What is the fastest way a room full of happy people turned mad? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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our /r screwed it reddit what is the fastest way you've seen a roomful of happy people turned real ugly and sour what happened when it was announced our community bank was being acquired by Wells Fargo and 85% of people were going to lose their jobs edit the announcement was made during the end-of-year manager's meeting we're bonuses Christmas party festivities etc were discussed no bonuses no Christmas party most people just got severance for the holidays they announced that in another 30 minutes there would be another announcement about the status of our delayed flight edit I am so sorry for all you poor souls who have dealt with long delays my heart goes out to you and yes technically this doesn't fit because some people were already unhappy but this was the tipping point for most of the air core today Brazilians watching the World Cup it wasn't a room it was a bus full of 8th graders and it was when while returning from the 8th grade trip we came upon the scene of one of the students brother's murder he was coming to pick her up from the trip when he was shot in a drive-by worst night of my life house party everyone high as [ __ ] having a great time find out one of our friends has hung himself that was nasty outdoor wedding everyone was having an amazing time around midnight the hail came golf ball + hail I thought it was funny until everything started breaking I was volunteering at a dance at a teen center small town everyone knows everyone night is going great then we get a call that one of our friends was killed in a gang-related drive-by while getting a soda at a sonic drive-in stray bullet wasn't even intended for him died in his girlfriend's arms it wasn't so much that things turned ugly and sour but the mood in the place did a 180 we turned the music off and just sat around stunned halfway through a wedding reception lots of booze band leader asks crowd to find out which man átheir table has the nearest birthday ok accomplished then the band leader says each guy give the flower centerpiece to the prettiest girl at the table 11 other guys gets it right and give it to their girl the guy at our table fairly inebriated doesn't give it to his wife he gives it to the prettiest girl at the table holy [ __ ] the egg got sucked out of the room the wife is steaming she looks ready to grab the vows and smash him in the face with it the other less pretty girls are fuming the girl with the flowers has no idea what to do but her boyfriend wants to kick the husband's ass the rest of us are either Horace stricken or nervously laughing we know we are all gonna hear it the tables nearby have seen heard most of it and the whispering spreads the band starts to play and the wife takes the opportunity to get louder before storming out the party was over he was just doing what he was told poor bastard outside in line at the WaMu theater in seattle me and about 1200 people were waiting in line for about 90 minutes past when the doors should have been open it was about 45 degrees outside in October it was the second night of the festival and the whole crowd went from excited 90 minutes prior to absolute [ __ ] anger once the crew walked outside and said show is cancelled tonight people lost their [ __ ] not only because it was canceled but because a mocked us wait outside for so [ __ ] long when they could have told us it's noon a kid had died the night before at the show so the crew easily could have made the executive decision where earlier than they did the mood went from 100 - zero pretty damn quickly tell a successful branch that their factory is closing one year after Vanilla Ice's popularity he played some shows at small bar type venues my friends and I decided to go as a joke the atmosphere in the place was really fun and everybody was having an unusually awesome time Vanilla Ice didn't go on announced and the DJ top to the mick to announce that he had no showed the place instantly went into riot mode yelling cursing pushing and shoving and then people started throwing beer bottles and breaking furniture all the mirrors in the place got broken and the DJ had to run out through the back door good times till hearth full-on riot in under a minute over Vanilla Ice I still don't understand one day at work we had in our meeting followed by a planned pizza party as a reward for meeting some safety goal they'd been telling us all week not to worry about food because they were getting pizza well after the meeting were sitting around waiting for the pizza to get there when out boss comes in and tells us there was a failure of communication and no one actually ordered the pizza if you want to see 50 factory workers go from excited to murder ready and less than a second laps what you tell them that's an easy one Thanksgiving dinner every year topic of politics edit dogmatism is gross no matter which sided comes from please don't take this comment as a pro anyone anything my brother's birthday party he had recently gotten engaged my aunt in the loos commented to another relative that it was shame he hadn't found a nice policewoman brother is a policeman is now wife's dad had just finished a long prison sentence to being a gangster and blamed her for his not being promoted in the distant future her friends overheard and it all kicked off both families waded in it took a dozen off-duty policemen to separate everyone they got married in Las Vegas and didn't invite anyone host did a Super Bowl party in Seattle in 2015 New Year's Eve party at someone's house stupid redneck [ __ ] had sets off an m-80 in the doorway 50 people instantly went death from the blast being channeled into the small house the party was over in about five minutes and everyone left my right ear Bailey hears anything anymore thanks to that bastard April Fool's Day 2009 everyone at the dealership I was working at gets called into the shop for an important meeting we all assume it's going to be something silly the owner informed us at the dealership has gone out of business effective immediately and for everyone to pack up their stuff and wait to be escorted out of the building we just stood there waiting for someone to shout April Fool's it never happened in the building stands empty to this day my 8th grade class cheered when an announcement came on telling us that school was being let out early and then we were told why it was the 9th of November 2001 group of friends everyone's having some drinks and laughing and generally enjoying the night then one guy gets too drunk he starts loudly telling another guy in the group all about how he [ __ ] the girl that his friend has a crush on positions what she looked like just uncomfortable detail the friend looks heartbroken and asks him to stop and he does briefly then comes back with more description hysterically laughing at the other guys pain the whole room was tense and quiet except for drunk he McBroom face going on and on about laying into a girl that his friend is in love with hanging out with a bunch of friends relaxing having a few drinks when one person decides to make a statement how he feels that rape victims are at fault because the only people who get raped are [ __ ] we don't talk to him anymore at a 21st birthday party several years ago having a big house party music blaring drugs and alcohol in abundance good times being had by all then some dudes driving by hear a noise and decide to crash the party while trying to be nice and kicked them out politely one of them says you can't kick us out and Flash's his gun never seen a party go from full-blown fun to where is everyone so quickly someone called the cops in the [ __ ] took off we were at a birthday party for one of our friends he was a biker and he had a bunch of his biker friends over one of my husband's other friends not a biker was drunk and kept touching my butt I told him not to touch me or I would drop him his last time I walked by and he slapped my butt really hard I swung around punch them in the face because it was a narrow walkway his head hit the wall I broke his nose and he cracked his two front teeth found out later the next day he had shitty teeth so it didn't take much to break them the party went dead it got really quiet I yelled at him and told him not to [ __ ] touch me ever again of course my husband was upstairs taking a dump and missed the whole thing he came downstairs and I told him we're leaving all the bikers went over to this guy and started yelling at him about this respecting other people's women and stuff about ruining a good time I'm not sure what happened after that but we left no one ever hung out with that guy again his own brother was part of our group of friends and he never invited him anymore in the spring of 1999 I went to a film festival that debuted a documentary about the Gothic subculture called sex its death and eyeliner it was made by one of the guys who made trapeze and was very similar to that movie it pokes fun at the lunatic fringe elements of the subculture but overall it was pretty respectful and everyone in attendance mostly a toned-down group of Goths enjoyed it at the end of the film the producer did a Q&A and during it mentioned that he was having a difficult time trying to sell it to the right people the Columbine massacre had happened just a few weeks earlier and for a while the media was trying to portray the shooters as Goths a lot of companies were interested in buying it and the producer was very concerned about not letting it get into the hands of someone who would try to portray Goths negatively the final question of the Q&A was from a guy who went off on a tirade defending the shooters of Columbine and explaining how he understood how they felt and why they did what they did the entire room went from laughing and feeling very good to overwhelmingly pissed off at this guy and booing at him completely killed the mood of the evening was at a bar with my gf and a bunch of her work friends place was packed and everyone is in a pretty good mood dude that the table next to I was playing with some girls keys and pushed what he thought was the unbuttoned to a small flashlight in reality it was a small can of mace that he ended up spraying into the air cleared out the whole bar with everyone coughing and crying I was in the subway with my brother and this old homeless guy was sitting there asleep his denture started falling off his mouth all the passengers closed by were chuckling and laughing at the old man and plus that he smelled bad that lasted for a while I was young and too shy to do anything my brother and I tried to wake him up nearing the terminus didn't move nor breathing checked his pulse and nothing guy was dead for a while from last to dread feeling we left the subway after alerting the security and staff we were sitting at the adult table eating our Easter brunch in the house of my ultra-religious brothers family we were all laughing and recalling funny stories about relatives long gone and after a sudden lapse in the laughter the room became dead silent when my son at the children's table screamed to his cousin there's no proof of God being real Easter was pretty much over at that point dishes were cleared cleaned and we sulked out without much eye contact bars closed we were all called into a meeting rumor was that because we had had such a great year we would all be getting an extra bonus excitement ensued as bonuses were a rarity the manager of the store clears his throat and a hush falls over everyone then he says the words we all should have known was coming we've been lying to you it's been a terrible year we are so far in the red with no choice but to close shop tonight you're all let go as of right now your final paychecks will be mailed to you do not come into work tomorrow I turned in my keys and got out of there there were some folks who had been there for close to 20 years who were blindsided by that my family was playing apples to apples on Thanksgiving one year everyone was having fun until my cousin started crying and pointing at the living room television grandpa was watching porn on the television just 20 feet from a room full of children Happy Thanksgiving is an airplane a room because I was stuck on a red-eye from Lacs to Indianapolis with a screaming three-year-old whose mother gave no shits over time people got so agitated they actually confronted the mother it was Delta and every single headrest had a monitor in it that had movies games and more the woman simply gave no shits and literally ignored anyone who spoke to her Highschool 2001 everyone was laughing and making jokes about how stupid someone would have to be to accidentally fly a plane into a building teacher turned on the TV at the exact moment the second plane flew into the tower on ABC News not sure if that counts as being ugly and sour but definitely change the mood in the room from joking to were going to hell on Amazon you can buy a pump spray that smells like someone ate a week's worth of Thai food and [ __ ] on the floor so a guy brings one of those to work sprays it a few times building management got involved because people were sure there was a dead body in the HVAC unit or something was at a neighbor's house warming party once when some of the children thought it would be a good idea to introduce the family's guinea pig to the pit bull from down the way the couple hosting the party got into a fight with each other in front of everyone so much so that she slapped one side of his face he then expected guests to take sides it ruined everything people left every year my school holds a young musician of the Year competition to determine who is the best musician at the school obviously when I was younger I attended fairly regularly mainly out of laziness because it meant I got a ride home one particular afternoon it was the turn of the vocalists and my friend and I was sat with some soda ready to watch this terrified year 7 girl sing she's clearly petrified and around halfway through the song I decide to take a swig of my coke bad idea it goes down wrong and I cough choke in such a manner that it seems to the rest of the room that this dauch abag fourteen-year-old is cracking up at this nervous little girl needless to say I left abruptly after being glared at by 200 Pete Christmas night the local Punk bar had one of those Christmas carol punk cover concerts we had some cake got smashed etc as small communities are wont to do the vocalist was feeling a bit queasy so he went outside and had a heart attack on the steps we had to wait inside the bar during CPR and after two hours we were allowed to leave passing by his dead body on the way out well it was the gathering after my grandfather's funeral so not a happy occasion but we were trying our best to be as chin up and remembering the good times as possible my brother quite innocently asked when there would be a reading of his will which seemed pretty rudimentary since he lived out of town etc my aunt gave him a steely cold stare and said there will be no reading of the will I'm the sole heir her husband my uncle came up behind her and added seems like you need to get yourself a lawyer buddy what in sealed was a fit of screaming and accusations and my brother father and I leaving and never talking to her aunt and uncle ever again deaths a [ __ ] when Kevin Durrant joined the warriors everyone seemed pretty morbid room crammed uni auditorium with like 70 people missin a really loud and rancid beer and Asian food shot yes he specified that later on from one of the constantly half-drunk cool guys in the back row it was apocalyptic people started dry heaving leaving the room cussing him out loudly even the professor a stern older gentleman who usually wouldn't even blink in the face of death himself got rather upset glorious to witness aside from the foul stench of course oh and one time in a bar around here two rivaling groups of metalheads 10-15 people each brawled over which band as the better growling vocals but that was over in like 20 minutes and not that's noteworthy overall in the elevator of Grant South at Northern Illinois University this was a 12 story college dormitory with incredibly slow elevator says folks who lived on the top floor would sometimes have to wait 20 - 30 mins to get all the way to the lobby for dinner the unspoken rule was if you lived below the fifth floor just take the damn stairs so after the fifth floor stop with the elevator car jammed like a Tokyo subway and Russia the mood would pick up noticeably next stop lobby but nobody told that and spoken rule to the deaf students who all lived on the third floor they'd get on and everybody would silently hate on them sir ooh hard one time I heard a guy whisper in the back of the car I guess the stairs must be broken I turned around and said in normal voice why are you whispering they're deaf and then somehow I could feel all the hate transferring onto me people are weird my sister's wedding it was a small backyard wedding in Winnipeg and most of the family flew in the morning of my sister did not want bridesmaids so after I helped her in her dress I went and had a seat in her backyard and waited like everyone else for everything to start music and the husband-to-be walks down the aisle and the Justice of the Peace is at the front and we all just wait and wait and wait some more someone finally ran into the house to see WTF was going on and found a Dear John note and my dear sister had fled the wedding in about five minutes flat had turned into a yelling match on what a piece of [ __ ] my sister was into my dad and I looked at each other and also fled the scene the groom himself was so mad he was throwing chairs and just screaming like an ape super strange and I could not get out of there fast enough my sister ended up going on a four-month bender of drugs and alcohol we have never talked about the time she almost got married at bazoo cute gorilla chilling right next to the glass literally a foot from a small group of folks from little kids to grandparents everyone was taking photos it was fantastic then the gorilla reached just out of our vision and its hand came back with a warm green glop of gorilla poop who was and asked turned instantly to groans of disgust and nervous laughter and then the gorilla rated just shoved the whole thing in its screaming mouth people were gagging kids were screaming a couple crazy people were laughing uproariously I was taking a video when it happened using snapchat this was legitimately my first snap my only regret is that I didn't know how to download yet so that video is now lost in the sands of time but that memory will always have a place in my heart thank you Franklin Park Zoo thank you someone yelled bingo was at a wedding once and the groom was doing his speech sounded like it was coming to an end throughout the whole thing a massive screen was showing happy pictures of the couple people were smiling and laughing at the jokes then he gets to the end and says most of all thanks to my best man and my new beautiful wife for teaching me a life lesson he looks over to his best man and winks then to his wife with a cranky smile everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what will come next Jen you are a real beauty and the kindest person I know blah blah blah he turns to his best man congratulations down on scoring so big but see Dan here has been banging my wife for the past six months he skips to the next slide to show a video of Jen and Dan having sex literally drops his microphone and leaves I hadn't a clue what to think do or say it was insane he had another mate who came to pick him up and just left with his beer in hand at my work we host weddings a few years ago the groom and one of our waitresses were caught having sex on the ninth screen by the maid of honor the 180 degree turn of drunk happy people two incredibly angry drunk people was insane so the families were screaming at each other the bride was crying the mother of the bride was crying the dad was being held back cause he was gonna kill the groom understandable we ended up calling the police they came and escorted the groom's family out the door some of the smart groom's family took off right away when they heard it all happened within an hour we call the incident night putting during a speech at a church in an uptight conservative town my father mentioned how people are not having enough orgasms on a regular basis some booing and hollering began which prompted the pastor to immediately walk over to him and direct him away from the altar nothing like watching your dad get put in a timeout oh here's another one Green Day concert in Pittsburgh at the old melon arena home of the Penn's we hear in this side of Pennsylvania are proud of the Penn's Billy Joe looks up at a big banner that says let's go Penn's and yells let's go penis law I've never heard more boost till the rumble de Barco did you know that using bait you can't coax a skunk into a piece of stove pipe while in that pipe they can't raise their tail if they can't raise their tail they can't spray however if you take that stovepipe to a rival communities dancer all when they are having a dance open the front door and roll the stovepipe into the center of the room the skunk will exit the stovepipe in an agitated state now able to raise his tail he is imminently capable of turning a room full of happy people really ugly really sour really quickly I was in a world gym years ago and the energy on the wait floor was high people were working out talking to each other seemingly having a good time then one of the meatheads released a protein fart and immediately cleared the area people were pissed including me I almost threw up when my friend came clean as a holocaust denier we never invited him back after that and let's check the news Britain leaves EU foking lm8 we were at an annual pop quiz of a gaming and anime convention and they were reading our team names at Firefly should have been canceled sooner - 15 points the table stands up and does the anteater pose to a roomful of booing nerds a year later there was a repeat performance with Edward Cullen is a better character than Batman laughter yoga class at the Senior Center they went from interested to confused and angry when someone told them just to laugh for no reason I thought it was a haut who are you voting for everybody was slowly waking up the morning after a party where we'd all been blitzed beyond belief alcohol shrooms there may have been coke based on the group anyway not a party you drive away from then someone noticed hell's truck was gone ok maybe he just got up first hopefully he was sober somebody tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail then Elle's dad called the best friend and said his truck had been found obliterated on the side of the road and nobody could find out went from dude you were so drunk last night - holy [ __ ] I hope my friend isn't dead real quick girls were crying people were frantically blowing up his phone eventually L called his dad he was unhurt but embarrassed and fearful of his consequences thankfully it was justice [ __ ] the property damage his truck and the parked car he hit no injuries but he lost his license for a looong time and he didn't come out to parties anymore during Bar trivia the question was what was the biggest fish in Finding Nemo the answer was blue whale whales aren't fish people started yelling at the guy that whales are mammals the said it was in the water so it counted as a fish I asked if the dentist was a fish since he was in the water that Applebee's just barely avoided a riot at night watching fireworks at my friend's cabin with his family we were all sitting on the deck when a large shell tips over and shoots right at us thing goes zipping by our heads banks off the cabin shoot up in the air and goes off about 20-30 feet over our heads really pretty bTW my buddy comes flying out of the cabin fist pumping screaming Oh hhhh [ __ ] yeh everyone's face was kind of spooked but then turned into laughter then we hear a voice whimpering and calling for help well grandma tried to move out of the way and fell off the deck and was bleeding on the back side of her head found out she broke her hip as well I was at an anime convention at an 18-plus sort of trivia pictionary panel where they selected players from the audience and quizzed on the players were allowed to be totally candid in trash talk a bit one of the male players told a female player to suck his dick and when she told him he'd have to return the favor he let it be known he doesn't give his female partners oral as he felt it was disgusting though is happy to receive it the audience booed him pretty bad the emcee called him a selfish bastard and told him to get off a stage and selected a new player for the game : not really happy but altogether for similar reasons recently my mom's friend died of ovarian cancer she was in her mid forties maybe anyway after the funeral her family hosted a gathering at her sister's house everyone was standing around eating and suddenly the sister is talking a bit louder she sells that it works [ __ ] and was talking to a group of people about it she holds up a can of something called greens and says I tried to get her to take these but she never would listen now she's dead I didn't want to end up that way so I've been doubling up I have never seen people look so immediately disgusted and enrage all at once the group literally all turned and walked away and the gathering quickly fell apart her daughter swooped in and took her to another room the worst part is that she is still posting that [ __ ] in a similar manner on FB despite being told by her kids that it is not cool she is convinced that it is life saving tonic was it a lesbian couples apartment at a small boarding school I used to teach at they were new faculty and were hosting a party other new faculty dude comes in and loudly proclaims oh my wife is practically a lesbian she loves women I get along great with dykes he wasn't the best of hires was at a house party during high school the kids parents we're out of town and everyone was pretty drunk said kid pulled his dad's gun out to show it off and it went off hitting another guy in the head I was in the other room that it's probably the most insane situation either binnen we ran out of beer Easter Sunday at grandma's house into my mom no longer identified as a Christian she made my siblings and I go through this voodoo initiation but that's different story anyways were saying grace and at the end where everyone says arm and she says some voodoo ruler and everyone gave her the most dirty sour distasteful look I've ever seen I just shook my head because my mom's always had to be the one that stood out I guess she got her wish the red wedding party on a boat with all the colleagues everything went just fine till the sales manager and key account manager got into an argument and literally started a fistfight I was at my cousin's wedding a few years ago everything was going great at the reception until another cousin found out that someone who had gotten him fired from a previous job as there as well the other guy ended up making a scene and talking [ __ ] after my cousin tried ignoring him my cousin's son who is mr didn't like the guy talking to his dad like that and started cussing him out and flipping him off turns out the other guy was part of the groom's family Pub Quiz everyone was a bit boozed up announcer who was universally hated and considered a massive bellend by everyone made the controversial call to disallow Debora tably correct answer the answer given by everyone was Jessica Ennis the Olympic athlete from England but she had gotten married two weeks before the quiz and so her official name was Jessica Ennis Hill which was the only accepted answer two teams actually walked out after shouting abuse at the guy running the quiz and everyone else booed stable tan animate convention in a group to save money on the hotel room two people in the group were shall we say that couple the ones that insist they are perfect for one another but they're always having really ugly fights in front of everyone else and bad-mouthing each other when they're apart I watched a YouTube video of a huge crowd at workers listening to what they thought was going to be a keynote of sorts event but instead it was an executive telling everyone they were fired and their jobs were going overseas a leader of this group we had told us to write down certain feelings we had against one another so we could let them go by burning them and start over with each other as friends we all thought it was a good idea and were happy about it our leader decided to do a little plot twist and read them all out loud before burning them kick 6 2013 Alabama vs. Auburn football game Famers thought they were going to pull off a come-from-behind win by kicking a 57 in FG with one second left Baylor's have never been accused of being of being good sportsmen but so many gamers absolutely lost their minds I was at my younger cousins birthday party and his stepmother was pregnant everyone talked about new baby in the family and then my grandmother says how in 8-10 years we will be talking about how I will have a baby I told them that I don't want children and in that moment my grandmother gets this shocked look on her face and everybody looks at me like I am the worst person ever and the second time was connected with the first story about eight months after I went with my family to visit by then five month old cousin my aunt told me that I will change my mind about children and proceeds to give me my cousin to hold her again I said that I don't want children because I want to have fun while I'm young and not take care of somebody of course everyone looked shocked into my baby cousin starts crying after that they still tried to convince me that I should have children when I'm young and they would always show me pictures and videos of babies but that stopped not a room but a festival me and a friend with a guitar joined the camp lots of singing great atmosphere weed was passed around all of the sudden plainclothes cops one guy had the whole camp stash in his tent and got taken away who drop if I ever saw one edit bTW these were good people not troublemakers or potheads not that those are inherently bad but you get my point just normal thirtysomethings having a good time in their camp Scott starts tiebreak in the weekly pop quiz when i was at uni was a theme song and first to name the show was the winner one week the SOLAS who are you by the who my team instantly answered with CSI crime scene investigation we were told we were wrong and it was passed on to the other team they got it right with CSI Elias [ __ ] Vegas it was the quiz masters last night due to that even the bar owners agreed we were right but the opposition got the 50 quid bar tab eight years on I'm still fuming so do you think brexit will lead to us Scotland going independent my girlfriend and a few of our mutual friends were hanging at my place after just having spent a great day at the Ren Faire we were drinking and reminiscing and just generally having a great time when suddenly my ex shows up at my door trying to convince my current girlfriend that I cheated on her and that she had proof and yada yada yada yada my extended family had a day of a lake all day was nothing but happiness until we started cleaning up half of the family were on the lake and decided to play a prank on the rest of us who were getting ready to go they sent to voicemail that they were sinking and didn't have life jackets there were kids on the boat who couldn't swim my grandpa believed it and when none of the nearby boat owners would let him borrow one to save his family he stole a boat and went out to look for them he of course found them safe and sound and there was a huge fistfight when everyone got back some of them haven't spoken to each other since and it's been years house party dude gets in a fight with the owner of Syd house in which party is happening everyone likes a donor and the idiot is asked to leave idiot comes back about two hours later and declares much more drunk than when he left that he will [ __ ] everyone and everything up right now had never seen 30 dudes beat the [ __ ] out of one guy threatening a woman with a bat until then woman was the owner it's all angry people in the world are at Bar trivia at a birthday party for one of my former friends who proceeded to call his run mate a failure at life but said he held some deep hatred for another friend implied he hoped a tree fell on someone on their drive home and kicked everyone very drunk everyone out of his house more than 40 minutes from where anyone else lived happened in a span of 20 minutes or so might be too late but I think it's worth sharing not me but a friend of mine is a drummer for a band performing in a concert in a basket all day in Bilbao I think they were on tour and travelling a lot so they got a bit lost mentally due to fatigue so they weren't sure about the city all they knew was that it was Spain so the band comes out and the vocalist shouts Spain are you ready instantly a Hall of hundred people who were all happy and cheering suddenly go silent and things start getting thrown you see the Basque want independence from Spain and believe that they are their own nation so this was super offensive new york about 5-6 years ago huge family reunion with about 26 people staying at my grandfather's house average temperature for that week was hovering at about 105 degrees F due to a heat bubble the house only has one window AC unit in an upstairs bedroom four days in the bubble finally breaks as a massive thunderstorm rolls through bringing the temperature down to the low 90s we crank the AC and set up fans to push the air through the house everyone was in high spirits until my dad opened a window because it was cooler outside it went from a dry 90 degrees to 90 degrees with 100% humidity I live in a smaller town in Kansas and I am Mexican family has been here in this area mind you for 100 years the town is on the interstate with about 20,000 people not far from the largest town in case Wichita my family and I once went to a barn sale about 30 miles out into the country picture a family of Mexicans walks into a private born on a farm full of white folks in the middle of Kansas complete silence no eye contact except for the old lady selling antique junk who just layers hatefully so we cruise the place in the different booths where no one makes conversation we bought some hotdogs and drink those folks were nice cuz we spent our money we bought some raw milk which no one had the nerve to drink and we beat up a hell out of there you would have thought we were an invading horde of rabid Isis trans Muslims folks this was in 20 [ __ ] 15 2015 when I was 6 I was invited to a birthday party by a classmate of mine when I got there I quickly realized I was the only classmate to attend everyone else was from her family parents uncles aunts cousins grandparents etc when the time comes for cake all the kids are seated around a table in a horseshoe shape we're all given a slice of cake before eating we sing happy birthday to the birthday girl right after the song ends her friend grabs her from behind the head and shoves her face into her cake slice the whole room erupts into laughter then the birthday girl does the same to her friend then someone else does it one by one everyone starts to shove their neighbors face into their cake I'm on the end of the horse show no one is on my left and to my right is the birthday girl's one-year old cousin I shoved his face into the cake and laughed no one else was laughing I looked around the room and saw that no one else had cake on their face just a look of disgust TL DR I hallucinated a cake fight and assaulted a baby working in the Network Operations Center doing our daily tasks everyone was actually in a good mood for once and then it hit the smell of rotting our soul with a hint of dying skunk never before had I seen people go from happy as hell to disgusted and mad it cleared out the room and made some people throw up we found out later it was the one dude still sitting in that balloon of stink ssgt son of a [ __ ] was just laughing his head off TL DR man blasts us and laughs as everyone tries to leave the area probably this at a friend's funeral who had committed suicide everyone was somber and respectful as the service went on and the clergy talked about and whatnot the last speaker comes up and says well she may not be allowed in heaven because of the suicide and how that's a terrible sin yada yada yada a huge portion of the family starts sobbing uncontrollably in some outright walkout those that stayed was super angry and began to threaten the speaker he had to be escorted from the funeral home by security edit by security I mean employees of the funeral home nor the armed guards at clubs from what I understand of this guy he was trying to discourage copycat suicides by not glorifying it him saying my friend was definitely in heaven like it solved all have problems certainly not the best way to go about it if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: sJZL9Nvvu5U
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Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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