What moment made you realize that you are not a kid anymore?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what moment made you realize that you are not a kid anymore having the we have food at home talk with myself I once read that adulting is getting pissed at yourself from not defrosting the meat yes I wanted to make wantons today but my stupid butt but the ground meat in the freezer yesterday instead of the fridge so now I have to wait till tomorrow when I realized I could never be fully relaxed because there's always some responsibility looming over me thank you for sharing this it's such simple advice but so hard to execute when you're just used to putting yourself last the way I like to think about it is if I don't take the time to recharge then I'm not my most productive efficient self so anything I do in that state probably adds up to around the same loss of productivity as just taking a meaningful break my first year of teaching when we told the kids to get an adult if there's an emergency and I realized I was the adult they would be getting I feel even sometimes have just hits me that I'm the adult in the room and I'm responsible for everything it's such a weird feeling sort of like a rose [ __ ] I'm the one in charge who the hell was stupid enough for that feeling at least that's what I get whenever I have to look after my siblings at work one day when I was 19 I heard a little girl ask her mom what's that man doing and I turned to look at what man she was talking about and what the man was doing only to discover she was pointing at me WTF were you doing jerking off into a cereal box when I saw the forecast for snow and I was annoyed instead of happy this is a great one kids see potential snow day and imagine all the fun of snowy day breaks adults see shoveling it out of the driveway just so you can sit through a shitty drive to work smarter adults learn to live where there is no snow in high school a friend of mine worked at a laser tag place he got a bunch of us in for free one day in the waiting room we had a friendly trash-talking match with some 12 year olds about the upcoming one of them came back with johan kids versus adults note we were all 18 at the time I work as a retail worker 18 tomorrow and a lot of kids at my town recognized me as the man from the store it really feels weird not knowing all of them considering I knew everyone in town when I was their age happy almost birthday when some doctors or teachers are younger than me the last time I was at the ER I slowly realized that all the medical personnel treating me were younger than me I was really excited to buy a mom from that moment on it all went downhill dee I'm almost 40 now bought a new vacuum late last year I'm still semi excited about using it every time I do it tea just works so much better than my old one I got a new vacuum and was really excited so I told my roommates mom who was visiting her response you need to get a hobby when my actions started to change a lot people's life if I don't do shopping today I cannot cook for my wife and she would not have any food to take him the other day and then the next day I will be working so no one will buy food as an example this it's one thing if I only eat once a day but the kids need three square meals and snacks so momma does not get a depression day realize this when a Facebook friend of mine asked what depression meals people eat and I realized even if I don't eat I have to have the energy to fix food for three kids parents pulling themselves together for kids really warms my heart makes me feel for my own parents as a kid you believe your parents are these invincible people but in reality they have very real struggles and insecurities just like the rest of us when my mother died I was 17 in the overwhelming sense of you on your own no one is going to protect you or do things for you anymore felt like the sharpest transition to adulthood imaginable I was 18 freshman year Rob University living on campus I totally agree it felt like I was forced to grow up so much faster than my peers even though we were all legally at all I'm sorry you went through that so young I told my niece she needed at all supervision to do something and she looked me like I was dumber than a block of cheese and asked why I couldn't watch her you're not the sharpest cheddar in the fridge ha this happened to me I told my nieces we had to wait for an adult to take us to the playground down the road they replied auntie your Nadal can't you just take us back yet I guess I can let's go play on some swings I was 22 at the time working as a ski instructor who looks after kids a lot but just never really thought about it too hard because I always get to play games and muck around I used to be able to take days off work whenever I wanted and now I find myself having to have the if you take that many days off you won't be able to pay your mortgage so suck it up and go to work speech with myself at least once a week lol edit for clarification I work as a nurse and we have our set schedules and between three six weeks of vacation a year depending on where you work your position and seniority etc but I used to have multiple part-time jobs instead of a full-time I took off many days for travel etc but now I am 21 and have a mortgage to think about so I'm working full-time and can't take nearly as much vacation time off as I used to and it sucks when they said some people will meet the person they are going to marry here at my University welcome speech that [ __ ] up me up real good at my university we joke that some women were there for their their mrs. degree edit fat fingers oh that's especially bad at Christian colleges when I was 19 I made I made a reference to one of my favorite shows from when I was eight twelve and a couple of thirteen year olds listening have no idea what I was talking about I'm learning that those moments never stop happening I heard a couple teens reference spongebob and I had to ask wait that's still on the air to which they informed me I was celebrating its 20th anniversary I remember watching the premiere episode I had the first season on DVD and I remember watching it on repeat I still occasionally watch it but the episodes have got nothing weird I ate a pack of fruit snacks without checking to see what shape they were gasp someone call nine-one-one graduating high school losing my first grandparent graduating college getting my first job out of school here's the keys here's the tag here's the registration here's your license back marrying my wife having our daughters okay fizzy thus mortgage will be three hundred and sixty months with this much owed on the first of every month will escrow your taxes and insurance losing my dad okay fizzy these are the twelve Engineers reporting to you review their profiles will pay you dolla sign and this is our bonus compensation structure your office is down the hall from mine something before takeoff sir duck okay fizzy you're not 20 anymore get some cardio three Forex a week ditch the whole eggs and that blood pressure and cholesterol should work themselves out they did but it sucks to get old no little one you cannot have five Oreo cookies before your dinner I feel like I watched you grow up they grow up so fast when I found out I had to choose between being dropping out of college and homeless or going back to live with my abusive family it really hit me hard that I didn't know what to do but knew I had to do something at the time those were the only realistic options but I was a kid than didn't know that it took a lot of learning and making mistakes over and over for me to really understand that adulthood meant making it up as I went I did end up dropping out of college initially to work full-time and get an apartment and now eight years later I am in a way better place than the scared kid I was before I see you and I'm sorry you went through that are called as people who bread without being fully prepared to love thank you needed this realizing that nobody knows what the hell they are doing everyone is just winging it ask to mate one of the most well put-together guys I know if he had any adulting tips just came back with if you ever find out please tell me tips were adulting from an actual adults I'm 51 go listen to the suncream song by Baz Luhrmann everything you need to know about being an adult I used to print out the lyrics and give them to my kids friends when they turn 16 I actually really appreciate you saying to listen to this song there's a bunch of good advice in there thank you the link if anyone's interested but too lazy to look it up YouTube link this past Monday actually my neighbor has three dogs she constantly lets outside without leashes we share a driveway that connects our two small backyards I have an older dog I went to take my girl out before work and she let her dogs out without looking her pitbull attacked my dog and for 20 minutes we couldn't get it off her at the end of it my dog was seriously mauled I was bit on the hand and arm pretty badly and suddenly I had to be thr adult I had to know what to do I had to delegate my so to take my dog to the vet while I stayed behind to talk to the cops and get myself to the hospital 26 years old and let me just say I hate being the adult I don't think I've ever missed my dad's immediate ability to handle a situation as much as I did on Monday did your dog survive how is your arm now yes she did she's a trouper lots of staples and sutures and a drainage tube in her throat but she's healing her head and neck were badly torn up but she's always been a strong dog my arm is on the mend to following up with the doc on Monday to address potential nerve damage numb on a large portion of my wrist arm and my finger that got impaled by tooth is numb completely above the wound wounds are closing well though and no infections genuinely appreciate the concern when I lost my job this was pre Corona I realized that I treated my career like it to a school as if I would keep moving up automatically it was a juvenile way to approach success and I realized that if I wanted more from my life and career I couldn't just expect it to happen I needed to hear this thank you oh my lord I had this mindset until I read this comment thank you I definitely needed this I was 23 no high school diploma and a security guard doing access-control at an ice cream plant I realized that if I didn't get out of there and do something I would be 50 India flash and Nazi maldonia nothing worth won my life would have peaked at 20 and the rest of my time amounting to little more than waiting to die or mate don't leave us hanging did you get out yes thank you for asking I spent the next nine months trying to get in the Navy I had to wait for the start of the fiscal year as only 5% of recruitment can be known high school grads but I got in I became an aviation electronics technician a couple years later I got my get over a 20-year career I did three overseas tours served on two carriers visited a score or country's numerous detachments and deployments and more now almost two years since retirement I do troubleshooting and repairs on airport surveillance radar it's been a much more interesting trip with more still to come when I called someone kid at this point I feel like the vast majority of the world is full of kids anyone under 30 for sure is a kid I was driving my sister around and I pointed out to her a building that used to be a blockbuster where my dad would take us to when I was a kid then I was crying inside at the fact that I said when I was a kid I've been saying when I was a kid since I was like 15 lol when I wanted to be put over the knees and spanked true story my first-grade teacher gave all the both birthday spankings in front of the whole class 1983 different times it was the first spanking I actually enjoyed when I look in the fridge and start feeling guilty that food has gone bad and therefore wasted by that logic I grew up when I was 8 : when I had a file with all my important documents in it and it's really scary when my mom went from treating me like a son to a complete stranger who doesn't pay bills my mom has always treated me like a complete stranger when I was excited about him new vacuum cleaner join our community discord link in description when I'd fall asleep on the couch and my parents wouldn't carry me to bed anymore growing up is tough lol I'm so confused there's two directions my mind went but the first one was this the morning after my parents divorced when I was 10 my father was an ultra helicopter slash tiger parent my mother was a neglectful abuser we ended up with my mother my siblings and I stood in front of the garage door for an hour before realizing our mother wasn't going to take us to school day care I ended up carrying my siblings to their respective locations before making it to my own school by lunchtime I picked up bus Signet slips that afternoon and was forced to forge my mother's signature for the first time to try and get transportation later that week I also was forced to forge free lunch slips for us all because no one was going to make us food anymore this one broke my heart I am 27 and that moment has yet to come I'm 35 now and I feel the same I've been responsible even as a kid so adulting is like being a rich kid it's great now I get to be the rich kid your mileage may vary dot and I just realized I'm approaching midlife crisis it all makes sense thanks user I just figured out life thanks to you when I was 18 and found out my first child was on the way the impact of poor decisions was going to alter the life of someone beyond myself at that point since that day I've never been unemployed I've never not had a roof over my head for my child to call oh I've never spent frivolously and not being able to provide her with meals clothing etc it was rough early on we were poor lived in some sketchy neighborhoods in shitholes to start out I started my own business when she was about age six by the time she was eight years old we moved into our first home I ended up with custody a few years later after her divorce things became even more important to me to always make the right decision financially to ensure her stability unfortunately the financial aspect was all I focused on and wasn't always a good father end result today we have a [ __ ] relationship and this is my fault when it was Christmas Eve and I wasn't as excited and tried to get myself excited this is a bit dark so I'm sorry when I was nine I was struck by lightning at a sleepaway camp roughly six or so house from my home and my heart stopped for around four and a half minutes many of you might not believe in an afterlife and neither did I until that moment when everything went dark all I could feel was my heartbeat and the warmth around me I was crying and had my hands over my eyes a nervous tic I still do to this day when I opened my eyes after a bit I saw everything but the world was in black white and gray I saw people rushed towards me but can't see me bear I try calling but I then see myself on the ground eyes wide open when I screamed and woke up after being shocked alive I was still yelling for them to help in short I learned what death is like at a very young age and I learned what everyone sees when everything is over when I was nine I fell off a cliff and remember having a similar experience it was like I was there but I wasn't almost like a fly on the wall or something I couldn't figure out what had happened but I could see myself on the gurney being worked on I pulled my back out on Monday granted I'm 32 so I probably should have realized this much sooner welcome to your 30s breakfast is ibuprofen this one day I thought I haven't done a somersault in a while and I tried to do that and for a split second in the midst of it I was hella sure my neck would break and I vowed never to do it again because I wasn't a kid anymore it was kinda sad oh when I flunked out of undergrad and I got a job in a factory building electrical machinery I'd see my reflection of myself in overalls with my toolbox and it hit me hard that all the fun and games from HS were over and I was not joking anymore many people my age are starting to have already have had children and people aren't acting like it's a big deal people my age are getting married people my age are starting their careers many people my age have moved out of their parents house already I will be starting my last year of college in August realizing that I'd never be able to spend my summers at my cousin's house anymore BC I needed to get summer jobs internships when the airport to basic shuttle pulled up for basic training right now as I read this damn I have it a lot when I stopped myself from buying fun toys or games just because I have money doesn't mean I can spend it my mom used to pray for me before bedtime every night when I was a kid I remember looking out of my open bedroom door listening to her finish praying for my siblings waiting for her to come to my room she didn't come to my room that night or any other night I've been growing up since then I visited my old high school a year also after graduation to say hi to the teachers see the theater again and it hit me all of the sudden that I didn't belong there that was weird oh it's so weird visit your elementary school even weirdly everything seems so small and wrong when I started to get addicted to things probably the first time in high school when I drove by myself to trapshooting practice with my shotgun in the trunk it was then that I really started to think about the responsibility that was mine with not only driving but also being someone who operates a firearm also when I started to work with kids when I was in high school I had the responsibility to watch over and protect multiple people's children when one of my friends passed away and I realized there are some things you can never change when I realized I could buy a motorcycle and no one could stop me my fiancee says I can buy one when we have a house when I swing on a swing and my stomach goes whoooo getting asked questions that the dentist that my mom normally answers just stood there like an idiot and said let me call my mother real quick I'm only 18 but I'm feeling it already there's a good long one where you are talking to people and you don't quite have your life together yet then they ask how old you are then you tell them then they respond oh you're still young or oh you have plenty of time then one day you realize you haven't heard that response in a long time and it's not because you have your [ __ ] together I always told myself ill be an adult when I enjoy coffee when I craved coffee one day I just realized having to settle my dad's estate after he died life had always seemed pretty easy until this point I was suddenly buried with endless tasks responsibilities and decisions also a lot of paperwork that I couldn't even comprehend hey tucking sucked when my parents were talking about politics and I realized I knew more about what they were talking about than they did first night in the dorm freshman year at college second night I got hammered and puked in the bushes outside my door I don't really remember the rest of the week good times when I tried to run and couldn't thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 234,072
Rating: 4.9520798 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What moment made you realize that you are not a kid anymore?, planet reddit, not a kid anymore, realize, lesson learned, trauma, victims, survivor, assault, adulthood, wake up call, reddit story, insight, problems, responsibility, lesson, reddit stories, reddit cringe, puberty, childhood, reddit, funny meme, funny reddit, tik tok memes, memes, tik tok meme, askreddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit
Id: eOI4a2N6RNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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