What's the creepiest thing that happened to you, that still freaks you out? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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serious what are some scary horrifying creepy things that have happened to you or in general that could have a plausible explanation it's still freaking out when I was like 4 or 5 I remember waking up one day in the early hours of the morning it was still dark outside and I groggily made my way to my parents room expecting them to still be asleep when I opened the door the room was fully lit my parents were nowhere in sight and there was a man and a woman I don't recognize on the bed the following events are pretty hazy in my memory but basically they seemed surprised and one of them asked something along the lines of who's he to the other still too sleepy and young to process anything I just closed the door went back to my room and fell asleep again when I woke up in the morning my parents were there and that they continued as normal I've never seen those two people again and until now I am still wondering if I had a supernatural encounter or if it's just a really vivid dream I had as a child I've posted this before but here it is again the plausible explanation is sleep paralysis but I've never experienced anything like it before or after this incident when I was in elementary school I shared a queen-size bed with my older sister and our family dog and mutt that looked like a short-haired lassie would sleep at the foot of our bed every night when I was about 6 years old I woke up one night around midnight and saw a dark figure standing at the foot of the bed the figure was entirely in black without any eyes or a face I tried to wake my sister up but she rolled over to go back to sleep my sister must have accidentally kicked the dog because the dog woke up and raised her head and started growling at the figure at the foot of the bed the growling then woke my sister up and she saw the figure and started screaming when my parents came into the room and turned the light on nothing was there to this day both my sister and I are adamant that we saw ghosts or other demon in our we know we aren't crazy because of the dog sword too my dad and I were talking about my grandfather one weekend my dad lived with his parents at the time as money was very tight my grandfather was in the hospital for pneumonia and heart problems which he was no stranger to as he had survived a few heart attacks at this point due to a mix of diabetes prescription meds and heavy drinking we both heard what sounded like coughing come from where his room is this was somewhat late till my dad my sister's ed and I were the only people there my dad and I were creeped out the day the least I joked that my grandfather had died and he was haunting the house not a minute later the hospital calls my grandfather hadn't died in fact he was being difficult with the nurses and he wanted to call to talk to my grandmother about something I don't actually know what caused the coughing sound other than us just hearing things but the fact that the hospital called so soon after I said he died was the creepiest part moved into a cottage on the mountain my backyard was a tree line the moon lit everything so beautifully well it hardly seemed like night at all I began having recurring dreams it was the same dream every single time in my dream I would see myself laying asleep in my bed and then it switched from third person view to first person view in the dream I awoke to a whispering female voice the thirst hit me in the dream it was unbearable I would climb out of bed open the French doors and head to the kitchen sink to get a glass of water as I neared the sink the voice would get louder and louder but I still couldn't make it out It was as if it were a foreign language but not one that I had heard before no since then standing in my kitchen and looking out the window right above the sink to the tree line in my backyard well lit by the moon's light the voice suddenly became clear she said the devil is in the woods at this pointless shadow darted quickly behind the tree line would then wake up from my dream standing in my kitchen in the exact spot that I was in the dream this happened almost every week for the entire duration of time that I lived in that house it also always happened close to or right at 3 ei M my friend asked me if I would go to her house after work and feed her a dog 'she would not be home until 3 a.m. or so she worked in a bar I arrived at her house at 8:30 p.m. and got the key she had left under the master unlock the door once I unlocked the door I turned off the alarm and put the key in a white bowl by the door I am 100% sure I put the key in the bowl I fed the dog and played with him for a little while then went to lock up the house again and leave but the key was gone just then the dog started furiously barking and ran full speed out of the kitchen and up the stairs he just sat there growling at nothing the feeling that came over me at that time was so strange I randomly burst out crying and couldn't stop eventually I calmed down put the dog back into the kitchen and looked for the key it was literally nowhere I ended up finding another key that worked so I just locked the house and left I told my friend and she looked daily for about a week then one day the key was back in the white barrel one time I was having beers with my friends at one of their houses we were sat at a table that fits about 16 people we were a large group and I was sat at the far end and one of my friends all the way across the table I then jokingly crumbled up a bit of label from my beer bottle to a ball the size of a pea and said I could throw it in my friend's beer bottle for million euros from the other side of the table we were drunk and playing games I [ __ ] mad the shot I have no idea how I did it I didn't even aim I just picked up the ball of paper and immediately threw it in one swift motion over a distance of about 6-7 meters inside the small opening of his beer bottle I never understood how I did that and find it very creepy he still knows me a million I lived in one of the oldest apartments in the town I was living in couldn't sleep one night but eventually I must have dozed off as I started having an incredibly vivid dream of myself laying in bed everything the exact same as in reality except my door opened and a creepy old lady started ominously walking towards me I woke up and freaked out I always lock my door but just to be sure I went and checked it it was unlocked I was reading the Oz Gosha to get inspiration for a short story I wanted to write shortly after I started hearing this jingle from my bedroom window in the middle of the night there was nothing in the backyard or neighbor's houses that could have called it not even a wind chime then I woke up one morning and my grandpa's painting was upside down several days later the knives were all the wrong way in the holder then the garbage can was backwards and that kept going on and on and on most of it got explained turns out there was an arch Tarsus really close to my house and the bells in the tower would go off if the wind was just right and my Sonos I liked creepy things so he did most of the turning household items backwards and came clean when I started getting scared instead of just having fun with it only thing that has no explanation is my grandpa's painting my reaction with the painting is what made my so decide to run with it but he did not turn it upside down a few years back I lived with my mother and German Shepherd in a two-bedroom rented townhome I got home from work one day and went about my daily routine when it came time to eat dinner I knocked on my mom's door to come and eat I smelled cigarette smoke and heard her grunt a response so I went back down and ate alone I figured I would just put a plate away for her fast forward to about 2:00 a.m. I am awakened by someone holding my hand and gently shaking it I immediately shoot straight up and look around my dog who is invalid protective and sleeps with me every single night isn't in bed she isin't even in the room she most definitely was on my bed when I went to sleep I sleep with the bedroom door shut and locked she is scratching at my closed and locked bedroom door from the hallway frantic I bolt for the door let her in and she is searching the whole room I'm now yelling for my mother no answer I force my dog to walk down the hallway with me I still smell cigarette smoke I bang on my mom's door no answer so I just open it she isn't even home the bed is made and her TV is off my dog and I searched the whole entire house nothing is out of place all the doors and windows are still locked I was freaked out to say the least the next day I called my mom and she told me she left early the day before to go visit my sick grandfather I remember one time as a child I was home on a Saturday morning for a bit of context back then my mom would usually go into work on Saturday mornings and be home usually by 12:00 p.m. now back to the story I was sitting on the couch watching TV the time started approaching twelve which meant that my mom was almost home I very vividly remember hearing a car door closed hearing the car lock and my mom walking into the house calling my name when I got up to go greet her there was no one there still creeps me out context my grandfather was a truck driver and taught me everything I know about driving especially in snow I used to work out at drugstore and one night I was closing another store in our chain and we had a snow squall that unexpectedly dropped a few inches of snow in our area I wasn't very familiar with the area and I had my mom's car so I wasn't used to the car either the snow was still coming down and I couldn't see so I was creeping home and panicking as I saw cars spinning out all around me all of a sudden I saw a light in my passenger side view mirror and I turned my head and sitting in the passenger seat plain as day I saw my dead grandfather I heard him say he knew that I wasn't freaked out by a little snow and they may hurt his voice rattling off all the things he taught me about driving in the snow I looked back towards the road and then he was gone it was a calming experience when I saw him it was more okay pops here I'm okay instead of 'omg you're supposed to be dead WTF and I stopped panicking and got home without a problem it was most likely just my brain eyes whatever playing tricks on me to get me to stop panicking but to this day it still freaks me out my family and I went to Dubai in 2004 I was seven and we were in the hotel pool when we see two big men suddenly come in and steal this family's little girl who looked around the same age as me and sped up into a car there's nothing anyone could have done because we were all in the pool and the daughters mother started crying historically we ended up having to write a witness report for the police I still wonder if they got their little girl back when I was younger my mom my grandma and I like to go to this little frou-frou tea shop that was about 40 miles from our home it was a cute little place where you could get the classic tea and sandwiches and cute little desserts and all one time we weren't all was normal but on the way home we received a call that my other grandma hadn't passed away very sad but if she had been battling cancer not exactly unexpected the next time we went a few months later on the way home we received a call that my uncle had died suddenly of a heart attack creepy coincidence for sure but we still did not think too much of it at the time we went back a third time a few months after that and for the third time on the way home we received the phone call that someone had died this time it was my grandpa's brother we never went back to that tea shop again now all of these people were elderly and not exactly in the best of health so then passing away around the same time was not exactly creepy but the fact that three separate times that we went to this place three people died the same day and we the calls on the way home makes me think something about that place was cursed it has since closed but I'm still nervous to even go to that area to this day not really scary per se but kind of creepy I guess things keep up and disappearing from my home for example I live in a condo so there's not much space so my so and I keep the small kitchen appliances in the cupboards and pull them out when needed about three months ago I pulled the toaster out to use it but was interrupted so I left it on the counter I came back a few hours later and it was gone my significant other hadn't been home and my mother who lives two doors down and borrows my things including my toaster is adamant she didn't borrow it I even searched her house up and down along with mine other things such as towels other mitts drinking glasses slippers a ring and more have gone missing but the toaster is the most curious as it's really hard to loose a freaking toaster and who steals the toaster when I was around 13 years old I had the absolute worst nightmare you could imagine I was in a room with boxes in a twin suddenly the lighting of everything turned red and started to walk into a blur this was accompanied with intense feelings of fear and despair there was nothing particularly scary about the imagery I saw but more so the emotions associated with it It was as if someone somehow injected the maximum dosage of every negative emotion we humans can feel directly into my bloodstream and I was feeling all of them at once I woke up to find myself screaming into my mom running into the room the next day I went to my dad's house for the weekend I told him I had a nightmare the other night to which he responded he had one of the worst nightmares of his life too and once I asked what it was he told me he was in a warehouse filled with boxes being chased by someone I had not told anyone about the details of my dream and there wasn't any way he would have found out about my bad dream from my mom since they are separated our nearly identical dreams happened the same night and also around the same time 3:00 a.m. growing up in a very old house we kids always suspected it was haunted every night from the basement have sounded like someone was running up and down the hallways on the main floor no one was awake to be running my dad saw a shadow figure standing on the side of the bed on my mom's side etc one afternoon we heard a giant crash come from our guest room and ran to open the door and see what had fallen nothing was broken or knocked over but a giant handprint that looked as though the fingers had claws was dragged down the fleece blanket on the bed we tried to attribute it to the dog but since then I started believing in spirits really late to the party on this one but I've got a story from Boy Scout camp I was 12 or so out fishing in a small rowboat with one of the other guys in our troop as we drifted around the small fishing lake there was a much larger lake for boating and swimming at one point I saw something in the water it wasn't a fin or even a shape that I could describe or remember at this point but I remember seeing something down there and that it was big I pointed it out to my friend who looked down and said I saw it move I didn't know I could roll a boat that fast we were back on dry land in a minute or two thinking back I'm sure it was just a log or a rock or whatever detritus you might find in a lake but in the moment I was certain that clearly or something was hiding in that lake and we had awoken it from its millennia-long slumber I can still remember the fear and the bitter taste of adrenaline in the back of my throat we just moved into our house and I was laying up stairs my bedroom had the bathroom attached and my cat's love to sleep in there I suddenly heard the sound of someone possibly walking around downstairs into his home alone the noises stopped downstairs but then there was this wet crunching squelching noise in the bathroom and I noticed my cats were both on the bed with me looking toward the bathroom knowing they herded two made it way creepier and my gut told me to get out and go downstairs I suddenly felt like I would be safe for downstairs with a potential burglars an in there with whatever made that noise there was no one downstairs and when my husband got home he didn't find anything at all in the bathroom no source of any of the sounds was found anywhere the bathroom window was open so it's likely it was something outside that just sounded closer than it actually was but it was terrifying at the time oh I got some good ones for this one time me and my buddies went to an abandoned church called hell's church we're from the south so this church is where a whole bunch of nasty racist horrible murder torture sheet would happen it's called sin Hills Church say you know good place to go at night we got there and there was a red light shining through the front glass spooky so naturally our first thought is to dare our buddy to go knock on the front door after about five minutes of working up the courage to do it one of my friends gets out of the car and goes towards the front door he does it takes about three steps from the door and it [ __ ] opens I've never seen him run faster in my entire life homie dives back in the car driver slams on the gas car is in Reverse and we get a screaming towards the woods by the church as we're screeching backwards three three lights turn on in the woods and are heading to the car to this day we still don't know what the f ck was going on still freaks me out man scary when I was young I would go to the woods behind my neighborhood every weekend with my sister and best friend for context it turns out that it was land owned by a power plant and it was totally trespassing for us to be there there was a lot of interesting stuff there and the area was huge so we had a lot of fun regardless one time however we found this little shack with a bunch of levers and switches that had a cord running from it to some power lines sounds like a cool thing for a kid to find right the door was riddled with bullet holes squashed bullets were everywhere it smelled like rotten flesh dried blood was all over the walls and there was a broken hatchet inside a few meters away there was a blood-stained coat hanger from a tree branch and even further down was an open manhole that was closed every other time we went there the next time we came back both the hatchet and killed were gone in the manhole was sealed up I knew that hunters went into that area often because there were a lot of deer but something about the scenario screams murder more than hunting double-quote for the past six or so months I keep waking up to weird night photos on my phone it's still happening usually one two three photos a month I honestly have no explanation they are all time-stamped during hours I'm asleep and they seem fairly normal and mundane but taken from odd angles I usually charge my phone next to my bed you need a password to unlock it my bed is right by my window and all the photos are taken so close to the window that whoever is taking them as to be right beside me in bed or reaching over me it's very very strange I even got a new phone and this has continued no explanation for it but it freaks me out they are usually upwards engels taken through my window as the street light or sky I honestly welcome theories cause it's very very weird I thought maybe I take photos in my sleep but that would be one heck a weird case of sleepwalking and often my phone is in touched in the same position I left it when I went to bed one time when I was younger my friend and I enjoyed exploring abandoned buildings out in the country one time we go to this old plant or factory or whatever it was and we find a way in through a garage door that had fallen off its tracks just inside was an old forklift and some water crepes the kind that are a big tank on a pallet well we explore this place for about two hours I think until we finally come out the other side and walk back to our car around the outside we come back to find the entrance we used was now blocked with the water crates stacked up closing off the door and a Forks from the forklift were still poking through the pallet on the last one what bothered us about this was a this was a propane powered forklift and at no point could we hear it in operation in an otherwise silent building B there were no other vehicles present that could have brought someone here to operate the dang thing was this a spectral forklift trying to hand prisoners in this old building where no one could hear our cries for help probably not but we still know P f ck out of there real quick this just happened right as the clock at 1:00 a.m. I heard a ton of random dog howling coming from outside I live in a rural area and coyotes are common and it's not uncommon to hear them how lore my neighbor's dogs howl but this time the sound wasn't coming from the direction of my neighbor's house and there was a variety of howls it didn't sound like just one type of howl like the coil t's usually do hearing it while reading the sub give me some chills I used to wander off when I was 2 or 3 my parents were good at keeping me close but once they had friends over mom was inside and dad was outside and they each thought the other one had me with them once they realized I was gone the whole neighbourhood was out searching for me they found me near a ditch filled with water and we're understandably relived they were also confused because somehow I had managed to set loose the neighbors somewhat unpleasant and temperamental dog he was kept in a locked kennel and his owner had been at my parents house they have no idea how someone my size could have opened the door and wine he'd chosen to take a walk with a toddler I'm going to sound like a nutcase but here's a few every time a major shift in my life is about to happen I frequently see random change on the ground people drop change all the time but it's weird I will see it multiple times in a day it's typically pennies sometimes it's silver sometimes it's days straight other times doesn't last long a few days after my mom passed away her nightstand light came on the issue with that was there was no one in the room that side was on a different breaker and the breaker had tripped randomly the light was on before an extremely bad date I got a text from my own number saying 911 I had a feeling to cancel but I didn't the guy left me stranded with two strangers they kindly took me home it was creepy though this was back in 2011 my old dog was in the living room with me and we both heard a voice coming from the bathroom my dad was in there so I figured he might just be talking to himself my dog took one look at the wall and hopped right in my lab all 120 pounds of him my dad walks out a while later pale as a ghost it took him a minute but he told me my mom had said his name from the closet bathroom she had died 3-4 days before that when I was 17 my mom took me and my siblings to Universal Studios in Orlando we stopped at some cafeteria like place within the park for lunch I think it was Popeye themed or something and they had old music playing over a loudspeaker all of a sudden when the song switched my mom covered her ears and yelled at me and my brother and sister to do the same we were confused but we complied after the song was over she unplugged her raise and I asked her what that was about and she said the song was cursed in our family it was written in the eighteen hundred's and apparently whenever my great grandfather happened to hear it someone in the family would die that day I looked it up and it's called the fountain in the park and since I thought that was a load of [ __ ] I started listening to it on my phone my mom yelled at me and took my phone away so I only really know a little bit of it it starts like I was strolling through the park one day in the merry merry month of May a few months later my little cousin and I watched a new episode of Steven universe where Steven and the crystal gems go to the moon and Steven starts singing a little parody of the song something along the lines of I was bouncing on the moon one day that same day my mom's uncle died I was 18 in the early 70s hitchhiking was common my ride only went to an intersection going out of town I needed to get a ride to the next town I started walking on either side of the road were tall corn fields it was dark as I walked I thought I heard footsteps inside the cornfield I stopped the steps continued a few steps and stopped I ran they ran I abruptly didn't about-face and ran I tripped them up and it was a few seconds before they turned and ran my direction I dodged like I was going to turn around they ran that direction stopped when I ran the opposite direction and came my way finally a car was coming and I stood in the middle of the road and made them stop I jumped in and never saw what was stalking me I could tell by the footsteps that it was bipedal it haunts me to this day in high school my friend and I used to go on little road trips into the country in search of abandoned farm houses one time out in the middle of absolutely nowhere we stopped randomly at this large drainage pipe in a ditch just off the side of a road it probably wouldn't have been noticed by anyone except we were actively searching for places to explore I think it just caught our eye as something we could explore because it was big enough for us to fit into a few feet into the tunnel thing there was a large black garbage bag sort of covered by twigs and leaves it was totally bloated with some sort of gas I took a stick and poked it whatever was inside was well hard to describe but soft yet hard and an odd shape for garbage and it smelled it really could have been anything but we both got this terrible feeling of dread and horror we just knew it looked like a suspicious attempt to conceal something it was just in such an odd spot for it to be a random unintentional thing whoever dumped it there didn't want it to be found we hightailed it out of there so fast to this day I still wonder what was actually in the bag and regret not having just explored a little more or maybe even called the authorities even if it was something innocuous I feel like in some way it would be better to know than not not long ago while driving in a Nashville suburb I was stopped in a line of cars at an intersection I had the window down next to me on my left one car ahead was a newsprint type van a fancy one inside the van people were screaming and pounding the walls and hitting the window had hands pressing on the glass and pounding the window like lettuce out the whole van was swaying I was stuck in traffic with a dead phone so I couldn't do anything could have been a prank could have been human traffickers but if they were being trafficked I assumed they would be forced to be silent everyone I tell this to says it was a prank I'm not sure and it warns me I was freaked out this wasn't really scary per se but when I was living in Atlanta right before I left the country to start a working holiday I noticed a mug in the kitchen exactly like one my grandparents had my granny might still have it I honestly don't know I instantly recognized it as it has a very distinctive outline of a Tennessee Walking Horse my granddad who has passed really loved them and we used to watch videos of horse shows together we were very close I thought it was a funny coincidence and resolved to ask my housemates where it came from but it was a few days before I got the chance to ask both of them and neither of them had any clue they hadn't bought it they didn't remember anyone bringing it over they hadn't ever seen it before my mom visited shortly after and confirmed though I didn't really have any doubts that it was identical to the one at my grandparents home I wish I had been able to bring it with me when I left but I was pretty sure I'd break it I kind of think it was my granddad saying hi or maybe sending me off I have a picture of it just to confirm I didn't dream the whole thing so some background my apartment complex has multiple stories to it and I happen to live on the first anyway one night I remember having this one nightmare where I came home at around 2:00 a.m. as I am walking to the stairs in order to get into my apartment these two guys that were clearly drunk or on some types of drugs began talking to me I brush it off and I begin to walk quicker I start walking up the stairs and they're still trying to make small talk with me but I safely get into my apartment and lock the door for some odd reason after locking my apartment I look through the little people that is on my door and I see one of the men who was making small talk with me charging at my door as if to knock it down to get to me the really creepy thing is that I've experienced this nightmare multiple times and it always ends at the same time right before the man gets to my door has anyone ever experienced having the same nightmare more than once I get sleep paralysis and I can say for sure this is not that so here it goes I slept off with TV playing in the background woke up hovering over myself I could see myself sleep like my back was directly on the ceiling facing down on myself I was fully awake as I could see clearly what was playing on the TV then I hear a noise from the corridor and some shadow approaching now this is the crazy part I never actually see what this thing is but it scared a shut out of me I could feel goosebumps and my skin crawled just from the thought of what it would do to me pure terror immediately I fall to the floor and run out the room down the corridor towards the main door my body is still sleeping as I'm about to open the door I feel something dragged me back down the corridor into the room then into my body and I wake up TV playing exact same thing I saw while floating it was a new show and she was wearing exact outfit it still weird me out till today I mean I had several sleep paralysis episodes and I am already used to the whole shadow BS so it doesn't scare me anymore but this one time was different it felt too real so I don't know so when I was about 13 I was home alone and I was in my room when I started to hear what sounded like tapping on the kitchen window I went to look and there was nothing then I heard rode from the glass door to our living I went and looked nothing then it started on the window and my room I went and checked still nothing I kept hearing it on random windows throughout the house and I'd go to check to find nothing then I started to hear a single knock on the windows one at a time kitchen living room my room bathroom and it kept going in a pattern just one at a time and finally it stopped it was quite for a minute and I was standing in the living room confused and scared when I heard what was like knife scrapping against glass I checked the kitchen and there was huge claw marks all the way across our 4-foot kitchen window I ran to grab the phone to call my parents when I looked back and it was gone ten years later I've been diagnosed with bipolar and schizophrenia I'm pretty sure it was all a hallucination that had still scared a shut out of me I was sleeping with my boyfriend in separate beds dressed etc' and in the morning my mom came to take something in my room I woke up with the sound of the door opening seeing that I was awake she asked me why did you put the picture there pointing to the rack where a framed picture was resting against the wall in an angle instead of being hanged in the wall as usual I didn't put it there I asked my boyfriend he didn't either when my mom tried to lift the picture the frame fell apart it was very old it really looks like something took it out of the wall and put it neatly nested on the top of the rack during the night because if it fell from the wall the glass would shatter and possibly hurt me and my bf my creepy instance happened a couple years back when I first moved into the house that I currently live in with my parents hopped in the shower one day as I was home alone and was just doing my thing when suddenly I pounding on my bathroom door it was slightly muffled by the sound of the shower and music playing off my speakers but was still distinguishable I automatically assumed my parents had come home since my stepfather frequently bothered me about the length of my showers not to mention there was what seemed to be a disgruntled male voice coming from outside my restroom door I simply shout don't worry I'll be out in a sec kkoma as I was surely convinced it was just my annoyed father I then got out of the shower lowered my music and went into the hallway it was dead silence in my house which was unusual for my family I called out for my parents and brother not a single response starting to panic I ran to my room and called my parents to which they informed me that they were just pulling into the driveway and hadn't been inside the house yet [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 126,061
Rating: 4.8988194 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: D-e5qTr1E2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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