Unexplainable Strange Moments r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what was the strangest moment in your life that you still can't explain up to this day after i totaled my car a man with burn scars all over his face and hands came to my window he asked if i was okay and then came and sat in the passenger seat he said i need you to know that everything happens for a reason i said i know the next thing i know i'm talking to the other driver and police and the guy is just gone no one else saw him i was walking home one day and when i passed this one old dude's house and his dog was outside and when i walked past i could have sworn the dog told me to get the fck off the property in perfect english i once heard a cat say fcku granted i had drank a bottle of cough syrup and was hanging out near the landfill in a boat in an ex-boyfriend's backyard i was a stupid teenager but i still remember the voice i hallucinated saying [ __ ] you for the cat was so clear i had a dream once and within the next month everything from that dream happened in real life for example in the dream my wife rey arranged our room which is weird because she hates rearranging stuff and then the next week she arranged it exactly like dream in the dream i also got promoted and then less than a week later i did in real life i get a decent amount of deja vu moments i can always tell they are starting where it's like a certain location and i'm looking at just the right angle and i'm like you hold i know what's gonna happen next that person's gonna come around that corner and talk to me about x with me out too much when i was in my teens my dad relapsed into his drug and alcohol addiction again it was the last straw for my mom and i and we took off in the car at night to go for a drive and get out of the house we were both angrier than we'd ever been as we drove down the street each street light we passed popped and went dark for at least three blocks at the time it really felt like our anger was so destructive that it was affecting the world around us my mom and i still talk about that night and wonder wtf was going on with those lights my mom was looking at an old photo album and talking about a party that she organized for her co-workers more than 25 years ago she said that it was nice of me to have helper there setting up the tables etc i have zero recollection of that party nothing so i thought she was joking then she showed me the pictures and i'm there wtf it's not like i was a kid i was maybe 19 or 20. i wonder what else my brain erased [Music] i was at a gas station and just finished buying something from inside i came out and a burly man with a t-shirt that had some sort of meat business on it came up to me asking if i was interested in purchasing bulk frozen meats i was absolutely broke except for about 500 on my credit card available i didn't want to buy anything but my mouth blurted out yes as if my life depended on it a few minutes later i went going with a month's worth of vacuum sealed fish and chicken i don't know what said yes but it wasn't me i told work i had to go out of town for a week for our family members my grandmother's cousin in texas funeral completely fictitious dot in reality i just wanted time off to hang out at the luxury home my friend was house sitting hot tub full bar etc the day my vacation started i got a call that my grandmother's cousin passed away and they were going out of town for the funeral and expected me to go with them well the username i use was originally the name of the demon that haunted my nightmares the more i used this username the less often he would appear until probably my 22ish birthday where i have not had a nightmare with him in it since i used to have nightmares so much that i literally had to go see a therapist because i would have them about 70 of the time when i slept i would stay up for fear of having another nightmare it is a horrible feeling not wanting to go to sleep but knowing that you have a test the next day also you would think i would not be a jumpy person having had a nightmare problem before but part of the reason i had them was that i thought what if someone comes in and kills me what if some creature is in my closet and is that shadow moving dart i feel bad for you have an internet hug i was living abroad when my grandfather passed away on the day he passed away i was feeling tired and weird the whole day without knowing why so i went back to my place and took a nap later i woke up from my nap with a severe stomach cramp that left me out of breath feeling like i was going to die that instant that lasted about a minute or two i felt strange and went on to call me mom only to discover that my grandpa just passed away at the exact timing of my stomachache in eastern culture my grandfather and i are of the exact same zodiac animal even down to the element so my family believed we shared a connection of zort sadly i only knew till he's gone i saw my doppelganger while driving in a parking lot we passed each other going super slow and made eye contact we both started laughing and then continued on my wife was sitting in the passenger seat and saw him as well it was super weird and really fun for whatever reason we still talk about it 10 years later i regret not stopping and finding the guide to take a photo together i saw santa driving one day and i was so giddy from it my husband thought i was crazy for being so happy it was like october or something and this guy was dressed up in a good quality suit and he had a real beard and everything it was amazing you know what i live in vancouver canada i bet you bee was filming something in the area when i was young i saw burglars tiptoeing around my kitchen about 3-4 of them i didn't say anything or move i just watched them and went back to sleep but when i woke up in the morning nothing was missing you probably dreamed it but also most professional burglars are unlikely to continue a robbery after that once they're seen they're out of their fast it's not a violent career path then again most professional burglars also rob during the day when the house is empty and it looks less shady my husband works with clients doing trauma healing type work often via skype zoom even pre-covered years ago he had a client session so went into the living room where he usually did his calls i went into our bedroom and shut the door and was going to spend the hour working on my laptop about 20 minutes in i suddenly got this weird skin crawling feeling out of nowhere and looked up from my laptop only to see a man kinda hologram fuzzy like there but not there walk into my room with what looked like a gunshot wound to his head told my husband wondering wtf was that i swear i saw ends up the woman he was working with had lost her husband five months prior he was in the military and had returned from combat had severe ptsd and eventually killed himself and yes by gunshot to the head i was at work several years ago and a co-worker s had a massive seizure he later told us he had never had one before comma everyone started freaking out and a man came over and gently held us down because he was in danger of slamming into a desk when the seizure passed the man stood up and said ambulance should be here soon so my work is done and left the weird thing nobody had any idea who that guy was we were all so concerned about us that we didn't really register that the guy was a stranger until s was taken to the hospital we were in a building that required a key card to enter and it was closed to the general public there were only 12 of us in that office and he wasn't one of us so who the hell was he when i was a child i had a dream where a monster opened my closet door and chased me all the way to my parents room my parents said it was just a dream but i have never sleep walk i saw it chase me to their room and the closet door was open which i never open much less slept with it open so i either had a sleep walking night terror or monsters are real and i almost died a woman came to shop where i used to work i greeted her with a smile and offered my help if needed for like a good 10 minutes she kept walking around and looking at me like she knew me i didn't mind and just did my thing a few minutes later by the biggest coincidence i ended up cashing her out she stared at me the whole time like she was looking through my soul and she said out of nowhere don't ever change who you are i was so confused when it happened and i still kind of am i have what i call totally useless precognition i routinely dream about mundane events people in a room having a discussion going to a concert and getting dinner beforehand a random conversation when the events occur i very clearly remember having the dream about it nothing happens there's no event there's no important thing it's just that i dreamt about it months or years before totally useless precognition i once knocked on my brother's door got the feeling you get after a damn good stretch when you leave the universe for a second but multiplied by like 50 when i got my vision back the bookshelf that was behind me was destroyed i think i fell into it and then my brother opened the door so it took place within like a few seconds so i don't think i fainted but it was just really confusing when i was 11 i was hanging out at my friend's grandma's place for a party and we were on her dirt road playing around on bikes at like midnight because the party was still raging on i go off a few yards into the darkness away from the only street light for about 500 feet and out in the bushes beside the road this ball of light i'd say the size of my fist comes out of the bushes and then sinks back behind something at first i think it's one of the other kids with some weird flashlight but after calling out there was nothing the way that light moved was weird to me it was very fluid and loopy if that makes sense sort of the same motion a conductor moves their pointer for music if anyone has seen that before i can't really find any scientific explanation so i'll just assume it was a ghost or fairy or something okay this happened at my grandma's house i was lying awake on the couch in the middle of the night when this kaleidoscope of colors and lights appeared on the ceiling and began moving around the walls i silently watched it until it disappeared and went to sleep i shared the living room with my sister and my grandma slept in a chair to keep us company since it was dark and i hadn't heard anything i assumed i was the only still awake to see it the next morning at the breakfast table my grandma brought up the light show she had seen the night before and didn't seem to know what it was she described what i'd seen perfectly after she left the table my dad and aunt both seemed very concerned that she might be losing her mind in my little kid brain i thought if i told them i'd seen it too they might think the same about me so i kept quiet about it if it hadn't been for the fact she'd seen it too i wouldn't have chalked it up to a number of things but i honestly don't know what to make of it staying at grandparents for the weekend there eating dinner and dining room i'm in living room open concept house everyone sees each other power is lost lies are out dark as could be power comes back on in what seems like one second grandmother is asleep in her bedroom and my grandfather was out in the garage it has f ked with me my whole life 31 now i was about 5 or 6 at the time sadly both have passed by now only matrix situation that messed up in my life so far i once met this really weird dude from montreal in nh and was trying to tell my one friend all about it we went to montreal and i was like maybe i'll hit up my buddy hahaha but obviously i didn't we stepped out of our uber at the restaurant we were going to and there he was montreal is a city of 2 million people this was over two years ago and the odds still keep me up at night friends and i in my shitty mazda smoking weed in the ally behind my gfs house neighbor walks out and starts punching an electric pole until his hands look like hamburger meat and there is blood soaking his white shirt he calmly walks back into his house we uncalmly get the fck out of there i woke up in the middle of the night to pee i stepped into the bathroom and as soon as i flipped on the light the toilet flushed i turned around and went right back to bed 85 percent sure i wasn't dreaming see last time i wandered in the bathroom before turning on the light was because the damn sewer backed up nothing like half asleep taking like four steps in the bathroom across an absolutely soaked floor start to pee in the toilet beverage dawned on me my feet were very wet in high school my friend and i were having lunch in the cafeteria she was eating penne pasta and one of the noodles fell we tried to find it to clean up and never found it it just disappeared it was an inside joke for years i was t-boned in an intersection not a very serious accident mostly just shaken up i was out of state at college at the time minutes after the accident my cell phone rang and it was my dad he said all the sudden he was consumed with an overwhelming urge to call me and was everything okay i told him i was in an accident he has passed away since but he and i always had a very strong connection i wish he would call me now but then i guess it would be the strangest moment 7-8 years ago i got an email that was something along the lines of hi this is person i don't know i'm trying to transfer three dollars 162 45 into your account but need updated banking info please send your new account number so i can send you the money obvious scam but i got this email later tonight and i've been drinking and the address didn't look sis and i thought what can they steal with just an account number nothing right i was broke i only had like 200 in the account anyways emma just give it and see what happens i check my account the next day and there's two a dollars i got the money i spent the money nothing ever happened i haven't heard anything else from them since the money was real i got it i spent it my bank never said anything still no idea where it came from and they never emailed me again or asked for anything else my real-life nigerian prince when i was very young we were visiting my grandmother in another city we slept in the same bed in the basement i woke up and saw a person too dark to be recognizable enter the room and come to our bed they looked at us for a while and then left the next morning nobody had any idea what i was talking about i guess it could have been sleep paralysis but i didn't wake up in a panic i just watched it happen frightened i had sleep paralysis fears and that's exactly what it was like my brain felt awake but my body wouldn't move it's very common to see dark shadowy figures i'd put my bet on sleep paralysis but that doesn't make it any less creepy or terrifying when you experience it snuck downstairs in 7th grade cause i couldn't sleep stood in the kitchen for about 10 minutes watching my dad watch star trek when it went to commercial i went to go back upstairs and the garage light was on went out and my dad was sorting recycling went back in and no one was there and the tv was off i'm 32 now and still think about it i was driving back to high school after leaving something in my locker i had a daydream that another classmate asked me for a ride home in the lobby i ran into him and he did just that then i drove him home felt super weird then we never spoke even really before or after still feels weird now so i was supposed to be asleep it was very late one night my brother and i were upstairs asleep my mom was in the living room and my dad was still at work so according to my mom she heard groaning coming from the staircase she looked and she saw me walking down i then turned towards her and stared she described me as someone put into a trance she then asked what's wrong i then asked where's matt matt is my brother i apparently asked this in a trance-like state she told me he was upstairs in your room we share a room i then said no he isn't she then pulled me to our room and pointed to him i then just collapsed after seeing him i have no recollection of doing this and neither me or my mom can explain it when i was seven or eight i used to spend friday nights at my grandma's house and she spoiled the crap out of me so i loved it one night though i suddenly had a strange urge to call my mom i dialed my phone number i mean i knew my own number right a woman answered and i suddenly blurted out mom come and get me i have no idea why to this day that came out of my mouth like i said i loved it there and up until that moment had no thoughts of being picked up anyways the person on the other end starts to sound panicky and says where are you it hits me that this isn't my mom so i just hang up and go back to watching tv so weird and while it seems so minor it stuck with me for 30 plus years one night i went out and was not feeling well i had a few beers and went home that night i swear i was awake when death walked in the door and said i was going to die if i didn't stop what i was doing had one drink the next day and went to a.a not drinking was suddenly easy 20 years later i got diagnosed with a genetic disorder that can cause the same symptoms as alcoholism because it depletes the same vitamin i was so confused when this nurse said if i drank less i wouldn't be having those symptoms i was no longer sober but i drank maybe four glasses of wine a week i stopped drinking completely when i learned this i spent a night a bit drunk with some friends sketching and sharing new ideas for an art project we were working on we talked a lot about using a fire extinguisher filled with paint for a background effect on huge canvas or a full room but were wondering where we could get one for cheap and if it would work as we expected around 5am i'll leave my friend's apartment to take the first subway home and i sht you not two streets further on my way and in the middle of the sidewalk there is a rf king empty fire extinguisher took it home it was such a strange coincidence since i never stumbled upon an empty fire extinguisher in the street at any other point in my life i was pretty sure i dreamt about it when i woke up later but nope it was still in the corner of my bedroom one night a few years ago i was feeling like sht after a shot or two or five so i went to sleep i dreamt about my gf at the time coming into my room and rummaging through my drawers to find a box of condoms and the hunting knife she gave me she put a condom on the blade of the cutting knife and then slowly pushed it into my chest while i was holding her and begging for her to stop after the hilt pressed against my sternum for a moment she fizzled into dust along with the knife the pain stayed for a few hours though the next day i got a ride over to her house and she confessed to me she was a lesbian and we weren't going to work out together once i moved out of state my dad used to have a girlfriend that i really hated she was like 20 years younger than him and pretty much a gold digger i was studying abroad about to come back to my country and i texted my cousin asking if she could come with me to a witch to do some spells against her as soon as i would arrive i took my flight to return home and the passenger next to me starts chatting and her story with her father was the same with same details as mine the weirdest thing is that she told me out of f king nowhere and staring right into my eyes to stay away from witchcraft she had no way to know and what are the odds that some stranger bring the witchcraft topic to the table while you are on the other side of the planet eleven zero zero zero kms away from home when i was in high school my family lived in a house that sat about 300 feet from the road every morning i had a long walk down the driveway to meet the bus and since we lived in the country the bus came pretty early one morning while i was walking something that looked like a spotlight crossed the yard in front of me sort of the opposite of a shadow it wasn't completely dark outside so i could see there wasn't anything flying above me and other than the normal sounds of being outdoors it was silent i had forgotten about it until i read this post so weird from the age of 16 to about 22 i had a series of vivid nightmares as well as sleep paralysis episodes involving demons audible legible whispering in my ear waking up with light scratches on my back and ash on my forehead i haven't had an episode in close to two years when i was much younger i remember sitting in the classroom talking to one of my good friends about her two other brothers i made a comment how her older brother was so much more attractive than her younger brother began to laugh and make other odd comments about their looks shallow i know but we were young i remember feeling bad about our shallowness and said something of the sorts of we better not talk that way because there could be an accident we kind of just brushed it off and started talking about something else a couple weeks later her brothers were in a car accident the older one died he was only maybe 18. the younger brother survived however he was severely mentally handicapped afterwards always blamed myself for the words i spoke weeks prior to the accident so i think it was last year fall and i was sitting in my house with other friend we are latvians that happened in netherlands and i randomly started thinking about latvian who wants to be a millennial host for no reason i haven't heard anything or even thinking about him last five strokes six years totally forgot about that he exists comma and then i asked my friend if he remember him and he said that sounds familiar but don't remember then i just told him that he was host to that show and my friend asked why i said just came in head and next day i read news that he went to netherlands with family and died on street from heart attack day before and i would say around that time also pretty often these things happen with me i cannot explain few friends also have seen that i randomly say something for no reason and then it happens sorry for my english when i was 9 i was told to clean my room and we would go to the local video store to rent a video game for the weekend i clean my room my mom approves of the cleaning job we go to the store and i get my game whole trip lasts 20 minutes tops get back and all my toys are spread out across the floor in neatly organized lines very deliberate looking no one else was in the house nothing missing just this strange toy shoe my guess is it was a friend of mine either f king with me or looking for something of theirs but no one ever [Music] confessed [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 12,399
Rating: 4.7968254 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: zgx5knnAv6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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