What is the longest you have waited for karma to kick in? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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today a racist man who used to torment me as a kid came into my business to ask for a job what was the longest he waited for karma to kick in I played football my freshman year of high school I went to a 90% black school that was a lot like high school high with Jon Lovitz I was of the baccalaureate program with all the other AP kids nerds Komal I am a nerd myself but seeing as I played sports my whole life I wasn't as awkward as the many super nerds around me this actually got me picked on a doubt cast by the Nerds I was trying so hard to be friends with meanwhile out on the football field I'd taken my lumps as the only white guy and white boy turns from a disrespectful name to my own nickname one day after school my nerd friends lied to me about a ride home missed my bus and filled the car up before I could get in then they all laughed at me as I walked away feeling horrible if the Nerds were mean to me I was screwed right about that time one of the guys on my team that also lived on my street called me over and asked if I needed a ride home I said [ __ ] you liar I hops in his candy orange box Chevy on 22s with the system bumping they even had a blunt going and as a white boy I might as well been hanging out with some real gangsters we slow rolled out of the parking lot smoking a blunt and watched as the super nerds tried to get their car started they never did and apparently was stranded at school for over an hour one of the sweetest moments of my life when I was 12 my dad left my mom and three kids left the country no word and no dime my mom raised us on just over minimum wage but nope not about him dad's outcome story is even better close bracket wearing the same clothes from age 12 - 15 I quick went from being a regular kid to the poor kid add on fact that I communicated with my dad via email at school in Swedish and addressing him at Kapaa led to four years of horrible treatment in middle school some days at lunch I only had some carrots some douche named Shawn called me carrot kid and for the next three years that became my name I was also skinny as all hell and easily picked on fast-forward to sophomore year of college I got a full ride academic scholarship and while in school I worked full-time as a software developer making bank in three years in the gym had put on 50 pounds of muscle I bought a new Eclipse 2005 and installed lambo doors myself D I was picking up my girlfriend for our one-year anniversary wearing my nice suit I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some flowers as I walk up to my car and swing open the door I hear the word Alex behind me I turn around and there is Shawn pushing carts I look him up and down slowly snicker and say hi Shawn he stared jaw drops and dropped the little remote for the cart kosher I turn around and drive off some people might feel bad about some horrible thing that happened to their abusive harasser karma is a [ __ ] I moved out of state when I was about 17 I still go back to visit my few close friends from elementary school on my most recent visit we went to a bar where some of the cool kids were hanging out to my surprise the cool guys were all fat and partially balding I walked by looking sexy as [ __ ] with all the smartness I could muster as they watched so many of those kids used to torment me all day at school and surround me at my locker at the end of the day telling me how short and ugly I was well ugly ducklings grow into sexy [ __ ] swans [ __ ] sorry I'm late guys a couple of years ago I ended a horrible relationship with an emotionally abusive serial cheater for two years I've helped support him put up with his an ability to get keep an erection and a whole mess of other [ __ ] three days later his best friend and girlfriend break up I move home he moves into his ex best friends girlfriends bed about a year later I learned that he knocked her up on its own this was sweet he was so terrified of having a baby he refused to have sex several times after I missed a period I have cystic ovaries this happens frequently and broke up with her when he found out but he didn't move out she was going to school and holding two jobs he quit his single job after we broke up after she miscarried Lee moved back in with his mother edited to add that he also had gotten really fat when I was little I was bullied a lot because you see I was a normal hide slightly overweight arab kid with a prosthetic leg now I was called sand n Gore ugly pimple-faced [ __ ] all of these horrible things some kids I wanted to fight but I could not bring myself to do it because I was taught to not fight unless you are defending yourself once on the bus a kid spat on me and I was so angry I smacked him on the head and he beaned to pull his eyes out so I said sorry and apologized over and over till he punched me in the head and unfortunately I did nothing then one of my best friends found some better friends and proceeded to call me fat when they were around then one day in the locker room one kid called me a legless freak which caused me to go and cry like I never had before I always used to hear girls say how ugly I was to now fast forward to high school I am sixteen six foot one and we'll be running a half marathon next year I am still a little heavier than I would like but I look rather muscular I still have acne but not as bad as before I have wonderful friends in just two days ago I had a really pretty girl that worked at a clothing store hit won the I am also very much into sports now like wrestling and I hope to become a police officer in the future now I am sorry if I rambled on this is my first post on reddit but the thing is I believe that I am now seceding because I never did wrong to others oh and my childhood bullies too are obese another is a [ __ ] and another is a criminal druggie anyways god I T feels good to get it off my chest I think that the day-to-day reminders that I got out of my small ass southern town and moved on to bigger and better things is enough karma in itself I was the chubby shy mixed half Indian half white kid in my small town and never really shined in high school after I graduated high school I grew five inches dropped 70 pounds got my bachelor's in engineering and moved to a city Facebook is a constant reminder of the fact that I conquered the small-town mentality I was forced to live in for so many years I don't talk to anyone from high school anymore but I do have some on Facebook seeing them get fat bald have kids [ __ ] jobs and although the horrible lives makes me happy that I have the gusto to fight it out I'm 23 now and have a beautiful apartment smoking hot and smart calm a girlfriend and an amazing job aerospace engineer for an international engineering firm life's good this girl in elementary school used to bully me then later I found out my best friend that I had just met had been bullied by her - fast forward four years when I'm a freshman in college I suddenly get a link to her porn sites by some classmates of mine turns out her and her [ __ ] buddy took a video of themselves bumping uglies and someone found the tape and posted it online it was blurry so I couldn't be too sure it was her by the face but she had a few tattoos that I recognized from her Facebook page I immediately sent the link off to my best friend oh it was so satisfying back in third grade being the coolest hack I was I had zero dress sense I always saw my dad where his spandex buy shorts out on rides and thought that they were pretty fly so one day I put them on for school and my dear mother bless her heart thought it was so cute and let me do it I remember this one kid No Name no face just that kid who made fun of me for them that did not sit well but I wasn't thinking of revenge I honestly wasn't thinking of much for than footie soccer back then the next Saturday when all the young kids had a football game with the dads I saw this kid next time he had the ball and I was near him I committed the most obvious and egregious foul I've committed I put my leg through his two legs ignoring the ball and shut him down he started to cry and I had to apologize serves him right those shorts were fly there was this guy back in elementary school I don't remember much of what he did except he used to bully me and my best friend back in elementary school we were small and well nerdy he left just before we started high school fast forward to university note in a different continent let alone country or city a friend asked me to meet up for coffee at this place downtown where the barrister is amazing dart so we went to the place and just before we ordered a coffee my friend mentioned actually the barrister used to live in your country dot sure enough one look was all it took to recognize that this barrister my friend was talking about was the guy who used to bully back over ten years ago I could have given in the hard time by being very specific with my orders and screaming about how bad the coffee was it wasn't but the sight of him serving me coffee was good enough for me it still amazes me even though I've seen it happen a million times what goes around truly comes around my short story my body was one of those mind-fucking guys who picks on you one minute when there's an audience then pretends to be your best friend when you're alone with him he'd do stuff like throw my book bag or hat out of bus window blindside pushed me into mud threatened to beat me up unless I apologize for something I didn't even do he pretty much made each day hell when he was sick and not in school it felt like such a relief after I got out of high school I lost contact with him and put him out of my mind about 20 years later I came back to my old stomping grounds to visit my mom I don't read the newspaper but by chance I picked it up and flipped through the local section the paper was three days old but I was bored my mouth suddenly dropped then grew to a soft grin then he was in the crime section mugshot and all busted again for DWI I can put the feeling into words let's just say it felt frigging fantastic I had a good friend in high school with an older brother the elder brother was your run-of-the-mill douchebag older grou he'd [ __ ] with me as constantly one day we were playing tackle football and I was getting the best of his elder brother a few plays I blew him away with Jukes and whatnot well one play where I wasn't even really involved he just runs full speed and blindsides me I saw bill and heard ringing for several minutes I was [ __ ] pissed when I got my wits about me and then all he had was more threats rather than apologies he got into a diving accident trying to show off to his friends they were seeing who could dive the furthest out from the diving board he went the farthest all right right into the shallow end and broke his neck now he's in a wheelchair I don't feel bad about it won't apologize because how he hit me that day it could be me when I was about six or seven this guy used to make my life hell clearest memory I have of it was him sitting on my back and smashing my head into the concrete I was quiet and bookish and this was enough to make him hate me it went on for a long time about ten years later his mother will call her Jenny committed suicide and he really went off the rails a while after that I was visiting my sick grandmother in hospital when I met him again he was standing outside dressed in a hospital gown in smoking a cigarette he asked why I was there and I told him I asked what he was in for and with a small smile he told me he was in the psychiatric ward we made small talk for another little while and then as I was walking away he called out to me pointing up at the sky he said ask Jenny for help she will take care of your gran she'll help you I didn't really know what to say I don't see him too often in real life that we're friends on Facebook now and we sometimes swap music links he seems to be doing okay for himself and is enrolled in a college course he enjoys pain the get pain sometimes not always but sometimes these bullies are pretty tormented themselves my [ __ ] of an English teacher in my 11th grade high school English class [ __ ] my entire life over in some strange way she basically accused me of plagiarizing a paper in class honest to god I did not do it she called me a liar to my face and ruined a lot of my life for a few good years she reported the incidents to the administration and she tried to make them take legal action but all I ended up getting with expulsion my school took this stuff really seriously in the long run it basically caused me to lose five or six scholarships that I really needed for college I ended up having to go to Community College nothing wrong with it but she basically killed any chance if I had had become a doctor childhood dream spent all of high school prepping for it come on I got most of my general stuff out of the way and I have a great job now giving out loans at a bank it pays well enough but I don't live any grand life and I am NOT a doctor on top of that most of my friends make fun of me fears about it one year after she accused me her husband cheated on her the year after I graduated she got fired for being drunk on the job about a month ago the best thing ever happened guess who walked into the bank and asked for an extension on the loans he just recently took out to pay for the house and guess who got the extension denied needless to say karma related or not it was one of the highlights of my life TL DR [ __ ] of a teacher messed up my chances at med school she got cheated on fired and now begged me to give her a loan for her house if a bank I work at two quick stories guy one thought he was a real big swinging dick my daddy is rich readers upper middle class and that qualifies me to act like a complete d-bag to whomever I feel like particularly my group of friends my friends and I were not terribly well-off growing up and he let us know it publicly and often fast forward from HS to the past few years he couldn't find a job out of U grad enrolled in a shitty law school graduated and still can't find a job in addition he went from being athletic looking with a full head of hair to looking rather George Costanza risk it's a bit of a guilty pleasure whenever I run into him at birthday parties and I get to hear him repeat how crappy his life is over and over to our mutual friends TL DR kid who called me poor all the time is now fat ugly and unemployed guy - this kid grew up in my neighborhood and used to constantly ostracize me from my group of friends by telling them lies about me or simply not inviting me over to his house when he had all of my friends over even though I would include him when I had people over by high school he started doing hard drugs and by 20 he was sleeping at the local motel with six addicts in one room in and out of rehab for a few years on so the periods he would pump gas in NJ at one of the local stations if I saw him working I would be sure to pull my car in to fill up and watch him pump my gas he's clean now but an alcoholic living at home with no job and no car at 25 years old when I was in high school there was this girl I was friends with but she was a huge [ __ ] to me behind my back for no reason whatsoever one time she even had the audacity to tell my boyfriend of three years that I was lucky to have him because I couldn't get anyone else whereas she could have any boy she wanted including him now mind you that this all was said while she was going through the Sun again off-again thing with one of my guy friends fast forward a few months and they seem to be broken up for good he and I start hanging out again she wouldn't let him hang out with me when they were dating for who knows what reason and that boy is like begging to get with me which I found hilarious since she was sitting and crying over him and so damn mad that she couldn't get him back guess I can get boys huh [ __ ] being a decent person and not wanting to stoop to her level coupled with the fact I wasn't into the guy like that I rejected him he got mad and slept with her and bragged to me about it I obviously didn't care now they're married and of course he's now allowed to talk to me again you're welcome you pricks TL DR friend said I couldn't get guys tried to come on to my boyfriend the guy who dumped her tried to get with me I rejected him now they're married my brother used to always beat on me and harass me as a child he was six years older than me this is a family feud more or less my brother would always pick on me as a kid and would never let me do many things around the house he control of the computer he had control of the Xbox he was my mom's favorite and could get away from everything he used to bring his friends over and tease me and ask me questions that I had no idea of the answers to because I was a little kid questions such as when was the last time you masturbated and other embarrassing questions like that in front of all of his friends guys and girls he would steal things from me like my Christmas presents and say they were his he would then sell them for drug money mainly weed and I'd never seen him again he used to blow up my beanie babies don't ask and then leave their child and rips remains in my room for me to pick up recently I'm 16 he's 22 and he still lives with me my stepdad and my mom he harassed me to the point where I got up and told him to meet me outside in the front of our house to fight he followed me out the door we started fighting I'm bigger than him now we have different fathers I'm six feet zero while he's somewhere between 5 feet 7 or 5 feet 8 and he was landing more punches on me because he was far more experienced at fighting than I after getting bashed in the face for the fourth consecutive time he laughed and said that I can't fight for [ __ ] he let his guard down and I took the opportunity to punch him as hard as I could in the stomach he [ __ ] his pants TL DR my brother who's six years older than me Harris to me as a child I finally fought him when I got older and punched him so hard that he [ __ ] his pants I'm late to the party so this may get buried but he goes when I was in the seventh grade I was a pretty awkward child I was overweight liked to read much more than the average 7th grader and didn't exactly enjoy changing my clothes my school being the nice one that it was there we're antenna bullies save one boy this kid would laugh at me non-stop whenever he me for everything about me from my body to my clothes to my books and none of the other kids would stop him the teachers would notice and say something but no real action was ever taken fast forward five years I am now going into my senior year of high school I'm six feet four inches in two sports have a girlfriend and now changed my clothes every day I still read a shit-ton though the kid he's now five feet seven inches fat and neglects to wash his hair I don't laugh at him but I certainly don't go out of my way to be nice to him either five years may not be that long but karma is indeed a [ __ ] TL DR kid made fun of me in middle school five years later table has been successfully flipped when I was a lot younger I lived in a small town and the people there were all falesha t I got picked on a lot especially since I didn't play hockey small town Canada you either play hockey or you wish you were dead instead I was in Ukranian dancing which wasn't as bad as it sounds there were eight guys and eight girls in my group but they all picked on me one guy in particular he would make fun of me and call me a [ __ ] and incite others to violence towards me I hated that guy and I will always hate him a few years ago I heard that he came out of the closet and a few months after that he got beaten severely hospitalized by some homophobia's gay now I hate homophobia I am all for gay whites and equality but man there is no one on earth more deserving and getting his ass kicked for a stupid reason than this [ __ ] I'm with one of the least popular kids in my high school by far I was too nerdy for even the Nerds to hang out with I spent most of my time with the outcasts I knew it was bad but I had a crush on a football player can you blame me what nerd didn't come up I decided for once to take charge and do something for myself I asked him out he laughed in my face and told me I was too ugly for anyone to ever date called me crow face which was a lovely nickname that caught on for a long time because of this I had such awful self-esteem that well into my twenties I still couldn't ask anyone out and even now still get too embarrassed sometimes he ruined my self-esteem completely after high school I began doing modeling gigs and cosplay events I felt great and looked amazing not too long after these shoots started popping up online he messaged me on Facebook telling me how gorgeous our looks and that Isha have never said no to me at all I then got to calmly explain to him the years of self-esteem issues I'd suffered from him and how I always pictured him humiliating me in front of our high school anytime I wanted to ask someone out TL DR crush told me I was too ugly for anyone now I model and he's alone with a beer belly I had a guy that used to pick on me for no reason in high school he was a bit bigger older and was a wrestler we tussled once when I had had enough of his [ __ ] but it got broke up by teachers before it got too far the guy just didn't like me and was relentless honestly he scared me when I was 37 I got divorced and took up newer etai over the course of the next two years I got myself into ridiculously good shape I was 5 feet 11 and 190 pounds of hard muscle with lots of martial skills I rented a house I owned to a single mom with the same last name as the dude that tormented me a couple of months later I was visiting her to take care of a few maintenance issues at the house and I walked up to the door and he opened it I stared at him for a full minute he was much smaller than I remembered in fact he was struggling with heroin and the look on his face was priceless it was his sister that had rented from me well he recognized me knew immediately that I could easily wipe my ass with him you could tell the look of fear at least I could because that dude used to scare the [ __ ] out of me all the time he meekly held out his hand I took it almost crushed it then just gave him a big bear hug and a little Nagi it was a guy's way of letting him off the hook I think he would have rather had his ass beat sometimes the best revenge is just landing on your feet this didn't happen to me but it happened to my uncle and I still think it's [ __ ] hilarious every time I hear it my uncle is a really really smart guy the kind of kid that doesn't have to try and school at all unfortunately this made this one other kid let's call him Bob see my uncle as a target for bullying so he got bullied from basically six through high school however they parted ways and he went to UCLA and later UCLA med school fast forward 30-something years my uncle's now 50 and so is his bully he's living in the Bay Area when what do you know but his high school bully was the one he was seeing that day I was told that they both recognize each other but the bully kind of blew it off and kind of acted like they were old chums in middle school high school anyways Bob came in because he had a little lump on his ball sack and after an examination my uncle did I mention he's an oncologist coma gets to tell him that he has testicular cancer Bob apparently reacts by getting angry and saying that he's lying because of all the bullying uncle tells him it's for real Bob gets a second opinion second opinion says same thing bad luck Bob to this day my uncle is still kind of ashamed of himself for finding so much joy in telling him the news TL DR my uncle was bullied and eventually became a doctor and got to tell his high school bully that he had testicular cancer I have a very similar story a girl used to bully me and my brother in elementary in middle school I hated her well time has passed and I now co-owned a fairly successful up-and-coming restaurant cafe wine bar about this time last year this same girl comes into my place after about ten years of not seeing each other recognizes me strikes up a friendly conversation it seems she had forgotten all about the torment but I hadn't she then tells me that she has fallen on hard times and needs a job nope in retrospect no I should have hired and made her life a living hell but whatever seeing her face when I said no was incredible that's what she gets for spreading that rumor that me and my twin brother were in an incestuous relationship [ __ ] I was very nearly the recipient of a massive beating due to some delayed Karma back in fourth grade I just started at a new school and was scrambling to make friends as soon as possible to do this I took the path of least resistance i tormented this poor kid who had no friends and was already being picked on it was a very shameful decision but it did get me into the clique I would spend hours alternating between calling in Turkey Burke and slowly Louie fast forward 12 years later I'm at a party and I see the kid only he is less of a kid now and more of a mr. universe contestant I had grown up substantially by then and decided an apology was in order I be lined it across the room straight to him I introduced myself and offered an apology and put my hand out for a handshake of ashamed regret he stood staring at me for what felt like 15 seconds he finally took my hand he enveloped my entire hand with a short firmness the guy could have broken my hand without meaning to kids can becomes man I really appreciate your words double-quote ro he actually was a really cool guy later that night me and a mate were walking home from the party when we were jumped by four guys they started laying into us my mate ran to followed him the other two were on top of me I was doing my best at protecting my face and ribs while they sunk the boots in then they stopped buck had come out of nowhere from behind he smashed both their heads together and started plowing into them they ran he laughed when I made a remark on how lucky I was to apologise in time TL DR highschool bully gets saved by timely apologizing to the poor kid he tormented I'm a stout guy and I can fight and nobody messed with me in school I never messed with anybody else either however I took classes for part of the day at another school in downtown Indianapolis and for some reason one guy there wanted to start trouble he and his wannabe gangster friends would mess with me hang out by my car etc trying to get me to fight I wasn't interested in a 1 on 5 fight or any fight really since I was graduating in a few months I just ignored the guy tell him to [ __ ] off and it wasn't going to happen eventually he dropped it and tried being nice to me didn't work the kid was a real piece of [ __ ] anyway a few years later I went to the Yankee Candle store at the mall to get my mom a candle for Christmas I'm waiting in line and the guy working the register looks familiar took a few minutes to place him then I realized who he was when I walked up I kinda smirk and when he took my debit card to swipe it and saw my name the look on his face was priceless guess he didn't think he'd be recognized in a different town working a shitty job at 22 years old for $8.00 an hour it was sweet the kid I hated most in high school was named Ryan W a true jackass aside from throwing food at our lunch table nearly every day he threatened to kick my ass on more than one occasion I always had to run like the time at a party where he busted out his giant monkey wrench and started wrecking the hosts house with it I was next and was literally chased out of there anyway many years later I still wish I could get revenge every few months we somehow cross paths of some party or event he is unfortunately friends with friends of my friends the closest to revenge I came was when we were hanging out the six of us and I had brought acid for me and my friends it wasn't planned for him to show up although I had plenty enough to share I made sure to divide it up into five so that he couldn't have any he was pleading and really wanted in had been talking a long time through this party about how he wanted to before I had revealed I had an a it felt good to be like sorry dude [ __ ] you I'm still waiting for the day I can humiliate him though the way he did to me watch your back Ryan my mom treats me worse than my younger brothers and it eventually always bites her in the ass my favorite is the time she saw it coming see when we were teens my brothers were always allowed to borrow my mother's car but I wasn't my grandmother even warned my mother that she would need me one day and I tell her now mom blew her off because why would she need me and it's not in my nature to say no fast forward a few years later when I have a car and my mom gets into an accident that leaves her temporarily Carla's mom never asked to borrow my car even though she wanted to because she knew I had every right to say no and she admitted it and apologized because she screwed herself over not being nicer to me as a teen the thing is it's not in my nature to say no if she had asked I would have said yes her guilt was the Karma my college roommate secretly slept with my boyfriend while I was at class for a year I routinely took more than a full course load and was in math science classes or study groups every morning one day I walked in on them screwing when class was canceled moved out more angry at her than heartbroken lost most of my friends through the breakup fast forward five years later those to throw a crazy expensive engagement party at the guy's parents beach house attended by some still mutual friends she caught him boning one of the waitresses for the catering company in a bathroom before the toasts they still got married like Opie I feel a little bad for her despite the calmer balance she feels like she can't do better than being with a cheater he is rich though I dated this girl for a year or so she broke up with me and immediately started dating another guy I went to talk to her and he basically told me look she wants to be with me I have a job and she needs someone stable in her life you're a loser his job was as a line cook and he was in a band part-time real career prospects about a week ago I went to a friend's house to play poker we acted like men and just pretending like nothing happened he got kind of drunk and asked me what I do I graduated college and make very good money as a consultant for a very large and well-known company I asked him the same he is going to truck driving school and she is pregnant w his baby second baby of his my second girl feels good bro jpg' to call these hater responses the type of job is not the point it's that he can't hold a single job down for longer than a year or so also they aren't together anymore she already has a kid she is pregnant he has a kid they were engaged and she left him BC he actually is a loser who can't keep a job family karma here when I was about eight and my brother was 11 he got in trouble for punching a kid in the face on the school bus my brother claims he was defending someone else I don't really remember it all that clearly my brother paid the price was banned from the bus for a while faced repercussions at school and my mom made him apologize to the kid he punched in person a couple of months after the incident the mother of the kid he punched decided to flip the crazy switch ensued my parents for mental anguish claiming that her son now had crippling emotional problems stemming from the incident she showed up at board meetings tried to get my brother expelled painted a picture of my family as shady and my brother as a delinquents and violence my parents ended up escaping the legal battle with a little bit of dignity intact but feeling ostracized in our community of 90 people fast forward I'm now 27 my brother is 30 my mom sends the newspaper clipping to him in the mail it's the indictment of the crazy mom from our childhood come to find out she had been embezzling money from her employer for five years totaling more than $50 0 0 0 may have taken two decades but she finally got what was meant for her TL DR brother punch kid kids mom sued my family for mental anguish 20 years later kids mom goes to jail for embezzling when I was about 12 my older sister began dating this guy down the street had bullied me a lot I absolutely couldn't stand this prick but was always afraid to stand up to him because he was older bigger and stronger than me on a hot summer day got to be 115 degrees plus where I lived at a time I came into the house to find my sister and the bully on the couch I asked them if they wanted any ice cream while I was up they both said yes so I scooped them out some vanilla ice cream into two separate bowls before I scooped his ice cream I rubbed the spoon all over my sweaty balls and literally scooped sweat off from my grundle then proceeded to scoop his ice cream for him into his bowl I gave them their respective bowls making sure I put the gooc spoon with his bowl and left the room with the biggest [ __ ] eating grin on my face sometimes revenge truly is a dish best served cold growing up with racism definitely isn't the easiest thing in the world aside from being bullied yourself you have to deal with the fact that your siblings or your friends have to deal with the same [ __ ] you don't deserve it nobody deserves it but it exists I imagine seeing that bully as a complete wreck was one of the greatest moments of your life unfortunately not everyone gets to see their childhood tormentors later down the line I'll tell you this though I felt [ __ ] amazing when I stood up to my bully in grade 9 at high school how did I do it I don't remember to be perfectly honest all I remember was a snarky racist remark shut up your insert background you don't have the rights to speak that's when I lost it I mostly remember grabbing him by the shirt and then throwing him against a wall once he was pinned against the wall I alternated between punching his face in and in making sure he stayed against the [ __ ] wall details are mostly lost to me but I definitely remember winning that fight I was suspended for the rest of the day he was suspended for three days due to the racist nature of his remark possibly one of the greatest turning points of my life I was a really small freshman in high school like 552 inches and looked like I was probably 12 I was always picked on for being the smallest I transferred to a private school and fast forward three years and I go to a party with all the kids from my old school I see one of the kids that always had it out for me because he was bigger at the time I'm now 6 feet 1 inches obviously a lot bigger than before so he talks some [ __ ] on me and I give it back he shoves me and without even thinking I one punch code this bagans from of about 80 people everyone thought I was a [ __ ] hero and then smoked some bowls with old friends great night it's been six years and Counting since this dumb girl from high school threatened me with text messages and then broke into my house and stole everything of money three and sentimental value to both myself and my mother she never saw any kind of legal repercussions or faced any consequences I'm still waiting for her to die in a fire Ali's a job or something when I was in fifth grade there was the kid who spit on me and bullied me for about two months on the bus when he moved to another bus route I thought I would never get a chance for revenge but one day at a little league baseball game I was playing in I saw him on the opposing team and my blood started boiling he was the second baseman and he would laugh whenever I would go up to hit the ball in the last inning I was up to hit and missed the ball twice and hurt him laughing from second base that got me really mad and when the pitcher threw the ball I hit a line drive straight for the bully's face after it hit him he dropped and cried and the players ran over to him but no one called timeout so I ran all the way to third base without getting out i sat there on 3rd with a huge smirk on my face while they picked him up and walked him to the dugout I didn't feel bad about it all and still don't feel bad about it a guy I went to high school with friended me on Facebook he was caught stealing from my house once back then bragging about it to mutual friends whom he thought would not tell me after the incident we never spoke although we had the same circle of friends I kept my distance he kept his flash-forward 20 years to now and we were friends on Facebook I have a pretty cool job in the music industry good money and I traveled the world I usually add these former friends just so they can see my life turned out pretty Olson won most of them are in our old home town working [ __ ] jobs anyway he updated his status saying that he was devastated that someone stole something from his son and carnival blah blah blah amongst all the posts from his friends being sorry for him I simply wrote something like he'll err it's really terrible when someone steals from you eh that must really suck karma does have its way of evening things out though I immediately started getting PM's from mutual friends congratulating me who remembered the incident in school he unfriended me after that to my extreme pleasure TLDR karma eventually twenty years later in eighth grade aged 13 - 14 this kid threw a wooden block at me probably thinking oh let's pick on the punk girl that'll be so hysterical I blacked out for a good 10 15 seconds after it clocked me in the head when I came to he and his friends were all on the ground laughing at how funny this was I ended up having to go to an urgent care and not participate in gym class for a few days his mum was on the school board and had a large role in the financial decisions of the school so the administration was afraid to punish him and did nothing my math teacher was this kids football coach and made him run extra while everyone else got to take a food water break but that was the only justice I got fast forward two years everyone is freaking out that this guy can't play football for the JV team that year he ended up sprain in his back and breaking a few ribs from a drunken escapade into the woods of the week before his sophomore year started and the concussion that he sustained from this was severe enough that a second concussion could have caused serious mental damage two years isn't that long at the time but considering there were witnesses in the kid should have been arrested and suspended at the very least it seemed like a long time I befriended a larger redheaded girl when I was in grade 3 or 4 she was new to the school everyone had their own friends and no one accepted her I didn't have many friends so I gladly accepted her we became best friends fast forward to middle school she was still large but got boobs and wore makeup so she became popular I was still away too tall and too thin awkward girl with a lisp everyone made fun of me and she joined and so she could be cool it got worse and worse until she started instigating it would circle beat me with other girls in Ag my house fast forward again to high school I filled out a bit and got better friends about halfway through grade 11 people started realizing how mean and fake she had become and turning on her she was crying in the hall one day and I went out to her asked if she was okay and offered my phone to her if she needed to call her mom she transferred schools for grade 12 because she was being bullied funny thing is I still feel bad for her bullying sucks TL DR bully was shitty eventually became bullied [Music]
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Id: PjKs5EeCCJo
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Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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