Waitresses, What Is Your Horrible Customer Story? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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waiters and waitresses have read it what is the most horrible experience you have had with a customer waitress here had a large bruise size and width of a hand on my upper forearm super swollen and purple had a guy grab my arm and asked does this hurt before squeezing hard he spent the remainder of his visit making domestic abuse jokes and talking about how he was going to take me home and give me more drunk guy with his wife who made jokes about mounting me while the wife just laughed and then tried to rub my arm sidestepped out the way that though lpt don't touch your server i've posted this before but i had been working at this tight place in my town for about eight months and for the last four months i'd seen the same teenage couple come in every sunday and leave zero percent regardless of service one day my boss decided enough was enough too enoy she all but yelled to me that's my thai nickname it's an endearing name generally given to chubby children that loosely translates to little something i don't care whose turn it is you take them next week and you make sure you earn that zero percent i do a bit of a double take she can't possibly mean what i think she means you mean she nods and gives me this smile that is equal parts devious and smug a week later they come in five minutes into my shift she seats them in my section smiles at me and tells me to do my worst here is a fairly detailed account of the wonderful 45 minutes that followed i wait a good five minutes before going to greet them and bring waters they're ready to order i don't have a pen i'll be right back i promise i go out back power smoke a cigarette takes me about 90 seconds before i return they're my only table and i'm not handling food yet so i don't wash my hands i reek of smoke i take her order pad thai no bean sprouts like always as he opens his mouth to tell me he'll have the same i give him the just a minute finger and pull out my phone i text my fiance registered sign and ask if he wants to get dinner from my place or his tonight i take his order i somehow misunderstand and write down extra bean sprouts their food comes up while i'm telling my boss and the other waitress a story about my cat i finish telling the story before i get their food i bring it out and walk away as they're starting to complain about the sprouts about five minutes after they get the food i get a second table one is a customer from a former job of mine and we spend a few minutes catching up when i go to greet them a zero percent s try to signal me as i leave the table but i stare straight ahead i come back for my new tables order and see that their glasses are missing roughly four sips of water this simply won't do i hang their ticket and come back to fill their glasses i look at zero percent s empty glasses look the guy straight in the eye smile and walk away he stops me as i'm walking over with apps for my new table and asks for boxes i tell him i'll grab them right after i drop off this food i play a game of 2048 all the way up to 1024 before bringing them one small box they ask for two bigger boxes in the check i promise i'll be right back and then ask my boss to keep an eye on the table i like while i go smoke again obviously i don't usually take this many smoke breaks especially not this early into a shift i come back and my boss tells me they came to her for boxes and to pay and told her they're never coming back he voids their check gives me the 20 some dollars and tells me i earned it tldr boss gave me 20 to give over the top bad service to awful regulars once when i was working at this insanely popular breakfast joint my first table of the morning was a seemingly adorable old couple after going through our specials at their request she ordered the duck cash special and he ordered two boring poached eggs on toast all good i bring them their food and the guy starts freaking out you see i didn't bring him a tablespoon for his eggs granted he didn't ask for one but according to him everyone knows that poached eggs are supposed to be served with a tablespoon i've been a waitress for nearly a decade and i've served a lot of poached eggs and i've never heard this rule nonetheless i apologize profusely and tell him i'll go grab him a spoon no he yells my breakfast is ruined now and then this grown-ass adult throws his plate of food at me and storms out his wife gives me a sympathetic smile as she slinks out behind him and i work the next eight hours with egg yolk stains all over me worst is a big group coming in on a sunday ordered endless chip appetizer waters all around asked for extra lemons you can see where this is going stayed for a few hours total bill like six dollars got tipped 50 cents for having to wait around on them for literally my entire shift then the whole i am sensitive to gluten spill that people have then they order a beer i point that beer has gluten in it and they say oh well that doesn't bother me it is just gluten and food that bothers me whatever it i probably should edit my post but like 90 of the gluten-free customers are fine just some of those 10 can be extra demanding and sometimes end up eating bread and other things that have gluten in it it is just the entrees that give them issues we have an entire gluten-free section on our menu but some gluten customers want to order off the regular menu and want us to make changes and stuff to accommodate them it ends up taking about 4x as long as it should and prevents me from being able to serve my other tables those are the gluten-free customers i am having issues with when i worked at subway a customer threatened to come back and take a bat to my head because i laughed at what i genuinely thought was a joke a lady starting smoking crack at the table and when confronted about it broke the hostess's nose so i never waited tables but i was a bus boy the entire time i was in high school we had this family that would come in dude and his wife they're two small kids they seemed like the most ordinary family but they were like vishnu the destroyers of tables they always left a ducking disaster frieza everywhere it all over the floor i sat and watched as one of the kids put the salt and pepper shakers into a glass of milk and then watched the dad be like hey can junior have a new milk he had a little accident they were both submerged in milk fries everywhere crumbs everywhere one percent of the food had been consumed they screamed the entire time to zero reaction from the parents it was chaos for the entire hour they were there every time i had to clean this up probably a dozen times before the hostess asked them not to come back yeah they threw a ducking fit didn't come back though nightmare had a tray balanced on my shoulder full of food and i was setting down hot plates to the table grandma shook her half empty glass of tea in my face and asked why she couldn't get any service not a waitress but worked in a healthy qsr and not most horrible experience but memorable there was some sort of convention near my store location i live in ottawa a short hop skip and a jumble from quebec the city is pretty bilingual but not everyone is like me anyway this woman is trying to order but is speaking french i can get the gist of things if i hear certain words but she was speaking rather fast after a couple minutes of back and forth trying to answer her questions i turn to a co-worker who is bilingual and ask him to help as her and i seem to have a language barrier as i finish my request to said co-worker she says in totally perfect english with probably as much disdain as she could muster dart and i quote this is canada we speak french and english my mouth dropped not only because of the comment but because she understood me the whole time and didn't try to help i couldn't wrap my mind around why someone would do that come on not everyone is taught french in school i grew up in the west coast prairies where french is not a mandatory subject all i could do was stare at her for a few seconds and walk away guest was incredibly drunk couldn't even sit properly anymore let alone talk we refused to get him another drink he threw a glass at my head a family of six dined and dashed on thanksgiving it was already a rough thing to be working a family holiday knowing my tribe was at home enjoying themselves but to have to miss out on what should have been a good tip it was just salt in the wound at the end of the night i just cried all of the servers rallied around me and tried to offer me a portion of their tips to make up for a loss i couldn't accept it so they got me drunk and drove me home instead they are awesome people edit thanks for the gold it's my first i wait tables in a country club had a couple coming once and as they were sitting down before i had even introduced myself the woman was already complaining since they had to wait five minutes while we reset their table she started off by telling me every time she gets a filet mignon it's awful and cooked wrong i suggested she tried something else nope goes for the same thing again i gave the kitchen heads up and make sure it was perfect and save us all a headache steak comes up seems fine i drop her plate in front of her and i can already see that bullet smirk people get when aaron amused she grabs a butter knife and legit slaps the top of the stake with the flat of it three times and goes this is disgusting hasn't even cut into it or tasted it has me take it back and bring her a new one so of course we do it she gets her new one eats half of it and takes the rest home wants to talk to a manager itches up a storm gets a whole meal free in desert leave me a garbo tip even if you don't include the free steak and desert even left me a comment card just saying steak sucked and one star for service this happened a long time ago i used to work at tgif as a busboy and there was this huge group of about 20 people at the end of their meal they received the bill everyone put in money for what they ordered they sat there for a while doing the math and finally figured it out they call their waitress over and say we aimed or no gratuity show me gratuity on this table they continued to try and argue and made the waitress cry manager had to be called in to explain what gratuity was a lady and her husband came in and before sitting down told us that she was deafly allergic to white wine saying verbatim if you feed me white wine i will die so i run around double and triple checking recipes and ingredients and making sure the kitchen is ready so when she orders i know her food will be safe her husband orders the special and i make sure to tell her not to eat any of his meal as it is dressed with a bow blank made with white wine and i'd like her to survive her dining experience well i bring out their food and the first thing she does is scoop a big old fork full of hubby's special and i cry out and dismay as she shoves in her dumb ducking mouth and says while chewing oh one bite won't hurt she also single-handedly weeded every server on the floor by forcing them into inane inappropriate conversations while they were trying to take care of their busy sections and cornered another guest in the tiny corridor leading to the bathrooms to tell him aggressively he was being too loud tl dr i'm definitely allergic to x equals equals i don't really like x in oldich and busy servers don't give a rit about your week not a waitress but previously a lady bartender at a theater on an incredibly busy night where we are well understaffed an old guy auditor jack daniels then proceeded to blank my next three questions of would you like ice with that whilst chatting with his mates other customers are desperately clamoring for my attention after some thought i put the eyes in as it's the more popular option he then turns back looks at his drink cold and disgusted says what the hell is this i don't want ice flustered i fix his drink apologizing profusely he still continues to look at me like dirt haze scoffs and walks off it sounds like a little thing i know but i was only 18 and was so shook up by it i'm gonna mix things up and tell you all about a time that i was the idiot when i was a server these three black women came into the restaurant with their four little kids and i led them to their table welcomed them yada yada by the time i was asking what they wanted to drink the kids were already bored and had started climbing on the tables and chairs i honestly thought it was cute so i said without thinking or you have a little family of monkeys immediately i realized my mistake my eyes widened in horror as theirs widened in surprise i hope they would ignore it but one of the women turned to the two and loudly asked did this itch really just and i ran away i served in their food and spent an entire hour avoiding eye contact as i didn't know what i could say that wouldn't make things worse when they left and i went to collect the bill one of the women actually left me a really good tip and a note that just said it's okay with a smiley face i hope her life is full of sunshine and happiness and goodness edit holy cow i feel so hurt to the person who gave me gold your mother is so proud of you and you look super pretty today also i love you i was new to the job and still finding my feet when i had a guy who was insistent that i wasn't capable of the job due to my dwarfism and kept complaining about inclusive bollocks what i found frustrating about the whole situation is that i'm not a good waiter but due to reasons completely unrelated to my dwarfism poor memory anxiety coordination etc and he was doubting my competence before i had shown any of these issues it was purely based on how i looked but i never felt like i was able to prove him wrong either that experience really got to me for a long time bartender here about a month ago a white man walked up to a group of hispanic men playing pool and announced this is a trump bar whites only i'd never seen him before he was promptly kicked out i haven't seen the guys who were playing pool back in since that night which is the worst part had a group of girls speak to my manager and call me a stupid hoe over 0.13 basically they ordered a side of fries and one maybe got a lemonade anyway give them their bill and they gave me just enough to cover it since we round to the nearest dollar instead of dealing with coins girls flip out over 0.13 so i go in my bag to scrunch it up they speak to my manager who refunded them everything stupid and they proceed to call me names as they leave their table i was having a bad day so it made me upset at the time now i find the whole thing laughable worked as a bar back i accidentally dropped a fork on a very drunk dude's foot who got angry and shook his head and grumbled about it shocking i know bits of food fell on the ground as well so i grabbed a towel to clean it up i look the man in the eye to let him now i'm on the floor cleaning next to him he then proceeds to stand up and step on my hand as he walks to the bathroom hurt like a rich and i yelled out in pain he didn't acknowledge it at all but chuckled as he walked away sadly there wasn't much i could do i just got angry and walked to the back to calm down edit this is just the tip of the iceberg i have many more horror stories from the year i worked there guy tries to get my attention so instead of saying excuse me missy intentionally grabbed my arse and then apologize with oh sorry i was going for your hip i know i've got a booty okay it's not hard to miss he got kicked out after that as it wasn't the first time he's done it to other servers in our restaurant edit mind you this also happened at a cracker barrel old country store in kentucky after he got kicked out of our restaurant we found out a few months later he's also banned from another local establishment in town for you guessed it sexually harassing servers colon we had a horrible experience with every other customer because of one customer the dude was a regular came in at least four times a week and every time we camp in his booth for a solid three hours you know the type one friday night during dinner rush this guy comes in with a large duffel bag not too uncommon he always brought weird stuff to work on this time it was a partially assembled ar-15 kit which he pulled out set on the table and proceeded to continue assembling the kit qmask complaints alarm from other customers while we huddle in the back deciding how to best kick him out without causing even more of a scene i used to work at subway there was one legendary customer that we only refer to as crazy bacon lady she was an older woman she came in and asked how much a six inches blt was we told her it was 3.50 plus tax she then proceeded to yell at us saying it was two dollars when she came in yesterday hint she didn't come in yesterday in fact this was the first time she had even been in our store plus the fact that the blt was never at any point two dollars in the three years i had worked there she barks out her order the whole way up the line saying such gems as i am a good christian woman i don't deserve to be treated this way for 3.50 that bacon better be fresh the service here is terrible i'm never coming back you hear me and the best one of them all when she gets to my co-worker who is manning the cash register and he tells her the total of 3.68 tax and all she says you people are workers of the devil she plops down exact change snatches up her bag and storms out the door whenever i see my old co-workers we still have a good laugh about it 12 years in the industry worked front and back of the house throughout definitely more good times than bad always tried to defuse situations before they escalated out of control but a few moments stand out the best moment was some dad giving me crap about misquoting the price of the lunch special one dollar less in front of his family pulled a buck out of my pocket and dropped it on the table and walked off almost got stabbed by another prep cook when he thought the food wasn't coming out fast enough walked off that job executive chef offers me another 25 cents hour to come back no thanks life is worth more than that my worst most awkward experience came from my favorite regular when i was waiting tables i had this black cowboy who used to come in every sunday after church for brunch usually with his wife but sometimes alone we would talk about horses rodeoing life and when he was alone women lol one sunday i didn't see him and he didn't come and for two more weeks after that on the fourth week i see him again and took him from the hostess and sat him myself at an open table in my section after i get his extra extra sweet tea and coffee set for him i asked where he had been and told him he better have a hell of a vacation to tell me about he dropped his eyes and softly mumbled that his wife had died my heart dropped and didn't know what to say my manager who knew him let me and another waiter he liked get off early and sit with him for his meal he didn't talk much but i could tell he appreciated just having someone sit with him seeing the pain that he felt really put a lot into perspective for me and made me appreciate my own relationship so much more i lost contact with him after i moved away to start my career but i really wish i could find him and talk to him again and let him know what an impact he had on my life [Music] as a bartender once i experienced what it is like for girls to be creeped on and now i have a whole new understanding of what it is like the guy who owned a gay bar in leeds one town over was talking to me my bar was empty and he was a small older gentleman who wouldn't stop saying how i'd be great there and that he would pay way more money also that at 11 everyone takes their tops off and at 12 their trousers too but only if you want to i was polite and all that but it was creepy when it came time for him to leave he went to shake my hand but then pulled it over and gave it the sloppiest kiss i could imagine ladies i'm so sorry for men jesus christ i felt actually violated and washed my hand for a good 10 minutes [Music] someone threatened to get me fired and called me an idiot because the sandwich she ordered on a shift i didn't work had onions on it not a waiter but went out with the ex and her family for her birthday dinner to an ethiopian restaurant her mom is the queen of passive aggressive and grilled the waitress for about half an hour nothing outright mean but like i said mistress of passive aggressive at one point the waitress starts screaming throws her notepad at us and quits on the spot she ended up coming back but wouldn't talk to the ex's mom we all left her an extra 20 tip each i did a stint at starbucks they put into the target i was working at had just graduated from my degree program and they offered to let me manage it it was good money of special note the just graduated bit graduated from college as had the person i was working with we made this woman's iced tea wrong i don't remember why it was stupid mistake but those happen it would have taken all of 30 seconds to remake it she threw it back across the counter literally threw it turned to her daughter and said in the most preppy itchy never worked a day in her life soccer mom trophy wife voice see this is why we finish high school being the manager i refused her any further service she thought she had be by the short hairs when she went to get the target store manager but when a ton of other customers backed up my story she was removed from target [Music] one time at my family's barbecue shop a woman asked me my nationality she really meant my race so i just told her i was black and white she made the biggest stank face and then said oh whatever makes you happy i guess i didn't get a tip but she did write deuteronomy on the paper wish i were religious enough to know what she meant worked at a very popular chain wing place you all know it 24 top to myself with other tables in my section all separate checks all mostly cash which needed change and all trying to pay at the same time during this frantic moment of me hustling to make change in swipe cards i have at least four of these mother duckers trying to sneak out the front door i saw them slammed down everything in my hands and chased them all the way to their cars i confronted one of the girls as she rolled her window up while yelling duckwich and peeling out of the parking lot forget the rest of them i went back in mind you no support from fellow staff here i get back into the rest of the people impatiently waiting for me and some of them trying to tell me they already paid me when i know they didn't i was so gd angry that night i vowed to never put myself through that for so little again so i quit i love my job now a group of 10 came in for a birthday to have drinks and sing karaoke i start going around the table asking what each person would like and i get to princess she asks me for a drink menu i tell her i have a beer list but not a cocktail menu it's a dive bar she asks about pineapple drinks i tell her we could do rum and pineapple a pineapple upside down drink etc so she's asking her friend no that's not it what did i have that one time that i loved so two more tables sit while i'm trying to take her order so i'm just trying to speed it along i tell her we make pineapple margaritas and blended she just kept asking oh what other things with pineapple so i tell her you can pretty much make your own drink what kind of liquor do you want she took that as me saying to go back and make her own drink so i backtrack and say what i mean is we can start with a liquor and add pineapple and whatever other fruit or liquids you want she finally just gets a pineapple upside down drink so the night goes by everyone in her group is super chill we are having a great time and she's just got daggers on me the entire time they finally cash out i give her her bill which is five dollars and one cent because of weird tax it's cash only i ask if anyone needs change everyone says they're good in leaves i go look at her ticket and she left me a five dollar bill nothing else normally i wouldn't even print checks and just save five dollars i don't know why after 12 years of serving and bartending this sticks out to me anyway if you princess and your dumb pineapple drinks no wonder you are the only single one at the table you owe me a penny a couple ordered food when i brought it over to them the guy had his hand up the woman's skirt i was 16 and too shy to say anything so i awkwardly put the food down and dashed away as quickly as i could at the end of the meal the ducker shook my hand then laughed i assumed because he knew what he'd been doing and he knew i knew what he'd been doing i washed my hands then pulled a sickie and went home edit i didn't shake his hand by choice i had to give him his change after he paid when my hand was out he grabbed it and wouldn't let go you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 7,371
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: UnJTiwmYpEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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