What is the best prank you have ever pulled? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the best prank you've ever pulled in college my roommates and I were friends with the girls across the hall we did have a prank war and this was our nuke one night we printed out a picture of the girl from The Exorcist and taped it to the outside of their window we went back to our room and waited we heard the scream through three sets of steel doors and our music five seconds later there was a knock at the door and one of the girls crying at us that we were all [ __ ] one year for April Fool's my wife got me good I got a letter in the mail from an attorney's office telling me that a girl I knew in high school was suing me for child support I didn't remember having a sex with her but I did a lot of partying back in the day so it was entirely possible I had and didn't remember so now I'm freaking out thinking I have a child I didn't know about I call my parents they're freaking out they tell my grandparents you see where this is going I contacted an attorney for myself started planning out if I was going to file for custody making arrangements to fly home to try and meet my child finally after my wife realizes it's getting out of hand she confesses and we both laugh our asses off ya know after I stood there in disbelief for about five minutes I was shocked because I couldn't figure out how she had pulled it off we didn't go to HS together and the girl I supposedly knocked up wasn't someone that anyone would have really known I was friends with not to mention that all the court documents looked 100% legit turns out she went through my yearbook and found a girl that had signed it so she knew we would have been acquaintances then she had her dad's attorney friend type up all the legal documents and have them notarized and signed at the courthouse so yeah she pretty much kicked my ass at April Fool's and I've spent the last 15 years plotting my revenge I watched my target go insane at their desk while they went to eat I took a screenshot of their desktop of course hiding their taskbar and moving their icons wasn't enough I inverted their mouse and set new key binds to their keyboard I noticed on the front of their tower they had a minion wireless card that looked like a wireless mouse adapter so I switched it with one and went back to my desk they returned sat down and reached for their Mouse I knew what was about to unfold they noticed right away that the mouse was off followed by a whopper trying to fix the mouse they went to the tusk bar clicking anxiously it never opened so they did the hard shutdown of the computer once they got back in they figured out that the time was the same as before and knew that something was off they successfully figured out my plan and got to the mouse settings but I wouldn't go down so easily right when they were about to click the apply button I flicked my wireless mouse this is when the night went from good to great 20 minutes in my flustered target began to crack they tried again and again to click that apply button but I wouldn't let them finally devoured by frustration my target gave in and screamed why would someone do this why am i dot I just giggled to myself they left work early I told my younger brother that if he continually drank water he would be able to pee continuously he of course believed me and started guzzling water that same morning he also decided to call into the radio station to win the prize or something and eventually got through because of all the water he had been drinking he suddenly had to pee not realizing that the radio hosts would be able to hear him he went to the bathroom to relieve himself as soon as his stream started the hosts asked what room he was in to which he responded the bathroom and they started laughing because they could clearly hear him peeing they played that clip on their promo for weeks I called my drunk friend pretending to be a girl he liked whispering in order that he wouldn't catch on giving some excuse he's not the sharpest spoke all manner of Filth and encourage him to visit her I realize this sounds weird and rappy but I know them both well and knew that nothing dodgy would happen he texts me telling me how he excited he was to be getting laid I was in stitches a couple of hours later I'm getting worried he definitely went to her place he was so keen anyway I call him the next morning he's in her bed they actually did it he'd got laid because of my prank result whn I was in high school I got a KY cut to my friend's car so every and W and then I break in and rearrange house C D s put more garbage in one towel my clean dirt random harmless sounds we stopped hanging out after house school but I still carried the prank and for three years just told him that the day laughed his ass off it was a lazy Sunday morning chilling with the wife down in the rec room and she lets up she wants that second cup of coffee I'm going up I'll get it for you hon so I go up to the kitchen pour her a big one and head back down with two mugs she likes really big mugs just before stepping into the room I set aside the full one and carefully make my way towards the couch all steeped in the aroma of coffee and acting as if it's a very full nug just as I am reaching out to hand it over I pull of a really good fake stumble such that it looks like she is going to get the whole thing splat in her lap you could say she was completely fooled it retrospect it was a little mean I laughed but felt like a real sheet almost immediately P not quite a prank but when I was doing on the road training for my cell I hit the biggest pathi lever on a state highway and was pulling off to the side of the road and my trainer woke up and yelled what the f ck was that I am my best fake terrified voice proclaimed that I think I had just killed someone he jumped into the passenger seat and told me to keep driving said we could be a few states way before we even needed fuel etc it was then that I realized dude had my back this was so simple but it was really funny in college we had a prank war with the guys across the hall one early morning we went into their suite and put a pair of guy work boots with jeans down inside the bathroom stall we stuffed the boots with newspaper for legs if you walked into the bathroom it definitely looked like a guy was in there taking a [ __ ] all day the boys had to find somewhere else to piss and [ __ ] it wasn't until very late at night that they realized all six of them were home when one went to use the bathroom he came back in the room and realized no one was missing they got all weirded out for a moment wondering who was [ __ ] in their bathroom all day it was fun to watch their reaction then the innocent prank war continued until their one doubter bag run eight took it too far stupid drunk [ __ ] thought that he could knock on our door and spray whoever answered with a fire extinguisher jackass didn't realize it would go every [ __ ] where it was awful we were cleaning white powder off of things for months and finally got a new futon when we got sick of sitting down and having white dust fly out we lived in a very small town where there was one convenience store and had closed at midnight our high school classmate worked there and would close a store one night we jacked up the rear end of his pickup truck and put blocks so that the tires were just barely touching the ground we parked where we could see his truck and waited he came out got in his truck and put it in drive but the truck wouldn't go well instead of looking under the truck and finding out it was just up on blocks he slammed the door and walked home we were laughing our asses off because he was so pissed off the best part is that once he got far enough away we took the truck back down off the blocks I chuckle every time I think about it put a fake ad on Kijiji with a picture of a random car and my friend cellphone number price was something ridiculous like $400 for a barely driven 2010 focus or something whatever it was it was a great deal well he started getting calls from all over the province at first he laughed it off but eventually it started getting to him he would open up to me about how depressing it was to get so many calls and none of them are your friends phone would ring in the middle of the night hundreds of text messages constantly deleting them after about a month he was driving to work got a call and threw his phone out of the window of his moving car went home and cancelled his cellular service by this point I had forgotten about it so I didn't think to tell him it was me until after he spent a few hundred on a new phone he punched me in the face but we laughed it off probably too late to get noticed but once my family and I were going on a camping boating tip I was driving one of the cars with my younger brother and my mom with my brother in the seat behind me during the whole four hours trip people who were passing me kept giving me a little wave at first I thought nothing of it just people being friendly till finally we were on i-80 in bum FC Cana where Nebraska when a fire truck passes me on my left and all the firefighters inside give me a very friendly wave I waved back of course and say out loud why the f ck is everyone waving at me double quote at this point everyone in the car burst out laughing turns out my brother from the backseat was waving at everyone we passed and no one said anything to me might have been a you had to be there moments but we all still laugh about it to this day this is probably lame by the standards of Reddit but I still get a chuckle out of it my brother was in college and a couple of days before he was set to come home for Thanksgiving we got a girl pika nice we already had a male PP niece named gizmo that my brother had picked out in the seventh grade somehow my mom had forgotten to tell him on the day of him coming home I found out he didn't know so as he was pulling into the driveway I rushed and put gizmo in a room so my brother wouldn't see him when my brother opened the front door the girl peek runs to the door and starts barking furiously because of course this was some stranger invading her space my brother starts flipping out and going gizmo what's wrong gizmo it's me he starts walking towards her and she starts growling and running away he tries to follow her still oblivious of the trick my brother actually starts getting upset and asking my mum what happened to gizmo and why does he hate him gizmo starts barking from the other room and my brother just has this look of WTF he walks down the hallway and you just hear this joyous gizmo good times were had by all both of our Peaks were fixed but the girl Moxie was around 7 at the time and gizmo was this extremely grizzled 12 year old with shorter hair so it was funny that my brother thought Moxie was the same dog back in high school we had a teacher who was kind of old and losing his hearing we put a half broken doorbell above the ceiling tile above his desk by broken I mean it was very quiet , the actual remote we brought into the classroom during class thought it would be funny to hear a doorbell in class the thing we didn't know was it was already so quiet and barely heard through the tile but you could still hear it the teacher was losing his hearing so he couldn't hear it that well but when he was at his desk we would ring it and he would kind of look around not sure if it was real or not so eventually when he heard it he would look around the classroom looking for pranksters so we kept the button in one of our socks and would click it with the other foot so he never saw anyone with the device in their hands he also never mentioned it for the sake of not sounding crazy so this continued for a year we would take turns with the button whoever had his class would take it my entire class knew about it and would try not to laugh when they heard it subtly go off then the bell finally died after a while TL DR used her doorbell to make a teacher think he was going slightly crazy my ex loved pro wrestling I hated wrestling he was also incredibly financially irresponsible so when tickets went up for sale he was broke I wound up agreeing to pay for the tickets to a wrestling event about an hour away from our home day of the event he pissed me off I forget what he did but it was really stupid and careless I think he had forgot to pay our phone bill and it got cut off he always did stupid sheet like that so right before we were supposed to leave I had the tickets in my purse but he didn't know that the tickets had been in the top drawer of our dresser he had just taken out the garbage and he went to get the tickets out of the dresser drawer but they were there I managed to convince him that I was so mad that I threw the tickets in the garbage so here he is freaking out digging through the dumpster to find our garbage bag with the tickets in it I let him dig for a little while then told him I still went to that stupid wrestling event in the ticket dumpster-diving made it enjoyable it was the dead of winter I lived in a house with seven other dudes the power had gone out for days due to a storm and everyone was out of the house but me the house had no central heating and no fireplace so we were all camped out in the living room that week I was expecting my best friend home from work so with the house empty I curled up in a sleeping bag and closed my eyes I put the corner of the sleeping bag over my face when my friend got home he called out for me and then found me laying there he tried waking me up first calling out and shaking me finally he pulled the sleeping bag from my face to reveal one I left peeled open he nearly sheet himself thinking I had froze to death law in high school I was late to a gathering so my friend egged my car after assuring him that I was in the wrong and he was right to do so I waited a week he had a hippie van from the 70s that he lived in from time to time because he really liked weed this van has a panel or two loose as those vans most often do so I went to the store and bought two whole dead fish frozen broken tot his car and hid the fish in a place I knew he would never look I waited three weeks and when he did come to school he would say things like my car kinda smells guys my stone of friends won't smoke and my van anymore cause it smells like bajina his word not mine he actually referred to vaginas this way and though they smelled like fish just naturally so one day someone asks him about him egging my car some time ago and he assured them that I had conceded claiming I was in the wrong the dude asked him if he was sure about that and that is when something clicked inside of the bastard he called me up since he hadn't been to school and forever jacket sure wanna tell me why my car smells like pajama where did you hit it you son of a [ __ ] and then I lost my sheet came clean and told him never egged my car or damaged my property ever again he cursed me because he had been living in that jalopy because his parents refused to let him smoke in his basement when I lived in New York City I called a friend and it went to voicemail I don't know where it came from but I said hey hope you're okay just saw the news bear attack in Queens stay safe double-quote I hung up then proceeded to call all of our mutual if he asks you about a bear attack just go along with it a few months later I finally caught up with him did they ever catch that bear double-quote he says no then turns to the group he is with and explains there was a bear attack in broad daylight etc I start laughing and confess I made it up apparently he was telling everybody and was trying to convince people it actually happened my roommate freshman year in college was a good guy but he used to piss me off occasionally he had left a bit of weed in his drawer so after Columbus Day weekend I got back to campus before him and decided to mess with him I switched doors with our hall mates so that when my roommate got back he wouldn't be able to punch in the passcode to open the door I then wrote up a fake letter from the Dean on campus letterhead my buddy had managed to find saying that police had raided the room and found his weed and that he was facing expulsion we left my buddy's phone number to call to set up a disciplinary hearing no one expected that his first call would be to his mom in tears to tell her what happened I still feel badly about that but we got him pretty good for most of 1999 my dad bought into all the hype about the y2k bug and believed all the computers were going to shut down and it was going to be mass chaos doom and gloom etc so he went a little nuts hoarding food and supplies and at one point was considering a bomb shelter so 16 year old me was pissed off that he would not let me celebrate New Year's with my friends because the whole family had to stay home to be safe for y2k to get back at him my brother sister and I planned to man all of the light switches and TV so that we could simultaneously turn everything off at the end of doc Clarke's midnight countdown it totally worked he just sat there darkness in his chair with this panicked look on his face we could barely contain ourselves so the lights came back on pretty fast my mum thought it was hysterical and my dad actually admitted that he was wrong about y2k and that we had gotten him pretty good this one time I played the funniest prank on my friend James when we were walking down the street I held his hand and he said what the f ck bro that's gay and then I kissed him on the lips you should have seen his face oh my god Hannah he must have been so embarrassed he kissed me back but wait this prank gets better then I sucked him off behind a dumpster it was the funniest prank I've ever done I love playing pranks on my friends on her good times so near the end of my senior year one of my good friends did an amazing April Fool's Day prank on my woodshop teacher bit of backstory my friend had taken woodshop for four years so he knew the teacher really well so on the morning of the first of April he goes in before school and asks to use a sword make a different friend some canvas frames for art class the teacher just nods and says no problem so he said suffered the chop saw right in front of the teachers office when he reaches down to grab his stock word however he also grabs a paper mash that he had made the night before and filled with a plastic bag of fake blood he hides as a fake hand in his sleeve says the teacher's name and brings the saw down on the fake hand blood sprays everywhere the teacher freaked and dragged him to his car to take him to the hospital when he pauses and says wait look dot and hold up the fake hand he was suspended for a while but it was great I was in on a prank one of my mates played on our friend so my friend JJ received quite a few phone calls one day asking to book a taxi a few weeks ago he just answered them all saying sorry he was fully booked up as it was the quickest way he could get rid of the callers the next day he got more and more and the following day it was pretty much non-stop as it was Halloween night so that night we were at a house party when Zed came up to JJ and says he has a present for him he opens his wallet and pulls out a business card for a company called JJ's taxis his reaction was priceless Zed had bought 250 of these cards and put them through all the letter boxes of the student village we live in JJ still receives a few calls a day a wireless doorbell placed in the ceiling of another teacher's classroom it was a cheap Chinese design with several ringtones we kept turning up the volume and changing the sound weekly we would walk by and ring it while he was teaching class he kept not finding it we started requesting songs on the announcements that might tip him off X ring my bell my doorbell finally we set it to play the Yellow Rose of Texas and requested Yellow Rose of Texas on the announcements we also moved it to corner of the room after six weeks of all this he finally found it a roommate of mine had a serious problem with coffee like the dude would chug the stuff all day he worked from home and at any given moment you could hear a pot of coffee brewing anyway he always stocked up on like four cans at once well I bought some decaf he'd crack open a fresh can into soon as he wasn't paying attention I dumped it in a ziploc and replace it with the decaf he actually started going through withdrawals after about a day of this he turned into a raging Arcel - and didn't realize why it was incredibly hard for me to contain my laughter after about a week of this he found my bags of his real coffee stuffed down in the bottom of our chest freezer he went absolute [ __ ] ballistic I've never seen someone so mad I legitimately thought he was going to beat the [ __ ] out of me then move out he calmed down after a few days but would get pissed every time it was brought up if we were out drinking with friends I'd suggest one of them mention the prank just to watch him chew into them I bought a scary witch's Halloween mask put a volleyball in it then tied his to a rope I then threw it over the roof of my house and lined it up with the second-story master bedroom bathroom window then I waited at about 2:00 a.m. my wife got up to use the bathroom I heard her shriek in horror a moment after she flipped on the bathroom light she scurried out of the bathroom and fell into the tub screaming I want to her and asked what was wrong she said there was a horrible face in the window I told her I'd check and peeked into the room then shook my head and said nope nothing there she got up and went to check for herself as soon as she saw the face again I screamed boo at her spent a couple days on the couch in new sx/4 months but it was worth it when I was around eight years old I had a best friend of my age whose parents were separated one summer her dad invited us both to her holiday house outside the city for a week which was super nice and a lot of fun but what we hadn't realized back then is that his new girlfriend who was a total [ __ ] was also coming along so one sunny morning at breakfast we decided that it was time for a little bit of toughening up for her since she would cut every trip short because of a minor personal inconvenience or a broken nail etc this was when I told her to close her eyes because we had a pleasant surprise waiting for her and we put mayo on to her forearms she shrieked and asked what we were doing we told her she sailed try our new sunscreen and she started rubbing her arms with mayo it was hilarious for us but not so much for her when she also started rubbing her face and putting 1 and 1 together oh god I actually feel kind of bad for this back in high school we used to always bring computer disks to school to play in the computer room at school I had an apple at home and there were nothing but apples at school so all I did was make copies for anyone that wanted to play a game and they would give me like 3 - 5 bucks again so the computer room was pretty full by the time this happened one day this [ __ ] kid comes in and wants to play so I give him a game to play he sat opposite of me as all the computers faced away from each other's in rows with the power cords all going to the middle of two tables I switched the monitors of mine and the one right across from me which was right next to his computer I knew a little basic back then so I made the screen flash to get his attention then I just started typing stuff and like the computer was talking to him he tried to type at first but was so slow I just told him I could hear him when he talked I [ __ ] with him for like 15 minutes and ended up getting him so mad he was screaming into the disk drives that he was going to beat the computers ass because it didn't have no arms the kid ended up getting kicked out of the computer room during lunch for causing such a scene I still feel kind of bad about it [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 48,406
Rating: 4.8479915 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: um5jqJqvKVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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