What’s the biggest scam people still fall for?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our slash ask reddit by planet reddit what's the biggest scam people still fall for the old pyramid scheme still works despite being old and every tray of it being widely known sometimes you can't be too classic as long as there are stupid people to take advantage of stupid people to take advantage of stupid people and so on and so forth thus adding to the great chain of life it's the circle of life and it screws us all pretty sure life is shaped like a d because it acts everyone these facebook posts imitating real companies saying you'd win whatever they're offering despite the page being created hours ago and the only post being said giveaway the comments are always tragic to read yes i constantly see people sharing a pic of a brand new vehicle with caption so and so from city and state was under 18 and couldn't claim our prize we want to give this away for free to whoever shares and comments on this post and the page is just the make and model of the vehicle and the album of photos is just the same vehicle no city or state or dealership mentioned and there's hardly any followers i can't understand the point or why people think it's real by making the page poorly it helps quality people that are more likely to fall for a scam for some reason the really popular ones i see are free rv or free tiny home when my friends repost the posts i have to hold my tongue lol i have several clients that fell for the scam where when you do a password reset on a bank website and they text you a code to complete the password reset and the scammer calls you for the code if you receive a code via text never tell it to someone else and worse a texts from google voice to take over your phone number i've worked on payroll systems for over 30 years so i've seen a lot of scams but this one is one of the worst my roommate fell for that and she could never contact anyone at google to get her phone back she had that phone since 1993 just after graduated from college so she was understandably upset i just googled google voice scam and one of the results had the procedure to get your number back do you have a moment to talk about your car's factory warranty just bought a new foreigner immediately started getting calls on my cell phone those archer spoof local s tricking me into answering all the time bastards i got a call from my own number a while back that was interesting it's me from the future i'm i need you to wire me some money asap our kneecaps are counting on you slashes not gonna lie i attended one of those pyramid scheme meetings at my friend's insistence and man it was filled with low-income people and the whole thing was clearly targeted at them felt really bad seeing how they were being sold dreams of earning a lot of money and stuff such a scam my first ever job interview turned out to me an mlm i was pissed i had this experience too worst yet the interview had over 30 people turn up and anyone who wasn't literally drunk or high at the time got offered a follow-up interview that was actually just mlm sales pitch they phoned me at 7am that morning angry i wasnt there lumiere this happened to me only it was disguised as a legit job iq northwestern mutual thought i had a shot as a finance intern left with a packet and instructions to sell shitty retirement products to my family chuck the entire thing at a gas station on the way home found out they pulled the same [ __ ] on 50 kids from my school and still had the finance intern posting up weeks after interviewing 50 plus candidates mobile games which are designed to be bad so they can frustrate you enough to buy their currency failing that the game will feature spam clicking until you run out of energy which will spawn a buy more energy pop up hoping you will buy lots of it by accident this comment brought to you by raid shadow legends they managed to hit that level of media saturation where i won't try it out of spite like thanks for sponsoring all of the youtubers but i'm tired of it like skillshare i heard it so much that i decided to not try it at all those microsoft scam calls it works so well that they have offices la mayo my dad played along with one had him on the line before saying oh i have a small problem i don't even have a computer i love doing that some of the irs scam calls are fun because you can sometimes get them to give you a street address if you talk long enough if you pull up the irs site they have a form you can fill in with as much detail about the scam as you can manage to squeeze out of them always fun to finish the call telling them that impersonating the irs is a federal crime it's too bad the cyber crimes division in delhi has probably backlogged on these guys for centuries because of how many there are those phone calls that claim your social security number is suspended due to criminal activity my own mom fell for this unfortunately sorry to hear she fell for it my adult kid asked me what they needed to do to get their ss unsuspended i was glad they asked me first me well i think you need to check with the federal government birth date oversight office about that if your social security number was suspended they will need to issue you a new birth date once that is completed then your social security number can be released advil child so can i still use my number while it is suspended or is that illegal me well if you use a while it's suspended the birth date oversight office may need to bet and in your new parents but that is a fairly easy process at this point it's just an electronic form at dull child okay so can you help me call her wait what oh geez okay so is the suspension real or not face palm okay so i'm guessing you will be filing the request for new parents for me me yep seems i've failed you lol at least you had a funny exchange with your kid on this my mom on the other hand fell for the scam hook line and sinker despite the multiple red flags in the entire phone call for example ssn being suspended being told she was going to be arrested told to withdraw money and buy government approved gift cards and giving the caller the codes and pins on said gift cards my parents lost money from this scam but gradually recovered nigerian prince emails i can't believe people still fall for them but apparently it's a multi-million dollar industry when the son of the deposed king of nigeria emails you directly asking for help you help his father ran the freaking country okay yes thank you oscar we will get rich quick dutt i need to make a call weight loss pills and weight loss tea and in this vein detoxifying teas shakes etc that claim to clear years of sludge and feckle build up out of your intestines which will boost weight loss if you had fecal matter building up in your gi tract you'd know about it and your pants size would be the least of your concerns while they are crap for what they're targeting some of those teas really are great gentle laxatives i say this as a former cancer patient that really really made good use of them from time to time modern medical science saved my life but the laxative tea made my life easier during said treatment the prescription laxative i was given wasn't that great i liked the tea better and yes i discussed it with my doctor and was given the okay before i tried it well if the tea gives you the trots it might help temporarily you'll get a job at x organization if you pay x amount it's always a scam you never have to pay someone to work for them edit since i work in i.t sector i was talking about that this happens especially more to fresh out of college folks looking for a job you have to pay mr krabs strippers have to pay the house to dance there or at least the ones i danced at that an old friend worked at did online charlatans that will share their secrets if you buy their course all right here's my secret to getting rich step one get people to think you have a secret to getting rich step two make them pay you for the secret there is no step three here in my garage multi-level marketing deterra herbalife all that [ __ ] stay away is there a site or video that explains why these things are scams i have a friend that's really into them no matter what i tell her look up john oliver multi-level marketing on youtube hey babe red heart red heart i've just come into some really great opportunities with this amazing team of women and since that opportunity is still available of course i thought of you they're looking for hard-working ladies who want to empower each other by starting their own businesses i know that sounds scary but just wait until you see the paycheck at the end of it you can be your own person take control of your fin and lol just kidding could you imagine red heart card suit i've been getting so many of these recently the number of images alone give me zero confidence in whatever they are pushing having to share at least your email address plus permission to mail with any company that you want to purchase a product from or interact with just so they can spam your inbox with garbage marketing campaigns sure you can unsub use a non-primary email address etc but i still hate it comma may be biased because i work for one of the world's largest big data marketing agencies i added a fake email address to doordash because they were adamant that they didn't sell people's emails address guess who got junk mail addressed to the fake name i think you can report that one of my co-workers at my previous job hosted his own email and made a new email address for everything he signed up for made it pretty easy to tell which companies sold his email address expensive coffins diamond rings bottled water timeshare promos yeah what the frack is up with coffins hell the whole funeral thing is expensive and you're guilted into it bc it was a loved one and you want to honor them right i remember when my bff's uncle died and the family went down to the funeral parlor and his grandmother mother of the deceased was just bullying as the official and went through their options and packages the grandmother just kept saying over and over in tears i don't want you to think we didn't love him or anything we just don't got a whole lot of money it made me really bitter toward the whole thing you eat my behind in a hole and then plant a tree on top i'll be satisfied at first i saw my behind as a whole and now have a terrible image of a tree planted in your bun hole buying a timeshare ha my friend let me use his timeshare but i had to attend a meeting to sell me one but i would receive a free gift for the 1.5 hour meeting i had to meet someone first before the bigger meeting they asked how much i make i said 20k a year they said that's not even enough for the free gift you don't have to attend you don't have to attend the real gift had the same thing happen to my aunt and i in hawaii you got a bunch of discounts on activities if you went to the sales pitch but you were allowed to do the activities first we showed up for the sales pitch and they immediately realized an 18 year old and a 40 year old went looking to buy a time share and let us go my aunt was pissed because they said there would be free breakfast at the meeting still got the discounts go an enlargement pills and anything from poor animals on the edge of extinction that proclaim longer staying power and arousal like rhino horn please don't buy this product for curiosity or ingest if they worked men would figure out exactly how many pills you could take before dying and take one less taking photos with the characters in times square nyc honestly rule of thumb for ny is if anyone tries to talk to you they are trying to get money from you woman shrugging pfft generally in any large city anyone approaching you unbidden is trying to get money from you i got robbed by those zuckers my mom and i took a few pics with them and instantly they held out their hands for a tip and even characters we didn't take a picture with started demanding money and harassed us total rookie scam we can't afford raises this year semicolon company that turns around and pays dividends to shareholders and bonuses massive ones to the executives drop raises from five percent to three percent but then immediately renovate an entire area of the office and replace the notice boards around the building with fancy inch tvs i'm totally not salty if you tell me the truth i won't get mad mom dad we tell our kids if you lie you'll be in more trouble than if you had told the truth whenever my mom says that in my head i'm thinking so you wouldn't be mad if i insert disgusting thing here televangelists one of my favorite last week tonight with john oliver episodes is the televangelist one it's shocking how these people can still make stupid bank with all our easy access to information or various other forms of spirituality available with the internet jim marking backer my nephew who is around 22 or 23 now is a youth minister when he first started doing minister training or whatever it's called he went to a camp that jim backer and his son and trained there for like a year he's so young that he probably hadn't even heard of what the backers are most famous for being con artist pieces of [ __ ] and i never talked about them around him because he was an adult choosing his own path but man did i hate it to this day he's still good friends with jim's son i heard there's some folks in utah who don't care what a con artist has to say as long as it's fun enough i sometimes think about what happened to all that lularoe i see it at goodwill all the time now lol go to youtube and search for lularoe documentary a bunch of videos on it suckers are stuck with thousands of dollars of merchandise that are worth nothing now even lularoe's storage locations are now abandoned and there are a bunch of lularoe clothes and boxes untouched but it's dirty and wet and degenerating because it was left outside in the rain and dirt seconded i watched my mom fall for the same guy over and over again the debts were rising and the same part broke and when we second checked by another repair place they said nothing was made or the wrong was built in she just switched after a new car but it was horror to get her so far listen to this user please i'll pay in gift cards is that okay join our community discord link in description scientology online reviews a huge percentage of them are written but the seller if good or by a competitor if not just look at the dates if they're fake they'll be in batches where they put out a ton on one day i've been seeing a lot of reviews lately that say something like this product is awful i prefer this product from company x instead those have to be written by a competitor if you liked a product from one company so much why would you try another brand nice try op give us your credit card info and we'll tell you don't forget those three wacky digits on the back privatizing profits while socializing costs example multi-billion dollar companies that pay so little their employees are in food stamps the sauna slim belt was a thing in my country for almost a decade people never lost an inch of fat only got marks from the heat which the belt produced pure scam go to college get good grades and you'll get a good job faith healing where people are suddenly cured from cancer blindness and can walk again through the power of god essential oils i love essential oils but i don't ever tell anyone that because of the oil makers and pyramid scheme karen's who market it as miracle cures for everything instead of what they should have which is hey this [ __ ] makes your house smell good bingo i don't know that essential oils have direct health benefits and the few that do are hyper specialized but i love them in my humidifier diffuser because they add a lovely subtle scent to my room free robex scams give me 50 bucks and i'll tell ya sweet i'll fax it over diamond rings you waste thousands of dollars just for the ring and if you don't the idea is that you don't think she's worth anything annoys me so much this is coming from a 22 year old female raid shadow legends hot milfs near you i fell for it my first time on the hub herbalife going to a four-year college without a solid plan for future employment car washes hear me out i have never had a pleasant experience at a car wash unless it was one of those do-it-yourself kind i work a pretty dirty job so every so often i need my car to be detailed and i just don't feel like doing it myself as it needs to be really cleaned always go and ask for a basic 20 30 buck detail i'm more worried about the inside than the outside i always get attitude from workers and yes i have been to mania car washes all the same they always want to upsell me on this and that and when i say no they just huff at me then it's never done well thirty dollars and there is still dog hair all over my trunk i have actually been scammed at a car wash twice two different ones i really dislike car washes the good old get one meal free after purchasing a meal for the price of two it's actually used where i live and i'm like people how dumb are you smh don't adore magazine sales no that kid is not getting sent on a camping trip if you will just buy subscriptions to boys life and wine aficionado most of the time they are a traveling troupe that goes city to city hurling the same scam each time honestly just door-to-door sales in general are usually a scam don't trust the guy trying to sell you a new roof or a driveway resurface or a spanking new hoover vacuum at your front door need a new roof or driveway call your insurance company and get a list of reputable companies even if you aren't filing an insurance claim they will happily give you the name of several companies that can be trusted buying the cafe when you grow up you can do what you want i'm sorry baby i won't do it again maybe not the biggest scam but i'm going to pay you for insert item here that cost seven hundred dollars with this check for one thousand dollars that my company gave me which i'm endorsing over to you in turn you give me 300 cash in the item and the cheque should clear in a day or two nice doing business with you stranger from the internet unions are bad college source went to college thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 66,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What’s the biggest scam people still fall for?, planet reddit, scam, biggest scam, planet reddit what's the biggest scam, pyrammid scheme, grant cardone, 10x, bitcoin, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, reddit top posts, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit
Id: _jGb8lY09uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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