What is the quickest way you've seen someone f*ck their life up? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the quickest way you've seen someone fck their life up I worked in medical in our county jail there was a 27 year old pharmacist who had just been sentenced to prison for killing someone on his third DUI the guy was handsome and soft-spoken he knew he wasn't going to make it in prison he got two years which is the minimum for a third DUI MTX idk how long he served because this was ten years ago but yes I agree it is about connections he should have received a longer sentence the family of the man he killed does not get their love back when he is released from prison people in my high school who drove like idiots and got themselves killed some of them were drunk but even when they were sober they did stupid sh t on the road one guy got impatient and tried to pass a car and plowed into oncoming traffic and died I remember on the way to a senior skip day celebration I struggled to keep up with everyone else because they were all doing 100 in a 60 mile per hour zone one girl got plastered and wrapped her car around a tree one guy fell out of a car because he was drunk and fooling around and every f king time people shed tears and asked why do the good die young as if it isn't going to happen to one of the other dozens of idiots driving like jackass is a few months later last year a guy that my dad worked with decided to download child porn on a US Postal Service computer this guy was in his 60s had a wife and was generally living the old person life with financial freedom he got arrested and his wife had no access to anything because he had everything in his name lawyer wouldn't cooperate with her I've never seen two peoples lifes destroyed so quickly actually make it three Plus calls he had videos of him and a kid this kid I know his cousin gave him a gun over the holidays as a present so this dumb bus ordered pizza with his friends and instead of paying they robbed the delivery guy again this is after they gave the address and name for the order so now because he just turned 18 he's being tried as an adult and faces like 10 years or more for being stupid I was part of a group of kids from a shitty neighborhood that got a full ride scholarship to college free MacBook Pros and room and board paid for four years needless to say crazy opportunity right well during the summer meetup right before we all went off to our separate colleges three members of the group went across the street and started smoking a joint and were immediately caught by administration they had to call their parents that day and tell them they lost everything in a couple minutes friend of mine decided it was a great idea to just drop out of high school 2-3 months prior to graduation she was already barely attending school and doing some stupid [ __ ] such as sucking her dad's friend off for drugs her parents encouraged her to drop out and believe their daughter to be God's little angel who could do no wrong rumor has it she is now into cocaine coma her parents encouraged her to drop out and believe their daughter to be God's little angel who could do no wrong some pretty legit parenting ver had a friend with a good job going to trade school to move up absolutely lose his sh t in a drunken stupor and beat another friend of mine with a baseball bat and then shot him and his ex-girlfriend him in the face and her in the leg telling her I want you to remember this forever it's especially sad because they were best friends and him and his ex weren't screwing around like he thought motivating the shooting and him and his ex had a baby together who was present during the shooting it was a horrifying situation and he knew it didn't even try to run from the cops and is rotting in jail as we speak this is late so it'll likely get buried but oh well e typos in high school the top basketball player on our team and in the region was getting all kinds of attention from colleges across the country he probably had a dozen or so colleges he could pick from that was offering him full scholarships then he got caught in an undercover drug bust on campus lost every single offer he lost his future over a couple bags of pot eventually paid his way into one college somewhere in the country and faded into obscurity a former colleague of mine in grad school admitted she had slept with a professor at her undergrad institution to get second author on several of his papers during grad school she then tried to proposition a faculty member with the same arrangement he went directly to the department chair and Dean she was fired as his mentee and other faculty members would not work with her she now has a job in an ethics office at a different University she also convinced her boyfriend who was in the same program to drop out of grad school to follow her we were about 17 and me and my friends went to a beach house for summer well there was a cliff not so big one should be around five meters high and one of my friends decided to run and jump without check how deep the sea was long story short I had a lot of rocks and he broke his back he didn't f-ck his life but lost both his legs my college run mate hit a patch of wet leaves on his motorcycle and hit the curb the bike flipped and hit him in the chest when the cops arrived he was disoriented and bruised but otherwise okay the cops thought he was drunk and took him in in the drunk tank he complained that he couldn't breathe the nurse looked him over and said he was fine later he collapsed sinned his cell the cops woke him up handcuffed him and drove him to the hospital when they got there he was dead punctured lung suffocated he was 23 and a senior at a very good college he worked full-time and paid his own way he was funny and kind and empathetic he was supposed to be someone important you'd think over time I would miss him less but as I get older I just think of who he would be as an older person as a parent I think of the wonderful kids denied a chance to exist because of the stupidity of multiple officers and it surprises me the visceral primal sadness I still feel about his loss the course of a weekend he met a girl at a party on Friday put in his resignation at work and sent an email to his advisor he was giving up his grad program on Saturday and moved across the continent with a girl he met by Monday morning last time I heard about him his friends gathered money to fly his homeless ass home two years later and he's been jobless and crashing on people's couches ever since ex-coworker with a fairly average background row through the ranks and went from a guy making an average income to $100.00 K in a matter of three or so years very frugal tons of savings nice apartment nice car had a super cute girlfriend one day I contacted him out of the blue no response I kept trying with no luck months later his girlfriend finally calls me and says basically he's currently in jail but wouldn't tell me why eventually I looked him up on the county court site and saw that he was in for statutory a pair of his nine year-old female cousin the charges included sodomy under threat of violence or something like that in pretrial the prosecutor had the little cousin testify that he ruined her life his lawyer convinced him to take a plea deal for a 14 year sentence instead of going to trial where if he loses it would have been a life sentence he was around 30 at the time of getting locked up this guy was one of the most tech-savvy guys I knew had the latest and greatest gaming consoles electronics etc his girlfriend left him soon after all his savings wiped out he's now locked up six hours from any family his poor mother has to drive that far to visit his ass I visited once but decided I didn't really want to make so much effort with a guy that was accused of such a heinous crime against a child I don't even know where to begin with this one I've seen both colleagues and criminals screw up their lives in epic ways to make it less depressing allow me to phrase it as appropriate clickbait titles Florida man ruins career by attempting to murder elderly sugar mama after she revealed probably used her credit card accounts Florida woman blames lack of career Alabama decides to live with parents and have five children to make money Florida team gets kicked out of Sunday school for being disruptive decides to go to prison on felony charges after slashing tires of entire church parking lot those are the top three I can think of there was a kid we'll call him Jerry I went to school with who I thought was a perfectly nice guy Jerry was kind of known as the flamboyant gay kid in my school he was good at school had lots of friends was well known in the community and had just recently been accepted to an extremely good college just a few weeks ago Jerry went to a party and intentionally got a 17 year old kid so drunk and high that he passed out once the kid fell asleep this guy raped him and took pictures of the entire process while making faces and peace signs at the camera the kid freaked out when he woke up and realized what happened the police were immediately called the police took Mary's DNA and phone for evidence and quickly found over 150 nude pictures of underage boys from our local high school and all of the pictures of Jerry raping this poor kid at a party Jerry is only 18 and now faces charges for our pay of an unconscious victim our pay of a minor possession of child pornography and multiple cases of sexual assault right now it looks like he will serve a minimum of five years in prison but it is likely to be more Edit apparently more our pay victims have recently stepped forward so he may be even more f ked than he was before watched a drunk college guy this is back when I was in high school say hey kid want to see something cool , grabbed a pipe and smashed the back of a police officers head in we help the officers part in a tackle a guy dude got prison for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder as well as assaulting an officer [ __ ] went from let's go home to life his F carat eel quick I had a friend that sold weed in high school just to look cool ended up getting into it a little too far when he was a senior 18 he got busted with a few pounds of weed went to jail for a little bit for that once he was out though he was on probation and just could never keep his sh t together after that he kept getting petty charge after petty charge 'land was in and out of jail for the silliest things for years after this girl in my town was 17 when she at 8 a.m. ran over and killed a biker on her way to work because she was drunk and high she was tried as an adult but due to her connections in town got a grossly light sentence however if I was her I know that I would be depressed and likely suicidal for the rest of my life regardless of my sentence knowing I had killed a father and husband because of my own stupidity edit I want to clarify that she hit killed a man on a bicycle not a motorcycle not that it really makes a difference but just to clarify a guy in my high school this was eight years ago killed another student because the girlfriend of the former sucked the D CK of the latter backed his pickup truck into him and crushed him against a wall my first thought was why run the guy over and not the person who just cheated on you anyway he was 18 they proved it was premeditated it's been 20 years and he's still in prison my ex-wife had four beautiful kids two girls twin boys decent job and an MBA with way more earning potential then she was at had bariatric surgery got obsessed with the attention she received from losing weight Instagram et Cie met some guy on this game she played cheated tried to make it work my fault for not ending it went on a trip for work met some other guy fell in love meth and heroin landed a surprisingly great job got fired two months later for not performing and being late sick all the time double deposited her paychecks at least twice now she's awaiting trial for for felonies presumably still doing drugs and has no right to see the kids because I refused to let them see her around that [ __ ] she makes no effort to see them and blames everyone else for her problems don't do drugs kits or be a self-obsessed either victim a girl from my school posted a video on Facebook of her doing vastly inappropriate things with a dog apparently she'd been forced into it by an uncle it was deleted the day it was posted but everyone saw it and she now goes by a new name also a guy from school at 19 stabbed a thirteen-year-old boy in a cemetery over a girl not far away from where I live the guy was a ref king tank and a boolean to tell you the truth I had always thought he had a rape-murder vibe edit people keep asking what's name she goes by now so I'll clarify that she's changed her name and moved somewhere else I didn't mean she's got to nickname that she goes by but I bet she did have a lot of nicknames also this happened in Carlisle UK not me but a friend was an AP Chenin they were working with some sodium something and his classmates snorted it as a cocaine joke he was rushed to the ER in now his risk for nasal and lung cancer is through the roof his predicted life span is like mid-30s maybe early forties now and it was all for a shitty drug reference there was this kid in my high school short program who was at the top of his class super smart and one of those people you know would succeed in anything they wanted well when it came to time to choose the leadership for the following year the teachers overlooked him and didn't choose him for a high position in the program after that he started doing drugs skipping class and his grades went down quick he ended up not graduating high school going to jail a couple of times and it's sad because he was someone that I looked up to since he was older than me at a party with a friend I didn't know her friends well someone offers us heroin and I want to leave she on the other hand has a crush on the guy and wants to stay she assures me she isn't interest in trying it I try to talk her out of it and to just lead with me but no plus I'm starting to get T for being lame and I want out the last thing she said to me before I left was you're f king drag and a terrible friend I told her if worrying for her and my safety made me a drag and a bad friend that I was okay with it she died that night so did he batch was laced with fentanyl and they both Oded edit lots of comments thank you all I am NOT okay that those were our last words exchanged I will always feel there was more I could have done the same way I feel that pang when I see a homeless person or there is some horrible tragedy just part of the emotions of life I know I had our best interests at heart and simply didn't have the life experience to know how to handle it past what I did I did pretty well considering that I am okay now this was almost 10 years ago and I've been through counseling and no it was not my fault it's just never ever going to be a situation I can feel totally at peace about and that's okay to some things just suck watching a friend sign up for six hundred and twenty dollars car payments over a 72 month loan not necessarily [ __ ] up their life but definitely hasn't felt comfortable for the last two five years friend of a friend just did something similar a 650 a month for five years he's 22 in the Navy and can't even drive yet my brother told me about how in the US Army at least soldiers have to undergo a financial counseling class at the end of boot camp because they are about to get a check for three months of back pay from boot camp he said about three strokes four guys blew it within a few weeks on new cars engagement rings so many guys proposed at the boot camp graduation without a ring I swear there were so many girls who dressed way up expecting to get proposed to massive TVs etc the fastest way is ked my life up was drugs I got in a bad car accident in 2014 and had a bunch of surgeries and spent five months in the hospital afterwards I was an opiate addicted mess who eventually developed PTSD and was prescribed enough alprazolam to effectively erase about a year of my life I've somehow managed to zombie my way through college and I gradual dismay my GPA sucks and I don't know if I'll be able to get in the nursing program at M u.s.c I've been sober for a month now and it felt like getting kicked by a whole football team for the first two weeks I laid in a fetal position on the couch and watched ten seasons of cheers on Netflix eight crackers and ginger ale and am somehow still alive edit thanks for all the support I really appreciate it it helps knowing other people had it worse and everything worked out for them I put an OPM directive and with my primary care doctor to stay on the safe side edit - thanks for the gold stranger I'll pass it on when I was in college I had a job at a local supermarket one of my colleagues left at the beginning of summer as she was headed to uni in the autumn next thing I know she's in the papers because she was driving a car whilst someone was car surfing on it and the guy died saw her in the shop a couple weeks after it happened and she looked a mess I believe she went to prison but not sure how long for in high school a friend's brother died car surfing a lot of the why did this happen and he was taken too soon stuff went around for a while I don't get how anybody can figure car surfing is smart a few months ago I had a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to try crack with him I was busy so I politely declined he now has three different dealers calling up at the job looking for money he's totaled two cars only one of which was his everyone hates him now because he's always begging for money and lying to everyone and his mother had him locked up for stealing from her house been watching this dude ruin his life for the past few months and he won't listen to anyone when we tell him it's obvious his addiction is causing it my cousin's husband got into a drunken fight outside a bar and punched the other guy pretty hard other guy fell hit his head on the curb and died cousins husband is now in jail she took their kids and got remarried what makes it even worse is that the new husband is a total jackass so not only did those kids lose their dad they're now stuck with a D CK for a stepdad II yes I get it this is similar to Conair a guy I know 17 years old thought it was funny to post fake threats on the app jodel thinking it will be taken seriously I have a Glock that's loaded in my backpack come to school tomorrow etc police swarmed the school and they eventually found out who it was that wrote the threats a friend of mine shot and killed a cab driver in short the story goes friend went to a party and left keys and wallet in a bag the bag was stolen at the party since keys were stolen he needed a cab ride home and agreed to pay the cab driver with cash upon arrival of his destination turns out he didn't have the cash required so the next reasonable step is to obviously take the cab drivers life to paint a better picture my friend was a pretty positive and stellar individual held many academic merits well educated intelligent great family and friends and employed in a well respected career field especially for his age it just blows my mind how someone can conclude killing someone is a good idea or even an option had a girlfriend that I really loved we were together for about a year and a half she wanted to drop out of school and I put a lot of pressure on her not to do such a dumb thing one day she decides to leave me and run off with a meth head she ended up dropping out got hooked on drugs getting pregnant got married in that order eventually she lost her kids to the state her life really went to [ __ ] there was a certain satisfaction there especially since her mother hated me and did all she could to keep us apart and the fact that I ended up really doing well in my career I used to work part-time in a betting shop which was conveniently located right next to a cash point we didn't take card one of our regular customers came in and put you acute 200 into the foot machine to play the slots ok nothing new but then 30 minutes down the line and you acute 5,000 later she breaks down crying and begs us to give her the money back as it was all she had left from her recently deceased mother I introduced one of my college run mates to Age of Empires III in 1999 big mistake the guy would get up at 2 p.m. play until four strokes five arm this would happen every day he would skip all his classes and only go out to get food supplies he would work on all his strategies and joined the REA OE clan he flunked out of school and never returned it was sad because he was so smart addiction has many forms I was in the Special Forces made it course several years ago ago we had a talented kid who was riding his motorcycle without a helmet and ran into the back of a minivan that stopped abruptly it was a low-speed collision but his brain damage was extensive he went from performing surgery in the field to not knowing who he was or how to hold a ball all of this because of the ref King stupid motorcycle culture wear a full face helmet isn't cool I know a kid who is in jail for life because he sold someone a fentanyl patch at a party and the person he sold it to never woke up they died in their sleep due to an overdose and not even five six hours later the police were looking for him I also mentioned in a previous post a few weeks back that I grew up went to the same school with someone who was having a normal night dancing around drunk and fell off of the ledge curb they were dancing on and broke their neck or something like that and it made them paralyzed from the neck down bonus I was told by my gf and parent who work together that a co-worker got fired last week for talking sh t about people on her FB she was done before the day was through and had probably had her post up for maybe half a day before they let her go not as quick as sim but from where I live that's absurd ly fast for something like a FB post back a few years ago this [ __ ] I know gave up a good home a steady job and some of his closest friendships or to go move to another state where the girl he had known for all of two months she left him a month and a half later or so and after he went crying home to his parents he had trouble getting a good job and was hospitalized for a bit for trying to kill himself man was I are dumb bus back then luckily it all worked out in the end and I'm quite happy now I randomly checked up on a guy I went to school with on Facebook a year or so ago and so he was friends with and was moderating for in the little would youtuber of yogscast Fame he was a nice moderately attractive guy who was really good at finger style guitar and did some really nice pencil sketches last year I was on Facebook and saw a post from my local newspaper saying that he'd been arrested for possession of indecent photographs of children 80 making indecent photographs of children 908 possession of extreme pornographic images 3 possession of a prohibited image of a child one and two counts of inciting girls age 13 - 15 to engage in sexual activity double quote you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Id: U_oiJreYh38
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Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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