Students, what's the funniest part of online classes?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit students whose classes have been moved online what is the funniest thing to happen in an online class so far my professor turned on closed captions and when he finally figured out what it was he was like what type of communist Nintendo technology is this hold up do you mean captions on zoom' but just own a video we are using Google Hangouts or whatever it is called now it has an option for closed captions my classes are in Spanish so they were off and my professor thought someone was sending messages on our second online class one of the kids didn't realize his mic wasn't muted and proceeded to start talking to his cat of screen who was apparently drinking out of the kids water glass it went something like this you'd an obese cat you just sit there on your ass and eat all day you don't even do a damn thing for us before any others could react our teacher a devout environmentalist and the most aggravating teacher I have ever had started lecturing this kid for being cruel to his pets while we all just watched then she actually made this kid apologized to his cat which took him a long time to do because he was laughing so hard you know as soon as he was done he muted the mic properly and said I take the apology back duck you cat that's the only way to communicate with cats tbh had a seminar this afternoon I joined the zoo meeting to see my Oxbridge educated world leading expert professor lying horizontally in bed it's a master's course and for some reason the image of him giving a talese arrow ducks just killed me I don't know if it would have been better or worse if he was lying vertically I'm imagining him trapped inside one of those fold-out wall babes someone's cat sat in front of the camera or cute cute indeed someone ripped a massive fart while the teacher was talking and no one knew who did it it was definitely the teacher oh my god ha ha ha not even two minutes into first online live stream class moaning noises start coming over the stream thinking it's a joke professor stops and asks whoever it is to start noises keep coming and suddenly they get really loud next thing we know someone's mom starts screaming and yelling at someone in the background and sounds up crying I heard turns out someone's brother was watching ahem adult films and accidentally hooked up to his speaker instead of his headphones although still not sure how one can actually make that mistake without knowing it anyway professor continued on with class trying not to laugh as we got to hear every word the mother told her other son from the other room best part was after the mom had finally calmed down and stopped yelling the kid whose mother it was got up and called from his doorway mom can you keep it down I'm in the middle of online class our end the mother came into the room two minutes later and apologized for the excess noise best lecture ever I actually made that mistake when I was a teenager I had really crappy headphones with no sound isolation and I had to manually select them instead of the speaker's because they were both always plugged in if the speakers were so loud that it sounded the same as the headphones would what I was watching was very loud and intense my mother started banging on the door shouting is someone in there with you are you alright I heard my dad shout it from the other room he's watching a video leave him alone he's just watching porn I don't think I left my room that day at least how I had a lock on the door as opposed to the time when they both came into my room without knocking a couple of years before my mother immediately asked why are you sitting naked in front of your computer and since when do you use a mouse with your left hand I'm sure these aren't exactly the words that were used but it's how I remember it so embarrassing we stand oh dad this doesn't apply to me but definitely the funniest thing so far is that students in Wuan came together and reported the learning app they used until it got taken off the App Store classroom zoom Moodle and other similar apps have fallen to two stars in the Play Store mayor I love democracy my teacher showed us a dog half fathers commented good boy it was great the other half can go duck themselves so if I don't like dogs I shouldn't exist you can set a virtual background for example green screen setup me in class with Kim jong-un beside me for the whole hour at the desk ha my student no I'm just a Univ admin but the professor's told me this changed his background like five times during class it started from Sponge Bob to some memes that Boomer can't understand sorry I can't up vote you have have 69 up votes not on video call but in the chat I managed to rickroll 20 people consecutively it was beautiful he is the bizarre you should have included a link saying pick four prove and proceed to Rick Lowe are /oz credit as well missed opportunity one guy in my class wore a sombrero so now everyone wears a sombrero apparently I did not prepare well enough for the apocalypse because I unlike this entire classroom of people do not have a space hombre row laying around in quarantine our language teachers handed them out for some party I was attending my class and my roommate who was in the very corner or the camera didn't think he was visible on my camera and proceeded to take a really big hit from his bong when I was talking so my camera was blown up on everybody's screen the IE I iced a student joined in didn't mute his microphone and started making fun of the teacher's name with a family member who was in the room didn't realize for a couple seconds before finally muting his microphone everybody heard him including the teacher yikes what did the teacher say my friend took his weapon with him to [ __ ] I have some respect for that kid takes guts my teachers dog a small one run to him during the class it would have been cute but it get hilarious when his other dog Great Dane run taught him to like it was jealous it bumped him out of his chair and seemed to be licking him someone's mom came into my classmates room and told her that she is disappointed and disgusted that she clogged a toilet DS Guster why does somebody not know how to flush the toilets after they had a [ __ ] some kid pulled out a green screen and green screened himself into spongebob that kid is a genius don't know if it's funny but my math teacher decided that he wanted coffee so instead of muting himself he started to boil water it was the loudest thing I have ever heard through my headphones it took him another 30 seconds to realize that he didn't mute himself and quickly did but who's teaching if the teacher have muted his mic the kettle professor was at his home and suddenly his wife came asking when does his goddamn lecture end he surprised saying it would end soon she wanted the d double D dish is done for a class video call me and my friend both but our pet rats on our shoulder and everybody laughed I love pet rats I used to have them now you must pay the pet tax age teacher who wasn't tech savvy was having difficulty in using the interface some kid in the GC commented boomer remover I just hope the teacher didn't read it kids these days are insane okay Zuma oh I get a Booma remover is covered 19 I had an online meeting with my Department about online exams and how they're implemented one of the senior staff members cut off every once in a while for five seconds once it happened in the middle of a sentence where he was describing the procedure if a student disconnected during an assessed Skype meeting he went and in case one of the students cuts off and his video feed went black and sound cut off beautiful if anyone has used blackboard for online lectures you'll know you can click a button to raise your hand and a little icon will pop up next to your name since discovering this everyone on my course has taken to waving bye to each other all at the end of a lecture by repeatedly raising and lowering our hands it's not much but it's hilarious to see a bunch of notifications pop up at the end of a lecture that's adorable one of the lecturers recorded a PowerPoint with voice over unaware that his webcam was also capturing video he shared the audio the presentation and a one-hour closeup of subtle movements of his crotch to all his students with a PowerPoint presentation didn't excite him much oh my god classmates grandma farting good old grams a student muted the teacher how we use Microsoft teams and at the moment the students have just as much power as the teachers this didn't happen in online classes but in our group chat a boy accidentally sent the pony he was watching it was a low-budget gente with bad animation and generic character design everyone laughed in the chat but nobody talked about it in our classroom at least that I know I'm picturing two stick figures mashing together I know it's probably marginally better than that I'd suggest your imagination is the better one today was our first online class and I ran really quickly to get my phone from upstairs right when I left my brother who's 11 ran into the room blasting minecraft songs and my dog was jumping on him and barking well I forgot to mute myself so everyone saw and heard what was going on and now my English teacher thinks my family has issues also forgot to mention there were like 50 people live on this chat looking at my screen while hearing everything in the background why the mental issues seems perfectly normal just imagine a little kid blasting minecraft songs and a dog attacking him than him running away with no context we were playing a video game on discord while being muted on the call with the class my friend then decided to lecture me our rather team mates how we were bad and what we should do different while using a ton of swear words and yelling turns out he somehow unmuted himself so he got kicked out of the call my friend's dog started to bark and wave his tail when he heard us talking through the speaker very cute currently enrolled in a electrician trade school the first class went a little messy some of the moments include the teacher finding out how to share his screen then proceeds to draw giant dongs on a whiteboard program allowed cam you turned that ducking movie off from one classmate to another since he had a movie in the background a guy thinking he had put his mic on mute and asked his GF wife forehead he didn't have a webcam on many many technical difficulties understandable due to many of the guys in my class being 3540 range a guy drinking a beer in a tank top just acting chill about it I know many of these are not out of the ordinary but for a school setting I couldn't help but laugh the smart kid turned himself into a pickle it was the funniest [ __ ] I've ever seen my teacher sent the link to his son to get to online classes as a test to see if it worked the boy who was in seventh grade kept the link so when we were in the middle of class he got on and said help help me I've been stuck in this computer for four inches yes then screen went black my teacher explained it to us then we all laughed we had a lecture on the different generations boomers millenials gen Zed et Cie and how to communicate with them it ended up with some of us roasting each of the generations at least once and lots of memes I go to a small school and we recently had the rest of the semester moved online a couple of my good friends and I are in a class together and our online classes are just like video conferences so anyways one of my friends it'll call him JJ for redic sake JJ went to vacation amid the virus so he is on this video class and he texts me to ask if his camera and my are off because that is an option you can choose and that he is going to add on t he gets changed in all of a sudden his camera and might turn on and he must have been doing the class from his phone because all of a sudden everyone in the class can see his screen and hear his audio and he's walking out of the building he's in and gets in a car and proceeds to say man I just dipped out of the stupidest effing online class in the world that teacher is a complete Beach idk what's going to happen to him but we got an email the next day from the university president about online class manners and respect LOL my professor had allowed his daughter to use his device before starting the video chat we were silent for a moment until we heard the my little pony song playing in full volume my professor was moved into instant shock and anxiety her daughter his device gender-fluid professor uploaded three videos on three topics alas in the last video there was no sound as his microphone was off poor guy he had to record and reupload the entire last lecture but kudos to him he did it within a couple of hours the teacher got bored and gave us the answers idk if receiving mails with schoolwork counts but a few hours ago I received an email from my math teacher a surely hated one since she tried to blame us for ganging up to paint her car with profanities that said I'm an idiot Beach five minutes later I see my class whatsapp chat and I see one of the most affected guys whose parents almost had to pay a large bill until the police saw on the cameras that it was not him he was saying I hacked her email I met she deserved it enjoy your free day of your homes you beaches and I was like wth not me but my sister my sister's College has been shut down due to the virus so now takes online classes the funniest thing I've heard from this experience so far is the fact that one of her professors changes his background the I guess has a green screen or something every class and today he changed the background his adorable kitty cat who funnily enough looks just like my cat join our community discord link in description during math class on skype I heard my classmate playing some kind of online browser shooter game idk if the teacher didn't realize it or just didn't care but I found it funny someone fell out of the chair because the cast scared them a very nice kids brother was swearing in the background while the teacher was doing attendance the teacher told him the kid to mute it so he shouted out to his brother to stop my literatures eight-year-old son participated in our literary discussion about Paul Auster's city of glass interspersed with comments about how dad looks like and smells like my art teacher he also said his interpretations of the novel were better than ours no offense professor well I think that's all for today moment of silence student now that Professor X is gone I can say the N word professor actually I'm still here edit totally forgotten another class some girl joined in the nude and her camera also turned on if she said oh duck and left good times my English teacher is pretty chill and owns tick-tock he said let's take a dance break and proceeded to try and do the renegade it was a beautiful moment in history and I want to post it but I can't this mother duck her owns tick-tock goddamn tick-tock and he's an English teacher IKr he's great XD he doesn't do the dances very well but it's still hilarious and funny to watch my Pross dota and wife both Skype called him during lecture it was a good laugh for everyone including the prof after the past week of chaos someone was watching in the train then when it came to her asking a question we all heard the train announcements the doors people walking in that moment it was pretty funny after hearing nothing like that for 40 minutes sounds kinda boring now but me admitting I hadn't got out of bed and had a shower yet at the end of the class might have been a bit TMI for people so I might have been a cause of the funniest weird thing I have multiple my religion teacher had his nose all up to the camera on the first day we used the program proceeded to dress like he was in Hawaii too later on the same day it's geometry time and I could barely hear my teacher over a chorus of students obnoxiously singing the teacher's name which was mildly amusing but there was some foul language in there as well they must have forgotten all of the live sessions are recorded and viewed by administration's so I can't wait to see how that goes three I ended up missing a session by accident because I didn't know where the link was but according to the teacher whose class I missed said there was a lot of screaming during Quizlet live and chem hoot I'm glad I missed that holy bonkers for our teacher had her daughter with her on the camera and right as class ended they started singing and dancing to a nursery rhyme that I can't remember the name of because I have potato memory I had on a dr. Seuss hat The Cat in the Hat but it was purple and my teacher adored it and told me she had one as well she was in the middle of a lesson and I was using my finito see how she was doing it and I guess my phone was too high in the sky because she said earphones cry are you doing your three photos now while giggling someone yelled the N word and was giving detention when we come back which is never someone took a fat noisy [ __ ] none of my classes do video call instructions and instead our teachers would post instructions for us everybody our site for my biology class has turned into a [ __ ] posting site and I heard a physics teacher asked his students to turn in memes for their first assignment students who his classes the correct term is hos , I'm too tired for this [ __ ] haha thanks for correcting me kind strangers a teacher with bad internet glitched out and looked like this onesie face with uneven eyes and wavy mouth kinda similar how's the homework on these online classes I know before this whole situation happened online classes seemed to think it was a great idea to give way more homework and assignments than regular classes because reasons for my college I get a weekly folder with [ __ ] I have to do for English my other teachers are Mia though no idea what they're thinking so the teacher gave us work and you can see the users who completed the assignment and literally no one did anything sorry I am late missed the bus my friend's brother who came to camera and said loudly hi y'all the teacher saw these but have no reaction for anyone that uses go soapbox it is vulnerable to HTML injections we don't use go soapbox anymore but it was one of the funniest lecture I've ever been a part of please give some more details I [ __ ] you not no matter how much I wish this was fake and made up the basketball fanatics sister came in butt-naked and said I've been waiting for 10 minuets how much longer until you come in my room and he turned around with the most humiliated face and said I I am on a video call with my class right now and the sister looked completely mortified and walked out looking very pale the fanatic left shortly after we aren't going to school for who knows how long I will update when we get to school roll tide we did break off groups on Zoo I was chatting with two of my fellow seniors in the major we were joking about the stupidest substitution for graduation they could pull and the professor Hopsin to see how our assignment is going we change topics within a millisecond professor is cool though so I don't think she really minded it was bit freaky though we haven't done much yet only a figuring out the basics of the program video call my teacher said there is an indicator on the website where you can raise your hand and told us or to press it she had to say do not physically raise your hand and some kids typed and damages into the chat room my classes were already all online but it's been amusing to see how others are coping someone pointed out that the teacher had honey as a browser extension and everyone started going crazy why that's just an online discount extension why though it changed my name to you and my background to her a protege furry thing while we were in the biology class the teacher was typing about animal reproduction and when she said penis my friend Betancourt said yummy he got kicked from the chat for the rest of the class until the next one arrived also in our classes are in normal chat not voice chat a second area grupo de cata bottleful online during online classes I was just relaxing on my bed half naked with the computer on my lap until I wanted to type something in the chat I go over to press the button but since it was early I pressed the FaceCam button someone blasted tick-tock music disgraceful even for school well nothing too exciting but my history teacher learned how technically challenged she is Mayo this isn't an online class but recently my friend was at work still and was doing a big conference call instead of a meeting with people and in the middle of it she needed to go take care of something or use the bathroom I don't remember so she put the call on hold but forgot that the company has automatic hold music if so this entire conference of people just had to continue about their business with shitty hold music playing over them she was gone for like 30 minutes we told our teacher to make his microphone a bit louder by pressing Alt + f4 you know what happened next one of you student types needs to play baby shark in a lecture my sister does video called classes now and I pop up behind her to say hello to my favorite teachers not me but someone that my friends uni accidentally turned their webcam on during class which showed a class of 300 plus people him having sex during the online class teacher okay kids how do I turn on fullscreen random dude try alt + f4 I'm not joking that actually happened some kid made pizza rolls before the lesson actually started and as he was coming back he dropped the entire plate on the floor funniest [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life because he just sighed and couldn't even do anything because his dogs got to them immediately not a student but in high school I took a few classes that were online I was taking information in society while two classmates took some type of science class let's call them J and n I walked into class one afternoon to find out from J that n had [ __ ] himself during lunch break I tried my hardest not to laugh but failed miserably I logged on the computer and was talking to the teacher I was laughing so ducking hard I was crying tried to be as quiet as possible so the teacher wouldn't hear me I don't think she heard me but the entire class and the teacher supervising the class did he came up to me and told me to put my phone away and I was disturbing the class I was texting him to tell him I heard he [ __ ] himself and asked him if he was still home or on his way back I went for a 10-minute walk and proceeded to laugh as hard as I could to the point I was crying I teased Ann about it for months afterwards of dejay never trust a fart lol I heard he had to fart and forced it out did not go well literally nothing not my uni half-hour lectures don't record thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit and chill, tz reddit, r/askreddit, reddit best, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question, reddit on tap, zoom, zoom classes, funniest zoom moments
Id: IxlkP9uFcpU
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Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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