What do you remember hating the most being a child?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet Reddit what do you remember hating the most being a child when you went to a family friend's house and you were playing with their children and then your parents said it's time to go so you'd go and stand by then but then the adults would remain talking for another half an hour but you couldn't go play with the kids because you were about to go so you had to listen to adults talk once staring at the coffee table edit well thanks for the replies it's good sad to see I wasn't the only one who had to endure this violation of human rights as a child a lot of people have asked if I'm from the Midwest or Latino and the answer's no I'm Australian but it's very common here I remember the absolute worst one was when I stayed overnight at my friend's house for his birthday and we were watching this new Pokemon series he had gotten for his birthday then my mum came and picked me up half an hour early and I had to sit in my friends sister's room but listening to mine on his mum talk about their childhood and ghost stories for an hour while my friend watched Pokemon in the living room worse when you do end up sneaking out under them to go play again when they spot you they tell you to come back and they study I learn a glandt ready to go or your siblings is doing this when we are ready to go and then as soon as they are ready to leave it's I've been waiting for half an hour if any scenario ever happened like this to me as a kid it would be at my grandparents the waiting is not 30 minutes it's like an hour I never really got to play on the playground with kids I was either too shy or I was at the playground with my brothers being talked down to poor people laughing at me when I was telling them something serious that's bizarre even if the teacher didn't believe you for some reason why suggest a different scenario when I was in sixth grade someone who was not our teacher came into the room to administer a standardized test and watched as we filled them out my first name can be a nickname for a longer name such as Bobby instead of Robert although I'm female but my name is not at all unusual the teacher told me I had to use my full name I told her that was my full name but she argued and said it was a nickname lady I'm in sixth grade do you think I don't know my full name she had to get my regular teacher to confirm that's bizarre even if the teacher didn't believe you for some reason why suggest a different scenario especially a scenario that would necessarily require that someone else takes the blame exactly if a kid slips and gets hurt on school property under the teacher's watch then there's trouble for the school and a teacher if a kid gets run over by another kid than there's no school or adult at fault false accusations but when you try to defend yourself you get told to shut up or even worse you get punished further I am an adult and you are a child how could I be wrong at all I remember this so much so frustrating it's like that scene from Matilda where Danny DeVito with berating her I'm biggie or small living in a house with just one bathroom and so many people seemed like someone was always using the toilet or the shower when others needed use of the roof that's why you just go use whatever is available at the same time I did this I was the only girl in my siblings we seem to have a trust in each other not to peek when one of us were showering to this day all but my dad still leaves the door unlocked when we shower just so anyone who needs to wash their hands or use a mirror can for me always just made sure I my eyes was open and ready to spray anyone who decided to open the curtains of the bathtub or glass daughter the shower box I think all the kids did this I remember when my brothers is a kid when my mom woke us all up to go pee in the middle of the night two of my brothers just peed at the same time in the toilet saves a flush anyways I her and they were both boys in surprise you weren't the one that locked the door considering you're the only girl I get used to it I've always been a quite observant person so I just watch em if it seems careful and okay to do then I will do it the only time I lock the door is to my bedroom after I shower or am changing locking the door any other time to my bedroom I get questioned why I am but so far being questioned so much and not wanting to be questioned as my family questions me on nearly everything I do as I kid I just did what they said or allow I never can win in any arguments with my family even if I am right my youngest brother found a way to accidentally break into my bedroom door with his but force when I had this locked after showering as a kid but thankfully I was all dressed up I just didn't want to open the door for him to let him bother me like a typical little brother would do he always opened my locked door that way after that it did let me figure out a way to not let him to do it once then my door was finally changed my dad changed all the bedroom doors such a relief in case anyone ever wondered I did tell my mom my brother did bad and not much was really said to him she just lets him do it my mom lets my youngest brother do whatever he wants spoiled kid my youngest brother would have been the only one who would want to look at me naked my older brothers knew what's right and wrong not getting explanations for things I asked about my parents and extended family were good hearted people but none of them were very intellectually minded so when I had questions about how things in the world were supposed to work or operate the answers were frequently unsatisfying ranging somewhere between because it just deserts till I don't know and I don't know was sadly never followed up with but let's find out I have of course over compensated with my own children on this to a fault as my eldest son said I'm afraid to ask you what time it is because then you'll want to teach me how to build a clock this right here I was so inquisitive and having no access to answers infuriated me I remember getting really pissed at my mom once after asking a series of questions and getting only I don't know in response I finally sighed and said wow you don't know anything needless to say that was an behind the hoop in I did not soon forget and it taught me to stop asking questions then a few years later we got [ __ ] or nothing like hitting a child to soothe a bruised ego I was five and told my mom I hated her the hind whooping of a lifetime and it just made me hate her more some parents shouldn't be parents that my feelings didn't matter if I was feeling anything other than happy I had to get over it if I was crying I was ordered to stop or get something worth crying over I hate as an adult now seeing other adults Oskar kid what is wrong kid opens up and then the kid gets made fun of for it being a stupid reason then poor kid gets drilled about how they don't know what a hard life is their dramatic etc I hate that [ __ ] oh you have an important test just wait until you're mad alt and you're faced with real problems and not doing well on a test cam led to real consequences being held back being punished at home as it turns out I love being an adult and being free of tests exams homework coursework revision and everything else to do with school I still have nightmares from time to time where I suddenly realize I have an exam I haven't studied for and waking up and realizing those days are over is always a huge relief the neverending lectures about how all this work needs to be done and that our futures are resting on it to a so damn stressful screw those never-ending tests being four feet three inches with the voice of the tuba this made my day found the walking tuba the cruelty of other kids plus one for that mate sorry you experienced it as well it got better for me hopefully for you too one of the craziest realizations I had was when I talked to my friend's mom about the bullying I was going through she told me that she grew up with the parents of every single child who was saying and doing mean things to me she said that their parents were never bright in school they were lazy and just not good people in general she said it wasn't surprising to her that their kids grew up to be little versions of their parents as she said they would just a product of their environment ever since she told me that I felt sad for them every time they bullied me sad that their parents never provided them with the opportunity to be better I asked his mum what happened to the nice people from her class and she just said they went to college got really good jobs and moved far away from our shitty little town yep that happened with my group of friends we all just decided that every one of us is going to be excluded at one point or another for absolutely no reason it was like clockwork eventually the excluded kid would get let back in the group then we'd do it to someone else I was so confused when it happened to me then I went right along and did it to another kid I remember it so clearly one of my friends saying I have no idea why we stopped hanging out with so-and-so he's great it was just a pointless exercise in cruelty and family gatherings had a large extended family as in and there were gatherings and functions almost every week coming-of-age housewarming marriage first birthdays called for gatherings between one zero zero two zero zero zero people you had to dress up and meet people that apparently cleaned your snot as a baby expecting you to remember that they did so it was horrid kinda miss it now go yeah I miss gatherings too and it's sad to me to realize that a time I can never return to but there was something about seeing our house bustling with older people you don't know all chatting eating and laughing in small groups throughout you might not know them and are nervous when they first arrive but they are family friends so you eventually trust Ben they're young kids would be playing with toys and spinning each other with an office chair then the older kids would be playing upstairs on the TV because one of them brought a ps1 I never knew it as a kid but I enjoyed the company of strangers to me worst part of it was they started to filter out the house slowly becomes more quiet and you try looking for a stranger or elder a kid that was kind to you but they have already left my dad stopped doing those gatherings when I was around twelve and I always asked my mum why but she never gave me a full answer though I suspect why as an adult now I still have those vivid memories when I was a kid why man don't leave us hanging nothing big happened at least not that I'm aware my dad is an introvert and hates gatherings but he hosted these gatherings more to show off when we stopped hosting parties my mom would still take me to other friends parties every Friday for a time my dad opted to stay home most of the time and go to bed on time as he has trouble going to sleep these parties were nice while they lasted but my mom stopped going and taking me when I started high school and when I grew older I became more aware and understood that it's just part of life my mom probably just couldn't make a few in a row one month because of other plans or maybe gotten bored of them or maybe she didn't like one parent who would always be there when you stopped talking to someone for a period of time it's really hard to reconnect and it's very awkward to show up out of the blue it's how I fell out of touch with my high school friends and a few I do chat with all we can talk about is the good old days maybe it's best to move on join our community discord link in description what I remember most was symud alts not treating me like a human being just because I was a child I try so hard with my own kids to step back and treat them as fellow humans and not just children a four-year-old needs their own space and gets frustrated and gets angry in exactly the same way I do they just don't have the vocabulary and awareness to express it my job is to help them express it validate it and teach them how to deal with it not just to tell them to stop whining I was on my pediatrics rotation in medical school and saw a little kiddo having a meltdown in the waiting room the mom was getting flustered and frustrated then one of the peds residents was walking by the waiting room he got down on one knee and instead of scolding the child like the mother was he asked the little kiddo what was wrong the child said he forgot his favourite toy at home and was afraid something would happen to it instead of telling the kid that his toy was safe and that he needs to stop crying the resident asked his mom if anyone was home dad was the residents asked the mom if she could text the dad and ask if the toy was safe less than five minutes went by when the dad sent a picture with the toy and all was well the little boy was all sunshine and rainbows after that all it took was just empathizing with a child in putting yourself in the mindset of a four-year-old each other sit seems so trivial that he left his toy at home but to him that toy is his whole world he has spent thousands of hours with it and probably has a special bond I can't imagine how it would feel to just have that dismissed by the parent when they tell you to just calm down and be quiet I wish someone did this for me I remember the first time someone took my side during an argument is when I was FK 13 years old I felt I was always wrong by default I wish I had a parent like you growing up being made to eat foods that I couldn't stomach all which were in amounts that were too much for me to handle you can't leave the table until you finish everything on your plate I hated wasting food but I developed clever ways of sneaking unwanted food away and disposing of it without a trace thankfully my parents didn't pull the bar are starving people in Africa routine because my answer would have been so give it to them by second this I remember vomiting after being made to eat coleslaw by my father and I still can't stomach it also whenever I would visit my grandmother she insisted I drink a glass of milk with every meal and she made me sit at the table until I drank it all I couldn't stand it and to this day I hate milk although some milk products are okay that kind of thing seems to sadly be quite common I know multiple people for whom entire kinds of food were permanently spoiled just because I had to eat them once against their will as kids as someone who considers exploring all kinds of cooking one of the most fun things in life it really makes me angry my palate is pretty broad as an adult and I'm typically willing to try anything once but I can also point to not liking baked beans until recently lima beans potato salad roni salad and hard-boiled eggs due to being made to eat them when I didn't want it my dad was a drunk with opinions he would keep me and my brother up till late and scream lectures at us about history or ethics or how much he hated our law he would wake me up in the middle of the night and talk at me for hours if we got an answer on Jeopardy wrong that we should have known lecture such angry drunken lectures he will throw things at us fit us on the heads to wake us up I hated it so much he died of liver failure when I was 17 and 22 years later I can say him dying was the best thing to happen to me nowhere near as traumatic but my stepfather was heavily verbally and physically abused by all his family members safe one and never got counseling or therapy for any of it obviously there were way too many times I as a child under the age of 40 got into a screaming match with my stepfather that I didn't want to be in and have no idea why he was yelling and could only be heard by yelling as loud as he was while trying to ask what I had done wrong it cooled off a little during my teens because I stuck up for myself a hell of a lot more and learned how not to engage or show emotion so things couldn't escalate anyways it wasn't until after he had to be put into a medically induced coma for at least three weeks and had to be resuscitated a couple times coming out as a completely different person that we could actually foster a relationship before that I initiated zero contact a year before until he went into rehab and got therapy that hospitalization was the worst thing to ever happen to him but the best thing to happen to us ba-caw say is AIDS so furthermore the do as I say not as I do style of parenting does not work you must emulate good behavior its watch and learn parenting that is most successful being so sad that I wanted to kill myself but being too young to know how works instead I cried under a tree and begged God to make me dead Montag we had a neighbour and her sister over the younger sibling was hitting me with a belt which sounds bad but it was very soft didn't hurt at all and just made a funny noise of course it made me mad so I grabbed the belt and slapped her with it had a massive welt on her back the mother showed me the next day and I felt so bad I was gonna commit by shoving a pencil through my chest probe would endure worked anyway a child's remorse is greater than most adults children can't understand what their emotions are or what they mean I think it's less that they don't understand their emotions while that is true and more so that they have much less to compare it to then that guilt is the most guilty of ever felt that sadness is the most sad they that'll be it carries more gravity because they have so little else after they've experienced in teams specifically grow up and be more independent gets a job and saves to eventually move out one day you need to come home sooner I don't care if you have a job I'm still your mother / father this my parents made it very clear from when I was young that if I wanted to go to college I would need to pay my own way I bought my first car and paid all my insurance on it got my first job at 16 and yen paid my way through college still got this kind of [ __ ] when you're a they act like they can't wait for you to be 30 and when you're 16 they act like they want you to be 8 again my dad did this to me constantly in high school it was so frustrating it's like you want me to act like an adult but you still treat me like a kid every arking year parents you are lazy and only play video games all day I had my own job when I was 12 and was barely ever home when I was your age Nene can I get a job dad no you have to focus on school how about over the summer more no summer is for spending time with your family and this could be one of your last year's to enjoy your childhood maybe next year the lack of freedom I wasn't allowed yo do a lot of things that I wanted to I relate to this but my lack of freedom wasn't because my parents had a lot of strict rules or anything it was just that we lived in the middle of buttock nowhere and my mom hated driving so I felt guilty asking her to take me places adults not taking me seriously when I'd say I was full needed a we didn't feel well we don't tell adults they have to eat if they're full or to just hold it if they needed a loo buckin yes seriously why force basic needs yes I pee less than an hour ago but I need to go again [ __ ] happens I drank a full bottle of water no I can't finish my plate I'm full well yet I'm going to sleep all afternoon and not sleep tonight you overfed me your problem going by your username I bet until you are living your best life wearing pinkness uniforms and playing Flint in your spare time if so that's lovely my scrubs are pink and I play the flute to help put my daughter to sleep having to lie to stay out of trouble if you tell the truth I won't get mad sure thing more here's what happened are you arcing kidding at me what the actual luck possessed you to decide that that was a good idea go to your room don't come out you know gay I learned tomorrow but mom it's 9:00 in the morning I don't give a [ __ ] I don't want to see you for the rest of the day it does however teach you that if you know you get yelled at about as much for lying than you do for telling the truth but you might as well try and lie your way out it's a silver lining you learn to be afraid to tell the truth you also learn to be extremely proficient at pulling [ __ ] out of nowhere and sticking with it God knows I'm not proud of some of the lies I've told but it is definitely a better life with it in play as a young child my mother forcing me into social situations despite my extreme shyness she always hated the fact I was shy as a teen my grades were never good enough even if I had an A it could always be a higher a if my grades dropped to a low B I would be drug tested and she would tell me she was surprised when I came back clean my mom forced me into social situations that I hated she would always say Lord off with I words you have to look people in the eye when you talk to them you have to speak up so people can hear you I hated it and it felt like a rejection of who I was on some level because I was shy too but in retrospect it was my parent trying to teach me social skills and social etiquette and I've made a living off my social and communication skills as an adult so it was a valuable education the thing is I feel drained by social interactions because it is something I have to really work out to this day it takes a lot of emotional energy for me to be charming and confident and sound like I'm not a [ __ ] it isn't exactly artifice because it is me doing the talking but it feels like a performance in many ways but I worry that if I don't put all that effort into being charming people will think I'm a boring dullard and will be ignored maybe if I move somewhere new and start fresh as a quiet person I could get away with it but if I suddenly go from gregarious and engaged to quiet and reserved people are going to think I'm unaware that there is something wrong with me as from their perspective I will have changed radically what do I tell them I'm tired of pretending to be sociable you can invite me to things but I may not talk much that seems uncool thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, planet reddit, What do you remember hating the most being a child?, hated the most as child, childhood, what did you hate the most, annoying, dislike, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, updoot reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit
Id: G-mHvvZBhOc
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Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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