What was the Craziest Reason a Teacher at your school got Fired? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories

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what was the craziest reason a teacher at your school got fired cussing out a student it was a librarian at an elementary school [Music] i went to hs in the early eighties in a tiny rural appalachian town 35 miles from the closest traffic light we had classes that taught auto mechanics one that taught carpentry had a motorcycle riding class and a rifle shooting class and classes for welding and machine shop with lathes and milling machines etc the teacher of the machine shop got arrested for making silences for the mafia and half the stuff he had us making as class projects on the lathes and milling machines with items he used in making them center porn link instead of google form by email many students then commented on the video with a lot of great jokes funny times long story short my french teacher was ducking the lunch lady in school our ap calculus teacher in high school had a mental break ranted for an entire class period about some nonsense then drank an entire bottle of salsa stormed out and never came back they had a substitute for the rest of the semester which was unfortunate since the sub wasn't a calculus teacher so they were at a disadvantage for the ap test a professor at my college was placed on administrative leave because he was charged with participating in the rwandan genocide and was deported shortly after he ended up being found not guilty although i think he's still in a random prison for denying that the genocide happened edit to be more clear his opinion was that the genocide was not a genocide and that it was a civil war in which the hutu were victimized as much as if not more than the tutsi a history teacher i had in high school gave us a lot of random documentary movie days during which she would just sit in the back at her desk drinking tea the year after i graduated he had a movie day and when the film ended she didn't get up or do anything but sit there eyes closed fearing the worst some students went to the office and brought an administrator down who found she was passed out drunk they found bottles in her desk 25 years ago at my all-boys catholic high school a priest was accused caught molesting a student of course this wasn't a firing offense for a priest back then it was just hushed up the guy was creepy as hell earlier this year i read about him in the paper a fresh round of allegations he was allowed to keep on going for another 25 freaking years our teacher was a chronic liar and lied about having a master's and a degree funny thing is she actually did have a relevant degree that would have got her the job other lies include dating brad pitt being an ex-gang member and even being a multi-millionaire but just enjoying teaching through a chair across the classroom hitting a student in the process i think she was going through a divorce or something but it was talk of the town throughout the whole week we never saw her again after that human trafficking and nine counts of sexual misconduct with a minor edit no it was not me haha you made a funny good job and thanks dudes this blew up more than i expected by a lot in high school fl for payout teacher took us canoeing instead of checking the weather he brought 15 freshmen into the channel our school was on a severe thunderstorm hit and our teacher paddled safely back to school and left us teens in the water we tied our canoes together and rode back to school but we were drenched and super late our teacher was just standing on the dock not a care in the world he got fired like two days later our high school art teacher got fired after someone found an old youtube video of him painting with his ass cheeks we held a protest to try to keep him around but they fired him anyway my middle school history teacher emma lewis used to invite me and some of my friends all girls into his room before classes since otherwise we had to stay in the incredibly cramped hallway this was desirable especially when he let us play with cliver but on his desktop mr lewis was pretty weird he only ever wore velvet suits with pocket squares and sometimes he'd randomly start crying in the middle of class biggest of all he'd make us listen to his love poetry dedicated to his dead wife who we later learned did not and had not existed in retrospect that love poetry was definitely for us specifically it was for one of us my friend ruth who looked notably younger than your average 12yo he'd always ask her to write notes on the blackboard and stare at her while she did it the rest of us noticed ruth was mr lewis favorite but it didn't strike us as that weird well one day it was only ruth who got to school early the rest of us didn't come till later she went into emma lewis room and i guess he tried something luckily i don't think it got very far he was put on leave they brought him back a year later fun had a history teacher show a bunch of seventh graders drunk history the goody two shoes of the class nast and told her mom who complained to the school he was fired by the end of the week i was at a catholic school and one teacher got fired because he remarried after a divorce back when i was in high school i had a history teacher who looked like santa claus and for the most part was a cool and funny dude he made jokes most of the class and kept it pretty entertaining while still being informative well one day there was this tall curly haired 9th grade kid who was being loud and obnoxious in the hall and so santa teacher went out and asked him to stop as the kid was disrupting his class kid didn't listen so he stepped out of the class and asked him nicely to stop talking so loud in the hallway now i'm not exactly sure what the kid said to him but whatever it was caused my teacher to lose it and punched the kid right in the eye and held him against the locker like the stereotypical bully does to the nerd and tv shows and movies kid ended up with a black eye and broken nose and my history teacher was soon fired after that turns out my teacher had a bit of a mean streak that popped up every blue moon apparently he almost fought a bus driver who was about to leave a student who was running late from their last class edit for anyone curious here's a news article about it edit too oh wow thanks for the awards kind strangers you're awesome a student teacher who was coaching cheer gave a girl pain meds narcotic without a prescription or permission from parents she got fired never heard if she managed to get a teaching license after that edit just to clarify giving meds is usually not allowed because it's a liability issue everyone is perfectly allowed to bring their own pain meds that are over the counter or prescribed to them and take them but the school can't dispense them also the real issue here is that the pain meds were not over the counter and they were prescribed to the student teacher not the cheerleader it's pretty uncool to give a kid opioids without permission he threw pencils at students one day he threw a chair at a girl who annoyed him serious anger management issues and then they found the child porn on his computer at school rumor was that he had also been grooming one of the student aides i haven't heard a thing about him since the year he disappeared he was caught putting a camera under the girls swimming changing room door year six grade five edit this was about six years ago don't know what happened to him after he was fired my language arts teacher got caught taking the bus up to the mountain to smoke weed with the ski club this was back before the stickier key was legal here a teacher called one of his students and drunk confessed his obsessive love to her on voicemail promising to leave his new wife and baby for her didn't get fired but should have ninth grade room of angsty teens gets a new english teacher mrs redacted this english teacher likes three things jesus pouring pills down her autistic son's throat and and rice during class when talking about an assignment a couple students talked about a student who attempted suicide and the teacher had enough she got up and explained how to properly cut your wrists to a whole class what an educational experience edit wow thanks for the awards and up votes i rarely bring up this teacher but this discredit seemed the appropriate time also i removed the name not my school but one in my general area had an entire lunch periods worth of students watch a male teacher scream at his wife female teacher in the same school after catching her with the janitor in school it was in an catholic monastery school not even 10 years ago my homeroom teacher prevented the suicide of a nun and got fired for it that's literally all the infoway pupils got at the time apparently you can't do anything right in this world taught world religion at a private christian high school so well that kids started opening up their minds to other world views i think the parents played a big role in him getting fired short teacher got a sophomore pregnant probably not that crazy but a history teacher who made sexually explicit commentary jokes directed largely of female students on multiple occasions showed multiple r-rated films that had nothing to do with the curriculum without getting parental consent this was sixth grade so we were 12 years old also he also really liked to talk about the nanking massacre in graphic detail especially the sexual parts complete with pictures he put up on the projector he devoted multiple days to it i never got confirmation that that was what got him fired but that was everything that i had documented with times and dates and brought up to the principal very shortly before he was never seen at school again edit this got more attention than i expected i had honestly never considered that the guy could be a pedophile and that was grooming or whatever i was just a colossal nerd who was upset we weren't learning more history with all the time spent on movies and him chatting and joking during class time the nanking bit was disturbing and forever burned into my head but rights alongside the holocaust which in the context of a history class a historical event didn't seem that unreasonable to go over it wasn't nanking in general but the joy he took in describing it that bothered me and i say he spent multiple days on it but a day for this guy was only like 10-15 minutes of actual instruction the rest being the chatting i was proud of my part in getting rid of him because the rest of the year was spent actually learning history with homework and reports and everything i never considered that i might have had a role in curtailing the efforts of a pedophile i never told my classmates of what i did because they hated me enough already without them knowing i might have helped turn an easy a-class into one they had to actually put a bit of effort into fiddle the kid at a summer camp he's dead now he got killed in prison three months in edit while my most awarded comment is about my old gym teacher diddling and getting killed nice other than the sixth scandal with underage students that happened my best friend got a teacher fired on accident because she was buying and selling ugr cards with students he just so happened to say how cool it was to another teacher which led to well the not so happy ending i talked about this a few days ago but she told me she didn't want me doing any practical work because she knew i was [ __ ] and it's not fair that i take all her attention away from the normal children i was 14 autistic and it broke my ducking heart a maths teacher got in a fist fight with the art teacher because the maths teacher stopped the guys who were doing art from leaving his maths class to take their state exam the exam was the junior cert up practical this was in ireland edited for extra clarity and more background info the union intervened and he got his job back my kindergarten teacher picked me up by the neck and tossed me across the room she wasn't actually fired just not allowed to teach kindergarten again instead she taught second grade she was my teacher that year two in her defense odds are pretty good that i had it coming a teacher at my middle school got fired because they found her picture on an adult site with no top and her number written across her chest a really cool teacher of mine put on the 2016 deadpool movie in class after some convincing from the class anyways some kid snitched no idea who and because the movie was rated r she was fired she was really cool too and i felt pretty bad a teacher apparently got fired for doing drugs before class a couple years after i had her i thought it was just rumors before the principal just avoided the question after being asked about it she posted nudes on her public facebook profile not sure if crazy or dumb but my teacher when i was in third grade got fired for selling us poc registered sign on cards that she would confiscate from other classes during recess she told us we could buy the cards about 25 but we couldn't have them out during school hours [Music] she was affiliated with terrorism she was involved in a murder no she didn't kill anyone she was one of the last people that was seen with the victim she was the victim's best friend news reporters kept on showing up to my school to try to get any words they could from my teacher and as you can imagine it became a huge distraction for the students it was sad the case became pretty famous in my home state and a law was created in the victim's name edit the law called for bouncers at bars and clubs to be more thoroughly checked for any past criminal activity my teacher's friend was murdered by a bouncer who was supposed to be helping her into a taxi after the bar closed the bar owner didn't know that the bouncer had been a felon i didn't really want to add too many details out of respect for my teacher because she was honestly a wonderful person and we could tell how traumatized she was by the whole thing but here's the case warning the murder details are kinda nsfl broke a kid's arm because he wasn't able to answer a question or something he was sued and fired in my own words one of my teachers was fired for doing sexual things during school hours as in looking at girls asses during track practice and looking at porn during class history teacher got fired for banging the music teacher on the timpani don't blame him we all wanted to bang that music teacher i had a teacher really nice teacher who had bad anger management issues when he went angry he would literally flip tables he would go berserk scream and flip tables left and right eventually he kind of disappeared when i asked my principal about him he said that mr x is on leave never seen him again he was really nice guy and good teacher too bad my classmates drove him insane he left his laptop open in class while teaching and a student found child porn on it while trying to play a prank cops promptly found stashes of the stuff at his house when they investigated further was arrested and is now in prison as far as i know he taught students age 11-16 organized a student choir and was even the main teacher for some of the younger classes this was well publicized in the local media at the time not just a vile nonce but a ducking dumb one at that teacher took a pickups to a speed camera in the middle of a busy day not crazy but i got a teacher fired by accident i was in spanish too and was almost failing this was odd since i mainly had as b plus s my mom also found this odd since i went to tutoring after class and asked for other help after talking to others in my class about my performance i realized a lot of the class was doing poor my mom called the principal and thought she was doing so anonymously however she forgot to 67 and the principal knew exactly who he was talking to next thing i know he visited our class unannounced and sat there the whole time not using his phone ipad or laptop he then came in a couple more times for 10 plus minutes next school year she was no longer a teacher and was moved to ipad support in our school district this is the kicker i had no idea our principal was fluent in spanish he clearly realized our teacher had no idea what she was doing she quit she was the nicest teacher in the yeti school in my area taught 10th grade history my class was particularly very bad to her though she also told me her other classes weren't great either she was made fun of because though she was in her 30s she had short and choppy gray hair and her being nice all the time led to kids getting away with more than they should have one day after a bad class my class came in and started bullying her again she had already clearly been crying and that day she had enough she spent that day telling us that she has a very rare form of brain cancer showed us pictures of her just a few years back with her husband and deceased child even then some of the kids in that class had no empathy and thought it poetic justice for a teacher to get cancer that was her last day i hugged her on the way out i was a shy kid didn't really talk much but i wish i had said more unfortunately she has since passed away the geometry teacher caught someone cheating on a test so he took her test and took a bite out of it in front of her not nsfw but it's still bizarre while not necessarily the incident that got them fired there was a time when one of the science teachers knew for that year told a student that if he didn't like how they were teaching then he should go the office full stop he got up and started walking for the door they got in front of him and shoved him back into the room a few months later we suddenly had a different science teacher freshman year of hs we kept having bomb scares about once a month we would have to evacuate while the police brought the bomb dogs to check out the place turns out it was one of our long-term subs she got arrested but don't know the end result a male coach was having sex with one of the female students she was under 16 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison that is not all a female teacher helped keep it a secret the female teacher left the job spent a few days in jail but mostly went unscathed due to her cooperation in the investigation she did lose her license two excellent teachers at my high school miss someone and mr something fell in love and moved in together and later got married when they moved in together the catholic high school fired her for living insane but he got to keep his job on a friday night a gym teacher girls basketball coach purposefully threw a bong out of the passenger side window of his pickup truck he was in the passenger seat his wife was driving causing it to smash on the hood of an on-duty sheriff in a marked crown victoria again he meant it to smash on the hood of the cop car he got out trying to assault the cop that was quickly subdue tased never saw him again after that he was a cool guy edit this was at a stoplight not a teacher but the school resource officer he got caught having sexual relations with a freshman officer was like 52. we were gathering money to go on a trip and she took the money and said that someone stole it i bet a bunch of this will be made up or blatant lies i've taught for 11 years and only one teacher was fired at the schools i worked at which were a huge he was fired for punching another teacher after school only adults witnessed this some teachers quit because of various reasons and they all had rumors spread about the reason they were fired none were even remotely true since all of the teachers quit on their own merit actual true firings will likely be the teachers ducking students that got arrested and shown on the news source teacher teacher had a fling with a buddy of mine in my class senior year i was in dc with the principal when it was brought to light with a we the people government debate nationals he was not in a good mood during that trip she was also married with two kids article edit that awkward moment when you accidentally comment with your nsfw viewing account i grade six our male teacher was apparently wrestling after hours with a girl in our class and gifting her lottery tickets one day our principal came in asked the teacher to come with him they both got in the principal's car and we never saw that teacher again in my middle school there was a really pervy substitute who had a huge beard one day one of the students said mr capital d it looks like you have a huge bush on your face he said on a good night i do and winked at a 13 year old i have a better question what is the worst thing that a teacher didn't get fired for hitting in a garbage can all year instead of a toilet he had a bag of female students hair in his desk i still don't know what to make of it he was one of the best and most well-liked teachers and coaches i spent a lot of time with him due to sports as did a lot of my friends and classmates and he was never inappropriate not once i've never spoken to anyone who has anything but positive memories of him [Music] high school an annoying boy thought it would be funny to slap our math teacher's ass p a middle-aged man immediately slapped that kid's face in return boy was invited to leave teacher was fired when i was in sixth grade my civics teacher was fired for being a white supremacist she also kept a gag on her desk and some other objects you usually wouldn't see on a teacher's desk [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: G5MrYPSc5Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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