What's the most stupid reason you got in trouble at school?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what's the stupidest reason you got in trouble in school for using my asthma medication in class I was told to keep my inhaler in the office and to use it in there only I was told it was distracting know what else is distracting the sounds of someone gasping for air and having to be removed from class what's worse as kids have died because they didn't have immediate access to their inhalers or EpiPens because they needed to be kept in the office idiotic that's why my grandparents just told me to hide a damn thing in my backpack since they found out that the nurse's office and this broke down / dunked behind school was all the way across campus from my classes same from my parents they told me to keep my inhaler with me and just not tell anybody I had to run the mile during gym outside and very humid weather not surprisingly I had an asthma attack probably the only reason I survived it is because I had my inhaler in my pocket New Jersey tried to kill me I can never live there because of asthma but I'm fine anywhere else only exception is if I try to walk outside in very cold weather I'll need an inhaler afterward grad school has it full grown adults one of my patients was a chill guy we had one of those relaxed relationships he would fist bump me after treatment was completed the Dean of Academic Affairs did not like that got a 45-minute lecture on doctor/patient relationship and how dare I violate that trust with a fist bump a big part of healing is believing in your healer a fist bump from my doc would tell me we got this more than any ten second bedside conversation the old-school authoritative doctors supporting a god complex have given stick to the fist bump and smile bosses professors come and go just stick to being nice if you can stuff a camera down my nose down past my stomach we know each other well when our feet above my fist in 1993 The Flaming Lips song she don't use jelly came out I was in third grade and I really liked that song and started signing it with my friends during a double-handed jump roping session she don't use gele or any of theory she uses Vyasa line boom written up three-day suspension for saying sexually suggestive things I had no idea that was meant sexually worse even no one would explain why their song was sexually suggestive it was very confusing this is funny and sad don't be inappropriate how is it inappropriate I don't want to explain it you're too young for this kind of thing then you must know I wasn't intending to be inappropriate don't talk back I'm an adult Mira I hate when adults say calling out the holes in their logic talking back sorry I put your brain in a pretzel that you've gotta get your [ __ ] together reminds me of me asking my sixth-grade teacher what sodomy is because I heard it in blink 182 is what's my age again he turned red as Helen told me to look it up for hugging a crying classmate in the hall and that one time I typed the word Oh IES on the calculator in math class I got in trouble for hugging a male friend in the hallway in middle school we saw each other in the hall and was like hey quick hug it was like one second in front of a teacher's door which was open she calls us in to her class to yell at us in front of her class she said hugging between boys and girls is inappropriate I asked if it would be inappropriate if I was hugging a girl and she said no then I asked if it would be inappropriate if I was a lesbian she yelled at me again the classmate I was hugging was a girl and I'm a guy so that's why I got in trouble my brother and I got in trouble once because I hugged him before school one day and a teacher said it wasn't appropriate for fighting the school a sucker punched me and I didn't retaliate it was even caught on tape the zero tolerance policy is one of the stupidest things ever 100% agree almost got a suspension for doing nothing then my more absolute legend threatened to call the police claiming the school did nothing to ensure my safety after seeing all my bruises and scrapes from fights edit grammar yay good for her get up that [ __ ] hell it's no surprise bullies get away with borderline murder I tripped on a loose tile and bumped into a teacher causing her to spill her coffee on herself I apologized and showed her the tile she went on for months about how I did it on purpose even got the principal and my folks involved for the rest of the year she told me I couldn't come back to her class unless I apologized for doing it on purpose never went back to her class though I initially apologized for the incident I never once apologized for doing it on purpose Akuma's helm I honestly hate hearing these stories I want to hear that someone stood up for the victims and said you are a person with authority over us and you should know better than to act high and mighty edit don't know if anyone is ucking with me but thank you all for your replies faith in humanity restored it doesn't happen nearly enough IRL the name drop gives us so much more power correcting at itches spelling up congratulations it was a substitute and it was English literature congratulations you get a suspension Kongo generation clearing my throat before weeding out loud to the class she yelled at me and threatened attention because she thought I was faking it for attention but I don't see how also more context I was a quiet kid so I wasn't one to create drama to begin with it just made me not want to talk more than I already didn't want to edit brothers blew up a lot shout all to all my quads and awkwardly shy Ami's out there who feel the pain of being reprimanded for the rare times we actually do talk WTF attention for clearing your throat even if you fake it it is still a dumb reason to get detention Mayo faking for attention even though you were supposed to have everyone's attention I once broke out in a dry cough and was practically choking so I started to drink a bottle of water that I got from my bag the teacher grabbed the bottle off me threw it into the bin then told me to be quiet because someone was answering a question needless to say I was not happy I stormed out of that room I was about 15 someone made a paper airplane out of scrap paper that had been bent my name was written on the sheet they used I got sent out the room and handed a punishment exercise a flashback triggered we each had a notebook in school something you would use in all your classes instead of that class's official exercise book my notebook was full and tattered so I bend it apparently somebody took it out of the bin and wrote many offensive remarks aimed at different teachers and then handed it in to one of the teachers just by looked at the handwriting you could tell it wasn't me nope still got ba locked for that edit notebooks was effectively a scrapbook for just scribbling down thoughts and ideas to temporarily throw away stuff workbooks were for writing your final work in neatly at the end of the lesson you would hand in your book to be marked who would be stupid enough to write their name on a paper airplane that's like carving your name and address on to someone you've killed someone once poked a wasp nest in the school forest and the whole swarm came out upon the school the entire school sat detention for an hour understandable if you don't know who did it but that's not the problem we were sitting detention because the principal's son got stuck as eventually turned out it was actually his fault the swarm came down on us I have cursed his name since the day I found out there was an unexpected whole school band and bleeped grade school we were all brought to the gym and sat down it was then explained that one of us had pooped on the gym stage behind the we know who did it but we are giving them this opportunity to stand up and apologize if you don't then we'll have to punish you harder hey even to us kids it was obvious they have no working clue who did it be ordering a kid to stand up in front of the whole school and apologize for [ __ ] on the stage is not how you get the kid to admit ated it there were three poop scandals at my very strict Roman Catholic High School we named them poo get 1/3 who get one someone took a [ __ ] on the floor in the boys toilets who gets to same thing just a couple of years later who get three someone took a [ __ ] under the stairs between the art department and science departments went unnoticed for a few days but the stench gave it away culprit was never discovered for pill gets to I remember there being a name the gents abandoned be gathered of all the boys in my year group we were stood in rows as if we were in the army or some [ __ ] the ex drill sergeant paid teacher walked between the rows and told us about who gets to and how disgusting it was they then went on to say that the culprit clearly had some issues and it was the school's duty to give them their Catholic help of course none of this had the foggiest idea of who did it turns out it wasn't even a guy from my year I only found this out nearly four years after the fact but it was absolutely hilarious being called into this huge abarim can be for such a crazy situation there's been a poggit scandal every two years and this year is the second anniversary of puga 3 so I'm anticipating some madman breaking lock down to initiate pogo'd for as part of the tradition for saying my school picture suck I had no idea sucked was considered a bad word until I was put in detention for it landmine learning white hair kind of like a story I heard from my mom I think it was my grandmother who asked her mother what's french-kissing to which she was given the reply don't you ever say that Angie and it that is a good example of how not to teach your children asking my mom about things I don't know might get me in trouble while I just won't ask her stuff then I'll figure it out some other way chasing someone with a paper clip and saying I am a vampire was elementary this is my favorite one it makes no sense and is cracking me up so much I received two weeks of detention it was also an act alongside two other friends we gotten told on from some dude who wasn't in our business in the first place and thought we were stabbing our victim only one out of three of us had a paper clip there is a really good takeaway to this stuff always remember one in every three vampires has a paper clip spelling test in seventh grade we wrote down the words as the teacher shouted them out one of the words was peace the kid next to me asks which one there's two different words peace peace the teacher said the one on the list you were supposed to study that's [ __ ] I whispered pieces in piece of pie she made us both rip up our tests for cheating pieces in piece of [ __ ] teacher my dad was furious and he was usually the ABEO teacher they have their reasons type he was like what if you glanced at the list and already knew how to spell all the words are you supposed to commit each word to memory just in case any of them have a homophone and the teacher refuses to clarify Pappa McGee got a point I had a similar situation with the word tripod the definition provided was something like anything containing only three legs so I wrote my vocab sentence my dog's leg fell off and now he is a tripod it was marked incorrect and my mom was furious she went to the school with that damn vocab sheet I now understand that a tripod isn't a living thing that nowhere did it specify that ha join our community discord link in description I got in trouble for cheating on one of my math exams the teacher found a piece of paper in my pencil case I got sent to the principal's office when the principal asked me about what I wanted to say in my defense I simply told him to take a look at it turned out to be a shopping list I was allowed to retake the exam the following week my friend got in trouble for this when he was actually writing a list of weird events to happen in something he was into at the time can't quite remember what the teacher demanded to see the note then read a list containing items along the lines of Greg set fire to the hospital and Greg proceeded to shoot Lindsay and the ghost of Lindsay haunted the rest of the people on the island [ __ ] Greg can I ask why you had a shopping list in your pencil case I apparently sighed loudly when a TA who knew she wasn't very popular walked in the room I was talking to a friend the opposite side of my table was this in high school well secondly school in the UK idk what's going on in the states with years old grades or whatever I got ISS in-school suspension basically the tension during school hours for being in a food fight even though I wasn't they said I was a part of it because I dropped some crumbs from my cupcake onto the floor zero tolerance policy baby this reminds me of the time I slipped and fell into somebody else's puddle of juice the very mean cafeteria lady gave me a mock and made me clean it up she wouldn't let me change and didn't care that I got hurt I was like five or six to five or six some people shouldn't be child carers in middle school some kids were stomping on caterpillars during recess I took a ziploc bag from my lunch and put as many caterpillars in it as I could to rescue them by taking them somewhere else I fast walked to get away fairly quickly without making a seat a teacher stopped me and accused me of running and shoving I didn't touch anyone at all and when she saw the bag she gave me a look of utter disgust I got lunch detention for it I ultimately switched out of that school because the staff had it in for me for some mental health issues and quirks that I later discovered was Asperger's syndrome edit this is my most upvoted comment ever by miles thanks at least something good came of that awful school I'll give a bonus one of the science teachers was caught with child Oh on his computer during class a kid called the cops ultimately the district moved him to a different school had serious concentration issues when I was younger I now know this was likely a dirt or something similar used to get detentions all the time for daydreaming and not finishing worked when I was uncontrollably zoning out got yelled at all the time for it and I never understood why everyone was angry at me I couldn't understand where time was just disappearing too when I zoned out never got help for it teachers are sometimes yes I feel this with every being of my soul daydreaming and zoning out was one of the main issues that affected me academically throughout high school it happened in classes during tests it happened everywhere and it led me coupled with other things too repeating a year and it ends up being so uncontrollable and dispersed it's hard to break the habit I hope that now you're doing much better and that you are able to get the help you need stay strong I threw her a closed pen to my friend who was like three feet away from me and the teacher freaked out he made a big deal out of it in front of the whole class for a solid five minutes and then emailed my parents luckily my mom was able to see my side of things and she said doesn't that teacher have better thing to do than email me about my child throwing pens we still laugh about it from time to time bro I feel you're right tried to wake my sleeping friend up by gently throwing a pen at his back as he was called the teacher lectured me for about one stroke for the class time I threw in a razor at my friend once and it bounced off the filing cabinet and made a loud bang teacher asked him what he was doing to make me throw something at him in middle school the bell to send us home didn't go off on time we were all standing by the door waiting to leave when all the other classrooms started leaving to go home the hallways were filled and teachers were telling people goodbye so my classroom started to leave too I was one of the first ones out but apparently our teacher caught the end half of the class and made them sit down until then everyone who walked out the door because I dismiss you not labelled so all lovers who left like the rest of the school got detention I dismiss you not labelled then why the hell does the bail exist if it decides when you come it decides when you leave right is the teacher going to take the detention your next teacher gives you when you're late to their class will they be giving you a ride home if you miss the bus if no then bi ayyi e trying to start a fire which led to me getting an hour detention and having to stay for the rest of the lesson in isolation but why did they think I tried to start a fire cause inna Symes lesson I rub two sticks together edit WTF how have I got nearly 1-thousand up the votes damn this is the most I've ever got so thanks that sounds like a valid reason to get a no that's a difficult way to start to fire unless you had a bow drill that class was safe and tinder and a pile of kindling and larger sticks to progressively build from the coal first I did many things to get in trouble legitimately I went on diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type for a long time because I would laser focus on schoolwork and get done quickly then get bored and disrupt everyone else the secretaries in my elementary school office knew me on site when I went back to visit in high school but there were a couple times that were questionable clapping in fourth grade I learned you can clap louder by having the fingers on one hand go into the palm of the other I was part of a mini concert for our extremely talented string students oh yeah with hot cross buns and I was kicked out and sent to the office because I clapped along with everyone else but but a teacher felt I was being disruptive abusing mind you found power it was decades ago so I really can't say if I was being a jerk or not sneezing I sneeze several times and like a duck quacking I got it from my grandfather who did the same if those things are hereditary I can try to hold it in but then it looks like I'm having a seizure our middle school science teacher immediately tried to give me ISS when I sneezed for the first time and it took the whole class vouching for me before she relented after that people would just pause for me to finish and I'd apologize condolences my friend I feel here I was an a DD riddle child that was never Donald I can't tell you how many times I would awaken from a daydream and have some angry teacher up in my face telling me I was being bad I'd be like , watt and that only worsened my case don't play dumb you're disruptive every single day just yesterday you were making animal noises on your way to the bathroom um what I don't remember that well I told you X thing just two minutes ago call me you did I didn't you're staying inside for recess today okay I guess and of course forcing an ADHD child to stay inside is the absolutely worst thing you could do in order to have a child be less disruptive I was sent to the principal in sixth grade for arguing with my teacher when she insisted that Hitler was a communist the principal literally did a fascism but then pulled himself together and lectured me on being more respectful what's this teaching you right now kid nothing but one day you're going to have a boss that comes out with a stupidest thing you ever did here and then you'll remember sitting in here I was drinking tea and my teacher yelled at me to stay home if I'm sick which I wasn't you sick bastard drinking tea in school barbaric dude sucker-punched me in gym class I never even got the chance to defend myself or fight back before the teacher stepped in I got suspended for fighting pretty much the same except we took licks back then I protested but got three swats anyway I was pretty much fired up on teenage injustice because I never even got to punch him when we stepped out of the principal's office I spun and laid one of the best overhand rights I ever connected on right on the other kids nerves he never saw it coming before anybody could react I said I already paid for that call my dad I ended up finishing the day in the office as my dad and the principal had a long discussion on my behavior but no licks or expulsion I counted it as a win that Punk never came back looking for trouble from me again this reminds me of a story my dad told me growing up he went to high school in the 60s and getting licks was the norm for punishment he had this guy that like to knock with him just because so this particular day this guy was smacking my dad in the back of the head with a textbook after the second time my dad turned around and told him to knock that [ __ ] off teach I heard it out in the hall for three swats dad comes back in guys grinning and asked him how it felt dad never letting anyone get the last word said it tickled couple of minutes later the guy swatted him again with the book my dad spun around in his seats and hit the guy with a right hook to the jaw and knocked him out of his seat but the guy yelled up at the teacher if he saw what just happened dad said the teacher looked at the guy totally deadpan and told him he didn't see anything but that he should probably get back in his seat WTF I didn't tie my shoes the way the PE instructor wanted meat of in 11th grade sat and the dean's office for an hour before they called my mom whose response I still remember you're calling me during my workday to ask my son to tie his shoes in a way that a p/e teacher feels suitable are you arcing kidding me I played triple-a hockey at the time along with varsity lacrosse PE class was the least of my worries let alone how my shoes were tied safe to say I didn't have to retie my shoes thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 606,386
Rating: 4.939559 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What's the most stupid reason you got in trouble at school?, planet reddit, stupid reason you got in trouble, stupid reason you got in trouble at school, stupid, reddit stories, stupid reason, askreddit stupid, trouble, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit best, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit
Id: 4IbNGNygouc
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Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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