What Was Your First Kiss Like? (r/AskReddit)

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read it what was your first kiss like my first kiss I was only 15 at a time and I had just met a girl for the first time we were getting on really well so we went behind some recycling bins and had a kiss it was fun I liked being 15 reciting wins otherwise known as ridded servers I was leaving my best friend's birthday party and was in her basement with her and our two best friends I tell her that it's time for me to leave and she asks for a goodbye hug so I open up my arms and start to take a step forward when all of a sudden she rushed at me I remember being like what for about a millisecond before my whole world narrowed down to these chapped lips pressing against mine it was just a peck probably only about a second long but I remember every detail about it as she pulled away I could hear our BFF s gasping and squealing as quietly as they could I just stood there stunned for a second and she looked up at me with this super coy expression like yeah I just kissed you what you gonna do about it but I know her pretty well and she was probably gauging my reaction I assure you she did not have worried because I got the biggest smile and I grabbed her and kissed her again and then we just stood there hugging for a minute while our friends had a small squealing fit and then I went home ten stroke ten first kiss would do it again if I could I was 15 I think I was sitting next to this girl I liked we were talking and laughing I suddenly realized wow our faces are really close I hadn't noticed that then she suddenly leaned forwards that little bit more and kissed me it was just a perfectly innocent kiss no tongue or anything well not at first anyway and it felt amazing my mind kind of went blank and you know how people talk about their hearts swelling yet that's what it felt like it's a shame she turned out to be such a manipulative C in the end well hot dang that last line made me laugh attention men aged approximately 26 - 30 if you ever got a birthday kiss in the Lord Java ski hill in chaos come you were my first kiss sunburst Frick yet it was the greatest thing I've ever felt let me explain before I was 21 I had no self-esteem I didn't like any part of my body and I just didn't valued myself as relationship worthy but I worked with that girl nine stroke ten type of girl totally out of my league she kept smiling of me even though I was very timid but I smiled back all the time then we talked went on dates studied together and things escalated I was ready for a life of loneliness I was sure I was going to die without even kissing a girl not even on a dare I was prepared for that but then it happened we were in my car she had to go work so I dropped her off but before she left my car she just stared at me for a solid 10 seconds I was like Frick this I am kissing her and I did and she kissed back I felt like I could achieve anything that kiss meant a lot to me it was my first kiss with the one I wanted but most importantly and a lot of you might think it's selfish but most importantly it gave me confidence since that day I got to like myself I knew I was worthy of happiness I knew what I had and what I lacked I wasn't anxious of leaving home every morning for schoolwork I could look at any women in the eyes and have a normal conversation without cracking my voice because I am now equal to all of you that first kiss made me want to live I'm 21 you have given me a lot of hope B I was 13 and he was 12 but a very beautiful boy blond green eyes lovely smile he thought I was a woman while his classmates were just kids he also thought I was very pretty our parents were friends so once when his parents were visiting we were hanging out in my room sitting on my bed he made the first move hugged and kissed me no tongue or anything just a tender little kiss he then went and shut the lights off and then came back and kissed me again more passionately this time I was so in love with this boy after that I was bullied in my school and was considered ugly by my classmates so it was wonderful to have such a handsome boy having a crush on me nothing more happened after that night just some awkward phone calls where neither of us knew what to say weeks later our parents fought and never talked again as a result I never saw him again he thought I was a woman , while his classmates were just kids I was 16 I think I was at his house and we were awkwardly sitting on his couch he then took my chin and gave me a kiss it was so sudden and I didn't expect it at all because I was trying to figure out how I would go in for the kiss then after a minute of realizing what had happened I said yeah and made out with him for a good solid ten minutes I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous twelve truth-or-dare on the bus home from a Mountain weekend she was the most popular girl in our little crew super cute I was intimidated shaking a little even her lips were soft and moist I was shocked euphoric triumphant simultaneously I smiled she smiled I went back for one more success got teased a bit but nobody else did any kissing that day in that moment you were euphoric a cold February night I had just turned 17 as did he we've been dancing around each other since I joined the school that September we went to go see Black Swan together and then he waited with me at the bus stop until my bus arrived I was super nervous and didn't know what to do he swept me in his arms and just went come here then kissed me pretty well it was awesome six years later and I'm not scared of kissing him anymore it was alright it was also the first time I saw a girl's breasts she had a really good set but had a hairy stomach like hairier than mine is even now still waiting fairly innocent with mouths closed and puckered lips together the hard part was trying to figure out how long we're supposed to hold that position but I do remember feeling wonderful that was with my neighbor in fourth grade and there were a lot more firsts with her through the years cute I was playing DDR with a friend in my basement and she swore that if I could triple a a particular song she'd kiss me I did and we did it was pretty chaste but it was pretty great the first time I kissed her boy it was long wet and sloppy I distinctly remember looking up at him afterwards his mouth covered in saliva as he said didn't get a good seal and smirked I gagged I seriously wondered if I was really a full-blown lesbian after that for ages I was 15 and he was 17 we were driving around town in his forest green Toyota Tundra we got some Taco Bell and parked in front of a haunted house after finishing the food he just leaned over and starting kissing me total tonsil hockey I got really hot little not figurative and pulled away pretty quickly after a few giggles we started again I was already in love with him my mom almost married his uncle when I was 3 good thing that didn't happen we lasted three years the second guy I kissed we had Taco Bell beforehand as well : Thanks Taco Bell Taco Bell is the ultimate wingman my first kiss was stressful I was in the seventh grade my buddy was dating this girl named Cort I pretty much was forced to date her best friend so we went on a lot of double dates I came from a really religious family so I was not allowed to date yet I was always stressed out when we were hanging out since I knew in my little seventh-grader mind I was breaking the rules anyways we had been going out for a few weeks now all I had been doing with her is holding her hands and hugging her at school so we decide to see a movie on a Friday after school we were about to enter the theater when Court holds me back from the group and says you will kiss her before the movie ends I was barely getting comfortable with holding her hand but now you are dare me to kiss her I had no idea what to do so it's getting to be the middle of the movie and I look over where Court is sitting and she gives that look of frickin dua T mind you I had no idea what to do so I decide maybe she'll pick up on what I am trying to do if I just lean over okay okay you got this just lean over to her yup that's it Frick she didn't see it dude you just pretty much kissed her hair Frick I decide to try again nope she's still not getting the hint finally I just kind of nudge her leg with mind and going for it she seems excited and we kiss it was the most awkward cherry lip gloss filled with sparkles kiss ever my lips practically almost slipped off hers whatever mission accomplished she later cheated on me and dumped me for this guy named Ben it was gross the guy just kept like munching on my face as though he hadn't eaten in a week and it was wet and sloppy his glasses kept falling down and hitting me in the face too I went through about three tubes of lip balm off towards trying to heal my severely chapped lips sorry about that my female friend decided to play women at a school dance and kissed me to make my girlfriend jealous so she kissed me afterwards your female friends is the real MVP Suria bad I was 16 we were downstairs in my basement he was longingly looking at me so I could tell that he was trying to pull something as he begins to lean in' i turn away so that his lips miss mine i then realized the severity of my actions and burst into tears because i ruined the moment so he consoles me and we play poker lawl WTF honestly though as a junior in college i still get some really bad kisses guys just don't understand that drowning in their saliva isn't hot she saw me coming in then she turned her cheek to me forgive her lord for she knows not off watch stun coma sadly and with a bit of shame I don't actually remember my first case disastrous she was feeling brave and wanted to bite my lip for our first case I got scared pulled away and had blotted her her nose bled for about three minutes needless to say we never talked again my first kiss was a Christian camp when I was 14 in which we had western night the square dance instructed told us to kiss the girl on the lips and I was the only one who made good jetan champ , Rajveer first kiss was with my little sister sort of uncomfortable to think about in hindsight it's a my second kiss was the interesting one I was in middle school and me and this girl share our first kiss teacher saw us and lost it made me spend the rest of the week in detention for PDA on Friday when school ended me and the girl were walking home together and the teacher than Nablus was operating the crosswalk so me being the Defiant's little crap that I was and me knowing that the teacher couldn't do anything if I was off school property I laid a phat kiss my second kiss on this girl the second we crossed the street I've never seen a teacher so mad in my life a teacher me and this girl share our first kiss haven't had it yet minimal spittle is key wouldn't want to drown the other in saliva probably looked like a woodpecker I had no idea what I was doing on who the girl was really I was 14 or 15 I was 15 and had been spending quite a bit of time with an older boy 17 I had met at school we were both clearly into each other I had made up my mind there was time for the kiss but I was so nervous since I had never kissed anyone before he was over at my house one night and I remember spending the entire time trying to get up the nerve to kiss him I'd get close to him like within kissing distance haha and then chickened out finally it was close to the end of the evening I was sitting on the top of the stairs and he came and sat beside me all of a sudden he gently turned my face to his and kissed me it was perfect I told him afterwards I had been trying to kiss him all night and kept chickening out and he was like I know how after his dad picks him up I was so giddy my mom could even tell something was up I couldn't stop smiling we started officially dating not long after that and eventually got married been together 15 years I asked permission after sowing a girl for a month when I was 19 that kiss was Christ approved I was like a woodpecker on a tree I don't remember it was in kindergarten all I remember is her name was Nicole and the teacher started yelling at us at my first in kindergarten too though I do remember it clearly she taught me how to French kiss it was nice happened on the first ever date I've been on met him online after talking for a month he convinced me to go out with him he lives two hours away so when while we were walking back to the station to get his ticket to go home we passed by an empty hallway and he pulled me aside to kiss me honestly didn't think it was gonna happen so I was super stunned he did a quick Peck stopped then leaned in a game for a longer kiss kinda left me dazed for the rest of the day tbh so yeah pretty good first kiss it was cute neither of us had been kissed before but we were ahh dating and we'd been talking about it we were sitting on his bedroom floor watching Steven universe and then after one of the episodes was over he just looked over at me and went in for it and it was sweet afterwards I banged the Frick out of my head on his footboard though that was kind of funny afterwards I banged the freak out off ello ello ello ello my head on his footboard though goddammit I was six he was dressed as Batman and we were under his parents dining-room table I actually had a team date movie esq first kiss my girlfriend at the time and I were at a Halloween party and went outside to talk some of our friends came outside and I said to her hey let's pretend like we are making out she then looked at me and said how about we actually make out and before I can do anything I was hot and heavy into my first actual kiss which I am all but positive I completely flicked up I'm so happy she did that cause I had no bulls and would have never made the first move but in fact I was a pretty big prude until I got to college and finally realized girls do like it when you make a move sucking face sums it up pretty well awful how does one kiss like this is a serious question no jokes embrace tip your head slightly to the right and hope they do the same so your noses don't collide then move in and overlap lips well I punctured my laptop screen and now I have to take it in for repair hopefully the guys at Apple won't ask me how I broke it it seems that most people in this thread had a terrible experience well mine was next to perfect but some of my friends and I went to a river to camp and have a good time and as the night carried on we sat around the campfire talking and laughing meanwhile I had this girl in my lab this girl was basically everything I dreamed of she was right tallness 9 stroke 10 appearance and a great personality funny and all that we all got tired and went to our tents we were six people sharing two tents I the girl I liked and one other girl went to one tent as we lay there the girl I was crushing on snuggled up close and started scratching my scalp sort of after about five minutes of that I gained enough courage and just went for it it was amazing she is by far the best kisser I've meet so far we kissed for about two hours till we finally went to sleep that was one of the best nights in my life so far I was 22 when I had my first kiss I was at my ex's house we were drinking with a couple of friends so naturally a game of truth or dare happened so our friends dared us to kiss she stood in front of me I licked my lips in anticipation and because they were dry she put her hand like the back of my neck and as she leaned closer I closed my eyes then I felt it her lips were unbelievably soft it honestly felt weird they way saliva was moving around our mouths was both gross and intoxicating and as soon as it started it ended the smell of her perfume lingered and she left a sweet aftertaste in my mouth our friends cheered and we continued drinking you have been visited by the romantic dog a comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 25,794
Rating: 4.9540982 out of 5
Keywords: first kiss, first kiss story, first kiss tips, my first kiss, awkward first kiss, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: M2G61v5cyuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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