Whats your "I saw a mythological creature" story? /r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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redditors who have seen a UFO Bigfoot or any other mythological creature what is your story and how did the people you know react to tore story not mythical creatures or anything but angels they're everywhere I've been into horrible car accidents and both times the huge black man pulled me out of them same guy crazy as f-ck but I didn't think anything of it either time I've lived out in the middle of nowhere for about ten years I'm a smoker and a night owl I smoke outside so I've seen some strange things distant points of light changing course and shooting off at extreme speeds probably meteorites deflecting off the atmosphere I really don't think uh visiting intelligence would have lights on a spacecraft combo I've seen several instances of things like this maybe a dozen or so times but the one thing I've seen that gave me chills and baffled me was there was a black oblong object think cylinder thermos floating through the sky it was darker than the night sky behind it utterly silent and maybe I'm misremembering but I recall the night being completely silent to no crickets no cicadas just silence this was in the middle of summer I told my family and they just shrugged their shoulders my mom was taking masters courses when I was in preschool first grade I would wake up in the middle of the night and go downstairs to eat an apple and do a puzzle when she was studying I distinctly remember floating through the dining room on multiple occasions on my way to the kitchen I would scream for my mom but she wouldn't hear I would then wake up to my mom carrying me upstairs because she would find me sleeping on the dining room floor in the same spot behind the table I was never freaked out until I learned the first owners killed themselves in their young son who also had red hair and his body was found in the same spot I never thought anything of it until I looked up the history of the house my mom was visibly upset when I showed her late one night I went for a stroll in the woods I saw a green glowing man in a soft but high-pitched voice he said don't be afraid well I ran and ran and of course nobody believed me I was camping in the Rockies and was stargazing and spotting satellites I found a satellite and tracked it for a while eventually it halted and switched directions no one believes me but I saw it no I wasn't high drunk tripping it was a very clear night and I was sober maybe there is another explanation but that night it was an unidentifiable flying object to me I lived in a funeral home and we had speakers to hear if anyone was downstairs we'd hear slamming doors and footsteps only to find no one there finally a chance to tell my story about ten years ago my family and I were up in the White Mountains of Arizona to cut down our Christmas tree my dad was driving our truck with my grandpa in the front seat and my mom and sister in the back seat I was in the bed of the truck along with our family's German Shorthaired Pointer we were driving along a forest road and all of the sudden my dog starts barking and growling so I'll look to see what it is thinking it is maybe a bear or mountain lion what I saw was a tall dark figure walking parallel to the road about about 60-70 yards away I yelled at my dad to stop the truck when I told him I think I see Bigfoot he just laughed and continued to drive when I looked back to get another look at it the figure had changed directions and was walking away from the road the last thing I saw was the things head disappearing down a hill to this day I still do not have an explanation for what I saw every time the situation comes up my dad always makes me tell everyone my story just so he can laugh at it at band practice we all saw blinking lights in the sky that moved really fast and would stop and disappear and reappear move all around like typical staff we recorded it and went on a site and they said those lights went from Washington down to Florida over the course of a few days with thousands of reports it's hard to argue it was anything when there are hundreds of videos and so many eyewitnesses not sure what it was but most people I tell are very intrigued not weirded out mine was a ghost I was about 19 my grandmother had died less than a month prior we were having a family gathering unrelated to her passing I couldn't sleep so I stayed up late watching some old Nick at night ray runs on their old tube I drifted off on the couch around 2:00 a.m. partly wrapped in a rough green and brown handmade blanket a friend had made for me I woke up between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. felt cold and groggy looked up and saw my grandmother go upstairs and sleep in a proper bed she says get moving I picked up my blanket and dragged it behind me up the steep stairs she looked better than when I had lost seen her alive but equally as insistent and daunting I didn't dare refuse didn't occur to me until the next morning that she was in fact still dead since this was the kind of thing she would do regularly before she passed I've seen what I think was a dragon I saw it twice when I was a kid the creature was flying really high and it looked feathery it might have been a seagull but I distinctly remember it having a very long white tail I looked at it looked away for a second looked back and it was gone my family have been seeing UFOs at an old family fishing spot for well nearly 100 years now weird balls of purple and green like that speed around at night hover and descend into the ocean off the SW coast of Western Australia apparently my great-great-grandfather used to talk about how people were driving them around the sky back in the 1920s so no one on that side of the family really reacts to weird stuff like that personally I think it might be a phenomena similar to the plasma rules that have been observed elsewhere in the world still neat though not sure if anybody will see this but I'll share anyways I was about six years old and I had woken up in the middle of the night my room was on the second floor and I was walking to my parents room which was at the end of the hallway we had stairs that went directly down to our kitchen from the second floor anyways when I passed the stairs I saw this tall green silhouette standing next to the fridge with the door open it turned around and looked at me and came bolting up the stairs ended up running into my parents room and jumping into their bed never ran so fast in my life I've been dealing with seeing stuff like this for practically my entire life I deal with hypnagogia which is a condition that causes me to have extremely vivid hallucinations as I begin to fall asleep ever since I was about seven I have dealt with seeing monsters ghosts aliens and pretty much anything else my mind could cook up all hanging out in my bedroom needless to say it scared a sh t out of me for years although I've gotten used to it and generally ignore the things I now see one story sticks with me my great uncle Bob died when I was 8 the night after his funeral I dreamed he walked past my bedroom door wearing entirely white he stopped and looked in on me and then with a smile continue down the hall I remember it being the first time I experienced one of these dreams and wasn't scared well the next morning at breakfast completely unprompted my mom talked about this wonderful dream she had where Bob came into her room and sat with her that was too much for me I exploded into tears was inconsolable the thought that I had then and I still sometimes deal with today if bob was really there what other things that I had seen were really there too I lived in an apartment complex but there was the creature alien looking knocking on my door I know what I saw my sister saw it and my dad too however my dad denies it now in a car ride from my dad's house to my mum's house a 15 minute drive at most me being in the passenger's seat I'm checking out the clear night sky when just approaching a roundabout I look into the sky and see four bright lights flying quickly through the sky probably a plane nope these lights were moving too quickly to be a plane and then a changing direction in a like going back on itself kind of motion before vanishing impossible to be a plane no one believes me to this day I was staring up at the sky one night and spotted what I thought was an airplane it was moving around rather quickly in pretty cool patterns it just kind of looked like a bright light and was pulsing rather than blinking then rather suddenly it stopped completely and shot back the way it came at a speed that I could only imagine would break the sound barrier but I heard no crack or anything then as quickly it came it disappeared in a tiny flash in the sky it looked like the little sparkle that happened on pokeman when team rocket would glass off again it was very strange and I to this day I'm completely unable to explain it it was around sunset and I had just left my house to go visit a friend as I walking on the sidewalk I saw this triangle shaped craft hovering over a house I froze up and just stood there watching it hover for about ten seconds or so after that it started to fly away very slowly before taking off very fast into the Setting Sun I um froze and then let out a scream and ran home I used to tell my parents about it but they pretty much dismissed it they said if I did not have any proof then to quit bothering them I was pretty young at the time of the encounter so I have my doubt about the event but I've never seen any aircraft that resembled it one of my friend's dad's told me a story one time he was on a Navy destroyer and one time he went to the deck and walked outside and it was pitch black it took a few minutes for the eyes to adjust he saw his glowing orange orb but the distance and couldn't believe his eyes he then asked his friend next to him hey do you see that glowing orange orb about their the friend said yeah I see that it was a big glowing orb that got brighter and brighter and brighter and then all of a sudden it just fell once the eyes adjusted it was then revealed that it was the guy next to them smoking a cigarette sorry to ruin it for you TL DR cigarettes are an alien invention edit sorry for the spelling mistakes I was using a mobile device I've never seen [ __ ] no ghosts no UFO no Sasquatch no f king nothing doesn't mean they're not out there though I keep an open mind when I was deployed to Afghanistan one of my frequent tasks was to help the guy flying the raven small UAV with an IR camera on it at night looking for insurgents planting bombs in the roads usually pretty boring one night however we noticed a circular hot spot in the corner of the cameras view after flying around a bit to get a better view me and the operator were wondering what in the hell is featureless hot sphere was in white cold black heart this thing was solid darkest black and was unmoving for about five minutes after which it rapidly moved down nearly to the ground we were flying at about 1600 feet AGL then back up into the sky and out of range of the Raven we called up the talk about this UFO they said it must have been a glitch they had nothing on satellite view in that area when we went back to review the footage kept on a specialized Tabak laptop the five minutes with the UFO in it were missing I was hiking in Chinon in Switzerland when I was a kid along with my parents and several of my relatives we stopped to eat something along the way and me and two of my cousin's went exploring for a bit we found several half hidden holes the size of basketballs the holes were completely dark so we decided to stop throwing sh-t inside to see how deep it was we couldn't actually hear the noise of the stones falling down but after throwing sh-t inside we suddenly heard a voice from inside the hole clearly yell stuff in some weird language that we couldn't understand my cousin starts trying to talk with the thing it responded in guttural language that's when we decided to GTFO everyone decided to get the f ck out and we told our parents they said that it was the biggest a mountain spirit that protects and lives under the mountains I live in Australia where there are supposedly no big cats living in the wild once when I was doing a long desert drive with a friend I saw what looked like a black panther run out from some bushes we are head of the car it kind of looked towards the car then ran back into the bushes my friend was napping and I woke him up but he didn't wake up in time to see it he was and still is convinced that I was either making it up or seeing things I've since found out that other people claimed to have seen the same thing particularly in West Australia where I saw it and South Australia but it's generally considered a myth I don't tell many people about it as I don't want people to think I'm crazy was on a four-day canoeing trip with friends in a remote part of the Southeast United States back when I was a young teen we were up late built a bonfire goofed off as young boys do I'm sure we were making a lot of noise eventually the fire died down to coals and we just sat around it talking when we heard a distant high-pitched scream it freaked us out for a little bit but eventually we forgot about it and went back to talking a while later one of my friends pointed to the opposite bank of the river and says guys what is that dot we looked and standing there in the trees was a huge silhouette of some figure watching us it was faint but it was illuminated by the full moon and it was huge we just kind of stared at it in shock for a moment before backing away we went to get our friends dad and some flashlights he was intent on showing us that nothing was there we got back to the spot and it was still there we shined our flashlights on it but it wasn't enough to get a better look but the things I Shawn read with the reflection of our flashlights we watched it watching us for a bit and it walked up along an embankment then walked back and disappeared into the woods that was more than a decade ago and we rarely talked about it we were all pretty freaked out Houston Texas this happened last year it was a really stormy Nighy and was driving back from the gym there was a lot of lighting that illuminated the sky then I spotted something it was massive the local news even reported it I'm not gonna lie it actually looked similar to freeze a spaceship I've seen a couple different things all of them confirmed by other witnesses but the most interesting one happened while I was camping in British Columbia at a place called sugar lake I was probably 13 at the time and it was pretty late about midnight and I was with my older cousins who had just started drinking and stolen a couple beers for themselves the three of us were just talking sh t and staring at the stars like teenagers do and I noticed what I thought to be the slowest shooting star I have ever seen had the classic long tail behind lit and as I was pointing it out it decided to stop for a second and then proceeded to do figure eights u-turns and maneuvers across the sky for about five minutes and then took off at extreme speed over the horizon so after that me and my cousins were talking about it try to figure out what it could be and obviously we were convinced it was a UFO and while we are talking about what it could be came back and did some more maneuvers like before it was at that point that I know the f ck out of there never been so terrified to sleep in a tent in my life now that I'm an adult I happened to be an aircraft mechanic and I know for a fact that no conventional aircraft can perform maneuvers like I saw that night both the stops and tight turns in the hypersonic acceleration with no sonic boom also the normal aircraft would not give off light or leave on glowing trail behind it when I was a kid I was swinging on my swing set and as usual I tried jumping off at the highest point when I reached the highest point a man with slits for eyes appeared beneath me and held me in the air stationary for five seconds I don't know if anyone saw it happen but I swear it did I don't think I ever saw the slicked eyed man again very late to this thread but I actually caught a picture of strange lights above the Capitol building a few days ago in a v-shape obviously it's pure speculation to say they're UFOs but still very strange HTTP i M ger come /to th w w8 j jpg I've never seen a UFO but one time when I was driving home at dusk my husband and I saw what we thought was a large black dog running across the street except that its materialized halfway through the middle of the street and as it reached the fence on the other side it climbed through like a human would still can't explain what the hell it was but it disappeared on the other side of that fence my girlfriend and I were driving along a country road we slowed down the Corsa man whose house was next to the road had a spotlight on something at the wood line it was large shaggy and hunched over it would sway a little bit as if unsure where to go the landowner had three hunting dogs that were going nuts barking but they would not step one foot in the direction of that animal trained hunting animals that went after bears and walk not scared shitless the man just kept repeating softly what the f ck is that it eventually lumbered off into the woods the way it moved reminded me of an ape not a lot of those in the woods of Wisconsin it never moved fast at all still no idea what it was my friends and I didn't believe in ghosts so just for fun we went to a haunted hotel and stayed in the most haunted room to see if we could contact a ghost we mostly played video games until around 1:00 a.m. and then said okay let's try this we expected to get nothing and go back to video games but surprising happened we set a flashlight in the bathroom and said okay if there is a ghost turn that flashlight on lo and behold the thing turns on and we all flip out we say okay now turn it off and i.t turns off long story short we tell the spirit we will ask questions and if the answer is yes turn it back on if the answer is no leave it off we have a 10-minute conversation with the thing craziest thing in my life hearing someone tell a story is one thing but being there confirming that there is enough to life made that one thing you'll never forget and I don't blame you if you don't believe me because you have to have been there to believe it edit anyone wondering where it was at the place is called Manresa castle in northern Washington I forgot the room number but it was whichever room the girl went suicide in you can look it up online when I was 10 or 11 years old I saw a UFO shaped like a triangle flying vertically across the sky it seemed to have layers or levels on it it flew slowly and sped up until I couldn't see it anymore I told my parents about it and even drew a picture they just thought it was a result of my overactive imagination and made fun of me to friends and family for years 3-4 years later I checked out a book about UFOs from my local library and was reading it at the dinner table what do you know there was a section of the book that included examples of UFOs that have been reported and it had a drawing of a UFO that was nearly identical to the one I had drew years earlier now the joke's on me turned to praise for having such a good eye it was the 30th of April 1996 9 0 0 mish my family and I were heading back home from McDonald's and my mother saw flying objects in the sky we quickly got home and my mom took out her video camera this was 1996 so it was one of those hulking shoulder cameras we all went outside and my mother was filming the flying objects it looked like they were five flying in lose proximity to one another they had red lights underneath like an airplane they looked like they were miles away my father took the camera because my mother was saying she couldn't focus them he got the camera and moved a few yards in front of us the moment he moved away one of the UFOs flew towards us so fast and it was sitting on top of us probably like three stories I all I remember is seeing pitch black and lights around it like three or four red lights the object was round I remember my mother holding my hand really tight not taking our eyes of the thing and screaming at my father that it was right on top of us when my father turned around to film it it flew just as fast back with the rest and they disappear we watched the video and all we could see was blurriness so this isn't aliens or anything but a friend and I were walking to a local park after smoking we were across the street and up a small incline from the railroad tracks when we heard a train going unusually fast I live a block from the mundum used to trains going by the weird thing is I never heard a horn just the wheels on the track and before we could think an all-white train with floodlights illuminating the ground on either side of the tracks blasted by a probably four to five times the normal speed for a train on those tracks it was only five to seven cars long and it was quiet no roar of the diesel engine that should have been very audible from experience fifteen seconds after it passed a military Humvee type vehicle or two came blasting through on beside the rails in the same direction then two more turned on their lights and joined them that were blocking the nearby intersection that crosses the rails no warning lights or bells sounded and the Train never sounded its horn and I know I'm not crazy because I know at least three other people who have seen the same thing two on the same night and stretch of tracks I was with a girl at a house in the mountains we were having SX on the patio when I spotted a bullet-shaped UFO in broad daylight in a clear blue sky it was fairly close to us she turned around and saw it too and became very afraid I was calming her down in the craft suddenly rotated on axis a few times back and forth it then faded out like a cross dissolve into the blue sky when I told people what happened they were doubtful and fearfully mocked me until some of them event spoke to the girl who verified it I was happy that someone else was there to see it - back when I lived with my mother let's say eighth grade era we had issues with our next-door neighbor getting on our roof and messing without house we weren't sure if he was just being drunk or if he was trying to scare us or possible break-in but we had enough and we decided to call the cops cops said without proof they'd never be able to do anything about it so we set up a camera looking out the window to the front yard where our neighbor would walk around one night my mother is reviewing the footage and in the sky she noticed something that looked like a plane but going a little faster than usual and all the sudden had stopped sat there for a good two minutes and within seconds it sped off out of sight at abnormal speeds I recall this being so high in the air I'd say around cloud level we showed the footage to a lot of people and it freaked everyone out but unfortunately it got burned up when our garage caught on fire randomly : open bracket copy paste it from a similar ass credit a few months ago short non-pilots aversion got lost with girlfriend at night 10 0 p.m. in Waco Texas roads were absolutely deserted no people no cars no lights on anywhere then saw one lone person standing on the corner as I made a turn I heard a friendly male voice in the vehicle as if sitting in the back seat say to me you're going the wrong way I noticed I was indeed going the wrong way on a one-way street so I did a u-turn the road took me directly to the main highway ask my girlfriend a bit later if she heard the voice - and she burst into tears because she had been so freaked out by it she thought she was going insane or something one night I saw what is best described as a Christmas tree in the sky I've googled Christmas tree you foe that's not what I saw lived into the country nothing but woods for about ten miles behind my house sitting on my back steps smoking a cigarette yard lights up and I see something rises to just at the treeline dead quiet it can't be a helicopter but who the hell would land your helicopter in the middle of the woods anyway I walked around the side of my house just watching it it moves so slow and it seemed so close but with absolutely no sound it made a turn when it was roughly over the only highway in the area and it was gone as I mentioned I lived in country so I've done a lot of stargazing I've seen plenty of planes helicopters satellites meteorites hell I've seen a bolide explodes but that's the most surreal and unexplainable thing I've ever seen edit upon futher googling I really can't find a good approximation of what I saw but it was like twelve lights of different colors in a triangle the body was just backlit enough to see it was solid that's the best I can describe it for you a couple years back was shooting hoops in my driveway when suddenly in the sky I see a black triangular stationary UFO it looked like it was around 500 feet high could have been a droid of some sort but this was like 2006 not so much a mythological creature maybe a ghost I live in Florida near the ocean when I was maybe 10 years old I took a nap in the top bunk of my bunk I never took naps as I was waking up I opened my eyes and overlooking my body was this man he looked like a pirate he even had a hook for a hand and a long black beard literally peering over me reaching from my neck slowly I screamed and covered up myself with sheets my mom came rushing inland there was no one there she said I just had a bad dream I know what I saw I'm even getting goose bumps right now typing this [ __ ] I have had a class-b Bigfoot sighting it's kind of an oxymoron because a Class B sighting doesn't have to be a sighting but instead can be a sound that is Bigfoot related three friends and I were in the and Pinchot National Park outside Randall W a up some forest roads having not seen a single car for 45 minutes this was winter ish we heard the rapid smacking together as big sticks almost logs apparently common for Bigfoot you could tell their size by the low sound and the size of the creature wielding them by the short length in which they were hitting we thought they sounded really closer we ran to the car and drove off quick people mostly asked if the B in Class B stands for [ __ ] or some other hilarious thing I believe in Bigfoot but I don't really talk about it anymore I really identify with that weaker --then song I had something massive and walking on two legs walk up to my camp after 3 0 a.m. its - just inside the tree line about 40 yards away just out of the campfire light something up a hill to my left snapped a limb so there was two of them when I tried to open a nearby tent to get a camera it took off most people make fun of me and say oh do you go snipe huntin too but people who know me well know I didn't make it up I don't know what it was but I think it was a couple of Bigfoot I was at a blues and roots Festival in Western Australia after a night of music and drink we settled down in my mates swag yes an actual swag he was a sharer it was around 5:00 a.m. and the Sun had started to come up by this stage as we lay there looking into the sky we both saw a silver disc like shaped object floating back and forth just kind of hanging around in the same general area for a few minutes we looked at each other and said and asked if the other was seeing the same thing yes we were we looked back and it shot off to the right so f came fast I'm still not sure WTF we saw [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 74,516
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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