Police of Reddit, what is the DUMBEST reason you had to arrest someone? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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police officers over debt what is the dumbest reason you have been called to scene Leigha dispatcher here a lady called in to 911 to report her baby back ribs stole right off that there grill while another called in to report that a plane was flying low do I look like the FAA or Shane's ribs we dispatched and aired lookouts on both deputies called in to radio practically crying at 3:00 a.m. they were laughing so hard when I confirmed the unit for larceny she wants her baby back baby back ribs over our radio at the apartment tower I worked security for some Saudi royal family members called the cops because the hooker they hired took the money and ran cops said sure you can have the money back but you have to admit to misdemeanor solicitation to do so before people ask their cars had KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia license plates and the Saudi royal family crest on it also they admitted to what they did to the cops so in order for the cops to take the theft report they would have to include the solicitation report cops gave them a break by letting them all go edit for everyone wondering yes they have diplomatic immunity I heard a 911 call where an old woman called the police because she couldn't open a jar the woman actually sent the police to help that happens more frequently than you would think I was an intern with my local police department for about four months small down about 10000 people here's a list of stupid cause we got one old woman couldn't back out of her driveway asked for an officer to help spot her two woman couldn't find out how to turn off her dryer was worried about flooding three old man's alarm clock went off and couldn't figure out how to turn it off and was physically unable to bend down to unplug it for 17 year-old girl asked if there was traffic in town that one kind of pissed me off five old woman literally just asked for an officer to come over turns out she just wanted someone to talk to and you know what for each of these calls an officer was sent over to assist a lot of people don't like cops and sometimes it's deserved but for the most part cops are just normal citizens who want to help people not a cop but an EMT I was called to a sick person which turned out to be a perfectly fine person that just wanted a medical check-up and thinking EMTs were doctors we would just give him one for free took an intro to Em's course years ago part of which consisted of listening to actual 9-1-1 calls up hey my friend his eye really hurts he needs an ambulance and gave a rural address ambulance responds and holy [ __ ] dude had an arrow sticking out of his eyeball asterisk turns out it was a hold my beer reenactment of that whole shooting an apple off the dudes head the arrow received zero mentions in the call I was dispatched to a house reference a reported vandalism to a vehicle when I got there the guy who called was standing by his car I saw that there was no visible damage to the vehicle his complaint was the dust picked by the wind was coming from his neighbor's yard and landing on his car the guy actually wanted to file a criminal complaint my first thought was maybe I was dreaming this nonsense all I could do in response was stare at him and I said absolutely nothing the guy became uncomfortable and explained his complaint again I couldn't help but just stare at him at the time I didn't think I could say anything to him that didn't sound insulting I think he finally got it since he just went inside his house and never called us again TLDR our landlord called the police over $2 and a few cigarettes back story we live in a three family home and our landlord had agreed to rent the upstairs apartments to a couple moving from out of state without meeting them after getting a good referee about them from the man who was hiring one of them to work for him they were white trash loud at all hours severely underweight and filthy dog smoked in the house they were told not to do this and even jimmied the washing machine open to steal quarters the landlord didn't collect these the washing machine was just on our neighbors grid and they were used to reimburse them for the utilities that were used we shared a common entryway with these garbage people and my boyfriend left his jacket out there in the morning the last few cigarettes from his pack and $2.00 were missing he called the landlord to let him know at this point our landlord was desperate to get them out and was trying to build a case and our landlord called the police an officer had to come over and take a report we felt kind of silly so this semester in class a student had lost the lock for his bike so he brought it into the classroom and set it against the back wall this was against the rules because in a 200-person lecture hall 100 bikes would crowd the room however this was a spacious classroom with 20 students the professor said that he did not mind the bike being there well the professor next door did mind he saw this guy bringing his bike inside and told him it was against the rules the student said OK and walked past next week professor sees the bike again and says if you bring that bike in here again I'm calling the police the student laughs it off and walks past next week during class there was a knock on the classroom door four police officers had shown up one had her hand covering her face and embarrassment and said we received a call that said there was a bike in here which is against the rules making this trespassing the bike needs to leave or else we have to arrest you the student said he doesn't have a lock and it will get stolen professor knock some sense into this kid and tells him to go home then it's not worth getting arrested over one lecture in the end no arrests were made I don't think there was a fine either police officers all had a look saying why are we here and looked embarrassed the professor who called the police probably got the bad end of that deal though the professor whose class was interrupted as a lot of clouds at the University and didn't take kindly to the whole situation I am NOT a cop about 12 years ago I was driving home from a friend's house and I saw an injured raccoon in the middle of the road it had likely been hit by a car and was unable to move but it was intact and stood a chance of survival if cared for properly in a benevolent gesture that was out of character for myself at that time I called 411 to find out the number for animal control and was told that after midnight the police took over for animal control so I called the police and told them there was a hurt raccoon that needed medical attention in a voice dripping with sarcasm the dispatcher told me okay I'll send an officer out to look at the hurt raccoon I got the message and took it on myself to wrap the raccoon and a shirt and move it onto the grass it did not struggle or try to bite it understood I was trying to help it in all likelihood it died on the lawn later that evening but it didn't get run over that night I had a dream where a human sized raccoon Femi amber liquid I don't recall having ever tasted Scotch before but I instinctively recognized that that was what I was drinking the next day I bought a bottle of scotch and it was the same flavor from my dream the bottle was empty by the end of the weekend and I wasn't sober again for years I was living under a bridge by the end of it it took everything in me to overcome the crushing grip of alcoholism but I finally got my sh t together this April makes seven years I've been sober I'm not a cop but a few years ago when I was moving into a house I was doing most of my moving late at night the nosy old couple across the street kept calling the cops and reporting suspicious activity the first time the cops showed up they were prepared for a criminal hands on guns flashlights in my eyes but by the fourth time they'd just be said with me and finally told the couple to stop calling the police I'm not sure what made the couple think burglars would bring stuff into the house instead of taking it out saw a woman threatening to call the police on the staff of a kebab place in my city because other people who had ordered before her were served before her she then started screaming about how her husband was a lawyer blah blah she'll sue discrimination she was escorted out by the off-duty cops who were in the place and was seen making a pathetic groveling apology spoiled rich [ __ ] male and female waste of life good kebab I'm not in police officer but I liked a facebook page where all the calls to police for incidences are posted for the county the center of my hometown is the crossroads of two major state highways and they've slowly been expanding them traffic is super congested in town and I repeatedly see posts like this officers cooled to intersection of 34 and 47 because light is taking too long to change or officers cooled to intersection of 34 and 47 because lights had changed but cars remained stopped really people this construction has been going on for years but you're still confused once responded to a call originating in the Sheriff's Department parking lot literally walked out of the doors into the following Forster Clark a woman who had just gotten released from jails ex-girlfriend came to pick her up drunk on a moped the reason it got reported is that the drunk woman was doing donuts in our parking lot waiting for her ex lost control and rammed a police car my training sergeant always had a saying that ran through that day we didn't catch the smart ones double-quote officer had been working two years in a large city the first call that truly made me question my job choice was a disturbance between a husband and wife officers had him out in the house earlier in the day and the wife called 911 a second time the wife called and said she and her husband were arguing because she wanted to have SX but he refused because her VG nurse stunk it is difficult to remain professional this may be apropos of nothing but I called the police once because there was the guy wandering the mall parking lot across the street from my house screaming [ __ ] as loudly as possible and seemed to be trying to force his way into the mall I didn't call 911 just police HQ because it wasn't an emergency nine cruisers showed up within five minutes must have been a slow night gonna get buried but one's a lady called us claiming that her neighbor was threatening her as it turned out she claimed that her neighbor was plotting a terrorist attack how did she figure this out she had been going up onto his property and looking into her middle-eastern neighbors windows and noticed he had a prayer rug in the middle of the room said he worked odd hours she was given a stern warning about trespassing onto her neighbor's property and told to stop being such a racist - art works for the local newspaper and we got to read all the course to the cops the most hilarious one was from a woman who called in to report a man driving around in his van playing loud music and luring kids when the cops showed up it was ice cream man I wish I was making this up some people are just nosy busy bodies edit holy sh t snacks this blew up thank you to the kind stranger who popped my reddit gold there was a lady that called the cops on a homeless shelter because they wouldn't let her turn the dorm into a sauna said she was freezing but refused blankets wanted to use a fire hazard space heater cops came saw the dorm was over 65 F and told her that it wasn't an emergency and left I got pulled over a year ago for speeding 10 mph over the speed limit and not one or two or three but four cop cars showed up to the scene it was in my super suburban hometown and I am a 5 feet one inches female driving a non tinted window smaller SUV I think I can speak for the three cops who were called that it was pretty F Kingdom just a week or so ago I saw five squad cars with a tiny crying black girl pulled over my city only has 50 officers so 10% of the local PD was dealing with this poor girl my city is Hattiesburg where two cops were killed last night so many a woman found a half-eaten sandwich in her own fenced backyard she thinks someone threw a better poison her dog she saved the sandwich and wanted us to test it for poison a man called because his trampoline was blowing away in a windstorm one woman called because someone stole her American flag from her front yard one of those little tiny yard flags that are about one foot tall and plant in your grass she called the morning after a particularly bad and windy thunderstorm I had to explain to her that it's much more likely that the flag blew away then someone maliciously stole a 50 cent flag I then found in a nearby sewer drain my dog is acting strange can you send a police officer happens more than you think my favorite is people who Colin because people are driving too fast through the neighborhoods so we go out there and run radar nine times out of ten the person caught speeding is the person who called in the complaint to begin with lady called because the cat was in her yard not attacking anybody or anything like that it was just in her yard even better is that we had to do a report every time Lee responded to a call even if no citations were issued so in my report I put a cat as the suspect and a calico as its race I belong to an online neighborhood board some woman went off because people walk their dogs and the dogs poop on her lawn we all agreed that not cleaning up after your dog is terrible she clarified and said that everyone was picking up the poop but it was leaving germs on her lawn so she called the police soon-to-be police officer here when I was doing an internship with the local sheriff's office I was with one deputy and we got called out on a domestic disturbance before we could get there a city police officer intercepted the call and took it since it was just outside city limits and we still 15 minutes away so we continued to patrol the county when the same people called again specifically asking for a deputy to come out to the scene we get learned right off the baddest woman is going on about how when the city police officer he was very rude to her and she wanted us to go arrest him and have him fired for um policemen like conduct I'm not joking I had to turn away to keep from laughing in this woman's face she was very angry because he allegedly said the word [ __ ] in front of her daughter keep in mind this woman was using the word f-ck three or four times in each sentence we pretty much told her that our department doesn't police other departments and that she should contact the Chief of Police and make a formal complaint this did not sit well with her and she told us we needed to leave before she called the cops again not joking at this point the guy I was with couldn't take it anymore and told the woman that he was arresting himself and taking himself downtown and we left trying not to bust out laughing if everything goes right I will have some more stories once I get hired by the Sheriff's Office I once called the police because there were hundreds of thousands of maggots covering a huge parking lot and I was convinced there was a body in the nearby dumpster causing the infestation I might have been drinking a bunch responded to the outside of the county jail one time L a county twin towers and had to actually fight a guy trying to climb the fence into the jail this may not sound like much until you realize we had to fight a guy in order to prevent him from entering the jail then drive around the back and put him in jail l a is f king weird something similar happened to me I was actually locked up in jail I was a model inmate and so I was put on trusty and made worker status and one job I had was to bring out the garbage from the intake area to around the side of the jail to where the dumpsters are located I was allowed to wear street clothes while doing community service in a how I drag these bags of garbage around the jail to the dumpsters and suddenly two police officers approached me and start yelling at me they are going to arrest me for tres thing I laughed because I thought they were joking and continued throwing the bags in the dumpsters that apparently pissed off the one and he continues to handcuff me he said I was under arrest for criminal trespass it took me a couple minutes to convince them that I'm already in their jail but I'd gladly leave the property and never come back if that's okay they said no firefighter friend has his fire station respond to a woman choking they get to the apartment and a guy answers the door in his underwear the man says they're back here puzzled the firemen go to the back bedroom where a woman was apparently stuck giving a guy head apparently he had a piercing and she had big tonsils in the piercing got stuck on certain Souls they tried in vain to get them unstuck but in the end they had to be laid in a large double stretcher 69 position and taken to a hospital to be properly separated 911 dispatcher here not an officer but I once dispatched an officer to assist a subject whose cat was experiencing respiratory distress the poor girl teenager was in tears which only got worse when I told her that I couldn't send her a medic which was what she was requesting I felt so bad and since the officer wasn't on anything I told her I'd at least send him to see if he could do anything turned out the cat was having a problem with its meds it survived I'm not a police officer but one time my friends and I around 18 years old at a time had the cops called on us for fishing in a nice suburban neighborhood lake somehow a lady spotted us marched around the lake to us and barked about how we were trespassing and she was calling the police we politely offered to leave and ran into the responding officers as they were arriving officer number one stayed with us while office in number two went to talk the hill a lady down officer number one laughed about the whole situation and talked with us about how terrible hazhar officer 2 managed to convince her lady not to try to charge us with trespassing and we left after thanking the officers some people just think the police are their personal strongarm my dumbest call was a backup request from our fire department 50 you 400 pounds guy had been calling the fire department a few times a day to let his dog out or bring him something like milk or the TV remote they explained that they were regularly taking care of his dog by letting it out and picking up it spoke the fire department finally got pissed and started calling us to help the guy used to be normal and then he got fat and started needing medicine so he wouldn't hurt the medicine made him completely idle so he got really fat and completely spaced out I was going to arrest him for 911 abuse after I found out that there had 60 calls since the beginning of that year didn't have a big enough car so I took a warrant and let someone else figure it out my sister called the cops on me when we were kids because I was mean to her I was babysitting her and she wouldn't leave my room literally like protesting and won't get off my bed so I gave her a dead leg and she stormed off crying like 10 minutes later she comes in running begging for my forgiveness cops rang the doorbell a couple minutes later the cops my mother and I were not amused cop here dumbest reason for being called to a scene humm lady called and wanted us to tell her son to go to school one of our stations had a carnival fundraiser and the street was closed someone called and complained there was a ferris wheel obstructing traffic someone called in for theft from the city the suspect was stealing recyclables from the trash can gas-powered leaf blower uses illegal this is possibly the lowest priority on my list of things I don't care about I'm sure there are more but these are what came to mind this happened on a particular cold evening a lady put her pit bull out on their porch and left the dog there overnight and the poor thing froze to death the owner called 911 and when we show up the dog is frozen and we have to charge her with animal cruelty felt bad for the dog not a person who was still drunk when they called I had a friend whose mom worked for the city she would get complaints all the time for the dumbest things in the rich neighborhoods she got a call for there being too much salt on the road in the wintertime and a signed petition from everyone in the neighborhood to get rid of a nearby car mechanic because they thought his shop was too trashy even though he'd be in business there for 20 years before the development was built Commerce signed petition from everyone in the neighborhood to get rid of a nearby car mechanic because they thought his shop was too trashy even though he'd be in business there for 20 years before the development was built this stupid sh t makes me furious those f king idiots bought houses in that neighborhood knowing there was a car mechanic shop right down the street and yet he is somehow in the wrong because they don't like living next to his business they should have bought homes somewhere else then my grandma was recovering from surgery in the hospital once she had to share the room with this senile woman I was really young but this woman was so memorable whenever she needed something hungry bed raised whatever she would dial out to 911 like multiple times in an hour because he called 911 for help I guess eventually dispatch called the hospital and told the nurses station what was happening and they had to go in there and talk to her about it hilarious though my neighbor hated my Mustang he started calling the cops on me for drag racing no I'm accelerating to the speed limit of 45 from a stop sign anyway he started calling the cops on me when it was a pickup truck the UPS truck the garbage man etc if he heard a v8 it had to be me I spend a couple weeks in Germany one night my parents get a knock on the door it's the police they had reports of me drag racing again my parents handed the officers my keys and said he's been out of the country for two weeks you can go feel the engine if you want the police apologized for disrupting my parents evening cop here we have a guy in town who is paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair he also has a totally abrasive personality and is an all-around awful person the county pays for a caretaker but he either FAR's them or they quit because they won't catered to his unreasonable demands he called 9-1-1 once because his trash cans didn't get moved to the curb before trash day and he wanted the police to come do it for him the dispatcher routed me the call I called into dispatch and told them that I was absolutely not going out to put this guy's trash cans out they ended up sending the fire department out after enough cops mutinied and refused to go I'm Border Patrol and the absolute dumbest reason I've ever been called was a breakin on a house sounds reasonable right the house was 50 feet from the border and had footprints heading to the house then back down south to Mexico the only thing the aliens took was some packages this guy hired fortunately they left two couple behind which totaled 101 four pounds of marijuana we arrested the idiot for felony possession when he said the least you can do is get the rest of my stuff Dart I'm a commercial vehicle officer a lot of my time is spent working way stations in my area one day I heard a bolo be on the lookout for locate for a stolen tractor trailer combination coming from a neighboring city over my radio the guy stole it from a company yard pushing another vehicle out of the way with his newly acquired Kenworth in the process of fleeing he drove to another city to pick up a prostitute Tweaker and headed back into my town driving a truck he knew was reported stolen he pulled into my open weigh station to get weighed carrying stolen Freight that came with the stolen truck the guy went easy his friend locked herself in the truck until local police arrived to take the arrest I went to court over it and the reaction from the grand jurors when I explained the situation to them was pretty good my uncle is a firefighter in Florida and I got to ride along with them of a day in the truck we got three calls during the day one a lady called saying she was too fat to get into her car upon arriving she was in her car to a guy called saying he saw a giant fireball in the trees in his backyard there was no sign of any fire when we got there three a lady called saying she was having a heart attack she was not well number three is understandable my mom was hospitalized overnight due to what we thought was a heart attack but was actually a panic attack caused by a medication change seriously that shit's no joke i sat in the hospital all night once after my first panic attack that I thought was heart failure my wife was just in recently for chest pains turns out she had a pulled muscle my neighbors have reported the following lawn clippings on their sidewalk apparently my dad who was in the hospital do the clippings onto their walk not having a fence around an above-ground pool and worried their 18 year old kid is going to drown yard has a fence around it but pool itself doesn't have any barriers it complies with local bylaws our dog barking overnight we don't have a ref King dog but they do our car being parked in our driveway and they didn't have enough room to erect a non compliant fence the fence partially falling over because it was installed incorrectly having a fire and legal fire pit worried it's going to burn their house down which is 40 plus feet away having our camper parked in the driveway and not being able to see out their window the only thing they can see out that window is the outside wall of our house and a tree I have dumb f king neighbors this isn't even everything just what I can remember off the top of my head not cop but someone called the cops on my three-year-old son because he wouldn't allow me to put a diaper on him one day my son was being absolutely awful kicking biting curling my hair slapping me in the face just having a really bad day so I'm trying to put a diaper on him in the downstairs neighbors called the cops for a noise violation when I answered the door the cops asked if they could search the home they found the suspect and then proceeded to educate him on domestic violence it was brilliant I'm a security guard and I found a homeless three hundred plus pound woman with gorilla hands with a backpack full of 40s and a chicken on a leash trying to sleep in a McDonald's parking space she kept calling me a pervert rent-a-cop I had a tear of joy because she called me a cop made me feel like less of a loser her chicken seemed very well behaved true story woman that works for me from home was having issues with internet her husband does a hard reset of the router and set a password their neighbor pounds on their door demanding they give him the password he then called the Sheriff's Department we fee is free you can't charge people for air probably not the dumbest one but the one that always comes to mind is the time a lady called me to her house to say that she saw a cat outside near an abandoned house she stated the cat probably didn't live there I agreed completely I remember telling dispatch there is indeed a cat here central unclear this complaint double quote worked as a police officer for five years just got out last year thank God and a hoses it was a Friday 3rd shift a lady is moving into a house and she's drunk of [ __ ] apparently she called because she thinks someone stole her cell phone and wallet purse with cash in it go to the house and realized that it's a frequent flyer from the nearby mid-sized city she tells me the make of the phone and the number no idea about the cash or the purse dispatch comes back with the same number so she called to report her cellphone stolen was the one she called to report with I had dispatched call the phone it was right on top of the kitchen counter just for our record I asked for her ID lo and behold it's in her purse I see a purse looped over the back door in the kitchen and ask her if that is it she says yes and that I can grab it and look for her ID in it I opened the bag and there's the biggest stinky snitch tweed Bob Marley joint I've ever seen at this point I'm about to laugh my ass off partner and I decide to just flush it and tell her yada-yada-yada bite out of crime we are watching and to not use 911 for your crap 10-8 no report found lost [ __ ] head to breakfast scrambled eggs and baskets and gravy the next night she ended in lockup because she tried buying weed from an undercover vice in the nearby city she moved away the next week there was the cops episode where they are called out for a domestic dispute in a trailer park the cops get there and the reason the girlfriend called them was because her boyfriend threw a hamburger at her there was also this conversation cop mom is that blood in your hand girlfriend looks at her hand oh no that's just BB Q sauce she then licked the BB Q sauce off her hand best friend of mine is a state trooper they have this little old lonely lady that calls and tells the dispatcher that there are aliens demons in her house and needs help when the troopers respond they check the house and sometimes yelled out whatever is they has to leave for this service she gives in a huge box of cookers they bicker with each other as to who gets to go that day this happens at least twice a month edit words don't know if it is true here but in two cases that I know for sure people who are experiencing hallucinations are dealing with Co leaks next time you guys get out there you might give her a CO detector and see if she will install it but then you'd be out of cookers : once I was sitting in my car outside my friend's house waiting for him to get home since he was running late with whatever he was doing it couldn't have been more than 20 minutes neighbors outside were rying me weird and waiting around in their truck in the driveway out of nowhere two squad cars show up blocking both sides of my car and start interrogating me turns out the neighbors claimed I was a child molester trying to entice their children into my car when the police got there the neighbors zoomed away as if they did God's work I was just sitting there using duolingo on my phone didn't have my license on me and the car was still registered under my in-laws name at the time but I happened to have my passport on me just recently lost my wallet after a few questions they were cool and one of the officers even started talking about video games with me while I was waiting for my passport TLDR sitting in your car too long makes you a pedophile I used to work at a full-service gas station and this lady's gas door fell off so I informed her of this fact and went about my business when she was finished fueling she went and parked which was not unusual about 10 minutes later the cops came along to have a chat with me about damaging a customer's car and I was perplexed until the lady comes running inside and just starts shrieking at me about the stupid gas door once she calmed down and the cop figured out what the actual problem that he was pretty cool about it and let me go without any hassle and he dealt with the lady himself [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 62,675
Rating: 4.8687091 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: kanChS-C6dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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