What did a kid in your school do to get expelled?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what did a kid in your school do to get expelled I live in a rural ish Irish town and our school was built next to a massive wheat farm one day a kid brought in a plastic bottle filled with petrol and matches he hopped over the fence at lunchtime and set the field on fire destroyed the farmers entire plot apparently it was about 500k worth of crops he also served time was pretty wild how long did he serve and did the farmer get some kind of insurance type thing I'm pretty sure the EU step in for that kind of [ __ ] a single field getting burned now that's what insurance is for the EU might step in as a last resort for widespread losses but here their involvement would be having regulations about farms and insurance in place two kids were dealing drugs out of their lockers it was actually a pretty good plan one had a locker upstairs and the others Locker was downstairs everyone who bought drugs knew the combinations people were told which Locker had their merch and when you had class on that floor you'd get a full pass and stopped by the locker but teacher got suspicious of seeing multiple kids going to the same locker I will never forget being in class and getting the lockdown announcement while drug dogs were brought in and seeing one of the kids flying down the hallway toward his locker should have used gym lockers problem is it would restrict buyers by sex but if you really did have a significant customer base in the other sex you could use gym lockers for one sex and regular lockers for the other and cut down on foot traffic to any individual locker I bet it would be difficult to have sex in a locker but I like your ambition when you're horny you're horny threw a chair at our pregnant teacher in year five nine ten year old I also went to his house to play because our mums with friends and he beat me up so badly kicking my stomach in until I puked in the car ride home and my mum came running and screaming I'm also a girl so it's not like we were Audi boys play fighting never seen that kid since what inspired you to go visit after the chair incident the playdate was before he got excluded I should have clarified that he got moved to the other year five class and hated the new teacher and he threw the chair one of the reasons I took ASL as my foreign language in high school is because a hot deaf girl threw a chair at a teacher I decided I needed that kind of crazy in my life repeatedly put used condoms in a girl's locker to the point where there was a sting operation to catch him how did he come by used condoms in middle school did he buy condoms and then masturbate with them or did he find a stash pretty sure masturbated looking back he was probably going through a rough home life he was in special classes and was practically mute I don't even want to know where how he got him I teach teens and young adults every single damn year I am surprised by the diversity in how people live their lives and all the kinds duct up it's makes their kids sometimes half my job is figuring out if something is psychological and if we can work with it seeing how much damage a shitty dad can do is horrifying edit yes shitty mom's exists too but as a dad a shitty dad scare me the most as I don't want to be one dude smuggled a wine bottle how the teachers found out well the brass knuckles he was carrying in the backpack broke the bottle and spilled wine in the middle of the classroom this is why you only commit one crime at a time that kid's gonna go far all the way to prison of the morgue very weird kid in my year at the time came into school with huge amounts of hairspray in his hair the amount where your hair eventually sticks like gel but without actually using any guy that sat behind him in one of our classes happened to be one of the worst behaved kids in the school and he proceeded to get out his lighter and light his hair on fire it didn't go up like if it were oil but it definitely stayed a light long enough to see him running out the door with his hair smoking both kids were gone after that kids one was expelled in the other moved schools so there was a chance they ended up in the same school a kid escaped school on a Gordon food service truck during recess they found him hiding in the Uncrustables sandwich box while unloading the truck when they got back to their little warehouse Uncrustables a life that sounds kind of cool how old was he he could fart at will by sucking air into his a-hole and then letting it rip he once tried it under the shower after pee well it turns out that if you suck water with your a-hole you end up shooting watery [ __ ] bums we were laughing our asses off to this [ __ ] cannon until one guy went to tell the teacher and he had to go and clean it up he got expelled for that okay got to admit I made a mistake here as English is not my first language he was suspended for a month not expelled a month is still a bit harsh but I can appreciate the absurdity of the whole situation half one kid came into the school and shot a bunch of students with a BB gun he was a pretty troubled kid later on he ended up going to the same high school as me did the same kind of stupid [ __ ] dropped out in grade 11 and I didn't know what happened to him for many years recently though I found out he's gotten his act together by the sounds of it owns his own construction company and dropped the drugs seems to be doing all right unexpected ending but a good one pushed a kid into bookcases knocking down the whole row of books all over an airplane engineering book now that's education you'd fight for that's the fight and flight response some kid in my elementary school got expelled for dropping fireworks through mail slot in the school front door blowing the glass out of it elementary school he's still a butcher knife from the cafeteria kitchen and attacked a teacher with it they tried to subdue him this is the year of a forced school resource officers school shootings and someone pulled the fire alarm we all evacuated the building in the ensuing scuffle with the principal he dropped the butcher knife but grabbed all the plastic knives and forks from the cafeteria he ran outside to where we were standing and threw them at us since they were cheap plastic nobody got hurt he was eventually tackled by the gym teacher and principal then carted away in an ambulance kid never came back to school the school also decided that banning plastic knives and forks would prevent this incident from happening again so they replaced all plastic silverware with sporks which is the real tragedy kid did get the mental help he needed and has gone on to be a productive member of society ha ha getting hit where the thrown plastic knife would be like the equivalent of getting hit with a wad of paper released 500 crickets into our school cafeteria then proceeded to sit back and watch the madness resource officer caught as many as he could and ended up putting in the perpetrators car via open window he had the last laugh counter-strike counter-terrorists win one girl I went to HS with still some school letterhead and proceeded to make their own report cards all year but super quad girl I had her pegged as the honor student type I don't know if she got expelled but I never saw her again I had her pegged as the honor student type so did her parents he stole an autistic kids backpack full of books took a [ __ ] in it zipped it shut and shook it up he then bragged about it to one of his friends so when autistic kid had his freak out it didn't take long for administration to figure out who done it edit he a total duct up thing to do kid was an idiot constantly getting caught doing stupid [ __ ] multiple B and E's in and out of juvenile detention etc shortly after getting expelled he broke into a community building vandalized the place and still a bunch of [ __ ] was already on probation again got tried as an adult and ended up doing prison time that's so sad duck that guy I'm glad that he hot caught okay that's just mean whoa what an absolute dump bag groping everything that moved including me how old we were in middle school so the 1114 range I was 13 at the time the kid was too a wise man once said sexual assault does not start with rape it starts in our books and behind school gates Joe Tolbert lead singer of idols I came back after a two-week holiday night missed the last day before we broke up for Christmas to discover that a person in my friendship group had been catfished so nudes by the sky in the year above who had then posted them on social media he took a hockey stick to the school library on the last day of term destroyed his laptop and broke his jaw and collarbone got expelled pretty quick after that but the kid who posted the photos got no repercussion even though it was actual child pornography so the dude was catfished by another dude and was sending dong pics to some random person he had never actually met and then went apeshit and attacked the other dude I'm sure this is what Bill Gates envisioned when dreaming about computers and the Internet Bill Gates didn't invent either of them you dinkler Barry I'd call a broken jaw and collarbone some pretty serious repercussions set a girl's hair on fire because he was bored Jesus kids sprayed bear spray all over the boys bathroom it spread through the holes and more than 2030 people got it in their eyes and mouth and when trouble breathing including some of my best friends who had to go home cause they couldn't breathe the same thing happened at my school Hannah in Canada if it's also in Edmonton then I'm pretty sure it's the same school tried to choke someone to death after allegedly being called fat by the kid stabbed a kid with a pair of scissors I had one kind of similar severely autistic kid would always stab people in the back with sharpened pencils he had to be removed from regular classrooms until high school read spires in the bears and now he's here to duck us kid in my sister's class called in a bomb threat to the school from the school cafeteria payphone this was in 1999 so before everyone had cell phones he was arrested and expelled whoo this is a good one one of the teachers in my high school was born without his white arm from elbow down he was the new English teacher pretty young good-looking and whatnot we also had another new female teacher coming out here who was quite attractive if you've ever heard of the movie teeth it's about this girl with teeth in her vagina that like eats things or whatever anyway some kids photoshopped both of their faces onto the movie poster and made it say mr. didn't always have one arm the picture got around quite fast and I went to Catholic school and this was a big no-no the kid was super-smart too what a shame absolute mad lad I went to Catholic school and this was a big no-no a sad case of vagina dentata Scimitar that's pretty funny actually after 9/11 my school had a huge memorial and planted a Remembrance tree some kid pissed on it and ripped it up the next day portrayed only got pissed one once piss can't melt steel beams they're still trying to understand how to him either terrible rpr rooted and stole the 500-pound fir tree that was crane lifted into the courtyard fire extinguisher battle HS fox urine in the ventilation HS stood up on desk playing a guitar with pants and underwear at his uncle's elementary that third kid must be a legend he was definitely in the zone in the canyons near our housing there was lots of Ville World War two ordinance from when it was a proving ground lots of people collected the mostly harmless dummy ordnance however some kids found a mortar round and it blew up while they were playing catch with it two of the three kids died so the alarm went off to turn in whatever you have they found some really impressive collections so the fire department and Army EOD came to our school to show us some examples of what we could come across as we sat in the bleachers of the gym this kid stands up holding what appeared to be a shiny aluminum soft bull and asked if it was anything the EOD guys froze and we all had to evacuate turned out to be from a cluster bomb never seen that kid again hold are they just let kids play go in a canyon filled with ordnance pretty much it's called Murphy Canyon in San Diego CA it's much more built up now than in the early eighties when I'll live there the Ordnance rarely turns up after heavy rains the kids who died when I was there would have been around 80 to 84 the school is Junipero Serra high school though it was a junior / senior high school when I went we were pcs daftar my junior year in 84 when I was in middle school around age 13 there was a girl in the class sending threatening emails with rather serious threats to all the popular girls it ended up escalating to where the FBI was involved and it turns out one of the popular girls herself who was targeted was the one sending the messages this was the late 90s so don't think she even bothered to cover her tracks much and just used her home computer like her decomposing body was found in the river like 10 years later looking back on it all I'm pretty sure she had undiagnosed mental problems that were starting to surface and was one of those people who never managed to get them under control comma who that's a shame that went from 50 to 100 to 0 to 1000 in about three seconds join our community discord link in description he was a junior a freshman was giving him a [ __ ] in the closet during anime club and a teacher walked in on them our eye our event sayonara Legend this sounds like my friend Evan honestly same thing happens but it was during breathes in mother ducking chess club how the dark how the Chess Club members getting head and I am NOT a couple of guys yelled the Germans are coming and went under the table during German class while the air raid alarm was going off for testing edit good to know this happened in the Netherlands brunt yeah I know balls of steel and boy were they expelled lol what is the explanation here that doesn't sound like enough to get someone detention let alone expelled I am from the Midwest this was the mid 90s a middle school went bird hunting over the weekend he still had shotgun shells in his coat jacket on Monday no weapon just the shells when he got to school he realized the shells were there and immediately turned them in to the principal he was suspended from classes until the board made their decision and he was eventually expelled Kidd made an honest mistake did the right thing to correct the mistake and was punished to the maximum for it this has to be the stupidest reason just shows that the schools do not value honesty as much as they say they do that's just stupid of the schools part this kid goes hunting forgets that he has shells in his jacket and turns them into an authoritative figure he did the right thing and was punished for it that's just messed up one of the special ed kids kept escaping the school allegedly through a bathroom window would strip down and try to play in traffic in front of the building grew pot in their locker I have no freaking clue how he manages but he did doesn't sound likely that he actually managed to this dumb bus broke into someone's house stole their guns then got busted trying to sell them to an undercover cop he got expelled and arrested a kid got high on meth and stole a bus he did a few donuts in the parking lot and drove away only to get it stuck in a ditch so he walked back to the school to take a second bus to go pull the first bus out of the ditch the police were waiting at the first bus when he got there how'd he get away with the second bus WTF it was around 3:00 in the morning I want to know how he managed to get a school bus to do donuts he was special-needs but got zero tolerance because he made a series of drawings about taking over the school with fart bombs that's BS man poor kid people absolutely love him his disability meant that he was mentally very young everyone enjoyed seeing him in the halls and talking to him about hot wheels or whatever he was fascinated by at the time he was social and always laughing there was outrage among the students but no one felt like they could do anything my brother got expelled for mooning the teacher in the middle of class I almost did too for figuring out how to open the console on our lockdown computers and running a command that made I'm Rick James Beach popup on every screen in the school during standardized tests okay your prank is hilarious yeah I'd bet that at least some of the teachers thought so too even if they couldn't admit it I kept in touch with my guidance counselor for a few years after and she definitely seemed entertained by it agreed that some teachers probably got a laugh over it but it popped out on the principal's screen and that's probably where it crossed a line and everyone had to pretend to be serious about it I think I avoided getting in too much trouble because I helped the IT team figure out how it was done and I'm a software engineer now was just building up some valuable experience hitting a teacher with a bacon baguette bacon baguette when I was in high school a kid sprayed pepper spray in the school ventilation system it was kindof a big deal because the school doesn't have any windows that open the school had to be evacuated and I think we got to leave a few hours early I knew the guy typical trash he eventually got hooked on drugs no idea what he's doing anymore wouldn't those windows be a fire hazard he crushed a canister of pepper spray with pliers until it exploded they evacuated the entire school and shut down that wing of the school for three days until the city and school district cleared its safe for use if I recall correctly it hospitalized one student for a few days and earned the guy some juvie time and hefty fines that area of the school smelled like held fish and bleach for weeks afterwards he was an all-around bully that's nobody liked and was always getting into trouble final straw was that he was caught accessing someone else's grades and was making fun of the person for said grades my friend left his BB gun and pocket life in his backpack on accident the police did a random search of certain classrooms that day in his room was picked quite frankly when I found out I was not surprised that he was expelled what I was surprised about was that he didn't get expelled for marijuana possession or setting off fireworks in the middle of the amphitheater on the latter I was disappointed beat up a girl apparently that was the last reason why someone got expelled before that I've only heard from two cases where someone was expelled a bombing shooting threatened threatening to kill someone and themselves if the other person doesn't want to date them he targeted Jewish kids in school by removing their yarmulke and biting their heads after the fifth victim the assailant was expelled I don't know why the first four went unnoticed a kid and his friend egged the school from an airplane it was crazy the one guy's dad had a center or something with a private strip in the middle of a field one night they went to the egg farm next door still a bunch of eggs then took off in the airplane in the middle of the night apparently they did manage to drop eggs around the school but early in the morning the fog set in and they couldn't find their way back to the landing strip they ended up flying very low around town which post-911 freaked everybody out one of the hotels was evacuated eventually they were arrested and expelled from school forest but I think it took a while to figure out what happened small private school kids sprinted and jumped kicked another kid into a door splitting his head and went for some reason I can't even remember he was gone pretty quick after that stabbing another kid understandably frowned upon well technically this does not count because they were never caught even though the police was called in to investigate but this is some next-level [ __ ] so we have classrooms called temporary classrooms I don't know if you have them in other countries but it's small separates classrooms that were made out of a dense type of drywall so during our official test period they store all the tests in one classroom so these tests have been marked but not revised and have therefore not gone through admin yet sir Monday we come back at school and during assembly with the entire school which we had everything and our headmaster is pissed as duck he is genuinely on nice guys but at this moment he's bright red and shivering with anger apparently a student snuck into the school and put a fire hose through a cracked window and flooded the whole classroom a teacher later told us that the tests were literally adrift in the water the classrooms sustained a shitload of water damage as well and after no one came forward the police started a vandalism investigation all the appliances in the class were also ruined and the some of the files of the teacher to whom the class belonged got damaged and she had to do everything over also our disciplinary teacher lived in a house adjoined to the school he house she every year a group of mitrik students carry on the tradition of painting the school's roof and painting his sheep and letting them onto the school grounds each year they get suspended for a week pop guys also put silicone into the key slots in all the doors the silicon dried overnight and we weren't able to get into our classrooms they had to remove the doors completely we got the whole morning off and he got suspended for a while but left a legend possession of child pornography he was speeding around a video of a girl fingering herself that she sent him then he threatened to rape my best friend that she didn't agree with his opinion he also ducked his cousin wall high on New Year's and was texting me and my girlfriend at the time cause she was spending the night he was weird I didn't like him weird seems a bit mild she tried to burn the library took the wrong message from Fahrenheit 451 sold a load of drugs this kid wasn't expelled but I genuinely do not see why he wasn't 7th grade in Sweden casual class for those who need extra time for Swedish English over dispare in the middle of the class he pulls out a revolver replica which looked insanely real and points it up at 5 he ceiling he was sitting further behind then mostly everyone so the first one to notice it was the teacher but the expression on his face was something along the lines of what the duck whilst the kid was smirking that day was the first day I had ever seen best teacher walk that faster than a confiscated nonetheless I was [ __ ] scared for a second because that kid wasn't exactly someone you could think good off when you'd see a revolver in his hand big now thankfully he wasn't there to shoot us all up because that'd be not so fun thanks but not thanks for not killing us at lunch time one kid managed to sneak inside the school library and made all the computers go on pornhub but shortly after that they wore a white mask and took out a water gun threatening to shoot the school if people don't bow down to him a kid was caught smoking weed on the bus got suspended for it and his very first day back he snorted cocaine off a toilet seat after he got expelled his student of number spreads throughout the school so everyone was checking his he had a GPA of 0.08 - thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
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Id: Sn9n7Elg0QM
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Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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