What is the most desperate scam a customer has tried to pull on you? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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retail workers of Reddit what is the most desperate scam a customer has tried to pull on you oh boy back in high school when I worked part-time at a KFC there was this one fat man who would come in order a two-piece quarter pack and then claim we forgot his chicken like when we turned around to fetch his drink at the end of the order he would open the box take out the chicken pieces and hide them in his pockets hot chicken writes in his pockets I got so fed up with everyone just giving him extra chicken all the time that I demanded he turned out his pockets one day when he tried to call it and while though and behold this guy has his pockets full of drumsticks I had a customer come to purchase some stuff and they had found a coupon from three years ago on Google Images for 50% off whole purchase I told her I can't do that and the only one we had going at the time was not viable for her purchase she yelled stupid loud stormed out cursing and I felt good she emailed corporate and I got in trouble for making her upset I once had a lady come in and try to price-match an ad that looked faded and had weird graphics I told her I needed to see the date on it and she got mad turns out it was faded and had weird graphics because it was over a decade old she threatened to sue my manager and I for discrimination and then for trashing her antique because we threw the ad out I don't miss retail just yesterday I had a tilt app a quick change artist writer money shuttle me for what would have been a grand sum of five dollars pissed him off when I wouldn't play his game next best was someone calling wanting to know if we had spare empty boxes for Xbox consoles because he wanted to prank his kid and give him an empty box I know very well he wanted to try to stuff the box with who knows what and attempt a return of course the folks at customer service check such boxes for actual product and match serials to those on the box had a customer returned a vacuum cleaner once my supervisor did the return thankfully the box went back on the floor unchecked the next customer who wanted to buy checked it out before they went to the register the whole f king thing had been replaced with a catering sized tin of beetroot I used to work at Best Buy this guy came in and returned a laptop saying that the Box had some old laptop in it he was yelling and screaming that we don't know how to do business manager gave him full refund we started to check that old laptop he brought in it won't turn on looks like the motherboard was toast we pulled the hard drive out and started checking the data hard drive was completely fine with everything on it we started looking for the clues and found the pictures of the guy who returned the laptop it was his old machine we had all his info manager called him and said he has 15 minutes to bring the new laptop back or he is calling police that guy came in drop the laptop at front desk never saw him again in the store a guy comes in to fill his son's a Darrel script guy is super twitchy and son is killers could be for all controls we are supposed to run a report that shows everywhere in the state they have filled any of course the report is a mess multiple pharmacies multiple scripts multiple doctors all the red flags to top it off on a Darrel script within that week had been filled so we really couldn't fill this one dad comes back we tell him that we can't fill it and dad starts going on about how his wife must have filled it but they need some for today bla bla bla we decline and his last words to us are a semi son needs them for a birthday he has to go to today can't you help ' no dude we can help you're clearly taking your son's pills get help and stop using your son to get high on prescription drugs sol de gaia phone years ago when I worked for a wireless carrier spent an hour getting all his information transferred and set up his new phone he comes in the next day with a shattered screen apparently he didn't remember that I was the rep who helped him and proceeded to tell me that is how it looked when he left the store needless to say the phone was not replaced we didn't deliver the pizzas we make it's carrot only had a customer call and have a long angry conversation with me because I wouldn't deliver to her she proceeds to say a couple times you must be new here I know the owner personally to which I responded well I'm the owner's daughter and we don't deliver years ago I worked at a small hardware store where they were constantly getting huge rolls of copper wire stolen one day this guy and his girlfriend come in to return a roll I was a few months in on the returns counter they had no receipt and when I scanned the item for the return it was only doing the price per foot I couldn't figure out how to get the school the price for the whole roll called the manager and he comes out and right away knows there's no way these people bought a roll and returned it so he asks when they bought it and they say two weeks ago the common response and my manager tells them oh really because the last time we sold an entire roll was over three months ago the guy starts to get brave and tells him so you're saying I stole it and my manager says yes they end up leaving and left the roll behind before they leave the store the guy says I'm coming back and bringing the cops manager says go ahead that way you can explain to them how you stole the roll worked in a bottle shop one afternoon a shady character entered and spent 10 minutes browsing the liquor section I stayed at the checkout and watched him on the CCTV he ended up shoving two bottles of Johnnie Walker blue down his pants and walked out store policy is not to confront shoplifters that's what insurance is for I called the police and burned the footage onto a DVD for them to collect about an hour later the same guy returns with the bottles demanding a cash refund because he purchased the wrong type just as I was telling him I can't do a refund without a receipt police walked in to collect the footage he left with them in handcuffs years ago I worked at a Walmart and this guy comes in trying to return his we that doesn't work I just bought this for my kids last week and it's already broken but they won't take it back because I lost my receipt double-quote the we in question was the most beat-up and disgusting looking gamma cube I have ever seen like he found it in a landfill or something I should also point out that I wasn't working the return desk or even a cashier I was stocking the food department turns out he was trying to talk every employee and the store into whatever giving him a refund or away not me but my coworker a guy came in and asked for our largest size smoothie and customized the order she makes the smoothie and goes about making other orders he comes back rudely cutting the line and makes a fuss about how the drink is disgusting he had already drank to stroke three of it to avoid drama she once again made the drink to his specifications he once again drank majority of the smoothie and came back the landing she make it again she refused he complained to corporate and she had to formally apologize and give him a coupon for a free 32 ounces smoothie we now have a policy that we don't read a custom orders when I worked at lush I had a customer come into my store and say that she had bought a moisturizer for her 12 year old niece that made her break out in a rash now lush has a very good return exchange policy however this woman did not have the product with her as she claimed that they threw it out because of how upset they were that it caused the breakout on this girl she didn't have a receipt either yet she was demanding IRA fund her it took everything not to laugh in her face I used to work the register at a liquor store I ran the store alone mon-sat 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. never had an issue mostly served regulars in our small beach town one day a woman I've never seen before come and starts yapping about her life saying she's from Canada and she just moved here and purchased a ranch in some horses but she discovered a Mexican family squatting in one of the barns and her property is now tied up in some legal nonsense and she can't tend to her horses in they're sick and blah blah blah I pretended to be sorry for her even though I'm clearly of Mexican descent and she was being a lil racist she grabs a 750th fireball and says she needs it bad hands me some sort of cash card that our reader does not accept she says there's money on there trust me I told her she could go across the street to the ATM and come back and pay cash she starts up again with sob story so I try the card again in case I didn't swipe it correctly she takes this opportunity to open the bottle and chug it told her to leave she took the bottle didn't call the cops because I was really young and scared and just wanted to forget about this unhinged woman I bet she didn't even own a ranch I was working the self checkouts at Walmart this lady came up and said that the price on the shirt he wanted to buy was wrong she said it was $2.00 but was ringing up a 35 the shirt had a hanger in it so I knew it wasn't a $2.00 shirt I offered to grab my manager and she quickly said nevermind and let me go back to watching the other five registers when my back was turned she walked out of the store when I cleared the register the bill was already at 200 and I think her cart was half empty luckily I called my manager to avoid the sale to keep myself out of trouble worst part it was the lady was dressed to the nines and look to be in her late 70s learned my lesson to never judge a book by it's cover no matter how nice it looks a customer wanted five dollars 99 templates I don't think anything of this because it happens a lot I offer a $10 warranty and her eyes light up but she won't separate transactions now again though issue she takes out two hundred dollar bills from her purse I notice right away they don't look right I get them in my hand and they are just off close but nothing quite so I refuse them they should have called the police but I was shocked in the moment she then says she got them in change I can tell she's Russian or Eastern European by looks and accent and I say where we don't have bigger bills here the 100's come from banks and it doesn't matter anyway and she leaves I had to teach her to get big change in fake bill transactions but at least she picked up fast I get a lot of guests that pick receipts off the ground parking lot or trash and then go into the store to pick the item off the shelf and return I'm usually pretty good at calling our security installing the transaction for as long as I need it this guy the other night who regularly does this I feel like he has an accomplice s because our AP is always watching someone else when he is in the store and for some reason I always happen to be at guest service so anyway he got loud with me the time before so I didn't even want to deal with it and notified my manager even though I am technically a supervisor oh well well we denied by forcing the system to come up with an error message and he starts yelling again as if the three different beat-up cash debit card receipts he had didn't make us suspicious enough he pulls out a bag of probably 100 plus beat-up receipts to prove to the south and he shops here like now whoa but thank you for the laughs only annoying thing is I know for a fact multiple of my guests service team members have done returns for him before he mentioned them by name to me by claiming so-and-so never gives him a problem only me really really hope we can catch him for good soon because I am tired I used to work in a Sanrio store part-time and there was the guy who came in from time to time to try to get the refund for different products some we never even sold whenever there was one we did happen to sell it was always from a different store so he still couldn't get a refund fortunately we were able to always check the barcodes on the items to find out they didn't come from our store took him ages to figure out he was going to be able to scam us I wonder what he did with the pile of fake stolen Hello Kitty crap he couldn't get cash back for guy buys an expensive bookshelf stereo on Friday throw a party on the weekend said stereo gets f king destroyed like not just cracked over CD changer won't open I mean destroy to the point of being in small pieces tried to return it on Monday had it all packed up in the box and taped up with about a half a roll of packing tape the argument started when I pulled my box cutter to open it up the customer is always right I've got to trust him that it's all there I have no right to question his integrity accused me of being racist against him grabbed my arm and yelled that I was attacking him after I got the box open and told him no warranty doesn't cover destruction of merchandise he told the side out of the box dump the pieces on the ground and stamped on them then ran to the electronics section and grabbed a new one off the shelf and tried to leave with it I worked ten years in fast food and five years at a grocery store these are my favorite from age at chicken store we sold a 16 PC meal for over 30 bucks we wouldn't give a refund without them returning the products but would usually replace it without any proof because of corporate so a common scam was to go to one store and get a replacement and then take that to a second store for a refund one day I had a guy comment for a replacement I was pretty sure was full of sh t but I went ahead and did the replacement i initialed the bottom of his coleslaw superfast and after he left I called around to our sister stores to watch out for her a front meal with my initials sure enough he hit the nearest one where they laughed him out I've had the greatest justice boner fears over that at the grocery store the funniest was a lady who tried to replace corn syrup last winter that expired in 2005 I bought two of these last week on accident dot I had countless people over the years clean out their cabinets and try to get cash for all the expire t that they supposedly bought the week before the twelve years old was definitely the winner one time I had a guy come in try to pay for a $500 phone with a card card was declined sir your card was declined do you want to try a different card double-quote nah man let me just call my bank see what's the prob he then called some number from his phone handed it back to me on the other end of the line was a guy who was very very well-spoken clearly not in cahoots with the man in front of me who was not well-spoken the guy on the other line walked me through the steps to push for sale on the card and assured me that there were funds on the account that it was a problem on their end I'm sure it would have forced the transaction sit approved and then a day or two later it would have failed or declined anyways I said no one gave the customer back his phone and took back ours old lady walked in straight to the frozen section she grabs three of those frozen pizzas in plastic she then proceeds to smash them on the edge of the freezer breaking the pizza apart she then walks up to my register and asks for a discount since they were broken I informed her I watched her do that and pointed to the cameras she called me a knock and walked out not sure if this is along the same line I worked at sheets in high school corporate policy as we pay if they mess up their clothes et Cie at a pump dude came in to get his food while the hose ran wild then ran out into the pump as our entire store is trying to control gas all over the place he got his food refunded and paid for his suit guess that's easier than trying to argue with a lawyer just give him a few hundred dollars and get back to normal busy morning business traffic when I used to work out gamma start there were a few people that would come in with some app on their phone that would generate gamma stop gift cards and then they would buy Visa gift cards with them essentially printing money they would go through like 10 codes and leave with a few hundred and gift cards eventually company policy changed and now you can't buy those gift cards with gift cards so they have to settle for buying super specific gift cards like gas or Olive Garden I worked at a KFC estreet over from a hot spot for the homeless and drug addicts there was this guy who came in while I was on front counter he acted really nice and likeable gave me a fist bump and called me a homie complimented me etc I laughed a bit and we chatted while I made up his burger meal I made everything myself and now I did it correctly i'ma get up and he walks off i watch him as he walks through the carpark and see him place the burger in the bushes he walks around in a circle and runs on the spot for 10 seconds then turns around and storms back in he comes in fuming and asks for the manager manager comes out and he rips into me about how stupid I am because I forgot his burger and the fries were everywhere in the bag manager looks at me and gets pissed I take him to the garden outside and show him the burger still warm sitting there the guy grabbed the burger swears we are both burn in hell and walks off punching brick walls I had someone try to return two bottles of laundry detergent she dropped them off at the counter and said she didn't like that brand she walks off to do her shopping I wonder how it smells so I opened the detergent and smell it it's water both of these jugs are filled with warm water during the exchange she tries to claim they were like that when she bought them I explained I can't return them and she will have to talk to the day manager boss lady who has final say close bracket a friend of mine bought a giant bottle of laundry detergent that turned out to be water he was so perplexed when he got at home and tried to wash his clothes someone must have bought it filled it with water and returned it and obviously it wasn't checked luckily he was able to exchange it at the store with no questions asked but a lot of laughs all around when I worked at the service desk of a local grocery store we had this lady who was super skinny and wore sunglasses and long sleeves all the time one day she came in with a friend and tried to return beauty items we didn't have a beauty makeup section and claimed she had no receipt due to short-term memory loss it was so hard not to laugh in her face she had attempted to return things this way numerous times we all knew what she was doing I was working at a place that has soft serve as a part of the menu I was working one day and a lady came up to the counter and said something along the lines of hey I'm really sorry my daughter dropped her ice cream and she's really sad about it do you think you could give me another I was about to then realized an important fact the ice cream was broken that day and we weren't selling any I looked back at her and told her that it must not be from us because of the machine she turned bright red and mumbled oh then I guess it must be from Dairy Queen or something and left quickly nice try a lady I used to work a game store a little more than ten years ago once had a woman come in dressed fairly trendy and asked for two PlayStation Portable 's PSP two Xbox 360 years and a handful of games and accessories my store was pretty slow so this would be a pretty big sale for the day and I was excited about it she goes to pay and hands me a credit card which was not laminated and appeared to be printed out on a home color printer I told her it wouldn't work and she said just scan it anyway so I scanned her fake credit card which clearly did not have a magnetic strip and it didn't work of course she told me to just put the numbers in on the computer I refused and she asked why seemingly legitimately confused I told her I just couldn't she told me she would be back with cash I put everything back on the shelves she did not return had a guy try to return to Sega CD games for cash problem was they were wrapped in saran wrap and then had the goal to exchange them for properly wrapped games so he could go across the street to Walmart and return them for cash there him and his buddy must have really needed beer and weed money also have seen people trial new shoes put the old ones in the box and walk out with the new ones had an old man act like he was pulling a gun out of his waist to get away from loss prevention and one of my favorites had the two women grab a bag from luggage and put all of the rolls of film in the bag then try to ditch the bag because we were following them nor traditional retail but had a client swear she did not receive two packages from me and was refusing to pay the invoice for the second package from more than six months prior I knew she was lying but she was extremely rude and insistent I was able to go back on all records and was able to find both a photo of the first package on our front doorstep super-lucky is it's not our normal delivery procedure to have photographed evidence and a signature of receipt for the second one with her name very clearly signed dated four days later I emailed the evidence and never heard back from her again not even an apology email or phone call which just confirms she knew she was lying used to work customer service at a hardware store you get so jaded by junkies trying to return stolen items I just started handing out free funds based on how good the stories were you are dad with dementia bought circuit breakers every single day and recently died refund you don't need these commercial sized copper elbows because you bought too many for your residential plumbing project now the dementia thing is sadly realistic my uncle recently died of Lewy body dementia and he kept on buying tools and fishing gear it made him happy my auntie would collect them once they got home and put them away to return later but you couldn't stop him because he would get so angry if he was told he couldn't had a customer who would send her a to the store amongst the groceries bought with two bags of frozen shrimp about a week later the aid would return with a ziploc bag with the ones she didn't want which was less than a single bag for a refund on both of them we allowed it and it happened a couple of more times until the aid came in and explained to us that she would constantly take them out of the freezer death or the whole bag eats him and refreeze it and said that she would be okay in fact happy if we said no so we didn't the lady files the complaint against us weekly now trying to get a $10 gift card for her complaint had a guy argue with my associate about a played-out feature that had a factory sign on it that said 50 in the cents symbol that it meant half a cent each and wanted to for a penny he was doing it out of spite one of my egghead peer assistant managers was baffled and said okay but when my store manager approached him at the register he told him he was not right and to keep his penny he didn't want it law [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 70,156
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: 6dyBSI47W9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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