What is a useful skill everyone should learn?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is unuseful skill everyone should learn learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim learn on my freshman hi learn to float backstroke the butterfly swim correctly and come up for air the correct way I say learn how to float really good so you can rest and while taking in some water you don't panic you just choke through your air and don't panic get your bearings back and understand how a Riptide works and never swim alone I remember as a little kid my mom took me to a swimming lesson over the summer once when the instructor said we were going to learn how to float I thought to myself how the hell do you learn how to float sure enough she then taught us how to float I remember laying there looking up at the sky no of the witchcraft had just being shown learn how to float Google comlink and QE cause learn + how + 2 + float valve sequel's t pj ax is XD l 5 RCT ab 97 Zilla 29 yes it's great learning a skill that might save your life on day personal finance you would be shocked at how many people get a crash course in APR when they max out their first credit card with very little liquid v hinders where I live we have a Gulf retirement savings fund the money you and your employer contribute is invested in a variety of investments you'd be surprised at how many people think it's a bank account and freaked out when their funds dropped when the pandemic affected shares so many people switch to more conservative plans after they had lost money that's how you lose even more money the amount of people who comment on reddit about how they have been paying their student loan for five years and the principal hasn't gone down in they are shocked blows mind yes you'd the third payment for ten years and they were charging you interest the whole time it said it in the contract you didn't reader they even gave you a choice to pay interest while in school or after and you chose after how to listen a lot of people currently tend to lack the ability to actually listen it's not about shouting points at each other it's about shutting up and actually listening to what the other person is saying active listening yes and yes especially in arguments learning to understand the other person instead of being right it will help effectively argue your own perspective better if you understand why in-person thinks what they do I have too many family members who argue without even listening I try to stop those arguments by active listening to myself why am I so upset that usually helps me explain to the other person what I'm feeling rather than just blaming them first it seems to help land the point on a soft conversation rather than a hard argument of blame when to user instead of them it's when there's an Barrel or when the consonant of the beginning of the word is silent and leads into a non silent vowel honor for example didn't know this that's really useful Thanks learn to identify scab messages know your computer is not infected with flashing multicolored Veeru says no hot singles are not waiting to meet you know you didn't win a contest who didn't enter no Nigerian princes are not sharing their fortunes no the IRS is not calling you to ask for your personal info or for gift cards also no mom or dad we won't ask you for a lot of money just minutes after we got a different number no hot singles are not waiting to meet you it crushed my hopes perhaps you are the hot single in your area learn how to say no not good job almost there but replace the R with Rho and then you got it how to cook it always shocks me when someone 18 Plus can't make basic food my mom had to teach my 20 year old brother how to make a grilled cheese then today I had to show him how to separate an egg I'm 22 and just recently learned to separate an egg I've just never come across the need to before I guess but a grilled cheese come on I can make eggs but not grilled cheese equals swimming basic home repair minor electrical minor plumbing basic automotive repair oil changes breaks when in doubt YouTube for basic repairs not swimming if you're already in the thick of it I had to repair my fuse box on my car last week I know next to nothing about cars or how to work on them but thanks to YouTube I fixed it successfully now I'm over here YouTube buying how to change a tire and etc that I was never taught my grandpa is famous for fixing in our family just about anything that hasn't changed in the last 50 years so our family always turns to him when they need help after the fam has grown with more and more children it's gotten very tedious for my nearing eighties grandpa but he just does not have the heart to say no to anyone my dad in more recent years has been utilizing YouTube so much and has been showing my grandpa who hasn't really embraced tech different videos it's great to see them bond in this fashion since my dad is not a mr. Fixit how-to so it really comes in handy so often is it hard to learn the basics absolutely not at least sewing with a machine learning where to put the thread as the hardest part the rest is mostly just being able to think and having a little bit of imagination but the more complicated that things are that you want to sooner more experienced you need for example pillows are super easy anyone can do that address on the other hand needs a little bit more practice sewing by hand is at least in my opinion much much harder I still suck at it and I made most of my wardrobe myself really I'm the opposite I always prefer small fixes by hand but I have been taught how to sew on machine if I had to actually make something from fabric I would absolutely want to use a machine though I took Home Economics in high school I was the only boy in the class but I made the coolest brown fabric and denim apron you've ever seen critical thinking we could use more of that in this day and age I do want to say that a lot of people think that critical thinking means that people will come to agree with them and I want to clarify that critical thinking will led them to make their own opinion that may or may not agree with yours at least they'll be forming an opinion of their own which I would argue as an improvement the amount of people that can't think for themselves is insane example my co-worker insists that the law is his way of knowing right from wrong anything illegal he will not do and says makes you a bad person I questioned him on his blind devotion to this ever-changing set of rules like if suddenly it's illegal to be gay do you now hate the gays etc' self-reflection you can not grow as a person without it first aid and CPR should be a school requirement with certification before kids turn 15 I agree but will say I had CPR when I was 15 and a lot has changed since then I think I'd rather get outdated CPR than know CPR I was going to say this but I want to add on that you should learn some basic pharmacology learn what medications more or less do and what OTC meds are best for which situations and what drug mix is to avoid et Cie like alcohol and Tyron or the difference between your and your there there I can see a passionate about this irregardless don't let it get you down geez that hurt the right sorry to everyone reading it I should have seen this reply a mile away away kind of tough but a second language really helps out especially for job applications I'm lucky enough to speak three languages fluently and I can understand French fairly well at least on a basic level in all my 10 years of working it's always been a major advantage at the very least it makes me look interesting worldly but usually it comes in handy at work too I recently started learning Japanese for fun and now everyone at work thinks I'm intelligent I love how mythical Japanese is in the West I have read two chapters of a Japanese textbook and people are already saying that I'm super smart for learning Japanese lol don't tell anyone but I haven practiced Japanese since the lock down in March I basically only know here at garner and I'm slowly forgetting the letters already but work still thinks I'm so geeky quirky intelligent that I can learn Japanese lol how to self-regulate their emotional state through grounding exercises edit random Google search gave this therapist a commlink not just for trauma but for anytime when there is physiological hyper arousal also help with mild dissociation and panic attacks another good thing to learn is emotional literacy developing a better vocabulary of the emotional state I will get better at recognizing it I don't think I can trust grounding techniques from the rapists aid site they're helping future rapists prepare to console their victim after it's over what a noble cause hurting the sense your back into non-consensual how to cook a simple meal how to have compassion for other people's struggles how to observe situations without being judgmental how to have respect for yourself and value of yourself as an individual how to be kind to others how to communicate by actively listening as well as speaking how to admit when you're wrong and learn from your mistakes how to plan for the future but live in the moment basic gardening food preservation and cooking and basics of sewing tying a proper knot learned in practice a few different ones that have different uses you tube is filled with lessons you'll amaze your friends or even yourself it's surprisingly easy to tire hangman's news for example I've impressed many people this way I only know one knot the bowline it's almost all you need figure eight belay on basic car care everyone should be able to change their own oil and rotate their tires at a minimum both are super simple and require only a few tools but can save you a lot of money I disagree sure it's a useful skill but changing oil isn't the same as it was 30 years ago for one most cars require specialized oil and filters that can run you over 100 dollars then you need either an industrial jack or a setup ramps and tire chucks not to mention your multi-tool and monkey wrench may or may not be sufficient finally there's the disposal meanwhile for 20 bucks plus parts and now you can get your local shop to do it for you heck there's a guy in my town who will come to your house and do it for you lease cars can get it for free from your dealer rotating tires is cheaper but a massive pain in the butt again easier to just find a shop with a lift but one thing everyone should know is how to change tires on your own car ha I've owned a variety of cars and currently owner 2016 Mazda cx-5 and a 2014 Ford Escape never needed anything special I can get synthetic oil and a filter for 35 dollars 10 minutes of my time and it's all done shops near me Jiffy Lube auto shops etc charge at least 75 dollars for a synthetic oil change I do have ramps and I'll grant you those cost a few bucks but over the life father car you make up the savings only other tools I need is the socket wrench for the oil pan plug in the wrench for the oil filter so where I am any auto parts store or tizen O'Riley etc recycles the oil for free honestly last time I had a car I was happy to pay $30 to the service station near my house for an oil change it wasn't worth my time and I was happy to support the local business there's something to be said for understanding how cars work so you don't get ripped off but that's not the same as being able to do the work yourself reading the article before commenting proper grammar period quotation is not emphasis my old CEO used to insist on this drove me bananas understand compound interest even if you don't understand it you're better off just mindlessly contributing some money every month to the Roth IRA than if you save nothing fixing your own stuff including electronics like broken screens and other stuff like your car knowing what noises your car shouldn't make how to use your goddamn signal lights sorry for the anger but I live in Edmonton dog you say that like anyone uses their turn signal in any part of the world join our community discord link in description when I was in high school track my coach went into cardiac arrest after doing 200 meters Sprint's with us me and some other students got some other teachers and they performed CPR on him until the ambulance arrived they saved his life learn CPR CPR and First Aid are criminally under toughed in schools how to write an email seriously too many people go out into the wide world with no idea how to write a professional level email writing one the same way you text won't cut it when you are looking for a job partly people don't understand email is a paper trail to cover your behind you can tell me 1000 times over in person but you have no proof if no email happens if your boss tells you to do something stupid get them to email it to you so when you inevitably get talked to about it you have an email middle finger shutting the yuck up you scared everyone away from replying to your comment how to's unplug and enjoy silence and solitude how to break out of someone's grip I've taught my wife my daughter many of my female friends and back in the day when I was a daycare teacher all of my students we had someone try to kidnap one of our older kids once and that was it that very day I taught all of the kids and drilled it with them over the next couple of weeks even had a grandmother come in to pick up her granddaughter and asked for me specifically so that she could thank me for showing her granddaughter how to do that a thing to remember do not try to pull against their fingers you can hold your body weight by your fingers think of hanging from the monkey bars by your fingers instead of cold towards their thumb the thumb is weak in comparison to the fingers also scream fire not help people react faster to fire then they do for help I hope this helps many basic self-defense classes will go over this and more remember you don't need to be an MMA fighter to get yourself out of a bad situation basic butchering vegans are exempt Philippine fish breaking down poultry things like that you never know when you will be able to buy whole chicken but not boneless skinless chicken tenders how to manage their money how to change a tire balance a checkbook cook self-defense basic computer skills how to drive a stick balance a checkbook just gone back to 1990 driving a stick sounds really antiquated I mean I know car guys are still holding onto it but really I've never learned and I've gotten by fine are stick shifts rarely coming back or gaining popularity we're going to have cars that make no noise and drive themselves in a few years if you get the truck get a stick that way when someone inevitably wants to borrow it you can ask if they are able to drive stick when they say no then they can't borrow it how to extrapolate useful information from biased media sources how to cook a basic healthy meal swimming it's a life skill as I told my son's swimming teacher I don't need it to be pretty I just need him to learn how to not drown math statistics and probability I would hope any adult understands enough basic math to operate a calculator but statistics and probability is a very important thing to understand that not many people do it saddens me to see people in the comments section of our slash science or in other places discussing the results based off the headline and abstract but not stepping back to look at sample size or population characteristics take everything with a grain of salt DBT skills dialectical behavior therapy used as a part of treatment for emotional instability it teaches core concepts that include mindfulness and distress tolerance interpersonal relationship skills radical acceptance self-soothing women of state of anger / distress PTC truly useful for everyone common sense it's not very common anymore cooking basic sewing and clothes repair ignore someone being a d face on the net how to lead effectively anyone can be a boss but it takes a special frame of mind to be a good leader how to do middle school math the ability to shut up sometimes and acknowledging that some things might be your fault how to properly use bleach and other cleaning sanitizing solutions financing your wants are not your needs and it should stay like that program in doing computers in general don't tell people that if everyone is doing it and realize it's not magic we can't charge such high rates basic first aid skills learning to organize your personal finances I'm 35 and still shite at it thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 184,580
Rating: 4.9276404 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What is a useful skill everyone should learn?, useful skill everyone should learn, planet reddit, useful to know, skills, best of reddit, reddit stories, skillset, need to know, reddit cringe, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit question, cooking, top chef
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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