What did you hear someone say that left you speechless?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is something you've heard someone say that actually left you speechless we were in a grocery store starting to head down an aisle when a man stopped us and said I'd recommend avoiding this aisle my wife just cut a wicked fart his candle left us speechless sure enough even in the next aisle we could smell it wafting in our direction my first reaction is that he did it and he blamed his wife on it and that he does this off him you make a valid point I wondered about that too especially since his wife looked the other way as he spoke absolute king babe you know how much I love you so don't be mad but I've been sleeping with your cousin for a while and we are in love and I'm gonna need you to support me on this also if her husband calls tell him she is with you needless to say the speechless portion didn't last too long one to mention this was months ago and the situation has been handled they are both dead to me they are both dead oh my god WTF to me oh okay that makes sense and to everyone else do you think yourself random friend lot a former run mate 10 minutes after meeting me I have a similar one a longtime friend of mine introduced me to his girlfriend for the first time and the first thing that she says to me is so when did you lose your virginity I had a co-worker asked me on his second day so how many girls have you act he was fired a few weeks later not for that but for sexually harassing a female colleague he was fired a few weeks later not for that but for sexually harassing a female colleague I have to say this was absolutely not an unexpected development let me guess you probably think fossils are real don't you what well this happened to me too 10th grade age 15 or 16 a girl in my art class said I don't believe in dinosaurs I was about to explain fossils all of the evidence then realized you can't fix stupid I have an ex who didn't believe dinosaurs existed the devil put them on earth to trick people into thinking they existed his family also loved Kent Hovind I just want to speak up as someone who used to believe this it's not stupidity it's religious indoctrination if you encounter someone like this again you can either disengage your challenged them with questions but please don't dismiss us as unfixable stupid me comma and just a heads up we close at 5:00 p.m. today customer no you don't need comma I really hope they wave their hand like a Jedi and you went along with it what you think you're some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that I'm a Toydarian Mind Tricks don't work on me only money remember when it was my mind is strong enough to resistant not Jedi tricks don't work on my species for sir mocking reason looking at your phone at work is the same thing as showing up to work drunk or on drugs time thief time thief time theft is real right now for example I should be working that's pre-cast cheating I was talking to someone about something unimportant and I jokingly said to my friend what could you possibly hate about me well she goes on this long behind rant saying that I'm overdramatic hypocritical arrogant and a political stereotype I don't even know what she meant with half of the things she was saying she said I was a hypocrite for not liking anime wait your friend said this there's a reason we more distant now she's changed a lot recently she's always trying to act edgy and intimidating do music starts we have a population of 330 million if everyone just gave each other a dollar we'd all be millionaires bimbo coworker I heart it hurts my brain to think about how that would work a lot of her comments hurt a lot of our brains how a bimbo co-worker or pyramid scheme startup the reason I think I'm always right is because I always am the guy was saying this while trying to argue that someone was wrong to call him arrogant if I can't be right then why face reality a harmful mindset thanks to denial I'm immortal when I was in high school this kid called me arrogant my off-the-cuff response was I'm not arrogant I'm just better than you he me was an accident end my dad did not want to have kids I was not going to get an abortion so we got divorced something like that I was 10 she always told me that they got married too young and wanted different things out of life don't eavesdrop on your mom's conversations with her friends drinking wine explains why my dad blows me off most of his weekends and when I'm there I'm just kind of her and he ignores me grow to do wonderful things in your life and when your father shows up to share a piece of your success ignore him I did that best feeling ever to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments and then just ignore the people that pretend to have had contributed you don't know how glad I am to hear that she probably let herself get abused when she was younger honestly I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say that it seriously pisses me off it's one of the many reasons I'm no longer a counselor this kind of thing began to wear me down I'm not surprised I overheard a work colleague say it to someone else I walked out before I got myself sacked by retaliating as someone who got herself abused this really pisses me off it's not a choice and yes sometimes mentally we don't realize how bad it is unstated it's still not my arking fault someone else decided to hit and use I'm usually left speechless after my dad drops a proper dad joke on my unsuspecting behind I'll just give him a look that tells him I am eternally disappointed in his sense of humor but also that what he said was kind of funny without wanting to recognize that it was kind of funny do you know what makes a joke a dad joke when it becomes apparent otherwise it had just be a faux pas Anna her as a father of a son that gives those looks I think you should respect your dad and laugh at his jokes it hurts when the product of your union of love thinks you are not funny lol can't you just get over it already it's not like it's your mom or dad you need to learn how to quit making everything about you and realize that I have problems too an ex angry that I cancelled date night to go to the hospital while my grandpa was dying edit clarifying that ex and I are both Deutz you need to learn how to quit making everything about you and realize that I have problems too oh my god the irony if there's one person who makes everything about themselves without acknowledging other people's problems it's definitely the guy yelling at his boyfriend because he thinks some date night is more important than his dying grandfather the irony gets better / more terrifying he was in school for psychology and his dream job was trauma therapist that doesn't even surprise me the biggest hatchet I know is him school to be a substance abuse counselor you teach people how to treat you mind-blowing moment of realization that if I continued to say I suck and that no one should trust me with things they will start to believe me and treat me as such I keep telling something similar to this to people you aren't getting any respect if you doesn't respect yourself and people will treat you the way you let them I literally hate the person I am right now edit genuine kind caring person really left me speechless depressions the help you the drug man thought you were talking about me at times my depression hits and I hate everything about myself I feel like I'm not a good enough mom or wife was it a small Shetty dinner that's gone now two older couples were at the next booth over talking about how one couple was trying to sell their house they were complaining that no one would want to buy it since the black family moved in next door the other guy said it's simple when you're walking in the yard with potential buyers and you see the neighbor ask him how the flowers are coming along this year they'll just bet him - he's the gardener double quote Jesus Christ that sucked up that's asinine dare I ask what state this was in in my great state off PA I live in a community that's almost 50 stroked 50 sweet black and white it honestly makes me happy and I thought things were all hunky-dory welp I started talking to this old white guy who always sits on his porch w no shirt baking in the afternoon Sun it's always this type of guy isn't it his porch directly faced a side lawn across the street of a home owned by a black guy we live right next door to the black dude he was nice we met him a couple times he worked for the municipal Department and lapse all we knew while black dude wasn't great about mowing his lawn that's okay we weren't great about house either we're all young working hard outside the home busy old shirtless white guy remember him once proudly told me that he chastised his young black neighbor for neglecting his lawn calling it in a gallon he said those exact words to his neighbor and was proud of it too well black did up and left just never came back house became repossessed grass grew dill got ripped off its hinges window smashed inside off the home filled up with melt the entire lawn has been dug up and is now a mud pit in attempts to play some pumps and salvage the house Wirt has been moving very slowly I don't like people what the yuck is wrong with people a friend and I were in a store buying mannequins for our thrift in business the guy who owns the store pointed to a specific mannequin and said this one has grieved it's not like my sister-in-law's she breastfed her baby and one day she whipped them out to feed him and they look like fried eggs ruined forever my wife is in her 70s and she has perky little jets because she didn't priest feed our kids then he went on to tell us how his daughter breast feeds on how grated his four babies WTF we had known this guy all of 30 seconds before he unloaded this breastfeeding so nas to be fair you went to a store that whole sales mannequins just be grateful that your experience didn't end with you being his new models in the basement I laughed out loud okay I've posted this a couple times before but to this day I still have to just sit and think for a minute ever time I remember this it was 2014 or so in college and I had a statistics class we worked in groups and I always had this other girl at the table with me didn't have much of an impression of her because we didn't talk much but randomly one day she asked me what I thought of legalizing weed it took me back because I really hadn't talked to her much up until this point plus it's a loaded question even if we were in college all I said back was well I don't see much wrong with it and tried to leave it at that she comes back at me and says I definitely think it should be legal because the THC kills off brain cells so if it's legal that means more people will smoke it and everyone will get more done then because I'll choose not to smoke it everyone will become dumber than me and it'll mean I become more successful than everyone else I literally could not respond I don't think I ever talked to her again nor did I want him after that Donna did she really use the word honor the question is how does she spell dumber not only that but they admitted they were wrong to make a policy against kneeling but refused to mention keeper Nick by name in the statement probably because of pending litigation I was at the funeral for my dad who unfortunately passed before his parents my grandparents did Omar grandmother is very very sad and goes up to pay her last respects as she comes back she's crying and she reaches out for my sister's hand and grips it tightly she says ash his hands are so cold so cold my sister don't worry OMA you'll be warm soon she may have been thinking of the afterlife like Dante who saw heaven is the warm place with the light of God on everyone and Hellas becoming increasingly cold as you go further down you're giving her far too much credit you can't email me the document I need you to fax it to me because it has to be original there are so many places that require only faxed copies of documents and won't accept scanned copies in an email looking at you con Edison Ock you and your proof all residents requirements I just use a service that will take an email and turn it into a fax now but it still pisses me off ah Q con Edison join our community discord link in description Honors Chemistry and senior year of high school working on our final project needed to add na CL to something girl spends ten minutes tearing lots of potentially dangerous chemicals or for the chemical storeroom shelves because she can't find a beaker with na CL I point out the box of table salt and say let's use that Sheba raids me for being so stupid to think to use table salt except that's literally what she was looking for I still don't know what to say to that one except that now she's a surgeon well she's got the surgeons arrogance that seems to be the only real qualification scary thing is you're more right than should be mums rolled nurse and told off many doctors that were both stupid and should have killed more people but the staff usually caught their mistakes but they never admitted a mistake to be fine table salt contains anti-caking agents and often iodine so it's not exactly the same as NAR CL but if that's what she was thinking she would have said no that's not pure salt if that would have even mattered for that experiment rather than calling your dummy a colleague calling her own son son of a b CH a friend's mom told me a story about that back in middle school she'd called her son a son of a b CH and he just spat back you're right they both started laughing and it ended the argument she's good people me and my dad were joking and he called me a son of a B CH and I responded with so who's a B CH I work with a woman who is very difficult to get along with to say the least her oldest son is about 11 from a previous relationship than his younger brother who is seven or so who was fathered by the man she's currently with the eldest son has very high-functioning autism and also happens to have a large fascination with insects and insect related fields I remember once I was closing down the store I managed with her and she told me this tidbit of info about her oldest son's fascination with insects I admitted that while I'm not fond of insects myself that it was neat that he liked them so much and that if that fascination is fostered properly he could use that to his advantage and become a great biologist or whatever it's called when you specifically study insects it's a big field and he could leave a huge mark on it like Temple Grandin did for cattle production she looked me dead in the face and said no bugs are disgusting and he's weird for liking them so much his brother like normal things why can't he like normal things I almost cried dudes I wish this are a staff of compost but it's not she just flat said that ships to me needless to say I and everyone else at the store I manage really dislikes her entomologist that's the science bug specialists name I once during what they call a mental health crisis called the non-emergency doctor's number at around 3:00 a.m. after to speaking to them for a little while they said the doctor would call me back 45 minutes later I got a call from the doctor I explained that I was desperate and wasn't sure what I would do if I didn't get help and that I was so afraid I couldn't make it to a hospital on my own the new winter depressants I'd been put on were making me hallucinate and so terrified I hadn't slept in a few days but the doctor replied if you can't get to the hospital that's not our responsibility you could call an ambulance but you doing sir would be a waste of resources even if you do plan on killing yourself if you can't get immediate help and hung up the phone the doctor should have his license revoked the whole point of being in mental health practice is to keep you alive no matter what that looks like please know that you are worth saving good luck with your journey he probably thought it was the hypocritical oath rather than Hippocratic oh Lord welcome to the brave new world of dealing with mental health professionals if you say black that they tell you it's white if you say help me they say screw you if you say non-emergency they say acute the archetype thing is if you were swearing you were fine she'd off sent the cops to bring you in kicking and screaming and you wouldn't get out until she says you have been cured knowing best is what they get high off off I'm not a conspiracy theorist I'm a conspiracy realist I'm right because I confused you no that's cool being so wrong I don't know where to start if I blew off my arm would you let me put my nub on your but Bianca I what I like girls so thin they look anorexic like I want to see their ribs when I bend then over edited to add have your preference by all means but man that guy was disgusting yet people can have their preferences but that's definitely not mine lol it probably wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't a raging misogynist up by buttock now he was never before have I stood up and left the room so abruptly so this is a Wendy's you know that the world doesn't revolve around you right my guidance counselor I came to her two days in a row because I was extremely depressed my guidance counselor called me into her office about the pregnancy rumors spreading about me I thought she would help me deal with it socially no she asked if I was a virgin I said yes first year in high school she proceeded to tell me she didn't believe me and if I want to have sex I need to know that people will talk she ended with handing a condom and telling me to be safe there we all care about you we all love you enough to judge you sweetie I used to have a friend with whom I had a 3-hour long discussion about physics related questions which he asked me the questions all revolved around gravity in some way at first I thought he was genuinely interested in this topic after 2.5 hours I suddenly found myself googling papers that discussed gravitational waves and stuff like that goes wire over my head so by then I got suspicious and asked him that if he wasn't willing to accept my answer what would he think the answer is then Flat Earth I blocked his behind my great-grandma recently passed away while we were all walking by the coffin and crying and mourning my grandpa her son says to my crying grandmother this'll be us too next i just turned and stared at him with my mouth open who the hell says that to his morning wife within earshot of all the family and two feet away from his deceased mother people grieve differently he's trying to come to terms with his own mortality this isn't that bad he insensitive at most I can appreciate the idea but the question was something that left me speechless and him dead I'm sure I left some of my relatives without words when my grandfather died I was maybe 12 at a time for some reason I got to hold all those sugar stick fake cigarettes mine smoking them when everyone was viewing the body like pretending to puff out smoke and all that's coming up on 20 years ago now still keeps me up at night from time to time I was having a debate with my cousin on feminism and women rights after stating many facts and showing him articles as sources his response was well if it all sucked so much why didn't women do anything about it I was once arguing with the second cousin who's a hardcore MRA and he kept saying that men have always been the oppressed ones because they had to live through wars plagues famines and other historical hardships as if those things didn't directly impact women - it's like he believed that women were a recent invention this happened around a decade ago at a work Christmas party when entirely unprovoked one of my colleagues said my little boy really likes going to seaside town because there's no black people there and didn't see anything wrong with what she said or why we were asking her why she said it literally no reason why whatsoever she was in our 20s so it wasn't an age thing or early onset dementia or any other reason behind it she just wanted to say it and felt like at a Christmas party whilst looking at our menus was the best time to say it oh I'm so sorry that sound awful I didn't know your son was racist at a tournament where a player got three complaints lodged against himself for offensive behavior told me the judge that it was my fault that they couldn't take a joke yes you read that right he blamed the judges for other players getting offended my ex hubby was always right no matter what no matter the situation this caused lots of problems for us and of course he's now an ex but I had told the Family Council of us and the counselor did not quite believe me she suggested that I might be exaggerating just a little bit that was in a private session the next time we were in a couple's session I asked my ex point-blank in the 15 years we have been together do you think it might be possible that you were wrong about something his response was since I always use logic to reason out an answer I highly doubt I have ever been wrong it was validating seeing the counselors eye pop out of her head and then she spent the rest of our session trying to argue that nobody is 100% right 100% all the time yay my dear feel my pain thank you the marriage is over moving on I was talking to someone about historical punishments in American prisons related to my job at the time and one guy kept insisting that all of them were justified because they were being used on criminals I brought up one case where a man died Walden essentially a torture device for talking out of turn which eventually led to the prison discontinuing that method of punishment the guy said I think they should have kept using it it's not so much that I was speechless it's just that everything I could have said would have definitely gotten me fired so I turned on my heel and walked away you shouldn't microwave water it takes the oxygen out the different time zones is due to the variant relativity right lol you just can't predict stupid sometimes oh yes scrubbing as idiot clearly you don't really care about me this was after I gave this person everything I had to better their situation and get themselves on solid ground thousands of dollars for this and that days and weeks of my time all my energy and effort went into helping them out until I got to a point where I had nothing left to give and told them no about one thing after saying yes and giving them whatever they wanted for months before that point none of what I'd done matted or even happened as far as they were concerned at that point all they saw was me saying no and that was enough to completely turn on me and treat me like I don't even exist thanks for watching subscribe for 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Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 112,410
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Keywords: ask reddit, What did you hear someone say that left you speechless?, What is something you've heard someone say, that actually left you speechless?, left you speechless, speechless, planet reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, reddit funny, askreddit, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, relationships, funny relationship stories, hurtful, boyfriend, girlfriend
Id: 4gYiLIIcqXc
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Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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