Biggest Spoilers Someone Revealed

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reddit what is the biggest thing someone has ever spoiled for you who my real birth mother was i was in one of those messed up family situations where a young teen girl gets pregnant and the parents decide to raise the baby as their own i was that baby apparently it was a well-kept secret in my family despite almost everyone aunts uncles cousins grandparents etc knowing about it on my 14th birthday my drunk uncle figured it was time i find out my 27 year old sister was my real mom at first i was pee because it seemed like everyone had kept something incredibly important from me and lied to me all these years got over it pretty quickly since i felt my mom who is actually my grandmother was my real mom same thing goes for dad i am now 25 and i still have no idea who my real birth father is i ain't even mad tl dr drunkel thought it would be fun to tell me i'm really jack nicholson on my 14th birthday drunkel is my new favorite word my friend in high school saw that i was reading ender's game and proceeded to tell me the big twist at the end when i asked him why the frick he just ruined the end for me he said oh it was totally predictable i'm not gonna lie i had no clue frick him my wife and i tried not to find out about the gender of our second child and the ultrasound tech kept saying she or he in the most obvious way possible we really should have a word that implies both he and she a certain event in a storm of swords from the song of ice and fire aka game of thrones books people who have read the books will know what it is without having to say anything else about it ah yes that moment when we all learn to hate my ex-girlfriend would make me watch random movies with her but she would tell me the whole plot line plot twists and the conclusion of the movie within the first 10 minutes of it oh lord i could never handle that christ i get angry enough when i'm watching a movie with someone who's already seen it and they say you'll see that this guy here is blah blah blah and later on he'll stfu let me watch and absorb the movie and when it's done then we can discuss all of it i didn't see the sixth sense until a few months after it came out everyone was talking about it but i would leave the room when the subject came up because it was obvious there was some big spoiler heck i had to leave parties so i wouldn't hear what the big gotcha was i made it seven weeks and then was finally able to go see the movie i was pretty psyched everybody had been talking about it and about how good it was just as the lights were dimming a stranger sitting two seats down in the half empty theater leans over and says i can't believe bruce willis was dead the whole time i would have flipped out on him loudly one christmas eve many years ago came downstairs unable to sleep found my mum and dad playing my playstation one granted i knew i was getting it and did a little freaky a but still i think that's actually hilarious you still got a surprise in a playstation and your parents could actually play with you mine wouldn't even be able to figure out how to put a game in it my best friend told me my boyfriend had a ring on him and was proposing to me a 15 minute before he did it i was pee at her i was surprised but would have liked to be uber surprised since i had no idea till she said something lost it had ended but i was watching it on dvd i told my coworker that i just finished second to last season and was really looking forward to seeing how it all ended and that i was going to watch it in the coming week she said oh yeah my husband and i watched that series but we finished it and moved on to stargate it turns out that and here she tells me exactly how it ends really i just got finished telling you i was all excited to see how it ended and that i was going to watch it immediately there's a very good chance what she told you was wrong a lot of people misunderstood the ending that my boyfriend of four years was going to propose his mother text me asking what size ring i wear to see if her high school ring would fit me there was some mena red flags going off in my head just how weird this request was she never gave me a ring or even mentioned it again she's never given me anything of hers before and it was an out of the blue text because i hardly ever talk to her on the phone or text i asked him about it and he proposed right there just us alone then told me to keep this a secret and act surprised when he does in front of our family we've been engaged a year now though to be fair it's kinda difficult to know i did it by taking her ring shopping one day and to try on some of the rings because she was kinda sad at the time i figured i could kill two birds with one stone here learn the ring size and make her forget about all the bad things i proposed five months later so she was definitely surprised i actually spoiled christmas for myself one year by age 13 i was the clever boy i had mastered the art of removing scotch tape from christmas presents without leaving any evidence so when i discovered zelda linked to the past under the tree i did what i think any of us would have done in similar circumstances i swapped that bee out with a pillow at wings cartridge that was two weeks before christmas by the time i opened the gift i had already beaten the game and was well on my way toward a 100 completion run i had to fake enthusiasm for something my mother knew i really wanted and i felt freaking awful for it i never did get 100 completion and the last time i fired it up in an emulator i felt enough of a twinge of that old guilt that i couldn't bring myself to play for very long so i guess i actually spoiled that game for myself too little kid guilt is the worst when i was like five i got mad because my mom bought me the wrong toothbrush i still feel bad mom how was school sister age 11 good we started reading where the red fern grows and i really really like it mom oh isn't that the book where the dogs die at the end sister i wait i what subs dang it old dan why did you have to die i accidentally read on reddit that a certain character dies in the sopranos i'm in season five and it still hasn't happened now all i do is wait for it don't stop believing georgia curtis my sister got mad at me one day and blurted out santa isn't real mom and dad just dress up and put out all of our presents when she saw the look on my face she realized what she had done and tried to take it back but it was too late my youthful innocence bad farewell that day in general i don't like that eye and everyone around my age for that matter grew up knowing that darth vader is luke's father i really wish i could have been one of the first people to see the empire strikes back when it first came out and bask in the unexpectedness and surprise of it all reading harry potter when i was 15 a few days after order of the phoenix came out and this really annoying girl who was older than me sees me reading it clearly not even halfway through and says have you got to the part where sirius dies yet over the summer my friend was at a summer camp called cty center for talented youth it's basically a nerd camp that summer however the half blood prince was coming out cty is a sleep away camp and it's very hard to hear much from the outside world for the three weeks that you're there obviously if you have a bunch of nerds together they are going to want to get their hands on the new harry potter book to deter this the counselors thought of a brilliant plan in the dining hall there's a giant blackboard before all the kids filed in for dinner they wrote the following sentence snape kills dumbledore oh the screams were hurt for miles that is seriously cold for christmas once when i was a kid all my sister and i got were pamphlets and brochures and the promise of disney world we were so excited then instead my parents got divorced mom sister and i moved in with grandma and my mom had to spend the money on a car it was terrible sixth sense was ruined by my teacher in high school it was still before dvd were watching it in vhs format she played the movie from the halfway point because she didn't want to rewind it then when the movie ended and it auto rewound she played it from the beginning so i knew from the beginning that bruce willis was a ghost eater don miss frankie technologically inept c the same friend accidentally ruined both dumbledore and sirius black's deaths like less than a day before i would have gotten to them in the books myself how i managed to forgive him for that double whammy i'll never know my friend spoiled all the m nycha amelian movies before i got a chance to see any of them the weird thing is that he hadn't seen them either he just guessed right all the plot twists on his own scrubs spoiled the sixth sense for me i was on vacation one time with my family and the fifth harry potter book had just come out i hadn't even started reading it yet but my uncle had a copy of it and i didn't see him put it down once when he had free time he was laying on a bed and me and my cousins went in to bug him and we ended up reading over his shoulder and i wish i was freaking kidding the very first god dang sentence i read was sirius was dead if you look in the harry potter hardback i believe it was like three stroke four s of the way down the page it's not even like it was the first sentence on a page i picked one sentence out of like 40 that were visible on the two pages and read the only one that could have possibly spoiled anything tl dr i'm such a piece of crap i spoiled it for myself by reading three words my friends started talking about fight club not realizing i had never seen it before i could warn them they told me that well you know if anyone reading this is lame enough to have not watched it go do it now you don't t talk about fight club i found out my best friend's girlfriend was cheating on him little did he know that i also knew that he was doing the same and funnily enough i knew the people they were cheating with as well so as any one friend in their right mind would do i only invited the four of them over for drinks making them believe it was going to be a big party hilarity ensued someone told me that jesus dies in the bible while i was only in leviticus now it doesn't seem like that big of a deal the dark knight rises imagine i had been looking forward to this movie for well over a year for any young male adult batman is the man i had religiously avoided message boards imdb and all other sorts of evil internet information in order to not have this glorious cinematic masterpiece ruined for me pre-ordered imax tickets mentally pregamed made plans with all my friends to see it together fast forward i'm sitting in between my best friend and my girlfriend i am literally giddy with excitement the movie begins batman's new hot rich corporate love fling shows up my friend leans over and tells me that's rasel ghoul's daughter movie ruined i think being a batman fan and having read a few comics ruined that move for me when it got to the part where they talked about the child of razelgal i knew it was talia and that she would be miranda it just made the most sense at that point in the movie as i knew bane definitely wasn't i wish i wasn't a casual comic fan so i could have been completely blown away at the twist my sister told my mom i was gay the day before i was going to tell her my mom now believes i didn't trust her enough and would have kept it hidden funny part was when i showed up to tell her and she had a buzz on and kept ranting about her lesbian years apparently auntie leonora wasn't just my mom's roommate family bonding at its best this reminds me when back in high school one of our english teachers was assigning us some paper to write about a childhood memory or something he gave the example of finding out there was no santa claus i immediately looked at him and said what in a shocked tearful voice the look on his face was priceless he thought he just broke it to a high schooler that there was no santa anyway it's funny because santa is actually real my best friend in middle school asked me if i'd read the hunger games and wanting to be cool and hip i was all hell year i did even though i'd only gotten through about 20 pages of the book at that point then she proceeded to say good watch this and scream to the entire cafeteria katniss dies a couple people glared at her but surprisingly enough most people didn't even bat an eye i laughed with her but on the inside i was like freak the ending's been ruined what's the use in even reading the book now so i didn't it wasn't until about a couple days ago five years later when i told my friend this story she responded katniss doesn't die that was the biggest mind frick false spoiler i've ever experienced i don't even think i know what's reality anymore tl dr i still haven't finished the hunger games i was spoiled twice reading your comment i don't know which spoiler is worse when we were dating i got my wife on the airplane onto the shuttle van and halfway across los angeles without her figuring out where we were going the fact that it was an early flight helped she'd fallen asleep in the shuttle van i figured things would be blown when we got into the van but she kept her eyes averted then when she fell asleep i thought we might make it all the way to the hotel unfortunately the van jostled and she woke up and looked straight at the sign that said disneyland this exit my wife is a huge animation fan and i'd managed to score two passes to the premiere of the iron giant the premier was several days before the movie was to open a pre-screening for the newspapers the screening wasn't even on the marquee so i got her all the way into the theater and into line without her having a clue what movie was showing as we're standing in line not at the end not at the beginning just in the middle of the line someone approached me and we had the following conversation him excuse me but is this the line me emphatic yes him but is this the line for me louder yes it is him no is this the line for the iron giant wife gasp cheer me fasopam him oh oh oh no i'm sorry yes we were dating in 1999. yes i'm old i've got bugs logged against me old enough to drive and a gray hair for each i once thought that an eagle almost carried away a small child the internet refused to allow me to live in my own ignorance my husband and i decided not to find out the gender of our child until it was born to have that classic it's a moment in the delivery room i had painstakingly designed a neutral nursery and bought all neutral clothing then at five months pregnant i went to an anatomy scan and the ultrasound technician started labeling the different parts of the baby's body on her computer which was displaying on a huge projection screen on the wall i almost cried when i saw her type out the word scrotum my mum had planned on not finding out my gender too until she went for her second scan and the woman doing the scan blurted out well she's got a very strong heart beat my mum went home and told my dad i was a boy for the next few months because he really wanted a girl it wasn't until she was just about to give birth that she told him i was a girl my girlfriend ruined the entirety of shutter island for me but it was a complete accident frickit i can't seem to win with any of you spoiler in middle school oh you are going to see sixth sense tonight i knew bruce willis was dead the whole time frick you john layman i can't see game of thrones live so i have downloaded the ninth episode beeler and i was going to watch it as soon as i got home my mistake was to google edit during the day because dang auto complete spoiled the episode for me that was the chapter that made me buy the books a very good friend of mine trolling dude watch the first season of 24 you'll never guess tony almeida is the mole stupid me with another friend frick this guy spoiled me 24 by telling me who the mole is the other friend ah he told you it was nina mayer's frick me my mom a single parent quit hosting attending celebrations of any kind when i was 10 years old so now when most people are all excited about parties and presents i could give zero freaks this includes birthdays christmas graduations etc anytime a gift is exchanged or cake is consumed you will find my mother nowhere near i've pretty much adopted this same spirit for celebration as a result spoilers about dexter if anyone hasn't gotten this far yet some douche on twitter who i follow spoiled that rita died at the end of season 4 of dexter ugg i had to hold that one the entire season so i wouldn't ruin it for the people i was watching it with when the packers beat new england in favre's only championship with the team i was living in milwaukee and had to drive down to the northern suburbs of chicago for work le mans on totem pole not a wisconsin native job fell to me the game was probably around half time when i picked the guy up at the train station and the first thing i said when he got in the car was please don't tell me anything about the game he was a rams fan but went along with it although he had been hoping to listen on the radio made it all the way back to milwaukee dropped him off drove home had to make a detour around water street because i knew that the outcome would be very apparent down there sprinted up three flights of stairs to my apartment and as i was putting the key in the lock two guys came down the stairs and one of them shook me by the shoulders and went frick yeah that data dies spoiler in star trek nemesis this was months before the movie came out and our friend had been reading spoilers online and just blurted it out we almost killed him you may already know this but in the comic set just before the 2009 reboot called countdown data is seen as the captain of the enterprise after having fully imprinting indural nets into b4 it's how i sleep at night i started watching twin peaks for the first time mid last year and tweeted that i was doing so at the exact same time some girl who i had never heard of decided to search twitter for any mention of twin peaks and spoil who the murderer is simply because she didn't like the show i got her tweet 10 minutes into the first episode if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 5,345
Rating: 4.954802 out of 5
Keywords: biggest spoilers by actors, biggest spoiler, biggest spoiler ever, spoilers, spoiler, reveal, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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