What is the most unexplainable thing you've ever witnessed? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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serious what is the most unexplainable thing you've ever witnessed my friends and I had just been to a few nightclubs last year and we were walking home past a shop it was about 5:00 a.m. and the Sun was coming up by the shop we could see a man sitting against the wall with what looked like a white bag of chips we though nothing off it and kept walking then suddenly the bag of chips started moving and started flying away it turns out this super drunk guy was just sitting there casually stroking a [ __ ] seagull how he done that I will never know after my cat of 10 years died in December I would hear him the owing usually I could just pass it off as thinking too much about him we used to have a thing well he'd talk back and forth to each other he'd meow and I'd call back Clyde he'd call again I'd say Clyde then he'd run up to me and we'd cuddle one day I walked outside and I heard him as if he was sitting 10 feet away following right after I heard my own voice calling from far-off Playa I'd the meow and my voice repeated a few more times it was extremely nerve-racking when it stopped I just turned around and went back inside I don't hear him being much anymore I was sitting in the room near isla backyard on my laptop heard a knock on the sliding glass door and looked up to see who was there I saw very long hand pull away the fingers must have been about a foot long dark purplish gray in color I got up from the couch and saw a short figure running away it disappeared before my eyes one day my parents decide to trace a family name we visit a village we knew ancestors came from while visiting the graveyard we find one nobody is around one second the next is old man appears apparently he is related to tells us we should come for a cup of tea at his house gives us directions and name of place why dad asks if the local manor house is still open to the public he said yes has been since he remembers all of the directions he gives us used landmarks that haven't existed for decades the manor house is private has been for years owner told us he has no idea way his dudes houses ghosts or random senile ninja when I was in high school my grandmother succumbed to cancer at the funeral my cousin and aunt sang temporary home by Carrie Underwood it was my first time hearing the song because I never really enjoyed country music well that night I was sitting around a campfire with my brother and best friend when my girlfriend called to tell me she had arrived her first words to me were why is your ring back tone temporary home by Carrie Underwood I had her repeat it again and then just hung up the phone my ring back tone at the time was no sleep by his Khalif ur which I had not changed for months I do not really believe in the supernatural nor do I wholeheartedly believe in coincidence it has been something I could never explain a Kupe of years ago I was listening to music on my ipod in my bedroom I got up to use the toilet and left the iPod on my bed I returned to my room a couple of minutes later to find my ipod gone I searched my entire room for it and couldn't find it anywhere I went down to the kitchen which is at the other side of the house to find my ipod standing perfectly upright in the center of the kitchen table no f king clue how it got there or even how it was standing up it was the second gen iPod touch nobody had been home all the doors were locked and I hadn't gone to the kitchen before that till this Dave still amazes me how the hell it got there the house I grew up in was built by my great grandmother who died in the house no one in my family including me really believes in ghosts but this one had a scratching our heads when I was about eight my mom randomly lost her wedding ring she had no memory of taking it off but lo and behold it was just gone I remember searching for it with her for months after a while she just sort of gave up and figured it was gone forever a year later I brought up the missing ring again and jokingly said what if great-grandma took it my mom then looked up to the sky and half-kidding said you'd better give it back about an hour later my dad comes home from work and says look what I found in the driveway boom wedding ring she had no memory of taking it off but lo and behold it was just gone I remember searching for it with her for months after a while she just sort of gave up and figured it was gone forever a year later I brought up the missing ring again and jokingly said what if great-grandma took it my mum then looked up to the sky and half-kidding said you'd better give it back about an hour later my dad comes home from work and says look what I found in the driveway boom I'm pretty sure my house has a Friendly Ghost in it when we first moved in the chimney would randomly blow and soot when there was no fire or wind we got an infestation of bugs that no one could identify and other assorted weird crap now it's mostly settled down but lights will occasionally shut off after I've left a room my dog will bark are there doors are left open will be closed and vice versa I think they're just living peacefully alongside us sharing the house I consider them invisible friends me and my little brother were home alone playing super smash and we heard my little sister say hey we're over here from the closet but we were asking home alone we went and checked it out and you puii were still alone still freaks us out and we have no explanation woke up during the night when I was a teenager and someone was sitting on the end of my bed she was an older lady just sitting there looking at me I blinked and she disappeared I broke physics once in college we were doing a liquid liquid separation and a huge car column okay it's just a really tall tube with two outlet ports a blue tarp top of each other we pumped too much water into the column and it started spewing out of one of the outlets like who'd expect excepts of water was coming out of the top hole not the bottom one so we had water going up a tube passing right by an open hole glowing an additional 5 cm or so then shooting out the other huddle we had no idea what was happening and just started at it while it flooded the room couldn't repeat it again damn this thing nerdy as hell but there you go I was walking home from school with a friend when we noticed a guy leaning against his car further up the road almost as if he was waiting for someone he approached us as we passed by and said I made you a painting while handing my friend a print of a crudely painted old man the phrase the Lord God was written on the bottom he walked back to his car and drove off without explanation it really creeps us out at the time because it almost seemed like he was waiting for us flash forward about five years me and this same friend are attending us at his annual block party we were making our way back to the vehicle when that same the therfore king guy walks out from behind a food vendors truck it was very dark out and he scared the piss out of me again he said I made you a painting and handed me a slightly different version of the same print before I could even react I still have it he keeps me up at night my deceased friend claimed his house was on an Indian burial ground and was haunted I stayed over one night we all three of us and the dog slept in the living room and nobody know nothing nor no more animals were in the house I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone loudly running up and down the basement stairs I look over and my two friends are passed out I look for the dog and it's right beside my friend looking terrified of [ __ ] I was convinced his house is haunted after that I've posted this before but it's relevant enough to post again back in high school I was always going to concerts I was at a Metallica concert and went out to smoke a cigarette and these two guys my age walked up to me and said they knew me that we went to the same school and then proceeded to rattle off the last six or seven concerts I had gone to saying that they had seen me at them I had never seen these guys before ever but they knew my name first and last next day I walk into school and these two guys are sitting in the hall across from the door I said hi as I walked by and the bell rang and they just sat there went to class and never saw either one of them ever again I asked around if anyone knew these two and everyone said no they weren't in the yearbook either I was house-sitting for my aunt and uncle about eight years ago and their house is in a big subdivision but at the time it was one of the only houses in the new phase so it was a good mile from the other parts of the development anyway it was a typical Jewish home 3 bedrooms garage screened-in pool in the back skylights etc I slept on the pull-out couch in the living room so I could watch the big TV while I was going to bed anyway on the second night I hear this thudding sound coming from what sounded like the garage so I went in to check it out and make sure nothing had fallen over or anything anyway I didn't find anything I go my back down and eventually fall asleep I wake up to a silver polish infomercial like two hours later and I roll over to grab the remote and as I roll over I glanced up at the skylight that's right above me and I see this outline of a figure staring down at me and like two seconds later panic sets in I run into my arm tinned uncle's bedroom grabbed his gun from the top of his closet and call the police around 10 minutes seemed like hours later the police arrive and find my uncle's ladder set up on the side of the house but no signs of whoever was on the roof not really paranormal or anything but we never found out who was up there or why I've got a few but I'll go for a fairly recent one a couple of years ago I felt a visit stay with my husband then fiance s family for the first time we had never met never spoken and I didn't know much about them the first few weeks I was there I kept to myself and just cleaned up the house a bit while my husband and his mom were working since I first arrived I'd had a song stuck in my head baby mine's from the movie Dumbo and my sister-in-law kept catching me singing it while cleaning up around the house and repeatedly asked why I was singing it I told her I didn't know why it was stuck in my head but it had been since I got there and it was driving me crazy my husband eventually took me to visit his baby brother's grave we cleaned up the grave rearranged some flowers and I took some photos I then decided to take a photo of the back of the headstone and found this HTTP anger calm my UO 1iq said I saw a guy who looked pretty much exactly like me I saw him as he was getting off the bus and I was sitting on the seat by the window we both stared at each other I did longer cause I noticed a similarity first for about 10 seconds it was one of the most frightening experiences ever for a second I thought I might be going insane or hallucinating and for the ride back I felt so many feelings like wanting to have met him and then being afraid of actually meeting him wanting to know everything about him almost as if asking another person what it is for them to be you I never saw this person again and in a way I don't want to cause I feel like the earth might crack and swallow me but it was just eerie I'm glad this post exists because it's not asking what's the most paranormal blah blah blah so I'll leave this one here one time when I was about 15 I was sitting outside of my house relaxing in a chair and I noticed my mom come outside of our guest house she walked towards me and turned around along with a gesture of oh I forgot and went back inside the house a couple minutes later I go inside the main house and go inside my room my mom is lying on my bed and sound asleep my room had blackout blind so she often napped there if a headache was bad enough I woke her and she said she had been there for a while I like to believe my mind just had a crazy hiccup and I imagined the whole thing just to clarify was broad daylight and nothing seemed odd about my mum when I saw her and I even called out to her but she didn't seem to hear me when I was a teenager my house used to occasionally do weird things it has since stopped but every once in a while it would act up the most unusual thing that occurred happened when my mom and I were standing in the kitchen the door to my room was open nearby but nobody was inside while we were talking all of a sudden a piece of jewelry came flying out of my room and skirted along the floor to this day we have no idea how that happened ironically neither one of us was freaked out about it the place I worked at was next to a graveyard and we had a customer van told us all the time or store was haunted I usually just kind of enlightened the customer with a conversation but ignored her comments about it well one day she came in and told me to child I need you to be careful whatever is he does not like you I don't want you hurt so I made this feat who protects you and hand me a silver necklace it was a silver necklace with a real human tooth in the pendant i f king loved it wore it all the time never took out off fast-forward a few months I'm staying in a hotel because my apartment needed repair and I couldn't stay during construction first night at that hotel I took of my jewelry to sleep and I woke up to her banging in my room little weirded out but I went back to sleep later I felt someone grabbing my neck and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night a couple hours of watching TV and I hear a really loud boom above me it looked like someone punched a hole in the wall after that I put that necklace back on and never had a problem again 4th of July 2014 Portland Oregon my friends and I were sitting outside watching fireworks drinking beer smoking weed we notice two orange white orbs floating in the sky we immediately thought UFOs I went home Google UFO fourth of July Portland didn't find anything from that night but found claims of seeing UFOs on the 4th the year before the next day at Portland Blues Fest with most of the same friends a little boy maybe 9 or 10 approaches me he appeared to be all by himself he says can I tell you something I say yes he continues last night I was with my uncle while he was working he watches security cameras for a bank he was showing me how the thermal camera works and we saw three board men walking down the sidewalk not emitting any body heat and then he walks off one time my brother bought a mini craft miniature from Walmart he showed it to me when I was at his place he said it was 5 bucks but it was teeny and kind of a ripoff so he won't have considered buying more next time I go there I was using his bathroom and come out and see the little zombie dude on the floor not in the room with the display shelf so I pick it up and bring it to him he goes to put it back and discovers his is already there and a new one has materialized in his apartment he says it's me trying to f ck with him but why would I spend five bucks on a miniature not worth five bucks just to trick him come on one evening my mother and I were trying to get our stubborn dog to go out into the backyard she didn't want to go at all as we were trying to convince her it was a good idea I heard a loud clap right next to my ear I asked mom why did you do that so close to my face she replied I didn't clap I thought you did double quote a butt-naked Caucasian young woman painted completely black sitting down on a chair with her legs open reading a book in the middle of a sidewalk in the chinatown market I was only 7 I still have no idea what the heck that was kind of late but when I was younger 15 I was home alone with my brother 19 I was just sitting on the couch of somewhere around 11:00 p.m. and all the lights were off and I saw what I thought was him because it was his height was just looking at me I took my socks off and pulled them up and threw them at him only it wasn't my brother what I saw ran away like a dogwood in cartoons after about 20 minutes of almost [ __ ] myself I mustered up the courage to go to my brother's room he wasn't home I was home alone the entire time it could not have been an animal because I lived on the fourth floor of an apartment building with no animals allowed to live there I've been to summer camps for language in England a couple of summers and the first one was a bell school it was a giant mansion with a big land some nights we would sleep in the gardens in tents for the fun of it but since I was in the young group the teachers would wake us up and walk us to the toilets inside the building so you know we wouldn't piss ourselves during a walk to the toilet and the dead of the night I somehow turned a corridor without anyone noticing I wasn't bothered at all because I followed another boy who seemed to no way he was going he lead me back outside and ran away once he heard a teacher call my name no one believed me when I told him about that other boy and my English was only 4-5 words so I cried in frustration for a day f ck you English goes to a boil w e the f ck you were my house was haunted as a child which is weird to say because I'm not even sure I believe in ghosts but man it was like a horror film back then bed's shaking being strangled by invisible forces cold spots animals acting strange footsteps with no cause faces in the windows feet being tickled appliance is switching themselves off and on powerpoints that leaked green goo it was crazy I'm not even sure I believe it but heaps and heaps of people witness things people who hadn't even been told about them once I was in the kitchen of my old apartment and a really bright golden yellow light flashed across the fridge for a second it couldn't have been car headlights or a reflection because the window shades were drawn and the apartment did not face any roads anyway another time I was in my bedroom and saw shadow that looked like a man's profile wearing a top hat I got out of bed and went to the area the shadow was in and shuffled a bunch of stuff clothes objects around but the shape of the shadow didn't change one time I saw the flying object UFO comma over a hill while I was shopping with my family I was 7 years old at the time so I don't know what it exactly looks like but it was a large black disc in the middle of broad daylight then it made a weird eerie sound I asked my brother to look at the object but as soon I turned back to it it disappeared the weird thing is that nobody else noticed it I once saw a guy overdose I was 9 eating pizza when a car crashes into a tree put side the dude driving runs out screaming and gets his friend out the friend was so white he was glowing he was shaking and looked possessed when the paramedics came they barely helped him the drug seminars at school were crap but nothing scares you more off drugs than what I saw I was parked on the side of the street with a coworker when a kid driving a nice-ass vintage Dodge Charger slammed on his brakes stopped in the middle of the street got out and proceeded to put on a puppet show with a dead squirrel he found on the street it went on for a good 5 minutes while he made it dance and sing show tunes he only stopped when he looked up and realized we had been watching him the whole time I was 22 years old one day I was in our backyard doing some chores out of the corner of my eye I see a group of large black birds in the next yard over I walk closer to get a better look one of the birds is perched in a stump and all of the other birds were on the ground looking up at this bar the bird on the stump was getting very animated it was making a lot of noise and flapping its wings erratically it appeared as if it was giving some sort of cro political speech I must have made some noise because all of a sudden they all looked over at me and flew away it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen well one night while walking home I saw what looked like a silhouette with glowing red eyes standing under a streetlight I chose to assume I either hallucinate it or saw something wrong but either way I took another Street and stopped going out so late when I was about 14 a guy who was collecting scrap from a junk yard was minding his own business when a homeless man came up trying to take some scrap from him the guy collecting it got a metal pipe it wasn't completely rigid and flexible but it was a pipe and he started whipping the homeless man with it my stepfather called the cops the homeless man was a bloody mess before the police arrived a while back me and my friend were trying to sneak into this bar since we were underage and we met this guy in front that was super drunk and started talking to us telling us we were some cool guys and that he would help us get in and buy us some drinks suddenly a security guard comes sprinting towards us and starts talking to the drunk guy I was kinda drunk so I couldn't make out much of what he was saying but it was something like is that your friend over there that the guard said and pointed to some guy running in circles screaming in the parking lot then what confused me as the drunk guy we were talking with got a super serious look on his face and asks is he going for the balls and the security guard says with a straight face yes and they both ran after him and I kind of blacked out after that point we were doing some set decorating in an old abandoned Hospital for feature film we were shooting me in the second ac were walking through the building's upper floors most of the hallway emergency exit doors at the end of each hallway were locked so you had to walk back to the main elevator or stairwell although the rooms were open we were looking for air-conditioning units left behind since it was getting really warm at the end of one of the hallways in the long-term patient care when we distinctly heard Keys jingling on a chain that could have had a million other keys on it I stopped my friend and asked him if those were his keys and we both checked our pockets but had definitely left everything of ours on the main floor of our set suddenly we heard a door at the end of the hall swing shut and allowed bang reverberated through the empty corridor we checked every room and found nothing not even air-conditioning units open bracket it happened to me in 2009 I was going to a friend's party but before that I was watching a movie I think that it was a bleach movie anyways in the middle of the movie I saw from the corner of my eye a person standing in front of mine fridge I thought that it was my brother grabbing something to eat but then I remembered that there was no one in home but me I looked back and saw a young girl with brown hair then I blinked and she disappeared lost the party because of that sorry if I was not clear English is not my first language glowing orbs about the size of basketballs playfully chasing each other around over a cornfield we got out of the car to investigate and they went straight up into the sky until we couldn't see them anymore one night about three years ago I was walking along the boardwalk in ventnor NJ just south of Atlantic City I looked out over the ocean and saw six circular lights hovering and aligned in perfect formation then all of the sudden they flew apart in different directions faster than any man-made objects I've ever seen still baffles me to this day Halloween night and 0-9 was sitting on the couch watching TV with my dad next thing you know I feel like I was sprayed with something I look down at my arm and see blood droplets I proceeded to get up and look in the mirror blood is on my face and tiny droplets neither me or my dad knows where that blood came from or how it was sprayed on me weirdest Halloween ever as a kid I was swinging on a swing in a park when this teenager asked me if I wanted to see him levitate he stood beside his two friends and levitate I swear they didn't lift him it was so weird my dad and I bought flowers for my grandpa's grave my dad had to help me up on top of a garbage can in order to get to put the flowers by the gravestone it was like six feet high since he had told me the red flowers were his favorite out of all of the colored flowers I made sure the one red flower was closest to his grave even though it was hidden to anyone walking by when I got down from standing on top of the garbage can I looked up at the grave and noticed the only red flower was not only front and center but at least two inches higher than the rest of the flowers maybe it was a way of him saying thank you or maybe it was a weird coincidence I liked the first one better though I was in bed having trouble sleeping one night when I was about 14 as I was laying there I heard a little boy fake a sneeze and a little girl say Danny died both coming from the other room I was confused and figured I fell asleep for a second until I heard my mom scream and my dad jump up and run across the room the next morning they said they woke up and saw two children and their room staring at them who disappeared through the wall when my dad got up waking up tied to a gurney soaking wet and freezing I was so confused and oh so cold turns out I had overdosed on heroin I had been sitting with my head in my lap and when my friend realized what was going on she put me on the ground and threw water on me trying to wake me up it didn't work the ends woke me up with Markin my heart was pounding because I was in a trail fibrillations I'm soaking wet and shaking violently hear pounding the other weird part was the overwhelming sense of peace that I still heard when I woke up if I am being 100% honest that feeling was better than any drug it stuck around for quite a while too some background my granddad loved small critters but birds especially he used to have a family of starlings nest in one of his sheds every year he lived in an old farmhouse and so built them a shelf and places to nest in and would give it up for them until the spring he was that kind of guy he was particularly close to my mum and she was going through some health issues of her own when he passed away anyway after his funeral my mother was walking out of the crematorium and a white feather fell from the sky in front of her for the next six months or so every time she was walking outside a white feather would fall from the sky perhaps it was coincidence or perhaps my granddad found a way to tell her everything was going to be okay my grandfather always wore the same Cologne it was the smell that I associated with him his car smelled like this his bathroom etc anyway he was struck by a car and was very gravely injured one night later that week I was sitting home alone the phone rings simultaneously I smell that Cologne out of nowhere it was like someone had sprayed it right next to me I answer and it's my dad he's calling to say grandpa had just died my cousin flips a car in the lane he was driving in without ever once leaving the lane it rolled three times and never left the lane that shouldn't be possible I was about 10 at the time I was sitting in the living room and we had a baby swing for my little sister it couldn't be swung manually you had to switch it on because it had bars holding it inside the frame were all metal while I'm sitting there watching TV alone at home and it starts swinging I tripped the f ck out because what the f ck right I walked up to it to switch it off that it wasn't even switched on as soon as I reached out to stop it from swinging it just stopped I'm 22 now and live in a different house but I still get f king shivers when I think about it [ __ ] I was in AB Canada in the middle of the Rockies volunteer on a farm about 30 miles to any main highway so in no way could this have been car headlights but in the middle of the night the camper I was staying and lit up like a Christmas tree as if someone in a car were right outside with their headlights right on me unfortunately the most unsettling part wasn't the bright light but the noises of rustling going on around the base of the camper as if something were trying to come in through the baseboards could have been an animal trying to flee the harsh light but I still held me breath my guy friend experienced this with me we still have never described it to anyone else I used to hear a voice when I was little I remember a few distinct trays it hard it was talking to someone in the room who wasn't me and I remember being terrified that it would talk to me it was like hearing one side of a phone conversation it would talk listen respond listen respond again so on I also remember that it was a man in that his voice was distorted as though he was talking through a box fan when we moved from that house the voice stopped but I used to hear it every night before I went to sleep Nick a few years back I was with a friend in the Flatiron District when we walk past an Elvis impersonator my friend is pretty big so the stranger makes a quick comment about his muscles we think it's kind of weird but shrug it off about two weeks later and sometime after midnight I'm walking home alone and suddenly the same weird Elvis jumps out at me from behind a large planter does a little shimmy then runs off a mix of being startled confused and sudden recognition came over me in an instant bit late but anyway I was in a pub with my family wearing a gothic cross necklace when I stood up and walked to the bar the necklace fell to the floor assuming the chain snapped I picked it up only to find that not only was the chain still intact but the clasp was still fastened still have no explanation for it I put it back on and wore it for the rest of the day fine Monday Dec 15 1997 my brother and I went to school after the weekend and kids were talking about how Chris Farley had just died overdosed on cocaine or had a heart attack or something I was sad but but basically forgotten about it a few days later the next Saturday morning I came down to breakfast and my dad was reading the newspaper he said hey did you hear Chris Farley died I said yeah everyone was talking about it at school last Monday double-quote my dad did a double take and then pointed to the newspaper article that's impossible he said he only died on Thursday double-quote still don't have an explanation for it it's the only really unexplained unexplainable events I've experienced sitting on my front porch in my 20s a friend and I saw a few dorky looking guys run down the street and then moments later a bunch of really tough looking guys ran down and stopped to ask us if we'd seen any dorky looking guys running down the street one had a chainsaw one had a Beretta and one had a leaf blower I think I'm a bit late but I had a cousin who passed away a month or two after he passed her I woke up in the middle of the night because my ceiling fan chain was violently shaking the fan wasn't on and my windows weren't open I put it off for some creepy middle of the night where everything is scarier incident and went back to bed but as I was asleep I had what seemed like a dream but it was so realistic and I can remember it completely unlike a dream I never got to tell him goodbye and it haunted me anyways back to the dream I was sat on a couch with him in a room full of SF 49ers memorabilia he was a big 49ers fan I told him that I loved him and missed him and he hugged me then I woke up and I had a weird warm tingly sensation that I've never had waking up from a dream my patient 98 years old and mentally as sharp as a college professor calls me to his room terrified that he's seeing people who can't possibly be real drifting through and whispering to him he asks do you think I may be losing my mind I assure him it was either a dream or that he was dehydrated or something and not to worry about it I don't tell him that I've had other patients who experienced similar visitations and they all died soon after within 12 hours he began vomiting blood by morning Lee he was dead when I was about five playing with my Pokemon cuddly toys at the top of the stairs next to a window I swear I saw huge wasp fly in the window I'm talking about beetle sighs I don't know if it was my imagination or not but I hauled ass downstairs and got my dad when we came back there was nothing there then recently I have this dream I'm getting out of my parents car and the same wasp appears suddenly and goes to sting me I woke up and saw straight up and I swear I could still hear the buzzing noise it made for a while afterwards edit I forgot I also used to hear a buzzing noise in my room in the mornings it sounded like it was circling around my side of the room my sister couldn't hear it until she listened really hard for it after a while it went away closest I can get to an ex-pupil is the fact that my basement door will open itself just a little bit it seemed to star just after my father passed which at this point makes me wonder as he would spend lots of time in the basement and before anyone asks yes we changed the doorknob it literally cannot be opened without turning the knob yet it does a random lightining ball in my room I was chilling in my room with my mom watching TV I don't recall if it was raining or not but all of a sudden fairly near to the TV a strange light began to emanate and suddenly it cracked like a lightning bolt with what looked like a lightning strike concentrated to a single point but glowed like an orb it didn't feel particularly weird but one thing I noted was the smell feeling you know those old big-ass flat screens it would get the static fuzzies it felt and smelled just like that it was odd nothing electrical was affected and rest of the night continued normally okay this doesn't really count since the explanation is earth tremor but we had just finished shining a torch into a Maori burial cave seeing several human skulls no other bones just the skulls and then within ten seconds the earth shuddered like a Hollywood special effect damn freak Lee when you're just 14 years old finally I get to tell this story well two stories I went to a Catholic school with monks and one monk was a hermit type guy who lived in a tiny house on the fringe of the monastery one winter day when school was canceled me and a couple other guys decided to go sledding on a hill near this guy's house we decide to change their since his house has very little heating and he would go back to the monastery when it got cold so we do that go sledding and then decide to go see one monk who was our Latin teacher and asked about something forgot what was like five years ago and along the way we see the hermit monk guy f king floating above the ground no footprints except for ours anywhere here's the weirdest part when we asked the monks about this they said he was in his cell all day there's no mistaking this guy since he's like four feet ten the other half is that if you see him praying outside animals will sometimes come up around him like birds on shoulder stray caps the like [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 91,301
Rating: 4.8012424 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: SMXEfeFmzag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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