What is your "That could have been me" story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's your that could have been me story I was in the service in Afghanistan during a deployment I was injured they had to call a medevac to get me out I had always been in the lead vehicle with my team chief but after I was injured our team was one person light so they switched him out of the lead vehicle and gave the position to the full team that team hittin ie D less than 24 hours later killing the driver would have been me and the TC would have been him I never complained about my injuries again my friend's mom cancelled a double date in California in the seventies because she was sick the other couple went on the picnic like they planned and both got murdered by the Zodiac killer chances are he won't have attacked all four of them since that's a bigger group but sucks for the other couple in 2011 the beginning of my junior year in high school I had surgery to fix a hole I tore in my shoulder muscle I had it the Monday before the national championship Air Races on a Saturday in Reno Nevada and I live decently closed we go every year and when tickets to the box seats parents decided I couldn't go because my meds were too powerful double desert percocet plus a pill to make me not throw it all up and I was in a brace and if I got bumped I could have really [ __ ] myself up so I stayed home that night on the news we discovered that one of the racers had lost control and crashed into the box seats killing I don't know how many people if I would have gone there's no way of doped-up teenager with one working arm would have survived I was at a stoplight and the left lane about to turn onto the highway Nickelback came on the radio so I look down to change the station to something less like nails on a chalkboard I missed the lights changed to green the guy next to me didn't he drove forward and was immediately t-boned by a truck running a red light on the access road going 70 TL DR Nickelback saved my life not me but my uncle who is an electrician was working on the top floors of the World Trade Center my uncle is someone who will never call in sick on nine stroke 11 my grandma convinced him he should stay home because he had a bad cold good job grandma went to Taco Bell with mom and friend they both got a drink and I said I would just share with them even after being offered that mom would buy me one no problem next guy in line got a drink he won a 40000 land rover off the cut contest once in first grade I let a kid cut me in line and he got the lucky tray the ice cream he won should have been mine my ex several years ago hold a fake pregnancy scare on me she was on birth control and claimed that the antibiotics she was on caused it to not work we were using condoms she said she was pregnant because she skipped her period were going to be parents so we should stop using condoms I asked her to take a test and she went nuclear accused me of calling her a liar and more I ended it she wasn't pregnant but sure as hell wanted to be I found out from a mutual friend that she had quit the birth control she lied to the next dude she slept with got knocked up and there was the shotgun wedding of sorts they're miserable from what I last heard I'm still child free make good money DJ on the weekends ride motorcycles and will soon be getting a vasectomy to keep it that way early 2001 sophomore in college was sitting with my dorm buddy discussing technology trends at the time the most advanced cell phone was barely able to access WAP based sites I was lamenting the need from you to carry around my PDA my cell phone my mp3 player and my camera as it took up a lot of pocket space we started sketching out ideas on how to integrate different technology into one device after realizing that there was a lot of hardware technologies that could be emulated through software functions the design cleared up initially there was the cellphone side and then the back had mp3 player buttons and it slid open to reveal the keyboard eventually we started eliminating buttons repurposing them based on software controls then looking at some of the functions of the early Windows CE devices trying to make it to market we ditched a lot of the physical buttons in favour of an on screen button how design still incorporated using a stylus actual touchscreen technology was still pretty new but it was very similar in simplicity to the original iPhone granted I was working off a design background and him off of computer science so there was limited ability to actually do more than just sketches if we had access to the right group of people to talk to or had put some of our ideas down into a patent oh the possibilities I'm going to go cry into my beer now not me but my father my father was in the military one day before going on a convoy he was laid to chow lunch and was forced to wait with the next squad to get food so since he had to wait someone else was told to take his seat in the back of the truck so they could get going now to the point of the story the truck ended up crashing and the guy who was sitting where my father was supposed to be got impaled by a piece of pipe and died right then and there mine happens quite frequently I am a social worker who helps people get their [ __ ] together get off drugs get into housing get jobs and get off welfare when I was in my late teens early 20s I used a lot of illicit substances and was really headed nowhere I found myself knocked up and had an epiphany I terminated the pregnancy stopped the partying went to college and ended up getting my masters and counseling I can't even count how many times I found myself sitting across from an old friend or classmate trying to help them figure their lives every single time I think to myself that could have very easily been me double quote I got hit by a car while I was riding my bicycle I went through a crosswalk and some [ __ ] hit me when I was being questioned by the police I got a stern talking-to about the importance of walking my bike across the crosswalk the thing is had I walked my bike across at the same speed I rode it across I would have either taken a direct blow and being pinned by the car and my bike or I would have taken an indirect blow and would have been pinned under my bike in both cases I would have at least walked away with shattered ribs or more likely would have been dead the fact riding my bike across saved my life didn't save me from the tongue lashing I got from my mom I could have either been dead or survived with a minor sprain like I did seems like riding my bike across was a better option TL DR being irresponsible saved my life this isn't a serious for some of the other posts but it scared me for a little bit afterwards I woke up early one morning and decided to stop at Kara blur coffee before going to work around 8:30 a.m. or so this Kara black coffee is located in a strip mall right near a Trader Joe's as I am walking out of the door of Kara blur coffee with my fresh coffee in hand I am about a foot away from a 16 stroke 17 year old kid he looks at me in the eye with a nervous sort of look and I smile and walk on my way I didn't even think anything about the encounter really until on my way to my car I hear a woman screaming in the parking lot the same kid I just passed was robbing a pregnant woman walking on her way into Trader Joe's the kids stole the pregnant woman's wallet and darted off she was not hurt or anything just shaken up but it really freaked me out for the rest of the day I really did not think while passing this kid he was sizing me up to rob outside of Kara black coffee but I could have easily been his victim that morning I am a tiny 21 year old girl who looks even younger he could have easily overpowered me but chose the pregnant woman instead it was really sad to see I felt pretty guilty for not being able to help her but some workers and Trader Joe's ran after the kid as soon as he darted not sure if he was caught or not freshman year of high school I got a bad concussion which later led me down a serious depression and anxiety of xanax I was one strong flex of my index finger away from killing myself I later found out I suffered a serious head injury and went through rehabilitation and therapy I still get shitty headaches every now and then but except for that I'm as good as 100% junior year comes and a well-known senior at my school hangs himself knowing his personality and his easygoing approach to everything no one knew he was suffering so much I still look back at that day and think I could have ended up like him just a dead body leaving nothing but unsolved questions I was at an Atlas sound show Bradford from Deer Hunter and his equipment got lost during his flight so he had to play an acoustic set he asked if anyone in the audience knew how to play drums now I've listened to his records non-stop for years and know all his songs back and forth I've also been playing drums for 10 plus years I was front row center and could have easily gotten his attention but I froze up and some other dude got called on the guy that ended up playing sucked really bad I even tried liking it after one song he said thanks that's all I keep replaying it in my head where I take the initiative and go up there to play with him and then he asks me to tour with him and we become best friends I live in Minneapolis and once awhile back one my mom and I were getting a gift for my auntie we had to take the i-35w street Anthony Falls Bridge to the store bit of the highway had traffic so my mom took the streets that night the bridge collapsed killing 13 people and injuring 145 right at the time we would have been on it I'm not that into religion but I thank Jesus every day for that not my story but my dad's for a few weeks my dad was having a recurring nightmare in it he would be driving his 1989 Nissan pickup through an intersection where a yellow Corvette would run the light in a perpendicular angle t-boning my dad and killing him it wouldn't happen every night but it happened often then he has to go out of town for work after finishing what he was sent to do he's driving home kinda tired but hopped up on coffee for the drive he's sitting at a red light daydreaming for a moment when the light turns green catching him off-guard he takes his foot off the brake puts the clutch in and gets ready to enter the intersection when a yellow Corvette blasts through on the intersecting road running a red light had my dad been waiting on the light rather than daydreaming he would have been t-boned on the driver's side just like his dream afterward the nightmare stopped coming late to the party I'm crazy good at this one you'll remember the bombing shooting in Norway a couple of years ago I woke up that morning and decided to get the earlier bus to Gothenburg and walked by the bomb about three hours before it went off my original bus was three hours later I was in the mall and Kenya a few weeks before the shooting this summer I collapsed at the summit of Kilimanjaro got hit by a car in Nairobi and had a tree fall of my bed while I was up peeing all within two weeks when I was in the seventh grade I told one of my three best friends that I was going to ask a girl out who I rejected a year before this girl is someone nobody in my social group ever showed any interest in I told them I was doing it last night when I would be over her house to study all of them said good for you go for it that same night I go over to study and pop the question and she says she would want a bit one of my best friends pulled some sociopathic [ __ ] and asked her out immediately after school so that sketchy bastard and her girl out for the next 2-3 years all the while he is never hanging out with any of his friends and whenever they would socialize they will show up together and make out the kid became a total loser and nobody truly enjoyed being around them for the next three years to add to it all the girl cheated on him and became a total [ __ ] California guy here from the Bay Area I have to drive four hours to Tahoe just to see snow on this particular trip the rain from the California border turned into a snowstorm I rode up with three car loads of friends I'm experienced driving in the snow so I braced myself as we were getting closer to the resort the snow lightened up and the traffic almost disappeared I was driving in the very front at no more than 40 miles per hour when we slipped on black ice right on the apex of a winding turn we spun out and the snowboards actually went flying out the front and back windows shattering them the car in our last group was fortunate enough to stop before any damage was done but a car in the inside lane slipped and drove into our lane and ramped into a snowbank the driver and passengers head shattered the windshield and I remember them walking outside with their kids they all looked to be in bad shape but alive and shaken anyways it was crazy and as I write this story I'm actually about to drive up in a couple hours if you read this I love you kisses was on my motorcycle following behind a sedan as we entered the intersection I had a bad vibe and pulled on my brakes lightly it slowed me down just slightly but it was enough to watch the car in front of me explode as it was hit by a Mustang that blew through a red both cars will be wetted together for a moment before the Mustang continued spinning through the intersection it eventually came to a stop by rear ending a little Honda this was all that I went from slowing down to doing everything to keep from getting tangled up in there Erik I pulled over and became the first responder on the scene walking around and checking on everyone there was glass debris and various fluids everywhere the driver of the car that had been in front of me was unconscious the driver of the Mustang was disoriented and cussing about how someone hit him and his passenger was crying then I spotted the first car the Mustang driver hit prior to the car in front of me which was this elder Toyota driven by a little old lady and she was pierced maybe one second faster and I'd been teed by the Mustang and probably not survived that hit considering how fast he was traveling other drivers at the intersection came up and started telling me how lucky I was and how they'd initially thought I'd been hit I stuck around to give a detailed statement of events to the police before continuing the one-block home there is this one guy who is about my age but the next common relative we have is I believe a great grandfather I have only seen him once when he visited as a couple of years ago he was accompanied by his grandmother who is the sister of my grandfather this woman is very religious to the point where she tried to convert everyone in the family and also passed it to most of her children being raised with no particular religion myself that was the reason my parents didn't have any contact except for said one time when I say them so there we sat drinking coffee eating cake smell talking and avoiding all potentially dangerous topics the boy seemed nice and I knew looked for perils or something familiar when the old lady starts to ask about my hobby I mentioned the PC as casually as possible but she immediately jumped on it and started telling me about one of her daughters who went overseas and married a man who made video games in America to this day I regret asking her the name of that man for I know had I grew up closer to her I may have followed this man and his dream carrier she replied with Sid Sid Meier double-quote going to get buried but back when I was like 13 or so I was just starting to be allowed to sit in the cool seats passenger front in mom's minivan we often went to my grandmother's Friday Saturday so my mom could work nights and went home Saturday afternoon also occasionally I would get a stay of a Saturday Sunday too and I'd stay up late and watch Monty Python with my grandma anyways one Saturday I make a bit of a fuss about wanting to stay over and my mom relents and lets me stay turns out on the way home that day they got t-boned by a teenager in a jeep who tried to blow through a red light while my mom was making a left everyone was fine but the one section of the car that took the brunt of the impact was the front passenger seat that entire corner of the car was just [ __ ] gone during the summer of 2012 I was in my kitchen with two friends one of my friends had a helium balloon that he took from a party earlier that day and he decided to release it off my back porch he poked his head back into my house and told me there were people in my backyard behind my fence I told him forget about it and come inside then my other friend tried to lock him outside but was not quick enough we found out later that the people he saw had just stabbed a cab driver and ran the cab into the woods I don't know what would have happened if the two men saw my friends but I don't think it would have been good I was 20 years old living with three other guys in a rented house we had this one female friend who was very very [ __ ] any time she was over partying she would end up [ __ ] one of us one night myself and one of my roommates double-teamed her no condoms a few weeks later she gets us together and says that she is pregnant and it's 100% one of us we were obv very WTF and be both paid to get DNA tests done my roommate ended up as a father this was ten years ago he pays $600 monthly support and has zero relationship with his son me and my friends were going through a freerunning phase well we were just trying it out and seeing what we could do at school one day we were coming down some stairs at lunch and I jumped up and grabbed a ledge of the level above and hung there for a few seconds and then jumped down my friend did the same thing but instead his hand slipped and he landed headfirst on the concrete below he then had a seizure in my arms airlifted to hospital and had a massive blood clot and four months couldn't walk or talk and to this day six years later is still having speech therapy yeah a huge that could have been me moment there was a big concert in my tiny little hometown the weekend of my 19th birthday I took my best friend and we were hanging out doing the whole small town concert scene thing and this guy we both knew from high school not well came up and started cuddling up to her and telling her to come back to his place after the show blahblah grinding on her and everything he says there is an after party and we should definitely be there I felt weird about it and refused to go to my friends intense displeasure about a month later we find out he took two other girls from our high school back to his place after that concert and brutally raped and beat both of them after slipping roofies in their drinks could have been me glad I trusted my intuition common sense when I was 7 I met this person who was 3 years older than me at a school fair and became friends very quickly at the end of the day he invited me to come to play sand football soccer by his house the next day I accepted but the next day I felt ill and my parents went to his house to say I wouldn't be coming this happened on the Saturday and Sunday I then went to school on Monday and in the morning had the normal weekly assembly the first piece of the news we heard from this assembly was this person had been run over trying to recover a bull on the road from a drunk driver and later died in hospital I could have been there either as another victim or been scarred for life seeing someone die flight 587 lost both its engines and crashed into the Rockaway Peninsula on the 12th of November 2001 all passengers and crew died on impact as well as many people on the ground who were in their homes at the time of the crash the copilot was flying the plane when he encountered turbulence speculated to be from a bird flying into the engine and overcompensated with the controls leading to both engines and wings ripping off of the plane the pilot took over the controls at some point before this happened and took the plane into a nosedive if the pilot hadn't done this or if the pilot had done this a second later than he had that plane would have crashed on my head as well as my mother and sister we were making biscuits in the oven and watching them rise right before our very eyes I remember that we were singing that song close bracket so my eternal gratitude goes out of that pilot who selflessly took the plane down into a nosedive instead of allowing it to flow through several blocks of suburban housing I was driving on a dark winding road with a car full of friends one night a car came up behind us and started to tailgate me after slowing and searching for a turnout we finally found one down the road a little and I pulled over the car behind me accelerated violently past and proceeded to run into a log in the middle of the road not 100 feet from where I stopped the front of her car was destroyed and the airbags had been deployed my friends and I helped the drunken Coast Guard woman push her car to the side of the road and I gave her a ride back to the base weird night she called me the next day and told me her car was totaled and thanked me for the ride my husband and I ended up at murder scenes in NH we had gone to the gun store a few towns over husband was a police officer and also a gun dealer on the way back we actually went looking for an antique store and got lost for about 20 minutes before we ended up at the eager and Colebrook there were two cruisers in the yard and a lot of yellow crime-scene tape we figured it was just a burglary or something ended up that the two state police officers were killed by crazy man with gun had we not been lost we would have ended up in the middle of a scene there is no doubt he always carries a weapon with him and probably would have engaged the shooter long story short this was a very sad day but we were thankful we did not see the incident go down this isn't a near-death experience or anything but it does periodically cross my mind my freshman year of college I baited this guy who turned out to be an abuser and a rapist not to mention was also just your average everyday misogynistic [ __ ] and um to boot the relationship was short-lived I got out and after some stalking incidents was able to disappear enough that he couldn't track me down anymore several years ago one of my friends was buying a house and I went with him and his will to one day the realtor turned out to be my ex's brother's ex-wife who had been his sister-in-law at the time we were together , she had plenty of [ __ ] to talk about the family and my ex I learned he really went off the deep end after we broke up still and wrecked his next girlfriend's car did some time knocked up the next one and stopped the [ __ ] out of her when she tried to get an ex parte against his sorry ass did some more time probably got fired from several jobs for [ __ ] like stealing what a pathetic [ __ ] anyway I learned my lesson and I was luckier than some but sometimes I think that could have been me although I also sometimes think it wouldn't have been it could have been me if I stayed but I didn't stay and that makes me different than the others I'm not really a very good victim guys like that try to choose people they can't manipulate I've always been on the define side that's why he couldn't keep me around he said I'll kill myself if you leave me I told him I was happy to do the world a favor I was deployed to the Green Zone in Iraq back in 2004 to 2005 our chair Hall was in one of Saddam's old palaces I believe it was the presidential palace they had these enormous doors a few of my co-workers had discovered a contracting office in the building that has telephones that didn't require calling cards and let us call the states for free one evening we are eating dinner and plan on using the phones to call home I decide that we should get ice cream before we go to the contracting office as we eat it sounds like a door slams shuts in the distance I remember saying WOW somebody's mad we finish eating and walk towards the office when man stops us and said we can't go in there a rocket had came in but did not detonate it ripped through a man in the contracting office as he was talking to his family I will never turn down ice cream it was Easter 2007 in our southern town in Iraq my team was hanging out in a staging area on a medium-sized base after lunch waiting to depart for another mission that day I was the gunner of a vehicle and was sitting in the shotgun seat reading a time magazine I was half asleep tired when the driver of our Humvee opened my door and let me know that we were about to depart it took me a few seconds to wake up and get my stuff together I was moving to exit the vehicle and get my stuff together when we suddenly received incoming rocket fire the driver was at the front of the vehicle getting ready and was hit directly and killed instantly it looked like he had open-heart surgery five 10 seconds later I would have been in that exact spot that is one of several experiences that year where I didn't die or get seriously injured by seconds or inches a few years ago I was with my close group of friends playing the DD on a night out we ended up getting in a fight over them just ruthlessly razzing me about something or another because of my anger over the incident I decided to go spend the night where the girl I had started dating instead of following through with the plans I made with my friends from the night before turns out they got pulled over by the police and one ended up starting a gunfight with the officer over being maced long story short two of the three ended up in jail and the third ended up dead I woke up to a phone call from the dead friend's brother and news stories about the incident it could have would have and should have been me in the car with them I still feel guilty to this day because the last time I talked to my best friends was in anger certainly the hardest events in my life and the families of all involved not to mention the two who ended up in jail my first job was as a host at IHOP was a part-time job and I usually worked Saturday and Sunday mornings one Sunday I was asked if I could stick around and work that night because someone was sick the IHOP I worked in was always super slow at night very few customers so I just spent my time sitting around by the cash register at the front around 8 0 p.m. I'm sitting at the register and a guy comes walking towards the front doors glass doors I could see into the parking lot he's a white guy wearing a hat pulled down and a long trench coat very odd for a sow cow summer just as he's about to open the door a customer one of maybe 3 in the whole place comes up to pay trenchcoat guy and I lock eyes and he turns and walks away obviously a weird moment but I'm 16 years old and I brush it off next morning all over the news is a robbery and murder that happened a block away from my IHOP by a white guy baseball cap and French coat my father had me call and talk to the cops not sure if the guy was ever caught when I was younger my dad and I were driving along on the highway when we were crossing an intersection someone decided to run a stop sign and go right in front of us we had no time to stop because we were only about twenty or so feet away from the intersection not even a minute before the crash I was sitting in the passenger's seat without my seatbelt my dad saw this and told me to put it on if I hadn't put the seatbelt on I probably would have flown through the window and quite possibly have died but since I put the seatbelt on I got away with some minor whiplash from the seatbelt I could have been a part of those statistics about people dying in car accidents because of not wearing a seat belt that could have been me college student here mine came a few weeks ago I have a class that ends at 11:45 am in the Liberal Arts Building I have another class that begins at 12:30 in the adjacent building so I head to the basement of the Liberal Arts Building and put my phone into airplane mode no service down there while I sit there and do some work till my next class I decide to get gum before Spanish at 12:30 because I don't want my breath to smell bad working with partners that's noon I walk back to my apartment and forget to change my phone out of airplane mode as I walk back to the apartment a cop car whizzes by me nothing I haven't seen before a minute later right before I step into my apartment the tornado sirens start going off in January I check the time and infer that they are malfunctioning as it's 1213 and they test nose at 1100 my roommates tell me there was a shooting in the e building and it doesn't sink in I was just walking outside and saw nothing wrong so I turn around and head back out the door to Spanish pretty stupid I know if there is ever a shooting near you don't go outside the shooter only targeted one victim and gave himself up right away to police he did this right about the time I started going back to my apartment so I was out walking during his attack had it been a Columbine opened fire I would have been in a huge open area to get gunned down twice I was getting off a bridge in Pittsburgh and had two lanes to choose from the left land had a car in it the right lane had none a traffic light was red so I had to chose what lane to be in I normally would have chosen the right lane so I could hurry up at the green light and get around the guy I was feeling like a nice guy that day and decided to just take my time so in stayed in the left lane behind the other car during that red light that car came in that right lane at over 80 miles per hour and ended up crashing killing the man in the car I saw the car go up in a cloud of smoke if I would have been in the other lane I will be seriously injured in a coma dead but I choose the left lane so I my life to share this today close bracket my sister is a manic-depressive alcoholic she is overweight has two kids with two different men and as nothing with a life that live off other people's money but still I love her she is a sweet person but I don't want to emulate her it's sad because when I think about how she used to be when we were children I know all that she could have been she was the most popular girl in school and could have any gun she wanted now I only see her for what she has become she got to this point because of her manic depression mixed with heavy drug and alcohol abuse we have the same mother and father and in my mind I struggle with these same manic feelings every day most days are good some days are bad but I have a wife and friends who love me and keep me grounded I have a good job go to school and try to improve myself every day I've managed to channel my manic-depressive lite version into making myself a productive member of society I know that part of what give me my creative edge is that little bit of crazy inside of me but that edge cuts both ways and that's what worries me when I look at my sister I realize I could have turned out to be her if I wasn't careful and I still could if I don't keep control of myself I'm lucky to have the life I do and almost all of that credit goes to my wife for keeping me sane she's always grounded but I still walk the razor's edge and worry I might end up like my sister with the bad angels of my nature to feed the better ones I was a service representative for the Social Security admin in the Murrah Building OKC I worked the front reception window probably 50 yards from where Tim McVeigh parked the Ryder truck worked there 10 years approximately about three years before the bombing my husband got cancer and died I was offered a job in another town 100 miles away took it even though I really didn't want to move lost lots of friends several friends have really suffered from it but didn't die I always feel like my husband died so I didn't have to I know it makes no sense we had a young son Tyler time he is grown now so happy I got to see him grow up he is my pride and joy when I was seven years old a man attempted to kidnap me outside of my school it was me and amp one other little boy standing there after everyone left he told me my mother wasn't going to be able to get me and amp sent him instead he leaned over from the driver's seat and opened the passenger door trying to grab me he also called our several girls names trying to guess mine the boy motioned for me to go with him I took a step back to think first I did remember my teacher saying a few weeks before a man like this tried to kidnap a little boy who he told he had forgotten his lunch the boy jumped out of the car as it drove away my mom pulled up behind him as I was trying to figure what to do in that young age he drove crazy fast out of there as an adult I realized I most likely would have have had a very violent and sad outcome when I watched missing kids reports I think that could have been me back in 2012 I was leaving a gas station on my way to school and let a truck go ahead of me he was in front of me at a stoplight and when it was our turn to cross the intersection an SUV ran the red light going about 45 the truck was totaled and the guy was knocked out and bleeding from his head I Drive a small car and it scared me to think that if he had it that bad I could have been a million times worse he's actually still fighting the [ __ ] that ran the light because he swears he didn't run the light but I testified for the driver of the truck and it looks like they are just now settling the lawsuit [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 117,548
Rating: 4.8501954 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: wTZaKyvNJlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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