What's a fact about you that sounds completely unbelievable?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what's a fact about you that sounds completely unbelievable a Victoria Secret model married me I wrote a song that was played on the radio for years I won a college bowl game all of the above is true but not nearly as impressive as it sounds she was a catalog model not the runway type we were young she was pretty damn amazing I was 12 and got a keyboard for Christmas I called the Friday night request DJ in my podunk town and told him I wrote him a song if he recorded it and opened his show with it for years because it was so campy it was a community college Bowl game impressive nonetheless or Shooks thanks to work team on is your wife single two teenagers were locked out of their car and I had nothing in my car to use so I got it open using a tree branch to hit the unlock button on the key ring on the ground of the passenger's side floorboard they called me MacGyver best compliment of my life reminds of the time I went home back from the army not the American army and wanted to take the bus home in my home city I just missed the bus the driver and the passengers saw me running and just started to drive away so I took another bus that will intercept the first bus later on it took a different route so my bus got to the other station just 20 seconds before the first bus got there the bus stops I get on it and these two teenagers just stare at me then one of them asks me are you Superman that was a nice feeling and I got home 15 minutes later which was even better or some compliment indeed and that was nice of you I often have to poop up to six times in a day I don't know WTF is wrong with me edit you guys are kind of scaring me Hannah I'll ask my doctor about the various conditions that you guys have mentioned edit for those asking I eat two eggs a day a banana a cup of pineapple an apple two tangerines a vine of grapes two Kiwis eight strawberries and for dinner and lunch I'll and usually have some combination of rice and a meat either chicken or beef with some broccoli on the side I drink about eight bottles of water a day and a glass of OJ about twice a week my dinner will be fast food looks like they're starting off strong people let's keep this momentum going I on the other hand thought it was normal to poop once a week Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second almost ran me over driving a battered Land Rover odd Lord Litchfield's estate in Staffordshire if she did I'm sure it would have been swiftly covered up plot twist she didn't office force to lie about it at least you know it wasn't on purpose if she wanted you there the paparazzi would have followed you into a tunnel I have three wisdom teeth and no appendix apparently my body just forgot to grow them you are not Homo sapiens you are homo superior identified by your lack of superfluous organs we must make way for your you're the start of the coming race the earth is a B ch we've finished our news Homo sapiens have outgrown their use all the strangers came today and looks as though they're here to stag as far as I know the wisdom teeth aren't helpful in any way but the appendix actually does serve a purpose it acts as a reservoir of good gut bacteria to repopulate the GI tract in case of a bad infection etc nowadays it's not helpful because we have antibiotics so all it does is explode but at least it's trying an old bio teacher odd Minds said if we don't destroy ourselves or the planet we'll probably evolve to lose wisdom teeth appendix and baby toes one day weird stuff Chevy Chase was drunk driving up my street crashed into my house and completely ran over and destroyed my mailbox after a conversation with his wife who was extremely nice and apologetic I walked up the street to meet Chevy personally and he gave me a 750 dollar check to pay for a new mailbox that in reality cost about fourteen dollars to replace what about the part where he crashed into your house in my head I'm picturing this happening with the family truckster poor guy lived in his mailbox that wasn't a seven hundred and fifty dollar check for your mailbox that was a seven hundred and fifty dollar thanks for not calling the cops check I went from homeless drug addict to a Director position at a tech company in a span of 15 years put your story on a smash casual conversation I wanna hear this story I was born with a birth defect and had one pointy ear so technically I'm a half-elf did you take up archery at any point unfortunately my eyesight is of an 80 year old human well that might be concerning but it depends on whether or not you're an 80 year old human my father was a communist who tried starting a communist revolution multiple times throughout his 20s and 30s while my mother was an anti-communist refugee from the then Soviet Union sounds like the plot to a Netflix original sitcom I have never been inside a McDonald's Burger King or a Wendy's in my life and I am 24 and I live in the USA this is literally one of the most unbelievable things on this question I believe the medical problems on here and via stories because my dad has been brought back to life before himself but this the fact that someone in America has never been to McDonald's Wendy's or Burger King crazy kind of sad when an extreme medical emergency is more believable than someone not going to a fast-food restaurant thanks for the surprisingly thought-provoking answer yeah lol I am being 100% honest I believe you sorry if it came off like I didn't I just thought it was ridiculous and kinda saw how as an American I've never met someone who's never been to those fast-food restaurants before until now I've died twice second time was dead nearly 20 minutes and suffered minimal brain damage had you thought to head you could have been the first person to claim their own life insurance twice shame since you died which religion was correct each of them got something right about 5% here or there the closest anyone got was Doug Fossett this Canadian stoner kid from Calgary he took some shrooms and ended up getting like 92% of the afterlife correct we were all so surprised I have somehow survived so many respire Ettore illnesses including a collapsed lung and [ __ ] that I should 100% be dead somehow my behind keeps living edit do to have the whelming concern I would like to elevate all worries by stating that my entire body is alive not just my behind another really inspiring story I'll have to tell my mom about it she has really bad asthma and needs some hope sometimes all my best wishes to her trust me it's no fun when your lungs are actively working against you but eventually things will get better I hope she gets better even if it takes some time I have no sense of orientation at all every single time I cross the street or follow a road in any direction of take a turn I get lost every street is completely new to me every time even though I lived in the same city for 36 years I get lost at least two or three times a day my mother had the same she always had to use a compass and a map and ask directions every turn I have Google Maps haha luckily for me ah I didn't know you used Reddit grandma I am the exact same way I will get lost in my own neighborhood luckily consumer GPS Street mapping units were invented and literally enabled me to be successful in life I've been shot twice by the same guy ten years apart been robbed at gunpoint by police in Mexico stabbed by a ghost and I once partied with Anthony Kiedis row on the bright side you now have a shittin of interesting stories to tell people not many people experience as much in life as you well I'm also old respect a horse fell on top of me and I broke zero bones and then rode that horse home was the horse okay saying my mare tripped and flipped onto me was essentially a rotational fall I died once most people died once that doesn't make you special we'll talk again when he has died twice still not impressed shadows died twice all the time I was my dad's 30th birthday gift born the same day exactly 30 years apart I had sex before I discovered what masturbation was I can't help but think this is technically true for pretty much all sexually abused kids you okay yet man I found out quite early so I knew pretty much everything about sex at like age 12 and then I think I had sex at like age 13 I thought the only way to come was by having sex by the time I was almost 14 I found out via my friends that there was something called jerking off I was super excited to get home and beat one off whenever I wanted how the yuck and who the ugh I won a silver medal in archery at an affiliated offshoot of the Olympics that's so cool thanks man I'm an albino Mexican fraternal twin this is a sick band name does that mean your twin is not Alby no no the twin isn't Mexican I'm missing three and a half ribs found Marilyn Manson how did this rumor spread so far I've never met anyone who didn't hear it at like the age of 11 have you tried it I ate my twin in my mother's womb chain L Tiger to you camera it's sucking roar I was born without tonsils or an appendix I think I stole your appendix mine we grew and became inflamed again after my appendectomy you are not Homo sapiens you are homo superior identified by your lack of superfluous organs we must make way for your your the start of the coming race the earth is a B ch we've finished our news Homo sapiens have outgrown they use all the strangers came today and looks as though they're here to stay man I have too many mad stories I tend to avoid telling half of them because they're pretty ridiculous I have Morpheus claro derma an autoimmune thing which made my immune system attack my skin pigments and discolored a patch of knee lol I grew up in Scotland and because it was so rare I was dragged around to hospitals for dermatology specialists to Prague at me for years I've seen four different people stabbed on separate occasions seen my dad stabbed three times lol saw a dude after he'd been attacked with a hatchet and a claw hammer guy survived but barely had huge braces over him for months after being in a house fire well apartment fire had to jump out a second-floor window as a 9 year old being in three car crashes one of which I wasn't wearing a seatbelt was thrown to a window as the car spun out and we hit a tree which came through the back window where I was sitting and stuck in the back of my dad's headrest if I had been wearing my seatbelt there's a good chance my head would have been minced when to watch a football game when I was 15 and ended up in a full-scale riot consisting of one hundred and fifty thousand angry drunken Scottish football fans here is a link to some footage crazy day and the list genuinely goes on God is trying to kill you mate well he's done a pretty [ __ ] job so far was a once knocked unconscious by a territorial and Packer I have an inverted heart my blood pumps the opposite way and my body than everyone else you guys are pumping East I'm pumping West are you in Australia by any chance lol not me but my dad got hit by a truck then a car all on his way to school he still went when he told his gym teacher he couldn't run because he got hit by a truck and a car the gym teacher gave him [ __ ] the stories he must have to tell in my day walking to school was a life and death situation you got it easy Sonny I was born blind but now I'm a pretty successful painter good for you I love inspiring stories like that I'm English and I don't like T sacrilege blasphemy I reasonably farted so violently that it was a full seat run below that Knoll I lost it for like 10-15 seconds straight with no cutouts whatsoever it was so intense that I was legit lightheaded after and had to regain my composure I have connections to famous people despite coming from a poor background I'm related to a world-famous author had family connections not blood to a rock star had family working on movie sets etc if I ever bring it up it kind of sounds unbelievable I have been shot through the face and spine from 10 inches away with a 9 millimeter and have no lasting issues from it only an entrance and exit wound on my cheek and neck i disarmed a group of hardcore German neo-nazis with nothing but friendliness are you are Shonen protagonists I was hoping you were going to say mad dance skills and shirtlessness one of my toenails grows diagonally I have no idea why how or when it started really entrusting do you have to maintain it a lot join our community discord link in description throughout my life I have been the youngest child the middle child the eldest child in the only child out of my siblings I'm similar I have 12 siblings I'm number 8 the youngest biological I'm nine years younger than number seven I was the youngest for many many years when I was 8 he went to college and I became the only child left in the house leaving me to grow up as an only child for a few years when I was 12 my parents started adopting that made me the acting oldest as I was the eldest at home but truthfully in the middle so really I'm a middle child but I was youngest for most of my childhood and then became sort of an only child into my oldest child the key off my own fan surfboard stabbed my thigh after a big wave if it had if any other part I'd probably have serious problems or death if it had hit my torso ahead 13 years old 13 stitches in 15 and have flown a plane same but I was 13 when I first flew one well I had my Legoland driver's license by age 7 you gotta solder okay I've battled drug addiction gambling addiction extreme debt income ratios being married divorced very shortly still getting finalized have two beautiful girls five and three months I weighed 102 kilograms at my heaviest down to 69 kilograms in three months via not particularly healthy diet change owned 40-plus different cars being a retail store - I a bar manager a small business owner currently working as a short fire are mining explosives operator currently writing a course to train people to do said job and a work of fiction hoping to be published probably missed a few bits and pieces only 27 years old well [ __ ] I just masturbate a lot and play video games that - see I missed bits one of my pupils is bigger than the other your teacher I can dislocate my entire right hand at the wrist does it hurt no it's like popping a knuckle just a weird but very dull pop except it looks like my arm is broken because the hand is a centimeter or two to one side sidenote why doesn't Redick know the word centimeter I used to be a model a lot of people find it hard to believe since I'm not exactly eye candy but as a child my parents owned a clothing brand for children and so my sister and I modeled for it I lit a cigarette in the winds of Hurricane Katrina several cigarettes actually I was at the hospital with my dad because he wasn't well enough to evacuate and well you can't smoke inside of the hospital lol I can change my eye color between brown and green at will takes a minute but I can row so in trusting my sister apparently had her eyes change multiple colors while we were growing up both of my parents remember that you should post a video of that on YouTube sometime if might get views I might just I have choked under pressure before when people wanted to see but I'm sure I could hone it more with practice I have never seen a Star Wars movie have no concept of how or what it is all about but just know that this is somehow a popular movie I have never seen the Lion King because my parents would always switch channel saying you've seen it 100 times already the late brian christopher grandmaster sexay punched me square in the left eye and the ring of the legends wrestling event in 2002 i had to stand in as a referee at the last minute and I had no looking clue what I was doing apparently I was looking the wrong way and he didn't like that so I got hit I had a hole in my face for a while I to have a mouth row I would like to hear more but only if you're comfortable with it no pressure dude not that interesting I was sledding with my brother and the sled broke with me falling on it it wasn't that big but I do have a visible scar reminding me it was around my mouth area it healed itself a couple days later I had to international one national and one state level award in two different fields before I turned 18 I was briefly the suspect in a mini-horse murder investigation still a virgin I know with all my good looks I was a virgin until I was thirty for a combination of only being interested in a few men over that time and having only a few men interested in me with no Venn diagram overlap I was a practicing Christian - so felt no real incentive to escalate things it ended when a casual friendship of five years developed into something more currently together for 11 years married for five he still thinks I'm sexy exact I have long kidneys found out in and scan trying to find out something else he makes me drunk a single glass of standard Lipton's iced tea and I am giggly silly fall down drunk look me dead in the eye and dead pants a joke and I will piss myself laughing for half an hour all well and good cheap drunk right but I get a devastating hangover the next day head pounding throwing up the whole bit alcohol almost never gives me a hangover but tea hangovers are absolutely miserable I fell thirteen beaters in a stunt show stood up and finished the show without a broken bone edit it was the Wild West stunt show in Disney Paris flow was sand over concrete I found out randomly I'm Bob Marley's third I think cousin I am named after my mom's favorite cat and my dad wanted to name me Godzilla I can blow myself that I didn't liked so now I really now that I'm not gay you're wasting the powers and other man meets I almost got killed by a bear I'm half sent out by birth both my parents were the same so maybe I'm more than half haven't had a genetics test to scope it out I briefly held the record for the world's youngest person I was teen magazine Person of the Year in 2006 I have the power to make random people around the world think about the saliva in their mouths and the position of their tongues not all that interesting but instead of having a cycle of for weeks like most woman do I have a cycle of two months so instead of being on my period every four weeks I am only on my period once every two months I am a healthy 21 year old and don't know why this is I've traveled to Europe twice on my own before turning 18 and Canadian my ancestry is a complete mix of many ethnicities but according to genetic tests my DNA 100% matches the ancient populations of Central Asia yet my parents accidentally reconstructed pure Aryan race I also have blue eyes and blonde hair but different face and the Aryans from Nazi books according to the 19 Anthropology books I count as a pure chromatic note which is the rarest of all types in Europe and neither of my parents count as it when I was 10 on a holiday in Cuba we went on a five-person catamaran excursion to do some snorkeling well lo and behold Hurricane Katrina was in the neighborhood and nobody told us to worry since it wasn't coming too close turns out the tail end of the storm whipped up on our Father storm over us to make me damn glad I wasn't directly in its path the day seemed calm at first it rained a bit but it did every day the sky was overcast but not menacing I remember vividly after an hour at sea and returning to the resort the sky changing from gray overcast to black that was our first clue something was wrong as we got maybe half a mile from shore our Cuban skipper / guide looked a bit off-color and his English sketchy at the best of times suddenly became very accented and hard to understand as he pointed off back where we came from with panic in his eyes wind he said the wind is coming we looked around and there was a tornado not near by a mile or two off maybe but close enough to see it sucking up the Caribbean Sea and causing us all to collectively soil ourselves so yet ten out of ten would sail through a storm again my tongue had been inside Maroubra hands than my D neither my mother nor my father have wisdom teeth and no one on either side log the family has had wisdom teeth as far back as we know my sisters also don't have any wisdom teeth somehow I ended up with eight I've had sex with the same amount of men as I have women zero I was lowkey part of some weird Amish like cult when I was younger not by choice I recently made a reddit friend because she offered to put her phone in her cleavage for me I am a victim of a pedophile ring and still suffer mental pain twenty years later thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 112,879
Rating: 4.9500179 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What's a fact about you that sounds completely unbelievable?, planet reddit, facts, nsfw planet reddit, nsfw, fake or real, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, What's a fact about you?, interesting facts, amazing facts
Id: KJMyxCPcacw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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