't admit it he said I didn't hand it over that I cheated in some other crap so I went to the school supervisor and asked to take the test again and she left me my teacher asked to look while I did the test he made another test why honor a harder I freaking aced it right on front of him he hated my guts for the rest of high school and I couldn't care less edit still don't understand why we couldn't do calculations on the main paper I had a kid in my math class of my sophomore year of high school that was kind of slow at math got the hang of it eventually the teacher didn't like him for whatever reason and made that publicly known when the kid was sick and missed a test he came in the next day and asked to retake the test and the teacher said he would email him when he could come take it well he never did so two weeks pass and the kid is like when can I take that test mr. Collins and mr. Collins said you never came in to take it so you get to zero tough luck so the kid stands up and very calmly in firmly states you told me you would email me when to come take it and you never did I just lost all respect for you because of that mr. Collins threatened to send him to ISS if he did and sit back in his seat and the kid replied I'm going to go ahead and go to ISS so I don't lose my temper on you that was really not cool and he just went to ISS mr. Collins never let him retake that test duck math teachers who want you to fail edit I know you guys are joking but for those lucky few out there who don't know what ISS means it's in-school suspension headed to stop with the space jokes duck mr. Collins I once flipped on my German teacher I'm German she obviously didn't like me and her marks were biased as duck this one time she gave me an F on a poetry interpretation grading that is ridiculous as you can just interpret it as whatever in the mark depends on the teachers mood I always got an A for grammar because the beach is to give me credit where my work is quantifiably good after handing the papers back after the students she did some debriefing about the whole thing comparing what everyone wrote she told the whole class how good my thoughts on the poem and some of the passages that I wrote were and wanted me to read out loud what I wrote I just said you gave me an F stood up and left guns I had an English teacher like this too nobody believed me until she randomly decided to make us do posters due the next day I went above and beyond because I knew she liked crafty [ __ ] and figured she couldn't possibly give me a bad grade if I was creative this poster is wonderful who made it I did Camello and she literally threw it in the trash what the actual down with other people present care to elaborate on the situation and or aftermath a little bit I can't imagine a teacher being able to just trash a student's assignment without immediately pulling it out going happen just kidding and even that would be cruel I had a Spanish teacher and in order to gain other students sympathy she would make fun of one of the student and kind of bully not that badly that well that student for this hour of class of course other students would sometimes laugh because class was super boring so it was like a show I hated that of course she would pick the students that didn't reply back to her provocation the low profile time and of course he would use the perfect excuse just after being mean though it's just a joke he he he wants that guy that never searched trouble to anyone was a victim of the day she takes him as an example to describe a homeless guy on a picture after only ten ducking long minutes he stands up and leave the classroom crying and when she stops him before he leaves he tells her his dad died the previous night and push her away once the door closed behind him she pause for a second and take a crying voice to repeat what he had just said my dad just died Creek Creek poor baby before I realized it she received my Spanish book in the face and I called her an ugly slap EMI in salt level isn't great in Spanish appropriate response duck this kind of bully teacher I had one like that I filmed her once and showed the video to the principal I got detention for using my phone she got fired a month later why do people ever go to these sorts of [ __ ] detentions they can't physically force you to go and if they try to increase punishment there will always be other teachers or at least hopefully parents that take your side I had a bout of stomach flu which was so intense that it damaged my intestines and as a result my body couldn't process certain foods for a while this caused me severe pain I mainly had cramps that were so bad I couldn't do anything useful anymore except curl up and wait for them to be over it took me more than a month to figure out a very limited amount of safe stuffed weeds which I ended up slowly expanding on over time I did miss a few weeks of school when it first started go directly after my math ditches class she insisted I come to her and explain why I missed so many of her classes I had a note from my GP ready but she dismissed it she told me she could tell that I wasn't sick but that I was just lazy and lying to everyone and that she was severely disappointed in me my literally just walked away which is the closest I ever got to having a temper tantrum in class in retrospect I wish I had told her what I was really thinking being that I was very disappointed in her edit typos and such I was pretty sick for a while and the teacher asked me why I washed in the last few classes and I said I was sick the teacher said you're not sick you look completely healthy I said I'll look at you with the all-powerful eyes that can see disease inside off people at an instant he kind of realized what he said apologized and told me to sit he didn't like me anymore which is rare and just kind of let me do my own thing for the rest of the semester the other thing is if your back wouldn't you be reasonably healthy again the for your back why did you miss class I was sick you don't look sick well yeah that's why I'm back now when I was in high school we had this small angry teacher that played rugby or at least tried to that was always belittling students to feel better about himself one day we had physical ed and our teacher couldn't come so the little and always moody teacher that played rugby came to replace her little teacher was trying to show off his skills at rugby and making our class play some game where we had to tackle who had the ball we didn't tackle hard enough so the little guy joined to tackle some students and show off his grandness he was having fun being unstoppable and yelling at us if that was all we could do I was kind of mad so I just went running at full speed at him little teacher got tackled and hit the ground so hard that was something our class laughed about all year edit for those wondering he used to despise and treat us like he was reaffirming his manliness though he had some good points too and was kinda crazy it didn't seem like a student-teacher relationship so it wasn't that boring most of the time I guess that's the reason why most of us still remember that little moody teacher what did the teacher do after he was a bit surprised from that point he acknowledged me as a potential rugby fair and then told the rest to be equally brave what I mean by acknowledges that he often told me to give rugby a try where he played it there was one guy who didn't have really good grades he went to play rugby and somehow got an A grade in technology guess who was the teacher of that subject my 8th grade math teacher she was the absolute worst and ruined any appreciation I had for mathematics forever she purposely skipped chapters and Mark correct answers wrong if you wrote numbers a certain way for example you never put that little dash at the top of your number 7s or your answer was wrong also pop quizzes she had this rule where a pop quiz could cover any material out of the book even if it was something we hadn't gone over yet and it's not like we could take the book home to study it was one of those classes where the textbook had to be left in the classroom I just quit doing any work for her after that it royally pissed her off I had a maths teacher who marked my arms are wrong for writing my 7 with the little line through the middle as I didn't underscore my 1s which prevented me from getting into the top class when I was maybe 14 or so duck when I was a senior in high school I had an AP English teacher that would great people based on how much he liked them essentially I had long hair and stretched earlobes and she despised me even though I was an excellent student in all aspects she claimed I didn't turn in assignments on time to justify my grades so I spoke with my guidance counselor and she investigated for me turns out she had sorted completed assignments into piles of good and bad and would arbitrarily grade the papers based on who she felt sucked up to her the most that day I presented a book report on the Odyssey which was by far the longest and most detailed present pation of the whole class and she gave me a D I told her duck you this is the end of your career and walked out because I had sent an identical copy to the guidance counselor she presented it to the school board eventually got her fired and the best part was she was also a driver's ed instructor and lost her job doing that as well apparently I wasn't the first to speak up about her but I was the one that had the nail in the coffin and it felt great did we have the same teacher because I have a very similar story teacher hated me because she was spouting some [ __ ] about how red pistachios don't to never have existed beyond me being the pretentious duck I was I had to prove her wrong so I bought a whole bag on the internet and dropped them on her desk a few weeks later she had never liked me but after that I couldn't pull a C in her English class I told my guidance counselor my senior year to put me in remedial English just so I could pass and wouldn't have to take her small school she was the only non remedial senior English teacher so they made a separate class with a student's mom being the teacher she was only qualified to be a sub technically and it consisted of me and all the senior boys who wanted to blow off a harder class you can imagine how well that went I then went on to graduate with a master's degree in English and a 3.89 GPA and all the students and other administration of that school who said she would best prepare you for college English can suck it because all she taught was syntax and didn't even teach us how to do an annotated bibliography or format MLA or rapper papers she taught us nothing useful so H a 8th grade science class god I hated her for the sake of this let's say her name was mrs. B early on in the year mrs. B had given us a science fair projects too in January we had several class periods over the course of those months as well to work on it my project was creating an unbeatable tic-tac-toe program did work properly but that's beside the point right now because it would take significantly longer to have 20 people the amount of tests we had to do each play three rounds with the thing so I asked her if I could do fewer and she agreed allowing me to only do seven people which I got done shortly before Christmas break only about one and a half school weeks until the project was due I make sure to thank her for letting me do fewer as I would never have gotten it done in time otherwise she turns to me with this confused look who says something to the effect of I never said that do you have to do 20 trials like everyone else I was so insanely furious I even got a witness who had overheard her give me a lower number coming as evidence both me and my witness ended up in detention I did end up getting the project done but barely and it was rushed to hell I still occasionally think of it and want to punch a wall edit apparently I had a typo I had meant to type didn't work properly but the way it came out not only do I sound like a humble brag that I also started an argument later down the comment chain OOP thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, planet reddit, students have you ever lost your temper with a teacher, student who lost temper in class, students who lost their temper, student loses temper, students, teacher, student temper, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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