What Act Of Rudeness Have You Witnessed Lately? (r/AskReddit)

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today I watched a guy threaten an Apple retailer employee with his Twitter power you will be surprised at the number of followers I have it will put a dent on Apple he told her read it what hacked off bagger e have you witnessed lately and did you do anything about it I worked at a local Coldstone when I was a kid this shop was owned by a family who had kids in my high school so I was pretty close with the owners on a particularly busy afternoon I was whipping up someone's ice cream when I overhear things getting heated at the cash register one of our owners Lynn was working there and an upset woman was complaining about the price of her order Lynn broke down each item and how much tax was to which the customer responded that she deserved a discount and if she didn't get one that she would be calling her good friends who owned this establishment Lynn calmly said I'm Lynn and I own this establishment please leave I've never seen someone turn red so fast why the Frick would that situation warranted discount what the frig hey yep so not only have I caused the major disturbance and acted like a complete doubter prick but you owe me one as well Frick that this makes me think that stores should hire people to stand around in plain clothes and berate diaochan bags when the opportunity shows itself I would love to do that for a job bartending once I picked up a table so a server could go home early and the guests at the table were super rude to me they wouldn't call me by my name just kept calling me different racial slurs against white people even though I'm Mexican I smiled and gave them great service but it was clear they were trying to get something free when they asked for my manager I couldn't hear what they were telling him but the couple seated at the end of the bar near their table spoke up and told my manager they were lying we ended up calling the police when they refused to pay their tab which was over $100 they ended up paying it than my manager come $10 off so I could get a tip I tried to buy the nice couple at the bar around and my manager comped the two I used to work at the local grocery store during high school as a bagger cashier one day a man walks in with a coupon for two dollars off of a six dollar chicken after explaining to him that the coupon was expired and that I could not accept it he calmly says oh really well I'll get it anyway a couple hours later one of my co-workers come running and yelling that everyone's tires were flat we reviewed the surveillance footage which showed him walk outside throw the chicken into the air and freak the freak out and start slashing everyone's tires he ended up having to pay all of the damages and was no longer allowed near any of the employees what a waste of a chicken I know the owner and I will get you fired my dad's the owner and he warned me all in butthole now go away I used to work retail a few years back had some guy come in that tried to return something that was far outside the return policy over a year and was outraged when he was informed we couldn't return it for him he started off slowly saying what an outrage it was then he continued saying how everyone he was dealing with was incompetent he eventually got so upset his antics weren't working that he said he was going to bring a few of his guns and pointing at people saying I'm going to shoot you and you and you needless to say the police were called six cop cars were waiting for him outside when his rant was finally over at 12 I possibly caused an old man to have a heart attack my mother and I were at Wendy's and this guy comes up to the counter and pushed my mother out of the way while we are ordering he then proceeds to yell at the cashier because there was lettuce on his sandwich and he didn't want lettuce being 12 and already a bit of an but I had no problem informing him of my displeasure I first told him he should apologize for pushing my mother out of the way and should learn to act his age before he could respond I went on a tirade about people needing to be nicer to one another and that it was really easy for someone to remove lettuce from a sandwich and if he was having problems doing that he needed to move into a nursing home like my great grandmother because he was probably incapable of caring for himself he started to yell at me and then stopped suddenly at first I thought he was so mad he couldn't speak but then he started gasping for breath and clutching at his chest they called an ambulance and took him away then I got a frosty I should probably feel worse since I don't know the rest of his story but even if you are having a bad day there is no reason to take it out on people not connected with it when I was 18 I worked at a Toys R Us and a lot of people thought that it was a fun job because we're surrounded by toys Tate wasn't people get crazy about their freakin toys and games for their brat kids but one guy always stands out I was working the customer service desk which entailed returns checkouts answering phones one day I was working the desk and there was a long line of people everyone was being very patient with me answering phones and helping everyone check out but this one guy had an attitude right away he kept mumbling loudly about how horribly rude I was and that I wasn't working fast enough he bought his crap and walked away I thought it was over but he quickly came back into the store and cut the entire line he started telling me to find him a pair of scissors so he could open his purchase I calming explained that I didn't have a pair of scissors and I really didn't he then proceeded to come around the desk physically push me out of the way and start opening all off the drawers my manager witnessed the whole thing and came over and told him to get out of the frickin store the guy then screamed at my manager to call the police and see if he cared we didn't have to call the police because there was an off-duty one in line and he quickly explained to the man that he was being detained until police arrived he quickly shut the Frick up and was subsequently arrested for disorderly conduct and harassment enjoy your freakin toys butthole retail manger here my store has a really crappy price match policy there are a few things we will not match one of those is when you need to use a loyalty card to get the deal I had an older gentleman come in to price-match five bottles of Pepsi we sold them for one dollar and fifty cents and a competitor sold them for one dollar couldn't price match because the competitor deal needed their loyalty card this is where it went from zero to crazy in three seconds the guy grabbed one of the bottles starts to open it and says well if you won't match it I guess I have to pour this pop over your register what are you going to do then followed with a smirk I kept my cool didn't miss a beat and stated okay I am going to have to call the cops then he got super upset and couldn't understand why I would call the cops for him and I tried to explain that he just threatened to vandalize the stores property after he understood he walked out all over $2.50 Jesus people in the retail industry deserve medals for patience I swear anytime anybody says don't you know who I am hug I don't know who you are but I know your type I didn't do anything about it but this was my favorite I have small accessories I sell for one of our product lines one of them costs $20 and shipping and handling via the mail was $4 perfectly reasonable this guy went off the rails because I would not give him any deal we have no margins on that kind of stuff so I'm most certainly not going to cut any big deals he threatened he would post his sordid tale on all the popular forums that pertain to the industry I pretty much told him to go ahead and didn't think much about it I come back in after the weekend the guy went ahead and posted a bunch of new threads on all the major forums and he mailed me all the links I checked them all and the forum community members pretty much all told him to stop being such a cheapest I felt pretty smug about it after that I once worked at a little gaming store next to a big retailer I don't get commission or anything just helped kids pick out games and whatever but sell the odd Xbox here and there some guy comes in asking me to match the retailers deal on a Nintendo DS for whatever management reason I couldn't do it he starts to get pay off and there's nothing I can do my hands are tied so he leaves I think nothing of it then he walks past about 15 minutes later and screams from the door I got it from big retail store for whatever price and I'm never coming back you see I was a 15 year old girl he sure showed you I work in parking garages so I see all kinds of overreactions I had an elderly woman once refused to pay the 39 dollars for parking I don't set the prices shoot someone else I went down willing to cure her slack and charger the validated rate of 20 if she let me keep a copy of her receipt I no sooner rounded the corner and the old lady rushed over to me screaming with a terrified child next to her ranting about how my father fought in the war and what you're doing to me isn't right she went on to compare what I was doing to what the Germans did in World War two and that if she wasn't allowed to leave the garage for free that she would stay in the garage and starve herself I of course did what any young and aspiring manager would do I laughed at her then she spit on me I once had a guy who claimed to be an FBI agent threatened to have me deported while I was speaking to him over the intercom I went down to speak to him in person and being that I'm not from another country his deportation threat had been taken away the dude went on an absolute bat-crap crazy rant about how the foreigners were taking over the country and how the fat-cat corporations were making all the money while the normal men lost their jobs I asked him to see his badge to which he gave me all kinds of balls about not carrying when he's out of state he then got out of the car and called the local PD who came down to which he made no mention of being an FBI agent cops informed him that he would indeed need to pay his bill before exiting in that he was on the hook for the $39 in all cases I go into these situations looking to give someone a break I'll understand that after a day in the mall with your family you sometimes forget to get your ticket validated most garage managers have the ability to move a writer fee on your ticket and if they say they aren't they are lying to you if you're nice to us more often than not we will cut you a break giving us food also helps also it's a federal felony to say you are from the FBI when you are not a few weeks ago I told a client that he really needed to upgrade his copies of office 97 to the current version if you can even call that an upgrade I gave him a whole list of reasons why including that Microsoft stopped releasing security updates for that version quite a while back he flipped out and demanded that I called Microsoft and tell them that they needed to keep releasing security updates for office 97 when I told him it didn't exactly work that way he said well you just tell them Who I am and make sure they know that if they don't fix this I'll never buy another version of Office again just row worked at a cafe about two years ago we had an espresso ready to go but no one knew who it belonged to I decided to roam around the cafe with said espresso and ask any waiting customers if they had ordered this coffee so after a few polite replies of no sorry I get to one business looking man sitting with the owner of the Fruit Shop across the way but this owner had a bad reputation at my cafe as being a sleazebag according to the girls anyway I asked the businessman excuse me sorry to interrupt me but did you order an espresso dot the business man looked at me and said no so I began to walk away and as I did he says oh I it pronounced sir I turn around and say pardon me not understanding what the heck he was on about he then stares at me unblinking and says when you points finger talk to me you call me sir got him after a few seconds of bewilderment on my part I mutter okay then and proceeded to continue finding the espressos owner it was incredibly embarrassing called out in a busy cafe when trying to do my job made me feel two foot tall joke's on him as I made sure his coffee was bitter just like his heart I have two stories first one was just about a perfectly healthy 65 year old who decided to deprive a mother and her severely mentally handicapped child from parking in a handicapped space he went on to just scoff and walk away when she called him out on it no justice was done sadly comma but I used have this woman come into my work all the time who was just some withered up old trophy wife with a superiority complex and immerse ''tis we have a curbside service we'll take out at my job and every freakin Friday night the absolute busiest day of the week at any restaurant especially at mind where takeout usually does close to $2,500 three thousand on busy nights she used to park in the dedicated curbside spot and dine in for nearly two hours needless to say I've had numerous complaints from people who mean to use them appropriately but we can't do anything because any time a manager politely reminds her to stop parking there she'd be about being a paying customer who has the right to part wherever she wants blah blah blah management at my work will avoid confrontation with guests whenever possible even I had run into her several times and reminded her myself but one night she parks half way in a handicapped space and screams at me to mind my own fricking business kid yeah I called security enjoy your $400 ticket see nearly got an erection watching her turn over that little envelope she doesn't come to my work anymore and everything seems a little brighter because of it that's one thing that is great about working at a popular successful restaurant while we never did three thousand dollars worth of business we made enough that the owner was comfortable telling unruly customers to freak off and not come back so satisfying and it makes work that much better as someone who was a waitress for a long time and also worked in retail I can't beg people enough to say something when you see a customer acting like a total douche to an employee but the employee can't do anything without risking his/her job but you have the power to put jerks like this in their place and the employee will most likely be forever grateful also real life karma I worked at DirecTV in the cancelations department a grocery store for six years and I'm currently a front desk monkey at a hospital I have nearly master the irate customer in large crowds I found it's important to step up and get right and the problem if they are picking on a quarter employee who won't defend themselves DTV taught me to let them vent and let it all out and the grocery store taught me my judging eyes eyes that seemed to say you just yelled at a 19 year old because everyone bought the hotdogs you wanted before the fourth of July instead of the hour before the party like you did you just stare at them let them fester in their awkward silence because what were you supposed to do call Nathan's hot dogs and order a special air flight package at the grocery store I had a lady screaming at how long the line was and so as she waited for me to do something at the top of my lungs I asked would anyone like to satisfy this woman to letting her get in front of them an honest question albeit phrases awkwardly but no one piped up and there she was I asked everyone in line if they would lend their generosity and not one voice chimed in I could write a book on the crap I have dealt with in my tender young job history I used to be a manager at a pizza shop and we had a customer that would order the same pizza the same way three plus times a week and always call back to complain about it he would always complain about the crust being too thick but he didn't like the thin crust and nothing we ever tried was good enough for him we had given him a bunch of free pizzas and discounts and whatnot up to this point trying to retain him as a customer but he called back in a rage one night when I was the only manager there it went a little something like this him I need to speak to a manager me I am a manager sir what can I do for you tonight you are a manager me yes it him no freaking wonder I order pizza from this overpriced crap held multiple times a week and you always freak out my pizza the crust is always too thick and you just aren't smart enough to figure out how to fix it me sir I'm aware of the situation if our pizzeria Lee isn't to your liking maybe you should consider trying something else him maybe you should be fired because you're absolutely freakin terrible at your job I don't even know why they let women out of the house and you're allowed to be a goddamn manager you are a worthless B and you can't even make a pizza right and maybe you should go home and let them and do the work you'd probably make a better W than anything I then proceeded to very calmly tell him we would no longer be accepting his business and literally told him to freak off called my general manager to let him know then congratulated me for it and told me he wished he could have done it himself TL DR angry customer told me I'd make a better W than a manager told him to screw himself and was praised by my manager for it while working as a manager at a movie theater I had someone callin because our online ticketing was broken we were just a little independent so the large fees from sites like Fandango didn't work for us and we had our own that worked ok as stated it was done and I was in the process of fixing it but it would take some time I tell the gentleman that he can always come in to the box office and buy the tickets and save himself a dollar doing so this of course is incredibly insulting somehow he lives 30 minutes away and he is worth $200 an hour and he wants us to fix the site now it continues for some time but the third time he decided to mention his salary I elected to have the call drop and the phone lines go down for a little while I spent the past couple of days on a greyhound that was going across the country Canada and we pulled into Quebec the security guard spoke fluent English overheard a cell phone conversation but seemed to be a massive douche bag people who asked him if he spoke English usually did so in French and he responded with yes and help them out a little Asian girl who couldn't have been more than 15 came up and asked him if he spoke English when I chatted with her later I found out her English was pretty roar and she moved to Canada from Taiwan about three years ago the security guard said no English repeatedly and she looked distressed she had asked a few others but no one had really responded and he looked like the only person working at the terminal at that moment the ticket counters were closed and no janitors or anything similar she went around asking others but the people who responded didn't know the answers she was looking for she promptly started crying I went over and helped her as best I could when the security guy walked past he simply laughed at her and called a friend on his phone way he spoke nothing but flawless English as a french-canadian I would like to apologize on their behalf many of my people are real snotty buttholes when it comes to protecting their language to be honest I used to work in Ontario and even though French is my mother tongue I would sometimes pretend I didn't speak it and only serve those customers in English people who act like they're entitled to stuff really pisses me off at least he didn't say I'm sort of a big deal on this Web site called reddit I'm sort of a big deal on reddit I'm karma nought where my word is respected and everyone loves me I work in retail the other day a lady came in and asked about our return policy I told her that we can only do store credit or an even exchange and that we can not do any form of money back I had that shoes jewelry swimsuits and underwear are all final sale while she slams her hand on the counter and goes excuse ME are you disrespecting the I apologize profusely saying that if it came across that I was I certainly did not mean it she smiles and frowns is a way to browse throughout the store she comes back a few minutes later and asks about our return policy for jewelry even though I already told her I repeated its final sale only we cannot return or exchange it again she does a hair flip and asks you got a turn with me I apologize yet again saying that I've had a long day and I'm sorry if my tad tone of voice came out as rude she nods once and then goes over to browse some more she stays in the store for a bit and then comes back dumping a bag on the counter she tells me she wants to return it for money back and when I opened the bag it s full of underwear I explained to her that we cannot accept it that I explained that to her before and then showed her on her receipt where it was circled that underwear sales are final she flips her crap she calls me all the names in the book ranging from young but ho to CCC she's walking around the store shoving clothes onto the floor knocking displays over and my manager calls security they take their time getting to us and she's still just shoving stuff over security comes and talk to her tell her that she's behaving disrespectfully and she needs to apologize she backs up in the or heck nor way and one of the guys grabs onto her arm her purse falls onto the floor and reveals a crap ton of stolen merchandise from our store security informs her that she needs to be taken down to their office all over right number just as she's about to leave I sneeze my manager says bless you and the woman flips again she goes nah nah nah she works in retail she don't have feelings she don't think she don't want your blessings and then security took her I used to work at a sandwich shop and my old boss was notoriously aggressive to customers he would fight for his employees tooth and nail one time Sam irate idiot had something he wanted to discuss with my boss and being in a rare accommodating mood my boss said just give me a moment to help this line of customers and I'll you'll have my complete attention this guy not knowing how lucky he was pressed his luck after enduring another onslaught of verbal abuse my boss handed the guy his card and said to call him later on the back of the card he had written blow any former valet from Ohio I've seen a lot people jumping behind our cars trying to get an easy payout etc for some reason the holidays brought out the worst in people I was managing the valid set an upscale shopping mall at Thanksgiving and our busiest time of year Thank You Black Friday even worse than Christmas it was raining and we had a line of cars about 30 long and growing despite having a lot of valid running well one guy in a crappy Saturn had enough of waiting and just pulls up under the awning in the handicap drop-off zone blocks all traffic including non Valley traffic and starts screaming at my valance I was running cars so I wasn't there immediately but I'm told it was something to the effect of I have an upset baby in this car and I need you to help me first only with more doubt a bagger II as I come running back up he's in a screaming match with Marlette valet so I told the LED to take a car down and I'll handle this the guy says to me if I had more time I'd make sure that guy was frickin fired I'm not paying for your crappy service you'd better just park my car as he shuts the keys in my hand takes his baby and walks away without paying or taking a ticket well since he didn't take a ticket he was entitled to exactly none of the protections that our valet service offers so I took his car parked it on the other side of the mall had another valet pick me up and threw his keys out the window on the way back to the front I was fired very soon after that but it led to a much better job I work in a cafe where we do coffee and food people order a drink and then yell at me stating that they asked for it iced mochas lattes et Cie same with food people will order one thing and then try to claim that they ordered something completely different the other day a woman mistook an Italian sub for a meatball sub and tried to pawn off the mistake on me I always repeat orders and I always consult with my employees to make sure they heard the same order if you make a mistake in your order don't pretend that it's the barista server's fault such a dong move I've worked at a Starbucks for six years I always repeat orders I hate when people said I said ice no you freaking didn't it's totally different when someone says I wanted it iced or some variation of that IRA make it smile on my face no questions asked but to tell me you said something you did not really grinds my gears as a service advisor at a large car dealership and someone who has worked retail for a long time I can tell you that the more of a DB you are the more I try to ruin your time with me usually the super rich guy who assumes that the building was created solely for his glorious presence is the guy that mysteriously won't have his car done by the end of the day PS nothing against rich people there are plenty of wonderful rich people and plenty of terrible poor people had a seasonal job at a used movie store well we carried P and it was kept in a place where kids could easily pick it up the customer came up to me the only female employee and voiced her concern I talked to her and helped her out by giving her a customer concern email afterwards I went up front told my boss her concerns he responds by saying did you tell her that B to go Frick herself at this point a man in line about four feet from the says that's my wife boss ran like a little pea and later threatened to fire me if I ever admitted it happened he was a sack of crap for many years I was a pizza hoagie shop night manager in a small town with a state university I heard everything you can imagine from customers I would call people on their Bulls daily it relieves stress one call that stands out is the young girl that picked up her half cheesesteaks up and walked to her dorm during winter months calls to complain about how it is now cold my response goes you're kidding right her number so I asked if she tried to keep it warm by putting it inside her coat again no she requests a new one to be sent up by delivery driver I laughed very loudly and then explained how poor insulators paper bags and tin foil were it being 30 degrees outside she did not get a new product when it comes to food service the customer is not always right the saying at my old job was the customer is always the customer a few days ago while I was waiting for my food at Wendy's I witnessed a woman order in the most condescending tone imaginable by saying look I don't know your menu I just want a quarter pounder with cheese or whatever you call it here the cashier who seemed like she was pretty new there excused herself foreign moments to go check with the cook about which of their burgers she should ring up moments later the manager walked up and asked her if she needed help with anything and the customer responded with I don't know I was trying to order food and the cashier just wandered away in the middle of my order without saying anything they should have given her directions to the nearest McDonald's I formerly did tech support for their computers and iPhones I was tier two tech support a senior advisor as far as consumers are concerned I often heard people tell me something along the lines of if you don't fix my problem I will post to my blog Facebook et Cie then we will see how well Apple is doing I did everything I could not do lol in their face i lifeguard at a YMCA and one day at the appropriate time we all called adults whim you have to be 16 plus to stay in there was a little girl maybe five years old at most still in the shallow entry end of the pool a lifeguard came up to the edge and said come on sweetie it's adults swim you've gotta get out now the little girl looked at her backed up a deeper into the pool and said nothing the guard repeats herself a bit louder but not meaner at this point the mom runs up to the garden screams if you don't back up a math lab you WTF really for asking your kid to follow the same rules as all the other kids I saw adults swim and immediately thought Cartoon Network this story happened to my old housemates but I feel like it belongs on here about a year ago my friend was on a very crowded bus in London and a single mother tried to get on with a pushchair most the people on the bus tried to make room for the woman except for one old man who became very abusive when she accidentally nudged him with a pushchair he started ranting about the breakdown of basic manners and shouting at this poor woman anyway long story short this burly great skinhead stands up grabs the old man and says something along the lines of you can't talk to people like that let alone a mother but he then drags the old man off the bus and precedes to show him his plain clothes police officer identification I have no idea what happened to the man as this is when my friend says the bus pulled away dispatcher here I was assigned to call and delays on cars in the city for reservations we had that morning we made sure to call accordingly an hour beforehand to let them know they're aware of the situation and are hard at work on it so I call this man to let him know and I of course get the usual I need my car speech which I assure him I'm working on and giving him priority because his need he mentions he needs a car that will fit a baby's car seat I tell him I'll make sure to note that and he flips insisting that he mentioned it before and that in notes should have been made I decided to delve deeper into the reservation and there was indeed a note so I told him that it was there and I could not see it on the current screen and apologized he paused I said sir and he responded wave first off I don't like your tone I am a partner at my law firm and if I don't get a car I will come in on Monday pull the account and I will say it is your fault I want my goddamned car and I don't want to hear any freaking excuses I paused simply said yes sir and he responded good that's what you should be telling me the whole thing just left me so shook and feeling low I was getting a faulty item replaced at Target the women behind the counter were incredibly helpful and incredibly nice I told them I wanted to replace it with another and they just told me to go grab one off the shelf and bring it back when I got back this woman was there raising heck about a car seat she had gotten it as a gift if I recall correctly whoever gave it to her just had it sent directly to her from targets online store or so she claimed she didn't have a receipt or anything to prove that what she was saying was true after a couple of minutes of her yelling one of the Clarkes noticed me and told me to come over to the register and she would check me out while this gets resolved I walked over and needless to say this didn't sit well with the crazy car seat woman she starts yelling about not being skipped in line or something like that with a mixture of wanting to leave not being too fond of yelling and hating when people are rude to the people who work in the service industry I turn around and tell her to freak off by this time the woman was done Wray ringing up my stuff I turn around to leave tell the clerk good luck and take a look at the woman who had up until then been yelling and being rude to these people for no reason she was giving me the worst stink eye I had ever seen as I walked out of the store I heard her start yelling again but at this point I couldn't be bothered to look back now that I think about it again I hope I didn't cause those cashiers any trouble by doing that I used to work at office max about a year ago I was the only cashier at the time and I had an older gentleman come up to me wanting to return something I'm pretty positive it was an electronic item in which we need the exact receipt of the customers driver's license I told the customer I would need his receipts and he flipped crap saying I just bought this I never got a receipt which is Bull's because we have to give you your receipt anyways he starts screaming and yelling at me mind you I'm a small 18 year old female at the time but after he starts yelling at me I call for another cashier to take the line down while he screams at me and the other employees can hear him on the radio my female boss who is a biker babe comes up and asks what problemis I tried to tell her what I was doing in how I was doing it but the customer got louder and I stopped talking to let him finish she said everything I was doing was correct and told the guy that we need a receipt or a driver's license he said he had gotten it taken away for a DUI which made me laugh on the inside it even got into his wallet and started throwing his credit cards at the manager and I we just stood there with smirks on our faces then his wife comes up and asks what's going on she was so calm and polite I felt sorry for her she gave us her heed and the item was returned the guy started picking up his credit cards and mumbling that I needed an attitude adjustment after he left I noticed a few of his cards were on the ground from him throwing them at us gave them to the manager and that was that typed on an iPhone sorry for any typos this one was a while back but I always get to laugh out of it I was working as a lead kitchen worker at a local Italian place back home I was the only one on shift that night and it was fairly slow so me and my manager was shooting the crap in the back waiting for the clock to tick down because I had everything done already about five minutes after I sent a gorgeous-looking Pizza route it comes back and the waitress is pale as a ghost my manager runs up to her they talked for a moment into my manager shoots a look back at me then goes out on the floor I honestly was shocked that pizza' was freaking perfect and I very very very rarely made mistakes thinking someone had an allergy that I missed on the ticket or something a few moments later my manager comes back and asks did you saw this guy's pizza I paused for a moment and with honest sincerity I replied do we have salt back here we didn't but that didn't stop this old man from flipping crap my manager explained that we don't put salt on anything in the back and that we didn't even have any the old man came up to the counter where you can see back to the ovens where I typically stood and started threatening to kick my butt until I stopped slouching against a wall and started walking towards the counter than he was the one that went pale I was a total butthole about it in my own snide way but to end the story - a bunch of vulgarities the dude walked out without paying for his pizza and I had to throw it away sad panda I think I ran into the world's biggest douchebag seriously I highly doubt many can top this guy's level of [ __ ] face er II so during my college years I was at a grocery store and some total Jersey Shore bro looking guy pulled up in an Escalade I went to oh you witches in the middle of nowhere Ohio that type of person just doesn't exist there so I was walking in and he had all of his windows down blasting that booty by e-40 and he was the only guy in the car I chuckled to myself and proceeded inside while I'm in there I spot him down an aisle and I realized how short he was about 5 feet for but absolutely ripped he was doing some serious steroids and had the fake jersey tan to match anyway after I was done paying and heading out I hear someone yell show a me your apps bro I turn around out of total witness and there he is lifting his shirt up to the cashier yelling show me your apps I kind of move off to the side so I can catch the rest of this turns out he forgot his it and wanted to fight the poor cashier because he wouldn't sell him beer the manager came up and I figured it was about time to leave skip ahead to later that night I was out at a bar with some friends lo and behold the ride it up bros strolls in with two other normal guys but he was wearing a la casa polo about two sizes too small and aviator sunglasses and seriously must have been a children's shirt because it looked like Under Armour with a collar I told all of my friends about him so we watched carefully anyway the way the bar is set up there's an island in the middle of the bar people can gather around bronies for anyone that's ever been to Ohio University my friends and I watched him attempt to hit on girls but none were interested he tried to interrupt some guy who is talking to two girls and I could tell they're about to get into it because both guys looked frustrated to the guida once again lifts up his under on a polo and yells show Amy your abs bro but seriously who the Frick does that biggest douchebag I've ever ran into obviously he was using the app standard because he would have lost his dong measuring joke's on him because the Apple logo already has a dent in it I can get you fired with one phone call you're pretty good best I can manage with one phone call is a pizza one day I was crossing a street in NYC during rush hour and this lady was literally laying on the horn all of us people in the crosswalk just went on our way not paying her any attention until one guy stopped in front of her took his headphones off and yelled shut the Frick up she stopped and that man became my hero I worked at an Italian restaurant and had a family coming they seemed pretty normal and I served the dad three maybe four glasses of wine little did I know he didn't show any signs of intoxication at dinner that he was crap house but he paid for dinner and took the merchants receipts that had my tip on it normally I can just turn in the customer receipt and the managers were fine with it but there was always extra work involved around it so I managed to catch him before he left the restaurant and politely informed him he left me the wrong copy and if he could just trade me I would be grateful I'm at the host stand of the place doing this and he seems very confused by the situation but then he started getting very very angry he finally figured it out but not before yelling at me in front of a lot of people this is incompetence on your part followed by him signing the receipt and docking me half my tip my manager came up right after and asked what it was all about I told him he told me next time to just let it go it was always a joke afterwards when something would go wrong that it was incompetence on your part cause he's a crap house full of this douchebag behavior you guys are talking about it creates an expectation among managers particularly restaurant managers if you're a restaurant manager and someone has asked to speak with a manager it's generally because they're upset and want to complain so if I go out to eat and have a good experience I flick with the waiter and the manager in the following way when the waiter brings the bill they almost always ask will there be anything else I say yes I'd like to speak with a manager please you can see the gears starts instantly turning in their heads because it's not at all uncommon for people to tell their waiters everything is fine and then complain to the manager after the meal is over so the waiter is mentally reviewing the entire meal wondering what he or she might have missed sad would have Pini off is everything okay so they ask I just want to speak with a manger I reply in a calm voice minutes later the manager will come out and you can see on their face that they're bracing themselves they are expecting at the very least having to deal with an upset customer and they are plotting likely avenues of resolution I'm the manager they say can I help you with something yes I reply I just wanted to let you know that everything was great tonight food was fabulous and the service was excellent our waiter was very attentive and professional and we were well taken care off very often it takes the manager a couple of seconds to shift gears one time I actually had a manager who was clearly trying to figure out what my angle was like I was trying to somehow sneak in a backhand complaint amid all my praise so the next time you go out to eat all the next time you get good service anywhere like on a tech support call or something ask to speak with a manager and let him know that you had a good time I work behind the customer service counter at a local grocery store I had a lady come up to me one day already yelling and cursing asking do you have any more of the meat on sale in the back I calmly told her no and that I would gladly write her a rain check she didn't like this response one bit how the Frick can you advertise something if you don't have IT on the Shelf I responded with other people shop here you know she then said I know that I'm not frickin stupid I replied obviously you are she then turned away and left mind you my manager is behind the counter with me this entire time all he could do was burst out laughing and compliment me on how bad but it was I don't care if I'd get fired it would be worth it to put someone like that in their place I was eating a lovely fish supper on the shores of South England one day about a month ago calamari and chips for those wondering and there was a family sitting at the table next to me we were all sitting outside with the tables directly backing onto the pavement anyway an older man goes past slowly with a large dog and the youngest child of the family reaches out to give it a stroke the dog not the man the man starts shouting at the kid and so the father starts explaining how he's just a child just being friendly etc the elder man proceeds to punch the father in the face then the waiters rush out and so forth and it all calmed down I thought that was pretty ridiculous ah here is another case of dauch beggary i used to work as a cashier assistant manager at a car wash 100% of the employees save myself the owner and one manager were Mexican this was in a very affluent neighborhood Palm Springs CA area we would have his customer that would come in and purposely leave a stack of $100 bills just under the front seat so that he could in his words to me catch those Mexicans stealing my hard-earned American cash of course our guys would always bring it up and hand it to me right in front of the guy he would make them wait while he counted it in front of them then used my counterfeit pen to check them to make sure they were not replaced with fakes bonus douche my manager thought it was funny and wouldn't kick the guy out at my request upvote for bonus douche if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 103,446
Rating: 4.8244014 out of 5
Keywords: influencer, influencers, online influencer, influenciados online, online influencers, online, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 3JGMV6eSrz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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