Most Unexplainable Thing Happened to you that you Still Wonder up to this day r/AskReddit

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serious what is the creepiest or most unexplained thing that's happened to you that you still think and or wonder about to this day my family has tons of weird paranormal stuff but the one i actively think about had nothing to do with ghosts or anything my best friend vanished in like fourth or fifth grade her whole family just up and left without warning got a phone call from her months later saying she missed me and she was safe but it wasn't allowed to give any details someone came in the room and she had to hang up to this day i have no freaking clue what happened every now and then i try to find her on social media no luck yet about 1973 i went to work got out of the car walked to the entrance and on the way saluted warrant officer fardy because he was in uniform he had always worn civilian clothes he waved me on and said he'd be in in a minute i got to my office and expected to be the first one there because i always got there first as the lowest ranking guy in the office and had to make the coffee i was surprised that the chief a captain and his senior sergeant were already in the office the captain asked me to sit down at my desk i thought i was in trouble he said he had some bad news warrant officer fardy was killed in a head-on collision at 3am that morning i protested that i had just seen him outside in the parking lot the captain said he and the sergeant had identified the body just an hour earlier 1988 we were renting a refurbished house that was part log cabin from the 1700s was on the john in the bathroom when i heard three very loud knocks on the wall beneath the bathroom window looked out the window nada 30 seconds later it happened again and again nothing outside later wife and i decide to plant some stuff beneath the bathroom window outside and four inches down we hit a concrete slab turns out the bathroom used to be entrance way to the log house spooky as hell stayed over at a friend's house in the middle of the night i woke up to what sounded like someone walking in the attic above us thought nothing more of it and went back to sleep wake up and on his ceiling were footprints in a perfect circle around his light bulb as if someone was walking upside down around the light showed it to him and he just shrugged and said he thought his house was haunted but it didn't bother him that was 30 years ago and i still remember it like it was yesterday i was 20 staying with my husband's friends in west palm beach fl in the middle of the night my husband screamed i opened my eyes and there was a dark figure of a man standing at the foot of the bed he stood at my husband's feet i screamed and leapt out of the bed hitting the wall light switch the figure was gone and our friends were banging on the door it was very strange that we both saw the exact same thing driving down a dark highway in alabama with my fiance when two white orbs about 3-5 inches in diameter came through the upper right side of my windshield and now through the roof i thought i lost my mind but she looked equally as shocked as i did and she described the exact same thing we were still in a bit of a shock couple minutes later when we came upon an suv flipped upside down a lone police officer waved us around the wreck no one was in the car we guess the emts already came we can't shake the feeling that maybe the two orbs were two people that died in the accident it isn't very interesting as i live a pretty chill life but a month or so after my cat went missing the door started to open a little like they would when she was around and sometimes i felt cold patches on my body where she used to sleep in the bed dipped i'm not sure if ghosts are real or not but i like to think it was a watching out for me my family's dog was very sick i was at my work when my office's door closed slowly on its own my dog liked to close my room's door slowly like that and my office's door has never closed like that before or after that five minutes later my mom called me to tell me my dog died just minutes before this wasn't creepy but very strange so i came home from school one day and i was unpacking my bag i accidentally dropped a sandwich that i hadn't eaten earlier out from my bag and when i bent down to get it it was gone i looked all over that floor and no sandwich it just disappeared into thin air to this day i believe that sandwich went to the underworld edit one my most liked comment was about losing a turkey sandwich to the void i thank you all me and my father have a pretty easy going relationship we love to joke with each other one day i saw him walk out of his room and go to the bathroom i remember waving hello and he waved back with osmile moments later i see him walk out of his room again and i tell him dad i literally just saw you walk to the bathroom a few seconds ago as i mentioned the ease of going relationship he must have thought i was joking and replied yep i have now unlocked teleportation abilities obviously i knew that this was impossible for some reason though i never talked about it all i know is that i saw something go from one place to another and it interacted with me when i was about 10 years old i fell asleep under the covers i woke in the middle of the night to find the covers often neatly folded and placed just above my pillow i'll never understand this my best explanation is that i did it while sleepwalking the problem is that i never folded any sheets and did not have muscle memory for it and that i have no history of sleep walking before or after this night one of many that stick with me when i was in high school i used to work at a movie theater one night while doing a theater check i stopped and looked at one of my managers and told her that we were going to get hit by lightning maybe 10-15 seconds later lightning struck we had to end evacuate cause we lost power didn't get the power turned back until the next afternoon i once was minding my own business in the bathroom not on the toilet or anything when i suddenly went blind fell over and my head hit the side of the tub i couldn't feel it but i sure asked he heard it i thought i died i recovered like immediately and nothing like that has happened to me before that or since then edit whoa didn't think i was gonna get any kind of response to this thanks everyone colin capital d my grandfather used to sleep in the kitchen while me and my grandmother slept in the living room i was trying to sleep and i heard mumbles from him he was praying next thing i knew it was morning and he was dead a few days after we buried him i kept waking up at around 3 a.m because i felt like someone was staring at me around the 10th of december 10 months after he died we were decorating our house with christmas decors and i snapped a photo of the decor we had in our kitchen there was a brown figure standing right behind the decors i snapped a pic of it wasn't as scary as it was sad because he was still watching us wishing we were still together i don't have a pic anymore i took it on 2013 and the phone i used to snap the pic disappeared even though i always keep it close to me whenever i sleep i was driving at night after a football game as a high school student my younger sister was in the passenger seat and my friend was in the middle back seat leaning forward to chat with us easier we were dropping my friend off before heading home and driving down a pretty dark road to get there we lived in a rural area so no street lights suddenly my sister and friend both gasp and i step on the brakes thinking they must have seen a deer or something they're both in shock asking me if i just saw that old man who flashed up in the middle of the road and then disappeared i hadn't seen anything but i was terrified they were both so shocked and had the exact same reaction my friend didn't even want to get out at his house once we got there he was so scared teenagers playing in the snow with friends building tunnels behind parents house there were five of us about dusk as we were playing some object with multicolored lights flew in and hovered off to our north about 50 feet away i ran on the porch and called for my mother as i waited i looked over the railing and we all were just froze looking what seemed like five minutes and no mom it abruptly flew off as i went to call again for my mom she called to me that she isn't going to come back and look if we were going to hide again we hadn't hidden we were there standing out in the open no one talked about it after but it is burned in my memory 25 years later when i was coming back from my ex's girlfriend at the time house i saw something at least seven feet tall in the woods and i stopped to look but it took off the more i researched it the more it fit the description of a skin walker my much-loved brother-in-law jeremy was killed when a driver high on meth hit his car a year later on the first anniversary of his death my husband was cooking dinner when he got a phone call from jeremy's phone the phone has been destroyed in the crash my husband started shaking getting weak and sank onto the floor he could not pick it up he knows it was his brother's way of letting him know he loved him it was going to be okay in just general brother business of scaring the shitty out of each other it actually brought him a lot of peace and healing in his grief i have dreams about events that i haven't experienced yet but will do most recently i had a dream two months before my sat test where i could clearly see the room and even the people and when i sat in the room it was trippy because it was exactly like my dream same chair same faces same room orientation and i hadn't been on campus for months i had the same thing happen with a few other big events in my life changing schools meeting important people applying to uni and there's a few that haven't happened yet it's creepy it's unnerving but i don't know what it means and i don't want it to stop i just want an explanation of some sort i turned to witchy and spiritual friends to ask them and so far my only explanation has been that my spirit guide is guiding me but i'm not 100 sure on anything i currently work in a provincial campground where at 10 30 p.m i have to walk around the park to enforce quiet hour rules there is a more remote part of the park which has what myself and co-workers have nicknamed the park ghost or pg when talking in public i personally have seen blue orbs of light moving at speed through the trees silently black masses move around the outer edge of my flashlight had the hair on my neck pulled not aggressively heard whispers in my ear had the gate shack when nobody was near it had my stomach become very upset when i made a joke about the ghost little kids laughing when no one should be and had random cold patches appear next to me when sitting on a bench it's been consistently happening on these walks so it appears to know when our night walks are now my sophomore year of high school i took a different bus to hang out with my friend for a bit before going home since they were nearby i started walking home eventually getting to my street before turning into my neighborhood i was just walking on the sidewalk when i noticed a blonde woman sitting in a gray car with her window rolled down on the other side of the street facing me at first i didn't think anything of it i'm a very observant person so i tend to look around a lot when i'm walking i glance back over and i notice she has a big ass camera with a big ass lens on it which she is clearly pointing at me and is following me with it as i walk in her direction i see her take a flash photo of me put the camera down roll up her window and drive around the corner i tried to walk along where she drove to see if she was hanging around the corner but she was gone it's been maybe 10 years and i still think about it beating my meat as one does see movement in my peripheral someone looking at me through the gaps in the blinds of my window as soon as i get up to look dude books it my face is right next to the window since i'm trying to get a look at him so i can literally hear this dude run away never figured out what that was about didn't finish less than sign one of my best friends died when i was a freshman in high school he had aplastic anemia anyhow it was very difficult to get into schoolwork right after his death had a test in english a couple weeks later that i honestly did not study for i somehow got a 100 on the test i still believe he guided me through it thanks man see you on the other side not sure if this is the weirdest but it came to my mind first one time in the fifth grade my teacher informed us that we would be getting a new student as soon as he said her name is so and so and she'll be joining us in two days i had an image of a young girl black hair asian glasses large lips and braces when the new student finally arrived my jaw dropped because despite not knowing anything about her i somehow pictured her face exactly her features were so distinct too it freaked me out that i somehow saw her before meeting her btw i don't believe i'm psychic or anything i've never had an experience like this since this is so timely because i'm on the phone with my sister who just had another experience this morning my mom has some weird intuition and i think my sister has inherited one when she was 11 in a beach house in rehoboth beach she saw a man walking up some stairs staring at her there were no grown-ups in the house as she and my cousin were babysitting two she periodically saw dark figures shadows around our house or looking in our windows in the house growing up she still sees these are her current one too three while working at greenfield village she was pushed down the stairs by a ghost at cotswold cottage after yelling at it for shutting windows this one is always my crazy and favorite of hers 4. this and she saw shadow look up at her and disappear after she acknowledged it i saw the martha lights in texas it wasn't creepy just unexplainable from what i've read the phenomenon is somewhat rare but there is a viewing area right off the highway i got to the viewing area at dusk the lights are small orbs that dance on the horizon the best way i can describe it the orbs moved up and down side to side split into separate orbs and came back together there were only a few maybe like two or three at a time they look small and don't seem to go high up but it's hard to judge distance because it's so flat it was fun to watch and there were a bunch of people at the viewing area all watching the same thing a lot of people are convinced it's car lights i don't think that's the case it's been witnessed for hundreds of years so cars wouldn't explain it it's a flat landscape for miles so it's like a nighttime mirage i also noticed that a cold front had come in that day so maybe weather plays a part i don't know but it was cool to see something unexplainable check it out if you get the chance i was in high school and a group of classmates our teacher and i were exploring an abandoned and under renovation of the time mental hospital broad daylight i saw nothing scary honestly the building felt sad to me we left and as we're walking down the street a classmate says hey there's blood on your leg and indeed there was blood down the side of my right leg and on my sock i stopped at a public restroom and washed my leg it was unblemished i hadn't bumped into something and gotten even the tiniest scrape or cut there was no reason at all for blood to have run down my leg and ride there when i was in elementary summer school i went to see the school nurse for something she looked at me in surprise and said why are you still here i was confused asked her what she meant she said you were here about 20 minutes ago and said you were going to stop coming to summer school we had a whole conversation about it but you insisted on leaving now you're back what's going on i was stunned as i'd been in class all along this was about 45 years ago and i'm sure she just mixed me up with another kid but for many years i wondered if i had an evil twin later this morphed into a theory that i time traveled back to that time had reverse aged my body along the way and took the day off in order to check out the 1970s on my own yeah a few holes in that theory but it's my mystery close bracket the first thing my roommate said when i moved him was the house was haunted figuring it was a joke yeah no first big thing i was in my roommate's room while she was taking a bath she didn't have a door just a white sheet in the door frame i don't know why but i looked up and there was a very distinct shadow standing on the other side of the sheet her and i were the only folks in the house i was rather anxious for her to get out of the bath and refuse to acknowledge it second thing to mention was when our super christian friend came over we were in the downstairs living room talking and she started on a jesus kick as soon as she started all the doors from the kitchen to the living room slammed shut we laughed it off as a breeze coming through the house i don't feel like going into detail right now but i distinctly remember my school having a shooting and the killer killed three of my friends and killed five other people then himself but the next day there was no trace any of those people had existed in the first place so there was no way the shooter who didn't exist could shoot and kill eight others who never existed you could explain it with the ever-growing list of mental illnesses i have but it still freaks me out every time i think about it there's not one major thing but a series of little things shadows out of the corner of my eyes feeling watched sensing something in the darkness outside seriously if you live in the country don't leave your curtains open after dark i've never been harmed so it seems to be on a don't do [ __ ] a good sort of relationship i was at a hotel in ogden utah that people say is haunted long story short i went down the hallway to use a bathroom at night and when i tried to open the door to get out of the bathroom it felt like someone was pushing against it the door finally came open and i went back to my room i don't believe in ghosts which in my opinion makes it a whole lot scarier also there was nothing that was blocking the door from opening [Music] my whole family was in my front room and all of a sudden one of my sister's giant lego brick filled with little lego bricks was flung and landed five centimeters from my face i can't word it properly but i'll try a while back when i was walking home from school i was heading down the street and there were two fences on each side a cat was on the left fence and he jumped down the other side he then came jumping up on the right fence this is nowhere near as creepy as some of these comments but it creeps me out and i cannot figure out what happened one night years ago i was at my youth group sitting in our youth room our youth group goes to about seven thirty and i usually ended up leaving around eight so my phone is in my backpack which is in another room next to the one i'm in and i'm playing games with my friends etc until around 7 30. again i do not have my phone with me from 6-7 30 when i enter back into the other room i hang around for a little while longer like i normally do not taking my phone out of my backpack and leave around eight i get in the car and for some reason that i can't remember i check my camera roll and there's a picture that was taken at seven eighteen exactly and it looks like a blurry picture of someone in the parking lot i know that i did not have my phone when that picture was taken and to this day i have no idea where it came from needless to say i was freaked out and still am the day i was going to kill myself i had a really nice but intense encounter with this lady who claimed to be a psychic i don't believe in psychics but i believe her out encounter didn't last more than a minute but it changed my life and it gave me months of strength i swear to god she saved my life i still think about her somewhat frequently even though this happened more than three or four years ago a couple of years ago now i was woken up out of a dead sleep it was as if someone had whispered deered quietly into my ear so close that i could feel it in my ear i sat straight up in bed and was awake for a few hours after i ended up getting up and turning the lights on made a tea and watched a show to try and relax and distract myself again i was terrified i have this old vanity in my room it's really creepy on its own it's one of those cabinets where you put china plates and such except it's empty due to unrelated reasons i'm terrified of mirrors to get to my light switch i have to run past the cabinet and run back that's creepy on its own but sometimes when i'm sitting at my desk or running by i swear i can see a figure in it i like to think it's just a reflection which would make sense but with the fear of mirrors already in place it just makes it pretty creepy for me god this is a good one i have a long answer but i'll try to shorten it when i was a little kid about five years or so i had a friend named laura and one day after school i went to her house and she lived down my block i knock on her door as usual and it swings open so i run back home tell my mother and we both go back the door is now slightly closed so we both go in the house is empty like the occupants just said let's go to the store kinda empty but the two weird things are that the dining table was set with steaming plates of food and i have a picture with laura okay three and my mother met and remembers her as well so when i was maybe 5-6 i'd have my doorway open and this is why i'll never have my doorway open again but at the time my dad would wake up at like 3-4 in the morning for work now what happened was i saw something in all orange walk by my door and go into the direction of our bathroom not the front door it came from there so it went to the bathroom and my parents stares up to the room but i heard no sound at all nothing and went to go check and never saw this orange figure ever again keep in mind it also went into the direction of a bedroom that my sister and i talked to the corner of that room at night and it was just that one corner one time i went to sleep monday night and woke up wednesday morning everyone i asked told me i had done my routine on tuesday perfectly normally gotten out of bed washed and eaten went to school attended classes played video games for a few hours eaten then went back to sleep but i remember absolutely none of it i was driving my car late at night with the music near maximum i was younger and had no care in the world and was on what i called a suicide ride it's where i would drive as fast as i could on the near empty highway and treat the ride like a roller coaster i was around 140 miles per hour and up ahead i saw brake lights in the left and middle lane so i moved into the right most lane the car that was braking in the middle lane was moving at maybe 30 miles per hour slow especially for a highway that car moved into the rightmost lane as i was flying towards it i slammed on the brakes but i was about 15 yards away and my brakes were not the newest i closed my eyes and braced for impact but when i opened the moments later at a complete stop there was no car only the car in the left most lane which was decently far ahead on this straight highway was visible i was so shocked i pulled over and got out my car but there was no sign of this car that had cut in front of me till this day i have no idea what happened or anything one night i woke up slightly and reached out to use the wall to push myself onto my other side and i half fell out of bed my bed was four feet from the wall where it was usually flush against it i slept in the living room for a week but it never did happen again growing up i always had trouble sleeping my mind was always racing and i suppose my inability to keep a consistent sleep schedule might have led to me experiencing sleep paralysis quite often however one time i recall waking up and it was daylight my bed was against the wall and close to the door i remember waking up and was facing the wall door so no one could have possibly been in the room suddenly i felt someone was behind me and heard a low hum like a long exhale is the best way to describe it i guess i felt my bed sheet lift slowly and felt a box placed against my back and the bed she'd slowly fall back down while this was happening i couldn't move but i was wide awake as soon as the bed sheet fell back down i could move and of course there was nothing though when i turned around and the humming stopped i have no idea what that was and i don't think i ever told anyone about it [Music] i was five years old and we were at my grandma's house my mom put me down for a nap in the spare room i had my favorite blankie handmade by my great grandma so it was special with me and my mom lay down with me for a second so i could fall asleep i was closer to the wall i was playing with my blankie and it slipped down between the bed and the wall i told my mom and we tried to reach down and get it but it wasn't there we looked under the bed no blanket my mom was confused and started taking off all the sheets and covers and it wasn't there we pulled the bed out from the wall no blankie nothing between the mattresses there was no event or anything it could have fallen in there was nothing under the bed it could have gotten caught in no pets so nothing dragged it away my grandma looked for it for days afterwards and never found it i have thought about this for years and my mom and i still talk about it i once had a dream about these two men and a woman at a water park they were walking forward so my pop was behind them the woman had one leg so she had one arm wrapped on one man's shoulder and her other arm wrapped on the other man's shoulder i thought it was a bit strange but i thought nothing of it fast forward a few months later i went to el salvador with my family and we went to a water park at this water park i see those exact same people in the same pod i had seen in my dream the whole world went black and i only saw those people there was a black bar on the top and a black bar on the bottom i only saw them and no one else i have no clue why that occurred and no one believes me when i say that i one time i was walking home along a route i take frequently which crosses a busy street the crosswalk was counting down and was about to turn so i broke into a jog to cross the street before it hit zero when i was two steps into the street i blinked and i was back on the curb and the crosswalk had just turned to a walk symbol like it hadn't just been counting down i then crossed the street like normal no idea what happened i cross there all the time and it hasn't happened again so a while back me and my friends were driving home after going to get some food i was in the back seat and i looked out the window above the tree line i could make out this object just sitting still in the sky basically i think i saw a ufo it was one of those that resembled a cigar i kind of just stared in or as we pasted it kind of like holy [ __ ] that's a rf king ufo now where i live on some power lines telephone poles there are like basketballs or kickballs on them idky but i don't remember seeing any line through it so yeah my best friend and i were driving around in the country just talking and hanging out since it was night we were both on the lookout for deer as i turned around a corner a huge animal standing on two legs came running out in front of my car and crossed the road into the field we both saw it clearly it looked like a wolf but was easily the size of a grown man and walking on two legs to this day we still talk about how we think we saw a werewolf a few years back i slept through my alarm for work first and only time that day was in the middle of winter and i remember cursing my tiredness on my way to work until i saw video from the news the street i normally take was a sheet of ice and during the time i would have taken that route another vehicle had the street was so icy that the vehicle began sliding down slamming off vehicles from side to side on its way down narrowly avoiding a person i am not sure why i overslept that day but i am sure glad i did i just opened at my workplace 5 am still pitch out and we always have kind of loud music playing so i was singing to it as i was a male voice sang with me which was obvious to distinguish from mind as i'm female that shop was known for having a ghost some say they saw shadows on the cameras [Music] last summer when i was back home there were lots of strange lightnings in the sky the sky was dark and i lived on like ninth floor so the view was pretty clear my dad saw it first and we both watched it go for several minutes probably around half an hour i've never seen anything like this happen before it wasn't the usual lightning percent but some ufo-shaped lights and they were making runs all over the sky i think it was some natural phenomenon but i forgot the name of it [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 18,906
Rating: 4.8634148 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: IDwJc01Bsiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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