What is your "wrong place at the wrong time" story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is your wrong place at the wrong time story my school takes kids on trips around the world for March Break guess who happened to be in Japan for that big earthquake tsunami a few years back a group of Canadian teenage and teachers one teacher that was there all the students probably in college now tells of when they were in a bus when the quake hit and the driver was webbing left and right a little which they thought was a joke they were laughing until they noticed the skyscrapers flailing about apparently the Japanese were running up to them in the street mid quake to apologize for the earthquake as well I once almost got kicked out of high school I was at my physics Club meeting it ran late and I was heading to the car some girl pops out of the room just as I walked by startling me I jumped a bit and gasped kept moving next day called to the principal's office I was accused of gaius videotaping girls changing now being 17 at a time I would have loved to have at magical video but alas it was 2002 and no one had any such recording device and no tape I was still made to serve a week's suspension due to how this looked double quote it was private Catholic school nothing at all could be done ever about anything there are no rules or justice in those schools unless you are popular or have money I was just about to head home after a night out in London so I was casually standing at the coat-check waiting my turn however I happened to be standing at the coat-check when a guy was being thrown out of the club this guy happened to be a little crazy because as he went past me he grabbed my shoulder went to headbutt me and at the same time bits a chunk out of my lip I ended up needing plastic surgery on my lip and about five years on I still have no feeling in that part of my lip a few years ago my girlfriend and I had just moved into a new apartment in a really nice area about two months later we had a brick thrown through a back window but assumed that was some neighborhood kid being a douche a few days after that we had six guys with guns break into the unit while we were there pistol-whipped us and took most of our electronics ctc they robbed the place because the previous tenant was a drug dealer who apparently open a bunch of money and they didn't get the memo that he had skipped town damn that scary I worked with a guy who robbed drug dealers not only would he rob him he would f ck veshti up and he told me that one time he actually took a sh t on someone's record player the guy did 12 years in the old Montana State Prison during my freshman year of high school there was a huge food fight and a ton of actual fighting that happened just to give you an idea of how bad it was a newspaper for the Southern California area wrote an article calling them riots and said they were over the election neither of those were true but we had a lot of police on campus and they shortened our passing period to about two minutes during the big food fight my ass was just trying to get away from everything that is until some are sold decided to throw a rock the size of a baseball at my back I had a huge welt on my back for about a year and then some our sole teacher tried to give me detention for participating in the food fight since when is a rock food I was at a party the other night and one of the guys there told me this story his dad decided to backpack from England to Thailand in 1979 by late December 1979 he had made it roughly halfway to his destination which put him in Afghanistan on the morning of the 24th of December 1979 he and his friends got up and were planning to do some rock climbing they got in the jeep of a guy that they paid to bring them out to rock climb when they got in he told them that they weren't going rock climbing that day and instead he was heading for Pakistan and they could join him if they wanted to why the sudden change of plans the 24th of December 1979 is the day that the Soviets invaded Afghanistan this guy's father has pictures of him standing on a hill with a few dozen or so Soviet tanks in the field below him edit I haven't got the pictures as I said in the beginning of the post this story was told to me by a guy that I randomly met at a party and will probably never see speak to again I don't know his last name or how to get a hold of him so unfortunately this story is all that we've got this happened to a co-worker's son he was outside smoking a cigarette and apparently there was a police chase going on that he didn't know about the police dog jumped over the fence into his backyard and attacked him really messed up his arm from what I understand the cops end up throwing him in the police car after realizing that they had the wrong guy they let him go and literally told him well maybe you should have stayed inside he's currently going through a lawsuit with them and is probably going to get a big settlement because they never even filed a police report or anything when I was somewhere around 25 a few of my friends and myself spent a week in Daytona Beach and had a great time driving back to NY somewhere in northern Georgia we decide to grab some food in a truck stop after our greasy burgers and fries we exited the diner and was heading across the parking lot we came upon two men nervously transferring stacks of cash from the trunk of one car to another both men had handguns Holstead beneath their jackets and as they noticed us noticing them one of the men made a quick movements to grab his pistol but the other man stopped him and they just ceased what they were doing and stared quite intently at us if there was ever a wrong place at the wrong time this was it all of us acted as if we were oblivious to the men's actions but we and when I say we I mean everyone the two men included knew better we quickly made our way to our car and left for the next force Sowers none of us in the car said a word my neck was sore as hell from craning it back and forth constantly scanning for their car which I visualized speeding up along next to us as we traveled down the highway we never saw them in again finally a place to share this when I was in kindergarten I went to a daycare and it was brutal every man for himself one day we got let out to recess and I still young and innocent sat and the grass right in front of the back door we got out of the school by the teacher sat down in front of me about 20 feet away by the mulch pin to watch the other kids and I was just relaxing in the Sun when I see some scissors fly over my shoulder and land a few feet to the side of the teacher in her chair now there were some kids around me and one of em through it but she turned around to them all playing and my dumb young self staring at her she assumed it was me and made me to inside and sit with the principal for the rest of our thirty minutes recess now I didn't give her f-ck because I was a thug anyway but I did it ternal II resent that lady for the rest of my childhood from not completing a proper investigation I told her that I didn't do it and she didn't believe me what type of a world do we live in that you can't even trust your kindergarten teachers but I guess I can understand I kind of feel bad for hating her all that time when I can understand now wherever you are out there M's linda f ck you a little less today driving down a three lane street in el salvador i was in the middle lane as i come around a curve there is a police truck parked with seven heavily armed cops jumping out to go for a raid in a ghetto the police are in the left lane and there is too much traffic and the right lane to change lanes the cop in the passenger side opens his door without looking and I slam on the brakes to avoid killing him my windows were too tinted so he couldn't see me and all he knows is that there is an SUV parked a meter away as he is about to do a dangerous raid needless to say I was looking down the barrel of an assault rifle very quickly I was playing in the street with some friends in high school one friend was having a gay old late I'm kicking his shoes off to see how far they would go well mr soccer man decided to kick it low and hard in my general direction promptly nailing me directly in the nuts I rolled around on the ground for quite a while writhing in pain bonus sitting on my porch minding my own business when I was younger elementary school while my step dad and brother practice pitching a baseball well one thing led to another and the ball rolls off of his finger weird and the ball hits me right in the nuts several years ago buying coke Arena in Amsterdam was pretty sly about it or so I thought bought it then a few seconds later a cop came up and asked me if I just bought drugs the bag was still in my hand so I slyly tossed it into the gutter behind me I was beside myself I told the cop I was going to buy some but change my mind I became very apologetic and said I was from America and thought all drugs were legal in the Netherlands he was very nice and let me off with a warning and a lecture went back a half hour later and grabbed the bag from the gutter law tea coke wasn't worth the risk back in my stupid days one of my dad's friends was at a party and the cops showed up he was facing the other way and he fit the description of someone had robbed a house earlier that day so the cop told him to hold his hands up and not move so even before my dad's friend turned around so the cop could verify that he was a suspect the cop took out his baton and hit him and broke his hand and wrestled him to the ground then found out he wasn't the guy pretty shitty situation of wrong place wrong time was at the camping area of a large outdoor music festival started throwing a football around with my friend in the passages between the clusters of tents ball missed me and went into a semi-open party tent I go in after it only to find it between some huge guys covered in white powder with my ball in the middle next to an empty clip bag it was coke I am only a live dealer dealer being close by and didn't what the attention as he sold a lot on the festival he gave them more for free basically a little late but screw it I hardly ever post a friend and I was smoking in his car when he mentioned a name and asked if I knew it I said no but asked who it was apparently it was his old friend who died in a car crash he was driving in his convertible on the freeway with his friend in passenger and his mom in back in the carpool lane then out of nowhere from the other end of the freeway a giant tire flew off a semi and hit the driver's side of his car he was killed on impact but his friend and mom were fine his mom said I was putting pieces of my son's face back together thinking it would work and his friend in the car said that if he was one second faster or one second slower everything would be different if he had lost his keys and found them five seconds later or picked up a stray nickel on the ground he would have been fine that really made stoned me think about [ __ ] one of my friends was finishing year 12 last year of high school in Australia and had his muck up day which involves a scavenger hunt where you complete tusks for points 50 points for stealing a local sign et Cie he came over to my house at about 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon to borrow a balaclava as he needed it for one of the tasks I walked out of my house to meet him on the road wearing the balaclava as I thought it would be funny I spoke to him for about a minute while wearing it then handed it over around then I noticed a family a few doors up from my house staring and pointing at us I am a fairly shy person so I said CR later and walked inside a few minutes later my dad pulled up at home he is a real estate agent and told me that some people staying in units he rents out house was robbed about 10 minutes ago him they saw someone in a balaclava walking around the front of our house a few phones a laptop and some handbags got stolen and I had to walk up the road and explain the situation to the people I still don't think they fully believed but I didn't do it either because they were so shocked at being robbed in the broad daylight no one will probably see this because it's an old thread and I wasted like ten minutes you took a different route home one day to pick up my car because I got drunk the previous night and left my car in a parking lot ended up crossing paths with a group of close friends and stayed there for a while tragedy ensued as a construction crumbled down upon us injuring two and killing three I was unharmed but had my back turned and didn't even see it happen when I turned around I saw it had crumbled literally two inches from my feet to this day I still don't know if me being there made us stay longer in that particular place worst day of my life I went to the wrong classroom on the first day in high school when I realized about two minutes in I raised my hand my hand stayed up for way too long after the teacher noticed me I had to keep switching hands and she kept giving me glaring looks when she finally decided to give him and call on me I told her I was in the wrong class she said too bad I couldn't leave halfway through so I had to stay for the rest of the period and miss the entirety of my real first class [ __ ] I still kicked myself that I was shy and not bold enough to just leave my school has a housing option where you live in small cabins on a nearby lake also at this location there are several outdoor classrooms in the fire pit I was living in town in the summer between school years with a friend who was moving into these cabins that year the week before the semester started we decided to drive out there to check out the cabin we forgot that one of the lunch ladies lives at a house on site year round and has a hot tub as we pull up she doesn't notice us jumps out of the hot tub wearing nothing squats and starts peeing after sitting there for a second we slowly started backing out to this day I can't make eye contact with her when I go to eat at the school after a long night of drinking at the bars I stumbled back to my dorm somewhere on this journey i f ked up my hand like I needed sticks bad being drunk I didn't even notice I was a stumbling bloody mess so I decided I should keep the night going with my friends who live in the dorm next door now the best way to drunkenly enter a room is to kick open the door and yell freeze with your finger gun drawn like I always do but it just so happens the police were in their room giving my friends a citation for weed they didn't even flinch and casually asked where I live I told them I'd be next door and almost sprinted out of there to my friend's dorm nearby surprised I didn't get shot or at least questioned I was playing baseball with a bunch of other kids in the neighborhood I hit the ball into the woods so I went to go get it after carefully stepping over a sh t ton of thorns I find it I leaned over to pick it up and as I grabbed it the bush in front of me starts shaking violently I freeze it shakes again then I hear my sister behind me I glanced back and see her in the middle of all of the thorns she whispers to run on the count of three she counts and on three we booked it out of there we burst out of the edge of the woods and yell for everyone to run no one has any idea what's going on but they all scatter of course my sister and I live farthest away I was pretty fast so I made it home and immediately tried telling my mum what happened but I was out of breath and when trouble explaining my sister finally makes it in the house she's not very fast and she has asthma I feel like an ass for leaving her behind but luckily whatever it was didn't follow her she starts telling my mom the same thing about shaking bushes my mom insists it was just a dog whatever was on the other side of that door SH was huge we knew it wasn't a dog I'm not sure if my mom actually believed that explanation or as she was just trying to calm us down about an hour later we get a call from a neighbor match he saw a bear and a cub in her yard now that I'm older I realize just how lucky I am because that could have gone very wrong locked in a jail cell with over 30 strangers in a town I wasn't from large concert many arrests I was drinking underage it turns out I am the spitting image of one of the local drug dealer gangster [ __ ] everyone and there was either talking to me like I was a rock star all wanted to kill me I tried to explain that I wasn't that guy and everyone just thought I was trying to hide my identity the story is much more bizarre than that but who the hell is even going to read this comment about a year before I realized I needed glasses I was at a school trip for a week the building was somehow built into a cliff with a Plaza leaning over it from which you could look into some of the windows now as I later found out some of those windows lead to the girls showers a group of friends were standing there gawking and shouting that we should all get over there many boys with smiles and then some girls with disgust on their faces were gathering there most guys realized what was going to happen and bolted me and my best friends were still there when the teacher came I got detention along with them for something I unfortunately didn't see and I still didn't realize I needed glasses yet a friend of mine told me this one it's more of a just barely not in the wrong place at the wrong time story back in the 70s his mom was a young woman working at a diner there was a guy who would come in on a regular basis super friendly good-looking guy always chatting with her and the other waitresses over time he apparently became as much a part of the place as any of the workers one night friend's mom's not feeling great she phones up a co-worker of hers to fill in for her and the co-worker agrees she goes in to cover for her and reportedly gets a ride home at the end of the night by their most charming regular next day she's gone no one hears from her and eventually she turns up dead turns out the charming guys Ted Bundy he'd been using the diner to pick out targets and Leo the young women they're away so he could well do his TED Gandhi thing had my friend's mom gone to work that night chances are she would have been the one getting a ride home from him and bam no more mom no more friend good thing she got sick I suppose when I was six it was bonfire night and I was meant to be asleep of course me and my twin brother was still awake watching the fireworks my mom came in and asked us if we wanted to go out we went to our next-door neighbor's house and stood outside we were having a really good time then one of the fireworks didn't explode it fell out the sky and bounced right off the pavement right next to my neck then exploded my neck was on fire and my mum rushed me into a shower it was crazy six months later I got out of hospital so many surgeries as well I'll still be getting surgery until I'm 18 or even older oh and my brother got PTSD or something like that it was [ __ ] I was first on the scene at a single-car drunk driving accident it was about 2:30 in the morning and I was heading over to a friend's to take a shower because my hot water heater broke the day before my friend had just gotten off of work which is why I was out so late as I was passing over a bridge I randomly see the sky laying facedown on the pavement I call 911 and let him know he's not alone he unfortunately died before they arrived apparently he was the passenger in her SUV and the driver had been going about 80 miles per hour when they hit the bridge he tried jumping out before it went off the bridge and the SUV had whipped around and hit him happened recently with a friend during the recent influx of refugees in Austria he's from India so quite often he gets confused as Middle Eastern he was on his way back home the supermarket when he needed to pee badly so he walked into a nearby bar as he was walking inside he noticed a commotion going on in there also there were quite a few cops going inside as he walked in turns out an Afghan refugee had swiped some lady's phone and was caught in the act by an onlooker he was refusing to give back the phone and kept insisting he didn't steal it so the cops were called in my friend unfazed by the commotion was emptying his bladder in the urinal when there was a knock on the door félicité so he got out immediately and they asked him for his identification papers he's a student there sir he produced his EU permit and the necessary documents despite doing this he was singled out in frisked in front of everyone when one of the victims friend said he wasn't anywhere near when the swipe happened they let him go but he was really disturbed by this they eventually found the phone hidden behind that refugee seat and he Afghani guy was handcuffed and taken away Edit grammar I used to play baseball back in high school when it would rain we would practice on the basketball courts in our gym my buddy and I are playing catch and at this point we're at opposite ends of the court throwing fairly hard as I release a throw I noticed the door behind my friend opening as it opens outward it pushes his arm forward causing him to narrowly miss the ball on the other side of that door was someone walking to the girls locker room holding a cake and balloons as it was her birthday the ball laser beam through the doorway and nailed this pool girl in the 4:8 she dropped sending the cake to the ground in the balloons to the roof of the gym she ended up being ok aside from having baseball semen prints on her head for the next few days summer 1998 we were in Washington DC on vacation checking out various monuments and whatnot Smithsonian Washington Monument Vietnam Memorial they had the White House open for people who wanted to check it out it was kind of cool one day we go to the Capitol building for a tour there's a big area with a lot of statues of notable people donated by the various states and that leads to another area and you can look down and see people entering the area with the statues we hear two or three loud bangs and assume the statues had fallen over somehow but people were f king panicking bellows hauling ass to get out of there some poor girl gets knocked down and dragged out of the way turns out some guy had run into the building and started shooting killing two officers before he was wounded got stuck there for hours I was only nine at the time so the severity of the situation didn't really register I kept asking my parents why we weren't allowed to leave my brother has autism he is also extremely overweight his weight and mental disabilities have handicapped his ability to clean himself after he uses the bathroom and sometimes you have to help him out so I'm in the living room and I see my brother run into the bathroom flapping his arms he thinks he is a bird this usually means he is about to sh t his brains out you are usually able to tell he is done when he stops his [ __ ] squeal which is this god-awful noise he makes as he passes his f king his large logs through his [ __ ] after the squealing stops I give him a minute and walk in to get the cleaning done I walk into the bathroom to do the chore but my brother insists that he can do it himself and that he made an invention all right I give him some space and I hear some grunting but that would be normal if you had to get through all your f king fat rolls to touch your ass so I walk in to check on him and I see that he has a quarter of the plunger handle up his [ __ ] he stares into my eyes and doesn't say a goddamn word he continues to put said handle up his ass while staring into my eyes he died of cancer two years later because of unrelated reasons guy got mugged in front of my house in Seattle used to be a rough neighborhood I was bent down behind a trash can a few feet away pulling weeds heard some scuffling and a struggle stood up because I was curious and saw an older guy on the ground with a younger guy kneeling on his back digging his wallet out of his pocket I happen to be holding mice shovel mugger looked up saw me looming over them with a huge shovel yelped sprang backwards crashed into a telephone pole bounced forward from it onto his face on the sidewalk while I watched just standing there holding my shovel he looked up at me terrified as if I done all of this to him and started apologizing I grunted said my f king street not yours f ck off dude scrambled backwards from me on all fours and ran off like I was shooting at him wrong place wrong time hilarious in retrospect but at the time I was just puzzled concerned and grumpy I was a pretty typical Midwestern nineteen year old guy I had a shitty job at a restaurant lived in a shitty house with some roommates party the usual while part of my usual was to ride my bike to and from work and I'd often stop by the river and smoke a Bela before I got home so I just completed this bowl smoking ritual and had adopted some high volume atmosphere on my headphones I was pedaling my bike down the sidewalk higher than giraffe [ __ ] basically staring as the Sid walk in front of me you know living the life I'm about three blocks from home and there is an intersection coming up so my attention shifts from the ten feet of sidewalk in front of me for the first time in blocks I look to my left and see some movement of bodies wearing black look to my right and see a line of cop cars and subsequently a line of cops guns drawn I was pedaling through the very start of a no-knock lethally armed SWAT supported raid my mouth opened just enough to show my surprise and immediate regret of the six cops on my right one just slowly shook his head and disbelief the others stared in all I didn't breath till I was out of the potential crossfire and didn't look back till I got home TLDR high as giraffe [ __ ] caught in a pig orgy [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 79,062
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: kNk0vE8Bbhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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