What s the weirdest coincidence you have had? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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ah / ah screw it hey rocket what's the strangest coincidence you've ever personally experienced here in my little town in northwest England there's a good kebab shop from which the lads and I have ordered for years we've been in there after countless nights out and had them deliver to our doors so we know the guys who work there pretty well they are mostly Turkish once a few of us got together for a short break in Turkey having got off the plane we waited in the car park outside for another pal who'd been on a different flight as we stood soaking in the ambience of a new country none other than the tall guy from our local kebab shop walks across the road right in front of us two thousand miles from home that was weird my wife and I were in Tucson visiting my mother who just moved there my wife decided she wanted tamale we drove around for two hours stopping in restaurants looking for tamales couldn't find one went back to my mother's apartment literally two minutes later somebody knocked on the door of my mother's apartment asking us if anyone wanted to buy any tamales one year I got a roommate through Craigslist the guy was weird for sure but good-natured and paid rent anyway after about two months of living with him my cousin comes over to hang I introduced the two and my cousin in the most chill voice ever said nah man we know each other turns out they were college roommates five years earlier in another state not me but a pretty interesting story in my family two of my great-grandfather's got imprisoned in the same Jail and served time together my great-grandfather on my mother's side was an architect and even drew my other great-grandfather's house my sister Emily was on a ski lift in New Mexico when some younger girl across from her asked if her name was Emily apparently the stranger who kind of looked similar but underage had found her lost ID the year prior and had been using it for a year to buy alcohol edit after this blew up I texted my sister who reminds me it was weird leur she was later hiking with friends for 17 hours they got tired fund for a hitchhikin got picked up by this girls to win I moved from my small hometown halfway across the country to a small city where I knew absolutely no one at the first party I went to in the new town I started chatting with a guy turns out he had also just left my small hometown I met a Canadian guy while on holiday in South America and we ended up going sightseeing together at the end of the day a person behind us tapped him on the shoulder and asked if the scar behind his ear was from cancer surgery they got talking turns out they were from the same small town in Canada had the same type of brain cancer and had been operated on by the same surgeon was at the dentist getting a crown extension dentist hey you were born on the 13th of July so was I assistant me too we all shared a look of surprise and longing with each other longing to be closer then they drilled the absolute [ __ ] out of my teeth edit oh god it's happening again had a kidney transplant last year nurse makes a comment about it having my name on it he elaborated to say that the donor has the same surname as me an officer from a different PD was showing me a picture of a guy they wanted to arrest in a different part of town as I looked up from the computer I see deep [ __ ] riding by on a bike literally five feet away from the squad car two years ago I was in Tokyo on holiday I looked on Instagram and saw an old friend post a story showing he was also in Tokyo we hadn't spoken in a few years but I sent him a message letting him know we were in the same city not even five minutes later we walked into a bar and he was standing there this past November I was in Toronto on business after dinner we went to a pub downtown the first person I saw when I walked in was the same friend from Tokyo we both live in Winnipeg seen Paul McCartney The Beatles on TV in 2001 and noticing he was tall neck day I'm walking down a very quiet street and walking towards me as a really tall guy and it was Paul McCartney he must have seen my expression so he veered my way stuck his hand out and said hi mate I was shocked eighteen years later I'm still shocked Lowell edit I'm six feet one turns out he's 5 feet 11 maybe he was just lanky he certainly appeared tall to me I should also add that he didn't just stick his hand out I meant to say he shook my hand crazy he then briskly walked away a very brief encounter but a really important one for me I also wouldn't blame anyone for not believing me it's a weird story tell this story elsewhere but I'm making you all read it again was at a convention there were only a few people in the room my friend and I wanted an autograph from a voice actor he started singing in his character voice there were two random guys next to me one pulled out a video camera to record it years later my husband and I are talking with friends and the convention comes up the guy with the video camera was my husband I also took a picture later that day of the crowds and he is in that picture I stood next to my husband years before I met him edit thank you to everyone who shared their stories amazing how our lives can intersect and a big thank you to the redditor who gifted silver it's a major award I have an uncommon last name and a not too common first name I was in the hospital for a surgery and the person in the next room was there for the same surgery come to find out that we were second cousins and never knew that the other existed he had the same name as me and his wife had the same name as my wife the pastor of church where I was musician informed me that a wedding couple would be coming to see me after Sunday services to discuss music for their forthcoming ceremony it turned out to be a girl I dated in high school that I hadn't seen or heard from since graduation and her fiance as she remembered my organ playing from back then and already knew what pieces she wanted I didn't even have to demonstrate I've had several small world experiences but the biggest was talking to a girl after my first university class and discovering through the course of a two-hour long conversation that our grandmothers had been each other's maid of honor and my aunt and her mom were best friends since childhood back in the early mid nineties the phone system changed and you no longer needed to dial the area code for a long-distance in-state call we're a small state with only one area code one morning I woke up to the phone ringing and when I picked up I recognized the voice on the other end as belonging to my old boss from a few years ago she had an unmistakable voice we had a nice conversation for a bit before she realized she had dialed the wrong number I lived in a different town in a different part of the state but the number must have been off by only one digit from the one she'd tried to call to add to the coincidence I had overslept and would have been late for work if she hadn't called me and woken me up both of my grandfather's were named William and both grandmothers were named Joyce started dating this girl a few weeks ago we get to talking about where we live etcetera she lives in not only the same building but exact same apartment I lived in two years ago it was so [ __ ] bizarre walking into my old apartment that I never thought I would see again what are the odds the person who sits next to me at work copies everything I do except she has no way of knowing I wear a blue sweater she wears a blue sweater I bring leftover spaghetti she brings leftover spaghetti it is so weird I almost hate her when I was 18 I lived in a town of very long ways away from where I ended up moving I struck up a friendship with this guy from work in that town we play halo watch movies act and he was awesome I ended up moving suddenly due to a family emergency and never got his contact information I didn't even remember his name a decade later but I thought of him often as he was an awesome guy through all the years 11 years later I'm working at my job Coppola ng with someone from my training class and one night he asks if I mind his room at being in the car as he was going to take the car after we got off at work and use it for the night he introduces us I turn around and in the backseat is the guy from the town a very long ways away we reconnected immediately and now live together he's my best friend for sure and the Godfather to my children when I was a kid around 13 I played a lot of a video game called Diablo 2 I started a clan with a few people I'd met on the Internet and we played every day at some point we were helping some random person and he asked to join we thought he was nice enough so we let him in as part of this clan we had a shared account we used to store game items for each other after about a month of playing this new guy goes in and changed the password steals the account and their friends everyone completely disappears off the map with all of our stuff fast-forward a year later and my family moves to Texas and it's my first day at school I'm sitting in algebra class talking to the person in the seat next to me and he mentions he plays Diablo I said me too and that I ran a clan and everything I asked his username and it was him 2,000 miles away from where I first virtually met this guy he's sitting next to me in math class when I told him minors face went into total shock and he didn't know how to respond it was awkward for sure ended up telling him I didn't care and was over it but we let's just say we didn't end up becoming friends I used to get two busses home from work I got off the first one having left my phone and keys on the front seat of the bus without realising got on the second bus went to my favored front seat and my possessions that I didn't know were missing were waiting for me the bus had changed driver and route still freaks my nut out to this day when I was one year old we moved to a city some 500 kilometers away from where I was born 15 years later my father decided to put me in a boarding school in the area of that first city because he went there - I got randomly put in a room with two other guys which one of them is still my best friend toady when I first visited that friend at his home I discovered that he not only lives in the same city as we did not much of a coincidence as it's the only major city in that area but in the same [ __ ] house ofc I couldn't remember our old house so I called my father to confirm that it's the same address and it turns out that he very briefly knew my friend's family from selling the house edit I hate you and toady said I'm totally right with that last summer I went to New York with my family for a week a friend of mine that I hadn't seen since she graduated from college was living and working in New York at the time so we decided to meet up for drinks as we were walking through Times Square at 11:00 p.m. on a Saturday who did we see on the other side of the street but another friend allows from college I knew he had been living in New Jersey but he was in New York for a grander date the three of us went to a bar and talked about life and how none of our friends live in Ireland anymore they've all moved abroad it was bittersweet and a crazy coincidence that three friends from a small University in Dublin would surrender pish ously meet in New York City when I was a kid while hiking with my dad I was babbling and said the teacher told us if you speak too much a fly will get in your mouth in the exact moment a fly flew into my mouth had recently moved cities and had a new local phone number had to make a lot of course to various utilities et Cie to get everything all set up I call one of them I'm speaking with the customer service rep all is going fine until she asks for my phone number when I tell her she starts freaking out on me who are you how did you find me how do you know that phone number kind of stuff eventually managed to get her calmed down to the point where we could figure out what was going on but turned out she had been in an abusive relationship with her ex had stalked and harassed her including them and his friends making threatening calls constantly eventually she had moved to a different part of the city and taken a new unlisted phone number my new phone number was one and the moment I said if she assumed he had tracked her down once again and the harassment campaign was about to begin on you I'm not sure she truly believed me when I explained it all but we eventually got through the phone call when my best friend and I were around 16 years old we both had a bunch of coins we were taking to Coinstar at Kroger we had the exact same total in coins to the penny my best friend in high school had the same exact locker combination as me in a school of 1,200 people saw a combo written on a piece of paper of his and I asked why he wrote down my combo he looked confused and said that's his combo the combination locks are changed and reassigned each year edit miss you buddy I dunno if this counts as a coincidence because it might be influenced by the commonalities between us but I was reading through one of my dad's old journals and found out that he and I share the same reoccurring nightmare the details are basically identical even down to the frequency of it happening once a month it's very trippy edit just to answer some facts as far as I can remember I never discuss this with my dad I felt okay perusing his journal because he's been dead for quite a while now before his time but having nothing in common with the details of the dream it was suicide I guess you can make of that what you will I've detailed the dream itself below when I was 18 I dated a girl who went to a private school she told me they were having a dance so I thought okay great it'll be a nice night she told me that only boys from a specific boys private school were allowed to come because of an incident once when they let everyone in some girl got really drunk and puked on the Headmaster's shoes so they limited it to one boys school after that fast forward 12 years and I'm with my fee on K different girl at a wedding shower I overhear my wife I was so embarrassed when I pooped on the Headmaster's shoes I yelled that was you that's awesome I love you even more now that you're famous TLDR my wife cock-blocked me 12 years before me met in freshman physics I became friends with the Japanese kid next to me after a while he was helping me with my Japanese homework did really well after that BTW but after that class we kind of drifted apart fast forward two years where I'm an exchange student in Japan over the summer and doing some sightseeing in Kyoto after the program I'm crossing the street in Kyoto and I hear my name being called out I look around and there he is thousands of miles apart we meet again we got some drinks and good food together it was a blast no his hometown was not Kyoto he was also doing sightseeing while home for the summer edit my first gold thank you kind Internet stranger friends grandpa was friend of my grandpa during the Vietnam War they recognized each other at my high school graduation they went to the same school now their grandchildren are in the same school nobody believes me when I tell this story but one day my husband and I ran into the same couple of three different places in two different states so my husband and I had an errand to run out of state we leave early and stopped to get breakfast the couple was sitting across from us the lady had on a funky shirt which is why she stuck out in my mind after breakfast we drive the next state over to the office we have an appointment at we're waiting in the lobby and the couple from the breakfast joint walks in weird so we spend the day finishing up our errands and then we drive back home I didn't feel like cooking so we stopped to get some dinner at the pub we sit down at the table and guess who's already eating at the table behind us the same friggin couple I had recently graduated from a large state school and found a room in an empty house to rent since I was moving from my college apartment I didn't have furniture and I decided to grab a dresser a previous occupant had left in the basement it wasn't anything crazy looking but it wasn't a basic mass-produced IKEA dresser either something a bit older but not antique three of my friends helped me move it upstairs while we were waiting for a fourth the fourth friend arrives walks into my room and stares at my dresser for a long time before saying why do you have my dresser it turns out her parents had donated her childhood dresser to Goodwill and the previous occupant of the house was from the same tiny town she was and had got his dresser at that goodwill me and my partner were looking for a car we wanted a Subaru Impreza and found one for our price range on our street that had my three letter initials for its license plate the seller was a high school friend of my partner a classmate of mine sent a fake email that looked totally legit to select members of my class saying that we had failed a really important exam which carries bad consequences for our career after we freaked out he let us know it was just a joke and when the results came out a week later there was only one person who failed my classmate that sent the fake email I wanted my husband to accompany me down to the parking garage in our building to grab something from our car he was already in his pj pants and didn't want to come I convinced him no one would see us and he reluctantly agreed we got on the elevator and wrote down one floor before it stopped to let someone on the largest buffest man steps into the elevator where in his own pj pants he said nothing but gave my husband the dude head not before getting off on the main floor and disappearing forever we've never seen him since I've mentioned this before on Rhodesia wanna just copy paste the definitely the shadow dick incident one night and university I was fooling around with my then gf and noticed that the brightness of the TV caused us to cast distinct shadows on the wall behind us being 19 and a fool I took this opportunity to take a pic using snapchat of the shadow my erect penis made on the wall and sent the pic to my best friend I thought it would elicit an interesting reaction but could not have prepared for what was next you see on snapchat you can see when someone receives your message as well as when it's opened so as my message is sending still unopened by him I receive a snapchat from my best friend I open it and lo and behold what do I see a shadow dick snap this man decided at the exact same time that I did to send an identical pic of his dicks shadow on the wall both of our GFS were confused thinking it was some inside joke when in reality we had never spoken of all sin shadowed except afore TL DR decided to snap a pic of my dicks shadow to my best friend at the exact same time he decided to do the same edit it's cool guys we said no homo I was browsing beauty products I've never heard of on the Internet when suddenly out of nowhere my dad who was in South Korea at a time facetimed me to ask if I wanted the exact same product I was looking at he was in a landed store when I was in HS I saw the guy from my class in Washington state while on vacation I wasn't too fond of him so I didn't say anything two days later we were in Canada and I saw him again we both live in Florida for over a decade I very rarely remembered any of my dreams one night I had a very vivid dream that I was busted by the cops for drug possession and was sentenced to prison the dream itself was agonizingly paced as if in real time days turned to weeks to months the pain of losing everything and everyone in my life had sent me into catatonic despair when all of a sudden I awoke I instinctually checked my phone only to find a ton of missed texts emails and phone calls from a friend who was arrested for drugs that night while I slept and had been trying to get me to bail him out I got a new computer and was scrolling through pictures on the old one with my little brother I had a picture of two butterflies one blue and one yellow on a large purple flower I love this picture and always thought how lucky I was to get it the colors were so vivid and the butterflies - patience - let me get three shots in before they flew away my brother was in all of it and I said wow you really like this one he pulled out his phone and said now I took this photo sure enough he had been to the same park the summer after I took my picture his had the same species of plant and butterflies in the same park and around the same area and time of day what are the chances this was years ago I'll have to see if he still has his and I'll try posting them later went to Egypt and randomly met a good friend of mine in the middle of the desert I'm not talking at the pyramids I mean we were in the desert and I was like is that Jenny double quote halfway across the world in the middle of the desert away from anyone else that was weird I was in st. Augustine on vacation on the way there I just happened to think about this girl I knew back in college in Orlando just sort of wondered what she was up to and the like sure as [ __ ] I ran into her in a bar there the first night she was there celebrating graduating from PA school TL Dr Boggs pants at Goodwill 10000 kilometers from home appear to come from hometown full story I went on a three-week trip through Costa Rica four years ago I needed to buy a new pair of shorts since I didn't bring enough we couldn't find any regular clothing stores so we ended up in a place where second hands clothes were sold they got their clothes from all over the world wherever people collect clothes for the less fortunate we call it humanity's over here in the Netherlands there are collection bin all over the country I bought an ugly pair of cargo shorts in one of the pockets I found a three year old festival token a festival that takes places 20 kilometers from my home I'm sure it wasn't mine because I never went to that festival so these pants came all the way from my hometown to Costa Rica only to be flown back there by me I was best friends with this girl in preschool after that we didn't go to the same school so we lost touch flash-forward to my junior year in high school and I meet this girl I'm walking her home one day and we passed that preschool we both realized we went there and figured out that we were the friends back then we've now been together for 15 years and we'll finally be getting married in October for our 16th anniversary I was about three or four and my grandpa took me for a walk suddenly I had this very intense feeling of synchronicity without thinking I raised my palm in front of me and in that instant Birds poo landed right onto it the strangest part was I knew that this is going to happen can't really decide it but it was strangely the most perfect moment of my life bTW sorry for my english edit row' my first silver thank you knew a girl in high school that was just the worst type of person take too long to explain all the reasons but a big one is that she tried to drive a wedge between my bestie and i she moved away after high school my friend and I would bring her up occasionally and talk about some of her worst qualities and say how glad we were that we never had to see her again one time as we were doing so in a restaurant suddenly she appeared right next to our table she'd come back to visit someone and just happened to be right where we were right as we were discussing her so awkward it was five minutes of awkward and then she left and we just sat there like dafuq met my doppelganger who lived one Street from me in his room there was a symbol on a few drawings which was the same symbol on the leather keyring my sister gave me a few weeks before he grew up in a city neighbouring my not experience the same mental health issues apparently being too alike is not desirable for a relationship : copy pasted from another thread but my whole existence is a strange coincidence turned 6 on the 6th of June 2006 I was born a 606 p.m. I'm 6 feet 0 and before you ask no I don't have 6 fingers on either of my hands one summer when it was blazing hot I was leaving Home Depot and there was a guy panhandling at the exit I gave him a nice cold water out of my lunch went on to my job when I got there the homeowner was like it sure is hot today would you like a water he brings me out the exact same kind of bottled water I just gave away stupid but with all the brands of bottled water varies it just was like damn the universe just gave me my water right back me and my best friend in college right off the bat clicked then at odd times our spidey senses kick in and we share the same thoughts while being across the country or even across the pond from each other the biggest weird out we had was when we both bought cars only to find out we had bought the exact same car model yeah color and all starting college after the army and when I'm getting my college ID pic taken they're doing a story on the new college IDs two days later my ID mugshot pic is on the bottom of the front page for their story three years of straight quarters and a couple of major changes I've tapped out my GI Bill benefits so I transfer to another school where I have a better shot at getting employment while working go through registration and my new school happens to be doing a story on their new ID cards and guess who gets on the front page of his new school paper and my 15 milliseconds of fame but mom was proud I was at work when my boss's son called and asked if we had an extra Ethernet cable he could have we didn't an hour later a customer walked in and asked do you guys need any ethernet cables we had a bunch of extra ones that we can't use at work and we all just throw them away unless we can't find someone to give them to edit I swear I know the difference between Sun and Sun me and a friend took some acid one night and were trippin hard decided to walk to a gas station and get some smokes or something we walked by a car lot in the small town I'm from and all of the cars in the lot were cop cars we were both walking ramrod straight all the way to the store very quietly bought whatever we went there for and took a back street back to his place we just stared each other for like an hour and didn't speak after we got there turns out the city bought a whole new fleet of cop cars and they had all been delivered there and we're on the lot for just at night I'm from Canada when I was 20 I went to Australia to travel for six months while I was there I ran into a couple guys I had went to college with in the same hostel I was staying at they didn't come with me when I went to the bar that night but I ended up walking back with three other Canadians while chatting to them I mentioned the other two guys I knew in the hostel by name let's call one Cyrus one guy stops dead and says Cyrus last name turns out my friend was his childhood best friend he hadn't seen in 12 years we went and woke him up at 3 a.m. for the a very cool reunion one night in college I had a dream that my best friend was in trouble and he was calling me for help but I couldn't reach him in time the next day I found out he had been killed by an ie D in Afghanistan that night edit thanks dudes just happened yesterday my boyfriend was diagnosed with the same rare 150 thousand two hundred Americans health condition I have freaky I was dating a girl who happened to be Jewish the family likes to bits my chops about not being Jewish so I mentioned an obscure Jewish sounding surname from my grandmother's side her and her mother went pale TLDR I probably banged my cousin I have to 20 years ago my family and I lived in Germany my folks and sister lived there about 12 years prior before I was born one day my mom sis and I are walking in an open marketplace and my mom says I wonder what happened to Mrs ziz you know that lady who babysat you sister when you were a baby not 10 minutes later my mom stops a random woman and the market and says excuse me are you Mrs Xizhi up hadn't seen her in over a decade happened to find her right after saying her name the other one just happened this week I'm a teacher and usually have music playing in the classroom as kids walk in I have smooth criminal' by MJ playing and a kid walks in saying whoa this is the same song my ipod played as my alarm this morning less than a minute later a different kid walks in whoa this is the same song my son has played as my alarm this morning of all the songs possible me Apple and sonís chose the same one on the exact same day when I was a kid someone in my family broke a glass vows on the wood floor my mom cleaned it up as best she could but wanted us to wear shoes in the kitchen for a few days just in case she'd missed some and she continued sweeping to try and get the last little bits I was loudly complaining about the injustice of having to wear shoes in my own house when I stepped on that final piece of glass I randomly ran into two old classmates in a roadside cafe in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ten years ago for reference that is ten thousand kilometres 6,200 miles from home so that is definitely a well what are the odds kind of situation hadn't seen them in years and I have no idea they were even there ended up hanging out for a day or two a few years back while I was working in a little pub a couple of two-seater tables next to one another were finishing up at the same time I got them both their checks and both parties decided to split their bill upon trying to close them out I realized that not only were the amounts split identically down to the cent but each table had matching sets of cards at least by the final four digits that is Table one had a charge of twenty eight point seven nine on card ending one thousand and another for twenty eight point seven eight on card end in five thousand and eight table toothed judges were identical down to the sentient last four digits on both cards I've never gotten over how unrealistically improbable it all was I was on holiday in South Africa and I met someone who lived just around the corner from me in the UK another time I was on a ferry to France and I saw one of my teachers when I started hanging out with my girlfriend she invited me over to her house and it's the first house I ever lived in her grandmother who lives down the street was friends with my parents she worked for a doctor who delivered me fast forward a little bit we are sitting around looking at some of her old family pictures and there's this one of a 4th of July parade in my neighborhood there was a little boy in the picture that they didn't really know who it is but it looked an awful lot like me I asked my dad and he remembers that day where he took us to our Olive Street to watch the parade when I was a toddler I had wandered into my future girlfriends family picture was sitting in a restaurant about 200 miles from where I live telling my mother who was visiting from a different country about a trip I had to another country about 6,000 miles away with a work colleague and the lady at the table next to the sleeves over and says I think you're talking about my son turns out I was sitting next to my colleagues parents while showing my mum pictures of our trip I have to so first off I met my eldest current friend when we were 14 when we were 17 we discovered we were born three hours apart I demanded to see ID because I thought someone was playing a joke on me seriously I made my friend show ID to prove it took us three years to figure that out secondly I ran into my cousin in California at an airport neither of us were flying home we hadn't even spoken in weeks but we had lay overs at the same time at terminals that were right next to one another in a different state it was so [ __ ] weird we took a picture to prove it happened when I was a kid we had this plush penguin that would play jingle bells if you squeezed its stomach one Christmas it got broken so that it just kept playing the song endlessly this went on for hours my mom tried stuffing it in the couch cushion but we could still hear it finally I got super annoyed grabbed the penguin and said this is really annoying could you please stop it stopped immediately first grade my parents sold the house and we moved about an hour away said goodbye to all my classmates and all that a month after we moved the kid I sat next to in my old school moved in across the street a few years back my dad went on a trip to Denmark for a business trip my mom being Danish decided that she was going to come along she had always heard stories about the sight of the family that never moved to America but she had no idea where they lived or if any of them were still around anyway after a week in the country my mom and dad are driving down a country road when their car got a flat there wasn't really any cell reception so they actually wound up walking up a driveway a bit to ask the locals to use their phone they walk up the steps of this little cottage knock on the door and an elderly woman came to the door her eyes lit up fixed on my mom and wound up giving her a hug my parents were understandably confused as the old woman's husband was also excited to see my mom they couple didn't really speak any English but they led my parents down the main hallway to their guest room there on the dresser was a photo of my mom and her brothers from their high school graduation the old couple were my mother's great aunt and uncle the ones that never came to the USA to this day my parents still can't explain it I was planning on ending my life then someone made a post somewhere about giving free Steam games I clicked on it to see what it's about and saw their profile having a memory of then another users profile their friend's profile who died 10 years ago then I go to their profile and see all their friends constantly posting on their profile every year on their birthday or Thanksgiving or Christmas everything they made sure to remember him and at that moment I realized that I also probably have people like that who'd be so sad if I'm gone and it made me think of things differently when I was younger 8 - 9 years old my family and I were at a water park on vacation nowhere near where we lived as we were walking around the park we found a pair of sisters that were wearing the exact same swimsuits as me my sister the girls were the same ages as my sister and I as well I always thought it was crazy while traveling solo in Asia I went to a remote Buddhist temple and bumped into someone I knew from my hometown unbelievable of all the places in time and people on this earth I meet a girl I know from home this one freaked me out as a child when I was about 12 years old my family and I flew to Hokkaido Japan to go snowboarding we were having breakfast at the motel we stayed in and a man couldn't help but notice that we were speaking both English and Japanese grew up bilingual and he came to say hello he also understood a little bit of English and we had a short conversation fast forward to the next year in a small island called Saipan guam's sister island and we used to live there my classmates and I went to the local doughnut shop to get some doughnuts and what do you know the same man we met in a small motel in Hokkaido was sitting in the corner drinking coffee and eating doughnuts as well our eyes met and the look on both of our faces were priceless we talked a bit for a while and mentioned how small the world isn't all very nice man but never met him since he about 20 years ago I was taking the Amtrak from Baltimore to New York I was reading a some kind of thrill and novel and about five minutes after I read about the protagonist casually noticing the giant whale mural on the side of a building in Wilmington Delaware I glanced out the window just as we were passing thats a mural not an exciting story but it was complete coincidence my mom and I went to Nick for a week one summer when I was in high school we lived in CA her youngest cousin also from CA was a PhD student at NYU at the time but we didn't tell him we were in town because she had work he might be busy etc on our way somewhere we took the 6 train the wrong direction and realized after two stops and got off somewhere in midtown to switch sides lo and behold there is her cousin standing on the platform looking at us and disbelief and saying hi my mom's nickname he was going somewhere out of his ordinary routine and we should never have been at that stop it was awesome and we all saw Avenue Q the next night together in grade 10 English class the teacher didn't have anything planned for us to do and it was close to the end of the year I guess it's Sochi ghosts of a big kupo bored in the corner and pulls out a stack of copies it's examples of a successful essay written during a final exam so we can learn what a good one looks like and how to build a narrative etc the topic of these was what was the most pivotal moment of your life there's three examples ranging in proficiency we read through the first two and I volunteer to read the last one aloud I start reading and I stop the essay was about me my big sister had gotten a really good mark six years earlier on her final exam essay which she wrote about the day I was born I got pretty emotional about that one I have to first was in Mexico when I was 16 at the resort there is a spot to paint pottery and I was there as my dad who was sitting across from me next to us was another father and his daughter they were both from our hometown I asked the daughter what high school she went to and it turned out to be the high school my recent ex went to it turns out she did she is his girlfriend it was crazy and we both thought it was so cool meanwhile our dads are finding it so strange and we're confused why onyx and a current girlfriend were excited to meet each other the second coincident was at my work one of my co-workers was my same agent it turns out his birthday was two days before mine I asked him where he was born he was born at a military hospital in Oklahoma the hospital I was born at we were both in the same hospital the same nursery just feet away from each other it was one of the coolest moments in my life my mom and I went to England in 2016 for the first time we were on the top tear of a double-decker bus I was sitting in the back mom was sitting in the front she struck up a conversation with the lady in the next turns out she taught at my high school in NC I never had her I was a banned person she taught home X so her class was never available to me but she was there while I was she now has her own to accompany next day we were standing in line at the Tower of London mum strikes up a conversation with the Americans in front of us turns out they also lived in our small town for a while Elizabeth City and his son also with him went to sheep honey Elementary where my youngest sister went he would not have been there when she was small world worked half-day drove six hours from Southern California to Northern California for car camping with my wife chose obscure campground which was neatly deserted offseason pick the most deserted and remote campsite location we planned on rockin the tent were bummed after setting camp and another couple select sites right next to us turns out to be a co-worker I'd spoken with earlier that day edit I hadn't told co-worker anything about plans we weren't close earlier that day we spoke briefly of work-related issue if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
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Id: w5Rxmu_TCZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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